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Population genetic diversity is widely accepted as important to the conservation and management of wildlife. However, habitat features may differentially affect evolutionary processes that facilitate population genetic diversity among sympatric species. We measured genetic diversity for two pond‐breeding amphibian species (Dwarf salamanders, Eurycea quadridigitata; and Southern Leopard frogs, Lithobates sphenocephalus) to understand how habitat characteristics and spatial scale affect genetic diversity across a landscape. Samples were collected from wetlands on a longleaf pine reserve in Georgia. We genotyped microsatellite loci for both species to assess population structures and determine which habitat features were most closely associated with observed heterozygosity and rarefied allelic richness. Both species exhibited significant population genetic structure; however, structure in Southern Leopard frogs was driven primarily by one outlier site. Dwarf salamander allelic richness was greater at sites with less surrounding road area within 0.5 km and more wetland area within 1.0 and 2.5 km, and heterozygosity was greater at sites with more wetland area within 0.5 km. In contrast, neither measure of Southern Leopard frog genetic diversity was associated with any habitat features at any scale we evaluated. Genetic diversity in the Dwarf salamander was strongly associated with land cover variables up to 2.5 km away from breeding wetlands, and/or results suggest that minimizing roads in wetland buffers may be beneficial to the maintenance of population genetic diversity. This study suggests that patterns of genetic differentiation and genetic diversity have associations with different habitat features across different spatial scales for two syntopic pond‐breeding amphibian species.  相似文献   

Tapio Eeva  Esa Lehikoinen 《Oecologia》1996,108(4):631-639
We studied nestling growth, growth abnormalities, mortality and breeding success of two hole-nesting passerines, the great tit (Parus major) and the pied fly-catcher (Ficedula hypoleuca), at 14 study sites around a copper smelter complex in Harjavalta, south-west Finland in 1991–1993. The main pollutants in the area are heavy metals and sulphuric oxides. Exposure of birds to heavy metals was shown by measuring their faecal concentrations. Copper, nickel and lead contents of nestling faeces were high near the factory and decreased with distance away from the pollution source. F. hypoleuca nestlings suffered high mortality very close to the factory complex, but did relatively well at all other sites. Breeding success of P. major was below background levels up to 3–4 km from the pollution source and nestlings grew poorly close to the factory. Growth abnormalities of legs and wings in F. hypoleuca nestlings were significantly more common near the factory than farther away. In contrast, F. hypoleuca nestlings grew equally well at all distances. The poor breeding success of F. hypoleuca close to the factory complex is probably related to the high amount of heavy metals in its diet, and low availability of calcium-rich food items may enhance this effect. We suggest that the poor breeding success of P. major is related to habitat changes that have taken place around the factory. The different responses of these two bird species are probably due to their different diet. Our results show convincingly that species-specific differences in response should be carefully considered when planning schemes for air pollution monitoring.  相似文献   

Griffon vulture (Gyps fulvus) population surveys were conducted during 1996–2002 in the island of Crete (Greece) to document population status and structure. Fieldwork was carried out during the breeding period when birds could be monitored in their colonies. Total population size was estimated at 379 individuals (range = 341–417) with adult birds comprising 63%. The breeding population was estimated at 141 pairs, which were distributed on an average in 23 colonies per year (range = 16–30) while the mean number of breeding pairs that laid eggs was 98 (range= 64–126). Crete thus supports the largest insular population of the species in the world and hosts 70–80% of the breeding population of the species in Greece. Population density was estimated at 6.9 individuals/100 km2, 2.6 breeding pairs/100 km2 and 1.8 nesting pairs/100 km2. The average home range of an occupied colony (i.e., breeding group) was estimated at ca. 204 km2 producing a theoretical foraging range of 8 km radius around the breeding cliff. No trends in the total number of individuals and breeding pairs appeared to exist, although significant differences in population size of individual colonies occurred between the years. The majority of the population was concentrated in small-sized colonies, which showed a low occupancy rate. The number of abandoned sites and the colonization of new ones could represent a shift of breeding pairs to alternative colonies provoked by local food abundance and conspesific attraction.  相似文献   

The life history and ecology of a harpacticoid copepod, Apolethon sp., were investigated for one year in the intertidal zone of a subarctic bay in southeastern Alaska. Core samples were collected biweekly at the 0 m tidal level from March, 1992 through March, 1993; zonation and vertical distribution were determined from additional samples. Large seasonal variations in density of Apolethon sp. parallelled that of the total harpacticoid community, with highest densities (124.3±12.5 10 cm–2; mean ± standard error) in March and lowest densities in May and October (7.6±4.5). The sex ratio of Apolethon sp. varied directly with population density, varying from <0.1 to 1.2 (male:female) during the study period. The species was restricted to a relatively narrow vertical band within the intertidal zone, having its greatest density at – 1 m and being rare above + 1 m tidal height. Adult Apolethon sp. bear conspicuous ovoid mucin structures located laterally on the genital double-somite. The mucin structures are unique to the species; several putative functions are discussed.  相似文献   

Tolonen  Arto  Kjellman  Jakob 《Hydrobiologia》2001,445(1-3):57-66
Lake Kilpisjärvi was stocked with a total number of 440 000 migratory and benthic whitefish fry during the period of 1959–1964. Thereafter, the Diphyllobothrium ditremum plerocercoid infection became a problem decreasing the feasibility and commercial exploitation of the whitefish stock. Since dense fish populations may cause stunting, all stockings in the study area were stopped in an attempt to enhance the fisheries. The aim of the present study was to explore the effect of the cessation of the stocking on the growth, condition, catches and D. ditremum infection of the whitefish population. A total of 1594 whitefish were sampled with benthic gill nets. Growth was estimated from length-at-age and mass–length relationship was estimated with a non-linear regression in 1982–1983, 1992–1993 and 1997. Parasite infection was studied in 1992–1993 and 1997. Growth and condition were poor in the beginning of the 1980s. In 1992–1993, the growth and condition of the fish improved as the numerical catch per unit effort decreased from 1982 to 1992. The mean catches of other fish species were low. There were no significant changes in whitefish growth or condition from 1992–1993 to 1997. From the 1970s to 1982–1983, during slow growth and poor condition of the fish, the median gillraker count was decreasing to 19 (min–max 14–26). In 1992–1993, the gillraker count had increased significantly to 23 (min–max 19–26). However, the improved growth and condition did not cause decrease in the D. ditremum burden. On the contrary, based on our own results and literature notes, the parasite abundance seems to increase during the observation period of 1964–1997.  相似文献   

The Magellanic Woodpecker (Campephilus magellanicus) is a poorly known species endemic of the Austral Temperate Forests of South America, where it is a potential keystone habitat modifier. Here, I summarize data on the social and breeding biology of this woodpecker, based on 22 active nests located from 1998–2002 in forests from northwestern Argentine Patagonia. Woodpeckers normally traveled in pairs or family parties. In late Austral winter, one to three cavities were selected for completion at each territory. Breeding occurred between mid- to late spring and early to mid-summer, and took about 65 days. Monogamous parents shared duties in nest excavation, incubation and young rearing. Egg length (±SD) measured 34.13±0.79 mm and egg breadth 23.91±0.67 mm, and incubation took roughly 20 days. Nestlings were altricial and remained at the nest for about 45 days. Clutch size was one, occasionally two eggs, and one nestling was produced at all successful nests. Young remained with their family group for up to 2 years or more, and were fed by adults, who normally bred every second year. Nest re-use, nest predation and helpers at the nest were not recorded. Holes were placed (±SD) 8.84±3.71 m high and were 32.3±5.32 cm deep. Entrances (±SD) were 8.92±0.46 cm wide and 15.59±2.54 cm high and mostly oval in shape. Peculiarities of the breeding biology and social behaviour of this species are discussed in the light of patterns common to picids, especially Campephilus spp.  相似文献   

The breeding cycle, recruitment, population dynamics, growth and production ofScrobicularia plana were studied at one station in the Bidasoa estuary (SE of the Biscay Bay, Spain) during a period of 3 or 4 years. To complete this study, the reproduction for a period of 1 year was analysed at two other sites of the estuary. At none of the stations important differences in spawning activity were observed between the different years. The animals reproduced for the first time when they reached the age of two years. The histological data and the recruitment analysis showed only one spawning period between June and mid-September, with a peak in July-August. This breeding pattern differs from those shown by other southern European populations. The recruitment of spat (0.25–0.50 mm) occurred from June–July to October–December in different years. The population showed different annual patterns of density and population structure, depending on recruitment success. Growth was most rapid in spring and summer. The bivalves reached a mean length of 21.8 mm at the age of approximately 16 months; in the following year they grew to 30 mm. The growth during the life span fitted the theoretical growth equation of Von Bertalanffy. Annual production was in the range of 59.0–83.4 g AFDW m–2 year–1. The P/B ratios of the population varied between 0.84 and 1.48 (1.06 ± 1.36; ¯x ± 95% C.I.).  相似文献   

Understanding the habitat preferences of large marine vertebrates has only recently become tractable with the widespread availability of satellite telemetry for monitoring movements and behaviour. For many species with low population abundances, however, little progress has been made in identifying space use patterns. The endothermic porbeagle shark, Lamna nasus, has declined in the North Atlantic due to severe fishing pressure, with little evidence of recovery. One potential factor exacerbating population decline is area fidelity to coastal waters where fisheries are intensive. We tested for short-term area fidelity by attaching pop-up satellite-linked archival transmitters to four porbeagles in summer 2007, resulting in 175 days total tracking time covering an estimated 10,256 km distance. Throughout July and August the sharks occupied localised areas (8,602 – 90,153 km2) within the Celtic Sea, between the south-west UK, south-west Wales and southern Ireland. Only one shark was tracked into the autumn, when it moved into deep water off the continental shelf, then north towards colder latitudes. Sharks occupied a broad vertical depth range (0 – 552 m) and water temperatures (9° - 19 °C). Dives were made frequently from the surface to near the seabed in shelf areas, however, in shelf edge habitats extended periods of time were spent at depths > 300 m. Porbeagles showed considerable plasticity in diel depth changes within and between individuals and as a function of habitat type. In addition to no obvious day-night difference in depth occupation, some sharks showed reverse diel vertical migration (DVM) (dawn ascent – dusk descent) in well-mixed coastal waters whereas normal DVM (dawn descent – dusk ascent) characterised movements into deeper, thermally well-stratified waters. The variable behaviours may reflect the need for different search strategies depending on habitat and prey types encountered. These results show porbeagles are potentially vulnerable to fisheries throughout the summer when they aggregate, and that large scale movement across national boundaries identifies the need for international conservation measures.  相似文献   

The breeding numbers and habitat choice of Red-footed Falcons were studied in the Sivash, Ukraine in May 1992. About 40 % of the area and 32.5 km of hedgerows were counted. Red-footed Falcons were breeding dispersed and solitary or in small colonies of less than five pairs. Most pairs were breeding in hedgerows with on average 1–2 pairs per km. A total of 250 to 500 pairs is estimated to breed in the Sivash area.  相似文献   

Nandini  S.  Sarma  S.S.S. 《Hydrobiologia》2003,491(1-3):211-219
We studied the patterns of population growth of 7 cladoceran species (Alona rectangula, Ceriodaphnia dubia, Daphnia laevis, Diaphanosoma brachyurum, Moina macrocopa, Scapholeberis kingi and Simocephalus vetulus) using 6 algal densities, viz. 0.05×106, 0.1×106, 0.2×106, 0.4×106, 0.8×106 and 1.6×106 cells ml–1, of Chlorella vulgaris for 18 – 30 days. In terms of carbon content these algal concentrations corresponded to 0.29, 0.58, 1.16, 2.33, 4.65 and 9.31 g ml–1, respectively. Cladocerans in the tested range of algal levels responded similarly, in that increasing the food concentrations resulted in higher numerical abundance and population growth rates (r). The peak population densities were (mean±standard error) 71±5; 17.1±0.4, 3.6±0.3, 12.7±1.1, 18.2±2.7, 15.8±1.0 and 10.9±0.02 ind. ml–1, respectively for A. rectangula, C. dubia, D. laevis, D. brachyurum, M. macrocopa, S. kingi and S. vetulus. In general, the lowest r values were obtained for D. laevis (0.01±0.001) at 0.05×106 cells ml–1 food level while the highest was 0.283±0.004 for A. rectangula at 1.6×106 cells ml–1 of Chlorella. When the data of peak population density for each cladoceran species were plotted against the body length, we found an inverse relation, broadly curvilinear in shape. From regression equations between the food level and rate of population increase, we calculated the theoretical food quantity (the threshold level) required to maintain a zero population growth (r = 0) for each cladoceran species, which varied from 0.107 to 0.289 g ml–1 d–1 depending on the body size. When we plotted the cladoceran body size against the corresponding threshold food levels, we obtained a normal distribution curve. From this it became evident that for up to 1300 m body size, the threshold food level increased with increasing body size; however, beyond this, the threshold level decreased supporting earlier observations on rotifers and large cladocerans.  相似文献   

The diet, diving behaviour, swimming velocity and foraging range of Gentoo Penguins Pygoscelis papua were studied at Macquarie Island during the breeding season in the 1993–1994 austral summer. Gentoo Penguins are considered to be inshore feeders, and at Macquarie Island the diet and estimated foraging ranges supported this. The diet consisted of 91.6% fish and 8.3% squid, by mass. The dominant prey taxa were the fish Gymnoscopelus sp. and Paranotothenia magellanica. A mixture of pelagic and benthic prey was consumed, with a greater proportion of benthic species occurring later in the season. The penguins exhibited a strong diurnal pattern in their diving behaviour. Deep diving (≥30 m) began near sunrise (03.00 h) and finished close to sunset (21.00 h). Diving at night was less common and very shallow (<10 m). Early in the breeding season, dive profiles indicated that birds were probably following vertically migrating pelagic prey through the water column and were foraging in waters over 100 m deep. Later in the season, more uniform, shallower depths were used, suggesting an increase in benthic foraging activity. These changes in dive pattern and depth were consistent with the habitat preferences of prey species found in the diet. Gentoo Penguins swam at 1.04 m per s and had a maximum potential foraging range of about 26 km for single-day trips. They tended to forage within 14 km of the colony, with a mean range of 5.4 km. This range encompassed the deep ocean habitat to the west and east of the island and a shallow area to the north.  相似文献   

H. T. Mun 《Plant and Soil》1988,112(1):143-149
Soil properties, primary production, nitrogen and phosphorus uptake in aMiscanthus sinensis community on serpentine gangue area were compared with that on nonserpentine area. Soil water content, soil pH and nitrogen content were quite different between the serpentine gangue area and nonserpentine area; but phosphorus content of the soil was similar between the two sites. The maximum above-ground net production in the serpentine gangue and nonserpentine areas was 4.5±0.2 kg m–2 yr–1 and 7.8±0.2 kg m–2 yr–1, respectively. The total maximum standing biomass in the serpentine gangue and nonserpentine areas was 8.5±0.8 kg m–2 and 11.9±0.4 kg m–2, respectively. Nitrogen uptake by plants in the nonserpentine area was 2.4 times greater than that in the serpentine gangue area. Phosphorus uptake by plants were similar for the two sites. The most probable reasons for the small biomass produced by theMiscanthus sinensis community in this serpentine gangue area are the low levels of nitrogen and water availability in the soil.  相似文献   

There is a pressing need to develop a sound conservation strategy for pool-breeding amphibians, which includes gaining a better understanding of the habitat and landscape-scale characteristics associated with populations. To investigate relationships between amphibian species richness and characteristics of breeding pools and surrounding landscapes, we surveyed 85 pools in eastern Massachusetts (USA) in 1996 and 1997. A total of 11 species was detected, with most pools having 2–5 species. Pools were typically small, 77.6% were <0.2 ha, but most pools (72%) had hydroperiods that persisted at least into August in most years. Based on linear regression analyses, species richness was positively associated with three within-pool variables (pool surface area, hydroperiod, and the amount of emergent vegetation), and a landscape-level variable (presence of another breeding pool within 1 km), while one within-pool variable (tree canopy cover) exhibited a significant negative association with species richness. These within-pool habitat variables and connectivity to other breeding pools are important characteristics to consider when attempting to identify breeding sites that could provide core habitat in conservation reserves designed for the conservation of pool-breeding amphibian species richness. Conservation reserves for pool-breeding amphibian populations should include pool complexes functioning as habitat for metapopulations. Core pool habitats within such reserves should be large (0.5–1.0 ha), with seasonal hydroperiods that persist into August or that dry in some years, and with sufficient emergent vegetation to provide diverse microhabitats and refugia.  相似文献   

We assessed dung and track counts for indexing brocket deer abundance in seasonal habitats on a ranch where hunting is not practiced in the Bolivian lowlands. Surveys were replicated along four 10-km trails (totaling 180 km in the wet season and 90 km in the dry season) through four semideciduous forest habitats. Dung pellets and tracks were identified as belonging to Mazama gouazoubira or M. americana by size and shape. Pellet groups lasted more than 1 month during the dry season, but decayed within 1–2 weeks in the wet season. Mean density estimates based on dung counts varied widely between seasons for gray brockets (from 6.77±4.0 to 30.57±23.5 ind/km2; mean±SD) but not for reds (from 3.52±4.6 to 6.98±7.2 ind/km2). These values were probably too high due to underestimation of daily deposition rate, and were reduced during the wet season because of dung decay. We found consistently more dung in the dry season and more tracks in the wet season. Sightings of red brockets were too few for line-transect analysis (n=6), but those of gray brockets (n=42) produced an overall estimate of 5.6 ind/km2 (95% CI=3.5–9.0 ind/km2). Different estimates indicated that gray brockets were more abundant than reds in all situations, except perhaps in the riverine forest. Environmental factors affected these indices of abundance differently, and while we recommend the use of dung counts in dry-season scenarios, we think that index reliability should be assessed locally before conducting population comparisons.  相似文献   

The course of changes in secondary sex ratio (proportion of males at birth) in silver foxes bred at the fur farm of this Institute was analyzed. Data collected over several years of breeding of a domesticated (experimental) population selected for amenability to domestication and of a commercial (control) were compared. A tendency to increase in secondary sex ratio was demonstrated in both populations. However, the proportion of males at birth was higher in domestic foxes. This proportion, calculated from the combined data for 1978–1993, was 0.538±0.005 and 0.511±0.007 in the selected and commercial populations, respectively. The minimal departure of the observed sex ratio from 0.5 was demonstrated for litters with five pups, which is close to the average litter size in fox populations. The proportion of males increases with both increasing and decreasing litter size. An analysis of secondary sex ratio with respect to maternal age revealed a minimal departure of sex ratio from the expected in offspring from foxes of optimal reproductive age (2–4 years). An effect of the autosomal semidominant coat color mutation star on male excess at birth was also found: secondary sex ratio was higher (0.583±0.015) in offspring of mothers heterozygous for the star mutation than from standard types of the domesticated population. The increase in secondary sex ratio in the analyzed fox populations is viewed as a correlated response to selection for domestication. The hormonal mechanisms mediating the effects of both this selection and the star mutation on sex ratio at birth are discussed.  相似文献   

Among birds, breeding numbers are mainly limited by two resources of major importance: food supply and nest-site availability. Here, we investigated how differences in land-use and nest-site availability affected the foraging behaviour, breeding success and population trends of the colonial cavity-dependent lesser kestrel Falco naumanni inhabiting two protected areas. Both areas were provided with artificial nests to increase nest-site availability. The first area is a pseudo-steppe characterized by traditional extensive cereal cultivation, whereas the second area is a previous agricultural zone now abandoned or replaced by forested areas. In both areas, lesser kestrels selected extensive agricultural habitats, such as fallows and cereal fields, and avoided scrubland and forests. In the second area, tracked birds from one colony travelled significantly farther distances (6.2 km ±1.7 vs. 1.8 km ±0.4 and 1.9 km ±0.6) and had significant larger foraging-ranges (144 km2 vs. 18.8 and 14.8 km2) when compared to the birds of two colonies in the extensive agricultural area. Longer foraging trips were reflected in lower chick feeding rates, lower fledging success and reduced chick fitness. Availability and occupation of artificial nests was high in both areas but population followed opposite trends, with a positive increment recorded exclusively in the first area with a large proportion of agricultural areas. Progressive habitat loss around the studied colony in the second area (suitable habitat decreased from 32% in 1990 to only 7% in 2002) is likely the main driver of the recorded population decline and suggests that the effectiveness of bird species conservation based on nest-site provisioning is highly constrained by habitat quality in the surrounding areas. Therefore, the conservation of cavity-dependent species may be enhanced firstly by finding the best areas of remaining habitat and secondly by increasing the carrying capacity of high-quality habitat areas through safe nest-site provisioning.  相似文献   

Synopsis In 1987 and 1989 coelacanths were observed for the first time in their natural habitat with the help of submersibles. Coelacanths were found between 150–253 m depth, their preferential depth seems to be around 200 m; the water temperature ranged between 16.5–22.8° C. During the day coelacanths aggregate in small non-aggressive groups in sheltered lava-caves. Caves might be a limiting factor for distribution. At night they leave the caves for hunting by drifting singly along the steep lava slopes. They migrate between different caves located within a large home range covering more than 8 km coastline. Coelacanths are site-attached, some for a period of at least 2 years. Our own observations and earlier catch records show that only the west coast of Grand Comoro is a suitable coelacanth habitat with more structural complexity and prey fish abundance than other coastlines of the island. From our survey we estimated a total coelacanth population off Grand Comoro to be 150–210 individuals; a saturated population would be 370–510 individuals. This small relict population seems to be stable. International protection of coelacanths against commercial interests is needed  相似文献   

Genetic status and fluctuating asymmetry (FA) were assessed in a small, isolated and endangered population of the moth Dysauxes ancilla in Sweden. A sample from the German population, within the continuous breeding area of the species, was used for comparison. The levels of FA were significantly higher in the Swedish population, indicating a reduced ability to withstand developmental stress. Two polymorphic loci showed significantly higher variation in the Swedish population, indicating that there are no serious effects on genetic factors. Therefore, it is suggested that the increased level of FA in the Swedish population is due to the stress of living in an ecologically marginal habitat. The Swedish population is a northern outpost separated from the continuous distribution area of species and environmental stress caused by variable and extreme abiotic factors, for example climatic conditions, could explain a higher FA. However, it is still an open question if a higher FA from environmental stress also constitutes an increased extinction risk.  相似文献   

We studied whether the presence of breeding kestrels (Falco tinnunculus) affected nest predation and breeding habitat selection of curlews (Numenius arquata) on an open flat farmland area in western Finland. We searched for nests of curlews from an area of 6 km2 during 1985–1993. For each nest found, we recorded the fate of the nest, and the distance to the nearest kestrel nest and to the nearest perch. We measured the impact of breeding kestrels on nest predation by constructing artificial curlew nests in the vicinity of ten kestrel nests in 1993. Curlew nests were closer to kestrel nests than expected from random distribution, eventhough kestrels fed on average 5.5% of curlew chick production. Predation risk by kestrels was lower than predation risk by corvids and other generalist predators, which predated 9% of curlew nests surviving farming practices and an unknown proportion of chicks. Artificial nest experiment showed that nest predation was lower close to kestrel nests than further away suggesting that the breeding association of curlews and kestrels was a behavioural adaptation against nest predation. Thus, the presence of a predator may sometimes be beneficial to prey, and prey animals have behavioural adaptations to these situations.  相似文献   

Abstract Dispersal rates can have an important impact on many population processes. Dispersal can lead to population regulation and regional stability in the face of local instability through the formation of a metapopulation. This may be particularly true for frogs because they often have patchy distributions. In this paper I investigate dispersal by male Geocrinia alba and Geocrinia vitellina, using a mark-recapture study. Pit traps were used to determine whether frogs move out of their breeding habitat. I found that both species were very philopatric. Between the 1993 and 1994 breeding seasons, 76–86% of individuals were displaced less than 10m and 90–97% were displaced less than 20m. Dispersal was even lower within each breeding season, with 92–95% of individuals being displaced less than 5 m. Pit trapping indicated that some individuals of both species move out of the swamps in late autumn and return at the beginning of the breeding season, in late winter and early spring. Therefore, although displacement may be very restricted, the frogs are likely to move greater distances. The extreme breeding-site philopatry exhibited by G. alba and G. vitellina suggests that movement between disjunct populations is unlikely and that populations in continuous habitat may be relatively isolated from one another by distance alone. This is consistent with previous predictions based on genetic studies, which suggested there was very little migration between populations. These data support the contention that neither species is likely to exist as a metapopulation because recolonization of vacant habitat is improbable.  相似文献   

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