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A complex analysis on changes occurring in conjunctival microcirculation and a number of indices of hemodynamics, hemorheology and metabolism at different time of experimental occlusion in the cranial mesenteric artery has demonstrated certain objective and many-sided correlations that prove a systemic character of biomicroscopical changes in the conjunctiva. The degree of changes in the conjunctival microcirculation depends on duration of occlusion. After a 3 hours' occlusion revascularization is accompanied by reversible general microcirculatory disorders that are registered in bulboconjunctiva. In a 6 and 12 hours' occlusion revascularization is characterized by increasing general changes in microcirculation.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the bulbar conjunctiva bioptates have been studied in 12 persons suffering from lead intoxication (saturnism), 2-from tetraethyl-lead (TEL) intoxication and 3-are practically healthy persons; they make the control group. In all the patients manifested disturbances in the microcirculatory bed of the bulbar conjunctiva are revealed, the general character being identical at saturnism and TEL-intoxication. The main changes are observed in the wall of the blood microvessels: destruction of the endothelial lining up to revealing the basal membrane with adhesion of the blood formed elements and their diapedesis. This results in disorders of vascular permeability, in edema of the perivascular space and in appearance of cells and cellular detritus in it. An essential role in morphogenesis of the vascular disturbances produced by intoxication play certain rheological imparements: sludge-syndrome and microthrombosis. They produce certain distrophic changes.  相似文献   

By means of injecting the vessels with 0.2% solution of silver nitrate after Ranvier, solutions of Indian ink and gas soot, impregnation after V.V. Kuprianov, the blood vessels of the rectal wall have been studied. The material has been obtained from 50 corpses of persons of various age, not suffering from any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The structural organization of the microcirculatory tract has been studied layer-by-layer, at all levels by means of atraumatic lamination of the tunics. Terminal links of the microcirculatory bed form zonal functional complexes of microvessels specific for each part of the rectum. They regularly repeat in a certain tunic and owing to this the whole organization of the microcirculatory bed acquires features of a definite polymeric structure which consists of homonomic complexes of microvessels. Their regularity, as regards their topography and quantity, definitely differs in each tunic and layer of the rectal wall. Precapillary sphincters and arteriolovenular anastomoses are revealed; they perform an active regulation of blood circulation in the organ. Diameters of the microvessels and density of the microcirculatory network have some slight fluctuations (differences) in functionally poorly active tunics of the rectal wall--the serous and submucous, especially in its rectosigmoid part. Differences of these parameters are especially expressed within the limits of the rectal ampule and its mucous and muscular tunics.  相似文献   

By means of vital microscopy, the conjunctival microcirculation has been estimated in students from various regions of the world depending on duration of the time of their life in the USSR. Adaptive rearrangements of the conjunctival microcirculation of the eye ball have been revealed in various time of adaptation. Integral estimation of the conjunctival microcirculation has demonstrated that at initial phase of adaptation synchronization in the work of separate links of the microcirculatory bed is observed. These changes can be interpreted as strain of the compensatory mechanisms. In two years of study, certain stabilization of the microcirculation system activity is observed in the foreign students; this can be considered as the phase of stable adaptation. In the students arrived from hot regions of the world, pigmentation in the eye ball conjunctiva has been revealed. By means of the correlative analysis it has been demonstrated that the pigmentation influences the most labile parts of the microcirculatory bed-capillaries and venules. Pigmentation is usually regarded as a pathological sign peculiar for some diseases. Our investigations have demonstrated that pigmentation should be interpreted carefully and the place of residence of the students investigated should be taken into account, since pigmentation can be the result of elevated solar radiation, specific for hot regions of the Earth.  相似文献   

In 32 corpses of 3-9-month-old fetuses the diameter, length amount of the microcirculatory bed vessels and their wall thickness have been studied in different areas of the eye bulb conjunctiva by means of impregnation after Kuprianov. General morphofunctional vascular peculiarities have been revealed. They are connected with age and structure of the developing tissues in the eye bulb conjunctiva. Two stages of development have been defined: 3-6 and 7-9 months.  相似文献   

By means of biomicroscopic method the bulbar conjunctiva in 150 women (18-35 years of age) have been examined. Of them: 30 healthy women make the control group; the second group includes 60 healthy women at their first and second half of pregnancy; the third group includes 60 women with pregnancy developing against the background of noncomplicated insulin-dependent diabetus mellitus during their first and second half of pregnancy. In the healthy women there are not any significant changes in most of the parameters of the microcirculatory bed during the first half of their pregnancy, and in the second half of their pregnancy a great density of the blood vascular bed is determined. Diameters of all vessels in the hemomicrocirculatory bed are significantly increased, as compared to those in the control group. In the women suffering from diabetus mellitus, during the first half of pregnancy certain changes in the picture of the vascular network is observed, as well as an increased convolution. uneveness in distribution of blood vessels; in the second half of their pregnancy a pronounced deformity of the vacular network is observed, decreasing diameter of afferent vessels and an essential dilatation of postcapillaries and venules are registered. Certain signs of aggregation of blood formed elements is noted.  相似文献   

The auricular and ventricular microcirculatory bed has been studied in persons of mature age, not suffering from any cardio-vascular diseases during their life. As a whole, 48 objects have been studied. The microcirculatory bed has been revealed in sections of the cardiac wall 70-100 mcm thick using silver nitrate impregnation after V. V. Kuprianov. Organ- and tissue-specific properties of the vascular microcirculatory bed are revealed in interrelations of the vessels and the structural elements of the cardiac wall (myocardium, and connective tissue structures), in position of nuclei of the endothelial cells of the capillary wall and in places of the capillary branchings. Principle differences in structure of the auricular and ventricular microcirculatory bed are demonstrated. The notion the organ- and tissue-specific properties of the microcirculatory bed vessels is discussed.  相似文献   

Age changes in fields 39 and 40 (after Broadman) have been studied in a 100 years and 6 months old man died from peritonitis resulted from the surgical intervention, performed in connection with strangulation of the hernia. In the medical history there were no ++neuro-physical signs. The material was taken in 1 h 15 min after clinical death had been stated. The results obtained have been compared with those studied in the brain of persons, who had not yet reached the age of 100 years and had not any signs of ++neuro-physical disturbances and died after urgent surgical interventions in the abdominal cavity. In this group of persons the material for investigation was taken in 15-30 min after clinical death had been stated. The technique for treatment the material, its preparation for electron-microscopical examination is identical. Immersion fixation has been applied. The material obtained from an old animal fixed by means of vital perfusion of 2.5% glutaraldehyde solution is also used. In the person of 100 years and 6 months old the changes do not practically differ from those obtained from persons of younger age, however, the time from the statement of clinical death up to obtaining the material essentially influences preservation of the synaptic apparatus components.  相似文献   

Morphological state of connective tissue (stromal) cells of the stomach mucous membrane has been studied in healthy persons, having a habitual regime of feeding. During digestive period in the stomach mucous membrane, certain changes develop, which are considered as a digestive reaction. Three stages of the digestive reaction, having strict morphological signs are determined, their connections being stated by means of morphometry and mathematical analysis. I stage (preparatory) is characterized with a moderate vascular reaction, degranulation of mast cells under the superficial++ epithelium of the mucous membrane, with a moderate neutrophilic leukopedesis and a moderate lymphocytic infiltration; II stage (developed) is distinguished as a definitely demonstrated reaction of the microcirculatory bed, intensive degranulation of mast cells at all levels of the mucous membrane, massive discharge of neutrophilic granulocytes and lymphocytes into stroma; III stage (restorative) is characterized with a predominance of fibroblasts and fibrocytes, with reparation of mast cells, with decreasing saturation of stroma with neutrophilic granulocytes, lymphocytes, an increased number of eosinophilic granulocytes takes place. The data obtained widen our knowledge on functional morphology of the stomach mucous membrane, normal and at gastroduodenal pathology.  相似文献   

By means of the biomicroscopy method under vital conditions, conjunctival microvessels in the eyeball have been investigated in 240 healthy boys 7-17 years of age at the state of rest and at the antiorthostatic action. The rearrangement of the conjunctival microcirculatory bed of the eyeball completes on the whole by 13-14 years of age and is characterized by transition from diffuse to a more refulate structure (the number of the main magistrals lessens, they become larger, the number of capillaries functioning simultaneously decreases, the role of the shunting blood stream becomes more important). With this process in ontogenesis, certain changes in reactivity of microvessels are connected. The quickest and the most adequate responses of the microvessels appear in the development by the time when the definitive composition of the conjunctival microcirculatory bed in the eyeball is formed. Since that time the microcirculatory system reaches its optimal level of functioning and all the processes are performed in the most economic regimen.  相似文献   

In 40 white male rats with body mass 180-200 g, by means of silver nitrate impregnation, morphological changes have been studied in the blood microcirculatory bed of the small intestine mesentery, spinal trapezoid muscle and eye ball conjunctiva at various stages of a prolonged fasting. With an increasing time of the experiment, a gradual undirected character of the changes in the microvessels is noted. After 3 days of fasting the changes in diameters of the microvessels, comparing to the control ones, have not any significant values in all the organs studied. After 6 days of fasting significant changes in diameters in all the links of the microcirculatory bed of the eye ball conjunctiva and in that of the spinal trapezoid muscle are observed. The microvascular changes are mostly pronounced on the 9th day of fasting. The maximal decrease of the microvessel diameters is noted in the eye ball conjunctiva, and the minimal--in the small intestine mesentery. The changes in the spinal trapezoid muscle are of intermediate character. The highest points of the structural lability gradient fall on the capillary and postcapillary-venular links of the blood microcirculatory bed.  相似文献   

Recently ophthalmologists got interested in microcirculatory bed of the choroid (the main collector of blood in the eye) because of the vascular layer was studied in 25 eyes of persons who had died suddenly and had no eye pathology during their lives. The age was from 11 to 70 years. V. V. Kuprianov's method of impregnation was used. Structural peculiarities of the choroid microcirculatory bed were presented; its changes were stated to depend on functional importance of the given segment of the eyeground and on the age of the patient. The data obtained could facilitate in studying different pathologic conditions in the eye in order to clarify the role of the choroid microcirculatory bed in genesis of ophthalmic diseases.  相似文献   

Ultrastructure of epithelial surface of the esophageal mucous membrane has been studied in nine practically healthy persons at the age of 32-46 years. The material has been obtained at prophylactic esophagoscopy. The surface of the epithelial layer cells is covered with microfolds 100-200 nm wide and 200-600 nm tall forming labyrinth-like patterns. According to the ultrastructural character of the apical surface of the cells, it is possible to judge about their functional state. The characteristics of the ultrastructure of the fracture surface of the epithelial layer is presented. The data obtained can serve as a base for estimation and differential diagnosis of pathological processes in the organ.  相似文献   

The intraorganic venous bed of the gastric cardial part has been studied in 27 organs, obtained from children corpses of both sex beginning from birth up to three years of life. They died from causes that were not connected with gastric or vascular system pathology. The results of the investigation prove the presence of mucous, submucous, muscular and serous-subserous venous plexuses in the wall of the gastric cardial part in children of the first three years of life. Every membrane of the stomach wall has its specific structure of the venous link in the microcirculatory bed. In the stomach mucous membrane already in a newborn there are complexly built microcirculatory pathways. Age changes are mostly expressed in the venous link of the gastric mucous membrane; this is probably connected with functional activity of the given layer of the organ. The largest venous vessels are situated in the gastric submucous base. By the end of the newborn period and, especially fully, during the successive age periods immune protection of the gastric wall is formed as an accumulation of lymphoid tissue to an antigenic effect of food. In these age groups certain structural mechanisms of blood outflow from the gastric wall appear.  相似文献   

In 261 girls year-to-year morphofunctional transformations of spatial composition of the skin microcirculatory bed have been studied at rest and after a dynamic local load. By means of biomicroscopy main regularities in development of the skin capillary network have been revealed in the nail torus in the postnatal ontogenesis. Formation of the microvessels reactivity during various age periods and maturation of mechanisms of the compensatory-adaptive reactions are connected with formation of the definitive composition of the microcirculatory bed, that in girls corresponds to 11-12 years. Qualitative transformations in the skin capillary network bring certain quantitative changes in the structural microcirculatory parameters--increasing diameter of microvessels and increasing density of functioning capillaries.  相似文献   

Structural adaptation of the vascular bed in the broad ligament of the dog uterus has been studied at various time of the experimental phlebohypertension. Restitution of the circulation after the posterior vena cava occulsion occurs phasically. The venous collateralies are not formed at one time and it is connected with the venous pressure level in the inferiocaval system and with some changes in the construction of the microcirculatory bed. Basing on the morphometry data, a general equation has been derived which reflects dynamics of the microangiological parameters and demonstrates unidirectionness of the adaptive reactions in the vascular bed at the disturbed venous circulation. Using principles of the system-structural analysis and the mathematical graph theory, we consider the microcirculatory system of the broad ligament of the uterus as a graph-system and study the reorganization of the microcirculatory network at a venous congestion. Realization of the compensatory possibilities is reached in the microcirculatory bed by a changed relationships in the number of the intervascular connections. The latter are estimated according to the graph-schemes of the microvascular bed. Morphokinetics of the connections between the vessels is characterized by widening or narrowing the borders of the "adaptive norm" and by changing the microangioarchitectonics. At the same time, there is noted formation of specialized microhemoangioconstructions. Morphofunctional state of the lymphatic system is connected with reorganization of the angioarchitectonics. This is certain manifestation of the law of the lymphatic and blood beds "synergism". Thus, the structural changes of the vascular bed are aimed to support a certain hemodynamic level.  相似文献   

Morphofunctional regularities of formation and development of the blood microcirculatory bed in the human tongue have been studied in the prenatal period of morphogenesis. 119 human embryos and fetuses at the age of 5 weeks--9 months have been investigated. A complex of methods have been used: common histological (hematoxylin--eosin, after van Gieson and Mallory), injection of the lingual vessels with 20% suspension of Indian ink--gelatin, transmissive electron microscopy. General regularities of organogenesis, stages of the blood microcirculatory bed development and peculiarities of the process on formation of the primary protocapillary lingual blood bed are revealed. Regularities in structure of the terminal vascular constructions are studied for each structural element of the organ--mucosal membrane, muscles, glands, lingual tonsil. For these elements at the ultrastructural level certain features of the organic specificity in the structure of the blood microcirculatory bed links are determined.  相似文献   

The study of the microflora of the large intestine in healthy adult volunteers of different age groups (25-36, 55-68 and 88-94 years old), living in Switzerland, has been carried out. As revealed by the analysis of the result obtained in this study, normal intestinal microflora in adults has different qualitative and quantitative characteristics at different periods of their life. The greatest diversity of intestinal microflora is observed at a mature age (55-68 years old), while the poorest microflora is observed in people more advanced in age. The amount of microorganisms inhabiting the intestine reaches its maximum in people of mature age and is low in elderly people. Changes in normal intestinal microflora are probaly linked with morpho-functional transformations in the host body at different periods of life. It is expedient to work out the criteria of norm for the microflora of different age groups with a view to use these criteria for the evaluation of the microbial status of the intestine in persons of different age.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus epidermidis is a common commensal of healthy conjunctiva and it can cause endophthalmitis, however its presence in conjunctivitis, keratitis and blepharitis is unknown. Molecular genotyping of S. epidermidis from healthy conjunctiva could provide information about the origin of the strains that infect the eye. In this paper two collections of S. epidermidis were used: one from ocular infection (n = 62), and another from healthy conjunctiva (n = 45). All isolates were genotyped by pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), multilocus sequence typing (MLST), staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCCmec), detection of the genes icaA, icaD, IS256 and polymorphism type of agr locus. The phenotypic data included biofilm production and antibiotic resistance. The results displayed 61 PFGE types from 107 isolates and they were highly discriminatory. MLST analysis generated a total of 25 STs, of which 11 STs were distributed among the ocular infection isolates and lineage ST2 was the most frequent (48.4%), while 14 STs were present in the healthy conjunctiva isolates and lineage ST5 was the most abundant (24.4%). By means of a principal coordinates analysis (PCoA) and a discriminant analysis (DA) it was found that ocular infection isolates had as discriminant markers agr III or agr II, SCCmec V or SCCmec I, mecA gene, resistance to tobramycin, positive biofilm, and IS256+. In contrast to the healthy conjunctiva isolates, the discriminating markers were agr I, and resistance to chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin, gatifloxacin and oxacillin. The discriminant biomarkers of ocular infection were examined in healthy conjunctiva isolates, and it was found that 3 healthy conjunctiva isolates [two with ST2 and another with ST9] (3/45, 6.66%) had similar genotypic and phenotypic characteristics to ocular infection isolates, therefore a small population from healthy conjunctiva could cause an ocular infection. These data suggest that the healthy conjunctiva isolates do not, in almost all cases, infect the eye due to their large genotypic and phenotypic difference with the ocular infection isolates.  相似文献   

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