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We have studied a series of natterjack populations with varying densities of adults on the three main habitat types (lowland heaths, coastal dunes and coastal marshes) occupied by this species in Britain. Animals were aged by skeletochronology, condition was assessed by measuring weight length ratios in autumn and home ranges were determined by individual-marking and by radiotelemetry. Female longevity was inversely correlated with population density, but no similar effect was observed for males. Uniformity of growth rates, absolute growth rates and mean condition for both sexes were also inversely related to population density, whereas mean home range showed a positive correlation. Taken together the data indicated that in high-density populations natterjack toads grew more slowly and erratically, were in poorer condition and foraged much more widely than their counterparts in low-density populations.  相似文献   

Bufo calamita is on the edge of its range in Britain, and exists only in three widely separated geographical regions of the country. The largest populations with the highest densities of animals are found on the Irish Sea coast. Data on the chronology of breeding activity show that the reproductive season for these thriving populations starts and finishes earlier than that for toads in eastern England, but that first records of metamorphosis occur at similar times throughout the country. The possible significance of these observations to the variable success of the species in the different geographical regions is discussed.  相似文献   

Ulrich Sinsch 《Oecologia》1992,90(4):489-499
Summary The migratory and reproductive behaviour ofBufo calamita was studied at four neighbouring breeding sites in the northern Rhineland, Germany, from 1986 to 1991. Radio telemetry and marking systems based on toe-clipping and on microchips were used to follow the tracks of toads and for individual recognition. Emphasis lay on estimates of (1) the exchange of reproductive individuals between neighbouring sites, and (2) the reproductive success at each site. Allozyme electrophoresis served to assess the genetic diversity of local populations. More than 90% of all reproductive males showed a lifelong fidelity to the site of first breeding, whereas females did not prefer certain breeding sites. Due to the female-biased exchange of individuals among neighbouring sites the genetic distance between local populations was generally low but increased with geographical distance. This pattern of spatial relations is consistent with the structure of a metapopulation. Morever, up to three mass immigrations of males per breeding period, replacing previously reproductive individuals, suggested the existence of temporal populations successively reproducing at the same locality. Genetic distances were considerably greater between temporal populations than between local ones, indicating partial reproductive isolation. In fact, an exchange of reproductive individuals between the temporal populations at each site was not detected, but gene flow due to the recruitment of first-breeders originating from offspring other than their own seems probable. Thus, natterjack metapopulations consist of interacting local and temporal populations. The reproductive success differed considerably among the four sites and also between the temporal populations. Three out of four local populations had low reproductive success as well as the latest temporal population. The persistence of these populations depended entirely on the recruitment of juveniles from the only self-sustaining local population. This rescue-effect impeded local extinction. The discussion focuses on the modifications required to fit the classical metapopulation concept to the empirical findings and their consequences for the dynamics of amphibian metapopulations.  相似文献   

Across altitudinal and latitudinal gradients, the proportion of suitable habitats varies, influencing the individual dispersal that ultimately can produce differentiation among populations. The natterjack toad (Bufo calamita) is distributed across a wide geographic range that qualifies the species as interesting for a geographic analysis of its genetic variability. Five populations of B. calamita in the Sierra de Gredos (Spain) were studied in an altitudinal gradient ranging from 750 to 2270 m using microsatellite markers. In addition, we analyzed the latitudinal genetic variation in B. calamita within a global European distribution using genetic diversity parameters (mean number of alleles per locus [M(a)] and expected heterozygosity [H(E)]) obtained from our results and those published in the literature. The low level of genetic differentiation found between populations of B. calamita (F(st) ranging from 0.0115 to 0.1018) and the decreases in genetic diversity with altitude (M(a) from 13.6 to 8.3, H(E) from 0.82 to 0.74) can be interpreted by the combined effects of discontinuous habitat, produced mainly by the high slopes barriers and geographic distance. In the latitudinal gradient, genetic diversity decreases from south to north as a consequence of the colonization of the species from the Pleistocene refugium. We conclude that the genetic variability in B. calamita along its wide altitudinal and latitudinal geographic distribution mainly reflects the colonization history of the species after the last glacial period.  相似文献   

Pulmonary cryptococcosis was observed in a free-living adult female common toad (Bufo bufo) that was killed by a vehicle. Both lungs had various eosinophilic, monomorphic, and spherical to elliptical organisms identified as Cryptoccocus spp. The yeasts were demonstrated by Grocott's silver method and the periodic acid-Schiff reaction and the capsule was positive for mucin with a mucicarmine stain. The agent was confirmed by immunohistochemistry, using the monoclonal antibody anti-Cryptococcus neoformans, and by a polymerase chain reaction-based method using a C. neoformans-specific primer. This report, to the best of our knowledge, represents the first case of cryptococcosis in a common toad.  相似文献   

The natterjack toad Bufo calamita is rare in Britain, which is at the northwestern edge of its biogeographical range. We investigated the level of genetic differentiation amongst almost all (34 out of 38) of the surviving British populations of this species, and among six new populations established by translocations during the 1980s. For eight microsatellite loci, allele sizes and frequencies were analysed using samples from each of these populations. The populations clustered into three robustly differentiated groups, each of which corresponded with a geographical region (east/southeast England, Merseyside and Cumbria). The Cumbrian populations showed a further weak geographical substructuring into northern and southern clades. The populations in south Cumbria were genetically more diverse than those in any of the other regions, as judged by the mean numbers of alleles per locus and the mean heterozygosity estimates. The translocated populations clustered close to their founders and, with one exception, did not differ significantly with respect to mean allele numbers, heterozygosity or polymorphism level. However, significant genetic differentiation (as measured by unbiased R ST) was found between all but one of the founder-translocation pairs. The implications of this phylogeographic study for the future conservation of B. calamita in Britain are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary In Bufo bufo at stage III6 the first endocrine islets appear in the part of the pancreas corresponding to the dorsal anlage. At stage IV2, 5 days later, the pancreatic duct develops and new islets arise by budding off from the ductal epithelium. The ultrastructural study of the secretory granules morphology of endocrine cells has distinguished four different cell types: B-cells (stage III9), A-cells (stage IV3), D-cells (stage IV3) and a fourth type not yet identified (stage IV3). By immunocytology insulin and corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) cells have been demonstrated at stage III9, and glucagon and somatostatin cells at stage IV1. Lastly, endocrine islets can be homogeneous (predominantly containing insulin cells, rarely glucagon cells) or heterogeneous (insulin cells at the centre and glucagon or somatostatin cells at the periphery). Hypotheses are put forward for the origin and the constitution of the different generations of endocrine islets and isolated cells.  相似文献   

Summary An investigation regarding the question of whether there exists a macula densa as part of the juxtaglomerular apparatus in the kidney of amphibians has been carried out. With the aid of a histochemical reaction for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity, the presence of a macula densa zone as a specialized part of the distal tubule in the toad Bufo bufo was demonstrated. The functional significance of the high glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity in the macula densa cells is discussed.  相似文献   

The potential to adapt to novel environmental conditions is a key area of interest for evolutionary biology. However, the role of multiple selection pressures on adaptive responses has rarely been investigated in natural populations. In Sweden, the natterjack toad Bufo calamita inhabits two separate distribution areas, one in southernmost Sweden and one on the west coast. We characterized the larval habitat in terms of pond size and salinity in the two areas, and found that the western populations are more affected by both desiccation risk and pond salinity than the southern populations. In a common garden experiment manipulating salinity and temperature, we found that toads from the west coast populations were locally adapted to shorter pond duration as indicated by their higher development and growth rates. However, despite being subjected to higher salinity stress in nature, west coast toads had a poorer performance in saline treatments. We found that survival in the saline treatments in the west coast populations was positively affected by larger body mass and longer larval period. Furthermore, we found negative genetic correlations between body mass and growth rate and their plastic responses to salinity. These results implicate that the occurrence of multiple environmental stressors needs to be accounted for when assessing the adaptive potential of organisms and suggest that genetic correlations may play a role in constraining adaptation of natural populations.  相似文献   

Temporal spacing of breeding activity in the natterjack toad,Bufo calamita   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ulrich Sinsch 《Oecologia》1988,76(3):399-407
Summary The reproductive behaviour of the toad Bufo calamita was studied in a large population in the northern Rhineland, Germany. Toads bred at four spatially separated but neighbouring areas including 34 breeding ponds. Three methods were applied to monitor quantitatively the intensity of breeding and migratory activity: capture-mark-recapture, a mechanical tracking device, and radio-telemetry. In 1987 a twofold temporal spacing of breeding activity was observed: (1) division of the reproductive period into early, main, and late breeding periods; (2) subdivision of each breeding period into several short calling periods. Since weather conditions were favourable during most of the reproductive period, environmental factors contributed little (23.4%–41.0%) to the temporal variation in breeding intensity as shown by multivariate statistics. The period of vocalization (April to August) included the activity of three distinct male groups. The first group called from April to mid-May (2 calling periods), the second from May to early July (5 calling periods) and the third from mid-July to August (2 calling periods). Within a calling period most males stayed near their calling sites and migratory activity was low. Extensive movements were detected when a new group of males immigrated from the feeding regions to the breeding areas and males that had been calling previously emigrated, at least partly. However, exchange of males among the neighbouring breeding choruses were clearly audible. It is suggested that the energetic costs of vocalization impeded continuous calling activity in individuals and accounted for the periodical variations in chorus size. The short-time variations of breeding activity therefore probably reflect the physiological limits of toads in a situation where the weather permits continuous reproductive activity.  相似文献   

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