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The effectiveness of mate guarding by male black-throated blue warblers   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
In many socially monogamous birds, males maintain close proximityto their mates during the fertile period. This is often consideredan effort on the male's part to prevent other males from copulatingwith his mate, but other functions have been suggested andthe effectiveness of males in preventing extrapair fertilizationshas come into question. Moreover, it is unclear whether mateguarding conflicts with other male activities, particularlythe pursuit of extrapair fertilizations. We examined mate guardingby male black-throated blue warblers (Dendroica caerulescens).Behavioral observations showed that males that guarded theirmates more closely were less likely to have extrapair youngin their nests. Moreover, the experimental detention of a malefor 1 h during the fertility risk period increased the probabilitythat a brood would contain extrapair young. Thus, male mate guarding was effective in reducing the risk of extrapair fertilization.Males with many opportunities for extrapair copulations appearedto guard their mates less and consequently had more extrapairyoung in their broods than males with few such opportunities.This suggests that mate guarding may conflict with the pursuitof extrapair fertilizations.  相似文献   

In the majority of socially monogamous bird species, femalessolicit or accept copulations from males other than their partner.Females may gain direct benefits from extrapair males, suchas greater access to resources, or indirect genetic benefitsthat will influence the future success of their offspring. However,one group of birds appears to be the exception to this generalrule; in the wildfowl (Anseriformes), all extrapair copulationsappear to be resisted by females. It has been suggested thatresistance behavior may be a strategy to allow females a greaterchoice of mates, either at the precopulatory level (to promotechoice of copulation partner) and/or the postcopulatory level(to promote multiple mating to increase their choice of sperm).This paper examines the function of female resistance behaviorin one of the dabbling ducks, the mallard (Anas platyrhynchos).Observations on a marked population of wild mallard and experimentswith captive birds found that although females showed a strongpreference for particular males that are the first to molt intotheir breeding plumage, male attractiveness did not influencefemale responses to pair or extrapair copulation attempts. Femaleresistance decreased the likelihood that copulation attemptswould end in successful insemination. The findings did not supportthe hypothesis that females resist copulations to promote femalechoice and the reasons why waterfowl may benefit from avoidingall extrapair copulations are discussed.  相似文献   

Control over copulation duration is a potentially importantgenerator of sexual conflict that has received little empiricalattention. The copulatory behavior of the bruchid beetle Callosobruchusmaculatus may reflect a sexual conflict over copulation duration.Males have spines on their intromittent organs that puncturethe female reproductive tract, and females kick their matesduring copulation. If females are prevented from kicking, copulationslast longer and the injuries females sustain are more severe.Males supposedly use the spines as anchors to prolong copulationduration, and females kick to terminate copulations. We manipulatedcopulation duration experimentally and quantified its effectson male and female fitness components to test whether or notthere is a conflict over copulation duration in C. maculatus.Females did not suffer from long copulations but instead experiencedincreased lifetime fecundity. Ejaculate size increased withcopulation duration, and females apparently derive materialbenefits from the ejaculates. Males that mated first and hadlong copulations were relatively unsuccessful when competingwith sperm from other males. However, there was a trend forfemale remating propensity to decrease with long copulationdurations, and first males may therefore also benefit from longcopulations. The copulation duration of the second male to matedid not have a significant effect on sperm precedence. We concludethat even though it seems likely that the male spines have evolvedto act as an anchor during copulation, there seems to be littleconflict over copulation duration per se in C. maculatus.  相似文献   

Male mate guarding by close following has been reported in many socially monogamous bird species and is generally believed to function as a paternity guard. Many aspects of the dynamics and effectiveness of this behavior are still however poorly understood. Here, we describe the temporal variation in mate guarding behavior in male reed buntings (Emberiza schoeniclus) with a particular focus on how males allocate their mating effort between mate guarding and extrapair mating in a context of intense sperm competition. In our highly synchronous study population most males have to balance the simultaneous and mutually exclusive demands of mate guarding and seeking extrapair copulations (EPCs). We found that males frequently switched between guarding their mates and performing intrusions to neighboring territories. Both activities seemed to have significant fitness payoffs, as male mate guarding effort had a positive effect on paternity, and a large fraction of extrapair fertilizations occurred during the days when the sire guarded its own female. The reed bunting is thus an example of how discontinuous or part‐time mate guarding can still be effective in securing paternity. Female reed buntings were not particularly active in initiating EPCs as they never were observed performing extraterritorial forays. We argue that the absence of female‐initiated EPCs is a prerequisite for males to trade mate guarding against seeking EPCs. Otherwise, if females circumvent male mate guarding by timing their EPCs to periods of male absence, males should guard their mates almost continuously or rely on alternative paternity guards.  相似文献   

In birds with biparental care, great variation exists in thefrequency of extrapair paternity. Several hypotheses have beenproposed to account for this variation. We tested the incompleteknowledge hypothesis, which states that females are constrainedin their knowledge of male quality and that this influencestheir willingness to engage in extrapair copulations (EPC).By selective removal and release of female pied flycatchersFicedula hypoleuca, we created a situation where females finallysettled with a social mate close to the site where a formersocial mate was breeding. According to the incomplete knowledgehypothesis, this would lower the threshold for females to seekextrapair copulations in cases where their former social matewas of higher quality than the one finally chosen. The hypothesiswas not supported because manipulation of female settlementdid not increase frequency of extrapair paternity, not evenin cases where the female nested close to the previous mateand the current mate apparently was of lower quality becausehe was younger and more dull colored. However, we found that when extrapair paternity did occur, the cuckolder tended tobe a familiar male (i.e., the female's initial social mate).  相似文献   

Sexual conflict over mating occurrence, timing, or durationis common in animals. This explains conspicuous female materejection behavior in many species, often involving shaking,fighting, and occasional forced copulations. We present a simplemodel that generates predictions about whether and when copulationoccurs in such conflict situations and how much female rejectionbehavior should be observed. Predictions depend on 2 underlyingparameters affecting female resistance and male persistence.We supply 2 qualitative tests of the model using the yellowdung fly Scathophaga stercoraria (Diptera: Scathophagidae).We manipulated adult age, body size (large and small), and adultfood availability (low and high), independently in males andfemales, staging replicate pairings of all treatment combinations.In agreement with predictions of our model, shaking durationfirst increased to a maximum at intermediate age, when the averagefemale copulated, and then decreased again. Contrary to expectation,body size did not affect copulation timing, female resistance,or male persistence. As predicted, adult food limitation delayedsexual maturity and hence prolonged female resistance, resultingin later copulations after more shaking. However, although foodlimitation equally delayed the increase in male persistencewith age, copulation also occurred later after more shaking,opposite to the model prediction. We conclude that shaking isdriven primarily by female age and male responses to it. Althoughfemale shaking can initially successfully deter males in S.stercoraria, this behavior is subtle and has apparently shiftedfunction from an effective means of mate choice to a signalof nonreceptivity, though its importance in nature remains unclear.  相似文献   

Mate guarding and frequent copulations are two alternative paternity assurance strategies found in birds. In species with intensecourtship feeding, like raptors, the "frequent copulation"strategy is expected because male food provisioning conflictswith mate guarding. We evaluated experimentally the paternityassurance behavior of a semicolonial raptor, the Montagu'sharrier Circus pygargus, using decoy presentations to simulateterritorial intrusions. Breeding pairs were exposed to maleand female decoys at different periods during the female's reproductive cycle. Agonistic responses to decoys were intra-sexual,and the timing and intensity of male attacks toward male decoyssupported responses related to the risk of extrapair copulation(EPC): Male aggression peaked during the presumed fertile periodand almost disappeared after clutch completion. During thefertile period, copulation rate was significantly higher, andcopulations lasted longer, during male decoy presentations than during controls. Males also spent more time close to the femaleduring male decoy presentations compared to controls, bothduring the early prelaying and fertile periods, but not duringincubation. In the fertile period, males also increased presencetime close to the female in the hour following the removal of the male decoy. Conversely, female decoy presentations hadno significant effect on copulatory behavior or male presencetime. These results showed that the risk of EPC can be experimentallymanipulated by the means of decoy presentations, simulatingmale territorial intrusions, and that male Montagu's harriersincrease their short-term copulation frequency and female surveillancewhen they perceive themselves at an increased EPC risk.  相似文献   

Trivers proposed that, if parental care by both sexes is advantageous, males should practice a "mixed" strategy of seeking extrapair copulations, while restricting their parental investment to offspring of social mates. We explore circumstances under which males should limit their parental care in the predicted manner. We find that Trivers's "mixed" strategy will generally be evolutionarily stable so long as either socially monogamous or polygynous males usually sire more offspring per brood from a social mate than they typically sire in broods of extrapair mates. Polygynous males should spread investment across their home nests unless the expected number of chicks sired in them differs widely. Whether polygynous males should restrict paternal care to social mates' offspring hinges additionally on resident male investment in broods containing extrapair young: if resident males contribute minimally, some investment by a polygynous extrapair male becomes more advantageous. Recently reviewed data on extrapair fertilization distributions within monogamous and polygynous passerines suggest that extrapair offspring often predominate numerically within their broods, consistent with sperm expenditure theory. Nevertheless, most species conform to the model's criterion regarding relative parentage levels in broods of social versus extrapair mates. Patterns of extrapair parentage thus appear sufficient to stabilize biparental care systems.  相似文献   

Some aspects of sperm competition were studied in the white spoonbill (Platalea leucorodia) breeding in Doñana National Park (SW Spain). Shorter pair copulation intervals occurred during the prelaying period, when females were subjected to a relatively high frequency of extra-pair copulations. Pair copulation intervals with an intermediate extra-pair copulation by the male mate were longer than those without extra-pair copulation. This result indicates that males need a time of recovery between copulations before they can perform another. Extra-pair copulations by the females did not affect the length of intervals between pair copulations. There were no differences between the lengths of the intervals between an extra-pair copulation by the female and the following pair copulation for cases in which the male mate detected an intruder male attempting copulation with his mate and those in which the intruder remained undetected. However, the correlations obtained between copulatory intervals for detected and undetected cases suggest a copulatory response by their mates, although affected by the required recovery time between copulations by the males. Finally, since extra-pair copulations mainly occurred while male mates were collecting nest material, they engaged in this activity shortly after pair copulations, probably to avoid a last-male advantage under the sperm competition pressure.  相似文献   

Social mating systems and extrapair fertilizations in passerine birds   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
Two alternative hypotheses have been proposed to explain howsocial and genetic mating systems are interrelated in birds.According to the first (male trade-off) hypothesis, socialpolygyny should increase extrapair fertilizations because whenmales concentrate on attracting additional social mates, theycannot effectively protect females with whom they have already paired from being sexually assaulted. According to the second(female choice) hypothesis, social polygyny should decreaseextrapair fertilizations because a substantial proportion offemales can pair with the male of their choice, and males caneffectively guard each mate during her fertile period. To discriminatethese alternatives, we comprehensively reviewed informationon social mating systems and extrapair fertilizations in temperatezone passerine birds. We found significant inverse relationshipsbetween proportions of socially polygynous males and frequenciesof extrapair young, whether each species was considered asan independent data point (using parametric statistics) orphylogenetically related species were treated as nonindependent (using contrasts analyses). When social mating systems weredichotomized, extrapair chicks were twice as frequent in monogamousas in polygynous species (0.23 vs. 0.11). We hypothesize thatin socially polygynous species, (1) there is less incentivefor females and males to pursue extrapair matings and (2) femalesincur higher costs for sexual infidelity (e.g., due to physical retaliation or reduction of paternal efforts) than in sociallymonogamous species.  相似文献   

Polyandrous females are expected to discriminate among males through postcopulatory cryptic mate choice. Yet, there is surprisingly little unequivocal evidence for female-mediated cryptic sperm choice. In species in which nuptial gifts facilitate mating, females may gain indirect benefits through preferential storage of sperm from gift-giving males if the gift signals male quality. We tested this hypothesis in the spider Pisaura mirabilis by quantifying the number of sperm stored in response to copulation with males with or without a nuptial gift, while experimentally controlling copulation duration. We further assessed the effect of gift presence and copulation duration on egg-hatching success in matings with uninterrupted copulations with gift-giving males. We show that females mated to gift-giving males stored more sperm and experienced 17% higher egg-hatching success, compared with those mated to no-gift males, despite matched copulation durations. Uninterrupted copulations resulted in both increased sperm storage and egg-hatching success. Our study confirms the prediction that the nuptial gift as a male signal is under positive sexual selection by females through cryptic sperm storage. In addition, the gift facilitates longer copulations and increased sperm transfer providing two different types of advantage to gift-giving in males.  相似文献   

The prevalence of extrapair paternity in many socially monogamous passerines has not been mirrored in most monogamous nonpasserines studied to date. Here, we investigated the reproductive behaviour of a socially monogamous shorebird, the common sandpiper, using multilocus DNA fingerprinting. Given the high level of paternal care in the species, and the likely high costs in allocating care between kin and nonkin in species with precocial young, we predicted low levels of extrapair paternity similar to other monogamous shorebirds. We found the social mating system to be predominantly monogamous although one polyandrous pairing was identified. Of 83 offspring from 27 broods, 13 (15.7%) young from five (18.5%) broods were identified as being extrapair. There was no evidence of intraspecific nest parasitism or quasiparasitism. In this population, territorial intrusions were carried out largely by males but did not appear to be related to seeking extrapair copulations (EPCs). Seventy copulation attempts were observed and most were within-pair (84%). Six of eight EPC attempts occurred outside the territory of the female's social mate. Copulation rates were significantly higher just before and during egg laying than at other times during the study. At least two females that reared extrapair young had associated with males other than their eventual mates on arrival, suggesting that some females use rapid mate switching as a mating tactic, facilitated perhaps by the asynchronous arrival among both sexes in this population. Why some female sandpipers mate promiscuously remains unresolved.  相似文献   

To understand the behavioural aspects of sperm competition, the costs and benefits to both sexes should be considered. However, few studies have addressed the costs to females of their social mate engaging in extrapair copulations (EPCs). Measures of female mate guarding have concentrated on female solicitation and copulation; however, females may also control access to their mate by maintaining close proximity, as is common in males. I recorded the maintenance of pair proximity behaviour of an urban population of the socially monogamous European blackbird, Turdus merula, over three breeding seasons. There was no evidence that females guarded their mates to prevent them from engaging in EPCs, nor were there any effects of the potential quality indicators of age, body size or male bill colour on the intensity of mate guarding between individuals. The study adds to a small body of literature suggesting that female mate guarding may be found in (facultatively) polygynous species, but not in socially monogamous ones. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Approximately 45% of western bluebird (Sialia mexicana) femaleshave some chicks in the nest that are not sired by their socialmates. Extrapair fertilizations account for 42% of offspringin these nests and 19% of nestlings overall. I tested the hypothesisthat males reduce nestling provisioning when their certaintyof paternity or share of paternity is reduced. Capture and detentionof socially monogamous males for 1 h or 24 h during the layingperiod reduced males' copulatory access and their ability tomate guard, increasing the frequency with which extrapair malesintruded and attempted to copulate with resident females. Malesdetained during laying did not reduce their share of feedingtrips compared to control males detained during incubation,compared to unmanipulated males, or compared to males that werecaptured but not detained. Males detained on territory for 1h during the laying period did not reduce their share of feedingtrips when they observed male intrusion, nor when they observedtheir mates accepting extrapair copulations. Males that witnessedtheir mates accepting extrapair copulations did not reduce theirshare of risk in provisioning. Genetic fingerprinting at nonexperimentalnests indicated that males also failed to reduce their feedingcontributions when their estimated share of paternity was reduced,even when a helper male was present to reduce the impact onnestlings. These results suggest that male western bluebirdsdo not make significant adjustments in their share of provisioningwhen they have evidence of partial paternity loss. Togetherwith prior results, this study suggests that western bluebirdmales use an all-or-none rule, contributing approximately halfof the parental provisioning at nests, as long they have somecopulatory access to the female during egg laying.  相似文献   

In many bird species males provision their mates prior to egg-laying. Courtship feeding has been suggested to function in several ways: to advance laying date by improving female condition, to induce a female to copulate or to allow a female to assess her mate. The role of courtship feeding in Ospreys Pandion haliaetus was investigated in British Columbia, Canada. Courtship feeding rate affected the probability of a pair initiating a clutch. Pairs that laid eggs had higher rates of courtship feeding than pairs that did not lay eggs in both 1991 and 1992. Male courtship feeding rate also correlated negatively with the duration of the courtship period. Experimentally increasing the amount of food available to females prior to egg-laying resulted in a nonsignificant reduction in the duration of the courtship period. This study found no evidence to support the suggestion that female Ospreys trade copulations for food during the courtship period; only 63 of 385 copulations observed were associated with feeds, and courtship feeding rate did not correlate with the copulation rate of a pair. Male provisioning rates, however, were predictable; courtship feeding rate correlated with both male delivery rate to the nest when chicks were 1–2 weeks old and mean brood growth rate. Female Ospreys therefore may be able to predict the quality of subsequent paternal care using courtship feeding rate. As predicted if optimal hatching asynchrony is dependent on food availability, mean brood growth rate, an indirect measure of male parental care, was negatively correlated with hatching asynchrony. This suggests that female Ospreys may manipulate hatching asynchrony in response to male courtship feeding rate, thereby maximizing the productivity of their brood at predicted food levels.  相似文献   

We conducted three experiments to test the effects of mating history of both sexes and of male body size on mating behaviours in the water strider, Gerris buenoi. Our manipulations influenced the interests of both sexes and, thus, the degree of conflict over mating behaviours. Mating history was a dichotomous variable (deprived/mated), depending on holding conditions in the laboratory. Experiment 1 considered and found independent effects of male and female mating history on latency to copulation and copulation duration. In experiment 2, we manipulated only female mating history, using unsuccessful struggle rates as evidence for female reluctance and conflict over mating. Finally, we investigated the relation between male body size and mating history on copulation duration. We predicted that intersexual conflict over mating would be lowest when females were deprived, because female interests under these conditions should more closely match those of males. Deprived females began mating in half the time of mated females and were twice as likely to mate because of reduced reluctance. Furthermore, copulation duration for deprived males was about one and a half times longer than that for mated males. Although previous studies examining nonrandom mating patterns by size predicted longer copulations for small males, we found that small males prolonged copulation when deprived more than large males. We conclude that females primarily influence copulation frequency, but males primarily influence copulation duration. Our results favour the hypothesis that reduced mating opportunity for small males accounts for their extended copulation duration. Finally, our findings provide evidence for strong effects of male body size on selection mechanisms in water striders, and support the hypothesis of conflicting pre- and postcopulatory selection mechanisms in this group. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

We investigated the genetic mating system of a socially monogamous passerine bird, the Capricorn silvereye Zosterops lateralis chlorocephalus, on an island of the Great Barrier Reef. Therewere no cases of extrapair paternity (EPP) among 122 offspringfrom 53 broods detectable by minisatellite or microsatelliteDNA fingerprinting. Behavioral observations of paired birdsshowed that this was not a consequence of efficacious paternityguards and that females did not engage in extrapair copulation(EPC). Frequency of intrapair copulations was also low, withonly 14 cases observed during 199 hours of observations ofthe 11 focal pairs in the fertile periods of females, and thiswas consistent with anatomical features of the cloacal protuberancein males. In this population, young birds form life-time pairbonds soon after gaining independence but females are obviouslynot attempting EPC possibly to redress this early mate choice.This is despite the fact that they breed in high density witha synchronous start and asynchronous spread of laying in aprotracted season and males do not positively exhibit mateguarding behavior when females are fertile. Our results supporthigh fidelity of socially monogamous birds on islands and are consistent with the hypothesis that sexual selection is reducedwhere genetic variation in fitness is limited.  相似文献   

Male boobies expel eggs when paternity is in doubt   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
We analyzed the effect of increased risk of cuckoldry on maleparental investment in eggs in the colonial blue-footed booby(Sula nebouxii). Seventeen experimental males were removedfrom the nesting territory for 10-12 h on a single day, 1-5days before laying (females' supposed fertile period = SFP),and 17 control males were removed for the same amount of timeon a single day, 7-29 days before laying (before the SFP).These removals were intended to simulate extended absence fromthe nest on a foraging excursion. Female extrapair courtshipand copulation rates did not increase during the removal ofthe social mate, and there was no evidence that experimentaland control males differed quantitatively in incubation ordefense of the clutch. However, 43% of experimental males expelledthe first-laid egg from the nest, whereas no control male didso. Apparently, male boobies drastically reduce parental investmentin eggs with a presumed elevated probability of extrapair fertilizationby destroying them.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of operational sex ratio on female reluctanceand male persistence to mate as well as on the length of copulationand postcopulatory guarding in Gerris lacustris by adding fivesurplus males or females to the basin with a pair in tandem.In the control treatment, a pair alone was tested. Accordingto the copulatory guarding hypothesis (CGH), males should prolongmating and guard females in the presence of surplus males. Accordingto the convenience polyandry hypothesis (CPH), females shouldshow lower levels of resistance to prolonged mating in the presenceof surplus males because the mating male protects the femaleagainst harassment from other males. As expected on the basisof both the CGH and CPH, mating (copulation + guarding) averagedlonger in the male-biased treatment. The behavior of males andfemales during mating suggested that both hypotheses hold true:females showed less resistance to prolonged mating (as predictedfrom CPH), and male behavior suggested stronger efforts to stayon the female when surplus males were present (as predictedfrom CGH). Comparisons of the treatment with surplus femaleswith the results from the mating pair without surplus individualssuggested that the capabilities of water striders in tandemto assess the sex of nearby nonmating striders are limited.  相似文献   

Razorbills (Alca Undo) engaged in extrapair copulations (EPCs)during two phases of their breeding cycle when fertilizationof eggs was not possible, suggesting that EPCs provide nongeneticbenefits. Females actively pursued extrapair mountings afterthey completed egg laying, the first monogamous species reportedto do so. Mountings were performed in mating arenas outsideof the breeding colony, where attendance by postlaying femalesindicated that they sought encounters with extrapair males whiletheir mates were incubating. Postlaying females always successfullyresisted insemination yet positioned themselves to receive mountings.These findings support the hypothesis that resistance to inseminationis a ploy used by females to appraise males. At the end of thebreeding cycle, when males escorted the fledgling to sea, femalesremained at the colony where they consorted and sometimes copulatedwith other males. Nonfertilizable extrapair copulations mayserve two social functions for razorbills: female appraisalof males for future fertilizable EPCs and the appraisal andacquisition of new mates by both sexes.  相似文献   

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