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大壁虎与嗅觉相关的学习记忆   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
壁虎科动物鼻腔较大,化学感觉系统发达,类似于对化学信息敏感的舌端游离的蜥蜴目动物(Malan,1946),并且嗅黏膜面积很大,感觉器神经元多,嗅神经系统十分完善(Gabe and Saint,1976).  相似文献   

Human body odour, symmetry and attractiveness.   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Several studies have found body and facial symmetry as well as attractiveness to be human mate choice criteria. These characteristics are presumed to signal developmental stability. Human body odour has been shown to influence female mate choice depending on the immune system, but the question of whether smell could signal general mate quality, as do other cues, was not addressed in previous studies. We compared ratings of body odour, attractiveness, and measurements of facial and body asymmetry of 16 male and 19 female subjects. Subjects wore a T-shirt for three consecutive nights under controlled conditions. Opposite-sex raters judged the odour of the T-shirts and another group evaluated portraits of the subjects for attractiveness. We measured seven bilateral traits of the subject's body to assess body asymmetry. Facial asymmetry was examined by distance measurements of portrait photographs. The results showed a significant positive correlation between facial attractiveness and sexiness of body odour for female subjects. We found positive relationships between body odour and attractiveness and negative ones between smell and body asymmetry for males only if female odour raters were in the most fertile phase of their menstrual cycle. The outcomes are discussed in the light of different male and female reproductive strategies.  相似文献   

The role of various olfactory and visual stimuli was studied in host-plant finding by the asparagus fly Plioreocepta poeciloptera (Schrank), a monophagous monovoltine tephritid causing serious damage to asparagus spears. Volatiles released by asparagus plants were extracted by diethyl ether after cryotrapping concentration, and identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Twelve of the 13 compounds identified were tested using electroantennography to measure the response of the fly. Behavioural response was analysed using two different flight tunnels according to circadian rhythm, age and sex of adults, presence of the plant and of different coloured lures, presence of a male congener, or exposure to four pure asparagus odour compounds that elicited responses in electroantennography, i.e. hexanal, (E)-2-hexenal, (Z)-2-hexen-1-ol and decanal. Data showed that males locate the host plant more quickly than females. Females are attracted mainly by the blend of plant odour and male pheromone. Both sexes respond to a complex of stimuli only during the afternoon. These findings will be helpful in developing new and effective approaches to control this pest insect.  相似文献   

The protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii is known to induce specific behavioural changes in its intermediate hosts, including humans, that are believed to increase the chance of its successful transmission to the definitive host, the cat. The most conspicuous change is the so‐called fatal attraction phenomenon, the switch from the mice's and rats’ natural fear of the smell of cats toward an attraction to this smell. The mechanism of this manipulation activity is unknown; however, many indices suggest that changes in the concentrations of dopamine and testosterone are involved. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Hari Dass & Vyas ( 2014 ) present results of a study showing that, by hypomethylation of certain regulatory elements of key gene, Toxoplasma is able to reprogramme the brain's genetic machinery in such a way that cat odour activates and changes the wiring of the medial amygdala circuits responsible for sexual behaviour. This study delivers the first clear evidence of a parasite's ability to use sophisticated epigenetic engineering techniques for the manipulation of the phenotype of its infected host.  相似文献   

In mammals, olfactory cues play a major role in individual recognition and urine is one source of potentially individual‐specific olfactory cues. We studied how soon young of the extremely precocial domestic guinea‐pig (Cavia porcellus) establish specific preferences for maternal urine smell by offering 5–30‐d‐old young a simultaneous choice between a urine sample of the mother and urine from an unfamiliar unrelated lactating female. Young showed increasing preference for the smell of maternal urine from day 5 of life onwards. On day 10 of life, they discriminated between maternal urine and that of other lactating females when these were unfamiliar and related, unfamiliar and unrelated or familiar unrelated, but not when the urine of the other female came from a familiar and related lactating animal. The last result is based on fewer litters and, therefore has to be considered as preliminary. As our results are based on spontaneous preferences for just one source of olfactory cues, discrimination of live animals is likely to be even better than demonstrated here. Learning or phenotype matching of individual specific cues enable these precocial young to form a specific bond with their mother soon after birth.  相似文献   

Mole rats from two chromosomal species (2n = 58 and 2n = 60) of the Spalax ehrenbergi superspecies of Israel were tested to determine whether they were able to discriminate differences in the odour of urine from same-sex individuals of their own and of the other chromosomal species. An habituation-discrimination apparatus was designed for use with these solitary and blind subterranean rodents. Animals habituated to the odour of urine from one individual presented for 10 min at a centre sniffing area in the roof of a 50 cm long Perspex tunnel. The odour of urine from the original donor and from a second individual were presented at two other sniffing areas in the tunnel roof during a 5 min discrimination phase. Significant differences in the time spent investigating the two odours demonstrated successful discrimination between them. The results indicate that male and female mole rats of both species can discriminate between the individual-specific odour cues in urine from pairs of conspecifics and pairs of heterospecific mole rats.  相似文献   

Summary The scent organ of the honeybee was discovered by Nassonoff in 1883 (Nassonoff or Nasanov gland). Sladen (1901) was the first to recognize its true nature. He observed that bees had exposed the scent gland while they exhibited the so called joyful hum, that behaviour by which they produce a stream of air through rapid fanning of the wings, the head being bowed deeply forward and the tail raised sharply (Fig. 1). At the same time an pleasant smell can be perceived, which has been proven to be produced by the Nassonoff gland. The odour is quickly dispersed through the rapid fanning of the wings. That it is an odour with an alluring effect on other bees was demonstrated in 1923/24 by v. Frisch. Moreover, he found that the bees make use of their scent organs not only during fanning and scent dispersal (in German sterzeln) but also that they expose it at plentiful crops. In the latter case a rapid vibration of the wings does not take place (Fig. 3).In 1926 v. Frisch and Rösch tried to find out whether the odour of the scent gland is specific for each colony and attracts only the hive-companions of that bee, which makes use of the scent gland, or wether it is of a general nature and has an alluring effect on all bees, regardless from what colony they come. Based on the results of this experiment, which pointed to a colony-specific effect, and on the grounds of a surmise which was made by v. Buttel-Reepen in 1915, many beekeepers and zoologists were up till now convinced that the colony odour of the bees receives its individual note through the odour of the scent organ. Also Kaltofen (1951) and Kalmus and Ribbands (1952) found the attractant to be colony-specific, while the experiments of Wojtusiak (1934) gave contrary results.My observations and experiments brought the following results: an analysis of those situations in which the bees make use of their scent gland, makes it probable that the workers always fan and disperse scent — sterzeln —, after they have had lost for some time the customary (gewohnten) contact with their companions or with the queen. The ending of this situation, that is to say the renewal of contact, apparently causes the fanning and scent dispersal. A series of observations, which are reported, speak for the correctness of this hypothesis.The scenting of the feeding place and the fanning (with scent dispersal) of bees at the hive-entrance and at the nesting place (of a swarm) serves in all cases to attract companions. In a few cases the purpose of the scent dispersal becomes only obvious, if one takes into consideration that the bees are insects, whose entire behaviour is directed to the society.The colony odour of the bees is composed of at least 12 different components. That it receives its colony-individual note from the odour of the Nassonoff gland is unlikely, because the bees expose their scent organs only outside of the hive and never in it.Twelve Zwei-Völker-Versuche according to the methods of v. Frisch and Rösch (1926) showed on the average a colony-specific behaviour of the newcomers, but the preference for the population's own feeding place was relatively insignificant. In 5 cases one of the two test colonies flew to the feeding place of the foreign colony.This method (which also was used by Kalmus and Ribbands) has a disadvantage: since the recruits alight where the foragers with their functioning scent glands are collecting sugar water, it is not possible to separate the effect of the odour of the Nassonoff gland from the effect of the smell adhering to the bodies of the bees. On the other hand, unanimous results would be expected if the alluring odour could be obtained free of other components. This is relatively easy done in the following way: if one squeezes fairly firmly the abdomen of a bee held between the thumb and index finger, the scent gland becomes exposed. The odiferous substance can now easily be wiped away with a piece of filterpaper held with a pointed forceps (Fig. 6).Both training and spontaneous choice experiments were carried out with odiferous substance obtained in this manner. In the case of the former, 20 to 30 forager bees were trained for several hours to the odour of the scent gland obtained from recruits from their own colony and thereafter they were tested in a choice-experiment, whether they were capable to distinguish the attractant on which they were trained from that which was obtained from bees of an other colony. Also reverse experiments — training to the scent gland odour obtained of bees of another colony — were carried out.The spontaneous choice experiments are a type of Zwei-Völker-Versuche but by suitable provisions it was arranged, that the feeding places of the both groups of foragers (from A and B, which were alarming the newcomers) were seperated from those places where the newcomers sought for sugar-water. There 3 feeding dishes were set up in linear arrangement. One contained scent gland odour taken from recruits from colony A, the other the same from bees of colony B. The middle dish was free of alluring substance. Since in these experiments (as in most Zwei-Völker-Versuchen) colonies of different races were used, which differed distinctly from one another in their coloring, it could be recognized without further ado from which hive an arriving newcomer originated. Immediately after alighting they were caught and killed.Both methods yielded unanimous results: again the strongly attractting effect of the scent gland substance was demonstrated. In the spontaneous experiments of the year 1954, for example, 1260 bees flew to the dishes with the odour and only 49 (less than 4%) to those dishes free of it. The odour of the scent gland definitely is differentiated by bees from the odour of stinger-poison and from other odours; it is, however, neither colony nor race specific. It attracts without distinction all races which I investigated (Apis mellifica ligustica, A. m. nigra and A. m. carnica). If one scent gland odour is given preference, this is an expression of the quantitative differences of both alluring substances used. The effect can be reversed by variation of the quantities. Kalmus and Ribbands (1952) believed to have proven with their experiments that the type of crop influenced the quality of the odour of the scent gland or other surface-glands. The kombinierten Versuche which I made in 1954 (see p. 455) show, however, that a colony-specific behaviour of bees is to be attributed to the colony odour adhering to the surface of their bodies. With purebred Italian and Nigra colonies I carried out alternately Zwei-Völker-Versuche, in which the body odour of the forager bees could influence the decision of the newcomers as to where they would alight, and spontaneous choice experiments, in which these odiferous components were excluded. First of all I tested the untreated colonies, then the Nigra colony — and later both colonies — were scented in the hives with geranium oil; finally these odiferous substances were removed and a mixture of a half pound of honey and two tablespoons of black treacle was placed in the Italian colony in such a way that the bees could not feed on the sweet substance, nevertheless the smell of the treacle was able to exercise its effect. After additional experiments I removed the wire screen blocking the access to the mixture, so that Italian bees could now eat and store it. Then the behaviour of the bees was tested anew. Table 10 shows distinctly the different effects of body odour (in this case = colony odour) and the odour of the scent gland. If the colony odours are the same, the distribution of the newcomers to both feeding places in the Zwei-Völker-Versuche is approximately 11; if they are differrent, the colony's own feeding place is preferred. In the spontaneous choice experiments the distribution of the newcomers in every case is nonspecific, for even then, when one of the odours was preferred, it always was preferred by the newcomers of both colonies, and this surprisingly universally.The reported experiments show that if bees are able to distinguish the companions of their own colony from foreigners, this is to be attributed to the colony odour, which adheres to their bodies. The odour of the scent gland is nonspecific; it attracts without distinction all bees.

Die Durchführung dieser Arbeit wurde durch ein Stipendium der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft ermöglicht; sie wurde außerdem unterstützt durch Mittel der Rockefeller Foundation, die Prof. v. Frisch zur Verfügung standen.  相似文献   

The ability to discriminate odour cues from different conspecifics has been demonstrated in a variety of small mammalian species. We used a habituation-dishabituation procedure to investigate whether 10-week-old female pigs,Sus scrofa , are able to discriminate between urinary odours from similar-aged conspecifics that were unfamiliar (not encountered for at least 7 weeks). We also examined whether environmental factors can affect the ease with which urine from different individuals is discriminated. Subjects receiving urine samples from the same unfamiliar individual in two successive 2-min exposures separated by a 15-min interval showed habituation in their investigation response to the urine in the second exposure. This habituation was maintained in a third 2-min exposure, 15 min later, if the urine sample was again from the same individual. However, if the urine sample was from a different unfamiliar individual, there was a dishabituation of the investigation response. This was taken to indicate an ability to discriminate the two samples. These data indicate that young pigs could use urinary cues to discriminate other individuals. Effective individual discrimination should facilitate the formation and maintenance of stable social groupings but could be disrupted if, for example, animals from the same group share common odour cues that mask individually distinctive scents. However, urine samples from individuals living in the same group appeared to be no more difficult to discriminate than those from individuals living in different groups. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

1. Since avoiding predation can compromise animal fitness, prey are expected to respond to different predator species with an intensity appropriate to the level of risk. In fresh waters, the threat of predation is typically assessed by chemical cues, in particular by odours released by either injured/disturbed conspecifics (conspecific alarm odour) or predators (predator odours). Here, we used the most widely distributed crayfish in the world, the invasive North American Procambarus clarkii, to investigate the relative effectiveness of odours emitted by fish predators compared with conspecific alarm odour. We also tested whether P. clarkii is able to discriminate between fish predators of which it has ‘experience’ (either recent, via introduction to the same water body, or old, by sharing a native range), as well as between fish predators that pose low or high risk. 2. The study was carried out on introduced populations of P. clarkii from two sites, characterised by different fish assemblages: the Malewa River (a tributary of Lake Naivasha, Kenya) and Lake Trasimeno (Italy). Laboratory experiments consisted of three sequential phases (‘water’, ‘food’ and ‘smell’ phases) and five treatments. Treatments differed in the odour presented during the smell phase, i.e. no odour (plain water) and odours from either injured conspecifics or three fish species per site. Crayfish from the Malewa River population were confronted with the odours of largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides), common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and tilapia (Tilapia zillii) (all introduced to Lake Naivasha but absent from the Malewa River), and those from the Lake Trasimeno population with the odours of the introduced largemouth bass and carp and the native chub (Squalius cephalus). Largemouth bass is the only predator that imposes a high risk to crayfish, and it also shares its native range with P. clarkii. We analysed the time spent by crayfish feeding, in locomotion and in adopting a raised or lowered posture. A reduction in the time spent feeding and in locomotion, and an increase in the time spent in the lowered posture were considered to indicate alarm. 3. Crayfish from both populations responded with a more pronounced reduction in feeding to conspecific alarm odour rather than to predator odours. Crayfish from the Malewa River reacted with the same intensity to the odours of the three fish species tested, whereas, in Lake Trasimeno, the odour of largemouth bass was significantly more threatening than the odours of the other two species. 4. Procambarus clarkii seems to perceive a general fish odour that alerts it to possible predation risk without the need of either a direct recent experience or via sharing a common native range. However, where they coexist with fish, crayfish become able to distinguish among species, adapting the intensity of their response to the effective risk. Our results confirm the relatively high learning capacity of P. clarkii reported in previous studies and suggest the existence of mechanisms that make predator recognition particularly efficient in this extraordinarily successful invader.  相似文献   

Previous work has shown that blue petrels need olfaction to home. We investigated whether they also recognize an olfactory signature of their own nest. We performed T-maze experiments in which maze arms were connected with the subject bird's burrow and with the burrow of a conspecific neighbour. Of 23 birds, 16 were able to recognize the arm leading to their own burrow. In a second experiment, we positioned the maze in front of the subject's burrow but the maze arms were closed and did not enter the burrow. Consequently, no burrow odours could be sensed by the bird. In this case, 85% of birds (17 of 20) failed to choose, suggesting that petrels were not motivated to choose by positional cues in the absence of odour cues. We explored this idea further by performing a homing experiment whereby homing birds had to relocate an artificially displaced burrow entrance. Blue petrels homed, ignoring the natural burrow entrance and using the new artificial one. The ability to smell their own burrow allows blue petrels to return to the colony at night and to find the correct nest.  相似文献   

This study aimed to determine if female house mice, Mus musculus domesticus, are able to assess a male's infection status from odour cues. We collected urine from male mice before, during, and after they were experimentally infected with influenza, a respiratory virus. Females spent more time investigating urine collected from males while they were uninfected than when they were infected. Also 70 % of females released into a large enclosure preferred to nest in boxes containing urine collected from uninfected rather than infected males. This is the first evidence that mice can discriminate virally infected individuals through chemical signals and the first evidence that infection causes odour changes in the urine. To determine if the odour of infected males is repulsive, we presented females with urine samples and neutral water blanks. Normal urine collected from uninfected males was more attractive, whereas urine collected during infection was as attractive as water. This indicates that rather than being aversive, influenza infection abolishes the attractiveness of a male's odour. A similar effect also occurs when male mice are infected with coccidian gut parasites (Kavaliers & Colwell 1995, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. 261B, 31–35). One proximate reason for the neutralization of the attractiveness of a male's odour may be a decrease in serum androgen concentrations during infection.  相似文献   



Possibly due to the small size of the olfactory bulb (OB) as compared to rodents, it was generally believed that songbirds lack a well-developed sense of smell. This belief was recently revised by several studies showing that various bird species, including passerines, use olfaction in many respects of life. During courtship and nest building, male European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) incorporate aromatic herbs that are rich in volatile compounds (e.g., milfoil, Achillea millefolium) into the nests and they use olfactory cues to identify these plants. Interestingly, European starlings show seasonal differences in their ability to respond to odour cues: odour sensitivity peaks during nest-building in the spring, but is almost non-existent during the non-breeding season.

Methodology/Principal Findings

This study used repeated in vivo Manganese-enhanced MRI to quantify for the first time possible seasonal changes in the anatomy and activity of the OB in starling brains. We demonstrated that the OB of the starling exhibits a functional seasonal plasticity of certain plant odour specificity and that the OB is only able to detect milfoil odour during the breeding season. Volumetric analysis showed that this seasonal change in activity is not linked to a change in OB volume. By subsequently experimentally elevating testosterone (T) in half of the males during the non-breeding season we showed that the OB volume was increased compared to controls.


By investigating the neural substrate of seasonal olfactory sensitivity changes we show that the starlings'' OB loses its ability during the non-breeding season to detect a natural odour of a plant preferred as green nest material by male starlings. We found that testosterone, applied during the non-breeding season, does not restore the discriminatory ability of the OB but has an influence on its size.  相似文献   

The metaphorisation of sight and hearing, the objective senses, dominate the founding ideas, or philosophemes, of Western philosophy. The senses of taste and smell are of little relevance in the formation of conceptual knowledge or in classificatory systems; they are, by virtue of their dissolving objects, incapable of giving objective knowledge in Western metaphysics. Derrida and Ulmer developed a metaphorology that exploits the chemical basis of the subjective senses of taste and smell. The anthropology of the senses takes this questioning of metaphysics into issues of how olfaction and taste function in sociality. In the routine practices of everyday life, is olfaction able to create the sense of community that it does in rituals? Or, has the repression of smell in humanity's evolution towards ‘civilisation’ muted the connective ability of multiple odour particles? In a culture and metaphysics that presumes the separability of the self from the other and the self from the object, is there a place for senses that make a nonsense of separation and objectivity through their state of meaningful dissolution? Through philosophy's metaphorisation, has taste been stripped of its sensuousness and made a sense for aesthetics and not flavours and textures? In a metaphorics premised in judgement and discernment, can taste be a sense that founds sociality? In blurring the boundaries between self and other that are necessary to form and maintain the distinction, the dissolvability of smell and taste makes another metaphorics and other socialities possible. Of all the senses, that of smell—which is attracted without objectifying—bears clearest witness to the urge to lose oneself in and become the ‘other’. As perception and the perceived—both are united—smell is more expressive than the other senses (Horkheimer and Adorno 1979:184).  相似文献   

The first step of olfactory detection involves interactions between odorant molecules and neuronal protein receptors. Odour coding results from the combinatory activation of a set of receptors and rests on their clonal expression and olfactory neurone connexion, which lead to formation of a specific sensory map in the cortex. This system, sufficient to discriminate myriads of odorants with a mere 350 different receptors, allows humans to smell molecules that are not natural (new cooking flavours, synthetic chemicals...). The extreme olfactory genome diversity explains the absence of odour semantics. Olfactory receptors are also involved in cellular chemotaxis.  相似文献   



Latent toxoplasmosis, a lifelong infection with the protozoan Toxoplasma gondii, has cumulative effects on the behaviour of hosts, including humans. The most impressive effect of toxoplasmosis is the “fatal attraction phenomenon,” the conversion of innate fear of cat odour into attraction to cat odour in infected rodents. While most behavioural effects of toxoplasmosis were confirmed also in humans, neither the fatal attraction phenomenon nor any toxoplasmosis-associated changes in olfactory functions have been searched for in them.

Principal Findings

Thirty-four Toxoplasma-infected and 134 noninfected students rated the odour of urine samples from cat, horse, tiger, brown hyena and dog for intensity and pleasantness. The raters were blind to their infection status and identity of the samples. No signs of changed sensitivity of olfaction were observed. However, we found a strong, gender dependent effect of toxoplasmosis on the pleasantness attributed to cat urine odour (p = 0.0025). Infected men rated this odour as more pleasant than did the noninfected men, while infected women rated the same odour as less pleasant than did noninfected women. Toxoplasmosis did not affect how subjects rated the pleasantness of any other animal species'' urine odour; however, a non-significant trend in the same directions was observed for hyena urine.


The absence of the effects of toxoplasmosis on the odour pleasantness score attributed to large cats would suggest that the amino acid felinine could be responsible for the fatal attraction phenomenon. Our results also raise the possibility that the odour-specific threshold deficits observed in schizophrenia patients could be caused by increased prevalence of Toxoplasma-infected subjects in this population rather than by schizophrenia itself. The trend observed with the hyena urine sample suggests that this carnivore, and other representatives of the Feliformia suborder, should be studied for their possible role as definitive hosts in the life cycle of Toxoplasma.  相似文献   

E T Rolls 《Chemical senses》2001,26(5):595-604
Approximately 35% of neurons in the orbitofrontal cortex taste and olfactory areas with olfactory responses provide a representation of odour that depends on the taste with which the odour has been associated previously. This representation is produced by a slowly acting learning mechanism that learns associations between odour and taste. Other neurons in the orbitofrontal cortex respond to both the odour and to the mouth feel of fat. The representation of odour thus moves for at least some neurons in the orbitofrontal cortex beyond the domain of physico-chemical properties of the odours to a domain where the ingestion-related significance of the odour determines the representation provided. Olfactory neurons in the primate orbitofrontal cortex decrease their responses to a food eaten to satiety, but remain responsive to other foods, thus contributing to a mechanism for olfactory sensory-specific satiety. It has been shown in neuroimaging studies that the human orbitofrontal cortex provides a representation of the pleasantness of odour, in that the activation produced by the odour of a food eaten to satiety decreases relative to another food-related odour not eaten in the meal. In the same general area there is a representation of the pleasantness of the smell, taste and texture of a whole food, in that activation in this area decreases to a food eaten to satiety, but not to a food that has not been eaten in the meal.  相似文献   

The understanding of physiological and molecular processes underlying the sense of smell has made considerable progress during the past three decades, revealing the cascade of molecular steps that lead to the activation of olfactory receptor (OR) neurons. However, the mode of primary interaction of odorant molecules with the OR proteins within the sensory cells is still enigmatic. Two different concepts try to explain these interactions: the ‘odotope hypothesis’ suggests that OR proteins recognize structural aspects of the odorant molecule, whereas the ‘vibration hypothesis’ proposes that intra-molecular vibrations are the basis for the recognition of the odorant by the receptor protein. The vibration hypothesis predicts that OR proteins should be able to discriminate compounds containing deuterium from their common counterparts which contain hydrogen instead of deuterium. This study tests this prediction in honeybees (Apis mellifera) using the proboscis extension reflex learning in a differential conditioning paradigm. Rewarding one odour (e.g. a deuterated compound) with sucrose and not rewarding the respective analogue (e.g. hydrogen-based odorant) shows that honeybees readily learn to discriminate hydrogen-based odorants from their deuterated counterparts and supports the idea that intra-molecular vibrations may contribute to odour discrimination.  相似文献   

Olfaction is a common sensory mode of communication in much of the Vertebrata, although its use by adult frogs remains poorly studied. Being part of an open signalling system, odour cues can be exploited by 'eavesdropping' predators that hunt by smell, making association with odour a high-risk behaviour for prey. Here, we show that adult great barred frogs (Mixophes fasciolatus) are highly attracted to odour cues of conspecifics and those of sympatric striped marsh frogs (Limnodynastes peronii). This attraction decreased significantly with the addition of odours of a scent-hunting predator, the red-bellied black snake (Pseudechis porphyriacus), indicating that frogs perceived predation risks from associating with frog odours. Male frogs, however, maintained some attraction to unfamiliar conspecific scents even with predator odours present, suggesting that they perceived benefits of odour communication despite the risk. Our results indicate that adult frogs can identify species and individuals from their odours and assess the associated predation risk, revealing a complexity in olfactory communication previously unknown in adult anurans.  相似文献   

The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is an immunologically important group of genes that appears to be under natural as well as sexual selection. Several hypotheses suggest that certain MHC-allele combinations (usually heterozygous ones) are superior under selective pressure by pathogens. This could influence mate choice in a way that preferences function to create MHC-heterozygous offspring, or that they function to create specific allele combinations that are beneficial under the current environmental conditions through their complementary or epistatic effects. To test these hypotheses, we asked 121 men and women to score the odours of six T-shirts, worn by two women and four men. Their scorings of pleasantness correlated negatively with the degree of MHC similarity between smeller and T-shirt-wearer in men and women who were not using the contraceptive pill (but not in Pill-users). Depending on the T-shirt-wearer, the amount of variance in the scorings of odour pleasantness that was explained by the degree of MHC similarity (r2) varied between nearly 0 and 23%. There was no apparent effect of gender in this correlation: the highest r2 was actually reached with one of the male odours sniffed by male smellers. Men and women who were reminded of their own mate/ex-mate when sniffing a T-shirt had significantly fewer MHC-alleles in common with this T-shirt-wearer than expected by chance. This suggests that the MHC or linked genes influence human mate choice. We found no significant effect when we tested for an influence of the MHC on odour preferences after the degree of similarity between T-shirt-wearer and smeller was statistically controlled for. This suggests that in our study populations the MHC influences body odour preferences mainly, if not exclusively, by the degree of similarity or dissimilarity. The observed preferences would increase heterozygosity in the progeny. They do not seem to aim for more specific MHC combinations.  相似文献   

The present study was initiated to gain insight into the way in which tsetse flies ( Glossina spp.) sense odours at different locations in odour plumes in both an open field and a wooded area.
We recorded the antennal responses (EAGs) from stationary living female G. pallidipes 15 m upwind and at various (60, 40, 20, 10, 5 and 1 m) distances downwind from a synthetic host odour source (containing 1-octen-3-ol, acetone and two phenols), in the natural habitat of the fly (Zimbabwe) using a portable electrophysiological device. Experiments were performed in a flat open area (an airstrip) and in riverine woodland. Differences between responses in different environments were determined by comparing various parameters of the EAGs (intermittency, frequency, amplitude, duration and rate of depolarization).
We found that a fly senses odours as puffs that, further downwind, contain less odour and pass less frequently. In an open field downwind from the source, tsetse perceive more olfactory information than upwind for only 10–20 m, whereas in woodland, olfactory responses remain higher and more frequent than upwind up to at least 60 m. In an open field, olfactory information rapidly increases when approaching the odour source from 20 m and in woodland from 5 m onwards.
It is proposed that averaging odour information over time may be of minor importance in long-range location of odour sources. The results suggest that tsetse may smell odour-baited targets from at least 60 m downwind and that the number of flies responding to and being caught by these baits may be higher in woodland than in an open field.  相似文献   

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