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The karyological analysis of Tunisian populations of house mice revealed the existence of a Robertsonian (Rb) chromosomal race carrying nine pairs of metacentric chromosomes in central Tunisia. Divergence estimates showed that they are genetically differentiated from local all-acrocentric populations and have a reduced level of genic variability. The Rb populations are restricted to urban habitats, whereas all-acrocentric populations occur in rural areas. Contact zones between these two types of habitat yield chromosomally polymorphic populations. Analysis of gene flow indicates that it is reduced and limited to populations bordering the contact areas. The reduced genic variability and patchy distribution exhibited by the Tunisian Rb mice do not agree with results from previous studies of the European Rb populations. Two hypotheses are presented to account for this discrepancy based on local differentiation versus introduction of the Tunisian Rb race.  相似文献   

Mice with Robertsonian (Rb) translocations have been discovered in some 45 populations in Europe. In Belgium, we have observed either Rb(4.12) in a heterozygous or homozygous state (2 n = 39 and 38 respectively), or Rb(4.12) homozygous with a heterozygous Rb(5.10), or both fusions in a homozygous state (2 n = 37 and 36, respectively). Some locations are highly polymorphic and hétérozygotes are found frequently. These observations suggest that the Rb population in Belgium could be of recent origin and probably is the result of introgression from Alsace (France) or Germany.  相似文献   

The central coastal region of Tunisia harbours two chromosomal races of the house mouse (2 n  = 22, 22Rb; 2 n  = 40, 40Std), which are genetically differentiated and show a high level of reproductive isolation. This study presents an allozyme analysis of house mice from the inland city of Kairouan 75 km from the coastal region. Results showed that the 22Rb and 40Std mice from Kairouan shared the same high degree of variability, and were not genetically differentiated. This contrasts with the genetic data registered for the two chromosomal races from the coastal towns, in which a particularly low genic diversity was observed in the 22Rb populations. As the two races in Kairouan show the same low hybridization rates as the populations in the coastal region, these results argue in favour of a local differentiation of the Rb race in Tunisia, most likely originating in Kairouan. The data further suggest that the decrease in variability observed in the coastal 22Rb populations is related to a founder effect or a bottleneck following the introduction of mice from Kairouan into one of these localities, prior to their dispersion throughout the coastal region.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 84 , 515–521.  相似文献   

Robertsonian (Rb) translocation is the largest source of chromosomal diversity in the western European house mouse (Mus musculus domesticus). Recently, the fusion Rb(7.17) was found in the chromosomal polymorphic zone of this subspecies in the north-east of the Iberian Peninsula. This fusion has not been reported in any other European population. Here we give data on the distribution and frequency of this mutation in this region. Results revealed that Rb(7.17) is restricted to a small geographic area, and that, in comparison with other fusions in this polymorphic zone, it occurs at low frequencies. We suggest some possible explanations for the distribution of this translocation.  相似文献   

Many different chromosomal races with reduced chromosome number due to the presence of Robertsonian fusion metacentrics have been described in western Europe and northern Africa, within the distribution area of the western house mouse Mus musculus domesticus. This subspecies of house mouse has become the ideal model for studies to elucidate the processes of chromosome mutation and fixation that lead to the formation of chromosomal races and for studies on the impact of chromosome heterozygosities on reproductive isolation and speciation. In this review, we briefly describe the history of the discovery of the first and subsequent metacentric races in house mice; then, we focus on the molecular composition of the centromeric regions involved in chromosome fusion to examine the molecular characteristics that may explain the great variability of the karyotype that house mice show. The influence that metacentrics exert on the nuclear architecture of the male meiocytes and the consequences on meiotic progression are described to illustrate the impact that chromosomal heterozygosities exert on fertility of house mice—of relevance to reproductive isolation and speciation. The evolutionary significance of the Robertsonian phenomenon in the house mouse is discussed in the final section of this review.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relation between chromosomal and nuclear-gene divergence in 28 wild populations of the house mouse semi-species, Mus musculus domesticus, in Western Europe and North Africa. Besides describing the karyotypes of 15 of these populations and comparing them to those of 13 populations for which such information was already known, it reports the results of an electrophoretic survey of proteins encoded by 34 nuclear loci in all 28 populations. Karyotypic variation in this taxon involves only centric (or Robertsonian) fusions which often differ in arm combination and number between chromosomal races. The electrophoretic analysis showed that the amount of genic variation within Robertsonian (Rb) populations was similar to that for all-acrocentric populations, i.e. bearing the standard karyotype. Moreover, divergence between the two types of populations was extremely low. These results imply that centric fusions in mice have not modified either the level or the nature of genic variability. The genetic similarity between Rb and all-acrocentric populations is not attributed to the persistence of gene flow, since multiple fusions cause marked reproductive isolation. Rather, we attribute this extreme similarity to the very recent origin of chromosomal races in Europe. Furthermore, genic diversity measures suggest that geographically separated Rb populations have in situ and independent origins. Thus, Rb translocations are probably not unique events, but originated repeatedly. Two models are presented to explain how the rapid fixation of a series of chromosomal rearrangements can occur in a population without lowering variability in the nuclear genes. The first model assumes that chromosomal mutation rates are between 10(-3) and 10(-4) and that populations underwent a series of transient bottlenecks in which the effective population size did not fall below 35. In the second model, genic variability is restored following severe bottlenecks, through gene flow and recombination.  相似文献   

Chromosomal rearrangements such as Robertsonian (Rb) fusions constitute a major phenomenon in the evolution of genome organization in a wide range of organisms. Although proximate mechanisms for the formation of Rb fusion are now well identified, the evolutionary forces that drive chromosomal evolution remain poorly understood. In the house mouse, numerous chromosomal races occur in nature, each defined by a unique combination of Rb fusions. Among the 106 different Rb fusions that were reported from natural populations, the low involvement of chromosome 19 in Rb fusions is striking, prompting the question of the randomness of chromosomal involvement in Rb fusions. We uncover a significant quadratic relationship between chromosome size and probability of fusing, which has never previously been in this species. It appears that fusions involving chromosome 19 are not particularly infrequent, given the expected low fusion probability associated with the chromosome's size. The results are discussed, assessing selective processes or constraints that may operate on chromosome size.  相似文献   

This work aims to give the first comprehensive morphometric analysis of intraspecific variation for the different populations of the western house mouse (Mus musculus domesticus), in the Robertsonian (Rb) system of the N-NW Peloponnisos. Furthermore, we study all-acrocentric karyotype populations (2n = 40) of the species coming from several localities of Greece. We apply 2D shape analysis, i.e. landmark analysis and Elliptic Fourier Analysis, on the dorsal and ventral side of skull and the occlusal view of the first upper molar (M1), respectively. Although significant genetic divergence between typical and Rb populations and even ongoing speciation processes have been reported for this species, this was not the case for the Greek populations studied. However, our analyses herein reveal morphologically differentiated chromosome groups in N-NW Peloponnisos Rb system and a clear geographical discrimination of the all-acrocentric (2n = 40) populations for all characters studied. We suggest that in all-acrocentric (2n = 40) karyotype mice the geographical distance drives their differentiation while within the Rb system of N-NW Peloponnisos, karyotype is the key factor that acts on their phenotypic variation.  相似文献   

The pericentromeric heterochromatin of meiotic trivalents formed by the Robertsonian (Rb) chromosomes and the two homologous acrocentrics in the house mouse was evaluated by static cytophotometry after selective staining. To reveal pericentromeric heterochromatin specifically, C-banding Giemsa and Hoechst 33258 stains were utilized. Five different Rb chromosomes were investigated and none of them possessed less pericentromeric heterochromatin than the sum of the two homologous acrocentrics. Moreover the total A-T (DAPI) and DNA (PI) content was quantitatively evaluated, by flow cytometry, in G0/G1 nuclei belonging to four different Rb mouse populations, karyotypically characterized by the presence of up to nine Rb chromosomes. Again there were no significant difference, of DAPI and PI content, in the Rb populations nor between any of them and the NMRI/HAN strain with forty aerocentric chromosomes. We conclude that the main consequence of Robertsonian processes (i.e. the rapid variation of the karyotype structure) does not imply detectable quantitative variation in the genome portion involved in the Rb process. We also discuss the possibility that the high rate of Rb exchange in the house mouse could be favoured by the simultaneous effects of undetectable losses of chromosomal material, high repetitiveness of the DNA involved, the presence of the same major type of satellite DNA over each chromosome and the all acrocentric constitution of the karyotype.  相似文献   

New Robertsonian (Rb) populations of the house mouse (Mus musculus domesticus) carrying different combinations of centric fusions are reported in France, Switzerland, and Germany. In Alsace (France), the diploid number varied from 2n = 38 to 34; four fusions were present, with Rb(4.12) homozygous in all populations whereas Rb(5.10), Rb(5.7), or Rb(10.14) were found to be segregating. In Switzerland, only all-acrocentric mice (2n = 40) were present in Bern while Rb(5.7) and Rb(9.16) occurred in Basel. In the Konstanz locality from southern Germany, all the mice were homozygous for nine Rb fusions: Rb(1.18), Rb(2.5), Rb(3.6), Rb(4.12), Rb(7.15), Rb(8.17), Rb(9.14), Rb(10.11), and Rb(13.16). The phylogenetic relationship of these new Rb populations with those already known is discussed.  相似文献   

Variation in aggressiveness in house mouse populations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Clearly the ability of 'house mice' to vary their social structures is an important feature contributing to their success in a wide range of habitats. Social structure is strongly influenced by aggressiveness and other behaviours in male and female mice. Material is presented illustrating how genotype, intrauterine location and social experiences influence dyadic encounters in this 'species'.  相似文献   

Sperm morphology reflects a long process of adaptation to external conditions and the barriers encountered before ova fertilization can take place; however, not all morphological variation found in gametes can be explained by the effects of these selective forces, as the genetic component may also contribute to the establishment of different gametic features. In north‐eastern Spain, there is a wide Robertsonian system of Mus musculus domesticus, where individuals with 2n ranging from 27 to 40 chromosomes have been described. To elucidate the effect of the karyotype on sperm head form, a comparative analysis between different chromosomal groups of mice from this zone was carried out. Sperm heads from eight St (2n = 40) and 24 Rb (2n = 30–39) males were processed for scanning electron microscopy and analysed using geometric morphometric techniques. Canonical variate analyses showed substantial shape differences between St and Rb mice in the ventral spur region and between Rb groups in the post‐acrosomal region. Significant differences in sperm head size were also detected between chromosomal groups. Structural disorders related to spermatogenesis, genetic alterations, and epistatic interactions among loci are probably involved in the relationship between the phenotypic variation of the sperm head and Rb translocations. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 110 , 878–889.  相似文献   

Fluctuating asymmetry (FA) levels were assessed within the Barcelona Robertsonian polymorphic zone of Mus musculus domesticus as a measure of developmental instability (DI). This zone is characterized by populations with a reduced diploid number (2n = 27–39) surrounded by others with standard karyotype (2n = 40). Mice were distributed into four classes according to mean diploid number at each collecting site, and differences in their FA levels were studied. Three different FA indices were calculated on interlandmark distances from two major morphogenetic units of the mandible: the teeth and muscular areas. Three kinds of analysis were performed: trait‐by‐trait, considering the two regions separately and pooling all traits. In univariate analyses few differences were detected between classes. Nevertheless, when characters were pooled, differences in FA values were found between one Robertsonian group and standard mice, and between several Robertsonian classes. Teeth area traits showed higher FA levels in Rb I mice, i.e. those geographically close to the standard populations. However, FA levels decreased in more introgressed Robertsonian groups and showed significant differences with Rb I. Muscular area traits showed lower DI levels in the Robertsonian mice, especially those with an intermediate mean diploid number (Rb II). When all traits were pooled, FA levels increased in Rb I, whilst the other Robertsonian groups showed similar, or even lower, FA values to those of the standard mice. The higher FA levels found in Rb I suggest an increase in the disruption of genetic coadaptation. Furthermore, in Rb I the presence of metacentrics is more recent than in more introgressed populations; we therefore suggest that Rb I have had less time to restore genetic coadaptation. In addition, the teeth region of the mandible seems to be more sensitive to genomic stress than the muscular region. In the light of these results we suggest that hybrids should be separated into groups and that mandible morphogenetic units be differentiated when using FA in hybrid zones to analyse DI.  相似文献   

The Western European house mouse, Mus musculus domesticus, is well‐known for the high frequency of Robertsonian fusions that have rapidly produced more than 50 karyotipic races, making it an ideal model for studying the mechanisms of chromosomal speciation. The mouse mandible is one of the traits studied most intensively to investigate the effect of Robertsonian fusions on phenotypic variation within and between populations. This complex bone structure has also been widely used to study the level of integration between different morphogenetic units. Here, with the aim of testing the effect of different karyotypic assets on the morphology of the mouse mandible and on its level of modularity, we performed morphometric analyses of mice from a contact area between two highly metacentric races in Central Italy. We found no difference in size, while the mandible shape was found to be different between the two Robertsonian races, even after accounting for the genetic relationships among individuals and geographic proximity. Our results support the existence of two modules that indicate a certain degree of evolutionary independence, but no difference in the strength of modularity between chromosomal races. Moreover, the ascending ramus showed more pronounced interpopulation/race phenotypic differences than the alveolar region, an effect that could be associated to their different polygenic architecture. This study suggests that chromosomal rearrangements play a role in the house mouse phenotypic divergence, and that the two modules of the mouse mandible are differentially affected by environmental factors and genetic makeup.  相似文献   

House mice (Mus domesticus) in the Victorian mallee region of southeastern Australia show irregular outbreaks. Changes in reproductive output that could potentially drive changes in mouse numbers were assessed from 1982 to 2000. Litter size in females is positively correlated with body size. When standardized to an average size female, litter size changes seasonally from highest in spring to lowest in autumn and winter. Litter size is depressed throughout breeding seasons that begin when the abundance of mice is high, but is similar in breeding seasons over which the abundance of mice increases rapidly or remains low. Breeding begins early and is extended on average by about five weeks during seasons when mouse abundance increases rapidly. The size at which females begin to reproduce is larger during breeding seasons that begin when mouse abundance is high. An extended breeding season that begins early in spring is necessary for the generation of a house mouse plague, but it is not in itself sufficient. Reproductive changes in outbreaks of house mice in Australia are similar but not identical to reproductive changes that accompany rodent population increases in the Northern Hemisphere. We conclude that food quality, particularly protein, is a probable mechanism driving these reproductive changes, but experimental evidence for field populations is conflicting.  相似文献   

Robertsonian metacentrics in the mouse   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:21  
A survey is given on the occurrence, the geographic origin and the arm composition of 27 Robertsonian fusion metacentric chromosomes of wild populations of the mouse. Their study is of twofold interest: a) it is possible to introduce these naturally occurring metacentrics in laboratory strains for experimental use. At present, altogether 34 metacentric chromosomes of different composition are available including 7 cases of metacentrics known from laboratory strains of the mouse. b) With the search for metacentrics in the mouse and with their identification insights are permitted in the role of Robertsonian changes in the course of mammalian evolution — Several separate populations of the mouse with different sets of multiple (up to 9) metacentrics have been found in Switzerland and Italy. Some of the individual metacentrics may occur in different populations. The participation of an acrocentric autosome in the formation of metacentrics seem to be at random, but the sex chromosomes are never included in a metacentric. — Homology of the arms involved in metacentrics is conserved, so that in meiosis of interpopulation hybrids long chains or rings are observed. They may include up to 16 metacentrics arranged according to the alternating homologies of their arms. — Reduction of fertility of single or multiple metacentric heterozygotes and of the interpopulation hybrids is due to mechanisms of segregational imbalance and subsequent prenatal elimination of fetal offspring, but it follows also the pattern of male limited hybrid sterility. — From an evolutionary view point, karyotype rearrangements of Robertsonian type may initiate reproductive isolation, which prepares the ground for further genetic diversification and, as in the case of the mouse, of incipient speciation.  相似文献   

Robertsonian karyotype variation in wild house mice from Rhaeto-Lombardia   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The European longtailed house mouse (M. m. brevirostris and domesticus) in the Rhaetian Alps and Lombardia presents a complex system of Robertsonian (Rb) variation and karyotype diversity, several adjoining populations homozygous for multiple Rb metacentric chromosomes, sites of coexistence of different Rb types, and zones of hybridization with non-Rb populations. The original "tobacco mouse" is just one of many local Rb variants, such as those from other Alpine areas (e.g., Orobian Alps) or from Central Lombardia, where a relatively large region within which the population is homogeneous for multi-Rb metacentrics is found. The present study is based strictly on material in which the chromosome arms were identified by G-banding, so that karyotypes within the areas under investigation could be compared. Altogether 111 mice were studied.  相似文献   

The Robertsonian phenomenon in house mice (Mus musculus domesticus) from Tunisia consists in the presence of only one 22-chromosome Robertsonian race (22Rb) carrying the maximum number of fusions observed until now. The 22Rb populations exclusively occupy urban centers in the Eastern-Central region of Tunisia where standard population with 40-all acrocentric chromosomes (40Std) occur in surrounding neighborhoods and rural environments. In addition to the habitat partition, allozyme and mitochondrial DNA analyses showed that the 22Rb populations were genetically differentiated from the 40Std ones. This differentiation mostly stemmed from an important decrease in genetic variability in the 22Rb populations from the Sahel towns. The extent of morphological, ecological and genetical divergence observed between these chromosomal races in Tunisia is in agreement with the predictions of the chromosomal speciation model of White which advocates that karyotypic differentiation between taxa can lead to their reproductive isolation and independent evolution. Such a process is verified if the Rb process in Tunisia results from local differentiation which is supported by both the genetic and morphological data. However, the hypothesis of an origin by introduction of these mice from another region of Tunisia or from another country cannot be totally dismissed. In this study, an allozymic analysis of mice (22Rb and 40Std) from the geographically distant city of Kairouan was performed. Results showed that 22Rb and 40Std mice from Kairouan shared the same high degree of variability, and were not genetically differentiated. This contrasts with the results registered in the two chromosomal races in the Sahel towns. Such data argue in favor of a local differentiation of the Robertsonian process in Tunisia and suggest that the decrease in variability of the structural nuclear genes in the Sahel 22Rb populations can be related to an introduction from Kairouan into a Sahel locality resulting in a founder effect or followed by a severe bottleneck prior to its dispersion throughout the Sahel region.  相似文献   

Mate choice is the outcome of sexual preference for partnerscarrying specific signals. Thus, mating among conspecifics(homogamy) depends on the occurrence of species recognitionsystems. We asked what happens if populations diverge, andwe investigated female sexual preference between two subspeciesof the house mouse in populations from the borders of a hybridzone (Jutland, Denmark). We used choice tests to analyze theoccurrence of recognition signals and to locate these signalsin soiled bedding and urine. Our results show that populationsof the two subspecies can be discriminated on the basis ofurinary signals, suggesting that the latter have diverged. Additionally, these signals seem to have similar features inpopulations of different geographical origins, suggesting thatsubspecific differentiation occurs. This is the first demonstrationthat subspecific recognition through urinary signals occursin the house mouse. However, while Mus musculus domesticusdoes not display a preference, we show that Mus musculus musculusfemales tend to mate with males of the same subspecies. We discuss the different factors that could explain these discrepanciesbetween females of the two taxa: differences in signal perception,evolution at a different pace, or evolution under differentselective pressures in their area of contact. Further, we proposethat the divergence in male signal was at least partly initiatedin allopatry and discuss different evolutionary scenario thatmay explain the patterns observed in Denmark and their relevance to isolation between the two taxa.  相似文献   

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