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Scleractinian coral populations are increasingly exposed to conditions above their upper thermal limits due to marine heatwaves, contributing to global declines of coral reef ecosystem health. However, historic mass bleaching events indicate there is considerable inter- and intra-specific variation in thermal tolerance whereby species, individual coral colonies and populations show differential susceptibility to exposure to elevated temperatures. Despite this, we lack a clear understanding of how heat tolerance varies across large contemporary and historical environmental gradients, or the selective pressures that underpin this variation. Here we conducted standardised acute heat stress experiments to identify variation in heat tolerance among species and isolated reefs spanning a large environmental gradient across the Coral Sea Marine Park. We quantified the photochemical yield (Fv/Fm) of coral samples in three coral species, Acropora cf humilis, Pocillopora meandrina, and Pocillopora verrucosa, following exposure to four temperature treatments (local ambient temperatures, and + 3°C, +6°C and + 9°C above local maximum monthly mean). We quantified the temperature at which Fv/Fm decreased by 50% (termed ED50) and used derived values to directly compare acute heat tolerance across reefs and species. The ED50 for Acropora was 0.4–0.7°C lower than either Pocillopora species, with a 0.3°C difference between the two Pocillopora species. We also recorded 0.9°C to 1.9°C phenotypic variation in heat tolerance among reefs within species, indicating spatial heterogeneity in heat tolerance across broad environmental gradients. Acute heat tolerance had a strong positive relationship to mild heatwave exposure over the past 35 years (since 1986) but was negatively related to recent severe heatwaves (2016–2020). Phenotypic variation associated with mild thermal history in local environments provides supportive evidence that marine heatwaves are selecting for tolerant individuals and populations; however, this adaptive potential may be compromised by the exposure to recent severe heatwaves.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity may play an analogous role to species diversity, as it can contribute to ecosystem function and stability, and provision of ecosystem services. In the Baltic Sea, perennial algal beds are often comprised of only Fucus vesiculosus and the amount of genetic variation in fitness‐related traits (i.e., the ability of the alga to photosynthesize or withstand stress) will thus determine the alga's local persistence in a changing environment. To study genetic variation in the crucial traits behind persistence we grew replicate vegetative branches that came from the same genotype in common gardens. We quantified osmotic stress tolerance and recovery responses by exposing branches to desiccation, freezing, and hyposalinity regimens. Our results show that genetic variation among genotypes was apparent for some photosynthetic parameters (maximal electron transport rate, saturation irradiance for electron transport, nonphotochemical quenching) and growth. Algae tolerated freezing (1,440 min at ?2.5°C) and hyposalinity (1,560 min at 2.5) well, but did not recover from desiccation (70 min at 12°C, causing ~94% water loss). Furthermore, we found very little if any evidence on genetic variation in tolerance to these stressors. Our results suggest that low salinity and cold winters in the northern marginal populations selected for hyposalinity and freezing tolerant genotypes, possibly eroding genetic variation in tolerance, but that tolerance to harsh desiccation has been lost, likely due to relaxed selection. The overall availability of genetic variation in fitness related traits might be supportive for F. vesiculosus during adaptation to gradual changes of its environment.  相似文献   

Climate change will not only shift environmental means but will also increase the intensity of extreme events, exerting additional stress on ecosystems. While field observations on the ecological consequences of heat waves are emerging, experimental evidence is rare, and lacking at the community level. Using a novel “near‐natural” outdoor mesocosms approach, this study tested whether marine summer heat waves have detrimental consequences for macrofauna of a temperate coastal community, and whether sequential heat waves provoke an increase or decrease of sensitivity to thermal stress. Three treatments were applied, defined and characterized through a statistical analysis of 15 years of temperature records from the experimental site: (1) no heat wave, (2) two heat waves in June and July followed by a summer heat wave in August and (3) the summer heat wave only. Overall, 50% of the species showed positive, negative or positive/negative responses in either abundance and/or biomass. We highlight four possible ways in which single species responded to either three subsequent heat waves or one summer heat wave: (1) absence of a response (tolerance, 50% of species), (2) negative accumulative effects by three subsequent heat waves (tellinid bivalve), (3) buffering by proceeding heat waves due to acclimation and/or shifts in phenology (spionid polychaete) and (4) an accumulative positive effect by subsequent heat waves (amphipod). The differential responses to single or sequential heat waves at the species level entailed shifts at the community level. Community‐level differences between single and triple heat waves were more pronounced than those between regimes with vs. without heat waves. Detritivory was reduced by the single heat wave while suspension feeding was less common in the triple heat wave regime. Critical extreme events occur already today and will occur more frequently in a changing climate, thus, leading to detrimental impacts on coastal marine systems.  相似文献   

Downy mildew, caused by the oomycete pathogen Peronospora belbahrii, is a devastating foliar disease of basil in the United States and worldwide. Currently there are very few chemistries or organic choices registered to control this disease. In this study, two systemic acquired resistance (SAR) inducers, acibenzolar‐S‐methyl (ASM) and β‐aminobutyric acid (BABA), were evaluated for their in vitro effects on the pathogen, for their potential to control basil downy mildew in greenhouses, and for changes in peroxidase activity in basil plants treated with these two SAR inducers. No significant inhibition of sporangial germination was detected in water agar amended with ASM at concentrations lower than 100 mg/l or with BABA at concentrations lower than 500 mg/l. Efficacy of ASM and BABA in greenhouses varied depending on the rate, method and timing of application. The area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) of disease severity was significantly reduced compared to the non‐treated control when ASM was sprayed (in all experiments) or drenched (in one out of two experiments) pre‐, or pre‐ + post‐inoculation at rates of 25–400 mg/l. Three weekly post‐inoculation sprays of ASM at the rate of 50 mg/l reduced AUDPC by 93.0 and 47.2% when started 3 and 7 days after inoculation (DAI), respectively. The AUDPC of disease severity was also significantly reduced when BABA was sprayed pre‐ + post‐inoculation at rates of 125–500 mg/l. According to the prediction using a log‐logistic function, 50% maximum disease protection was achieved at a concentration of 27.5 mg/l of ASM. Basil plants treated with these two SAR inducers and challenged with the pathogen showed significantly higher peroxidase activity than the non‐treated control at 8 DAI. Temporally, the highest activity of peroxidase was detected at 8 DAI, decreased at 15 DAI and waned further at 23 DAI.  相似文献   

Populations of widespread marine organisms are typically characterized by a low degree of genetic differentiation in neutral genetic markers, but much less is known about differentiation in genes whose functional roles are associated with specific selection regimes. To uncover possible adaptive population divergence and heterogeneous genomic differentiation in marine three‐spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus), we used a candidate gene‐based genome‐scan approach to analyse variability in 138 microsatellite loci located within/close to (<6 kb) functionally important genes in samples collected from ten geographic locations. The degree of genetic differentiation in markers classified as neutral or under balancing selection—as determined with several outlier detection methods—was low (FST = 0.033 or 0.011, respectively), whereas average FST for directionally selected markers was significantly higher (FST = 0.097). Clustering analyses provided support for genomic and geographic heterogeneity in selection: six genetic clusters were identified based on allele frequency differences in the directionally selected loci, whereas four were identified with the neutral loci. Allelic variation in several loci exhibited significant associations with environmental variables, supporting the conjecture that temperature and salinity, but not optic conditions, are important drivers of adaptive divergence among populations. In general, these results suggest that in spite of the high degree of physical connectivity and gene flow as inferred from neutral marker genes, marine stickleback populations are strongly genetically structured in loci associated with functionally relevant genes.  相似文献   

In the course of the ongoing global intensification and diversification of human pressures, the study of variation patterns of biological traits along environmental gradients can provide relevant information on the performance of species under shifting conditions. The pronounced salinity gradient, co‐occurrence of multiple stressors, and accelerated rates of change make the Baltic Sea and its transition to North Sea a suitable region for this type of study. Focusing on the bladderwrack Fucus vesiculosus, one of the main foundation species on hard‐bottoms of the Baltic Sea, we analyzed the phenotypic variation among populations occurring along 2,000 km of coasts subjected to salinities from 4 to >30 and a variety of other stressors. Morphological and biochemical traits, including palatability for grazers, were recorded at 20 stations along the Baltic Sea and four stations in the North Sea. We evaluated in a common modeling framework the relative contribution of multiple environmental drivers to the observed trait patterns. Salinity was the main and, in some cases, the only environmental driver of the geographic trait variation in F. vesiculosus. The decrease in salinity from North Sea to Baltic Sea stations was accompanied by a decline in thallus size, photosynthetic pigments, and energy storage compounds, and affected the interaction of the alga with herbivores and epibiota. For some traits, drivers that vary locally such as wave exposure, light availability or nutrient enrichment were also important. The strong genetic population structure in this macroalgae might play a role in the generation and maintenance of phenotypic patterns across geographic scales. In light of our results, the desalination process projected for the Baltic Sea could have detrimental impacts on F. vesiculosus in areas close to its tolerance limit, affecting ecosystem functions such as habitat formation, primary production, and food supply.  相似文献   

We investigate the cyst‐theca relationship of Impagidinium caspienense. Through an incubation experiment, we succeeded in examining the motile stage. Additional molecular analysis of single‐cyst PCR (LSU and SSU rDNA) reveal that the cyst is related to the species Gonyaulax baltica Ellegaard et al. ( 2002 ). The ability of this species to belong to two types of cyst‐based genera (spiniferate and impagidinioid) suggests that environmental (particularly salinity) and not genetic factors explain the formation of both morphotypes by G. baltica, which provides evidence for heterospory in this species. The affiliation to G. baltica demonstrates that I. caspienense is not endemic to the Caspian Sea. The phylogenetic position of several other gonyaulacoid species is also documented: Impagidinium pallidum, Ataxiodinium choane, Pyxidinopsis psilata, Spiniferites belerius, and Spiniferites ramosus. The LSU and SSU rDNA based phylogenies suggest that the genera Impagidinium and Spiniferites are not monophyletic, and that P. psilata and A. choane are close to Gonyaulax verior and Gonyaulax polygramma, respectively. In addition, this study accentuates the importance of cyst morphology in the classification of the Gonyaulacales.  相似文献   

The Atlantic killer whale (Orcinus orca) is a top‐level marine predator with a global range, being found in all of Earth's oceans. The potential interaction between killer whales and marine renewable energy projects requires surveillance and monitoring efforts that call for new technologies, with marine radar showing promise in the field. Marine radar images recorded at the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) were used to track a pair of male killer whales undertaking Surface Active Behavior (SAB) with visual observations used as validation. Using a tidal prediction model, the tide‐adjusted, radar‐derived target speeds between SAB events provide estimates of swim speeds averaging 4 m/s and time between SAB events of 30 s. The similarities between the radar signatures of the animals and sea clutter, combined with their low occurrence compared to other imaged phenomena renders automatic detection with this system difficult. However, the combination of opportunistic radar imagery and independent visual observation has allowed the radar signature of one form of killer whale SAB to be documented. It is hoped that with a greater number of validated observations such as these that automated, radar‐based identification and the benefits it will bring to long‐term observations at MRE sites will be possible.  相似文献   

Extreme climatic events can trigger abrupt and often lasting change in ecosystems via the reduction or elimination of foundation (i.e., habitat‐forming) species. However, while the frequency/intensity of extreme events is predicted to increase under climate change, the impact of these events on many foundation species and the ecosystems they support remains poorly understood. Here, we use the iconic seagrass meadows of Shark Bay, Western Australia – a relatively pristine subtropical embayment whose dominant, canopy‐forming seagrass, Amphibolis antarctica, is a temperate species growing near its low‐latitude range limit – as a model system to investigate the impacts of extreme temperatures on ecosystems supported by thermally sensitive foundation species in a changing climate. Following an unprecedented marine heat wave in late summer 2010/11, A. antarctica experienced catastrophic (>90%) dieback in several regions of Shark Bay. Animal‐borne video footage taken from the perspective of resident, seagrass‐associated megafauna (sea turtles) revealed severe habitat degradation after the event compared with a decade earlier. This reduction in habitat quality corresponded with a decline in the health status of largely herbivorous green turtles (Chelonia mydas) in the 2 years following the heat wave, providing evidence of long‐term, community‐level impacts of the event. Based on these findings, and similar examples from diverse ecosystems, we argue that a generalized framework for assessing the vulnerability of ecosystems to abrupt change associated with the loss of foundation species is needed to accurately predict ecosystem trajectories in a changing climate. This includes seagrass meadows, which have received relatively little attention in this context. Novel research and monitoring methods, such as the analysis of habitat and environmental data from animal‐borne video and data‐logging systems, can make an important contribution to this framework.  相似文献   

Zoophytophagous plant bugs feed on plant tissue as a source of water and nutrients, besides feeding on prey. By phytophagy, mirid predators activate plant defense responses through different pathways, resulting, among others, in the release of herbivore‐induced plant volatiles (HIPVs). These compounds could repel herbivores and attract parasitoids and predators, and synthetic versions could potentially be used in biological control. Nevertheless, little is known about the influence of synthetic volatiles on mirid attraction. Using Y‐tube olfactometer trials, we evaluated the responses of Nesidiocoris tenuis (Reuter), Macrolophus pygmaeus (Rambur), and Dicyphus bolivari Lindberg (Hemiptera: Miridae), important natural enemies used to control various greenhouse pests, to 10 synthetic versions of HIPVs released from tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L., Solanaceae) plants induced by N. tenuis and M. pygmaeus. Nesidiocoris tenuis responded to five of the 10 HIPVs, whereas M. pygmaeus and D. bolivari responded to four of the 10 HIPVs. Two green leaf volatiles, (Z)‐3‐hexenyl propanoate and (Z)‐3‐hexenyl acetate, and the ester methyl salicylate (MeSA) were attractive to all three mirid predator species. Our results demonstrate that the volatiles released by tomato plants activated by N. tenuis and M. pygmaeus phytophagy are attractive to their conspecifics and also to D. bolivari. Further studies should evaluate the potential of these compounds to attract predatory mirids in the field.  相似文献   

  • Oxalic acid is widely distributed in biological systems and known to play functional roles in plants. The gene AAE3 was recently identified to encode an oxalyl‐CoA synthetase (OCS) in Arabidopsis that catalyses the conversion of oxalate and CoA into oxalyl‐CoA. It will be particularly important to characterise the homologous gene in rice since rice is not only a monocotyledonous model plant, but also a staple food crop.
  • Various enzymatic and biological methods have been used to characterise the homologous gene.
  • We first defined that AAE3 in the rice genome (OsAAE3) also encodes an OCS enzyme. Its Km for oxalate is 1.73 ± 0.12 mm , and Vm is 6824.9 ± 410.29 U·min?1·mg protein?1. Chemical modification and site‐directed mutagenesis analyses identified thiols as the active site residues for rice OCS catalysis, suggesting that the enzyme might be regulated by redox state. Subcellular localisation assay showed that the enzyme is located in the cytosol and predominantly distributed in leaf epidermal cells. As expected, oxalate levels increased when OCS was suppressed in RNAi transgenic plants. More interestingly, OCS‐suppressed plants were more susceptible to bacterial blight but more resistant to Al toxicity.
  • The results demonstrate that the OsAAE3‐encoded protein also acts as an OCS in rice, and may play different roles in coping with stresses. These molecular, enzymatic and functional data provide first‐hand information to further clarify the function and mechanism of OCS in rice plants.

Guidelines for sustainable tourism involving swimming with large whales are not well‐developed compared to those focused on programs of swimming with delphinids. From September to November 2005 and August to September 2006, we collected behavioral and movement data for southern right whales (Eubalaena australis) exposed to interactions with boats and swimmers at Península Valdés, Argentina. Whales were tracked from shore using a theodolite before, during, and after a series of directed interactions with swimmers and a boat. Resting, socializing, and surface active behavior decreased, traveling increased, and whales swam faster and reoriented more often during interactions. Responses were variable by age/sex class, with mother/calf pairs showing strongest responses. Increased levels of tourism activity are a concern, as reduction in resting time and disruption of socialization among adults, juveniles, and mother/calf pairs have unknown long‐term consequences. Additional data should be collected for whale behavior in proposed tourism and nontourism areas to build a long‐term database which can be used to determine if reactions of whales change over time. Our data suggest that swimming with whales in Chubut Province should not be legalized until further investigations are completed, especially in light of the recent southern right whale die‐offs recorded in Península Valdés.  相似文献   

Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) is the primary vector of Candidatus Liberibacter spp. bacteria that cause citrus greening, a disease of worldwide importance. Olfactometry was employed to test responses of D. citri to odours from intact citrus plants (Mexican lime, Citrus aurantifolia, sour orange, Citrus aurantium, Marsh grapefruit, Citrus paradisi and Valencia orange, Citrus sinensis), citrus plants previously infested with D. citri, and odours of conspecifics including nymphs, adult insects of same and opposite sex, and their products (honeydew), both alone and in combination. In contrast to other studies, psyllids of both sexes were attracted to volatiles of undamaged Mexican lime leaves, whereas undamaged grapefruit attracted only females, and leaves of Valencia and sour orange did not attract either sex. All four plant species attracted female psyllids when previously infested, but only Mexican lime and sour orange‐attracted males. Thus, Citrus species appear to vary in the production of both constituitive and induced volatiles that attract adult psyllids. Volatiles emitted by nymphs did not attract either sex, but psyllid honeydew was attractive to males, likely due to female pheromone residues. Males oriented to the odour of females, whereas the reverse was not true, and neither males nor females oriented to same‐sex volatiles. The addition of conspecific cues (adults, nymphs or honeydew) did not increase female attraction to previously infested leaves, but male response was increased by the presence of adults and honeydew, regardless of plant species. Thus, female psyllids appear to orient more strongly to volatiles of plant origin, whereas males respond more strongly to cues emanating from females and conspecific excretions. These results suggest that female psyllids drive the initial colonization of host plants, whereas males orient to females and infested plants. Identification of the specific volatiles involved may permit their use in monitoring and management of this pest.  相似文献   

Since diverse ostracod faunas in the immediate aftermath of the latest Permian mass extinction are mainly found within Permian–Triassic boundary microbialites (PTBMs), the idea of an ostracod ‘microbial‐related refuge’ has been proposed. Here, we report a diversified earliest Triassic ostracod fauna from the Yangou section in South China, where no PTBMs were deposited, providing evidence inconsistent with this ‘microbial‐related refuge’ hypothesis. In addition, a significant ostracod extinction is recorded, corresponding with the earliest Triassic mass extinction (ETME). This ETME of ostracods is associated with size increases and a length/height ratio (L/H) decrease, indicating varied evolutionary patterns of shape and size of ostracods through the Permian–Triassic (P‐Tr) extinction events. Although the nature of these biotic changes is somewhat unclear, the temporally varied ‘refuge zone’ scenario provides us with a window to reconstruct the environmental dynamics of ecosystem changes during the P‐Tr transition.  相似文献   

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