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Abstract. The primary-successional sere of a Hawaiian montane rain forest was inferred from an age sequence of eight closely located ‘a’ ā flows (clinker type lava); 8, 50, 140, ca. 300, ca. 400, ca. 1400, ca. 3000 and ca. 9000 yr, on a windward slope of Mauna Loa, Hawaii. All study sites (0.2 ha each) were at 1120 — 1250 m a.s.l. with 4000 mm mean annual rainfall. The 400-yr, 1400-yr, and 9000-yr flows had younger volcanic ash deposits, while the others were pure lava. Comparisons of tree size and foliar nutrients suggested that ash increased the availability of nitrogen, and subsequently standing biomass. An Unweighted Pair Group Cluster Analysis on the samples (flows) using quantitative vascular species composition revealed that clusters were correlated with age regardless of the substrate types (pure lava vs. ash), and an indirect ordination on the samples suggested that the sequence of sample scores along axis 1 was perfectly correlated with the age sequence. Although ash deposits increased biomass, they did not affect the sequence of the successional sere. Both pubescent and glabrous varieties of Metrosideros polymorpha (Myrtaceae) dominated upper canopy layers on all flows ≥ 50 yr and ≤ 1400 yr, but the pubescent variety was replaced by the glabrous on the flows ≥ 3000 yr. Lower layers were dominated initially by a matted fern, Dicranopteris linearis, up to 300 yr, and subsequently by tree ferns, Cibotium spp., to 9000 yr. The cover of Cibotium declined slightly after 3000 yr, while other native herb and shrub species increased. A ‘climax’ stage in the conventional sense was apparently not reached on the observed age gradient, because the sere changed continuously in biomass and species; this divergent successional phenomenon may be unique to Hawaii where the flora is naturally impoverished and disharmonic due to its geographic isolation in contrast to more diverse and harmonic floras in continents.  相似文献   

Large areas of tropical forest have been cleared and planted with exotic grass species for use as cattle pasture. These often remain persistent grasslands after grazer removal, which is problematic for restoring native forest communities. It is often hoped that remnant and/or planted trees can jump‐start forest succession; however, there is little mechanistic information on how different canopy species affect community trajectories. To investigate this, I surveyed understory communities, exotic grass biomass, standing litter pools, and soil properties under two dominant canopy trees—Metrosideros polymorpha (‘ōhi‘a) and Acacia koa (koa)—in recovering Hawaiian forests. I then used structural equation models (SEMs) to elucidate direct and indirect effects of trees on native understory. Native understory communities developed under ‘ōhi‘a, which had larger standing litter pools, lower soil nitrogen, and lower exotic grass biomass than koa. This pattern was variable, potentially due to historical site differences and/or distance to intact forest. Koa, in contrast, showed little understory development. Instead, data suggest that increased soil nitrogen under koa leads to high grass biomass that stalls native recruitment. SEMs suggested that indirect effects of trees via litter and soils were as or more important than direct effects for determining native cover. It is suggested that diverse plantings which incorporate species that have high carbon to nitrogen ratios may help ameliorate the negative indirect effects of koa on natural understory regeneration.  相似文献   

Previous work in a young Hawaiian forest has shown that nitrogen (N) limits aboveground net primary production (ANPP) more strongly than it does decomposition, despite low soil N availability. In this study, I determined whether (a) poor litter C quality (that is, high litter lignin) poses an overriding constraint on decomposition, preventing decomposers from responding to added N, or (b) high N levels inhibit lignin degradation, lessening the effects of added N on decomposition overall. I obtained leaf litter from one species, Metrosideros polymorpha, which dominates a range of sites in the Hawaiian Islands and whose litter lignin concentration declines with decreasing precipitation. Litter from three dry sites had lignin concentrations of 12% or less, whereas litter from two wet sites, including the study site, had lignin concentrations of more than 18%. This litter was deployed 2.5 years in a common site in control plots (receiving no added nutrients) and in N-fertilized plots. Nitrogen fertilization stimulated decomposition of the low-lignin litter types more than that of the high-lignin litter types. However, in contrast to results from temperate forests, N did not inhibit lignin decomposition. Rather, lignin decay increased with added N, suggesting that the small effect of N on decomposition at this site results from limitation of decomposition by poor C quality rather than from N inhibition of lignin decay. Even though ANPP is limited by N, decomposers are strongly limited by C quality. My results suggest that anthropogenic N deposition may increase leaf litter decomposition more in ecosystems characterized by low-lignin litter than in those characterized by high-lignin litter. Received 26 October 1999; accepted 2 June 2000.  相似文献   

Denslow JS  Uowolo AL  Hughes RF 《Oecologia》2006,148(1):118-128
While invasive species may be visible indicators of plant community degradation, they may not constitute the only, or even the primary, limitation to stand regeneration. We used seed-augmentation and grass-removal experiments under different canopy conditions to assess the relative importance of dispersal limitation, resource availability, and competition on seedling establishment in the understory shrubs Sophora chrysophilla, Dodonea viscosa, and Pipturus albidus in a montane mesic forest in Hawaii. The study location was an Acacia koa-Metrosideros polymorpha forest at 1000–1500 m elevation on the leeward side of Hawaii Island; it is a closed-canopy forest historically subject to logging and grazing by cattle and sheep and currently dominated by the exotic grass, Ehrharta stipoides, in the herb layer. Seedling establishment after 1 and 2 years was strongly dispersal limited in Sophora and Dodonea, but not in Acacia, a non-augmented species in which abundant seedlings established, nor in Pipterus, in which only one seedling established in 2 years. Grass cover reduced seedling establishment in Acacia, Sophora, and Dodonea and, for the latter two species, seedling establishment was substantially greater in the warmer, more moist forest at the lowest elevation. Light, moisture, and resin-captured N and P were more strongly affected by elevation and canopy composition than by grass cover, but in most cases seedling establishment was not positively correlated with resource availability. Limitations to the establishment of woody seedlings in this forest-grassland mixture vary among species; however, both dispersal limitation and competition from a shade-tolerant grass are important deterrents to regeneration in these forests.  相似文献   

Overabundant ungulate populations can alter forests. Concurrently, global declines of seed dispersers may threaten native forest structure and function. On an island largely devoid of native vertebrate seed dispersers, we monitored forest succession for 7 years following ungulate exclusion from a 5‐ha area and adjacent plots with ungulates still present. We observed succession from open scrub to forest and understory cover by non‐native plants declined. Two trees, native Hibiscus tiliaceus and non‐native Leucaena leucocephala, accounted for most forest regeneration, with the latter dominant. Neither species is dependent on animal dispersers nor was there strong evidence that plants dependent on dispersers migrated into the 5‐ha study area. Passive restoration following ungulate removal may facilitate restoration, but did not show promise for fully restoring native forest on Guam. Restoration of native forest plants in bird depopulated areas will likely require active outplanting of native seedlings, control of factors resulting in bird loss, and reintroduction of seed dispersers.  相似文献   

We determined rates of decomposition and asymbiotic nitrogen fixation in the leaf litter of Cheirodendron spp. on the Hawaiian Islands. Leaf litter was collected from four sites on a long soil-age gradient (300 yr to 4.1 M yr) and decomposed at two sites that differed widely in substrate age and nutrient availability. Rates of decomposition were higher in litter decomposed at the older site, where nutrient availability was greater. A substantial amount of nitrogen and phosphorus immobilization occurred in litter decomposed at the older site, with more immobilization occurring in litter with lower initial nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations, suggesting both supply and demand controls on nutrient immobilization. Potential rates of nitrogen fixation were very low in the first 25 d (0–5 nmol acetylene/gdw/h), rose to much higher rates by 70 d (20–45 nmol), and then declined by 140 d. We found no significant difference in rates of potential nitrogen fixation between sites of decomposition, but there was a strong substrate effect, with higher rates in litter with low lignin, low nitrogen, and high phosphorus. Where significant immobilization of nitrogen occurred for decomposing Cheirodendron, nitrogen fixation could have comprised no more than 10 percent of immobilized nitrogen. Overall, rates of nitrogen fixation were dependent on the source of the decomposing substrate but not on the site of decomposition, while short-term decomposition and nutrient immobilization were strongly dependent on the site of decomposition but not as much on the source of the decomposing substrate.  相似文献   

In regenerating coastal dune forest, the canopy consists almost exclusively of a single species, Acacia karroo. When these trees die, they create large canopy gaps. If this promotes the persistence of pioneer species to the detriment of other forest species, then the end goal of a restored coastal dune forest may be unobtainable. We wished to ascertain whether tree species composition and richness differed significantly between canopy gaps and intact canopy, and across a gradient of gap sizes. In three known‐age regenerating coastal dune forest sites, we measured 146 gaps, the species responsible for gap creation, the species most likely to reach the canopy and the composition of adults, seedlings and saplings. We paired each gap with an adjacent plot of the same area that was entirely under intact canopy and sampled in the same way. Most species (15 of 23) had higher abundance in canopy gaps. The probability of self‐replacement was low for A. karroo even in the largest gaps. Despite this predominance of shade‐intolerant species, regenerating dune forest appears to be in the first phase of succession with ‘forest pioneers’ replacing the dominant canopy species. The nature of these species should lead to successful regeneration of dune forest.  相似文献   

Questions: Does the invasive alien Hedychium gardnerianum (1) replace native understory species, (2) suppress natural regeneration of native plant species, (3) increase the invasiveness of other non‐native plants and (4) are native forests are able to recover after removal of H. gardnerianum. Location: A mature rainforest in Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park on the island of Hawai'i (about 1200 m a.s.l.; precipitation approximately 2770 mm yr?1). Study sites included natural plots without effects of alien plants, ginger plots with a H. gardnerianum‐dominated herb layer and cleared plots treated with herbicide to remove alien plants. Methods: Counting mature trees, saplings and seedlings of native and alien plant species. Using non‐parametric H‐tests to compare impact of H. gardnerianum on the structure of different sites. Results: Results confirmed the hypothesis that H. gardnerianum has negative effects on natural forest dynamics. Lower numbers of native tree seedlings and saplings were found on ginger‐dominated plots. Furthermore, H. gardnerianum did not show negative effects on the invasive alien tree species Psidium cattleianum. Conclusions: This study reveals that where dominance of H. gardnerianum persists, regeneration of the forest by native species will be inhibited. Furthermore, these areas might experience invasion by P. cattleianum, resulting in displacement of native canopy species in the future, leading to a change in forest structure and loss of other species dependent on natural rainforest, such as endemic birds. However, if H. gardnerianum is removed the native Hawaiian forest is likely to regenerate and regain its natural structure.  相似文献   

Tropical landscapes are changing rapidly as a result of human modifications; however, despite increasing deforestation, human population growth, and the need for more agricultural land, deforestation rates have exceeded the rate at which land is converted to cropland or pasture. For deforested lands to have conservation value requires an understanding of regeneration rates of vegetation, the rates at which animals colonize and grow in regenerating areas, and the nature of interactions between plants and animals in the specific region. Here, we present data on forest regeneration and animal abundance at four regenerating sites that had reached the stage of closed canopy forest where the average dbh of the trees was 17 cm. Overall, 20.3 percent of stems were wind‐dispersed species and 79.7 percent were animal‐dispersed species, while in the old‐growth forest 17.3 percent of the stems were wind‐dispersed species. The regenerating forest supported a substantial primate population and encounter rate (groups per km walked) in the regenerating sites was high compared to the neighboring old‐growth forests. By monitoring elephant tracks for 10 yr, we demonstrated that elephant numbers increased steadily over time, but they increased dramatically since 2004. In general, the richness of the mammal community detected by sight, tracks, feces, and/or camera traps, was high in regenerating forests compared to that documented for the national park. We conclude that in Africa, a continent that has seen dramatic declines in the area of old‐growth forest, there is ample opportunity to reclaim degraded areas and quickly restore substantial animal populations.  相似文献   

When compared to planted reforestation, natural unassisted regeneration is often reported to result in slow recovery of biomass and biodiversity, especially early in succession. In some cases, naturally regenerating forests are not comparable to the community structure of primary forests after many decades. However, direct comparison of the outcomes of tropical forest restoration and natural regeneration is hindered by differences in metrics of forest recovery, inconsistency in land use histories, and dissimilarities in experimental design. We present the results of a replicated reforestation experiment comparing natural regeneration and polyculture tree planting at multiple diversity levels (3, 6, 9, or 12 native tree species), with uniform land use history and initial edaphic conditions. We compare the recovery of basal area and floristic diversity in these treatments after 5 yr of succession. Total basal area was higher in planted plots than in naturally regenerating plots, but it but did not vary among the different planted diversity levels. The basal area of woody recruits did not differ among treatments. The diversity of woody recruits increased substantially over time but did not vary among planting treatments. Species composition trajectories showed directional turnover over time, with no consistent differences among treatments. The convergence of restoration trajectories and similarity of floristic community diversity and composition across all treatments, after only 5 yr, provides evidence of the viability of natural regeneration for rapid restoration of forest biodiversity.  相似文献   

Increased nitrogen (N) depositions expected in the future endanger the diversity and stability of ecosystems primarily limited by N, but also often co‐limited by other nutrients like phosphorus (P). In this context a nutrient manipulation experiment (NUMEX) was set up in a tropical montane rainforest in southern Ecuador, an area identified as biodiversity hotspot. We examined impacts of elevated N and P availability on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), a group of obligate biotrophic plant symbionts with an important role in soil nutrient cycles. We tested the hypothesis that increased nutrient availability will reduce AMF abundance, reduce species richness and shift the AMF community toward lineages previously shown to be favored by fertilized conditions. NUMEX was designed as a full factorial randomized block design. Soil cores were taken after 2 years of nutrient additions in plots located at 2000 m above sea level. Roots were extracted and intraradical AMF abundance determined microscopically; the AMF community was analyzed by 454‐pyrosequencing targeting the large subunit rDNA. We identified 74 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) with a large proportion of Diversisporales. N additions provoked a significant decrease in intraradical abundance, whereas AMF richness was reduced significantly by N and P additions, with the strongest effect in the combined treatment (39% fewer OTUs), mainly influencing rare species. We identified a differential effect on phylogenetic groups, with Diversisporales richness mainly reduced by N additions in contrast to Glomerales highly significantly affected solely by P. Regarding AMF community structure, we observed a compositional shift when analyzing presence/absence data following P additions. In conclusion, N and P additions in this ecosystem affect AMF abundance, but especially AMF species richness; these changes might influence plant community composition and productivity and by that various ecosystem processes.  相似文献   

赵雪  刘妍妍  金光泽 《生态学杂志》2013,24(11):3035-3042
依托黑龙江凉水国家级自然保护区9 hm2典型阔叶红松林动态监测样地的900个2 m×2 m多年生幼苗(H≥30 cm,DBH<1 cm)样方,基于2006、2008和2010年3次调查数据,分析了地形对幼苗建立的影响.结果表明: 样地内共有乔木幼苗26种,2006、2008和2010年的乔木幼苗总数分别为4514、6464和5611株·hm-2.其中个体数前10位树种的幼苗数量占幼苗总数的90%以上.地形对8个主要乔木幼苗的分布有显著的影响,其中暴马丁香、冷杉、色木槭、春榆、花楷槭、紫椴和青楷槭幼苗与其成树分布基本一致,而红松幼苗的空间分布与成树分布有所不同.暴马丁香、冷杉、裂叶榆、青楷槭和紫椴幼苗的死亡与地形显著相关.暴马丁香、春榆、红松、冷杉、水曲柳、色木槭和紫椴新增幼苗与地形显著相关.

In order to explore how plant autotoxicity changes with climate warming, the autotoxicity of P. schrenkiana needles' water extract, organic extract fractions, and key allelochemical DHAP was systemically investigated at the temperature rising 2 and 4°C based on the data‐monitored soil temperature during the last decade in the stage of Schrenk spruce regeneration (seed germination and seedling growth). The results showed that the criterion day and night temperatures were 12°C and 4°C for seed germination, and 14°C and 6°C for seedling growth, respectively. In the presence of water extract, the temperature rise of 2°C significantly inhibited the germination vigor and rate of P. Schrenkiana seed, and a temperature rise of 4°C significantly increased the inhibition to the seedling growth (< 0.05). Among the three organic fractions, the low‐polar fraction showed to be more phytotoxic than the other two fractions, causing significant inhibitory effects on the seed germination and growth even at low concentration of 0.1 mg/mL, and the inhibition effect was enhanced as temperature increased. The temperature rise significantly enhanced the promotion effect of DHAP, while the inhibition effect of temperature rise became less important with increasing concentration of DHAP. This investigation revealed that autotoxicity of P. schrenkiana was affected by the climate warming. As expected, it provided an insight into the mechanism and effectiveness of allelopathy in bridging the causal relationship between forest evolution and climate warming.  相似文献   

Evaluating relationships between ecological processes that occur concurrently is complicated by the potential for such processes to covary. Ground‐nesting birds rely on habitat characteristics that provide visual and olfactory concealment from predators; this protection often is provided by vegetation at the nest site. Recently, researchers have raised concern that measuring vegetation characteristics at nest fate (success or failure) introduces a bias, as vegetation at successful nests is measured later in the growing season (and has more time to grow) compared with failed nests. In some systems, this bias can lead to an erroneous conclusion that plant height is positively associated with nest survival. However, if the features that provide concealment are invariant during the incubation period, no bias should be expected, and the timing of measurement is less influential. We used data collected from 98 nests to evaluate whether there is evidence that such a bias exists in a study of wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) nesting in a montane forest ecosystem. We modeled nest survival as a function of visual obstruction and other covariates of interest. At unsuccessful nests, we collected visual obstruction readings at both the date of nest failure and the projected hatch date and compared survival estimates generated using both sets of vegetation data. In contrast to studies in grassland and shrubland systems, we found little evidence that the timing of vegetation sampling influenced conclusions regarding the association between visual obstruction and nest survival; model selection and estimates of nest survival were similar regardless of when vegetation data were collected. The dominant hiding cover at most of our nests was provided by evergreen shrubs; retention of leaves and slow growth of these plants likely prevent appreciable changes in visual obstruction during the incubation period. When considered in aggregate with a growing body of literature, our results suggest that the influence of timing of vegetation sampling depends on the study system. When designing future studies, investigators should carefully consider the type of structures that provide nest concealment and whether plant phenology is confounded with nest survival.  相似文献   

Winter frosts caused by radiative cooling were hypothesized to limit successful reintroduction of Hawaiian plants other than Acacia koa to alien‐dominated grasslands above 1700 m elevation. We determined, in the laboratory, the temperature at which irreversible tissue damage occurred to Metrosideros polymorpha leaves. We also conducted a field study of this species to determine if (1) leaf damage was correlated with sub‐zero leaf temperatures, (2) radiative cooling could be moderated by canopies of A. koa, and (3) low soil temperatures contributed to seedling damage. The last was evaluated by thermally buffering seedlings with water‐filled bladders placed at their base to keep roots warm, or by installing a radiation shield to reduce early morning transpiration when water uptake from cold soils would be least. Leaf temperatures were monitored between midnight and 7:00 a.m. using fine‐wire thermocouples, and leaf damage was recorded monthly. In the laboratory, supercooling protected leaves from mild sub‐zero temperatures; irreversible tissue damage occurred at about ?8°C. In the field, leaf damage was strongly correlated with degree‐hours below freezing. Unprotected seedlings suffered the greatest leaf damage. Those sheltered under A. koa trees rarely experienced temperatures below ?3°C, and damage was minimal. Shaded and thermally buffered seedlings suffered less damage than unprotected plants, probably due to elevated leaf temperatures rather than improved water relations. Using A. koa or artificial devices to reduce radiative cooling during winter nights should enhance establishment of M. polymorpha in high‐elevation rangeland.  相似文献   

Extreme climatic events can trigger gradual or abrupt shifts in forest ecosystems via the reduction or elimination of foundation species. However, the impacts of these events on foundation species' demography and forest dynamics remain poorly understood. Here we quantified dynamics for both evergreen and deciduous broad‐leaved species groups, utilizing a monitoring permanent plot in a subtropical montane mixed forest in central China from 2001 to 2010 with particular relevance to the anomalous 2008 ice storm episode. We found that both species groups showed limited floristic alterations over the study period. For each species group, size distribution of dead individuals approximated a roughly irregular and flat shape prior to the ice storm and resembled an inverse J‐shaped distribution after the ice storm. Furthermore, patterns of mortality and recruitment displayed disequilibrium behaviors with mortality exceeding recruitment for both species groups following the ice storm. Deciduous broad‐leaved species group accelerated overall diameter growth, but the ice storm reduced evergreen small‐sized diameter growth. We concluded that evergreen broad‐leaved species were more susceptible to ice storms than deciduous broad‐leaved species, and ice storm events, which may become more frequent with climate change, might potentially threaten the perpetuity of evergreen‐dominated broad‐leaved forests in this subtropical region in the long term. These results underscore the importance of long‐term monitoring that is indispensible to elucidate causal links between forest dynamics and climatic perturbations.  相似文献   

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