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Intravital microscopy allows imaging of biological phenomena within living animals, including host–parasite interactions. This has advanced our understanding of both, the function of lymphoid organs during parasitic infections, and the effect of parasites on such organs to allow their survival. In parasitic research, recent developments in this technique have been crucial for the direct study of host–parasite interactions within organs at depths, speeds and resolution previously difficult to achieve. Lymphoid organs have gained more attention as we start to understand their function during parasitic infections and the effect of parasites on them. In this review, we summarise technical and biological findings achieved by intravital microscopy with respect to the interaction of various parasites with host lymphoid organs, namely the bone marrow, thymus, lymph nodes, spleen and the mucosa‐associated lymphoid tissue, and present a view into possible future applications.  相似文献   

Intravital fluorescence microscopy (IVM) is a powerful technique for imaging multiple organs, including the brain of living mice and rats. It enables the direct visualisation of cells in situ providing a real‐life view of biological processes that in vitro systems cannot. In addition, to the technological advances in microscopy over the last decade, there have been supporting innovations in data storage and analytical packages that enable the visualisation and analysis of large data sets. Here, we review the advantages and limitations of techniques predominantly used for brain IVM, including thinned skull windows, open skull cortical windows, and a miniaturised optical system based on microendoscopic probes that can be inserted into deep tissues. Further, we explore the relevance of these techniques for the field of parasitology. Several protozoan infections are associated with neurological symptoms including Plasmodium spp., Toxoplasma spp., and Trypanosoma spp. IVM has led to crucial findings on these parasite species, which are discussed in detail in this review.  相似文献   

Intravital microscopy allows the visualisation of how pathogens interact with host cells and tissues in living animals in real time. This method has enabled key advances in our understanding of host–parasite interactions under physiological conditions. A combination of genetics, microscopy techniques, and image analysis have recently facilitated the understanding of biological phenomena in living animals at cellular and subcellular resolution. In this review, we summarise findings achieved by intravital microscopy of the skin and adipose tissues upon infection with various parasites, and we present a view into possible future applications of this method.  相似文献   

Intravital imaging has emerged as a novel and efficient tool for visualization of in situ dynamics of cellular behaviors and cell‐microenvironment interactions in live animals, based on desirable microscopy techniques featuring high resolutions, deep imaging and low phototoxicity. Intravital imaging, especially based on multi‐photon microscopy, has been used in bone research for dynamics visualization of a variety of physiological and pathological events at the cellular level, such as bone remodeling, hematopoiesis, immune responses and cancer development, thus, providing guidance for elucidating novel cellular mechanisms in bone biology as well as guidance for new therapies. This review is aimed at interpreting development and advantages of intravital imaging in bone research, and related representative discoveries concerning bone matrices, vessels, and various cells types involved in bone physiologies and pathologies. Finally, current limitations, further refinement, and extended application of intravital imaging in bone research are concluded.   相似文献   

In this study, intravital multiphoton microscopy was used to quantitatively investigate hepatobiliary metabolism in chronic pathologies of the liver. Specifically, through the use of the probe molecule 6‐carboxyfluorescein diacetate, the effects of liver fibrosis, fatty liver, and hepatocellular carcinoma on the metabolic capabilities of mouse liver were investigated. After the acquisition of time‐lapse images, a first order kinetic model was used to calculate rate constant resolved images of various pathologies. It was found that the ability of the liver to metabolically process the probe molecules varies among different pathologies, with liver fibrosis and fatty liver disease negatively impacted the uptake, processing, and excretion of molecules. The approach demonstrated in this work allows the study of the response of hepatic functions to different pathologies in real time and is useful for studying processes such as pharmacokinetics through direct optical imaging.   相似文献   

Intracellular imaging is a key tool in the investigation of host‐pathogen interactions. Advances in this area are particularly sought to understand the effect of viral infection processes on the host cell and its metabolic functions including those cases where host cell lipid metabolism is modulated as a result of infection. We demonstrate the use of combined coherent anti‐Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) and two‐photon fluorescence microscopies to image fibroblast cells infected by cytomegalovirus. CARS is used to image the host cell membrane, lipid droplets and morphology of the nucleus. Cell nuclei are found to expand during infection, approximately doubling in area. Some cells also show accumulations of lipid droplets at the nuclear periphery. Using a genetically modified virus strain expressing the green fluorescent protein also enables two‐photon imaging of the same cells to reveal the location, nature and extent of viral protein expression. (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

In vivo multiphoton imaging was used to map changes in hepatobiliary metabolism in liver fibrosis (left column) and hepatocellular carcinoma (right column). The top row shows the maps of kinetic rate constant of the uptake and esterase processing while the bottom row shows that of bile canalicular excretion of xenobiotics. Further details can be found in the article by Chih‐Ju Lin, Sheng‐Lin Lee, Wei‐Hsiang Wang, et al. ( e201700338 ).


Spatial structure has dramatic effects on the demography and the evolution of species. A large variety of theoretical models have attempted to understand how local dispersal may shape the coevolution of interacting species such as host–parasite interactions. The lack of a unifying framework is a serious impediment for anyone willing to understand current theory. Here, we review previous theoretical studies in the light of a single epidemiological model that allows us to explore the effects of both host and parasite migration rates on the evolution and coevolution of various life‐history traits. We discuss the impact of local dispersal on parasite virulence, various host defence strategies and local adaptation. Our analysis shows that evolutionary and coevolutionary outcomes crucially depend on the details of the host–parasite life cycle and on which life‐history trait is involved in the interaction. We also discuss experimental studies that support the effects of spatial structure on the evolution of host–parasite interactions. This review highlights major similarities between some theoretical results, but it also reveals an important gap between evolutionary and coevolutionary models. We discuss possible ways to bridge this gap within a more unified framework that would reconcile spatial epidemiology, evolution and coevolution.  相似文献   

Current technologies for tumor imaging, such as ultrasound, MRI, PET and CT, are unable to yield high-resolution images for the assessment of nanoparticle uptake in tumors at the microscopic level1,2,3, highlighting the utility of a suitable xenograft model in which to perform detailed uptake analyses. Here, we use high-resolution intravital imaging to evaluate nanoparticle uptake in human tumor xenografts in a modified, shell-less chicken embryo model. The chicken embryo model is particularly well-suited for these in vivo analyses because it supports the growth of human tumors, is relatively inexpensive and does not require anesthetization or surgery 4,5. Tumor cells form fully vascularized xenografts within 7 days when implanted into the chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) 6. The resulting tumors are visualized by non-invasive real-time, high-resolution imaging that can be maintained for up to 72 hours with little impact on either the host or tumor systems. Nanoparticles with a wide range of sizes and formulations administered distal to the tumor can be visualized and quantified as they flow through the bloodstream, extravasate from leaky tumor vasculature, and accumulate at the tumor site. We describe here the analysis of nanoparticles derived from Cowpea mosaic virus (CPMV) decorated with near-infrared fluorescent dyes and/or polyethylene glycol polymers (PEG) 7, 8, 9,10,11. Upon intravenous administration, these viral nanoparticles are rapidly internalized by endothelial cells, resulting in global labeling of the vasculature both outside and within the tumor7,12. PEGylation of the viral nanoparticles increases their plasma half-life, extends their time in the circulation, and ultimately enhances their accumulation in tumors via the enhanced permeability and retention (EPR) effect 7, 10,11. The rate and extent of accumulation of nanoparticles in a tumor is measured over time using image analysis software. This technique provides a method to both visualize and quantify nanoparticle dynamics in human tumors.  相似文献   

Knowledge on how landscape heterogeneity shapes host–parasite interactions is central to understand the emergence, dynamics and evolution of infectious diseases. However, this is an underexplored subject, particularly for plant–virus systems. Here, we analyse how landscape heterogeneity influences the prevalence, spatial genetic structure, and temporal dynamics of Pepper golden mosaic and Pepper huasteco yellow vein begomoviruses infecting populations of the wild pepper Capsicum annuum glabriusculum (chiltepin) in Mexico. Environmental heterogeneity occurred at different nested spatial scales (host populations within biogeographical provinces), with levels of human management varying among host population within a province. Results indicate that landscape heterogeneity affects the epidemiology and genetic structure of chiltepin‐infecting begomoviruses in a scale‐specific manner, probably related to conditions favouring the viruses' whitefly vector and its dispersion. Increased levels of human management of the host populations were associated with higher virus prevalence and erased the spatial genetic structure of the virus populations. Also, environmental heterogeneity similarly shaped the spatial genetic structures of host and viruses. This resulted in the congruence between host and virus phylogenies, which does not seem to be due to host‐virus co‐evolution. Thus, results provide evidence of the key role of landscape heterogeneity in determining plant–virus interactions.  相似文献   

In this study, we describe an experimental system based on intravital two-photon microscopy for studying endocytosis in live animals. The rodent submandibular glands were chosen as model organs because they can be exposed easily, imaged without compromising their function and, furthermore, they are amenable to pharmacological and genetic manipulations. We show that the fibroblasts within the stroma of the glands readily internalize systemically injected molecules such as fluorescently conjugated dextran and BSA, providing a robust model to study endocytosis. We dynamically image the trafficking of these probes from the early endosomes to the late endosomes and lysosomes while also visualizing homotypic fusion events between early endosomes. Finally, we demonstrate that pharmacological agents can be delivered specifically to the submandibular salivary glands, thus providing a powerful tool to study the molecular machinery regulating endocytosis in a physiological context.  相似文献   

Many aspects of host interactions with microbes can only be studied in the context of a whole organism. The zebrafish as a model organism has shown to be highly successful for studies of infection biology and the interactions of commensal microbiota with their hosts. Zebrafish are transparent during embryo and larval development and these early life stages are optimally suited for high‐resolution imaging of host–microbe interactions in a vertebrate organism. This is facilitated by the development of a variety of fluorescent reporter lines that mark different immune cell types or subcellular compartments where pathogens reside. The zebrafish is an excellent vertebrate model for forward genetic screening and efficient tools for gene knock‐down and targeted mutagenesis add further to the strength of this model organism. The use of zebrafish larvae for studying microbial infections has recently led to important new insights in host defence mechanisms, which are highlighted in this review focused on bacterial pathogens. Considering the highly conserved nature of the processes involved, including innate immune recognition, immunometabolism and autophagy, it is to be expected that these recent findings in zebrafish will have great translational value for biomedical applications.  相似文献   

Dynamic intravital imaging is essential for revealing ongoing biological phenomena within living organisms and is influenced primarily by several factors: motion artifacts, optical properties and spatial resolution. Conventional imaging quality within a volume, however, is degraded by involuntary movements and trades off between the imaged volume, imaging speed and quality. To balance such trade‐offs incurred by two‐photon excitation microscopy during intravital imaging, we developed a unique combination of interlaced scanning and a simple image restoration algorithm based on biological signal sparsity and a graph Laplacian matrix. This method increases the scanning speed by a factor of four for a field size of 212 μm × 106 μm × 130 μm, and significantly improves the quality of four‐dimensional dynamic volumetric data by preventing irregular artifacts due to the movement observed with conventional methods. Our data suggest this method is robust enough to be applied to multiple types of soft tissue.  相似文献   

Co‐evolving parasites may play a key role in host migration and population structure. Using co‐evolving bacteria and viruses, we test general hypotheses as to how co‐evolving parasites affect the success of passive host migration between habitats that can support different intensities of host–parasite interactions. First, we show that parasites aid migration from areas of intense to weak co‐evolutionary interactions and impede migration in the opposite direction, as a result of intraspecific apparent competition mediated via parasites. Second, when habitats show qualitative difference such that some environments support parasite persistence while others do not, different population regulation forces (either parasitism or competitive exclusion) will reduce the success of migration in both directions. Our study shows that co‐evolution with parasites can predictably homogenises or isolates host populations, depending on heterogeneity of abiotic conditions, with the second scenario constituting a novel type of ‘isolation by adaptation’.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus (S.) aureus is a frequent cause of severe skin infections. The ability to control the infection is largely dependent on the rapid recruitment of neutrophils (PMN). To gain more insight into the dynamics of PMN migration and host–pathogen interactions in vivo, we used intravital two‐photon (2‐P) microscopy to visualize S. aureus skin infections in the mouse. Reporter S. aureus strains expressing fluorescent proteins were developed, which allowed for detection of the bacteria in vivo. By employing LysM‐EGFP mice to visualize PMN, we observed the rapid appearance of PMN in the extravascular space of the dermis and their directed movement towards the focus of infection, which led to the delineation of an abscess within 1 day. Moreover, tracking of transferred labelled bone‐marrow neutrophils showed that PMN localization to the site of infection is dependent on the presence of G‐protein‐coupled receptors on the PMN, whereas Interleukin‐1 receptor was required on host cells other than PMN. Furthermore, the S. aureus complement inhibitor Ecb could block PMN accumulation at thesite of infection. Our results establish that 2‐P microscopy is a powerful tool to investigate the orchestration of the immune cells, S. aureus location and gene expression in vivo on a single cell level.  相似文献   

Monitoring cellular communication by intravital deep-tissue multi-photon microscopy is the key for understanding the fate of immune cells within thick tissue samples and organs in health and disease. By controlling the scanning pattern in multi-photon microscopy and applying appropriate numerical algorithms, we developed a striped-illumination approach, which enabled us to achieve 3-fold better axial resolution and improved signal-to-noise ratio, i.e. contrast, in more than 100 µm tissue depth within highly scattering tissue of lymphoid organs as compared to standard multi-photon microscopy. The acquisition speed as well as photobleaching and photodamage effects were similar to standard photo-multiplier-based technique, whereas the imaging depth was slightly lower due to the use of field detectors. By using the striped-illumination approach, we are able to observe the dynamics of immune complex deposits on secondary follicular dendritic cells – on the level of a few protein molecules in germinal centers.  相似文献   

Conspecific brood parasitism (CBP), females laying eggs in the nest of other ‘host’ females of the same species, is a common alternative reproductive tactic among birds. For hosts there are likely costs of incubating and rearing foreign offspring, but costs may be low in species with precocial chicks such as waterfowl, among which CBP is common. Waterfowl show strong female natal philopatry, and spatial relatedness among females may influence the evolution of CBP. Here we investigate fine‐scale kin structure in a Baltic colony of barnacle geese, Branta leucopsis, estimating female spatial relatedness using protein fingerprints of egg albumen, and testing the performance of this estimator in known mother‐daughter pairs. Relatedness was significantly higher between neighbour females (nesting ≤ 40 metres from each other) than between females nesting farther apart, but there was no further distance trend in relatedness. This pattern may be explained by earlier observations of females nesting close to their mother or brood sisters, even when far from the birth nest. Hosts and parasites were on average not more closely related than neighbour females. In 25 of 35 sampled parasitized nests, parasitic eggs were laid after the host female finished laying, too late to develop and hatch. Timely parasites, laying eggs in the host’s laying sequence, had similar relatedness to hosts as that between neighbours. Females laying late parasitic eggs tended to be less related to the host, but not significantly so. Our results suggest that CBP in barnacle geese might represent different tactical life‐history responses.  相似文献   

Microsporidia are a large group of fungal‐related obligate intracellular parasites. They are responsible for infections in humans as well as in agriculturally and environmentally important animals. Although microsporidia are abundant in nature, many of the molecular mechanisms employed during infection have remained enigmatic. In this review, we highlight recent work showing how microsporidia invade, proliferate and exit from host cells. During invasion, microsporidia use spore wall and polar tube proteins to interact with host receptors and adhere to the host cell surface. In turn, the host has multiple defence mechanisms to prevent and eliminate these infections. Microsporidia encode numerous transporters and steal host nutrients to facilitate proliferation within host cells. They also encode many secreted proteins which may modulate host metabolism and inhibit host cell defence mechanisms. Spores exit the host in a non‐lytic manner that is dependent on host actin and endocytic recycling proteins. Together, this work provides a fuller picture of the mechanisms that these fascinating organisms use to infect their hosts.  相似文献   

Acetaminophen (APAP) overdose is one of the world's leading causes of drug‐induced hepatotoxicity. Although traditional methods such as histological imaging and biochemical assays have been successfully applied to evaluate the extent of APAP‐induced liver damage, detailed effect of how APAP overdose affect the recovery of hepatobiliary metabolism and is not completely understood. In this work, we used intravital multiphoton microscopy to image and quantify hepatobiliary metabolism of the probe 6‐carboxyfluorescein diacetate in APAP‐overdose mice. We analyzed hepatobiliary metabolism for up to 7 days following the overdose and found that the excretion of the probe molecule was the most rapid on Day 1 following APAP overdose and slowed down on Days 2 and 3. On Day 7, probe excretion capability has exceeded that of the normal mice, suggesting that newly regenerated hepatocytes have higher metabolic capabilities. Our approach may be further developed applied to studying drug‐induced hepatotoxicity in vivo.   相似文献   

Understanding fluctuating selection is important for our understanding of patterns of spatial and temporal diversity in nature. Host–parasite theory has classically assumed fluctuations either occur between highly specific genotypes (matching allele: MA) or from specialism to generalism (gene‐for‐gene: GFG). However, while MA can only generate one mode of fluctuating selection, we show that GFG can in fact produce both rapid ‘within‐range’ fluctuations (among genotypes with identical levels of investment but which specialise on different subsets of the population) and slower cycling ‘between ranges’ (different levels of investment), emphasising that MA is a subset of GFG. Our findings closely match empirical observations, although sampling rates need to be high to detect these novel dynamics empirically. Within‐range cycling is an overlooked process by which fluctuating selection can occur in nature, suggesting that fluctuating selection may be a more common and important process than previously thought in generating and maintaining diversity.  相似文献   

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