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Stockpiling of cover soil can influence vegetation development following reclamation. Cover soil, comprising the upper 15–30 cm of the surface material on sites scheduled for mining, is commonly salvaged prior to mining and used directly or stockpiled for various lengths of time until it is needed. Salvaging and stockpiling causes physical, chemical, and biological changes in cover soils. In particular, stockpiling reduces the availability and vigor of vegetative propagules and seed, and can lead to increases in the abundance of some weedy species. This study uses data from monitoring plots to assess how stockpiling of cover soil impacts plant community development on reclaimed oil sands mine sites in northern Alberta. Development of plant communities differed distinctly between directly placed and stockpiled cover soil treatments even 18 years after reclamation. Direct placement of cover soil resulted in higher percent cover, species richness, and diversity. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling and multiresponse permutation procedure revealed compositional differentiation between the treatments. Indicator species analysis showed that direct placement treatment was dominated by perennial species while grasses and annual forb species dominated sites where stockpiled soil was used. Results indicate that stockpiling leads to slower vegetation recovery while direct placement of cover soil supports more rapid succession (from ruderal and annual communities to perennial communities). In addition, direct placement may be less costly than stockpiling. However, scheduling of salvage and placement remains a challenge.  相似文献   

We tested whether direct placement of forest floor material (FFM: litter, fibric, humus layers and surface mineral horizons) and sowing of a cover crop (Melilotus officinalis) could facilitate the establishment of native forest understory species at a reclaimed coal mine in Alberta, Canada. FFM was salvaged at two depths (15 and 40 cm) from a recently harvested native aspen forest and immediately placed at the same depths on the reclamation site. Total richness (approximately 61 species in 96 subplots) was similar in each of 3 years post‐placement; total richness for all 3 years combined was 87 including 34 typical boreal forest understory species plus 30 other natives. The deeper treatment reduced cover of all species, native and non‐native species in year 1. In year 3, the deeper treatment still had lower cover of non‐native species but had higher cover of forest understory species in years 2 and 3. The deeper treatment also resulted in lower species richness per plot, but only in year 1. In year 2 (when the biennial clover was at its tall stage), the cover crop treatment was associated with lower cover of non‐native species but did not affect the cover of native forest understory species. Direct placement of FFM can help facilitate establishment of a diverse native boreal forest understory in a reclaimed landscape. Although richness and cover may be initially higher with shallower salvage and placement, deeper salvage may ultimately be better for encouraging establishment of native forest understory species.  相似文献   

The composition of herbaceous vegetation was evaluated with the aim of characterizing forests at various ages of stand development. Herb stems were sampled in 250 4‐m² square plots distributed within six habitat types. A total of 36 herb species belonging to 15 families were recorded. Species richness did not significantly differ between habitat types. Most herb species occurred in all habitat types and were therefore generalists. However, a few indicator herb species were detected, and the results roughly suggested that herb species of the families Poaceae and Araceae were indicative of late successional forests; Zingiberaceae are indicative of early successional forests; and Commelinaceae, Costaceae, Cyperaceae and Marantaceae are indicators of flooded habitats. Species diversity and stem density of herbaceous plants did not change with forest succession as a decrease in abundance and frequency of occurrence of pioneer species in late successional forests was counterbalanced by the presence of generalist and late successional species. However, increasing proportions of dwarf stems in late successional forests translated to changes in the vertical structure of herbaceous plant communities. Herbivory pressure by gorillas did not have a notable effect on herbaceous plant community development. This study contributes to the definition of herbaceous ecological indicators of forest succession in different settings.  相似文献   

The pace and scale of reclamation in Alberta's oil sands region are increasing, and techniques to measure and validate the ecological function of developing habitats are needed. In Alberta, achievement of equivalent land capability to that present before disturbance is a regulatory requirement of reclamation certification. We compared landbird abundance and productivity indices from mist‐netting data collected in 2011–2013 using the Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (MAPS) protocol with local habitat covariates at 35 monitoring stations in natural, reclaimed, and disturbed habitats. Principal component analysis of habitat covariates explained 83% of the variation in 20 habitat‐structure variables. We found significant relationships between habitat covariates and captures of adult birds, young birds, and/or the probability of capturing a young bird (productivity) for 12 landbird species; in some cases, capture responses contrasted with productivity responses to habitat variables. Responses to reclamation age were as expected, given habitat preferences of our target species. Positive responses to reclamation age from obligate forest‐dwelling species take more years to become evident than those for species preferring successional‐stage habitats, while one species that prefers open, grassland habitats appeared to decline with reclamation age, presumably due to habitat succession. Application of the MAPS protocol as a tool to evaluate and track the performance of reclaimed and disturbed habitats is demonstrated, with landbird abundance and productivity indices in natural habitats being useful indicators of equivalent land capability.  相似文献   

Reclamation is an application of treatment(s) following disturbance to promote succession and accelerate the return of target conditions. Previous studies have framed reclamation in the context of succession by studying its effectiveness in reestablishing late‐successional plant communities. Reestablishment of plant communities is especially important and challenging in drylands such as shrub steppe ecosystems where succession proceeds slowly. These ecosystems face threats from climate change, invasive species, altered fire regimes, and land‐use change, as well as fossil‐fuel extraction and associated disturbance. As such, the need for effective reclamation after this type of energy development is great. However, past research regarding this type of reclamation has focused on mining rather than oil and gas development. To better understand the effect of reclamation on rates of succession in dryland shrub steppe ecosystems, we sampled oil and gas wellpads and adjacent undisturbed big sagebrush plant communities in Wyoming, U.S.A., and quantified the extent of recovery for forbs, grasses, and shrubs on reclaimed and unreclaimed wellpads relative to undisturbed plant communities. Reclamation increased the recovery rate for early‐successional types, including combined forbs and grasses and perennial grasses, but did not affect recovery rate of late‐successional types, particularly big sagebrush and perennial forbs. Rather, subsequent analyses showed that recovery of late‐successional types was affected by soil texture and time since wellpad abandonment. This is consistent with studies in other ecosystems where reclamation has been implemented, suggesting that reclamation may not help reestablish late‐successional plant communities more quickly than they would reestablish naturally.  相似文献   

北方沼泽湿地在水源供给、缓解水土流失、遏制草地沙化等方面具有重要作用,明确其植物群落物种组成和多样性特征对提升其生态系统服务功能具有重要意义。目前,在北方地区开展大尺度湿地植被调查的研究仍相对较少。土壤水分是驱动植物群落发展的主导环境因素之一,为了解高低土壤水分背景下湿地植物群落特征差异及关键驱动要素,对我国7个北方典型沼泽湿地的植物群落物种组成及多样性特征进行了调查,分析了植物群落物种组成及多样性特征与环境因子的关系,以及沼泽湿地植物群落内克隆植物的分布特征。研究结果发现不同沼泽湿地的植物群落物种组成和多样性差异显著,但无明显的地带性分布规律,物种分布呈现区域性。群落物种多样性受降水、温度、土壤养分等多种环境因素的共同影响。沼泽湿地高低土壤水分背景下植物群落的物种组成和多样性差异显著,低土壤水分下植物群落物种多样性指数显著高于高土壤水分下植物群落。低土壤水分下物种多样性主要受降水和总氮影响,而高土壤水分下物种多样性主要受温度和总磷的影响。高土壤水分下克隆植物物种数和盖度在沼泽湿地植物中占有较高的比例,表明克隆植物比非克隆植物更适应高土壤水分环境。研究结果表明了7个沼泽湿地植被的区域性...  相似文献   

热带人工林土壤动物群落的次生演替和发展过程探讨   总被引:30,自引:4,他引:30  
在广东小良地区的桉林迹地上,对不同林龄的阔叶混交林土壤动物的组成进行比较,探讨群落随林龄的增加而变化的过程。以多样性为基础,可将这里土壤动物群落的演替和发展分成3个阶段,即增长期、过渡期和稳定期。在林龄20多年后,群落发展可进入最后阶段。不同类群的演变程序:(1)湿生动物个体数逐渐增加,直至平稳;(2)昆虫中不稳定类群逐渐减少;(3)白蚁种群在增长期前段迅速增加,随后即在较低水平上受到控制;(4)蚯蚓在增长期后段才出现,并迅速成为优势类群。过渡期及其以前的蚯蚓种类主要为寒(虫宪)蚓属(Ocnerodrilus),稳定后为环毛蚓属(Pheretima)。  相似文献   

Plant biomass accumulation and productivity are important determinants of ecosystem carbon (C) balance during post-fire succession. In boreal black spruce (Picea mariana) forests near Delta Junction, Alaska, we quantified aboveground plant biomass and net primary productivity (ANPP) for 4 years after a 1999 wildfire in a well-drained (dry) site, and also across a dry and a moderately well-drained (mesic) chronosequence of sites that varied in time since fire (2 to ∼116 years). Four years after fire, total biomass at the 1999 burn site had increased exponentially to 160 ± 21 g m−2 (mean ± 1SE) and vascular ANPP had recovered to 138 ± 32 g m−2 y−1, which was not different than that of a nearby unburned stand (160 ± 48 g m−2 y−1) that had similar pre-fire stand structure and understory composition. Production in the young site was dominated by re-sprouting graminoids, whereas production in the unburned site was dominated by black spruce. On the dry and mesic chronosequences, total biomass pools, including overstory and understory vascular and non-vascular plants, and lichens, increased logarithmically (dry) or linearly (mesic) with increasing site age, reaching a maximum of 2469 ± 180 (dry) and 4008 ± 233 g m−2 (mesic) in mature stands. Biomass differences were primarily due to higher tree density in the mesic sites because mass per tree was similar between sites. ANPP of vascular and non-vascular plants increased linearly over time in the mesic chronosequence to 335 ± 68 g m−2 y−1 in the mature site, but in the dry chronosequence it peaked at 410 ± 43 g m−2 y−1 in a 15-year-old stand dominated by deciduous trees and shrubs. Key factors regulating biomass accumulation and production in these ecosystems appear to be the abundance and composition of re-sprouting species early in succession, the abundance of deciduous trees and shrubs in intermediate aged stands, and the density of black spruce across all stand ages. A better understanding of the controls over these factors will help predict how changes in climate and fire regime will affect the carbon balance of Interior Alaska. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

深圳南山区天然森林群落多样性及演替现状   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
对南山区5个主要天然森林群落(铁榄群落、鼠刺 降真香群落、鸭脚木群落、假苹婆群落、水翁 假苹婆群落)的组成结构及物种多样性进行分析,并与相邻的香港地区地带性森林群落(黄桐群落)作比较。结果表明,依照亚热带及南亚热带森林群落演替规律,南山区天然林处于不同的演替发育阶段:铁榄群落处于演替第3阶段;鼠刺 降真香群落处于第4阶段;其它3个群落处于第5阶段,均未达到稳定的顶极群落阶段。随着铁榄群落、鼠刺 降真香群落、鸭脚木群落、假苹婆群落、水翁 假苹婆群落这个演替序列,物种丰富度的变化规律是:先逐渐上升,到达一个峰值,再缓慢下降。Shannon-Wiener指数和Pielous均匀度指数的变化规律与物种丰富度相同,Simpson指数变化曲线与这些指数相反。但这些指数反映的结果是一致的。综合多个指数分析,鸭脚木群落物种多样性最大,即当群落中阳生性树种与中生性树种优势度相差不大时。群落具有最大的物种多样性。多样性比较结果显示,南山森林群落物种多样性大大低于香港黄桐群落。5个群落的Shannon—Wiener指数在2.04~2.953之间,明显低于黄桐群落,其Shannon—Wiener指数为4.74;Simpson指数0.1~0.268,黄桐群落为0.05;Pielous均匀度指数64.2%~74%,黄桐群落为79%。南山森林群落物种多样性水平低下的状况与长期的人类干扰有关,必须尽快采取“封山育林”等相应措施来促进群落的保护和恢复。  相似文献   

对不同类型草地功能群多样性和组成与植物群落生产力之间的关系进行了探讨。结果表明:(1)在矮嵩草(Kobresia humlis)草甸和金露梅(Potentilla froticosa)灌丛中,豆科植物的作用比较明显,而其他功能群植物的作用较弱。(2)在藏嵩草(Kobresia tibetica)沼泽化草甸和小嵩草(K.pygmaca)草甸中,虽然杂类草、C3植物和莎草科植物功能群的生产力占群落初级生产力的比例较大,但二者在统计上没有显著性差异,这表明群落生产力除受物种多样性的影响外,也受物种本身特征和环境资源的影响,更主要的是受到功能群内物种密度和均匀度的影响,即功能群组成比功能群多样性更能说明对生态系统过程的影响。(3)不同类型草地群落植物功能群盖度与群落初级生产力呈显著的线性相关。(4)不同类型草地群落生产力与功能群内物种数的变化均表现为单峰曲线关系,即功能群内物种数处于中间水平时,群落生产力最高。  相似文献   

利用天目山自然保护区内设立的典型亚热带常绿落叶阔叶混交林1 hm~2固定样地为基础,分别对1996年和2012年(时间跨度为16年)的实地调查监测数据进行综合处理分析,包括优势种的生态位宽度、生态位重叠、种间联结和生物量等方面对其群落演替特征进行深入探讨。结果表明:1996年到2012年中,优势种生态位宽度指数下降的有青钱柳(Cyclocarya paliurus)和缺萼枫香(Liquidambar acalycina),而上升较明显的有小叶青冈(Cyclobalanopsis myrsinifolia)和东南石栎(Lithocarpus harlandii);并且2012年优势种相比于1996年生态位重叠程度更高;1996年和2012年胸径(DBH)≥10 cm的乔木树种的总生物量分别为151.03 t和148.53 t,而2012年优势种胸径5—10 cm幼树的总生物量达到10.03 t,增长潜力较大。结果总体上与天目山常绿落叶阔叶混交林演替趋势相吻合,并以此揭示天目山亚热带常绿落叶阔叶混交林群落演替规律提供数据支撑与借鉴。  相似文献   

氮素类型和剂量对寒温带针叶林土壤N2O排放的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大气氮沉降输入会增加森林生态系统氮素有效性,进而改变土壤N_2O产生与排放,然而有关不同氮素离子(氧化态NO_3~--N与还原态NH_4~+-N)沉降对土壤N_2O排放的影响知之甚少。以大兴安岭寒温带针叶林为研究对象,构建了3种类型(NH_4Cl、KNO_3、NH_4NO_3)和4个施氮水平(0、10、20、40 kg N hm~(-2)a~(-1))的增氮控制试验,利用流动化学分析仪和静态箱-气相色谱法4次/月测定凋落物层和矿质层土壤无机氮含量、土壤-大气界面N_2O净交换通量以及相关环境因子,分析施氮类型和剂量对土壤氮素有效性、土壤N_2O通量的影响探讨氮素富集条件下土壤N_2O通量的环境驱动机制。结果表明:施氮类型和剂量均显著影响土壤无机氮含量,土壤NH_4~+-N的积累效应显著高于NO_3~--N。施氮一致增加寒温带针叶林土壤N_2O排放,NH_4NO_3促进效应最为明显,增幅为442%-677%,高于全球平均水平(134%)。土壤N_2O通量与土壤温度、凋落物层NH_4~+-N含量正相关,且随着施氮水平增加而增加。结果表明大气氮沉降短期内不会导致寒温带针叶林土壤NO_3~--N大量流失,但会显著促进土壤N_2O的排放。此外,外源性NH_4~+和NO_3~-输入对土壤N_2O排放的促进作用具有协同效应,在未来森林生态系统氮循环和氮平衡研究中应该区分对待。  相似文献   

To investigate long-term effects of land use on the soil seed bank, we compared the abundance/density, species richness, life form distribution, and species composition of seeds stored in the soil of four 15–20 yr-old second-growth stands, two old-growth stands, and two previously selectively-logged stands in the Caribbean lowlands of Costa Rica. Surface soil (10 cm deep, 4.7 cm diameter) was collected at 10 m intervals along three 120–160 m long transects in each stand (44–48 soil cores, 22–24 combined seed bank samples per site). Seed density was highest but variable in second-growth stands (8331–14535 seeds/m2), low and homogeneous in old-growth stands (2258–2659 seeds/m2), and intermediate and highly variable in selectively-logged stands (1165–6854 seeds/m2), which also had contrasting logging intensities. Species richness was strongly dependent on seed density, but showed less variation. Life form distribution did not differ statistically among or within land-use categories. In each stand, herbs-forbs, shrubs, and vines dominated the seed bank (> 75% of the species richness and abundance), whereas trees were a minor component (< 20% of the species richness and < 5% of the abundance) and were predominandy early successional. Shrubs and vines were most abundant in second-growth stands where regrowth vegetation was repeatedly cut before abandonment, whereas grasses and sedges were most abundant in the only forest stand that was completely surrounded by pastures. In terms of species composition, old-growth stands were more similar to selectively-logged stands than to second-growth stands, but across stands, selectively-logged forests were most distinct from the other two forest types. An inventory of the standing woody vegetation in each site showed little representation of the woody taxa found in the seed bank. We discuss these results in the context of the main factors that have been postulated to influence the abundance, life form, and species composition of tropical forest seed banks, and explore the role of the latter during intermediate phases of tropical forest succession and regeneration.  相似文献   

普洱市周边地区4种土地利用类型土壤种子库特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对云南普洱市周边地区次生季风常绿阔叶林、针阔混交林、人工更新形成的针叶林及茶园等4种土地利用类型的野外调查及土壤种子库的萌发实验,探讨其土壤种子库的密度大小、物种丰富度和组成及与地上植被的关系。结果表明:干扰强度与频度不同导致土地利用类型之间土壤种子库密度与物种丰富度存在较大差异,土壤种子库密度大小顺序为:针叶林(248.67±116.86)粒·m-2>针阔混交林(186.00±43.27)粒·m-2>次生季风常绿阔叶林(107.33±16.48)粒·m-2>茶园(51.67±10.17)粒·m-2;茶园土壤种子库物种丰富度要显著低于其他类型。4种土地利用类型土壤种子库生活型组成差异极显著,主要以草本植物组成,以菊科与禾本科占优势;针阔混交林的草本植物种子密度最多,非森林的原生物种是草本植物的主要组成;针叶林外来物种的种子密度要显著高于其他类型,紫茎泽兰(Eupatorium adenophorum)是其主要组成。土壤种子库与地上植被的相似性系数较低,其大小顺序为:次生季风常绿阔叶林(0.175)<针阔混交林(0.176)<针叶林(0.215)。  相似文献   

龙成  余志祥  杨永琼  税梅梅 《广西植物》2022,42(12):2075-2086
为揭示四川攀枝花苏铁国家级自然保护区干热河谷次生稀树灌木林群落演替动态规律,该研究以2015年群落内建立的1 hm2永久固定样地为研究对象,经2020年首轮复查,对物种组成、群落多样性、重要值、死亡率、补员率以及胸径(DBH)进行调查研究,以分析5年间群落物种组成及结构动态。结果表明:(1)2020年,群落木本植物共18种,隶属15科18属,较2015年新增1属1种,优势物种组成并无变化,但优势度变化显著。与2015年相比,在重要值(IV)> 1的6个种群中,5个树种IV增高,仅攀枝花苏铁种群IV降低,但其仍为群落优势建群种,铁橡栎和滇榄仁等乔木种群优势度显著增加。(2)2020年,群落中DBH≥1 cm的木本植物个体数增至1 710株,平均胸径由11.10 cm增至11.17 cm。群落年死亡率0.29%,死亡个体平均胸径11.84 cm,年补员率2.75%,补员个体平均胸径4.96 cm。与2015年相比,群落中7个种群出现个体死亡,9个种群出现补员个体。(3)虽然沙针种群规模缩小,但仍有9个种群规模扩大,4个种群规模保持稳定。只有攀枝花苏铁和沙针种群平均胸径减小,其余种群平均胸径均有不同程度的增大。随着森林演替的进行,群落内种间竞争的重要性将逐渐增大,铁橡栎和滇榄仁等乔木树种将在未来演替进程中占据优势地位,但短期内并不会威胁攀枝花苏铁种群优势地位,大径级植株个体的死亡是其优势度显著降低的主要原因。在未来群落演替进程中,攀枝花苏铁将与铁橡栎、滇榄仁等乔木树种组成以乔木树种逐渐占据优势的干热河谷次生稀树灌木林向气候顶极群落演替的过渡型次生林群落。  相似文献   

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