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A new genus and two new species of jewel beetles are described, Andakhudukia ponomarenkoi gen. et sp. nov. from the Lower Cretaceous of Mongolia and Metabuprestium ustkivdense sp. nov. from the lowermost Paleogene of the Amur Region. In addition, four new monotypic genera that share some features with jewel beetles are described: Cretoelaterium kazanovense gen. et sp. nov. from the Lower Cretaceous of Eastern Transbaikalia and Cretopoena gratshevi gen. et sp. nov. from the Lower Cretaceous of Mongolia have been referred to the families Elateridae and Eucnemidae; Cretofalselaterium baiankhongoricum gen. et sp. nov. from the Lower Cretaceous of Mongolia and Cretogermen turonicum gen. et sp. nov. from the Upper Cretaceous of Kazakhstan have been erected for isolated elytra and placed in Coleoptera incertae sedis.  相似文献   

A new jewel beetle genus, with one species (Cretofrontolina kzyldzharica gen. et sp. nov.) from the Upper Cretaceous of Kazakhstan is described based on a body; and three new species of the formal genus Metabuprestium are described based on isolated elytra: Metabuprestium sibiricum sp. nov. and M. arkagalense sp. nov. come from the Arkagala locality (Upper Cretaceous of Russia) and M. ichbogdense sp. nov. is from the Shar Tologoi locality (Lower Cretaceous of Mongolia).  相似文献   

本文简要报道了发现于伊朗卡尚地区古近系的介形类,计16属6种、8比较种、9未定种及1亲近种。根据介形类化石组合面貌,并结合钙质超微、沟鞭藻和有孔虫化石组合,认为含介形类化石的地层时代为始新世至渐新世,推测其沉积环境为正常浅海大陆架环境,而且为温暖浅海内陆架。  相似文献   

刘拓 《人类学学报》2017,36(1):49-61
伊朗作为亚洲大陆腹地沟通东西方的大国,对探究旧石器时代早期东亚和西方石器工业面貌的差异,是重要的地理节点。然而伊朗旧石器的材料相对匮乏,外人知之甚少。为方便理解,本文首先介绍了伊朗的自然与政区地理概况,梳理了伊朗一百多年旧石器考察、发掘和研究的时间脉络,在此基础上,对其旧石器时代早期文化的发现与研究现状予以整理。伊朗旧石器的研究程度目前尚低,不宜过早做出结论;从现有证据看,伊朗西部受一定程度的阿舍利传统影响,而东部几乎不见;最后从传播路径的角度,推测了伊朗及周边地区在旧石器时代早期可能的文化图景。  相似文献   

The egg parasitoid Anaphes nitens (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) parasitizes the Eucalyptus snout-beetle Gonipterus platensis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), one of the main defoliating beetles of Eucalyptus. Outbreaks of this pest are being recorded in areas with low parasitism rates by A. nitens. Endosymbiont bacteria can affect the reproductive characteristics of host insects increasing or decreasing the parasitism rate. The objectives of this study were to identify the presence, phylogeny and transmission modes of endosymbiont bacteria in A. nitens and G. platensis. Six populations of A. nitens and one of G. platensis were evaluated. Genomic DNA from these populations was extracted and nine genera of cell endosymbionts were searched by PCR. Three species of the Enterobacteriaceae family, Erwinia amylovora, Serratia grimesii, Yersinia massiliensis and the cell endosymbiont Rickettsia belli were identified in all A. nitens populations. Only Serratia grimesii was found in G. platensis. The presence of E. amylovora, Y. massiliensis and R. belli in the F1 and F2 generations indicates vertical transmission in A. nitens, while S. grimesii is vertically transmitted in G. platensis.  相似文献   

Aim To identify the ecological factors (related to vegetation, altitude, climate, or geomorphology) that could explain the main gradients of avifaunal richness and composition in arid environments of Central Iran. Location The study was carried out in two nearby semi‐arid protected areas of the Ispahan province: the Kolah‐Ghazi National Park (c. 50,000 ha; 1540–2535 m a.s.l.) and the Mouteh Wildlife Refuge (c. 220,000 ha; 1493–2900 m a.s.l.). Annual average precipitation and temperature range from 155–205 mm and 15–19.5 °C, respectively. Vegetation cover is sparse. Methods The two study areas were sampled with a 1 × 1 km grid design. A subset of 405 squares was randomly chosen and each was visited once during spring or summer by a team of five observers walking from one side of a square to the other and back, recording the birds encountered. Raptors and species considered to be accidental or migrating were not taken into account. We first looked for avifaunal, vegetation, and geomorphological gradients using Correspondence Analysis. As we found spatial autocorrelation within our response variables (avifaunal richness, abundance and/or composition), we first calculated an autocorrelation term, then added this autocorrelation term in anova , ancova (separate slope design) and stepwise regression to assess the relative role of spatial autocorrelation and environmental explanatory variables (vegetation, altitude, climate, or topography). We also partitioned the variance of the avifaunal matrix between several sets of co‐variables, after controlling for spatial effects, using a series of partial Canonical Correspondence Analyses. Results A main gradient, common to the two areas, distinguishes bird species characteristic of flat sedimentary areas and species dwelling in mountainous and/or rocky areas. Despite the generally low values of the correlations measured, we found that richness, abundance and composition of the avifauna were better correlated with topography, especially the altitudinal amplitude within each square, than any other variable, including vegetation. Altitudinal amplitude is related to substrate complexity. Main conclusions In arid zones of central Iran, topographic features seem to be the main factors structuring avifaunal composition and abundance. Avifaunal composition and richness are mainly correlated with the complexity of the substrate, but both avifaunal richness and abundance increase with altitude, probably in response to decreasing aridity. We did not observe any bird altitudinal zonation in a strict sense. These results contrast with those generally observed in mid‐latitude regions of the Palaearctic.  相似文献   

It has become a theoretical commonplace among students of southwest Asian pastoralism that the balance of exchange between pastoralists and their settled neighbors has had a profound effect on pastoralists, strongly influencing household viability and, indeed, the viability of pastoralism as an adaptation. However, little attempt has been made to examine historical variation in the balance of exchange. Attempts to use transformations in the balance of exchange as a means of accounting for change among pastoralists thus remain largely impressionistic and underspecified. This paper examines variations in the balance of exchange between Iranian pastoralists and non-pastoralists from 1815 to 1977. It demonstrates that to the degree that there were long term shifts in the balance of exchange, they favored pastoralists, and it argues that this trend became stronger, rather than weaker in the 20th century. This suggests that pressures on pastoralists over this period were not directly economic and that variation in the balance of exchange itself cannot account for outcomes such as the increased settlement of Iranian pastoralists.  相似文献   

Fossil insects are very rarely found in sediments of deep marine origin. Nevertheless they can be of great interest to trace past events such as trans-oceanic migrations. Here we document the first fossil insects from Iran, viz. several alate ants dead during mating swarms and a migratory locust, found in the pelagic Oligocene sediments of the Zagros Mountains. This locust represents the first putative indication of insect migrations between the Arabian-African and Asiatic continents through the Parathetys, probably in relation with the development of open grassland biotas in these areas.  相似文献   

Occurrence and Genome Analysis of Cucurbit chlorotic yellows virus in Iran   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In 2011 and 2012, several cucurbit‐growing regions of Iran were surveyed and samples with symptoms similar to those induced by Cucurbit chlorotic yellows virus (CCYV) were collected. The pathogen was transmitted to cucumber and melon under greenhouse conditions by whiteflies (Bemisia tabaci). RT‐PCR using designed CCYV‐specific primer pair (CCYV‐F/CCYV‐R) resulted in amplification of the predicted size DNA fragment (870 bp) for the coat protein (CP) gene in samples collected from Boushehr, Eyvanakay and Varamin. Nucleotide sequences of the CP of the three Iranian CCYV isolates were compared with five CCYV isolates obtained from GenBank and analysed. Phylogenetically, all CCYV isolates clustered in two groups; Group I is composed of five non‐Iranian isolates from China, Lebanon, Japan, Sudan and Taiwan, and the three Iranian isolates formed Group 2. Among Iranian isolates, the Eyvanakay isolate clustered in a distinct clade with the Boushehr and Varamin isolates. A phylogenetic tree based on amino acid identity of CP showed that CCYV was closely related to Lettuce chlorosis virus (LCV), Bean yellow disorder virus (BnYDV) and Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus (CYSDV). This is the first report of CCYV in Iran.  相似文献   

The composition of the leaf essential oils of ten populations of Juniperus excelsa complex in Iran are reported and compared. Hydrodistillation yielded in 0.08%–3.78% dry weight (v/w) clear oils among populations studied. The oils are mostly dominated by α- Pinene, Limonene and β-Myrcene. The simplest oil was found in Qushchi (J. polycarpos var. polycarpos) with 25 components and the most complex oil was found in Lushan1 (J. polycarpos var. polycarpos) with 92 components. Quantitative data is presented for 164 components were found. The southern populations, Fasa and Khabr, show differences in composition of essential oils compared with other populations so that Borneol and isopinocamphone are diagnostic for them. These populations have been identified as Juniperus seravschanica in southeast of Iran and hybrid samples between J. polycarpos and J. seravschanica in southwest of Iran whereas other populations, as is confirmed in this study, are J. polycarpos. It is confirmed by essential oils data that there is no J. excelsa in Iran.  相似文献   

Sperm precedence, defined as nonrandom differential fertilizationsuccess among mating males, is an important postmating componentof sexual selection. This study examined the relationship betweenpremating and postmating components of sexual selection in malesof the flour beetle (Tribolium castanewn). Male olfactory attractivenessto females was positively correlated with a male's subsequentfertilization success: more attractive males achieved highersecond-male sperm precedence when allowed to mate with previouslyinseminated females. Attractive males may achieve compoundedgains in their reproductive success through enhanced matingopportunities as well as through greater fertilization success.Thus, the relationship between these reproductive fitness componentsmay augment differences in reproductive success among males.Female fecundity, estimated as the number of adult progeny produced,increased significantly with multiple malings. This result supportsincreased female reproductive success as a direct benefit ofmultiple mating in T. caslaneum and suggests that progeny productionis partially limited by sperm availability. Total progeny productionby doubly mated females remained constant at all levels of second-malesperm precedence. However, higher sperm precedence was associatedwith a decline in firstmale progeny and a concomitant increasein second-male progeny. This pattern of progeny production suggeststhat more attractive males may achieve higher fertilizationsuccess through a combination of displacement of previouslystored sperm, transfer of greater sperm quantities, or females'preferential use of sperm of attractive males for fertilizations.  相似文献   

Many surveys were conducted during 2003–2005 to study the identity, prevalence and fluctuation of bean infecting viruses in northwestern Iran. In total, 649 bean samples with virus- like symptoms were collected and analysed by double antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (DAS-ELISA) and tissue-print immunoassay to detect infectious viruses. Serological tests revealed the presence of Bean common mosaic virus (BCMV), Bean common mosaic necrosis virus (BCMNV), Bean yellow mosaic virus (BYMV), Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV), Bean leaf roll virus (BLRV), Bean pod mottle virus (BPMV) and Southern bean mosaic virus (SBMV), with some co-infection occurred, with prevalence of BCMV, BCMNV and BYMV (17–29% infection rate). The incidence of viruses showed variation in over 3 years of research including more than double increase in CMV from 2004 to 2005 and obvious one-third decrease in AMV from 2003 to 2005. SBMV and BPMV were detected sporadically in the fields and the response of some differential test plants was analysed by mechanical inoculation. Western immunoblotting analysis of SBMV infected bean leaf total proteins using SBMV-specific polyclonal antibody revealed viral CP with molecular mass of 28.5 kDa which confirmed the presence of SBMV as a new threat for bean production.  相似文献   

Levels of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) congeners and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane and its metabolites (DDTs) were measured in 18 species of fish, crab, shrimp, and bivalve samples collected from the northern region of the Persian Gulf in Iran. The levels of ∑PCBs varied from 259.92 ± 31.04 ng/g to 1648.88 ± 176.96 ng/g in lipid weight. CB118 showed the highest concentration. ∑DDT variations ranged from ND to 570.45 ± 806.74 ng/g in lipid weight. Health risk was assessed by estimating both dietary intakes and screening values (SVs). Daily intake levels were much lower than the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)/World Health Organization (WHO) standards for PCBs and DDTs. Based on an average bodyweight of 73 kg and consumption rates of 0.055 kg/person. day, the SVs for the carcinogen and non-carcinogen effects of PCB and DDT were calculated. Average concentrations of PCBs and DDTs showed that the levels of PCBs exceeded the established SV for carcinogens. This finding suggests the need to enhance risk management regarding seafood consumption through public advisory.  相似文献   

Spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus L.) is the most destructive insect pest of spruce forests in Eurasia. However, contact toxicity, in vivo metabolism, and ecological functions of host monoterpenes are poorly understood at the spruce tree–bark beetle–predator tritrophic level. Spruce monoterpenes including S-(–)-α-pinene, R-(+)-α-pinene, and myrcene showed contact toxicity to I. typographus, with LD50 values ranging from 22–32 μg/mg. When topically treated with S-(–)-α-pinene or R-(+)-α-pinene, the amounts of volatile metabolites, including 4S-(–)-cis-verbenol, 4S-(+)-/4R-(–)-trans-verbenol, R-(+)-/S-(–)-verbenone and 1R-(–)-/1S-(+)-myrtenol, in the hindgut extracts of I. typographus varied significantly between sexes, and their quality (enantiomeric composition) varied significantly with the chirality of α-pinene. More importantly, S-(–)-α-pinene induced male adults to produce large amounts of 4S-(–)-cis-verbenol and S-(–)-verbenone. When topically treated with myrcene, the expected semiochemicals such as E-myrcenol, ipsenol and ipsdienol were not detected in the beetle hindguts, indicating that the pheromone biosynthetic system of I. typographus does not participate in the metabolism of host myrcene. In trap tests, S-(–)-α-pinene and R-(+)-α-pinene increased the catches of I. typographus and its predator Thanasimus substriatus in pheromone-baited traps, whereas myrcene exhibited a strong repellent (or inhibitory) effect on I. typographus but not on its predator. I. typographus seems to adopt different ecological strategies (e.g. avoidance to myrcene and preference for α-pinene) to adapt to and tolerate different host monoterpenes. Extensive investigation of these monoterpenes will help us understand their roles in manipulating the arms race between host trees and bark beetles, and potentially improve the efficacy of controlling I. typographus via the push-pull strategy using host kairomones.  相似文献   

A new species of Maladera Mulsant & Rey, 1871 is described from Iran: M. kermanensis sp. n. The habitus and genitalia of the new species are illustrated. Additional records of Maladera species and a checklist of the species occurring in Iran including a map of their distribution are given.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:812B8D62-2DD5-42CF-8BCD-F576CF3D2A7E  相似文献   

Understanding the responses of vegetation characteristics and soil properties to grazing in different precipitation regimes is useful for the management of rangelands, especially in the arid regions. In northeastern Iran, we studied the responses of vegetation to livestock grazing in three regions with different climates: arid, semiarid, and subhumid. In each region, we selected 6–7 pairwise sampling areas of high versus low grazing intensity and six traits of the present species were recorded on 1 m2 plots—five grazed and five ungrazed in each area. The overall fertility was compared using the dissimilarity analysis, and linear mixed‐effect models were used to compare the individual fertility parameters, functional diversity indices, and species traits between the plots with high and low grazing intensity and between the climatic regions. Both climate and grazing, as well as their interaction, affected fertility parameters, functional diversity indices, and the representation of species traits. Grazing reduced functional evenness, height of the community, the representation of annuals, but increased the community leaf area. In the subhumid region, grazing also reduced functional richness. Further, grazing decreased the share of annual species in the semiarid region and seed mass in the arid region. Larger leaf area and seed mass, smaller height and lower share of annuals were associated with intensive grazing. Species with large LA and seed mass, lower height and perennials can be therefore presumed to tolerate trampling and benefit from high nutrient levels, associated with intensive grazing. By providing a detailed view on the impacts of overgrazing, this study highlights the importance of protection from grazing as an effective management tool for maintaining the pastoral ecosystems. In general, the composition of plant traits across the pastures of northeastern Iran was more affected by intensive grazing than by the differences in climate.  相似文献   

Populations of Phlebotomus major were examined in two endemic and nonendemic foci of visceral leishmaniasis in Iran. Based on the shape of the aedeagus and ventrally located hairs of coxite and pharyngeal armatures, two morphotypes were found sympatrically in the endemic area of Borazjan. Significant differences in morphometric survey were observed in at least 11 measured characters. The aedeagus of the non‐endemic Miyandoab morphotype, and also of a few specimens from Borazjan, is completely parallel throughout its length with a slightly expanded end. Ventrally located hairs of the middle coxite were longer and more compact. It is close morphologically to P. major neglectus (P. neglectus), which was recently recorded from Iran. It is also morphologically similar to P. notus, which has not yet been reported from Iran and needs further investigation. The aedeagus of the morphotype occurring only in Borazjan is narrower in the middle and the hairs are closer to the base of the coxite and are shorter and more outspread, which makes it similar to P. major krimensis or P. neglectus. The two morphotypes occurring sympatrically in Borazjan do not appear to be subspecies and it may be premature to propose them as separate species. Further investigation is needed to clarify the actual status of P. major s. l. in Iran.  相似文献   

Aim In an attempt to use molecular and fossil data interactively in historical biogeography, we studied the phylogeography of five Plateumaris leaf beetles in Japan using mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) sequence data to explore interspecific differences in phylogeographical patterns and estimate the timings of colonization and geographical differentiation. Location A total of 461 beetles from five species on Hokkaido, Honshu and Kyushu islands of Japan were analysed with 117 beetles from three conspecies and two congeners from the mainland (Russia, including Sakhalin; Korea; Mongolia; Belgium; France; hereafter, the continent). Methods Using the sequence data from a 750‐bp portion of the COI gene, we studied the phylogeny of COI haplotypes, intraspecific population differentiation using analysis of molecular variance and the Mantel test, and intraspecific phylogeography using nested clade analysis. In addition, divergence times between the continental and Japanese lineages, as well as among the various Japanese lineages, were estimated using a Bayesian approach with node constraints based on fossil records of extant species. Results Three widely distributed species showed different degrees of geographical differentiation corresponding to their different colonization history in Japan. Bayesian estimates of divergence time revealed that one of two endemic species, which originated before the late Pliocene, attained intraspecific differentiation through the Pliocene and Pleistocene, whereas another endemic species has been confined in one locality, and three non‐endemic species colonized Japan after the mid‐Pleistocene. Main conclusions Molecular analyses of an insect group with relatively abundant fossil data can contribute greatly to the understanding of diverse biogeographical histories of related species in a region. Bayesian estimates of divergence time could be used to assess the variable evolutionary rates of the COI gene, and may be applied to other related insect species.  相似文献   

Birds have sophisticated colour vision mediated by four cone types that cover a wide visual spectrum including ultraviolet (UV) wavelengths. Many birds have modest UV sensitivity provided by violet‐sensitive (VS) cones with sensitivity maxima between 400 and 425 nm. However, some birds have evolved higher UV sensitivity and a larger visual spectrum given by UV‐sensitive (UVS) cones maximally sensitive at 360–370 nm. The reasons for VS–UVS transitions and their relationship to visual ecology remain unclear. It has been hypothesized that the evolution of UVS‐cone vision is linked to plumage colours so that visual sensitivity and feather coloration are ‘matched’. This leads to the specific prediction that UVS‐cone vision enhances the discrimination of plumage colours of UVS birds while such an advantage is absent or less pronounced for VS‐bird coloration. We test this hypothesis using knowledge of the complex distribution of UVS cones among birds combined with mathematical modelling of colour discrimination during different viewing conditions. We find no support for the hypothesis, which, combined with previous studies, suggests only a weak relationship between UVS‐cone vision and plumage colour evolution. Instead, we suggest that UVS‐cone vision generally favours colour discrimination, which creates a nonspecific selection pressure for the evolution of UVS cones.  相似文献   

The present study represents phylogenetic analyses of Plumbaginaceae with emphasis on Acantholimon from Iran using nrDNA ITS and plastid trnY-T sequences. The analyses support the monophyly and the close relationship of Limonium, Armeria and Psylliostachys. This is the first report of the close relationship between Acantholimon and Cephalorhizum. The data for the position of Cephalorhizum is unclear. The Shimodaira–Hasegawa test of nrDNA ITS and the combined datasets indicated that Acantholimon and Cephalorhizum are distinct genera. The molecular data revealed that the traditionally recognized multi-specific Acantholimon sections (Acantholimon, Acmostegia, Glumaria, Microstegia, Staticopsis and Tragacanthina) are not monophyletic. Their members are intermixed with each other and scattered across the Acantholimon clade, but the smaller sections including Platystegia and Pterostegia, each comprising two species, are monophyletic.  相似文献   

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