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Spatial distribution and habitat selection are integral to the study of animal ecology. Habitat selection may optimize the fitness of individuals. Hutchinsonian niche theory posits the fundamental niche of species would support the persistence or growth of populations. Although niche‐based species distribution models (SDMs) and habitat suitability models (HSMs) such as maximum entropy (Maxent) have demonstrated fair to excellent predictive power, few studies have linked the prediction of HSMs to demographic rates. We aimed to test the prediction of Hutchinsonian niche theory that habitat suitability (i.e., likelihood of occurrence) would be positively related to survival of American beaver (Castor canadensis), a North American semi‐aquatic, herbivorous, habitat generalist. We also tested the prediction of ideal free distribution that animal fitness, or its surrogate, is independent of habitat suitability at the equilibrium. We estimated beaver monthly survival probability using the Barker model and radio telemetry data collected in northern Alabama, United States from January 2011 to April 2012. A habitat suitability map was generated with Maxent for the entire study site using landscape variables derived from the 2011 National Land Cover Database (30‐m resolution). We found an inverse relationship between habitat suitability index and beaver survival, contradicting the predictions of niche theory and ideal free distribution. Furthermore, four landscape variables selected by American beaver did not predict survival. The beaver population on our study site has been established for 20 or more years and, subsequently, may be approaching or have reached the carrying capacity. Maxent‐predicted increases in habitat use and subsequent intraspecific competition may have reduced beaver survival. Habitat suitability‐fitness relationships may be complex and, in part, contingent upon local animal abundance. Future studies of mechanistic SDMs incorporating local abundance and demographic rates are needed.  相似文献   

The large genome size of many species hinders the development and application of genomic tools to study them. For instance, loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.), an ecologically and economically important conifer, has a large and yet uncharacterized genome of 21.7 Gbp. To characterize the pine genome, we performed exome capture and sequencing of 14 729 genes derived from an assembly of expressed sequence tags. Efficiency of sequence capture was evaluated and shown to be similar across samples with increasing levels of complexity, including haploid cDNA, haploid genomic DNA and diploid genomic DNA. However, this efficiency was severely reduced for probes that overlapped multiple exons, presumably because intron sequences hindered probe:exon hybridizations. Such regions could not be entirely avoided during probe design, because of the lack of a reference sequence. To improve the throughput and reduce the cost of sequence capture, a method to multiplex the analysis of up to eight samples was developed. Sequence data showed that multiplexed capture was reproducible among 24 haploid samples, and can be applied for high‐throughput analysis of targeted genes in large populations. Captured sequences were de novo assembled, resulting in 11 396 expanded and annotated gene models, significantly improving the knowledge about the pine gene space. Interspecific capture was also evaluated with over 98% of all probes designed from P. taeda that were efficient in sequence capture, were also suitable for analysis of the related species Pinus elliottii Engelm.  相似文献   

When abundant, seeds of the high‐elevation whitebark pine (WBP; Pinus albicaulis) are an important fall food for grizzly bears (Ursus arctos) in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Rates of bear mortality and bear/human conflicts have been inversely associated with WBP productivity. Recently, mountain pine beetles (Dendroctonus ponderosae) have killed many cone‐producing WBP trees. We used fall (15 August–30 September) Global Positioning System locations from 89 bear years to investigate temporal changes in habitat use and movements during 2000–2011. We calculated Manly–Chesson (MC) indices for selectivity of WBP habitat and secure habitat (≥500 m from roads and human developments), determined dates of WBP use, and documented net daily movement distances and activity radii. To evaluate temporal trends, we used regression, model selection, and candidate model sets consisting of annual WBP production, sex, and year. One‐third of sampled grizzly bears had fall ranges with little or no mapped WBP habitat. Most other bears (72%) had a MC index above 0.5, indicating selection for WBP habitats. From 2000 to 2011, mean MC index decreased and median date of WBP use shifted about 1 week later. We detected no trends in movement indices over time. Outside of national parks, there was no correlation between the MC indices for WBP habitat and secure habitat, and most bears (78%) selected for secure habitat. Nonetheless, mean MC index for secure habitat decreased over the study period during years of good WBP productivity. The wide diet breadth and foraging plasticity of grizzly bears likely allowed them to adjust to declining WBP. Bears reduced use of WBP stands without increasing movement rates, suggesting they obtained alternative fall foods within their local surroundings. However, the reduction in mortality risk historically associated with use of secure, high‐elevation WBP habitat may be diminishing for bears residing in multiple‐use areas.  相似文献   

Drift, selection, or their combined effects commonly drive geographic variation in traits. Clarifying the relative roles of each process is a long‐standing research goal in evolutionary biology. Acoustic signals of bats are a phenotypic characteristic that plays an important role in social organization and species recognition. We extensively sampled the Chinese rufous horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus sinicus) throughout China and Vietnam and reconstructed a species phylogeny to better understand the patterns and causes of the geographic variation of acoustic signals. Our results showed that the resting frequency (RF) of calls varied with latitude, sex, and distance among different colony locations. RF differences were not correlated with genetic distance (based on only one nuclear locus and the mitochondrial locus), climatic factors (mean annual temperature and mean annual precipitable water), or body size, although differences in calls increased with distance among various populations. This suggests that cultural drift may play more important roles than genetic drift and acoustic adaptation in shaping acoustic differences within regions in R. sinicus.  相似文献   

Individual variability in animal movement behaviour is well documented for many species. However, it remains unclear whether this variability reflects genetic variation, environmental variation or a combination of the two. Here, we conduct a cross‐fostering experiment with the aim of investigating the role of these two components in movement patterns during the post‐fledging dependence period and early natal dispersal of 21 eagle owls Bubo bubo. Our experiment showed that cross‐fostering did not influence any of the movement parameters considered. Movement parameters were, however, affected by the age and sex of the owlets. We therefore suggest that individual variability and family resemblance in movement behaviour during the post‐fledging dependence period and early natal dispersal might not be due to the common genetic origin of siblings, but rather that it originates from factors related to the rearing environment.  相似文献   

运用景观生态决策与评价支持系统(LEDESS)对辽河三角洲的3个景观规划预案,即湿地调整,生境管理和农业开发可能导致的地表覆盖物,自然生态单元等立地环境以及保护物种生境适宜性等区域生态后果进行了评估,并与现状进行了对比,模拟结果表明,预案A通过湿地调整措施不仅补偿了芦苇湿地的损失,还将部分不适宜生境和边境生境转变核心生境,相当程度上优化了保护物种丹顶鹤和黑嘴鸥的生境质量,预案B通过一系列生境管理措施,减轻了生境破碎化因素的影响,从而也显著改善了丹顶鹤生境质量,对黑嘴鸥生境质量也有一定改善,预宁C大规模农业开发如能控制一定规模(8000hm2)并采取一定合理模式(滚动开发),能相当程度上减轻农业开发对物种生境的影响,即使不采取生境补偿措施,对丹顶鹤,黑嘴鸥核心生境也不会有破坏性的影响,模拟结果还表明,区域人类活动导致的生境破碎化是对丹顶鹤生境质量重要的干扰因子,而滩涂农业开发和水产养殖强烈地干扰了涂植被正常的演替过程,从而影响着黑嘴鸥等滩涂鸟类的生境适宜性。  相似文献   

Factors shaping the geographic range of a species can be identified when phylogeographic patterns are combined with data on contemporary and historical geographic distribution, range‐wide abundance, habitat/food availability, and through comparisons with codistributed taxa. Here, we evaluate range dynamism and phylogeography of the rocky intertidal gastropod Mexacanthina lugubris lugubris across its geographic range – the Pacific coast of the Baja peninsula and southern California. We sequenced mitochondrial DNA (CO1) from ten populations and compliment these data with museum records, habitat availability and range‐wide field surveys of the distribution and abundance of M. l. lugubris and its primary prey (the barnacle Chthamalus fissus). The geographic range of M. l. lugubris can be characterized by three different events in its history: an old sundering in the mid‐peninsular region of Baja (~ 417,000 years ago) and more recent northern range expansion and southern range contraction. The mid‐peninsular break is shared with many terrestrial and marine species, although M. l. lugubris represents the first mollusc to show it. This common break is often attributed to a hypothesized ancient seaway bisecting the peninsula, but for M. l. lugubris it may result from large habitat gaps in the southern clade. Northern clade populations, particularly near the historical northern limit (prior to the 1970s), have high local abundances and reside in a region with plentiful food and habitat – which makes its northern range conducive to expansion. The observed southern range contraction may result from the opposite scenario, with little food or habitat nearby. Our study highlights the importance of taking an integrative approach to understanding the processes that shape the geographic range of a species via combining range‐wide phylogeography data with temporal geographic distributions and spatial patterns of habitat/food availability.  相似文献   

印度野牛(Bos gaurus)在中国分布在云南省南部和西藏藏南地区。2016年2-3月和2016年11-12月, 我们在西双版纳州、普洱市及高黎贡山区域开展印度野牛调查, 并对藏南地区进行文献调研, 共获得47处印度野牛有效出现位点数据。目前云南地区印度野牛种群数量约180-210头, 面临着严重的生存危机; 在高黎贡山未发现印度野牛。利用印度野牛分布位点数据, 选取地形、土地覆被类型、人类足迹指数、距水源和道路距离以及气候共5类14种因子作为自变量建立MaxEnt生态位模型, 通过模拟云南和西藏印度野牛的适宜分布区, 分析各环境因子对该物种分布的影响。结果表明: 模型预测精度较高, 平均AUC (area under the curve)值为0.994。印度野牛潜在适宜栖息地可划分为高适宜、次适宜、低适宜和不适宜4个等级。高适宜栖息地主要分布在云南省西双版纳和藏南地区, 其中西双版纳部分镶嵌有次适宜和低适宜栖息地斑块, 面积为4,987 km²; 藏南部分高适宜栖息地面积为13,995 km²。次适宜栖息地主要分布于云南省南部、高黎贡山区域以及藏南高适宜栖息地区的边缘, 总面积为32,778 km²。低适宜和不适宜栖息地区连接成片, 位于云南省中部、北部地区和藏南地区北部。Jackknife检验结果显示, 季节温度变化和等温线对印度野牛潜在分布区的影响较大, 而地形因子和降水变化的影响较弱。遥感地物分类结果表明: 橡胶林等人工经济林的种植占据了西双版纳野牛的适宜栖息地, 降低了景观连接度。建议管理部门加大对天然林的保护力度, 控制橡胶林等人工林在野牛适宜栖息地的扩张, 提高景观连接度, 以促进该物种种群的恢复。  相似文献   

We evaluated the effect of habitat and landscape characteristics on the population genetic structure of the white‐footed mouse. We develop a new approach that uses numerical optimization to define a model that combines site differences and landscape resistance to explain the genetic differentiation between mouse populations inhabiting forest patches in southern Québec. We used ecological distance computed from resistance surfaces with Circuitscape to infer the effect of the landscape matrix on gene flow. We calculated site differences using a site index of habitat characteristics. A model that combined site differences and resistance distances explained a high proportion of the variance in genetic differentiation and outperformed models that used geographical distance alone. Urban and agriculture‐related land uses were, respectively, the most and the least resistant landscape features influencing gene flow. Our method detected the effect of rivers and highways as highly resistant linear barriers. The density of grass and shrubs on the ground best explained the variation in the site index of habitat characteristics. Our model indicates that movement of white‐footed mouse in this region is constrained along routes of low resistance. Our approach can generate models that may improve predictions of future northward range expansion of this small mammal.  相似文献   

李明  王树香  高宝嘉 《生态学报》2013,33(12):3602-3610
利用ISSR分子标记技术,分析了中国北部地区10个油松天然次生林居群的遗传多样性,以及与地理环境因子的相关性.研究结果表明:13条ISSR引物对250个个体扩增出137条谱带,平均多态位点百分率60.72%,不同居群的多态位点百分率差异明显;不同地理居群间的期望杂合度指数在0.2824-0.3702之间,平均为0.3210;Shannon多样性指数范围为0.1923-0.2490,平均为0.2165.居群间的遗传变异占居群总的遗传多样性的37.53%.经Mantel检验,居群间的地理距离和遗传距离间不存在显著相关性(r=0.069,p=0.360).聚类分析(UPGMA)表明,河南宝天曼(BTM)、承德大窝铺(DWP)、宁夏苏峪口(SYK)和甘肃冶力关(YLG)居群聚为一组,辽宁医巫闾山(YWL)、山西沁源灵空山(LKS)、陕西蔡家川林场(CJC)、山西和顺云龙公园(YLGY)和山西汶水三道川林场(SDC)居群为一组,山东蒙山(Ms)居群独立为一组.经分析发现,分布于我国地势二级、三级阶梯分界线区域的油松天然林( YWL、BTM、YLGY)遗传多样性水平高,位于分布区东西临界点居群(MS、YLG)遗传多样性水平低.经相关性分析,温度相关因子(年均温、1月均温、极端最低温)、海拔及年降雨量显著影响遗传多样性水平.油松天然居群分子变异存在一定的地理变异规律.  相似文献   

The roan antelope is locally endangered in Kenya with <50 individuals remaining in Ruma National Park (RNP). An understanding of the habitat requirements is essential to formulate habitat management strategies for species recovery. This study identifies habitat and management features affecting roan distribution in different seasons using information‐theoretic and multimodel inference (MMI) techniques. MMI averaged models were coupled with GIS data to develop habitat suitability maps. Results showed that roan habitat suitability is determined by different factors in different seasons but overall habitat was more important than management. Best predictors of roan incidence were wooded grassland, open grassland and water points. Water was more significant in the dry season whilst vegetation burned status, slope, soil type, distances to snares, park fence and security gates were important predictors at other seasons. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) plots confirmed that the models fitted well to the data (AUC>0.9). Sustainable conservation of roans in RNP can be achieved via long‐term habitat management including prescribed burning and construction of more water points and short‐term urgent solutions to key management issues, especially control of poaching.  相似文献   

Seed mass and morphology are plant life history traits that influence seed dispersal ability, seeding establishment success, and population distribution pattern. Southeastern Tibet is a diversity center for Rhododendron species, which are distributed from a few hundred meters to 5500 m above sea level. We examined intra‐ and interspecific variation in seed mass and morphology in relation to altitude, habitat, plant height, and phylogeny. Seed mass decreased significantly with the increasing altitude and increased significantly with increasing plant height among populations of the same species. Seed mass differed significantly among species and subsections, but not among sections and subgenera. Seed length, width, surface area, and wing length were significantly negative correlated with altitude and significantly positive correlated with plant height. Further, these traits differed significantly among habitats and varied among species and subsection, but not among sections and subgenera. Species at low elevation had larger seeds with larger wings, and seeds became smaller and the wings of seeds tended to be smaller with the increasing altitude. Morphology of the seed varied from flat round to long cylindrical with increasing altitude. We suggest that seed mass and morphology have evolved as a result of both long‐term adaptation and constraints of the taxonomic group over their long evolutionary history.  相似文献   

Quaternary climatic fluctuations have left contrasting historical footprints on the neutral genetic diversity patterns of existing populations of different tree species. We should expect the demography, and consequently the neutral genetic structure, of taxa less tolerant to particular climatic extremes to be more sensitive to long‐term climate fluctuations. We explore this hypothesis here by sampling all six pine species found in the Iberian Peninsula (2464 individuals, 105 populations), using a common set of chloroplast microsatellite markers, and by looking at the association between neutral genetic diversity and species‐specific climatic requirements. We found large variation in neutral genetic diversity and structure among Iberian pines, with cold‐enduring mountain species (Pinus uncinata, P. sylvestris and P. nigra) showing substantially greater diversity than thermophilous taxa (P. pinea and P. halepensis). Within species, we observed a significant positive correlation between population genetic diversity and summer precipitation for some of the mountain pines. The observed pattern is consistent with the hypotheses that: (i) more thermophilous species have been subjected to stronger demographic fluctuations in the past, as a consequence of their maladaptation to recurrent glacial cold stages; and (ii) altitudinal migrations have allowed the maintenance of large effective population sizes and genetic variation in cold‐tolerant species, especially in more humid regions. In the light of these results and hypotheses, we discuss some potential genetic consequences of impending climate change.  相似文献   

Pinus rzedowskii is an endangered pine species from Michoaca´n (central Me´xico), which has been previously reported from only three localities. Classified within the subgenus Strobus, it exhibits intermediate morphological characters between subgenera Strobus and Pinus. We analyzed genetic aspects that could shed light on the evolution and conservation of this species. The genetic structure of nine populations was examined using 14 isozyme loci. Pinus rzedowskii has a relatively high level of genetic variation with 46.8% of the loci assayed being polymorphic, a total of 35 alleles, and a mean heterozygosity per population of 0.219. We calculated Wright's FST statistic to estimate gene flow indirectly and to evaluate whether or not there was genetic structuring among populations. We found a marked differentiation among populations (FST = 0.175) and significant inbreeding (FIS = 0.247). No pattern of isolation by distance was found. We also constructed a dendrogram based on a genetic distance matrix to obtain an overview of the possible historical relationships among populations. Finally, we found a convex relationship between the genetic distance among populations and the number of ancestral lineages, suggesting that demographically this species has not been at risk recently. Although endangered, with small and fragmented populations, P. rzedowskii shows higher levels of genetic variation than other conifer species with larger populations or similar conservation status.  相似文献   

Population history plays an important role in shaping contemporary levels of genetic variation and geographic structure. This is especially true in small, isolated range‐margin populations, where effects of inbreeding, genetic drift and gene flow may be more pronounced than in large continuous populations. Effects of landscape fragmentation and isolation distance may have implications for persistence of range‐margin populations if they are demographic sinks. We studied four small, disjunct populations of ponderosa pine over a 500‐year period. We coupled demographic data obtained through dendroecological methods with microsatellite data to discern how and when contemporary levels of allelic diversity, among and within‐population levels of differentiation, and geographic structure, arose. Alleles accumulated rapidly following initial colonization, demonstrating proportionally high levels of gene flow into the populations. At population sizes of approximately 100 individuals, allele accumulation saturated. Levels of genetic differentiation among populations (FST and Jost's Dest) and diversity within populations (FIS) remained stable through time. There was no evidence of geographic genetic structure at any time in the populations' history. Proportionally, high gene flow in the early stages of population growth resulted in rapid accumulation of alleles and quickly created relatively homogenous genetic patterns among populations. Our study demonstrates that contemporary levels of genetic diversity were formed quickly and early in population development. How contemporary genetic diversity accumulates over time is a key facet of understanding population growth and development. This is especially relevant given the extent and speed at which species ranges are predicted to shift in the coming century.  相似文献   

Habitat associations are a function of habitat preferences and dispersal capabilities, both of which can influence how species responded to Quaternary climatic changes and contemporary habitat heterogeneity. Predicting resultant genetic structure is not always straightforward, especially in species where high dispersal potential and habitat preferences yield opposing predictions. The American badger has high dispersal capabilities that predict widespread panmixia, but avoids closed‐canopy forests and clay soils, which could restrict gene flow and create ecologically based population genetic structure. We used mitochondrial sequence and microsatellite data sets to characterize how these opposing forces contribute to genetic structure in badgers at a continent‐wide scale. Our data revealed an overall lack of ecologically based population genetic structure, suggesting that high dispersal capabilities were sufficiently realized to overcome most habitat‐based genetic structure. At a broadscale, badger gene flow is limited only by geographic distance (isolation by distance) and large water barriers (Lake Michigan and the Mississippi River). The absence of genetic structure in a species with strong avoidance of unsuitable habitats advances our understanding of when and how genetic structure emerges in widespread, highly mobile species.  相似文献   

The American cockroach (Periplaneta americana) is a globally invasive pest that can cause significant economic loss and threaten human health. Although it is abundant and lives in close proximity to humans, few studies have investigated the genetic diversity of P. americana. Our study analyzed 1,053 P. americana and other Periplaneta species' samples from different locations in China and the United States. A traditional tree‐based method using 17 unique mitochondrial COI haplotypes of P. americana and 20 haplotypes of the other Periplaneta species accurately identified P. americana with a barcoding threshold of 5.1%. To identify the population genetic structure of P. americana, we investigated wingless gene and pooled them with obtained mtDNA data for a combined analysis. Although the genetic diversity of the USA group was relatively higher than the China group, the number of haplotypes and alleles of both groups was small. The analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA), intraspecific phylogeny, and haplotype networks indicated that P. americana had very little global genetic differentiation. The weak geographic genetic structure might reflect the human‐mediated dispersal of P. americana. Despite no apparent phylogeographic assignment of mtDNA and nuclear lineages was observed in both BI trees, the integrated COI sequence data identified four distinct P. americana haplotype groups, showing four ancient maternal lineages of P. americana in China and the United States.  相似文献   

Aim To characterize the genetic structure and diversity of Pinus cembra L. populations native to two disjunct geographical areas, the Alps and the Carpathians, and to evaluate the rate of genetic differentiation among populations. Location The Swiss Alps and the Carpathians. Methods We screened 28 populations at three paternally inherited chloroplast simple sequence repeats (cpSSRs) for length variation in their mononucleotide repeats. Statistical analysis assessed haplotypic variation and fixation indices. Hierarchical analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA), Mantel test, spatial analysis of molecular variance (SAMOVA) and barrier analyses were applied to evaluate the geographical partitioning of genetic diversity across the species’ range. Results Haplotypic diversity was generally high throughout the natural range of P. cembra, with the mean value substantially higher in the Carpathians (H = 0.53) than in the Alps (H = 0.35). The isolated Carpathian populations showed the highest haplotype diversity among the populations originating from the High Tatras (Velka Studena Dolina) and South Carpathians (Retezat Mountains). AMOVA revealed that only 3% of the total genetic variation derived from genetic differentiation between the two mountain ranges. Differentiation among Carpathian populations was higher (FST = 0.19) than among Alpine populations (FST = 0.04). Low, but significant, correlation was found between the geographical and genetic distances among pairs of populations (r = 0.286, P < 0.001). SAMOVA results revealed no evident geographical structure of populations. barrier analysis showed the strongest differentiation in the eastern part of the species’ range, i.e. in the Carpathians. Main conclusions The populations of P. cembra within the two parts of the species’ range still share many cpDNA haplotypes, suggesting a common gene pool conserved from a previously large, continuous distribution range. Carpathian populations have maintained high haplotypic variation, even higher than Alpine populations, despite their small population sizes and spatial isolation. Based on our results, we emphasize the importance of the Carpathian populations of Swiss stone pine for conservation. These populations comprise private haplotypes and they may represent a particular legacy of the species’ evolutionary history.  相似文献   

The geographic mosaic theory of coevolution posits that the form of selection between interacting species varies across a landscape with coevolution important and active in some locations (i.e., coevolutionary hotspots) but not in others (i.e., coevolutionary coldspots). We tested the hypothesis that the presence of red squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) affects the occurrence of coevolution between red crossbills (Loxia curvirostra complex) and Rocky Mountain lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta ssp. latifolia) and thereby provides a mechanism giving rise to a geographic mosaic of selection. Red squirrels are the predominant predispersal seed predator and selective agent on lodgepole pine cones. However, in four isolated mountain ranges east and west of the Rocky Mountains, red squirrels are absent and red crossbills are the main predispersal seed predator. These isolated populations of pine have apparently evolved without Tamiasciurus for about 10,000 to 12,000 years. Based on published morphological, genetic, and paleobotanical studies, we infer that cone traits in these isolated populations that show parallel differences from cones in the Rocky Mountains have changed in parallel. We used data on crossbill and conifer cone morphology and feeding preferences and efficiency to detect whether red crossbills and lodgepole pine exhibit reciprocal adaptations, which would imply coevolution. Cone traits that act to deter Tamiasciurus and result in high ratios of cone mass to seed mass were less developed in the isolated populations. Cone traits that act to deter crossbills include larger and thicker scales and perhaps increased overlap between successive scales and were enhanced in the isolated populations. In the larger, isolated mountain ranges crossbills have evolved deeper, shorter, and therefore more decurved bills to exploit these cones. This provides crossbills with higher feeding rates, and the change in bill shape has improved efficiency by reducing the concomitant increases in body mass and daily energy expenditures that would have resulted if only bill size had increased. These parallel adaptations and counter adaptations in red crossbills and lodgepole pine are interpreted as reciprocal adaptations and imply that these crossbills and pine are in coevolutionary arms races where red squirrels are absent (i.e., coevolutionary hotspots) but not where red squirrels are present (i.e., coevolutionary cold-spots).  相似文献   

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