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China has more than 1,500 industrial parks, which, collectively, play a crucial role in facilitating industrialization and urbanization. A key characteristic of these parks is that most rely on shareable energy infrastructure, an efficient configuration that can also deliver substantial and sustainable reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This study offers strategies for mitigating GHG emissions from Chinese industrial parks. We focus on extensive data collection for the 106 industrial parks listed in the national demonstration eco‐industrial park (EIP) program. In doing so, we carefully examine the evolution of 608 serviceable energy infrastructure units by vintage year, fuel type, energy output, and technologies of combined heat and power units. We assess direct GHG emissions from both energy infrastructure and the parks, and then identify the features and driving forces of energy infrastructure development in the EIPs. We also offer recommendations for ways to mitigate the GHG emissions from these industrial parks. The energy infrastructure stocks in Chinese EIPs are characterized by heavy coal dependence (87% of capacity) and high ratios of direct GHG emissions versus the total direct emissions of the park (median value: 75.2%). These findings establish a baseline from which both technology and policy decisions can then be made in an informed way.  相似文献   

Representing the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions attributable to plug‐in electric vehicles (PEV) in vehicle GHG emissions regulations is complex because of spatial and temporal variation in fueling sources and vehicle use. Previous work has shown that the environmental performance of PEVs significantly varies depending on the characteristics of the electricity grid and how the vehicle is driven. This article evaluates the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) GHG emissions accounting methodology in current and future standards for new electrified vehicles. The current approach employed by the EPA in their 2017–2025 model year light‐duty vehicle GHG regulation is compared with an accounting mechanism where the actual regional sales of PEVs, and the regional electricity emission factor in the year sold, are used to determine vehicle compliance value. Changes to the electricity grid over time and regional vehicle sales are included in the modeling efforts. A projection of a future GHG regulation past the 2017–2025 rule is used to observe the effect of such a regional regulation. The results showed that the complexity involved in tracking and accounting for regional PEV sales will not dramatically increase the effectiveness of the regulations to capture PEV electricity‐related GHG emissions in the absence of a major policy shift. A discussion of the feasibility and effectiveness of a regional standard for PEVs, and notable examples of region‐specific regulations instated in past energy policies, is also addressed.  相似文献   

In the face of rapid environmental and cultural change, long‐term ecological research (LTER) and social‐ecological research (LTSER) are more important than ever. LTER contributes disproportionately to ecology and policy, evidenced by the greater proportion of LTER in higher impact journals and the disproportionate representation of LTER in reports informing policymaking. Historical evidence has played a significant role in restoration projects and it will continue to guide restoration into the future, but its use is often hampered by lack of information, leading to considerable uncertainties. By facilitating the storage and retrieval of historical information, LTSER will prove valuable for future restoration.  相似文献   

Building stocks constitute enduring components of urban infrastructure systems, but little research exists on their residence time or changing environmental impacts. Using Los Angeles County, California, as a case study, a framework is developed for assessing the changes of building stocks in cities (i.e., a generalizable framework for estimating the construction and deconstruction rates), the residence time of buildings and their materials, and the associated embedded environmental impacts. In Los Angeles, previous land‐use decisions prove not easily reversible, and past building stock investments may continue to constrain the energy performance of buildings. The average age of the building stock has increased steadily since 1920 and more rapidly after the post–World War II construction surge in the 1950s. Buildings will likely endure for 60 years or longer, making this infrastructure a quasi‐permanent investment. The long residence time, combined with the physical limitations on outward growth, suggest that the Los Angeles building stock is unlikely to have substantial spatial expansion in the future. The construction of buildings requires a continuous investment in material, monetary, and energetic resources, resulting in environmental impacts. The long residence time of structures implies a commitment to use and maintain the infrastructure, potentially creating barriers to an urban area's ability to improve energy efficiency. The immotility of buildings, coupled with future environmental goals, indicates that urban areas will be best positioned by instituting strategies that ensure reductions in life cycle (construction, use, and demolition) environmental impacts.  相似文献   

The heating of buildings currently produces 6% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Sustainable heating technologies can reduce heating‐related CO2 emissions by up to 90%. We present a Python‐based GIS model to analyze the environmental and financial impact of strategies to reduce heating‐related CO2 emissions of residential buildings. The city‐wide implementation of three alternatives to natural gas are evaluated: high‐temperature heating networks, low‐temperature heating networks, and heat pumps. We find that both lowering the demand for heat and providing more sustainable sources of heat will be necessary to achieve significant CO2‐emission reductions. Of the studied alternatives, only low‐temperature heating networks and heat pumps have the potential to reduce CO2 emissions by 90%. A CO2 tax and an increase in tax on the use of natural gas are potent policy tools to accelerate the adoption of low‐carbon heating technologies.  相似文献   

Petroleum from unconventional reserves is making an increasingly important contribution to the transportation fuel supply, but is generally more expensive and has greater environmental burdens than petroleum from conventional sources. Life cycle assessments (LCAs) of alternative fuel‐vehicle technologies typically consider conventional internal combustion engine vehicles fueled by gasoline produced from the average petroleum slate used in refineries as a baseline. Large‐scale deployment of alternative fuel‐vehicle technologies will decrease petroleum demand and lead to decreased production at the economic margin (unconventional oil), but this is not considered in most current LCAs. If marginal petroleum resources have larger impacts than average petroleum resources, the environmental benefits of petroleum demand reduction are underestimated by the current modeling approaches. Often, models include some consequential‐based impacts (such as indirect land‐use change for biofuels), but exclude others (such as avoided unconventional oil production). This approach is inconsistent and does not provide a robust basis for public policy and private investment strategy decisions. We provide an example to illustrate the potential scale of these impacts, but further research is needed to establish and quantify these marginal effects and incorporate them into LCAs of both conventional and alternative fuel‐vehicle technologies.  相似文献   

It is well known that GnRH analogs can self‐assemble into amyloid fibrils and that the duration of action of GnRH analogs depends on the ability of the amyloid to slowly release active peptides. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of the amino acid residues at position 7 of GnRH analogues on peptide self‐assembly. It was found that the dominant shape of the nanostructure can be changed when the structures of the residues at position 7 differ significantly from that of leucine in Degarelix. When the backbone length was extended (peptide 9), or the side chain of the residue at position 7 was replaced by an aromatic ring (peptide 6), or the rotation of the amide bond was restricted (peptide 8), the nanostructure changed from fibrils to vesicles. The results also indicate that the increasing hydrophilicity had little influence on the nanostructure morphology. In addition, a suitable release rate was found to play a more important role for the duration of the peptide action by maintaining the equilibrium between the drug concentration and the persistent release time, while the nanostructure shape was found to exert little influence on the duration of the peptide action. Copyright © 2014 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Population bottlenecks reduce genetic diversity and thus cause great concern in conservation biology. Previous theoretical studies often assume discrete generations in projecting declines in genetic diversity caused by bottlenecks. This assumption creates complexities when applying the models to long‐lived species with overlapping generations. bottlesim is a program for simulating bottlenecks to estimate the impact on genetic diversity; the novelties include an overlapping‐generation model, a wide range of reproductive systems, and flexible population size settings. With these features, bottlesim will be a useful tool for estimating the genetic consequences of bottlenecks, evaluating conservation plans, and performing power analysis.  相似文献   

Integrins are heterodimeric transmembrane cell adhesion receptors that are essential for a wide range of biological functions via cell–matrix and cell–cell interactions. Recent studies have provided evidence that some of the subunits in the integrin family are involved in synaptic and behavioral plasticity. To further understand the role of integrins in the mammalian central nervous system, we generated a postnatal forebrain and excitatory neuron‐specific knockout of α8‐integrin in the mouse. Behavioral studies showed that the mutant mice are normal in multiple hippocampal‐dependent learning tasks, including a T‐maze, non‐match‐to‐place working memory task for which other integrin subunits like α3‐ and β1‐integrin are required. In contrast, mice mutant for α8‐integrin exhibited a specific impairment of long‐term potentiation (LTP) at Schaffer collateral–CA1 synapses, whereas basal synaptic transmission, paired‐pulse facilitation and long‐term depression (LTD) remained unaffected. Because LTP is also impaired in the absence of α3‐integrin, our results indicate that multiple integrin molecules are required for the normal expression of LTP, and different integrins display distinct roles in behavioral and neurophysiological processes like synaptic plasticity.  相似文献   

Long‐term ecological studies are critical for providing key insights in ecology, environmental change, natural resource management and biodiversity conservation. In this paper, we briefly discuss five key values of such studies. These are: (1) quantifying ecological responses to drivers of ecosystem change; (2) understanding complex ecosystem processes that occur over prolonged periods; (3) providing core ecological data that may be used to develop theoretical ecological models and to parameterize and validate simulation models; (4) acting as platforms for collaborative studies, thus promoting multidisciplinary research; and (5) providing data and understanding at scales relevant to management, and hence critically supporting evidence‐based policy, decision making and the management of ecosystems. We suggest that the ecological research community needs to put higher priority on communicating the benefits of long‐term ecological studies to resource managers, policy makers and the general public. Long‐term research will be especially important for tackling large‐scale emerging problems confronting humanity such as resource management for a rapidly increasing human population, mass species extinction, and climate change detection, mitigation and adaptation. While some ecologically relevant, long‐term data sets are now becoming more generally available, these are exceptions. This deficiency occurs because ecological studies can be difficult to maintain for long periods as they exceed the length of government administrations and funding cycles. We argue that the ecological research community will need to coordinate ongoing efforts in an open and collaborative way, to ensure that discoverable long‐term ecological studies do not become a long‐term deficiency. It is important to maintain publishing outlets for empirical field‐based ecology, while simultaneously developing new systems of recognition that reward ecologists for the use and collaborative sharing of their long‐term data sets. Funding schemes must be re‐crafted to emphasize collaborative partnerships between field‐based ecologists, theoreticians and modellers, and to provide financial support that is committed over commensurate time frames.  相似文献   

Life cycle assessment (LCA) and urban metabolism (UM) are popular approaches for urban system environmental assessment. However, both approaches have challenges when used across spatial scales. LCA tends to decompose systemic information into micro‐level functional units that mask complexity and purpose, whereas UM typically equates aggregated material and energy flows with impacts and is not ideal for revealing the mechanisms or alternatives available to reduce systemic environmental risks. This study explores the value of integrating UM with LCA, using vehicle transportation in the Phoenix metropolitan area as an illustrative case study. Where other studies have focused on the use of LCA providing upstream supply‐chain impacts for UM, we assert that the broader value of the integrated approach is in (1) the ability to cross scales (from micro to macro) in environmental assessment and (2) establishing an analysis that captures function and complexity in urban systems. The results for Phoenix show the complexity in resource supply chains and critical infrastructure services, how impacts accrue well beyond geopolitical boundaries where activities occur, and potential system vulnerabilities.  相似文献   

Energy systems using renewables with adequate energy carriers are needed for sustainability. Before accelerating technology implementation for the transition to the new energy system, region‐specific implementation effects should be carefully examined as a system. In this study, we aim to analyze an energy system using hydrogen as an energy carrier with the approach of combining life cycle assessment and a regional energy simulation model. The model calculates the emissions, such as CO2, nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx), and volatile organic compounds, and their impacts on human health, social assets, primary production, and an integrated index. The analysis quantitatively presented various environmental impacts by region, life cycle stage, and impact category. Climate change was dominant on the integrated index while the other impact categories were also important. Fuel cell vehicles were effective in mitigating local air pollution, especially in high‐population regions where many people are adversely affected. Although technology implementation contributes to mitigating environmental impacts at locations of energy users, it also has possibilities to have negative impacts at locations of device manufacturing and raw material processing. The definition of the regional division was also an important factor in energy system design because the final results of life cycle assessments are highly sensitive to region‐specific characteristics. The proposed region‐specific analysis is expected to support local governments and technology developers in designing appropriate energy systems for regions and building marketing plans for specific targets.  相似文献   

Lee G. Pedersen 《Proteins》2014,82(11):2896-2901
We investigated the possibility of inter‐residue communication of side chains in barstar, an 89 residue protein, using mutual information theory. The normalized mutual information (NMI) of the dihedral angles of the side chains was obtained from all‐atom molecular dynamics simulations. The accumulated NMI from an explicit solvent equilibrated trajectory (600 ns) with free backbone exhibits a parabola‐shaped distribution over the inter‐residue distances (0–36 Å): smaller at the end regimes but larger in the middle regime. This analysis, plus several other measures, does not find unusual long‐range communication for free backbone in explicit solvent simulations. Proteins 2014; 82:2896–2901. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Municipal residual waste (RW) produced in the Venice area undergoes mechanical‐biological treatment (MBT) in the Fusina plant to produce refuse‐derived fuel (RDF) that is then co‐combusted in a nearby coal‐fired power station. Being the first significant project for RDF co‐firing in power plants in Italy, a number of different testing phases were performed starting in 2003, aimed at evaluating differences between so‐called blank operation (i.e., with only coal feeding) and RDF co‐firing at different feeding rates. The analysis of data gathered during the industrial experimentation shows a savings of 0.7 tonnes (t) of coal per each tonne of co‐fired RDF; stack concentrations of some pollutants (hydrochloric acid [HCl], ammonia [NH3], carbon monoxide [CO], chromium [Cr], and lead [Pb]) appear slightly higher during co‐combustion compared with blank operation, whereas concentrations of dust, sulfur oxides (SOx), and some metals (manganese [Mn], nickel [Ni], vanadium [V]) are lower. To assess the overall environmental performance of this practice, a life cycle assessment (LCA) study was then performed, where different strategies of energy recovery from RW were compared: production of RDF and its co‐combustion in the Fusina power plant, RW combustion without any pretreatment in a mass‐burn waste‐to‐energy (WTE) plant, and production of RDF and its combustion in a dedicated WTE plant. The LCA results show that co‐combustion of RDF performs better than the other strategies for all impact categories evaluated. The only exception is when the WTE plant operates in combined heat and power mode, with very high overall conversion efficiencies.  相似文献   

The Sarcolipin (SLN) is a transmembrane protein that can form a self‐assembled pentamer. In this work, the homology modeling and all‐atom molecular dynamic (MD) simulation was performed to study the model of SLN pentamer in POPC (1‐palmitoyl‐2‐oleoyl‐sn‐glycero‐3‐phosphocholine) membrane. The potential of mean force (PMF) was calculated for transmembrane transportation of Na+, Cl? and water molecule along the pore channel of penta‐SLN complex. The root mean square deviation (RMSD) of the SLN pentamer in POPC membrane showed that the stabilized SLN protein complex could exist in the membrane and that the Na+ and Cl? could not permeate through the channel when the pore was under the vacuum state, but the water could permeate through from cytoplasm to lumen. Under the aqueous state, our simulation demonstrated that hydrated state of Na+ and Cl? could pass through the channel. The PMF and radii of the pore showed that the channel had a gate at Leu21 that is a key hydrophobicity residue in the channel. Our simulations help to clarify and to understand better the SLN pentamer channel that had a hydrophobic gate and could switch Na+ and Cl? ion permeability by hydrated and vacuum states. Proteins 2016; 84:73–81. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The long‐distance migrant red knot (Calidris canutus ssp. rufa– Scolopacidae) alternates between the northern and southern ends of the New World, one of the longest yearly migrations of any bird and paradoxically overflying apparently suitable habitat at lower latitudes. This subspecies is sharply declining, with a major mortality event following 2000, attributed to commercial overharvesting of food resources at its Delaware Bay (USA) stop‐over site. A full understanding of this peculiar migrant requires an assessment of the foraging conditions at its southern hemisphere wintering sites. Here, for a major wintering site in Argentinean Tierra del Fuego (Río Grande), we describe and compare food abundance, diet and intake rates during January–February in 1995, 2000 and 2008. The two main prey types were the burrowing clam Darina solenoides and three species of epibenthic mussels Mytilidae. In the year 2000, food availability and intake rate were higher than those recorded at other sites used by knots anywhere else in the world, contributing to the explanation of why red knots carry out this impressive migration. Intake rate in 2008 on the two main prey types was dramatically reduced as a result of birds eating smaller prey and strongly increased human disturbance; the same year we also found a high prevalence of a digenean parasite in Darina. We suggest that during the strongly enhanced winter mortality in 2000, knots did not yet face ecological problems in their southernmost wintering area, consistent with the previous evidence that problems at northern stop‐overs negatively affected their numbers. However, in 2008 the ecological conditions at Río Grande were such that they would have facilitated a further decline, emphasizing the importance of a hemispheric approach to research and management.  相似文献   

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