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Theories of species coexistence often describe a trade‐off between colonising and competitive abilities. In sessile marine invertebrates, this trade‐off can manifest as trends in species distributions relative to the size of isolated patches of substrate. Based on their abilities to find available substrate and competitively exclude neighbours, good colonisers tend to dominate smaller patches, whereas better competitors tend to monopolise larger patches. In theory, species with equivalent colonising and competitive abilities should display similar distributions across patch sizes. We used patch size to observe this manifestation of the competition‐colonisation trade‐off over 20° of latitude. The trade‐off was more readily observed at lower latitudes and was proportional to the ‘ecological age’ of communities (i.e. the degree of resource acquisition and likelihood of species interactions). Results suggest that ecological age may mediate the prominence of stochastic or deterministic coexistence mechanisms and will depend on the rate of ecological processes.  相似文献   

1. Ecological trade‐offs in ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) assemblages and their implications for coexistence boast a rich history in entomology. Yet investigations of trade‐offs have largely been limited to homogeneous environments. We examined how environmental context modifies trade‐off expression in an ant assemblage spanning a heterogeneous region in central Florida, U.S.A. 2. We examined how trade‐off expression is altered among two contrasting habitat types: open shrub and forest. We tested for the presence of the dominance‐discovery trade‐off and two dominance‐thermal tolerance trade‐offs by estimating behavioral dominance, discovery ability, and thermal tolerance (foraging thermal limit, lethal temperature, and maximal abundance temperature) for a wide range of interacting ant species. 3. We found significantly linear dominance hierarchies in both shrub and forest habitats, showing dominant species out‐compete subordinates for food resources. In thermally stressful shrub habitats, subordinates exhibit higher thermal tolerances, take greater thermal risks, and reach maximum forager abundances at higher temperatures than do dominant species. This suggests temperature mediated trade‐offs control coexistence in shrub habitat. In thermally moderate forest habitat, we found limited evidence for trade‐offs between competitive dominance and resource discovery or between dominance and thermal traits, implying other processes control coexistence. These results demonstrate that trade‐offs controlling ant coexistence may be contingent on environmental context.  相似文献   

Much theoretical evidence has demonstrated that a trade‐off between competitive and dispersal ability plays an important role in facilitating species coexistence. However, experimental evidence from natural communities is still rare. Here, we tested the competition–dispersal trade‐off hypothesis in an alpine grassland in the Tianshan Mountains, Xinjiang, China, by quantifying competitive and dispersal ability using a combination of 4 plant traits (seed mass, ramet mass, height, and dispersal mode). Our results show that the competition–dispersal trade‐off exists in the alpine grassland community and that this pattern was primarily demonstrated by forbs. The results suggest that most forb species are constrained to be either good competitors or good dispersers but not both, while there was no significant trade‐off between competitive and dispersal ability for most graminoids. This might occur because graminoids undergo clonal reproduction, which allows them to find more benign microenvironments, forage for nutrients across a large area and store resources in clonal structures, and they are thus not strictly limited by the particular resources at our study site. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time the CD trade‐off has been tested for plants across the whole life cycle in a natural multispecies plant community, and more comprehensive studies are still needed to explore the underlying mechanisms and the linkage between the CD trade‐off and community composition.  相似文献   

Coexistence of species with different seed sizes is a long‐standing issue in community ecology, and a trade‐off between fecundity and stress tolerance has been proposed to explain co‐occurrence in heterogeneous environments. Here we tested an intraspecific extension of this model: whether such trade‐off also explains seed trait variation among populations of widespread plants under stress gradients. We collected seeds from 14 populations of Plantago coronopus along the Atlantic coast in North Africa and Europe. This herb presents seed dimorphism, producing large basal seeds with a mucilaginous coat that facilitates water absorption (more stress tolerant), and small apical seeds without coats (less stress tolerant). We analysed variation among populations in number, size and mucilage production of basal and apical seeds, and searched for relationships between local environment and plant size. Populations under higher stress (higher temperature, lower precipitation, lower soil organic matter) had fewer seeds per fruit, higher predominance of basal relative to apical seeds, and larger basal seeds with thicker mucilaginous coats. These results strongly suggest a trade‐off between tolerance and fecundity at the fruit level underpins variation in seed traits among P. coronopus populations. However, seed production per plant showed the opposite pattern to seed production per fruit, and seemed related to plant size and other life‐cycle components, as an additional strategy to cope with environmental variation across the range. The tolerance–fecundity model may constitute, under stress gradients, a broader ecological framework to explain trait variation than the classical seed size–number compromise, although several fecundity levels and traits should be considered to understand the diverse strategies of widespread plants to maximise fitness in each set of local conditions.  相似文献   

Female‐biased sexual size dimorphism (SSD) is widespread in many invertebrate taxa. One hypothesis for the evolution of SSD is the dimorphic niche hypothesis, which states that SSD evolved in response to the different sexual reproductive roles. While females benefit from a larger body size by producing more or larger eggs, males benefit from a faster development, which allows them to fertilize virgin females (protandry). To test this hypothesis, we studied the influence of temperature and intraspecific density on the development of Chorthippus montanus. We reared them in monosexual groups under different conditions and measured adult body size, wing length, nymphal mortality, and development time. The present study revealed an inverse temperature–size relationship: body size increased with increasing temperature in both sexes. Furthermore, we found intersexual differences in the phenotypic response to population density, supporting the dimorphic niches hypothesis. At a lower temperature, female development time increased and male body size decreased with increasing density. Because there was no food limitation, we conclude that interference competition hampered development. By contrast to expectations, mortality decreased with increasing density, suggesting that interference did not negatively affect survival. The present study shows that sex‐specific niche optima may be a major trigger of sexual dimorphisms. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 115 , 48–57.  相似文献   

1. The evolution of host range and preference in phytophagous insects is driven by a female's oviposition choice impacting her offspring's fitness. Analysis of the fitness of progeny on different host plants has commonly been restricted to the performance of immature stages. However, since host use can affect adult size, it is important to measure the ongoing effects of host choice on the resulting imagines. 2. The orange‐tip butterfly, Anthocharis cardamines, shows a strong preference for two host plants in Britain, Alliaria petiolata and Cardamine pratensis, which affect body size. Whilst females exhibit a strong positive size–fecundity relation, the impact of body‐size alteration is unknown in males. In this study, fitness effects of host plant choice for male A. cardamines were examined. 3. Males reared on C. pratensis were smaller and emerged earlier than those reared on A. petiolata, and early‐season males were smaller than late‐season ones in the field. Interestingly, regression analysis indicated that the earlier emergence of small males was a host‐mediated rather than a size‐mediated effect. Small size was associated with reduced male dispersal in a semi‐isolated wild population over a 3‐year period. 4. It is proposed that the earlier emergence associated with C. pratensis has evolved in response to depressed dispersal in isolated/semi‐isolated populations associated with this patchily distributed host. We suggest that adult life‐history traits are important for the maintenance of host range in this species, and offer a critique of Courtney's earlier hypothesis that host range is maintained by time‐limited oviposition behaviour.  相似文献   

Across taxa, individuals vary in how far they disperse, with most individuals staying close to their origin and fewer dispersing long distances. Costs associated with dispersal (e.g., energy, risk) are widely believed to trade off with benefits (e.g., reduced competition, increased reproductive success) to influence dispersal propensity. However, this framework has not been applied to understand variation in dispersal distance, which is instead generally attributed to extrinsic environmental factors. We alternatively hypothesized that variation in dispersal distances results from trade‐offs associated with other aspects of locomotor performance. We tested this hypothesis in the stream salamander Gyrinophilus porphyriticus and found that salamanders that dispersed farther in the field had longer forelimbs but swam at slower velocities under experimental conditions. The reduced swimming performance of long‐distance dispersers likely results from drag imposed by longer forelimbs. Longer forelimbs may facilitate moving longer distances, but the proximate costs associated with reduced swimming performance may help to explain the rarity of long‐distance dispersal. The historical focus on environmental drivers of dispersal distances misses the importance of individual traits and associated trade‐offs among traits affecting locomotion.  相似文献   

In competition‐dominated communities, traits promoting resource conservation and competitive ability are expected to have an important influence on species relative abundance (SRA). Yet, few studies have tested the trait‐abundance relations in the line of species trade‐off in resource conservation versus acquisition, indicating by multiple traits coordination. We measured SRA and key functional traits involving leaf economic spectrum (SLA, specific leaf area; LDMC, leaf dry matter content; LCC, leaf carbon concentration; LNC, leaf nitrogen concentration; LPC, leaf phosphorus concentration; Hs, mature height) for ten common species in all plots subjected to addition of nitrogen fertilizer (N), phosphorus fertilizer (P), or both of them (NP) in a Tibetan alpine meadow. We test whether SRA is positively related with traits promoting plant resource conservation, while negatively correlated with traits promoting plant growth and resource acquisition. We found that species were primarily differentiated along a trade‐off axis involving traits promoting nutrient acquisition and fast growth (e.g., LPC and SLA) versus traits promoting resource conservation and competition ability (e.g., large LDMC). We further found that SRA was positively correlated with plant height, LDMC, and LCC, but negatively associated with SLA and leaf nutrient concentration irrespective of fertilization. A stronger positive height‐SRA was found in NP‐fertilized plots than in other plots, while negative correlations between SRA and SLA and LPC were found in N or P fertilized plots. The results indicate that species trade‐off in nutrient acquisition and resource conservation was a key driver of SRA in competition‐dominated communities following fertilization, with the linkage between SRA and traits depending on plant competition for specific soil nutrient and/or light availability. The results highlight the importance of competitive exclusion in plant community assembly following fertilization and suggest that abundant species in local communities become dominated at expense of growth while infrequent species hold an advantage in fast growth and dispersals to neighbor meta‐communities.  相似文献   

Age at primiparity (AP) is a key life history trait which is crucial to the evolution of life history strategies. This trait is particularly interesting in pinnipeds (walrus, eared seals, and true seals), which are monotocous animals. Thus, the commonly observed trade‐off between offspring quality and quantity does not apply to this taxon. Therefore, comparative studies on the evolution of AP might shed light on other important evolutionary correlates when litter size is fixed. Using phylogenetic generalized least squares analyses, we found a strong negative and robust correlation between relative birth mass (mean pup birth mass as a proportion of mean adult female mass) and AP. Rather than trading‐off an early start of reproduction with light relative offspring mass, this result suggests that pinnipeds exhibit either faster (i.e., higher relative offspring mass leading to shorter lactation length, and thus shorter interbirth interval) or slower life histories and that an early AP and a heavy relative offspring mass co‐evolved into a comparatively fast life history strategy. On the other hand, AP was positively related to lactation length: A later start of reproduction was associated with a longer lactation length. Consequently, variation in AP in pinnipeds seems to be affected by an interplay between costs and benefits of early reproduction mediated by relative investment into the single offspring via relative birth mass and lactation length.  相似文献   

A negative, genetic correlation between the total number and average size of progeny is a classical life‐history trade‐off that can greatly affect the fitness of organisms in their natural environments. This trade‐off has been investigated for animals and for sexually reproducing plants. However, evidence for a genetical size‐number trade‐off for clonal progeny in plants is still scarce. This study provides experimental evidence for such a trade‐off in the stoloniferous herb Potentilla reptans, and it studies phenotypic plasticity to light availability for the involved traits. Genotypes of P. reptans were collected from distinctively different environments, clonally replicated and exposed to high light and to shaded conditions. We found a significant negative correlation between the average size and the total number of offspring across genotypes for both light environments. Shading reduced ramet numbers, but hardly affected average ramet size.  相似文献   

Most transplant experiments across species geographic range boundaries indicate that adaptation to stressful environments outside the range is often constrained. However, the mechanisms of these constraints remain poorly understood. We used extended generation crosses from diverged high and low elevation populations. In experiments across low elevation range boundaries, there was selection on the parental lines for abiotic stress‐tolerance and resistance to herbivores. However, in support of a defense‐tolerance trade‐off, extended generation crosses showed nonindependent segregation of these traits in the laboratory across a drought‐stress gradient and in the field across the low elevation range boundary. Genotypic variation in a marker from a region of the genome containing a candidate gene (MYC2) was associated with change in the genetic trade‐off. Thus, using crosses and forward genetics, we found experimental genetic and molecular evidence for a pleiotropic trade‐off that could constrain the evolution of range expansion.  相似文献   

Aim To show that the frequently reported positive trend in the abundance–range‐size relationship does not hold true within a montane bird community of Afrotropical highlands; to test possible explanations of the extraordinary shape of this relationship; and to discuss the influence of island effects on patterns of bird abundance in the Cameroon Mountains. Location Bamenda Highlands, Cameroon, Western Africa. Methods We censused birds during the breeding season in November and December 2003 using a point‐count method and mapped habitat structure at these census points. Local habitat requirements of each species detected by point counts were quantified using canonical correspondence analysis, and the size of geographical ranges of species was measured from their distribution maps for sub‐Saharan Africa. We tested differences in abundance, niche breadth and niche position between three species groups: endemic bird species of the Cameroon Mountains, non‐endemic Afromontane species, and widespread species. Results We detected neither a positive nor negative abundance–range‐size relationship in the bird community studied. This pattern was caused by the similar abundance of widespread, endemic and non‐endemic montane bird species. Moreover, endemic and non‐endemic montane species had broader local niches than widespread species. The widespread species also used more atypical habitats, as indicated by the slightly larger values of their niche positions. Main conclusions The relationship detected between abundance and range size does not correspond with that inferred from contemporary macroecological theory. We suggest that island effects are responsible for the observed pattern. Relatively high abundances of montane species are probably caused by their adaptation to local environmental conditions, which was enabled by climatic stability and the isolation of montane forest in the Cameroon Mountains. Such a unique environment provides a less suitable habitat for widespread species. Montane species, which are abundant at present, may also have had large ranges in glacial periods, but their post‐glacial distribution may have become restricted after the retreat of the montane forest. On the basis of comparison of our results with studies describing the abundance structure of bird communities in other montane areas in the Afrotropics, we suggest that the detected patterns may be universal throughout Afromontane forests.  相似文献   

The diversity of traits associated with plant regeneration is often shaped by functional trade‐offs where plants typically do not excel at every function because resources allocated to one function cannot be allocated to another. By analyzing correlations among seed traits, empirical studies have shown that there is a trade‐off between seedling development and the occupation of new habitats, although only a small range of taxa have been tested; whether such trade‐off exists in a biodiverse and complex landscape remains unclear. Here, we amassed seed trait data of 1,119 species from a biodiversity hotspot of the Mountains of Southwest China and analyzed the relationship between seed mass and the number of seeds and between seed mass and time to germination. Our results showed that seed mass was negatively correlated with seed number but positively correlated with time to germination. The same trend was found regardless of variation in life‐form and phylogenetic conservatism. Furthermore, the relation between seed mass and other seed traits was randomly dispersed across the phylogeny at both the order and family levels. Collectively, results suggest that there is a functional trade‐off between seedling development and new habitat occupation for seed plants in this region. Larger seeds tend to produce fewer seedlings but with greater fitness compared to those produced by smaller seeds, whereas smaller seeds tend to have a larger number of seeds that germinate faster compared to large‐seeded species. Apart from genetic constraints, species that produce large seeds will succeed in sites where resource availability is low, whereas species with high colonization ability (those that produce a high number of seeds per fruit) will succeed in new niches. This study provides a mechanistic explanation for the relatively high levels of plant diversity currently found in a heterogeneous region of the Mountains of Southwest China.  相似文献   

Genetic data are increasingly used in landscape ecology for the indirect assessment of functional connectivity, that is, the permeability of landscape to movements of organisms. Among available tools, matrix correlation analyses (e.g. Mantel tests or mixed models) are commonly used to test for the relationship between pairwise genetic distances and movement costs incurred by dispersing individuals. When organisms are spatially clustered, a population‐based sampling scheme (PSS) is usually performed, so that a large number of genotypes can be used to compute pairwise genetic distances on the basis of allelic frequencies. Because of financial constraints, this kind of sampling scheme implies a drastic reduction in the number of sampled aggregates, thereby reducing sampling coverage at the landscape level. We used matrix correlation analyses on simulated and empirical genetic data sets to investigate the efficiency of an individual‐based sampling scheme (ISS) in detecting isolation‐by‐distance and isolation‐by‐barrier patterns. Provided that pseudo‐replication issues are taken into account (e.g. through restricted permutations in Mantel tests), we showed that the use of interindividual measures of genotypic dissimilarity may efficiently replace interpopulation measures of genetic differentiation: the sampling of only three or four individuals per aggregate may be sufficient to efficiently detect specific genetic patterns in most situations. The ISS proved to be a promising methodological alternative to the more conventional PSS, offering much flexibility in the spatial design of sampling schemes and ensuring an optimal representativeness of landscape heterogeneity in data, with few aggregates left unsampled. Each strategy offering specific advantages, a combined use of both sampling schemes is discussed.  相似文献   

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