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The western Antarctic Peninsula is an extreme low temperature environment that is warming rapidly due to global change. Little is known, however, on the temperature sensitivity of growth of microbial communities in Antarctic soils and in the surrounding oceanic waters. This is the first study that directly compares temperature adaptation of adjacent marine and terrestrial bacteria in a polar environment. The bacterial communities in the ocean were adapted to lower temperatures than those from nearby soil, with cardinal temperatures for growth in the ocean being the lowest so far reported for microbial communities. This was reflected in lower minimum (Tmin) and optimum temperatures (Topt) for growth in water (?17 and +20°C, respectively) than in soil (?11 and +27°C), with lower sensitivity to changes in temperature (Q10; 0–10°C interval) in Antarctic water (2.7) than in soil (3.9). This is likely due to the more stable low temperature conditions of Antarctic waters than soils, and the fact that maximum in situ temperatures in water are lower than in soils, at least in summer. Importantly, the thermally stable environment of Antarctic marine water makes it feasible to create a single temperature response curve for bacterial communities. This would thus allow for calculations of temperature‐corrected growth rates, and thereby quantifying the influence of factors other than temperature on observed growth rates, as well as predicting the effects of future temperature increases on Antarctic marine bacteria.  相似文献   

Terrestrial biogeochemical feedbacks to the climate are strongly modulated by the temperature response of soil microorganisms. Tropical forests, in particular, exert a major influence on global climate because they are the most productive terrestrial ecosystem. We used an elevation gradient across tropical forest in the Andes (a gradient of 20°C mean annual temperature, MAT), to test whether soil bacterial and fungal community growth responses are adapted to long‐term temperature differences. We evaluated the temperature dependency of soil bacterial and fungal growth using the leucine‐ and acetate‐incorporation methods, respectively, and determined indices for the temperature response of growth: Q10 (temperature sensitivity over a given 10oC range) and Tmin (the minimum temperature for growth). For both bacterial and fungal communities, increased MAT (decreased elevation) resulted in increases in Q10 and Tmin of growth. Across a MAT range from 6°C to 26°C, the Q10 and Tmin varied for bacterial growth (Q10–20 = 2.4 to 3.5; Tmin = ?8°C to ?1.5°C) and fungal growth (Q10–20 = 2.6 to 3.6; Tmin = ?6°C to ?1°C). Thus, bacteria and fungi did not differ significantly in their growth temperature responses with changes in MAT. Our findings indicate that across natural temperature gradients, each increase in MAT by 1°C results in increases in Tmin of microbial growth by approximately 0.3°C and Q10–20 by 0.05, consistent with long‐term temperature adaptation of soil microbial communities. A 2°C warming would increase microbial activity across a MAT gradient of 6°C to 26°C by 28% to 15%, respectively, and temperature adaptation of microbial communities would further increase activity by 1.2% to 0.3%. The impact of warming on microbial activity, and the related impact on soil carbon cycling, is thus greater in regions with lower MAT. These results can be used to predict future changes in the temperature response of microbial activity over different levels of warming and over large temperature ranges, extending to tropical regions.  相似文献   

The decomposition of soil organic matter (SOM) can be described by a set of kinetic principles, environmental constraints, and substrate supply. Here, we hypothesized that SOM decomposition rates (R) and its temperature sensitivity (Q10) would increase steadily with the N:C ratios of added substrates by alleviating N limitation on microbial growth. We tested this hypothesis by investigating SOM decomposition in both grassland and forest soils after addition of substrates with a range of N:C ratios. The results showed that Michaelis–Menten equations well fit the response of R to the N:C ratio variations of added substrates, and their coefficients of determination (R2) ranged from 0.65 to 0.89 (< 0.01). Moreover, the maximal R, Q10, and cumulative C emission of SOM decomposition increased exponentially with the N:C ratios of added substrates, and were controlled interactively by incubation temperature and the N:C ratios of the added substrates. We demonstrated that SOM decomposition rate and temperature sensitivity were exponentially correlated to substrate stoichiometry (N:C ratio) in both grassland and forest soils. Therefore, these correlations should be incorporated into the models for the prediction of SOM decomposition rate under warmer climatic scenarios.  相似文献   

Understanding the temperature sensitivity (Q10) of soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition is important for predicting soil carbon (C) sequestration in terrestrial ecosystems under warming scenarios. Whether Q10 varies predictably with ecosystem succession and the ways in which the stoichiometry of input SOM influences Q10 remain largely unknown. We investigate these issues using a grassland succession series from free‐grazing to 31‐year grazing‐exclusion grasslands in Inner Mongolia, and an incubation experiment performed at six temperatures (0, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25°C) and with four substrates: control (CK), glucose (GLU), mixed grass leaf (GRA), and Medicago falcata leaf (MED). The results showed that basal soil respiration (20°C) and microbial biomass C (MBC) logarithmically decreased with grassland succession. Q10 decreased logarithmically from 1.43 in free‐grazing grasslands to 1.22 in 31‐year grazing‐exclusion grasslands. Q10 increased significantly with the addition of substrates, and the Q10 levels increased with increase in N:C ratios of substrate. Moreover, accumulated C mineralization was controlled by the N:C ratio of newly input SOM and by incubation temperature. Changes in Q10 with grassland ecosystem succession are controlled by the stoichiometry of newly input SOM, MBC, and SOM quality, and the combined effects of which could partially explain the mechanisms underlying soil C sequestration in the long‐term grazing‐exclusion grasslands in Inner Mongolia, China. The findings highlight the effect of substrate stoichiometry on Q10 which requires further study.  相似文献   

Tropical soils contain huge carbon stocks, which climate warming is projected to reduce by stimulating organic matter decomposition, creating a positive feedback that will promote further warming. Models predict that the loss of carbon from warming soils will be mediated by microbial physiology, but no empirical data are available on the response of soil carbon and microbial physiology to warming in tropical forests, which dominate the terrestrial carbon cycle. Here we show that warming caused a considerable loss of soil carbon that was enhanced by associated changes in microbial physiology. By translocating soils across a 3000 m elevation gradient in tropical forest, equivalent to a temperature change of ± 15 °C, we found that soil carbon declined over 5 years by 4% in response to each 1 °C increase in temperature. The total loss of carbon was related to its original quantity and lability, and was enhanced by changes in microbial physiology including increased microbial carbon‐use‐efficiency, shifts in community composition towards microbial taxa associated with warmer temperatures, and increased activity of hydrolytic enzymes. These findings suggest that microbial feedbacks will cause considerable loss of carbon from tropical forest soils in response to predicted climatic warming this century.  相似文献   

Tropical forest responses to climatic variability have important consequences for global carbon cycling, but are poorly understood. As empirical, correlative studies cannot disentangle the interactive effects of climatic variables on tree growth, we used a tree growth model (IBTREE) to unravel the climate effects on different physiological pathways and in turn on stem growth variation. We parameterized the model for canopy trees of Toona ciliata (Meliaceae) from a Thai monsoon forest and compared predicted and measured variation from a tree‐ring study over a 30‐year period. We used historical climatic variation of minimum and maximum day temperature, precipitation and carbon dioxide (CO2) in different combinations to estimate the contribution of each climate factor in explaining the inter‐annual variation in stem growth. Running the model with only variation in maximum temperature and rainfall yielded stem growth patterns that explained almost 70% of the observed inter‐annual variation in stem growth. Our results show that maximum temperature had a strong negative effect on the stem growth by increasing respiration, reducing stomatal conductance and thus mitigating a higher transpiration demand, and – to a lesser extent – by directly reducing photosynthesis. Although stem growth was rather weakly sensitive to rain, stem growth variation responded strongly and positively to rainfall variation owing to the strong inter‐annual fluctuations in rainfall. Minimum temperature and atmospheric CO2 concentration did not significantly contribute to explaining the inter‐annual variation in stem growth. Our innovative approach – combining a simulation model with historical data on tree‐ring growth and climate – allowed disentangling the effects of strongly correlated climate variables on growth through different physiological pathways. Similar studies on different species and in different forest types are needed to further improve our understanding of the sensitivity of tropical tree growth to climatic variability and change.  相似文献   

How to assess the temperature sensitivity (Q10) of soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition and its regional variation with high accuracy is one of the largest uncertainties in determining the intensity and direction of the global carbon (C) cycle in response to climate change. In this study, we collected a series of soils from 22 forest sites and 30 grassland sites across China to explore regional variation in Q10 and its underlying mechanisms. We conducted a novel incubation experiment with periodically changing temperature (5–30 °C), while continuously measuring soil microbial respiration rates. The results showed that Q10 varied significantly across different ecosystems, ranging from 1.16 to 3.19 (mean 1.63). Q10 was ordered as follows: alpine grasslands (2.01) > temperate grasslands (1.81) > tropical forests (1.59) > temperate forests (1.55) > subtropical forests (1.52). The Q10 of grasslands (1.90) was significantly higher than that of forests (1.54). Furthermore, Q10 significantly increased with increasing altitude and decreased with increasing longitude. Environmental variables and substrate properties together explained 52% of total variation in Q10 across all sites. Overall, pH and soil electrical conductivity primarily explained spatial variation in Q10. The general negative relationships between Q10 and substrate quality among all ecosystem types supported the C quality temperature (CQT) hypothesis at a large scale, which indicated that soils with low quality should have higher temperature sensitivity. Furthermore, alpine grasslands, which had the highest Q10, were predicted to be more sensitive to climate change under the scenario of global warming.  相似文献   

The temperature dependence of organic matter decomposition is a critically important determinant of any long‐term changes of soil‐carbon stocks in response to global warming. Because of practical experimental constraints, most knowledge of this temperature dependence is based on short‐term studies. These studies generally show a strong temperature dependence of organic matter decomposition. At the same time, many modelling studies, especially global studies, or studies that investigate the effects of climate change, use longer time steps, such as annual. It is investigated here to what extent the use of short‐term temperature dependencies are appropriate, or how they may need to be modified, for application over longer time steps. The work indicated that for global applications, it is critically important to explicitly consider seasonal temperature variations. Across the globe, observed annual mean temperature and the annual temperature range are negatively correlated. Inclusion of this correlation means that the strong short‐term temperature dependence becomes much weaker when data are expressed as annual averages for the temperatures experienced across the globe. For short‐term responses, the temperature dependence of organic matter decomposition is greater at low than high temperature and deviates strongly from an assumption of a constant Q10 across temperature. For annually averaged values, this pattern also weakens, and temperature dependencies change only slightly with temperature. Using short time steps for simulations leads to the expectation of more positive changes (sequestration) in soil carbon especially for cold regions of the globe than would be predicted for simulations at annual time steps without explicit consideration of seasonal temperature variations. These considerations help to reconcile some of the apparent differences in temperature dependencies obtained by different workers using different approaches.  相似文献   

Aims With the continuing increase in the impact of human activities on ecosystems, ecologists are increasingly interested in understanding the effects of high temperature on litter decomposition since litter decomposition and the accompanying release of nutrients and carbon dioxide are key processes in ecosystem nutrient cycling and carbon flux. This study was conducted to evaluate the temperature sensitivity of forest litter decomposition and soil enzymes during litter decomposition in subtropical forest in China.Methods Two dominant litter types were chosen from Zijin Mountain in China: Quercus acutissima leaves from a broadleaf forest (BF) and Pinus massoniana needles from a coniferous forest (CF). The litter samples were incubated in soil microcosms at ambient control temperature (20°C) and 10°C warmer. During a 5-month incubation, chemical composition of litter samples, litter mass losses, and related soil enzyme activities were determined.Important findings Three main results were found: (i) high temperature accelerated decomposition rates of both litter types, and the temperature sensitivities of litter decomposition for BF leaves and that for CF needles are equivalent basically, (ii) high temperature enhanced soil enzyme activities in the two forest types, and the temperature sensitivities of polyphenol oxidase were significantly higher than those of the other soil enzymes and (iii) the temperature sensitivities of nitrate reductase were significantly higher in the CF soil than in the BF soil, while there was no significant difference in the temperature sensitivities of the other soil enzymes between BF and CF. As a long-term consequence, the high-temperature-induced acceleration of litter decomposition rates in these subtropical forests may cause carbon stored belowground to be transferred in the atmosphere, which may alter the balance between carbon uptake and release, and then alter the global carbon cycle in the coming decades.  相似文献   

土壤呼吸的温度敏感性(Q10)是陆地碳循环与气候系统间相互作用的关键参数。尽管已有大量关于不同类型森林Q10季节和年际变化规律的研究, 但是对Q10在区域尺度的空间变异特征及其影响因素仍认识不足, 已有结果缺乏一致结论。该研究通过整合已发表论文, 构建了中国森林生态系统年尺度Q10数据集, 共包含399条记录、5种森林类型(落叶阔叶林(DBF)、落叶针叶林(DNF)、常绿阔叶林(EBF)、常绿针叶林(ENF)、混交林(MF))。分析了不同森林类型Q10的空间变异特征及其与地理、气候和土壤因素的关系。结果显示, 1) Q10介于1.09到6.24之间, 平均值(±标准误差)为2.37 (± 0.04), 且在不同森林类型之间无显著差异; 2)当考虑所有森林类型时, Q10随纬度、海拔、土壤有机碳含量(SOC)和土壤全氮含量(TN)的增加而增大, 随经度、年平均气温(MAT)、平均年降水量(MAP)的增加而减小。气候(MATMAP)和土壤(SOCTN)因素间存在相互作用, 共同解释了33%的Q10空间变异, 其中MATSOCQ10空间变异的主要驱动因素; 3)不同类型森林Q10对气候和土壤因素的响应存在差异。在DNF中Q10MAP的增加而减小, 而其他类型森林中Q10MAP无显著相关性; 在EBF、DBF、ENF中Q10TN的增加而增大, 但Q10TN的敏感性在EBF中最高, 在ENF中最低。这些结果表明, 尽管Q10有一定的集中分布趋势, 但仍有较大范围的空间变异, 在进行碳收支估算时应注意尺度问题。Q10的主要驱动因素和Q10对环境因素的响应随森林类型而变化, 在气候变化情景下, 不同森林类型间Q10可能发生分异。因此, 未来的碳循环-气候模型还应考虑不同类型森林碳循环关键参数对气候变化的响应差异。  相似文献   

Changes in soil carbon, the largest terrestrial carbon pool, are critical for the global carbon cycle, atmospheric CO2 levels and climate. Climate warming is predicted to be most pronounced in the northern regions and therefore the large soil carbon pool residing in boreal forests will be subject to larger global warming impact than soil carbon pools in the temperate or the tropical forest. A major uncertainty in current estimates of the terrestrial carbon balance is related to decomposition of soil organic matter (SOM). We hypothesized that when soils are exposed to warmer climate the structure of the ground vegetation will change much more rapidly than the dominant tree species. This change will alter the quality and amount of litter input to the soil and induce changes in microbial communities, thus possibly altering the temperature sensitivity of SOM decomposition. We transferred organic surface soil sections from the northern borders of the boreal forest zone to corresponding forest sites in the southern borders of the boreal forest zone and studied the effects of warmer climate after an adaptation period of 2 years. The results showed that initially ground vegetation and soil microbial community structure and community functions were different in northern and southern forest sites and that 2 years of exposure to warmer climate was long enough to cause changes in these ecological indicators. The rate of SOM decomposition was approximately equally sensitive to temperature irrespective of changes in vegetation or microbial communities in the studied forest sites. However, as temperature sensitivity of the decomposition increases with decreasing temperature regime, the proportional increase in the decomposition rate in northern latitudes could lead to significant carbon losses from the soils.  相似文献   

土壤呼吸的温度敏感性(Q10)是陆地碳循环与气候系统间相互作用的关键参数。尽管已有大量关于不同类型森林Q10季节和年际变化规律的研究, 但是对Q10在区域尺度的空间变异特征及其影响因素仍认识不足, 已有结果缺乏一致结论。该研究通过整合已发表论文, 构建了中国森林生态系统年尺度Q10数据集, 共包含399条记录、5种森林类型(落叶阔叶林(DBF)、落叶针叶林(DNF)、常绿阔叶林(EBF)、常绿针叶林(ENF)、混交林(MF))。分析了不同森林类型Q10的空间变异特征及其与地理、气候和土壤因素的关系。结果显示, 1) Q10介于1.09到6.24之间, 平均值(±标准误差)为2.37 (± 0.04), 且在不同森林类型之间无显著差异; 2)当考虑所有森林类型时, Q10随纬度、海拔、土壤有机碳含量(SOC)和土壤全氮含量(TN)的增加而增大, 随经度、年平均气温(MAT)、平均年降水量(MAP)的增加而减小。气候(MATMAP)和土壤(SOCTN)因素间存在相互作用, 共同解释了33%的Q10空间变异, 其中MATSOCQ10空间变异的主要驱动因素; 3)不同类型森林Q10对气候和土壤因素的响应存在差异。在DNF中Q10MAP的增加而减小, 而其他类型森林中Q10MAP无显著相关性; 在EBF、DBF、ENF中Q10TN的增加而增大, 但Q10TN的敏感性在EBF中最高, 在ENF中最低。这些结果表明, 尽管Q10有一定的集中分布趋势, 但仍有较大范围的空间变异, 在进行碳收支估算时应注意尺度问题。Q10的主要驱动因素和Q10对环境因素的响应随森林类型而变化, 在气候变化情景下, 不同森林类型间Q10可能发生分异。因此, 未来的碳循环-气候模型还应考虑不同类型森林碳循环关键参数对气候变化的响应差异。  相似文献   

Soil carbon is a major component in the global carbon cycle. Understanding the relationship between environmental changes and rates of soil respiration is critical for projecting changes in soil carbon fluxes in a changing climate. Although significant attention has been focused on the temperature sensitivity of soil organic matter decomposition, the factors that affect this temperature sensitivity are still debated. In this study, we examined the effects of substrate availability on the temperature sensitivity of soil respiration in several different kinds of soils. We found that increased substrate availability had a significant positive effect on temperature sensitivity, as measured by soil Q 10 values, and that this effect was inversely proportional to original substrate availability. This observation can be explained if decomposition follows Michaelis–Menten kinetics. The simple Q 10 model was most appropriate in soils with high substrate availability.  相似文献   

Worldwide, regularly recurring wildfires shape many peatland ecosystems to the extent that fire‐adapted species often dominate plant communities, suggesting that wildfire is an integral part of peatland ecology rather than an anomaly. The most destructive blazes are smoldering fires that are usually initiated in periods of drought and can combust entire peatland carbon stores. However, peatland wildfires more typically occur as low‐severity surface burns that arise in the dormant season when vegetation is desiccated, and soil moisture is high. In such low‐severity fires, surface layers experience flash heating, but there is little loss of underlying peat to combustion. This study examines the potential importance of such processes in several peatlands that span a gradient from hemiboreal to tropical ecozones and experience a wide range of fire return intervals. We show that low‐severity fires can increase the pool of stable soil carbon by thermally altering the chemistry of soil organic matter (SOM), thereby reducing rates of microbial respiration. Using X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy and Fourier transform infrared, we demonstrate that low‐severity fires significantly increase the degree of carbon condensation and aromatization of SOM functional groups, particularly on the surface of peat aggregates. Laboratory incubations show lower CO2 emissions from peat subjected to low‐severity fire and predict lower cumulative CO2 emissions from burned peat after 1–3 years. Also, low‐severity fires reduce the temperature sensitivity (Q10) of peat, indicating that these fires can inhibit microbial access to SOM. The increased stability of thermally altered SOM may allow a greater proportion of organic matter to survive vertical migration into saturated and anaerobic zones of peatlands where environmental conditions physiochemically protect carbon stores from decomposition for thousands of years. Thus, across latitudes, low‐severity fire is an overlooked factor influencing carbon cycling in peatlands, which is relevant to global carbon budgets as climate change alters fire regimes worldwide.  相似文献   

Climatic constraints on tree growth mediate an important link between terrestrial and atmospheric carbon pools. Tree rings provide valuable information on climate‐driven growth patterns, but existing data tend to be biased toward older trees on climatically extreme sites. Understanding climate change responses of biogeographic regions requires data that integrate spatial variability in growing conditions and forest structure. We analyzed both temporal (c. 1901–2010) and spatial variation in radial growth patterns in 9,876 trees from fragments of primary Picea abies forests spanning the latitudinal and altitudinal extent of the Carpathian arc. Growth was positively correlated with summer temperatures and spring moisture availability throughout the entire region. However, important seasonal variation in climate responses occurred along geospatial gradients. At northern sites, winter precipitation and October temperatures of the year preceding ring formation were positively correlated with ring width. In contrast, trees at the southern extent of the Carpathians responded negatively to warm and dry conditions in autumn of the year preceding ring formation. An assessment of regional synchronization in radial growth variability showed temporal fluctuations throughout the 20th century linked to the onset of moisture limitation in southern landscapes. Since the beginning of the study period, differences between high and low elevations in the temperature sensitivity of tree growth generally declined, while moisture sensitivity increased at lower elevations. Growth trend analyses demonstrated changes in absolute tree growth rates linked to climatic change, with basal area increments in northern landscapes and lower altitudes responding positively to recent warming. Tree growth has predominantly increased with rising temperatures in the Carpathians, accompanied by early indicators that portions of the mountain range are transitioning from temperature to moisture limitation. Continued warming will alleviate large‐scale temperature constraints on tree growth, giving increasing weight to local drivers that are more challenging to predict.  相似文献   

Extreme climate events are predicted to become more frequent and intense. Their ecological impacts, particularly on carbon cycling, can differ in relation to ecosystem sensitivity. Peatlands, being characterized by peat accumulation under waterlogged conditions, can be particularly sensitive to climate extremes if the climate event increases soil oxygenation. However, a mechanistic understanding of peatland responses to persistent climate extremes is still lacking, particularly in terms of aboveground–belowground feedback. Here, we present the results of a transplantation experiment of peat mesocosms from high to low altitude in order to simulate, during 3 years, a mean annual temperature c. 5 °C higher and a mean annual precipitation c. 60% lower. Specifically, we aim at understanding the intensity of changes for a set of biogeochemical processes and their feedback on carbon accumulation. In the transplanted mesocosms, plant productivity showed a species‐specific response depending on plant growth forms, with a significant decrease (c. 60%) in peat moss productivity. Soil respiration almost doubled and Q10 halved in the transplanted mesocosms in combination with an increase in activity of soil enzymes. Spectroscopic characterization of peat chemistry in the transplanted mesocosms confirmed the deepening of soil oxygenation which, in turn, stimulated microbial decomposition. After 3 years, soil carbon stock increased only in the control mesocosms whereas a reduction in mean annual carbon accumulation of c. 30% was observed in the transplanted mesocosms. Based on the above information, a structural equation model was built to provide a mechanistic understanding of the causal connections between peat moisture, vegetation response, soil respiration and carbon accumulation. This study identifies, in the feedback between plant and microbial responses, the primary pathways explaining the reduction in carbon accumulation in response to recurring climate extremes in peat soils.  相似文献   

Increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration is both a strong driver of primary productivity and widely believed to be the principal cause of recent increases in global temperature. Soils are the largest store of the world's terrestrial C. Consequently, many investigations have attempted to mechanistically understand how microbial mineralisation of soil organic carbon (SOC) to CO2 will be affected by projected increases in temperature. Most have attempted this in the absence of plants as the flux of CO2 from root and rhizomicrobial respiration in intact plant‐soil systems confounds interpretation of measurements. We compared the effect of a small increase in temperature on respiration from soils without recent plant C with the effect on intact grass swards. We found that for 48 weeks, before acclimation occurred, an experimental 3 °C increase in sward temperature gave rise to a 50% increase in below ground respiration (ca. 0.4 kg C m?2; Q10 = 3.5), whereas mineralisation of older SOC without plants increased with a Q10 of only 1.7 when subject to increases in ambient soil temperature. Subsequent 14C dating of respired CO2 indicated that the presence of plants in swards more than doubled the effect of warming on the rate of mineralisation of SOC with an estimated mean C age of ca. 8 years or older relative to incubated soils without recent plant inputs. These results not only illustrate the formidable complexity of mechanisms controlling C fluxes in soils but also suggest that the dual biological and physical effects of CO2 on primary productivity and global temperature have the potential to synergistically increase the mineralisation of existing soil C.  相似文献   

Forests are a significant pool of terrestrial carbon. A key feature related to forest biomass harvesting and use is the typical time difference between carbon release into and sequestration from the atmosphere. Traditionally, the use of sustainably grown biomass has been considered as carbon neutral in life cycle assessment (LCA) studies. However, various approaches to account for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and sinks of forest biomass acquisition and use have also been developed and applied, resulting in different conclusions on climate impacts of forest products. The aim of this study is to summarize, clarify, and assess the suitability of these approaches for LCA. A literature review is carried out, and the results are analyzed through an assessment framework. The different approaches are reviewed through their approach to the definition of reference land‐use situation, consideration of time frame and timing of carbon emissions and sequestration, substitution credits, and indicators applied to measure climate impacts. On the basis of the review, it is concluded that, to account for GHG emissions and the related climate impacts objectively, biomass carbon stored in the products and the timing of sinks and emissions should be taken into account in LCA. The reference situation for forest land use has to be defined appropriately, describing the development in the absence of the studied system. We suggest the use of some climate impact indicator that takes the timing of the emissions and sinks into consideration and enables the use of different time frames. If substitution credits are considered, they need to be transparently presented in the results. Instead of carbon stock values taken from the literature, the use of dynamic forest models is recommended.  相似文献   

Mountain plants are considered among the species most vulnerable to climate change, especially at high latitudes where there is little potential for poleward or uphill dispersal. Satellite monitoring can reveal spatiotemporal variation in vegetation activity, offering a largely unexploited potential for studying responses of montane ecosystems to temperature and predicting phenological shifts driven by climate change. Here, a novel remote‐sensing phenology approach is developed that advances existing techniques by considering variation in vegetation activity across the whole year, rather than just focusing on event dates (e.g. start and end of season). Time series of two vegetation indices (VI), normalized difference VI (NDVI) and enhanced VI (EVI) were obtained from the moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer MODIS satellite for 2786 Scottish mountain summits (600–1344 m elevation) in the years 2000–2011. NDVI and EVI time series were temporally interpolated to derive values on the first day of each month, for comparison with gridded monthly temperatures from the preceding period. These were regressed against temperature in the previous months, elevation and their interaction, showing significant variation in temperature sensitivity between months. Warm years were associated with high NDVI and EVI in spring and summer, whereas there was little effect of temperature in autumn and a negative effect in winter. Elevation was shown to mediate phenological change via a magnification of temperature responses on the highest mountains. Together, these predict that climate change will drive substantial changes in mountain summit phenology, especially by advancing spring growth at high elevations. The phenological plasticity underlying these temperature responses may allow long‐lived alpine plants to acclimate to warmer temperatures. Conversely, longer growing seasons may facilitate colonization and competitive exclusion by species currently restricted to lower elevations. In either case, these results show previously unreported seasonal and elevational variation in the temperature sensitivity of mountain vegetation activity.  相似文献   

Ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi contribute significantly to ecosystem respiration, but little research has addressed the effect of temperature on ECM fungal respiration. Some plants have the ability to acclimate to temperature such that long‐term exposure to warmer conditions slows respiration at a given measurement temperature and long‐term exposure to cooler conditions increases respiration at a given measurement temperature. We examined acclimation to temperature and temperature sensitivity (Q10) of respiration by ECM fungi by incubating them for a week at one of three temperatures and measuring respiration over a range of temperatures. Among the 12 ECM fungal isolates that were tested, Suillus intermedius, Cenococcum geophilum, and Lactarius cf. pubescens exhibited significant acclimation to temperature, exhibiting an average reduction in respiration of 20–45% when incubated at 23 °C compared with when incubated at 11 or 17 °C. The isolates differed significantly in their Q10 values, which ranged from 1.67 to 2.56. We also found that half of the isolates significantly increased Q10 with an increase in incubator temperature by an average of 15%. We conclude that substantial variation exists among ECM fungal isolates in their ability to acclimate to temperature and in their sensitivity to temperature. As soil temperatures increase, ECM fungi that acclimate may require less carbon from their host plants than fungi that do not acclimate. The ability of some ECM fungi to acclimate may partially ameliorate the anticipated positive feedback between soil respiration and temperature.  相似文献   

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