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The O-glycans that decorate mucin glycoproteins contribute to the biophysical and biochemical properties of these molecules and hence their function as a barrier and lubricant on epithelial surfaces. Alterations in mucin O-glycosylation in certain diseases may contribute to pathology. It is known that both the host cell type and the amino acid sequence of the mucin tandem repeat contribute to the O-glycosylation of a mucin molecule. We expressed an epitope-tagged MUC1 mucin cDNA construct in the airway cell line 16HBE14o- and the colon carcinoma cell line Caco2 and used Fast Atom Bombardment Mass Spectrometry to evaluate the contribution of the host cell to differences in O-glycosylation of a single mucin. Many of the glycans detected on the MUC1 mucin were common to both cell types, as would be predicted from biosynthetic constraints. However, MUC1 synthesized in the airway cell line showed comparatively low levels of sialylation but carried a range of oligo-N-acetyllactosamine structures that were not seen in the colon carcinoma cell line.  相似文献   

Mucins are high molecular weight proteins that make up the major components of mucus. Hypersecretion of mucus is a feature of several chronic inflammatory airway diseases. MUC8 is an important component of airway mucus, and its gene expression is upregulated in nasal polyp epithelium. Little is known about the molecular mechanisms of MUC8 gene expression. We first observed overexpression of activator protein‐2alpha (AP2α) in human nasal polyp epithelium. We hypothesized that AP2α overexpression in nasal polyp epithelium correlates closely with MUC8 gene expression. We demonstrated that phorbol 12‐myristate 13‐acetate (PMA) treatment of the airway epithelial cell line NCI‐H292 increases MUC8 gene and AP2α expression. In this study, we sought to determine which signal pathway is involved in PMA‐induced MUC8 gene expression. The results show that the protein kinase C and mitogen‐activating protein/ERK kinase (MAPK) pathways modulate MUC8 gene expression. PD98059 or ERK1/2 siRNA and RO‐31‐8220 or PKC siRNA significantly suppress AP2α as well as MUC8 gene expression in PMA‐treated cells. To verify the role of AP2α, we specifically knocked down AP2α expression with siRNA. A significant AP2α knock‐down inhibited PMA‐induced MUC8 gene expression. While dominant negative AP2α decreased PMA‐induced MUC8 gene expression, overexpressing wildtype AP2α increased MUC8 gene expression. Furthermore, using lentiviral vectors for RNA interference in human nasal polyp epithelial cells, we confirmed an essential role for AP2α in MUC8 gene expression. From these results, we concluded that PMA induces MUC8 gene expression through a mechanism involving PKC, ERK1/2, and AP2α activation in human airway epithelial cells. J. Cell. Biochem. 110: 1386–1398, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The MUC1 mucin is an important tumor-associated antigen that shows extensive glycosylation in vivo. The O-glycosylation of this molecule, which has been well characterized in many cell types and tissues, is important in conferring the unusual biochemical and biophysical properties on a mucin. N-Glycosylation is crucial to the folding, sorting, membrane trafficking, and secretion of many proteins. Here, we evaluated the N-glycosylation of MUC1 derived from two sources: endogenous MUC1 isolated from human milk and a recombinant epitope-tagged MUC1F overexpressed in Caco2 colon carcinoma cells. N-Glycans on purified MUC1F/MUC1 were analyzed by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS), gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), and CAD-ESI-MS/MS. The spectra indicate that MUC1F N-glycans have compositions consistent with high-mannose structures (Hex(5-9)HexNAc(2)) and complex/hybrid-type glycans (NeuAc(0-3)Fuc(0-3)Hex(3-8)HexNAc(3-7)). Many of the N-glycan structures are identical on MUC1F and native MUC1; however, a marked difference is seen between the N-glycans on membrane-bound and secreted forms of the native molecule.  相似文献   

MUC1 is abundantly expressed at the surface of epithelial cells in many tissues and their carcinomas. In humans, genetic polymorphism and differential splicing produce isoforms that may contribute to MUC1 participation in protection of the cell surface, modulation of cell-cell interactions, signaling, and metastasis. Biosynthetic and processing studies in tumor-derived cell lines indicate that cell surface MUC1 consists of a non-covalently associated heterodimer of separate cytoplasmic tail and extracellular domains. This heterodimer results from a single precursor proteolytically cleaved intracellularly. To determine whether similar processing of this isoform occurs in normal epithelial cells, we have examined cell-associated MUC1 and MUC1 released into medium by normal human uterine, mammary, and prostate epithelial cells. Cell-associated MUC1/REP was extracted as an SDS labile complex which was resistant to dissociation by boiling, urea, sulfhydryl reduction, peroxide, high salt, or low pH and was present in all normal cells examined. Addition of various proteolytic inhibitors during extraction had no effect on the proportion of this complex detected. MUC1 released into the medium was not associated with a particulate fraction (100,000g insoluble) and lacked the cytoplasmic tail. MUC1/REP and the MUC1 isoform lacking the transmembrane/cytoplasmic tail region, MUC1/SEC, mRNA were detected in all normal cells examined indicating that both shed and secreted MUC1 are likely to contribute to soluble forms found in culture media.  相似文献   

Intercellular adhesion between adjacent airway epithelial cells plays a critical role in maintaining the barrier function of the respiratory mucosa. In the current study, we examined the expression and interaction of cell surface adhesion molecules (E-cadherin, ICAM-1, and MUC1) and their intracellular binding partners (alpha-catenin, beta-catenin, gamma-catenin, and ezrin) in 16HBE14o-, HBE1, 1HAEo-, BEAS-2B, A549, and NCI-H292 human airway epithelial cells. Expression of E-cadherin and MUC1, both in whole cell lysates and biotinylated surface proteins, was observed in 16HBE14o-, HBE1, A549, and NCI-H292 cells, while ICAM-1 was detected only in NCI-H292. In contrast, alpha-, beta-, and gamma-catenin and ezrin were expressed in all of the cells. E-cadherin formed coimmunoprecipitation complexes with beta- and gamma-catenin, whereas MUC1 only associated with beta-catenin. ICAM-1, but not MUC1, coimmunoprecipitated with ezrin in NCI-H292 cells. We conclude that airway epithelial cell-cell adhesion involves a complex network of protein-protein interactions mediated by a diverse array of membrane-bound and cytosolic protein partners.  相似文献   

Recently, we have reported that in normal gastric epithelium, the expression of gastric apomucins MUC5AC and MUC6 is associated with the specific expression of type 1 and type 2 Lewis antigens, and FUT2 and FUT1 fucosyltransferases, respectively. Until now, there are no data demonstrating the direct implication of specific glycosyltransferases in the specific patterns of apomucin glycosylation.HT29/M3 colon cancer cell line express MUC1, MUC5AC, type 1 Lewis antigens and FUT2 but not type 2 structures and FUT1, as it occurs in the epithelial cells of the gastric superficial epithelium. These cells were transfected with the cDNA of human FUT1, the -1,2-fucosyltransferase responsible for the synthesis of type 2 Lewis antigens, to assess the implication of FUT1 in the glycosylation of MUC1 and MUC5AC.The M3-FUT1 clones obtained express high levels of type 2 Lewis antigens: H type 2 and Ley antigens. Immunoprecipitation of MUC1 and MUC5AC apomucins gives the direct evidence that FUT1 catalyses the addition of -1,2-fucose to these apomucins, supporting the hypothesis that the pattern of apomucin glycosylation is not only instructed by the mucin primary sequence but also by the set of glycosyltransferases expressed in each specific cell type.  相似文献   

In adenocarcinomas of the breast and pancreas, underglycosylation of the glycoprotein MUC1, also expressed by normal breast and pancreatic ductal epithelial cells, results in new protein epitopes to which the immune system mounts a cytotoxic T cell response. This cytotoxic immune response is directed primarily against epitopes on the tandem repeat domain of MUC1, and is unconventional in that it is major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-unrestricted. It is therefore necessary to investigate the molecular basis of this immune response in order to enhance and optimize it for immune therapy purposes. In the present study, we characterize new MUC1 transfected human lymphoblastoid cell lines C1R and T2, and a pig kidney epithelial line LLC-PK1, that express MUC1 with either two repeats (MUC1–2R) or 22 repeats (MUC1–22R), and use them as stimulators and targets for cytotoxic T cells (CTL)in vitro. We show that MUC1–2R is processed and glycosylated similarly to MUC1–22R. In contrast to MUC1–22R, MUC1–2R is not recognized by CTL on T2 and C1R cells known for no or low MHC class I expression. It is however recognized when expressed at high density on xenogeneic LLC-PK1 cells. We propose that in MHC-unrestricted recognition, a large number of MUC1 epitopes is necessary to effectively engage the T cell receptor, and that in the presence of a low number of epitopes, engagement of the CD8 co-receptor by MHC class I molecules may be required for completing the signal through the T cell receptor.  相似文献   

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection is the main cause of bronchiolitis in children. Excessive mucus secretion is one of the primary symbols in RSV related lower respiratory tract infections (RSV-related LRTI), which is closely associated with the occurrence and development of asthma in later life. Integrin β4 (ITGB4) is down-regulated in the airway epithelial cells (AECs) of asthma patients which plays a critical role in the pathogenesis of asthma. However, whether ITGB4 is involved in the pathological processes of RSV infection remains unclear. In this study, we found that decreased expression of ITGB4 was negatively correlated with the level of MUC5AC in childhood AECs following RSV infection. Moreover, ITGB4 deficiency led to mucus hypersecretion and MUC5AC overexpression in the small airway of RSV-infected mice. MUC5AC expression was upregulated by ITGB4 in HBE cells through EGFR, ERK and c-Jun pathways. EGFR inhibitors treatment inhibited mucus hypersecretion and MUC5AC overexpression in ITGB4-deficient mice after RSV infection. Together, these results demonstrated that epithelial ITGB4 deficiency induces mucus hypersecretion by upregulating the expression of MUC5AC through EGFR/ERK/c-Jun pathway, which further associated with RSV-related LRTI.  相似文献   

Adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is a well-known serine/threonine kinase that has been implicated in modulation of glucose and fatty acid metabolism. Recent reports have also implicated AMPK in modulation of mucin secretion. In this study, the effects and signaling pathways of AMPK on MUC5B expression were investigated in human NCI-H292 airway epithelial cells. Metformin, as an activator of AMPK, induced MUC5B expression in a dose-dependent manner. Compound C, as an inhibitor of AMPK, inhibited metformin-induced MUC5B expression in a dose-dependent manner. Metformin significantly activated phosphorylation of AMPK; compound C inhibited metformin-activated phosphorylation of AMPK. Without treatment with metformin, there was no difference in MUC5B mRNA expression between Ad-dnAMPK transfected and wild-type adenovirus transfected NCI-H292 cells. However, after treatment with metformin, MUC5B mRNA expression was increased in wild-type adenovirus transfected NCI-H292 cells; MUC5B mRNA expression was significantly decreased in Ad-dnAMPK transfected NCI-H292 cells. Metformin activated phosphorylation of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK); compound C inhibited metformin-activated phosphorylation of p38 MAPK. SB203580, as an inhibitor of p38 MAPK, significantly inhibited metformin-induced MUC5B mRNA expression, while U0126, as an inhibitor of ERK1/2 MAPK, had no effect. In addition, knockdown of p38 MAPK by p38 MAPK siRNA significantly blocked metformin-induced MUC5B mRNA expression. In conclusion, results of this study show that AMPK induces MUC5B expression through the p38 MAPK signaling pathway in airway epithelial cells.  相似文献   

The membrane-bound mucin-like protein MUC1 with a specified number of tandem repeats has been expressed by transfection of the cDNAs in both the epithelial cell lines MDCK and LLC-PK1, and human lymphoblastoid cell lines T2 and C1R. The structure and glycosylation states of the MUC1 in these four lines were compared with that of the endogenous MUC1 found in the human pancreatic (HPAF) and breast (BT-20) tumor cell lines using flow cytometry and Western blot analysis with anti-MUC1 antibodies, which are either sensitive or insensitive to the glycosylation state of the tandem repeat, and pretreatment of cells with phenyl--galactosaminide, an inhibitor of mucin sialylation. A similar analysis of MUC1 expression in transfected normal and O-glycosylation defective CHO cells reveals that the addition of galactose to the core oligosaccharide structure is apparently responsible for the anomalous difference in Mr between the mature and propeptide forms of the MUC1. Both the tumor cells and the transfected lymphoblastoid cells consistently express significant steady state levels of both the heavily glycosylated mature forms and the poorly glycosylated propeptide forms of the MUC1, whereas MUC1 is found predominantly as the mature extensively glycosylated species in the transfected epithelial cells. Immunofluoresence microscopy of cross sections of the polarized epithelial cells grown on culture filter inserts reveals that the MUC1 is clearly present at the apical surface of the cells, consistent with its expression in normal tissues. Thus, the successful expression of the MUC1 by transfection of either lymphoblastoid cells or epithelial cells yields model systems both for studying the natural structure/function relationships of the protein domains within the MUC1 molecule and for further elucidating the previously reported MHC-independent T-cell recognition of the MUC1.  相似文献   

Understanding the underlying mechanisms by which a normal cell avoids the oncogenic potential of MUC1 signaling requires further definition of the pathways by which the MUC1 cytoplasmic tail is processed in both normal and tumor‐derived cells. In the present study we describe the processing pathway initiated by TACE/ADAM17 cleavage of MUC1. Utilizing the human uterine epithelial cell line, HES, derived from normal endometrium, we show that endogenous full length MUC1 undergoes regulated intramembranous proteolysis mediated by presenillin‐dependent γ‐secretase. Cytokine‐stimulated HES cells exposed to γ‐secretase inhibitors accumulated a membrane‐associated 15 kDa fragment of the MUC1 C‐terminal subunit (CTF15). Inhibitors of TACE/ADAM17‐mediated shedding inhibited accumulation of MUC1‐CTF15 and MUC1 ectodomain release to a similar extent consistent with MUC1‐CTF15 being a product of TACE/ADAM17 action. Reduction of catalytically active γ‐secretase complex by nicastrin siRNA treatment also resulted in CTF15 accumulation. Furthermore, mature nicastrin, the substrate receptor for γ‐secretase, co‐immunoprecipitated with CTF15 in the presence of γ‐secretase inhibitors indicating the formation of CTF15: nicastrin complexes. MUC1‐CTF15 accumulation in response to γ‐secretase inhibition was demonstrated in both normal and tumor‐derived cells from humans and mice indicating that this processing pathway exists in many cell contexts. We did not detect products of MUC1 cleavage by γ‐secretase in the presence of various proteasomal inhibitors indicating that subsequent degradation is either non‐proteasomal or extremely efficient. We suggest that this efficient pathway attenuates potential signaling mediated by cytoplasmic tail fragments. J. Cell. Biochem. 108: 802–815, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Autosomal dominant tubulointerstitial kidney disease associated to the MUC1 gene (ADTKD‐MUC1; formerly MCKD1) belongs to a heterogeneous group of rare hereditary kidney diseases that is prototypically caused by frameshift mutations in the MUC1 repeat domain. The mutant MUC1 (insC) lacks the transmembrane domaine, exhibits aberant cellular topology, and hence might gain a function during the pathological process. To get insight into potential pathomechanisms we perform differential proteomics of extracellular vesicles shed by renal epithelia into the urine of patients. The study is based on three ADTKD patients and individual controls applying iTRAQ/LC–MS/MS. A total of 796 proteins were identified across all biological and technical replicates, and 298 proteins were quantified. A proportion of 47 proteins were fold‐changed species. GO Term Enrichment analysis revealed proteins with significantly changed expression in ADTKD‐associated extracellular vesicles as vesicular transport‐associated proteins. Among these VTA1 is involved in the endosomal multivesicular body pathway associated with transport to lysosomes or export via exosomes. VTA1 is also claimed to play roles as a cofactor of the AAA ATPases VPS4A and VPS4B in the disassembly of ESCRT III. Protein interaction databases list VPS4B, CHMP2A, and IST1 as VTA1 binding partners. (Data are available via ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD008389.)  相似文献   

The presence of adhesion molecules on airway epithelial cells may be important in recruiting leukocytes to the epithelium. The study aimed at investigating the effects of interleukin (IL)-4, IL-8, IL-13 and interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) on cell viability and intracellular adhesion molecule (ICAM)-1 and zonula occludens protein (ZO)-1 expression on cultured human basal and columnar airway epithelial cells. Cycloheximide (CHX) induced cell death in both cell lines. The cytokines IL-4, IL-8, IL-13 and IFN-gamma had only minor effects on cell proliferation in the columnar 16HBE14o-cells, and inhibited the effects of CHX on cell death. IFN-gamma increased ICAM-1 expression in both cell lines. Western blot analysis showed that CHX inhibited both ICAM-1 and ZO-1 expression in the basal cell line. A combination of IL-4 and IFN-gamma appeared to break the tight junctions. IL-4 and IL-13 potentiated CHX-induced apoptosis in basal cells but not in columnar cells, possibly due to low levels of the IL-4 receptor. It is concluded that cytokines produced by airway epithelium may have a role in regulating sequestering of leukocytes to the airways during airway inflammation.  相似文献   

MUC1 is a membrane-bound mucin known to participate in tumor proliferation. It has been shown that MUC1 pattern of expression is modified during esophageal carcinogenesis, with a progressive increase from metaplasia to adenocarcinoma. The principal cause of development of esophageal adenocarcinoma is gastro-esophageal reflux and MUC1 was previously shown to be up-regulated by several bile acids present in reflux. In this report, our aim was thus to determine whether MUC1 plays a role in biological properties of human esophageal cancer cells. For that, a stable MUC1-deficient esophageal cancer cell line was established using a shRNA approach. In vitro (proliferation, migration and invasion) and in vivo (tumor growth following subcutaneous xenografts in SCID mice) biological properties of MUC1-deficient cells were analyzed. Our results show that esophageal cancer cells lacking MUC1 were less proliferative and had decreased migration and invasion properties. These alterations were accompanied by a decreased activity of NFKB p65, Akt and MAPK (p44/42, JNK and p38) pathways. MCM6 and TSG101 tumor-associated markers were also decreased. Subcutaneous xenografts showed a significant decrease in tumor size when cells did not express MUC1. Altogether, the data indicate that MUC1 plays a key role in proliferative, migrating and invasive properties of esophageal cancer cells as well as in tumor growth promotion. MUC1 mucin appears thus as a good therapeutic target to slow down esophageal tumor progression.  相似文献   

MUC1, a tumor associated glycoprotein, is over-expressed in most cancers and can promote proliferation and metastasis. The objective of this research was to study the role of MUC1 in cancer metastasis and its potential mechanism. Pancreatic (PANC1) and breast (MCF-7) cancer cells with stable 'knockdown' of MUC1 expression were created using RNA interference. beta-Catenin and E-cadherin protein expression were upregulated in PANC1 and MCF-7 cells with decreased MUC1 expression. Downregulation of MUC1 expression also induced beta-catenin relocation from the nucleus to the cytoplasm, increased E-cadherin/beta-catenin complex formation and E-cadherin membrane localization in PANC1 cells. PANC1 cells with 'knockdown' MUC1 expression had decreased in vitro cell invasion. This study suggested that MUC1 may affect cancer cell migration by increasing E-cadherin/beta-catenin complex formation and restoring E-cadherin membrane localization.  相似文献   

We report here the development of a mouse mammary adenocarcinoma cell line containing full-length human MUC1 cDNA that can be more lethal than the parental cell line. The metastatic murine mammary adenocarcinoma cell line 410.4 was transfected with cDNA coding for a 42-tandem-repeat version of human MUC1. Two cell lines were selected, one for stable, high expression in vitro of cell-surface MUC1 (GZHi) and one for stable, low expression in vitro of cell-surface MUC1 (GZLo). Following subcutaneous challenge of CB6F1 mice with various doses of tumor cells, GZHi tumors showed loss of MUC1 expression; negligible amounts of serum MUC1 mucin were detected and the mice survived longer than mice challenged with GZLo or wild-type (410.4) tumor cells. Mice challenged with GZLo tumor cells had shorter survival times than mice challenged with either GZHi or 410.4 tumor cells. GZLo-challenged mice that showed rapidly increasing serum MUC1 mucin levels several weeks prior to death had a shorter survival than mice without detectable rising MUC1 serum levels. Surprisingly, SCID-BEIGE mice challenged with GZLo cells also survived for a shorter time than those challenged with either GZHi or 410.4 cells. This suggests that MUC1 mucin may also enhance the aggressiveness of GZLo tumors by non-immune mechanisms. Received: 30 November 1999 / Accepted: 13 March 2000  相似文献   

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