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Ulva prolifera (Müller) J. Agardh is the main causative species of the 2008 Yellow Sea green tide incident. We investigated the influences of diluted seawater on the vegetative growth and reproductive cell formation of the alga. The thalli that were cultivated under low salinities (10‰ and 20‰) and low pH values (pH around 7.0) showed obvious and steady biomass gain, while those cultivated under high salinities (40‰) and relatively higher pH conditions (pH around 8.0) manifested significant biomass loss. The trend was, however, completely the opposite for reproductive cell formation and there were indications that enrichment, over very wide concentration ranges of both nitrogen and phosphate, could significantly promote vegetative growth. Results also indicated that relatively low salinity and low pH regimes boosted vegetative growth but were unfavorable for reproductive cell formation and vice versa. Based on these results, the possible origin and development mechanisms of the green tide event are discussed. Eutrophication in the Changjiang River estuary and adjacent sea areas, as well as extremely high freshwater inflows before, and during, the flood of 2007 – due to the full operation of large‐scale water facilities in the area – may have both played an important role in the formation and development of the green tide event.  相似文献   

To further understand the trends in the evolution of mitochondrial genomes (mitogenomes or mtDNAs) in the Ulvophyceae, the mitogenomes of two separate thalli of Ulva pertusa were sequenced. Two U. pertusa mitogenomes (Up1 and Up2) were 69,333 bp and 64,602 bp in length. These mitogenomes shared two ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs), 28 transfer RNAs (tRNAs), 29 protein‐coding genes, and 12 open reading frames. The 4.7 kb difference in size was attributed to variation in intron content and tandem repeat regions. A total of six introns were present in the smaller U. pertusa mtDNA (Up2), while the larger mtDNA (Up1) had eight. The larger mtDNA had two additional group II introns in two genes (cox1 and cox2) and tandem duplication mutations in noncoding regions. Our results showed the first case of intraspecific variation in chlorophytan mitogenomes and provided further genomic data for the undersampled Ulvophyceae.  相似文献   

Free‐floating Ulva prolifera is one of the causative species of green tides. When green tides occur, massive mats of floating U. prolifera thalli accumulate rapidly in surface waters with daily growth rates as high as 56%. The upper thalli of the mats experience environmental changes such as the change in carbon source, high salinity, and desiccation. In this study, the photosynthetic performances of PSI and PSII in U. prolifera thalli exposed to different atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) levels were measured. Changes in photosynthesis within salinity treatments and dehydration under different CO2 concentrations were also analyzed. The results showed that PSII activity was enhanced as CO2 increased, suggesting that CO2 assimilation was enhanced and U. prolifera thalli can utilize CO2 in the atmosphere directly, even when under moderate stress. In addition, changes in the proteome of U. prolifera in response to salt stress were investigated. Stress‐tolerance proteins appeared to have an important role in the response to salinity stress, whereas the abundance of proteins related to metabolism showed no significant change under low salinity treatments. These findings may be one of the main reasons for the extremely high growth rate of free‐floating U. prolifera when green tides occur.  相似文献   

As one of the most abundant and ubiquitous representatives of marine and brackish coastal macrophytobenthos communities, the genus Ulva is not only an important primary producer but also of ecological and morphogenetic interest to many scientists. Ulva mutabilis became an important model organism to study morphogenesis and mutualistic interactions of macroalgae and microorganisms. Here, we report that our collections of Ulva compressa Linnaeus (1753) from Germany are conspecific with the type strains of the model organism U. mutabilis Føyn (1958), which were originally collected at Olhão on the south coast of Portugal and have from that time on been maintained in culture as gametophytic and parthenogenetic lab strains. Different approaches were used to test conspecificity: (i) comparisons of vegetative and reproductive features of cultured material of U. mutabilis and German U. compressa demonstrated a shared morphological pattern; (ii) gametes of U. compressa and U. mutabilis successfully mated and developed into fertile sporophytic first‐generation offspring; (iii) molecular phylogenetics and species delimitation analyses based on the Generalized Mixed Yule‐Coalescent method showed that U. mutabilis isolates (sl‐G[mt+]) and (wt‐G[mt‐]) and U. compressa belong to a unique Molecular Operational Taxonomic Unit. According to these findings, there is sufficient evidence that U. mutabilis and U. compressa should be regarded as conspecific.  相似文献   

Besides heat stress, the 70 kDa heat shock proteins (HSP70s) have been shown to respond to cold stress. However, the involved cis‐acting elements remain unknown. The hsp70 gene from the green macroalga Ulva prolifera (Uphsp70) has been cloned, from which one heat shock element HSE and one low‐temperature‐responsive element LTR were found in the promoter. Using the established transient expression system and quantitative GUS assay, a series of element deletion experiments were performed to determine the functions of HSE and LTR in response to temperature stress. The results showed that under cold stress, both HSE and LTR were indispensable, since deletion leads to complete loss of promoter activity. Under heat stress, although the HSE could respond independently, coexistence with LTR was essential for high induced activity of the Uphsp70 promoter. Therefore, synergistic effects exist between HSE and LTR elements in response to temperature stress in Ulva, and extensive bioinformatics analysis showed that the mechanism is widespread in algae and plants, since LTR coexists widely with HSE in the promoter region of hsp70. Our findings provide important supplements to the knowledge of algal and plant HSP70s response to temperature stress. We speculated that for algal domestication and artificial breeding, HSE and LTR elements might serve as potential molecular targets to temperature acclimation.  相似文献   

The macroalgal species Ulva limnetica Ichihara et Shimada was investigated to understand the molecular mechanism of its tolerance or adaptation to freshwater. We detected a 19 kDa protein by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, which accumulated in greater amounts in freshwater conditions compared with marine conditions. The band was excised and the partial amino acid sequence was determined by Edoman degradation. Based on the sequences, we isolated the corresponding cDNA by the rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) technique. The constructed, full-length cDNA was 1272 bp in length, consisting of 198 bp 5'-non-coding region, an open reading frame of 840 bp (279 amino acids), 233 bp 3'-non-coding region and poly (A) tail. The protein encoded by the cDNA showed 30% identity and 45% similarity to lectin isolated from Ulva pertusa Kjellman, and we named this gene ULL (encoding Ulva limnetica lectin-like protein). Northern blot analysis demonstrated that the expression level of the ULL in the freshwater-cultured sample was higher than in the seawater-cultured sample.  相似文献   

Behavior of the eyespots during the fertilization of Ulva arasakii Chihara was studied using field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE‐SEM). FE‐SEM enabled the visualization of the eyespot of biflagellate male and female gametes. The smaller male gamete has one protruded smaller (1.3 ± 0.15 μm× 1.0 ± 0.29 μm) eyespot and the larger female gamete has a larger (1.6 ± 0.2 μm× 1.1 ± 0.13 μm) one on a posterior position of the cell. The cell membrane over the eyespot region is relatively smooth compared to other parts of the cell body and exhibits hexagonal arranged lipid globules. Because the size of the cell and the morphology of the eyespot are different between male and female gametes, we could follow the fate of the eyespots during the fertilization. The initial cytoplasmic contact and fusion of the gametes takes place at their anterior end, slightly posterior to the flagellar base. The morphology of the fusing gametes followed two clearly distinguishable patterns. About half the gamete pairs lie side‐by‐side with their longitudinal axes nearly parallel, while the rest are oriented anti‐parallel to each other. In all cases, the larger female gamete fused along the same side as the eyespot, while the smaller male gamete fused along the side away from its eyespot. As fusion proceeds, the gamete pair is transformed into the quadriflagellate planozygote, in which the eyespots are positioned side‐by‐side on the region of cell fusion. These observations indicated that the opposite positioning of the eyespot relative to the cell fusion site in male and female gametes is important for the proper arrangement of the eyespots in the planozygote. The significance of this feature in advanced green algae is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Macroalgal bloom‐forming species occur in coastal systems worldwide. However, due to overlapping morphologies in some taxa, accurate taxonomic assessment and classification of these species can be quite challenging. We investigated the molecular and morphological characteristics of 153 specimens of bloom‐forming Ulva located in and around Narragansett Bay, RI, USA. We analyzed sequences of the nuclear internal transcribed spacer 1 region (ITS1) and the chloroplast‐encoded rbcL; based on the ITS1 data, we grouped the specimens into nine operational taxonomic units (OTUs). Eight of these OTUs have been previously reported to exist, while one is novel. Of the eight OTUs, all shared sequence identity with previously published sequences or differed by less than 1.5% sequence divergence for two molecular markers. Previously, 10 species names were reported for Ulva in Rhode Island (one blade and nine tube‐forming species) based upon morphological classification alone. Of our nine OTUs, three contained blade‐forming specimens (U. lactuca, U. compressa, U. rigida), one OTU had a blade with a tubular stipe, and six contained unbranched and/or branched tubular morphologies (one of these six, U. compressa, had both a blade and a tube morphology). While the three blade‐forming OTUs in Narragansett Bay can frequently be distinguished by careful observations of morphological characteristics, and spatial/temporal distribution, it is much more difficult to distinguish among the tube‐forming specimens based upon morphology or distribution alone. Our data support the molecular species concept for Ulva, and indicate that molecular‐based classifications of Ulva species are critical for proper species identification, and subsequent ecological assessment or mitigation of Ulva blooms.  相似文献   

Female gametogenesis was studied in the dioecious siphonous green alga Codium fragile subsp. novae‐zelandiae (J. Agardh) P. C. Silva using light and electron microscopy. Early during gametogenesis the protoplasm was uniform; then it separated in portions, while fusiform chloroplasts and nuclei increased in numbers. Some features of the nuclear divisions were similar to those of other Bryopsidophyceae. They were acentric and semi‐open. Pairs of parallel electron‐dense lines resembling synaptonemic complexes were observed in several prophase nuclei indicating meioses. In metaphase the nuclear envelope showed polar fenestrae from which the spindle emerged. No spindle microtubule nucleating material was visible and chromosome kinetochores were evident. Mature female gametes were pyriform with a hyaline anterior end from which the two flagella emerged. Mature gametes had a spherical nucleus surrounded by a mitochondrion and numerous discoid chloroplasts. Female gametes germinated parthenogenetically in culture and also inside gametangia, involving loss of flagella, rounding and lengthening of cells, multiplication of chloroplasts with well developed thylakoid systems, vacuolization and synthesis of a fibrillar cell wall.  相似文献   

The aeroterrestrial, unicellular green alga Spongiochrysis hawaiiensis had been included in the ulvophycean order Cladophorales based on small subunit (SSU) rDNA sequence data, and represents so far the only fully terrestrial member of this order. Other characteristics of S. hawaiiensis that are atypical for Cladophorales include the presence of large amounts of carotenoids and a budding‐like mode of cell division. As the position of this terrestrial, unicellular alga in an order of aquatic, multicellular green algae is unusual, we re‐evaluated the phylogenetic relationships of this enigmatic organism based on supplementary SSU rDNA sequences as well as novel large ribosomal subunit (LSU) rDNA and internal transcribed spacer (ITS rDNA) sequences. Additionally, we examined several morphological characters of S. hawaiiensis, as well as low molecular weight carbohydrate (LMWC) patterns of S. hawaiiensis and members of the Cladophorales and Trentepohliales as potential chemotaxonomic markers. We found S. hawaiiensis to be uninucleate. The analysis of the LMWC content detected the presence of the polyol erythritol in S. hawaiiensis and in the Trentepohliales, while this compound was missing in the Cladophorales. The phylogenetic analyses of the novel sequences placed S. hawaiiensis in the terrestrial Trentepohliales. This placement is supported by the aeroterrestrial habitat, the presence of large amounts of carotenoids, the uninucleate cells, and the presence of the polyol erythritol as a protective compound against water loss.  相似文献   

In the present paper 29 species ofCaulerpa from Indonesia, the Philippines and Papua New Guinea are listed, with reference to their distribution and occurrence of ecological phenotypes (ecads). Other names ofCaulerpa taxa recorded for Malesia in literature are dealt with in the paragraph on excluded and changed names. The variability and nomenclature of mainly the species recorded from Indonesia are discussed, especially regarding the implications of the recognition of ecads in several species. The ecads in the sectionSedoideae are discussed as an example of use of the designation ecad for a number of growth forms. Biogeography of the genusCaulerpa is discussed with focus on areas of high biodiversity, both inside and outside Malesia, followed by a discussion on biodiversity assessment. It is suggested that the genusCaulerpa is a good indicator for the quantitative assessment of biodiversity. The need for a modern world-monograph of this genus is stressed. Such a monograph can be a stimulus for ecosystem studies ofCaulerpa stands.  相似文献   

To better understand organelle genome evolution of the ulvophycean green alga Capsosiphon fulvescens, we sequenced and characterized its complete chloroplast genome. The circular chloroplast genome was 111,561 bp in length with 31.3% GC content that contained 108 genes including 77 protein‐coding genes, two copies of rRNA operons, and 27 tRNAs. In this analysis, we found the two types of isoform, called heteroplasmy, were likely caused by a flip‐flop organization. The flip‐flop mechanism may have caused structural variation and gene conversion in the chloroplast genome of C. fulvescens. In a phylogenetic analysis based on all available ulvophycean chloroplast genome data, including a new C. fulvescens genome, we found three major conflicting signals for C. fulvescens and its sister taxon Pseudoneochloris marina within 70 individual genes: (i) monophyly with Ulotrichales, (ii) monophyly with Ulvales, and (iii) monophyly with the clade of Ulotrichales and Ulvales. Although the 70‐gene concatenated phylogeny supported monophyly with Ulvales for both species, these complex phylogenetic signals of individual genes need further investigations using a data‐rich approach (i.e., organelle genome data) from broader taxon sampling.  相似文献   

We have developed 11 microsatellite markers that are specific to Chattonella antiqua, C. marina, and C. ovata, the red tide‐forming harmful phytoplanktons. The 11 loci were amplified in the three species. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 5 to 16. The three species shared most microsatellite regions, although the genetic differences in specific loci were detected among them. These markers of the Chattonella species will be beneficial for biogeographical, detailed taxonomic, studies.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic clades based on DNA sequences such as the chloroplast rbcL gene and the nuclear ITS region are frequently used to delimit algal species. However, these molecular markers cannot accurately delimit boundaries among some Ulva species. Although Ulva reticulata and Ulva ohnoi occasionally bloom in tropical to warm‐temperate regions and are clearly distinguishable by their reticulate or plain blade morphology, they have few or no sequence divergences in these molecular markers and form a monophyletic clade. In this study, to clarify the speciation and species delimitation in the U. reticulata‐ohnoi complex clade, reproductive relationships among several sexual strains from the Philippines and Japan including offspring that originated from the type specimen of U. ohnoi were examined by culturing and hybridization in addition to the ITS‐based analysis. As a result, both prezygotic and postzygotic reproductive isolation were revealed to occur between genetically perforated U. reticulata and imperforate U. ohnoi. They were also separated on the basis of sequence analysis of the ITS region. That strongly supports that the two taxa are independent biological species. Although no prezygotic barrier among the Philippine and Japanese strains of U. reticulata was observed, unexpectedly zoospores produced by hybrid sporophytes in some of their combinations mostly failed to develop, indicating partial formation of a postzygotic barrier despite a 0.2% divergence in the ITS sequence. These findings suggest speciation is still ongoing in U. reticulata.  相似文献   

Salt stress is a major abiotic stress factor that can induce many adverse effects on photosynthetic organisms. Plants and algae have developed several mechanisms that help them respond to adverse environments. Non‐photochemical quenching (NPQ) is one of these mechanisms. The thalli of algae in the intertidal zone that are attached to rocks can be subjected to salt stress for a short period of time due to the rise and fall of the tide. Ulva prolifera causes green tides and can form floating mats when green tides occur and the upper part of the thalli is subjected to high salt stress for a long period of time. In this study, we compared the Ulva prolifera photosynthetic activities and NPQ kinetics when it is subjected to different salinities over various periods of time. Thalli exposed to a salinity of 90 for 4 d showed enhanced NPQ, and photosynthetic activities decreased from 60 min after exposure up to 4 d. This indicated that the induction of NPQ in Ulva prolifera under salt stress was closely related to the stressing extent and stressing time. The enhanced NPQ in the treated samples exposed for 4 d may explain why the upper layer of the floating mats formed by Ulva prolifera thalli were able to survive in the harsh environment. Further inhibitor experiments demonstrated that the enhanced NPQ was xanthophyll cycle and transthylakoid proton gradient‐dependent. However, photosystem II subunit S and light‐harvesting complex stress‐related protein didn't over accumulate and may not be responsible for the enhanced NPQ.  相似文献   

Since 2007, reoccurring large-scale green algae blooms have caused deleterious effects to the estuarine ecosystem of Yellow Sea, northern China and subsequent economical losses. Previous surveys indicated the green tides were initiated in the coastal water of southern Jiangsu province where Porphyra farming was intensively conducted; however, the main ‘seed source’ of floating green algae is still under debate. Ulva prolifera was confirmed to be the major causative species of green tides. The multiple sympatric ulvoid species in the natural environment has complicated species identification in both field surveys and laboratory studies due to their morphological plasticity. Thus, we developed a genetic identification key based on restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of the ITS nuclear marker to discriminate the common Ulva and Blidingia species in the Yellow Sea. Ten genetic lineages (1 in Blidingia, 9 in Ulva) were detected along the coast of China through phylogenetic analysis of ITS sequences. They can be separated by virtual restriction digestion using the four selected restriction enzymes (BspT107 I, EcoO109 I, Hin1 I and VpaK11B I). With additional PCR amplification of the 5S spacer region, we were able to discriminate U. prolifera from Ulva linza. Using this genetic key, we screened macroalgal samples collected from the coast of the Yellow Sea, and the results indicated 6 common lineages (U. prolifera, U. linza, Ulva compressa, Ulva pertusa, Clade 6 and Blidingia sp.) in this region, which could be explicitly distinguished by a single enzyme (BspT107 I) coupled with 5S spacer polymorphism. U. prolifera was confirmed to be present on the Porphyra aquaculture rafts with seasonal variation in the species composition. This genetic key will facilitate our long-term field surveys to investigate the origin of the floating U. prolifera and furthermore to explore its bloom dynamics along the coast of the Yellow Sea. It also provided a framework for the future inclusion of more Ulva species, which will expand the usage of this key.  相似文献   

The detailed segregative cell division (SCD) processes and changes in the arrangement of cortical microtubules and actin filaments were examined in two species of Struvea. SCD was initiated by the appearance of annular constrictions along the lateral side of a mother cell. The constrictions decreased in diameter, became thin, tubular in shape, and pinched the protoplasm of the mother cell into several protoplasmic sections. The protoplasmic sections expanded and developed into daughter cells, which appressed each other, and were arranged in a single row. Lateral branches protruded from the upper parts of the daughter cells. The protoplasm of the lateral branches was divided by secondary SCDs and was distributed amongst the new daughter cells. SCD and lateral branch formation were essential for morphogenesis in Struvea. Cortical microtubules were arranged parallel and longitudinally to the cell axis before SCD. When SCD was initiated, there was considerable undulation of the cortical microtubules and several transverse bundles appeared in the cytoplasmic zone where annular constrictions occurred. A microtubule‐disrupting drug (amiprophos methyl) inhibited SCD. Actin filaments maintained reticulate patterns before and during SCD. These results demonstrated that SCD in Struvea species was quite distinct from that in Dictyosphaeria cavernosa reported previously.  相似文献   

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