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Coffee is the most traded commodity in the world, and Brazil is its largest producer. Coffee leaf rust, caused by the biotrophic fungus Hemileia vastatrix, is the most important coffee disease, reducing coffee yield by 35–50%. This study aimed to use the ratio of variable and maximum fluorescence of dark‐adapted tissue (Fv/Fm) as a parameter to differentiate presymptomatic tissue from healthy tissue during disease development in plants sprayed with pyraclostrobin and epoxiconazole after 4 days postinoculation. Visual severity was considered as an indicative of apparent disease and true severity as an indicative of both apparent and non‐apparent disease. There was a significant linear relationship between the areas of true severity and visual severity, and for each additional unit in the visual severity, there was an increase of 1.53 units on the true severity. For the epoxiconazole and pyraclostrobin treatments, coffee leaf rust symptoms decreased according to both visual and Fv/Fm images. Pustules on the leaves sprayed with epoxiconazole were smaller in size than those on the leaves of non‐sprayed plants but bigger than those sprayed with pyraclostrobin. The reduction in Fv/Fm values at the pustule epicentres present on the leaves of plants sprayed with epoxiconazole, and pyraclostrobin was greater than those of the non‐sprayed plants. This finding was expected and reflects the importance of these fungicides in prohibiting the progress of coffee leaf rust. The photosynthetic capacity of Coffea arabica was affected by H. vastatrix infection, and the Fv/Fm parameter was able to show this effect before the visual symptoms were noticed.  相似文献   



Identifying the factors that lead to the success of restoration projects has been a major challenge in ecological restoration. Here we ask which factors, aside from time since restoration began, drive the recovery of tree biomass, density and richness of the understorey in riparian forests undergoing restoration.


Semideciduous Atlantic Forest with tropical climate and deep, fertile soils, southeast Brazil.


We sampled tree basal area (DBH ≥ 5 cm), density and richness of the understorey (DBH < 5 cm) in 26 riparian forests undergoing restoration (a chronosequence spanning 4–53 years). We assessed the following variables as possible factors, besides time, influencing community attributes: (1) planting design: density and richness of seedlings planted; (2) landscape features: proximity index measuring forest cover within a 1.5‐km radius, distance and size of the nearest forest remnant; and (3) environmental factors: invasive grasses, soil fertility, drought, average annual precipitation and proportion of fine particles in the soil. We performed correlation analyses including predictor and response variables, followed by stepwise backward regression (AIC), multiple and simple linear regressions, to investigate the relationships between those factors and the community attributes.


Tree basal area was primarily influenced by the proportion of small particles in the soil (+) and secondarily by rainfall (?). Understorey richness was influenced by the combination of size (+) and distance (?) of the nearest patch, rainfall (?) and soil fertility (+). Understorey density was primarily influenced by the size of the nearest forest remnant (+) and secondarily by invasive grasses (?). No influence of density or richness of the seedlings planted was observed.


Environmental factors and landscape configuration drive the recovery of tree biomass, density and richness in communities undergoing restoration. The most relevant ecological filters influencing restoration success are availability of soil water and nutrients and the distance and size of the nearest remnant of native vegetation. The expected influence of richness and density of seedlings planted, considered for many years as important drivers of forest restoration success, was not confirmed in this study.  相似文献   

采矿废弃地的生态恢复与可持续景观设计   总被引:66,自引:1,他引:66  
刘海龙 《生态学报》2004,24(2):323-329
采矿废弃地是剧烈人为干扰下的一种特殊景观类型 ,其生态系统结构与功能退化严重 ,同时其使用功能和美学价值被破坏。通过生态恢复和重建促使采矿废弃地的生态和经济价值再生 ,并通过景观设计赋予利用和美学的价值 ,对区域生态系统的健康、地方经济可持续发展以及人民的生活水平具有十分重要的意义。通过分析采矿废弃地的景观生态特征和环境影响 ,对生态恢复与重建的各种工程与生物措施以及可持续利用途径进行综述 ,并通过介绍和分析国内外一些案例 ,进而对采矿废弃地景观设计的基本原则进行总结。  相似文献   

Naturally regenerating forests or secondary forests (SFs) are a promising strategy for restoring large expanses of tropical forests at low cost and with high environmental benefits. This expectation is supported by the high resilience of tropical forests after natural disturbances, yet this resilience can be severely reduced by human impacts. Assessing the characteristics of SFs and their ecological integrity (EI) is essential to evaluating their role for conservation, restoration, and provisioning of ecosystem services. In this study, we aim to propose a concept and indicators that allow the assessment and classification of the EI of SFs. To this end, we review the literature to assess how EI has been addressed in different ecosystems and which indicators of EI are most commonly used for tropical forests. Building upon this knowledge we propose a modification of the concept of EI to embrace SFs and suggest indicators of EI that can be applied to different successional stages or stand ages. Additionally, we relate these indicators to ecosystem service provision in order to support the practical application of the theory. EI is generally defined as the ability of ecosystems to support and maintain composition, structure and function similar to the reference conditions of an undisturbed ecosystem. This definition does not consider the temporal dynamics of recovering ecosystems, such as SFs. Therefore, we suggest incorporation of an optimal successional trajectory as a reference in addition to the old-growth forest reference. The optimal successional trajectory represents the maximum EI that can be attained at each successional stage in a given region and enables the evaluation of EI at any given age class. We further suggest a list of indicators, the main ones being: compositional indicators (species diversity/richness and indicator species); structural indicators (basal area, heterogeneity of basal area and canopy cover); function indicators (tree growth and mortality); and landscape proxies (landscape heterogeneity, landscape connectivity). Finally, we discuss how this approach can assist in defining the value of SF patches to provide ecosystem services, restore forests and contribute to ecosystem conservation.  相似文献   

第5届国际生态恢复学会大会于2013年10月6—11日在美国威斯康星州麦迪逊召开.来自50多个国家的约1200位代表参加了本次大会,讨论了生态恢复不同领域的最新进展.会议中关于生态恢复评价的探讨主要从生态恢复评价指标体系的建立、生态恢复的评价方法、生态恢复监测与动态评价三方面展开.会议强调了生态恢复评价在生态恢复过程中的重要地位,关注了生态恢复评价研究中面临的挑战.对我国生态恢复评价研究主要有以下启示: 1)加强构建全面、综合的评价指标体系,注重评价过程的多方参与;2)注重生态恢复评价的尺度效应与尺度转换研究;3)拓展3S技术在生态恢复评价中的应用,促进生态恢复动态监测的发展;4)积极开展国际交流合作,提升我国生态恢复研究的国际影响力.

Summary  This brief review of the science and practice of ecological restoration and rehabilitation in Australia shows that, from small isolated efforts in the first half of the 20th century, substantial numbers of programmes are steadily emerging from natural area, agricultural landscape, mining and aquatic management sectors. With support from numerous research programmes in the last two decades, restoration and rehabilitation work is increasing in scale and ecological rigour; and researchers and practitioners are increasingly engaging with the international restoration discourse. Future improvements in prioritization, goal-setting, monitoring, evaluation and communication are, however, still needed to improve Australia's capacity to meet its increasingly serious environmental challenges and do its bit to reduce and halt global degradation.  相似文献   

Forest restoration requires strategies such as passive restoration to balance financial investments and ecological outcomes. However, the ecological outcomes of passive restoration are traditionally regarded as uncertain. We evaluated technical and legal strategies for balancing economic costs and ecological outcomes of passive versus active restoration in agricultural landscapes. We focused in the case of Brazil, where we assessed the factors driving the proportion of land allocated to passive and active restoration in 42 programs covering 698,398 hectares of farms in the Atlantic Forest, Atlantic Forest/cerrado ecotone and Amazon; the ecological outcomes of passive and active restoration in 2955 monitoring plots placed in six restoration programs; and the legal framework developed by some Brazilian states to balance the different restoration approaches and comply with legal commitments. Active restoration had the highest proportion of land allocated to it (78.4%), followed by passive (14.2%) and mixed restoration (7.4%). Passive restoration was higher in the Amazon, in silviculture, and when remaining forest cover was over 50 percent. Overall, both restoration approaches showed high levels of variation in the ecological outcomes; nevertheless, passively restored areas had a smaller percentage canopy cover, lower species density, and less shrubs and trees (dbh > 5 cm). The studied legal frameworks considered land abandonment for up to 4 years before deciding on a restoration approach, to favor the use of passive restoration. A better understanding of the biophysical and socioeconomic features of areas targeted for restoration is needed to take a better advantage of their natural regeneration potential.  相似文献   

Secondary forests are increasingly important components of human-modified landscapes in the tropics. Successional pathways, however, can vary enormously across and within landscapes, with divergent regrowth rates, vegetation structure and species composition. While climatic and edaphic conditions drive variations across regions, land-use history plays a central role in driving alternative successional pathways within human-modified landscapes. How land use affects succession depends on its intensity, spatial extent, frequency, duration and management practices, and is mediated by a complex combination of mechanisms acting on different ecosystem components and at different spatial and temporal scales. We review the literature aiming to provide a comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms underlying the long-lasting effects of land use on tropical forest succession and to discuss its implications for forest restoration. We organize it following a framework based on the hierarchical model of succession and ecological filtering theory. This review shows that our knowledge is mostly derived from studies in Neotropical forests regenerating after abandonment of shifting cultivation or pasture systems. Vegetation is the ecological component assessed most often. Little is known regarding how the recovery of belowground processes and microbiota communities is affected by previous land-use history. In published studies, land-use history has been mostly characterized by type, without discrimination of intensity, extent, duration or frequency. We compile and discuss the metrics used to describe land-use history, aiming to facilitate future studies. The literature shows that (i) species availability to succession is affected by transformations in the landscape that affect dispersal, and by management practices and seed predation, which affect the composition and diversity of propagules on site. Once a species successfully reaches an abandoned field, its establishment and performance are dependent on resistance to management practices, tolerance to (modified) soil conditions, herbivory, competition with weeds and invasive species, and facilitation by remnant trees. (ii) Structural and compositional divergences at early stages of succession remain for decades, suggesting that early communities play an important role in governing further ecosystem functioning and processes during succession. Management interventions at early stages could help enhance recovery rates and manipulate successional pathways. (iii) The combination of local and landscape conditions defines the limitations to succession and therefore the potential for natural regeneration to restore ecosystem properties effectively. The knowledge summarized here could enable the identification of conditions in which natural regeneration could efficiently promote forest restoration, and where specific management practices are required to foster succession. Finally, characterization of the landscape context and previous land-use history is essential to understand the limitations to succession and therefore to define cost-effective restoration strategies. Advancing knowledge on these two aspects is key for finding generalizable relations that will increase the predictability of succession and the efficiency of forest restoration under different landscape contexts.  相似文献   

河南省南太行地区山水林田湖草生态保护与修复   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宇振荣  杨新民  陈雅杰 《生态学报》2019,39(23):8886-8895
综合景观管理是基于可持续土地管理(SLM)、可持续林业管理(SFM)和水资源综合管理(IWRM)提出的生态保护和修复方法,强调区域整体性、系统性和多功能性。《河南省南太行地区山水林田湖草生态保护与修复工程实施方案》还在规划设计阶段,概括分析了《河南省南太行地区山水林田湖草生态保护与修复工程实施方案》中提出的区域生态环境条件、问题、总体思路和目标、总体布局和生态功能分区、主要任务和工程等,并提出管控、修山、治水、护渠、复绿、整地、扩湿等综合性生态修复策略,实施矿山环境治理、流域水环境生态修复、生态系统保护、土地整治与污染生态修复、重要生态系统保育与生物多样性维护、科技创新工程,体现系统性和整体性。在此基础上,文章提出应加强综合景观管理,主要包括开展基于“生命共同体”的系统规划设计,加强“生命共同体”景观特征和生态过程研究,提升实施项目的多功能性,加强工程技术集成应用和研发,加强公众参与与合作等建议。  相似文献   

The Forest and Landscape Restoration movement has emerged as an approach to reconcile biodiversity conservation, ecosystem services provisioning and human well‐being in degraded landscapes, but little is known so far about the potential of different reforestation methods to achieve these objectives. Based on this gap, we assessed the ecological outcomes and local livelihood benefits of community‐managed agroforests and second growth forests to assist natural regeneration in the coastal Atlantic Forest of Brazil. We investigated and compared agroforests and secondary forests according to their structure and floristic composition in 51 circular plots of 314 m², their role in supporting local livelihoods (45 semi‐structured interviews) and the use and cultural importance of plant species (61 interviews). Agroforests and, more remarkably, managed secondary forests (1) re‐established a well‐developed forest structure, with a higher density of tree‐sized individuals and similar basal area compared to nearby old growth forests; (2) were composed by a rich array of native species, including five threatened species, but had lower species richness than old growth remnants; and (3) improved local livelihoods by supplying market valuable and culturally important plants, including 231 native ethnospecies. Overall, local production systems showed remarkable potential to engage smallholders of developing tropical countries in Forest and Landscape Restoration and contribute to achieve its overall goals. We advocate the promotion of these systems as effective Forest and Landscape Restoration approaches in multi‐scale programs and policies.  相似文献   

Researchers and practitioners of ecological restoration from South Africa and Western Australia recently undertook a travelling workshop across several South African biomes to discuss and evaluate the various approaches currently being utilised in the field. Key findings from the workshop highlighted the contrasting nature of ecological restoration undertaken in these two ecologically similar, but socially and politically different regions.  相似文献   

Summary The emergence of carbon markets has provided a potential source of funding for reforestation projects. However, there is concern amongst ecologists that these markets will promote the establishment of monoculture plantations rather than more diverse restoration plantings, on the assumption that fast‐growing monocultures are likely to store more carbon than restoration plantings. We examined the validity of this assumption for three predominantly rainforest plantation types established in the moist tropical uplands of north‐east Australia: monoculture plantations of native rainforest conifers (n = 5, mean age 13 years); mixed species plantations of rainforest cabinet timber species, rainforest conifers and eucalypts (n = 5, mean age 13 years); and, environmental restoration plantings comprised mostly of a diverse range of rainforest trees (n = 10, mean age 14 years). We found that restoration plantings stored significantly more carbon in above‐ground biomass than monoculture plantations of native conifers (on average, 106 t vs 62 t carbon per ha); and tended to store more carbon than mixed species timber plantations which were intermediate in value (86 t carbon per ha). Carbon stocks were higher in restoration plantings than in monoculture and mixed species plantations for three reasons. First, and most importantly, restoration plantings were more densely stocked than monoculture and mixed species plantations. Second, there were more large diameter trees in restoration plantings than monoculture plantations. Third, the trees used in restoration plantings had a higher average wood density than the conifers used in monoculture plantations. While, on average, wood density was higher in mixed species plantations than restoration plantings, the much higher stocking rate of restoration plantings meant they stored more carbon than mixed species plantations. We conclude that restoration plantings in the moist tropics of north‐east Australia can accumulate relatively high amounts of carbon within two decades of establishment. Comparison with reference rainforest sites suggests that restoration plantings could maintain their high stocking rates (and therefore high biomass) as they develop in future decades. However, because restoration plantings are currently much more expensive to establish than monoculture plantations, restoration plantings are unlikely to be favoured by carbon markets. Novel reforestation techniques and designs are required if restoration plantings are to both provide habitat for rainforest biota and store carbon in biomass at a cost comparable to monoculture plantations.  相似文献   

We evaluated landscape‐scale forest restoration treatment implementation and effectiveness in meeting objectives in a ponderosa pine forest at Mt. Trumbull, Arizona, U.S.A. The goal of the project was to alter forest structure by thinning and burning to more closely resemble forest conditions prior to Euro‐American settlement in 1870. We measured 117 permanent plots before (1996/1997) and after (2003) treatments. The plots were evenly distributed across the landscape (approximately 1,200 ha), about half of which was an untreated control. We evaluated treatment implementation and effectiveness based on 1870 structure and/or goals outlined by managers. The success of treatment implementation varied: about 94% of the area originally planned for restoration was treated in some manner by 2003, but only 70% received the full planned treatment (thin and burn). Although density of ponderosa pines >2.5 cm was reduced significantly by 66% from approximately 429 pines/ha to approximately 146 pines/ha in the treated area, the targeted residual density was exceeded by 111–256% (all plots) or 10–85% (thinned and burned plots). Thirteen percent of the pre‐settlement pines died in the treated area by 2003, but 9% percent also died in the control, indicating that pre‐settlement pines in untreated areas were nearly as vulnerable as those exposed to restoration treatments. Large snags increased 45%, and 65% of logs >50 cm were retained, achieving implementation goals. Although restoration treatments were not implemented totally to specifications, they were effective in attaining the overall project goal of restoring more open forest structure while preserving more than 75% of the pre‐settlement pines. Canopy fuel loads were substantially reduced, allowing for the reintroduction of surface fires.  相似文献   

A commentary by Carrión & Fernández (Journal of Biogeography, 2009, 36 , 2202–2203) compared Holocene pollen records with models of potential natural vegetation (PNV) proposed in the phytosociological literature and concluded that the predicted PNV resulted from anthropogenic disturbance. However, the authors misinterpreted PNV, leading to two serious flaws in their assumptions: (1) PNV is not defined as a pre‐anthropic or climax plant community; and (2) PNV is not a concept restricted to the phytosociological method. Therefore we criticize the conclusions expressed in the commentary, and we stress the need for an interdisciplinary approach based on multi‐temporal and multi‐spatial scales to achieve a modern framework for the study of plant communities.  相似文献   

Calls for coral reef restoration are increasing amidst continued declines, yet we know little about long‐term outcomes and conditions that lead to successful coral recovery. Here, we report on one of the longest monitoring studies following 16 years of large‐scale, “low‐tech” experimental reef rehabilitation on rubble fields created by chronic blast fishing in Komodo National Park, Indonesia. After blast fishing had stopped, in the absence of rehabilitation, hard coral cover in rubble fields remained about 3% from 1999 to 2016, but on rehabilitation treatments, cover increased from 0% in 2002 to 44.5% (±21.9% SD) in 2016. Coral cover varied among sites and treatments (ranging from <5 to >80% in 2016) in patterns that may reflect current strength and turbidity. Our results demonstrate that low‐tech substrate stabilization can facilitate natural coral recruitment and growth. We conclude that relatively low‐cost methods can deliver sustained rehabilitation of hard coral cover and that long‐term monitoring should be incorporated more widely in restoration activities to inform return on investment.  相似文献   

Adoption of the long‐stem planting technique in riparian and nonriparian environments is increasing, despite few scientific studies examining whether the technique improves restoration outcomes. Here, we report on the results of an experiment that compares the performance of long‐stem and standard tube stock planted within a rainforest edge. Our results showed that planting technique had no significant effect on the growth and survival of Cheese Tree (Glochidion ferdinandi) and Scentless Rosewood (Synoum glandulosum) individuals, 5 years postplanting. Our findings suggest that long‐stem planting does not enhance tube‐stock performance of these two species, at least under the relatively benign environmental conditions of this study. We recommend that further tests of the technique should focus on habitats where inputs of physical energy are dominant (e.g. rivers, coastal foredunes) and in locations where (and when) growing conditions are particularly harsh.  相似文献   

Over the past 150 years, Brazil has played a pioneering role in developing environmental policies and pursuing forest conservation and ecological restoration of degraded ecosystems. In particular, the Brazilian Forest Act, first drafted in 1934, has been fundamental in reducing deforestation and engaging private land owners in forest restoration initiatives. At the time of writing (December 2010), however, a proposal for major revision of the Brazilian Forest Act is under intense debate in the National Assembly, and we are deeply concerned about the outcome. On the basis of the analysis of detailed vegetation and hydrographic maps, we estimate that the proposed changes may reduce the total amount of potential areas for restoration in the Atlantic Forest by approximately 6 million hectares. As a radically different policy model, we present the Atlantic Forest Restoration Pact (AFRP), which is a group of more than 160 members that represents one of the most important and ambitious ecological restoration programs in the world. The AFRP aims to restore 15 million hectares of degraded lands in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest biome by 2050 and increase the current forest cover of the biome from 17% to at least 30%. We argue that not only should Brazilian lawmakers refrain from revising the existing Forest Law, but also greatly step up investments in the science, business, and practice of ecological restoration throughout the country, including the Atlantic Forest. The AFRP provides a template that could be adapted to other forest biomes in Brazil and to other megadiversity countries around the world.  相似文献   

为了了解土壤纤毛虫群落对退耕还林区生态恢复下土壤环境变化的响应及尝试利用土壤纤毛虫群落特征评价退耕还林生态恢复的效果,于2010年3月至9月采用"非淹没培养皿法"、活体观察法、蛋白银染色法和Foissner计数法对甘肃陇南武都退耕还林区5个不同恢复阶段的样点和1个荒草坡对照样点的土壤纤毛虫群落特征进行了研究,同时测定了p H值、温度、含水量及速效磷、有效钾、铵态氮、有机质和有机碳含量等土壤环境因子并分析了生态恢复条件下土壤纤毛虫群落特征与土壤环境因子的相关性。研究中共鉴定到71种纤毛虫,隶属于3纲、10目、22科、29属。研究发现,不同恢复年限的土样中土壤纤毛虫的物种分布存在明显差异,并随恢复时间的延长,样点间物种相似性减小,群落组成复杂化,物种数、种群密度和物种多样性指数总体均呈增长趋势。优势类群也发生了演替,由恢复初期的肾形目演替到后期的下毛目。相关性分析结果表明,在生态恢复条件下,土壤有机质和铵态氮含量是影响土壤纤毛虫群落结构稳定性的主要因素,不同纤毛虫类群对生态恢复的响应存在差异。冗余分析显示,土壤纤毛虫群落很好地响应了生态恢复过程中土壤环境条件的变化。  相似文献   

Restoration efforts to improve vigor of large, old trees and decrease risk to high‐intensity wildland fire and drought‐mediated insect mortality often include reductions in stand density. We examined 15‐year growth response of old ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) and Jeffrey pine (Pinus jeffreyi) trees in northeastern California, U.S.A. to two levels of thinning treatments compared to an untreated (control) area. Density reductions involved radial thinning (thinning 9.1 m around individual trees) and stand thinning. Annual tree growth in the stand thinning increased immediately following treatment and was sustained over the 15 years. In contrast, radial thinning did not increase growth, but slowed decline compared to control trees. Available soil moisture was higher in the stand thinning than the control for 5 years post‐treatment and likely extended seasonal tree growth. Our results show that large, old trees can respond to restoration thinning treatments, but that the level of thinning impacts this response. Stand thinning must be sufficiently intensive to improve old tree growth and health, in part due to increasing available soil moisture. Importantly, focusing stand density reductions around the immediate neighborhood of legacy trees was insufficient to elicit a growth response, calling into question treatments attempting to increase vigor of legacy trees while still maintaining closed canopies in dry, coniferous forest types. Although radial thinning did not affect tree growth rates, this treatment may still achieve other resource objectives not studied here, such as protecting wildlife habitat, reducing the risk of severe fire injury, and decreasing susceptibility to bark beetle attacks.  相似文献   

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