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Restoration guidelines increasingly recognize the importance of genetic attributes in translocating native plant materials (NPMs). However, when species‐specific genetic information is unavailable, seed transfer guidelines use climate‐informed seed transfer zones (CSTZs) as an approximation. While CSTZs may improve how NPMs are developed and/or matched to restoration sites, they overlook genetic factors that can diminish restoration success and/or deteriorate natural patterns of genetic diversity and environmental factors that may introduce unexpected variation. Here, we analyze molecular data and geographic patterns of environmental variability across the western United States and demonstrate how they can refine CSTZs. Using genetic data available for 13 relevant plant species, we found that the probability of mixing genetically differentiated individuals (i.e. from different evolutionary lineages, or populations) was approximately 8% when considering locations separated by 50 km and reached nearly 80% by 500 km, which are distances relevant to ecoregionally constrained CSTZs. Furthermore, climate analyses revealed that geographically proximate locations are likely to maintain environmental similarity, regardless of CSTZ or ecoregion assignment. These results suggest constraining CSTZ‐informed seed transfer decisions by distance may mitigate the opportunity for negative genetic outcomes. Furthermore, environmental variability and/or specificity of NPMs (depending upon the restoration strategy) should be achieved by sourcing NPMs from geographically proximate locations to avoid introducing excessive genetic differentiation. Our results highlight the utility of combining molecular genetic data with other genetic inferences (i.e. of adaptation) to determine how best to transfer seed across restoration species' ranges and develop new restoration materials.  相似文献   

Two common goals for restoration are rapid plant establishment and long‐term plant persistence. The success of transplanted populations may be jeopardized if the donor transplants are not genetically diverse, and/or poorly matched to their new environment. Here, we test the effects of local adaptation and plot‐level genetic diversity on the early establishment phase of a threatened seagrass species, Posidonia australis, by performing a reciprocal transplant experiment across two genetically and geographically distinct populations in southeastern Australia. Posidonia australis is a long‐lived, slow‐growing species that has no seed bank, and the successful transplantation of live shoots and seedlings is the only available restoration method. Our results show a strong effect of local adaptation and genetic diversity on P. australis survivorship and performance over the first 6 months following transplantation. High‐genetic diversity plots displayed higher survival rates and exhibited reduced productivity and increased carbohydrate reserves within the rhizome. This suggests that high‐diversity plots included shoots that were conserving energy stores by actively reducing growth rates during the early stages of transplantation. The lowest diversity plots exhibited high leaf and root productivity and corresponding low carbohydrate reserves. This may be a sign of stress in the low‐diversity transplants, potentially explaining the very low survival rate. We suggest that future restoration efforts source donor transplants from multiple local sources to ensure both local adaptation and sufficient genetic diversity to increase the likelihood of early establishment success.  相似文献   

Biological soil crusts (biocrusts) are a key component of dryland ecosystems worldwide. However, large extensions of biocrusts are disturbed by human activities, gypsum quarry being an outstanding example. Restoration techniques applied have offered satisfactory results for vascular plants but they could greatly differ in promoting biocrust recovery. A basic question remains unaddressed: can measures for plant recovery accelerate or promote the recovery of biological crusts? We have examined eight different situations: undisturbed natural habitat, five treatments with no restoration measures (overgrazed area, abandoned quarry, topsoil removal from natural habitat, and two areas filled with gypsum mining spoil), and 2 areas receiving restoration measures (manual sowing and hydroseeding). We took 40 soil cores to determine cover of lichen, moss, and cyanobacteria. Biocrust richness and cover were higher in the undisturbed habitat, with remarkable differences for the different components among treatments. Cyanobacteria were well represented in all the cores (restored and non‐restored). Mosses were promoted the most by hydroseeding. Lichen cover was remarkably higher in undisturbed samples, very low in the quarry abandoned in 1992, and 0 in the rest. Complete spontaneous recovery of biocrusts was inefficient in the 25‐year period examined. Plant restoration measures could speed up its recovery comparing with non‐restored areas. Cyanobacteria and mosses can spontaneously recover fairly well. However, promoting them would accelerate the appearance of lichen. For lichen, inoculation or translocation of lichen thalli might be proposed. Therefore, our results call for the inclusion of active restoration measures of biocrust components in recovery plans, especially for lichens.  相似文献   

Climate change is profoundly affecting the evolutionary trajectory of individual species and ecological communities, in part through the creation of novel species assemblages. How climate change will influence competitive interactions has been an active area of research. Far less attention, however, has been given to altered reproductive interactions. Yet, reproductive interactions between formerly isolated species are inevitable as populations shift geographically and temporally as a result of climate change, potentially resulting in introgression, speciation, or even extinction. The susceptibility of hybridization rates to anthropogenic disturbance was first recognized in the 1930s. To date, work on anthropogenically mediated hybridization has focused primarily on either physical habitat disturbance or species invasion. Here, I review recent literature on hybridization to identify how ecological responses to climate change will increase the likelihood of hybridization via the dissolution of species barriers maintained by habitat, time, or behavior. Using this literature, I identify several cases where novel hybrid zones have recently formed, likely as a result of changing climate. Future research should focus on identifying areas and taxonomic groups where reproductive species interactions are most likely to be influenced by climate change. Furthermore, a better understanding of the evolutionary consequences of climate‐mediated secondary contact is urgently needed. Paradoxically, hybridization is both a major conservation concern and an important source of novel genetic and phenotypic variation. Hybridization may therefore both contribute to increasing rates of extinction and stimulate the creation of novel phenotypes that will speed adaptation to novel climates. Predicting which result will occur following secondary contact will be an important contribution to conservation for many species.  相似文献   

Compared to other organisms, such as vascular plants or mosses, lichen‐forming fungi have a high number of species occurring in both northern and southern hemispheres but are largely absent from intermediate, tropical latitudes. For instance, ca. 160 Antarctic species also occur in polar areas or mountainous temperate regions of the northern hemisphere. Early interpretations of this particular distribution pattern were made in terms of vicariance or long‐distance dispersal. However, it was not until the emergence of phylogenetics and the possibility of dating past diversification and colonization events that these initial hypotheses started to be evaluated. The premise of a relatively recent colonization of the southern hemisphere by boreal lichens through long‐distance dispersal has gained support in recent studies based on either the comparison of genetic affinities (i.e., tree topology) or more robust, statistical migratory models. Still, the scarcity of such studies and a concern that taxonomic concepts for bipolar lichens are often too broad preclude the generation of sound explanations on the mechanisms and origin of such fascinating disjunct distributions. This review provides an up‐to‐date overview of bipolar distributions in lichen‐forming fungi and their photobionts. Evidence provided by recent, molecular‐based studies as well as data on the type of lichen reproduction, dispersal ability, photobiont identity and availability, and habitat preferences are brought together to discuss how and when these distributions originated and their genetic footprints. Ideas for future prospects and research are also discussed.  相似文献   

Post‐fire restoration of foundation plant species, particularly non‐sprouting shrubs, is critically needed in arid and semi‐arid rangeland, but is hampered by low success. Expensive and labor‐intensive methods, including planting seedlings, can improve restoration success. Prioritizing where these more intensive methods are applied may improve restoration efficiency. Shrubs in arid and semi‐arid environments can create resource islands under their canopies that may remain after fire. Seedlings planted post‐fire in former canopy and between canopies (interspace) may have different survival and growth. We compared planting Wyoming big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata Nutt. ssp. wyomingensis Beetle & Young) seedlings post‐fire in former sagebrush canopy and interspace microsites at five locations. Four growing seasons after planting, seedling survival was 46 and 7% in canopy and interspace microsites, respectively. Sagebrush cover was 5.8 times greater in canopy compared to interspace microsites. Sagebrush survival and cover were likely greater because of less competition from herbaceous vegetation as well as benefiting from resource island effects in canopy microsites. Initially, post‐fire abundance of exotic annual grasses was less in canopy microsites, but by the third year post‐fire it was substantially greater in canopy microsites, indicating that resource availability to seedlings was greater, at least initially, in canopy microsites. These results suggest microsites with greater likelihood of success should be identified and then utilized to improve restoration success and efficiency. This is important as the need for restoration greatly exceeds resources available for restoration.  相似文献   

本文针对濒危植物居群的遗传多样性、生殖适合度、基因流、近交和远交衰退等遗传学问题在居群恢复过程中的应用进行了探讨。濒危植物居群的回归重建,既面临遗传多样性的迅速丧失、近交衰退等遗传风险,还因回归引种地存在较多近缘种而带来远交衰退的风险,最终导致遗传适应性降低,生境适应性变窄,繁殖和竞争能力减弱。为提高濒危物种保护的质量和效率,在构建回归居群时,应分批次从同一来源居群的不同母株采集材料,确保种源的遗传纯正性和遗传组成的多样性,还应使回归居群尽可能远离近缘广布种。另外,还需要对回归种群进行持续的监测和管理才能保证回归引种的成功。  相似文献   

Although seed harvested from remnant, wildland perennial‐grass populations can be used for restoration in humid and subhumid temperate regions, seed harvested in semiarid and arid environments is often of low quality and highly variable in quantity. In addition, ongoing harvest of indigenous populations can be unsustainable, especially for those that are small. In such environments, dependable and repeatable broad‐scale restoration of degraded grasslands requires sufficient and consistent supplies of reliable, cost‐effective seed sources that can only result from intensively managed cultivated stands. But does the harvest of intensively managed seed‐production fields inadvertently compromise genetic diversity, thereby adversely affecting the restoration outcome? That is, are seed‐production systems a part of the solution for restoration, or do they create new unintended management issues? This article discusses the potential impacts of cultivated seed‐production systems and recurrent artificial selection for specific traits on genetic integrity and performance of native‐species perennial‐grass populations. Although genetic shift resulting from cultivated perennial‐grass seed production may be inevitable, genetic shifts that change phenological expression may be limited in genotypes that exhibit high seed retention. Artificial selection can improve plant material performance on the often‐harsh conditions of restoration sites, but sufficiently high‐effective population sizes (Ne) must be maintained to conserve genetic diversity, thereby precluding the inbreeding depression that can compromise plant performance. Potentially useful traits of native perennial‐grass species that respond to artificial selection include seed production, seed retention, seedling establishment, competitive ability against weeds, and herbicide tolerance. Potential trade‐offs between traits should also be considered to avoid undesirable inadvertent responses to selection.  相似文献   

Long‐term ecological success of large‐scale restoration programs planned for the next decades will rely on genetic diversity (GD) of reintroduced or colonizing species, a limiting factor in highly fragmented landscapes. In small and isolated natural remnants or restoration areas, substantial reduction in population's size or connectivity may lead to local extinctions due to the accumulation of deleterious recessive alleles and ongoing reduction of fecundity, plant vigor, recruitment success, and adaptive potential. Despite the paramount role of GD for species persistence, its levels in restoration programs are poorly known. We assessed the GD of four model tree species (different succession stages, dispersal, and pollination syndromes) from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, comparing two high‐diversity restoration plantations, one forest fragment and one conserved remnant. Contrary to the expectation that the plantation strategies adopted in the restoration programs could result in genetic composition homogenization, we found that restoration areas established heterogeneous genetic groups with similar levels of neutral GD and inbreeding to those observed in natural forest remnants. This pattern was consistent across the four functionally different tree species, despite some species idiosyncrasies. For instance, we observed lower allelic richness in early successional species in restoration sites, suggesting that some species may be more prone to reintroduction with lower GD. Thus, we advocate the use of high GD levels in restoration to support biodiversity conservation in human‐modified landscapes, thus reinforcing the role of ecological restoration for recovering the diversity of genes—the basic constituent of biodiversity.  相似文献   

The suitability of 24 native species for restoration above the timberline in Switzerland was assessed with demographic monitoring of their populations after transplanting. The plots were laid out in 1985–1986 and 1995–1996 on machine‐graded ski runs using a total of 8,603 transplants of native grasses, legumes and forbs. Establishment conditions were improved with biodegradable wood‐fiber mats and a small addition of garden soil. Transplant survival rates were generally good after 12 years. The regeneration of mixed stands was clearly recognizable because some transplants successfully reproduced by seed, and colonizers immigrated from the adjacent natural vegetation and neighboring restoration plots. Comparative studies of reproductive parameters in transplants and their donor population revealed that differences in seed production may become nonsignificant within a short time span. These fitness features have important diagnostic value for assessing restoration success and provide information on the performance of the same or closely related genotypes in their natural populations and in the restoration site. The plants studied showed species‐specific traits in establishment after transplanting. Most species can be recommended for restoration in the alpine vegetation belt. The risk of restoration failure can be considerably reduced by using species with different life‐history characteristics. From an ecological point of view, this method is a valid alternative to commercial revegetation using seed mixtures of non‐native species and large amounts of fertilizers.  相似文献   

Biodiversity Resources for Restoration Ecology   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Biological resources can be more usefully incorporated into many aspects of restoration ecology. During the planning and design stage, the wide genotypic variation in natural plant populations must be recognized and exploited. This will ensure that genotypes used on a site are best adapted to local conditions and have a greater probability of survivorship than arbitrarily chosen material. Also, certain unusual genotypes can be located using the principles of evolutionary ecology and can be installed in areas with extreme conditions, such as soils contaminated with heavy metals, in areas where rapid colonizing ability (high seed set and/or clonal growth) is particularly advantageous, or where soils are of poor quality. Similarly, where high herbivore pressure is a threat to restoration, genotypes that are well defended, chemically or mechanically, against animal enemies should be selected to initiate the restoration process. The nursery industry can be encouraged to supply an ecologically wider selection of material for restoration, originating from local biological reserves and natural habitats. During the management phase of a restoration, local natural habitats are critical as reservoirs of biological control agents, seed sources for plant species, and members of higher trophic levels and additional plant species needed during succession. Mutualists such as pollinators, seed dispersers, and mycorrhizal fungi are vital to the success of a restoration project, and these must invade from nearby natural habitats or must be deliberately introduced. During the evaluation phase of restoration, local natural areas should be used as templates of community composition and structure from which one measures success. A functioning restoration project will interact biologically with surrounding areas, the exchange of species and genes being particularly important. Analysis of the microbial and invertebrate communities that have invaded the installed plant community may be useful and accurate determinants of ecological function. For these latter stages of the restoration process, the value of preserving local habitat remnants is high and complements their usefulness as a source of ecologically precise material for installation.  相似文献   

Substratum quality and oxygen supply to the interstitial zone are crucial for the reproductive success of salmonid fishes. At present, degradation of spawning grounds due to fine sediment deposition and colmation are recognized as main factors for reproductive failure. In addition, changes in water temperatures due to climate change, damming, and cooling water inlets are predicted to reduce hatching success. We tested the hypothesis that the biological effects of habitat degradation depend strongly on the species‐specific spawning seasons and life‐history strategies (e.g., fall‐ vs. spring‐spawners, migratory vs. resident species) and assessed temperature as an important species‐specific factor for hatching success within river substratum. We studied the species‐specific differences in their responses to such disturbances using egg‐to‐fry survival of Danube Salmon (Hucho hucho), resident brown trout (Salmo trutta fario), and migratory brown trout (Salmo trutta lacustris) as biological endpoint. The egg incubation and hatching success of the salmonids and their dependence on temperature and stream substratum quality were compared. Hatching rates of Danube salmon were lower than of brown trout, probably due to higher oxygen demands and increased interstitial respiration in spring. Increases in maximum water temperature reduced hatching rates of resident and migratory brown trout (both fall‐spawners) but were positively correlated with hatching rates of Danube salmon (a spring‐spawner). Significantly longer incubation periods of resident and migratory brown trout coincided with relatively low stream substratum quality at the end of the egg incubation. Danube salmon seem to avoid low oxygen concentrations in the hyporheic zone by faster egg development favored by higher water temperatures. Consequently, the prediction of effects of temperature changes and altered stream substratum properties on gravel‐spawning fishes and biological communities should consider the observed species‐specific variances in life‐history strategies to increase conservation success.  相似文献   

Rethinking species selection for restoration of arid shrublands   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Restoration is playing an increasingly important role in ecology as natural habitats become scarcer and chances to restore ecosystems damaged by human activities are more common. However, restoration of degraded Mediterranean arid ecosystems is hampered by drought and poor soils, which cause many establishment failures. To compare how species belonging to different successional stages establish in a very stressful site, we carried out a field experiment with 14 tree and shrub species differing in functional traits. After three growing seasons, mid-successional shrubs such as the leafless Ephedra fragilis and the C4 Salsola oppositifolia, or green-stemmed legumes like Coronilla juncea, Genista umbellat, and Retama sphaerocarpa, showed survival rates up to 93%, while late-successional species like Tetraclinis articulata, Pinus halepensis, Olea europaea, and Pistacia lentiscus, frequently used and recommended in regular restoration projects, hardly reached 55%. We found that survival was highest for legumes, followed by leafless species, and C4 shrubs, traits that are believed to maximize resource uptake in cleared and infertile areas while reducing water losses. Thus, selection of mid-successional species having such traits should be considered for successful restoration. These species would increase the success of restoration programs, but also would increase soil fertility, reduce soil erosion processes, and eventually facilitate establishment of other species, therefore accelerating secondary succession. We suggest a new approach for the restoration for arid shrublands in which species are carefully selected based on traits that best suit the environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Current and projected rates of species loss prompt us to look for innovative conservation efforts. One such proposal is that large areas of North America be re‐wilded with old world species that descended from Pleistocene mega‐fauna. We argue that this approach overlooks many important ecological, evolutionary, cultural, and economic issues and detracts from conservation efforts by adding another arbitrary restoration benchmark. Our objectives are to specifically address the shifting benchmark for ecological restoration, explore the social dimensions of Pleistocene re‐wilding, which have been largely overlooked, and discuss why we think Pleistocene re‐wilding is not a proactive approach for conservation. This is not intended as a critique of innovative approaches. Instead it is an argument that human and ecological factors need to be considered in depth before any restoration initiative can be practically implemented. Proactive approaches should consider historical conditions while managing based on the present, should plan for the future, and should allow adaptation to changing conditions. We support the strategy to restore ecological interactions using species that coevolved with these interactions, bearing in mind the complexities of the socio‐ecological dimensions of any management action.  相似文献   

Persistence of restored populations depends on growth, reproduction, dispersal, local adaptation, and a suitable landscape pattern to foster metapopulation dynamics. Although the negative effects of habitat fragmentation on plant population dynamics are well understood, particularly in grasslands, the population traits that control grassland restoration are less known. We reviewed the use of population traits for evaluating grassland restoration success based on 141 publications (1986–2015). The results demonstrated that population demography was relatively well‐assessed but detailed studies providing information on key stages of the life cycle were lacking despite their importance in determining population viability. Vegetative and generative performances have been thoroughly investigated, notably the components of plant fitness, such as reproductive output, while genetic and spatial population structures were largely ignored. More work on the population effects of ecological restoration would be welcomed, particularly with a focus on population genetics. Targeted species were principally common and dominant natives, or invasive plants while rare or threatened species were poorly considered. Evaluation of ecological restoration should be conducted at different scales of ecological complexity, but so far, communities and ecosystems are over represented, and more focus should be directed towards a population approach as population traits are essential indicators of restoration success.  相似文献   

微型生物结皮在干旱、半干旱荒漠地区广泛分布,对维持荒漠生态系统的稳定性具有重要作用。地衣结皮是微型生物结皮的重要组成部分及主要类型之一,在固沙、固碳和固氮能力方面独具优势。本文从区域尺度和局部尺度综述了国内外荒漠地衣分布、群落组成及其影响因素,从微尺度探讨了荒漠地衣在形成过程中可能相关的生物因子的作用与功能。虽已有研究发现气候类型、降水量、土壤理化性质、微地形和温度会对荒漠地衣生长型、种类、丰度及盖度产生影响,来自地衣体、地衣结皮和地衣结皮土壤中的生物因素与维持地衣正常生命活动及分布之间存在相关关系,但上述结论尚具有一定的局限性,主要表现在区域尺度仍缺乏专门对荒漠地衣的研究,微尺度缺乏对地衣相关生物功能的实验性探索及验证。上述局限在一定程度上限制了通过人工手段大规模应用荒漠地衣结皮的研究。本文基于国内外研究进展及存在问题,对荒漠地衣结皮应用进行了展望,以期为人工构建荒漠地衣结皮和干旱、半干旱荒漠治理及生态恢复提供新的思路和参考。  相似文献   

The planting of sand‐binding vegetation in the Shapotou region at the southeastern edge of the Tengger Desert began in 1956. Over the past 46 years, it has not only insured the smooth operation of the Baotou–Lanzhou railway in the sand dune section but has also played an important role in the restoration of the local eco‐environment; therefore, it is viewed as a successful model for desertification control and ecological restoration along the transport line in the arid desert region of China. Long‐term monitoring and focused research show that within 4–5 years of establishment of sand‐binding vegetation, the physical surface structure of the sand dunes stabilized, and inorganic soil crusts formed by atmospheric dust gradually turned into microbiotic crusts. Among the organisms comprising these crusts are cryptogams such as desert algae and mosses. In the 46 years since establishing sand‐binding vegetation, some 24 algal species occurred in the crusts. However, only five moss species were identified, which was fewer than the species number in the crust of naturally fixed sand dunes. Other results of the planting were that near‐surface wind velocity in the 46‐year‐old vegetation area was reduced by 54.2% compared with that in the moving sand area; soil organic matter increased from 0.06% in moving sand dunes to 1.34% in the 46‐year‐old vegetation area; the main nutrients N, P, K, etc., in the desert ecosystem increased; soil physicochemical properties improved; and soil‐forming processes occurred in the dune surface layer. Overall, establishment of sand‐binding vegetation significantly impacted soil water cycles, creating favorable conditions for colonization by many herbaceous species. These herbaceous species, in turn, facilitated the colonization and persistence of birds, insects, soil animals, and desert animals. Forty‐six years later, some 28 bird species and 50 insect species were identified in the vegetated dune field. Thus, establishment of a relatively simple community of sand‐binding species led to the transformation of the relatively barren dune environment into a desert ecosystem with complex structure, composition, and function. This restoration effort shows the potential for short‐term manipulation of environmental variables (i.e., plant cover via artificial vegetation establishment) to begin the long‐term process of ecological restoration, particularly in arid climates, and demonstrates several techniques that can be used to scientifically monitor progress in large‐scale restoration projects.  相似文献   

Native plant species are routinely planted or sown in ecological restoration projects, but successful establishment and survival depend on where and how seeds are collected. Research suggests that it is important to use locally adapted seeds. Local populations often show a home-site advantage and non-local genotypes may be maladapted to local environmental conditions. Furthermore, intraspecific hybridisation of local and non-local genotypes may have a negative impact on the genetic structure of local populations via mechanisms such as outbreeding depression. Many species show a strong small-scale genetic differentiation between different habitats so that matching habitats of the restoration and donor site can be more important than minimizing geographical separation. It is a challenge to identify appropriate seed sources because strong small-scale population differentiation makes it difficult to delineate geographically defined seed zones to which seed exchange should be limited. Moreover, it is important to consider the genetic diversity of introduced material because it may be crucial to avoid genetic bottlenecks, inbreeding depression and poor establishment of plant populations. Repeated propagation in stock, which is often required to obtain a sufficient amount of seeds, can further reduce genetic diversity and may select for particular genotypes. Negative impacts of improper seed choice for nursery planting stock may become detectable only after many years, especially in long-lived and slow growing plants. Although scientific information on many species remains limited, the increasing demand for translocation of seed means that mandatory regulations are necessary. Guidelines should prescribe a specification of seed provenance, a record of genetic diversity of wild collections and rules for subsequent processing such as direct transfer and propagation of stock or seed orchards. We use a literature review to evaluate current legislation and to develop recommendations for herbaceous and woody species.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Conservation genetic analyses of wildlife have increased greatly in the past 10 yr, yet genetic studies of parrots are rare because of difficulties associated with capturing them and obtaining samples. Recent studies have demonstrated that molted feathers can provide a useful source of DNA, but success rates have varied considerably among studies. Our objective was to determine if molted macaw feathers from Blue‐and‐yellow Macaws (Ara ararauna), Scarlet Macaws (A. macao), and Red‐and‐green Macaws (A. chloropterus) collected from rainforest geophagy sites called clay licks could provide a good source of DNA for population genetic studies. Specific objectives were to determine (1) how nuclear DNA microsatellite amplification success and genotyping error rates for plucked macaw feathers compared to those for molted feathers collected from clay licks in the Amazon rainforest, and (2) if feather size, feather condition, species, or extraction method affected microsatellite amplification success or genotyping error rates from molted feathers. Amplification success and error rates were calculated using duplicate analyses of four microsatellite loci. We found that plucked feathers were an excellent source of DNA, with significantly higher success rates (P < 0.0001) and lower error rates (P= 0.0002) than for molted feathers. However, relatively high success rates (75.6%) were obtained for molted feathers, with a genotyping error rate of 11.7%. For molted feathers, we had higher success rates and lower error rates for large feathers than small feathers and for feathers in good condition than feathers that were moldy and broken when collected. We also found that longer incubation times and lower elution volumes yielded the highest quality DNA when extracting with the Qiagen DNeasy tissue kit. Our study demonstrates that molted feathers can be a valuable source of genetic material even in the challenging conditions of tropical rainforests, and our results provide valuable information for maximizing DNA amplification success rates when working with shed feathers of parrots.  相似文献   

The persistence of an invasive species is influenced by its reproductive ecology, and a successful control program must operate on this premise. However, the reproductive ecology of invasive species may be enigmatic due to factors that also limit their management, such as cryptic coloration and behavior. We explored the mating and reproductive ecology of the invasive Brown Treesnake (BTS: Boiga irregularis) by reconstructing a multigenerational genomic pedigree based on 654 single nucleotide polymorphisms for a geographically closed population established in 2004 on Guam (N = 426). The pedigree allowed annual estimates of individual mating and reproductive success to be inferred for snakes in the study population over a 14‐year period. We then employed generalized linear mixed models to gauge how well phenotypic and genomic data could predict sex‐specific annual mating and reproductive success. Average snout–vent length (SVL), average body condition index (BCI), and trappability were significantly related to annual mating success for males, with average SVL also related to annual mating success for females. Male and female annual reproductive success was positively affected by SVL, BCI, and trappability. Surprisingly, the degree to which individuals were inbred had no effect on annual mating or reproductive success. When juxtaposed with current control methods, these results indicate that baited traps, a common interdiction tool, may target fecund BTS in some regards but not others. Our study emphasizes the importance of reproductive ecology as a focus for improving BTS control and promotes genomic pedigree reconstruction for such an endeavor in this invasive species and others.  相似文献   

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