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Aim  To evaluate frugivorous butterflies as indicators of forest disturbance in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest.
Location  The study area is located in the municipality of Cotia, São Paulo State, south-eastern Brazil (23°35'−23°50' S, 46°45'−47°15' W).
Methods  Sampling was done at four sites inside a large forest block, the Morro Grande State Reserve, and in five forest fragments in an adjacent fragmented landscape. Butterflies were sampled with portable traps, baited with a fermented mixture of banana and sugar cane juice. Sampling was carried out during the period most favourable for the capture of frugivorous butterflies in south-eastern Brazil.
Results  All richness-related results indicated no effect of forest fragmentation on the frugivorous butterfly guild, concurring with the suggestion of appreciable resistance of Atlantic Forest butterflies to habitat modification. However, species composition discriminated between the two landscapes, indicating that fragmentation may have effects beyond simple species richness. When species were analysed individually, clear patterns of distribution emerged, with some species that were very abundant in the fragmented landscape being practically absent in the continuous landscape, and vice versa. This pattern seems consistent even for some subfamilies.
Main conclusion  Our findings support the usefulness of the frugivorous butterfly guild as a biological indicator of forest disturbance effects in one of the world's most threatened ecosystems.  相似文献   

Aim Broad‐scale spatial variation in species richness relates to climate and physical heterogeneity but human activities may be changing these patterns. We test whether climate and heterogeneity predict butterfly species richness regionally and across Canada and whether these relationships change in areas of human activity. Location Canada. Methods We modelled the ranges of 102 butterfly species using genetic algorithms for rule‐set production (GARP). We then measured butterfly species richness and potentially important aspects of human activity and the natural environment. These were included in a series of statistical models to determine which factors are likely to affect butterfly species richness in Canada. We considered patterns across Canada, within predominantly natural areas, human‐dominated areas and particular ecozones. We examined independent observations of butterfly species currently listed under Canada's endangered species legislation to test whether these were consistent with findings from statistical models. Results Growing season temperature is the main determinant of butterfly species richness across Canada, with substantial contributions from habitat heterogeneity (measured using elevation). Only in the driest areas does precipitation emerge as a leading predictor of richness. The slope of relationships between all of these variables and butterfly species richness becomes shallower in human‐dominated areas, but butterfly richness is still highest there. Insecticide applications, habitat loss and road networks reduce butterfly richness in human‐dominated areas, but these effects are relatively small. All of Canada's at‐risk butterfly species are located in these human‐dominated areas. Main conclusions Temperature affects butterfly species richness to a greater extent than habitat heterogeneity at fine spatial scales and is generally far more important than precipitation, supporting both the species richness–energy and habitat heterogeneity hypotheses. Human activities, especially in southern Canada, appear to cause surprisingly consistent trends in biotic homogenization across this region, perhaps through range expansion of common species and loss of range‐restricted species.  相似文献   

Aim  We quantify the elevational patterns of species richness for all vascular plants and some functional and taxonomic groups on a regional scale on a tropical mountain and discuss some possible causes for the observed patterns.
Location  Mount Kinabalu, Sabah, Borneo.
Methods  A data base containing elevational information on more than 28,000 specimens was analysed for vascular plant distribution, taking into account sampling effort. The total species richness pattern was estimated per 300-m elevational interval by rarefaction analyses. The same methods were also applied to quantify species richness patterns of trees, epiphytes, and ferns.
Results  Total species richness has a humped relationship with elevation, and a maximum species richness in the interval between 900 and 1200 m. For ferns and epiphytes the maximum species richness is found at slightly higher elevations, whereas tree species did not have a statistically significant peak in richness above the lowest interval analysed.
Main conclusions  For the first time a rigorous estimate of an elevational pattern in species richness of the whole vascular plant flora of a tropical mountain has been quantified. The pattern observed depends on the group studied. We discuss the differences between the groups and compare the results with previous studies of elevational patterns of species richness from other tropical areas. We also discuss the methods used to quantify the richness pattern and conclude that rarefaction gives an appropriate estimate of the species richness pattern.  相似文献   

The Brazilian Atlantic Forest harbours a mega diversity of seed plants. The Parque Nacional do Itatiaia is a large and mature Atlantic Forest remnant in southeastern Brazil. It includes around 10% of the Brazilian orchids and is considered a priority area for conservation. Thirty‐three species of the neotropical and very ornamental subtribe Laeliinae (Orchidaceae) have been recorded in this park, but according to our studies 13 species may be extinct locally. Here, we present ecological information, including population size, vertical distribution and orchid‐phorophyte for each species. In addition, we discuss the main factors threatening the species and the fact that official conservation policies following IUCN Red List categories and criteria at regional levels may be inappropriate for geopolitical regions, especially for overly restricted geographical areas. For this reason, some questions need to be addressed: 1) when should a decision maker be formally advised of the possibility of a species being threatened in a state, municipality or a conservation unit? 2) Below what minimum number of individuals in a population should conservation efforts (financial, logistical, etc.) be applied? These issues are particularily worrying when dealing with epiphytic orchids. For developing countries, these concerns are especially important since resources available to support biodiversity conservation actions are usually very limited. In addition, the lack of permanent control of legally protected areas, and difficulties to combat natural disturbances and predatory human activities also contribute to worsen the problems intrinsic to the conservation of these areas.  相似文献   

The total number of insect species in the world is an important if elusive figure. We use a fresh approach to estimate global insect species richness, based on biogeographic patterns of diversity of well or better documented taxa. Estimates generated by various calculations, all variations on a theme, largely serve to substantiate suggestions that insect species are likely to number around 10 million or less.  相似文献   

The Brazilian Atlantic Rain Forest, one of the most endangered ecosystems worldwide, is also among the most important hotspots as regards biodiversity. Through intensive logging, the initial area has been reduced to around 12% of its original size. In this study we investigated the genetic variability and structure of the mountain lion, Puma concolor. Using 18 microsatellite loci we analyzed evidence of allele dropout, null alleles and stuttering, calculated the number of allele/locus, PIC, observed and expected heterozygosity, linkage disequilibrium, Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, F(IS), effective population size and genetic structure (MICROCHECKER, CERVUS, GENEPOP, FSTAT, ARLEQUIN, ONESAMP, LDNe, PCAGEN, GENECLASS software), we also determine whether there was evidence of a bottleneck (HYBRIDLAB, BOTTLENECK software) that might influence the future viability of the population in south Brazil. 106 alleles were identified, with the number of alleles/locus ranging from 2 to 11. Mean observed heterozygosity, mean number of alleles and polymorphism information content were 0.609, 5.89, and 0.6255, respectively. This population presented evidence of a recent bottleneck and loss of genetic variation. Persistent regional poaching constitutes an increasing in the extinction risk.  相似文献   

Aim To test the mechanisms driving bird species richness at broad spatial scales using eigenvector‐based spatial filtering. Location South America. Methods An eigenvector‐based spatial filtering was applied to evaluate spatial patterns in South American bird species richness, taking into account spatial autocorrelation in the data. The method consists of using the geographical coordinates of a region, based on eigenanalyses of geographical distances, to establish a set of spatial filters (eigenvectors) expressing the spatial structure of the region at different spatial scales. These filters can then be used as predictors in multiple and partial regression analyses, taking into account spatial autocorrelation. Autocorrelation in filters and in the regression residuals can be used as stopping rules to define which filters will be used in the analyses. Results Environmental component alone explained 8% of variation in richness, whereas 77% of the variation could be attributed to an interaction between environment and geography expressed by the filters (which include mainly broad‐scale climatic factors). Regression coefficients of environmental component were highest for AET. These results were unbiased by short‐scale spatial autocorrelation. Also, there was a significant interaction between topographic heterogeneity and minimum temperature. Conclusion Eigenvector‐based spatial filtering is a simple and suitable statistical protocol that can be used to analyse patterns in species richness taking into account spatial autocorrelation at different spatial scales. The results for South American birds are consistent with the climatic hypothesis, in general, and energy hypothesis, in particular. Habitat heterogeneity also has a significant effect on variation in species richness in warm tropical regions.  相似文献   

Mexico is considered a megadiverse country containing more than 10% of the world's biodiversity. The distribution of this species richness and endemism is different among the different Mexican states. We examined the species richness patterns of 13 families of vascular plants (including ferns, gymnosperms and angiosperms) in Mexico using political divisions (states) as units of analysis. We analysed the species richness values (absolute richness, endemic richness and restrictive richness) of these plant families using stepwise multiple regression analysis, assessing their relationship with a set of 10 environmental variables (expressed as heterogeneity coefficients). A combined cluster analysis with multidimensional scaling analysis (MDS) and an analysis of similarities were also undertaken to define the spatial–geographical patterns. Additionally, we proposed a methodological strategy to determine which states of Mexico have priorities for conservation. Our results suggested that the three species richness values used were significantly predicted by environmental factors, especially by climatic heterogeneity. Notwithstanding that a linear pattern was recognized, the Mexican states were gathered in four groups, which were confirmed by the MDS and the cluster analysis: (1) the Yucatan Peninsula, (2) arid Mexico, (3) the Mexican Transition Zone and (4) the megadiverse states. We proposed that 12 Mexican states include all the environmental conditions and are candidates for developing conservation programmes: (1) Quintana Roo, Tabasco and Yucatán, (2) Baja California, Chihuahua and Sinaloa, (3) Guerrero, Jalisco and Nuevo León and (4) Chiapas, Oaxaca and Veracruz.  相似文献   

Aim The diversity of reproductive modes among amphibians constitutes a striking example of how differences in the biology of species provide important explanations for species distribution patterns on a broad scale. We hypothesize that sites with a higher humidity level will support more modes of reproduction than drier sites and will consequently exhibit a higher phylogenetic diversity. Furthermore, if there is a gradient in the tolerance of reproductive modes to desiccation, there will be a nested pattern in the composition of reproductive modes among sites. Location Twenty‐seven forest sites in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Methods Through a path analysis approach, we evaluated the direct and indirect effects of the humidity level on the number of reproductive modes, as well as the relative importance of both variables on amphibian phylogenetic diversity. A nestedness analysis was used to quantify the extent to which the compositions of both species and reproductive modes in drier sites correspond to subsets of those in sites with higher annual precipitation. Results We found that the reproductive modes present in drier sites are non‐random subsets of those present in sites with higher humidity levels. Because reproductive modes are phylogenetically conserved among amphibians, sites with a greater number of reproductive modes supported greater phylogenetic diversity. Sites with high precipitation throughout the year provided suitable environmental conditions for a larger number of reproductive modes, whereas sites with low precipitation and typical seasonal climates supported only those reproductive modes specialized to resist desiccation. Main conclusions Our results show that humidity‐related variables are key environmental factors related to both the richness of reproductive modes and phylogenetic diversity. Our results support the hypothesis that the higher phylogenetic diversity found in moister sites reflects differences in the tolerance to desiccation among different reproductive modes. Given that reproductive modes are associated with susceptibility to desiccation, their incorporation into explanatory models may trigger a significant advance in the understanding of the mechanisms regulating the species richness and composition of amphibian communities.  相似文献   

The mid‐domain effect (MDE) aims to explain spatial patterns in species richness invoking only stochasticity and geometrical constraints. In this paper, we used simulations to show that its main qualitative prediction, a hump‐shaped pattern in species richness, converges to the expectation of a spatially bounded neutral model when communities are linked by short‐distance migration. As these two models can be linked under specific situations, neutral theory may provide a mechanistic population level basis for MDE. This link also allows establishing in which situations MDE patterns are more likely to be found. Also, in this situation, MDE models could be used as a first approximation to understand the role of both stochastic (ecological drift and migration) and deterministic (adaptation to environmental conditions) processes driving the spatial structure of species richness.  相似文献   

Recent studies on the effects of tropical forest fragmentation indicate that fragmented landscapes are complex and heterogeneous systems influenced by factors other than the size or degree of isolation of forest remnants: of particular importance are the quality of the matrix and the edge-induced habitat changes. In order to investigate the influence of these factors, small mammals were surveyed in 36 sites in the landscape of Una, a region that encompasses some of the last and largest Atlantic Forest remnants in northeastern Brazil. Six sites were distributed on each of six landscape components – the interiors and edges of small remnants, the interiors and edges of large remnants, and the most common forested habitats found in the matrix. The survey comprised 46,656 trap-nights and yielded 1725 individuals of 20 species of rodents and marsupials. Results revealed: an increase in beta-diversity caused by fragmentation; the contrasting effects of the altered forested habitats of the matrix, which harbor both forest and disturbance-adapted species; a greater importance of edge effect than of patch size to the observed changes in small mammal community in remnants; an association among terrestrial forest species and among arboreal forest species in terms of the distribution and abundance in the Una mosaic; and a distinctive vulnerability of these two groups of species to fragmentation. Results emphasize the biological importance and conservation value of both fragmented landscapes and small remnants in the Atlantic Forest, as well as the importance of management techniques to control and attenuate edge effects.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the termites of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, one of the most threatened biodiversity hotspots in the world, in regularly spaced sites from 7° S to 27° S latitude. To our knowledge, this is the only report of a latitudinal survey of termites at species level performed with a standardized sampling protocol. We evaluate termite diversity and abundance, and describe patterns of species composition based on feeding groups along the latitudinal gradient. We also describe the relative contribution of environmental variables to explain diversity patterns. Termite assemblages were investigated by standardized surveys at 15 Atlantic Forest sites, on six transects divided into five sections of 10 m², with 30 sections per site (or 300 m²/site), which were investigated by one trained person for one hour. Observed species richness and abundance were negatively correlated with latitude. The influence of latitude was explained mainly by variables related to temperature, precipitation and ambient energy (potential evapotranspiration). Our results also suggest that temperature exerts a greater constraint on Atlantic Forest termites than productivity, because ambient productivity increases with latitude in this forest but termite diversity decreases. Termite species richness in the Atlantic Forest showed a different pattern than those described for other organisms, increasing in diversity where the coastal‐forest strip narrows. Overall, our results indicate comparatively high termite species richness at northeastern sites and a significant impoverishment of termite assemblages in the southeastern and southern regions of the Atlantic Forest.  相似文献   

We analyze the spatial patterns of natural dune cover patches and their plant richness, comparing coastal sites with different levels of human pressure in central Italy. We created a detailed land cover map of dune sites. The spatial pattern of natural dune cover types was characterized by computing a set of patch-based metrics. To quantify patch plant richness, we used 16 m2 vegetation plots, randomly distributed on coastal dune cover types. For each patch, the richness of the entire pool of species and of three guilds (i.e., typical dune, ruderal, and alien species) was considered. We compared different levels of human pressure on coastal dunes focusing on pattern metrics and floristic information by using the nonparametric Kruskal–Wallis test. In sites with high human pressure, we have observed a general simplification in the natural dune spatial pattern and a decline of plant richness but with a specific response for each cover type. Alien and ruderal species presented low richness in all patches. In coastal dunes, the harsh ecological conditions and the strong sea–inland gradient shape the distribution of human activities and control the number of ruderal species. The approach effectively describes fragmentation and biodiversity in dune ecosystems.  相似文献   

Connecting species richness, abundance and body size in deep-sea gastropods   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aim This paper examines species richness, abundance, and body size in deep‐sea gastropods and how they vary over depth, which is a strong correlate of nutrient input. Previous studies have documented the empirical relationships among these properties in terrestrial and coastal ecosystems, but a full understanding of how these patterns arise has yet to be obtained. Examining the relationships among macroecological variables is a logical progression in deep‐sea ecology, where patterns of body size, diversity, and abundance have been quantified separately but not linked together. Location 196–5042 m depth in the western North Atlantic. Method Individuals analysed represent all Vetigastropoda and Caenogastropoda (Class Gastropoda) with intact shells, excluding Ptenoglossa, collected by the Woods Hole Benthic Sampling Program (3424 individuals representing 80 species). Biovolume was measured for every individual separately (i.e. allowing the same species to occupy multiple size classes) and divided into log2 body size bins. Analyses were conducted for all gastropods together and separated into orders and depth regions (representing different nutrient inputs). A kernel smoothing technique, Kolmogorov‐Smirnov test of fit, and OLS and RMA were used to characterize the patterns. Results Overall, the relationship between the number of individuals and species is right skewed. There is also a positive linear relationship between the number of individuals and the number of species, which is independent of body size. Variation among these relationships is seen among the three depth regions. At depths inferred to correspond with intermediate nutrient input levels, species are accumulated faster given the number of individuals and shift from a right‐skewed to a log‐normal distribution. Conclusion A strong link between body size, abundance, and species richness appears to be ubiquitous over a variety of taxa and environments, including the deep sea. However, the nature of these relationships is affected by the productivity regime and scale at which they are examined.  相似文献   

The adequate selection of indicator groups of biodiversity is an important aspect of the systematic conservation planning. However, these assessments differ in the spatial scales, in the methods used and in the groups considered to accomplish this task, which generally produces contradictory results. The quantification of the spatial congruence between species richness and complementarity among different taxonomic groups is a fundamental step to identify potential indicator groups. Using a constructive approach, the main purposes of this study were to evaluate the performance and efficiency of eight potential indicator groups representing amphibian diversity in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Data on the geographic range of amphibian species that occur in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest were overlapped to the full geographic extent of the biome, which was divided into a regular equal‐area grid. Optimization routines based on the concept of complementarily were applied to verify the performance of each indicator group selected in relation to the representativeness of the amphibians in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest as a whole, which were solved by the algorithm “simulated annealing,” through the use of the software MARXAN. Some indicator groups were substantially more effective than others in regard to the representation of the taxonomic groups assessed, which was confirmed by the high significance of the data (F = 312.76; < 0.01). Leiuperidae was considered as the best indicator group among the families analyzed, as it showed a good performance, representing 71% of amphibian species in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest (i.e., 290 species), which may be associated with the diffuse geographic distribution of their species. In this sense, this study promotes understanding of how the diversity standards of amphibians can be informative for systematic conservation planning on a regional scale.  相似文献   

Aim We analysed the interdependence of avian frugivore‐ and fruited plant‐species richness at the scale of major river basins across Europe, taking into account several environmental factors along different spatial gradients. Location Continental Europe and the British Isles. Methods We focused on wintering birds and autumn/winter fruiting plants, and used major river basins as geographical units and Structural Equation Modelling as the principal analytical tool. Results The statistical influence of disperser species richness on fleshy‐fruited plant species richness is roughly double that of the reverse. Broad‐scale variation in frugivore richness is more dependent on environmental factors than on fruited plant richness. However, the influence of disperser richness on plant richness is four times higher than the influence of environmental factors. Environmental influences on both birds and plants are greater than purely spatial influences. Main conclusions Our results are interpreted as indicating that biotic dispersal of fruits strongly affects broad‐scale geographical trends of fleshy‐fruited plant species richness, whereas richness of fruited plants moderately affects frugivore richness.  相似文献   

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