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Mining companies are expected to return land to a stable, productive, and self‐sustaining condition by rehabilitating degraded areas to also deliver social benefits, an essential dimension of sustainable land management. This research aimed to develop a framework for mine rehabilitation planning based on an integrated analysis of the social‐ecological system provided by the ecosystem services concept to facilitate community engagement and the delivery of social benefits. An Ecosystem Services Assessment for Rehabilitation framework was tested at two bauxite mines undergoing ecological restoration. The mines are operated by the same company in two countries. Key results showed that the framework can help companies, regulators, and community members alike identify whether biophysical restoration efforts translate into key human benefits. Overall the framework provides a means for enhancing community engagement to explicitly address social benefits that, with a business as usual focus on ecological goals, may not be delivered. The ecosystem services concept provides a practical approach to link ecological and social outcomes of mine restoration.  相似文献   

河口地区牡蛎礁的生态功能及恢复措施   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在许多温带河口区,牡蛎礁是具有重要生态功能的特殊生境。牡蛎礁在净化水体、提供栖息生境、保护生物多样性和耦合生态系统能量流动等方面均具有重要的功能。近100年来,由于过度采捕、环境污染、病害和生境破坏等原因,许多温带河口区牡蛎种群数量持续下降,河口生态系统的结构与功能受到破坏,富营养化越来越严重。为了修复河口生态系统、净化水质和促进渔业可持续发展,近20年来,世界各地开展了一系列牡蛎礁的恢复活动,尤其美国在东海岸及墨西哥湾建立了大量的人工牡蛎礁,许多研究结果证实,构建的人工牡蛎礁经过2~3年时间,就能恢复自然生境的生态功能。本文介绍了我国首次牡蛎增殖放流工程-长江口南北导堤牡蛎礁,近2年的监测结果显示,长江口导堤牡蛎种群数量快速增长,附近水生生态系统的结构与功能得到明显改善。最后,针对目前牡蛎礁恢复过程中存在的不足,提出了需进一步研究的课题,包括牡蛎基础生物学(病害和分子系统进化),牡蛎礁恢复的关键技术、科学程序及成功的评价标准等。  相似文献   

Increasing anthropogenic impacts on biodiversity has been a cause for concern in Australia in recent years. Areas that hold high levels of endemic species and also face exceptional threats of destruction have been described as biodiversity hotspots. Ecological research focused on biodiversity hotspots will provide a better understanding of the flora and fauna of these regions and thus inform conservation strategies. Consequently, it is important to understand where biodiversity hotspots are located and how well they have been researched in the past. However, the choice of ecological research sites may be influenced by a variety of factors such as proximity to research institutions. This study utilized a geographic information system to investigate the spatial distribution of ecological research field sites in Australia and its territorial waters, the hotspots of the field sites around research institutions and the proximity of ecological research field sites from the main campus of the research institutions. Furthermore, these hotspots of ecological research were linked to biodiversity hotspots to identify the regions that were commonly depicted in the ecological literature and to identify others that may need more attention. We demonstrated that hotspots of ecological research were concentrated around research institutions, with a large number of field sites being located between 0 km and 500 km from the nearest institution, especially along the eastern coast. This study highlighted areas that have been the focus of much ecological research as well as areas that need more attention from ecologists to add new knowledge to Australian ecological science.  相似文献   

海洋生物礁是由具有造礁能力的海洋生物聚集而成的一种三维礁体结构,其形成改变了海底地貌、增加了不同尺度上的地形复杂性,为其他海洋生物提供了栖息地并维持了生物多样性。近年来,由于自然因素和人为因素影响,海洋生物礁受到了严重威胁,已成为海洋生态保护和修复领域的重要研究对象。综述了海洋生物礁的类型、生态功能及其生态修复的研究进展。根据形成海洋生物礁的优势造礁生物种类,将海洋生物礁分为海藻礁、海绵礁、刺胞动物礁、贝类礁和多毛类礁,其优势造礁生物分别是珊瑚藻和仙掌藻、钙质海绵和硅质海绵、造礁珊瑚、牡蛎、龙介虫。目前国内对海洋生物礁的全面了解相对较少,主要集中在珊瑚礁和牡蛎礁。海洋生物礁的生态功能主要有海岸防护、提供栖息地、净化水体、固碳作用和能量耦合等。全球变暖和海洋酸化等全球气候变化以及海洋污染、破坏性渔业捕捞、海岸工程、水产养殖和敌害生物等自然和人为因素对海洋生物礁构成了严重威胁。海洋生物礁的生态修复方法分为两类:在退化生物礁区投放造礁生物逐渐成礁,投放人工礁体补充造礁生物逐渐成礁。针对海洋生物礁保护和修复的需要,提出下一步应加强海洋造礁生物生态特征、海洋造礁生物种群丧失因素和海洋生物礁保护与...  相似文献   

重点脆弱生态区生态恢复综合效益评估指标体系   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
生态恢复是扭转由人类活动引起的生态环境退化和生物多样性损失,并保证生态系统服务可持续供给的一项主要战略措施。20世纪90年代以来我国针对重点脆弱生态区(北方风沙区、黄土高原区、西北干旱区、青藏高原区和西南喀斯特地区)实施了一系列的生态恢复工程。科学合理地评估重点脆弱生态区生态恢复综合效益,对生态恢复措施的进一步优化调整具有重要的理论与实践意义。然而,在重点脆弱生态区生态恢复综合效益评估的集成研究方面,由于缺乏统一的指标体系,阻碍了区域内综合性和长期性的生态恢复综合效益评估和监测,因此亟需构建一套面向我国重点脆弱生态区的生态恢复综合效益评估指标体系。以我国5个重点脆弱生态区为研究区,根据"生态恢复-生态系统结构-质量-服务-效益"级联式概念框架,在指标筛选原则和方法的指导下,参考现有的生态恢复评估成果,构建科学化、系统化和规范化的生态恢复综合效益评估指标体系。研究结果以期为重点脆弱生态区生态恢复评估研究和管理应用提供理论与技术支撑。  相似文献   

付凤杰  刘珍环  刘海 《生态学报》2021,41(9):3406-3414
国土空间生态修复是落实生态文明建设战略的重要举措。科学识别国土空间生态修复关键区域,合理布局全域生态修复空间是当前国土空间规划面临的难点之一。以广西壮族自治区贺州市为例,从生态保护重要性、景观连通性、生态功能重要区域和自然保护区四个方面识别生态源地,运用电路理论提取生态廊道,构建生态安全格局。通过电流密度诊断生态廊道中的生态"夹点"和生态障碍点,判定生态廊道宽度,识别国土空间生态保护修复关键区域,制定生态修复的空间布局策略。研究结果表明:(1)市域生态源地面积3656.89 km2,呈"东西重,中部轻"的空间分布特征;生态廊道总长度639.50 km,以中部分布为主,关键生态廊道133.96 km。(2)市域生态"夹点"共16处,面积124.24 km2,主要分布在钟山县,亟待保护修复的生态"夹点"8处,面积45.02 km2,零散分布于市域;生态障碍点共32处,面积426.56 km2,主要分布在市域东部和南部,需优先保护修复的生态障碍点6处,面积166.05 km2,集中在平桂区。通过综合分析国土生态修复关键区域土地利用现状和空间分布特征,制定了分级分类的生态修复措施,以期进一步优化生态安全格局,为国土空间生态修复区域识别和国土空间生态修复规划编制提供参考。  相似文献   

苏冲  董建权  马志刚  乔娜  彭建 《生态学报》2019,39(23):8948-8956
优先区识别,是科学有序推进山水林田湖草生态保护修复工作的重要基础。以山水林田湖草生态保护修复工程之一的四川华蓥山区为例,基于生态系统服务重要性提取生态源地共1392.63 km2,占华蓥山区总面积的35.60%;结合土地覆被类型与地质灾害敏感性构建生态阻力面,并利用最小累积阻力模型与电路模型提取生态廊道共84条,夹点区域0.1 km2,含夹点廊道10条;生态保护优先区主要分布在景观破碎化较为严重的广安区境内,以及华蓥山西南端的夹点廊道。以生态修复模拟方法识别障碍点,确定生态修复优先区93.86 km2,大致分两片。其中,广安区境内受到人类活动干扰的破碎化生态空间,主要生态修复策略为植被恢复与退耕还林;华蓥山、铜锣山、明月山等滑坡、泥石流地质灾害频发区,主要生态修复策略是矿山地质修复与植被恢复。本研究提出生态安全格局构建与生态修复模拟的思路,为山水林田湖草生态保护修复工作提供了可行的定量方法。  相似文献   

Classic ecological restoration seems tacitly to have taken the Clementsian “balance of nature” paradigm for granted: plant succession terminates in a climax community which remains at equilibrium until exogenously disturbed after which the process of succession is restarted until the climax is reached. Human disturbance is regarded as unnatural and to have commenced in the Western Hemisphere at the time of European incursion. Classic ecological restoration thus has a clear and unambiguous target and may be conceived as aiming to foreshorten the natural processes that would eventually lead to the climax of a given site, which may be determined by its state at “settlement”. According to the new “flux of nature” paradigm in ecology a given site has notelos and is constantly changing. Human disturbance is ubiquitous and long-standing, and at certain spatial and temporal scales is “incorporated”. Any moment in the past 10,000 years that may be selected as a benchmark for restoration efforts thus appears to be arbitrary. Two prominent conservationists have therefore suggested that the ecological conditions in North America at the Pleistocene—Holocene boundary, prior to the anthropogenic extinction of the Pleistocene megafauna, be the target for ecological restoration. That suggestion explicitly assumes evolutionary temporal scales and continental spatial scales as the appropriate frame of reference for ecological restoration. However, ecological restoration should be framed in ecological spatio-temporal scales, which may be defined temporally in reference to ecological processes such as disturbance regimes and spatially in reference to ecological units such as landscapes, ecosystems, and biological provinces. Ecological spatio-temporal scales are also useful in achieving a scientifically defensible distinction between native and exotic species, which plays so central a role in the practice of ecological restoration and the conservation of biodiversity. Because post-settlement human disturbances have exceeded the limits of such scales, settlement conditions can be justified scientifically as appropriate targets of restoration efforts without recourse to obsolete teleological concepts of equilibria and without ignoring the presence and ecological influence of indigenous peoples.  相似文献   

胡一帆  王浩  焦磊  张立伟  南维鸽  董治宝 《生态学报》2022,42(18):7565-7576
青藏高原作为我国重要的生态屏障和战略资源基地,兼顾经济社会的发展和生态环境的保护,是当前区域发展的主要目标。为实现该目标,国家先后开展了多项推动当地经济发展的重大建设工程项目,并在项目开展的过程中,针对出现的生态问题,实施了一系列的生态修复措施。目前针对青藏高原重大建设工程生态修复的研究,在多工程类型修复效益的融合,以及宏观空间布局尺度上对生态修复成效的评估还相对较少,并且缺乏统一的评价标准。故本研究选取青藏高原道路、水电和矿产开发三类典型的重大建设工程,结合区域及工程特点,通过文献调研、业界专家咨询等方法手段,以生态修复后的生态系统结构、质量和服务为核心架构,筛选能够综合客观的反映该地区生态修复效益的具体指标,最终构建系统、合理和科学的青藏高原重大建设工程生态修复综合效益评估指标体系。该评估指标体系涉及生态系统结构、质量和服务三大指标类别,包括10个主题指标,21个具体指标。以期为青藏高原重大建设工程生态修复效益的总体认知和长期监测,以及未来生态修复工程的制定、建设工程的布局及其他生态系统管理措施的实施,和未来生态修复评估的相关研究提供科学参考和理论支撑。  相似文献   

高寒草甸是青藏高原的主体植被类型,但退化态势较为严峻,严重威胁青藏高原生态屏障的战略地位。退化高寒草甸的复健是世界性难题,治理效果也因退化状态、恢复措施及气候环境而异。以春季休牧、秋季休牧、畜群结构优化、减畜轮牧、围栏封育及翻耕改建等典型多途径恢复措施下的退化高寒草甸为对象,系统探讨主要生态要素和生态功能的响应特征及潜在过程。结果表明,典型恢复措施下退化高寒草甸的植被生产力、土壤有机碳密度及土壤饱和持水量等生态要素都得到一定程度的提升,而恢复效果与实施年限及恢复措施密切相关。围栏封育和翻耕改建下土壤有机碳密度及饱和持水量随恢复年限均表现为对数饱和型的响应特征,退化高寒草甸固碳持水功能的基本恢复年限约为6—10年。春季休牧、秋季休牧、畜群结构优化、减畜轮牧、围栏封育等放牧管理恢复措施应适用于轻度退化至重度退化的高寒草甸,而翻耕改建则是极度退化高寒草甸的适宜治理措施。由于多途径恢复措施的关注目标不同,今后研究应集中在恢复措施的组合优化和综合评价等方面。  相似文献   

Researchers and practitioners of ecological restoration from South Africa and Western Australia recently undertook a travelling workshop across several South African biomes to discuss and evaluate the various approaches currently being utilised in the field. Key findings from the workshop highlighted the contrasting nature of ecological restoration undertaken in these two ecologically similar, but socially and politically different regions.  相似文献   

陈飚  余克服 《生态学报》2022,42(21):8531-8543
病毒对珊瑚礁生态系统中的生物进化、生物地球化学循环、珊瑚疾病等方面具有重要的生态影响。随着珊瑚礁的全球性退化,病毒在珊瑚礁生态系统中的功能与危害日益显现。综述了珊瑚礁生态系统中病毒的研究现状与进展,包括:(1)珊瑚礁病毒的多样性与分布特征(水体、宿主、核心病毒组);(2)珊瑚礁病毒的生态功能(感染方式、促进生物进化、生物地球化学循环);(3)珊瑚礁病毒对全球气候变化的响应(热压力、珊瑚疾病)。总体而言,珊瑚礁生态系统具有极高的病毒多样性,所发现的60个科占已知所有病毒科数量的58%。珊瑚的核心病毒组主要由双链DNA病毒、单链DNA病毒、单链逆转录病毒所组成,珊瑚黏液层对病毒具有富集作用。"Piggyback-the-Winner"(依附-胜利)是病毒在珊瑚礁中主要的生物动力学模式,其可通过水平基因迁移的方式促进礁区生物进化。病毒可通过裂解细菌与浮游藻类的途径参与珊瑚礁的生物地球化学循环,尤其是碳循环与氮循环过程。此外,病毒还具有介导珊瑚热白化与直接引发珊瑚疾病的能力,这会影响珊瑚礁生态系统应对气候变化的适应性与恢复力。基于国际上的研究进展综述,结合南海珊瑚礁生态现状提出以下研究方向,以期促进我国珊瑚礁病毒学的发展:(1)开展南海珊瑚礁中病毒多样性的识别及其时-空分布特征研究;(2)探索病毒对南海珊瑚热白化、珊瑚疾病的介导作用及其与气候变化的关系;(3)揭示病毒对南海珊瑚礁生物地球化学循环的贡献。  相似文献   

AimUnderstanding spatial patterns of the distribution of adult native oyster, Ostrea edulis, and the invasive Magallana (Crassostrea) gigas is important for management of these populations. The aim of this study was to use ensemble SDM’s to (a) identify and predict conservation hotspots, (b) assess the current level of protection for O. edulis, and (c) quantify the amount of overlap between the two species where interactions with M. gigas are most likely.LocationSkagerrak, Sweden.MethodsWe used data collected by video at depths from 0.5 to 10 m in 436 sites. Models of occurrence and densities >1 m−2 were fitted and assessed using ensemble methods (“biomod2” package). Models of high‐density hotspots were used to predict, map, and quantify areal extent of the species in order to assess the degree of overlap with protected areas and the potential for interactions between the two species.ResultsBoth species were widely distributed in the region. Observations of high‐density habitats, mainly occurring at depths of ≈3 and 0.5 m for O. edulis and M. gigas, respectively, were found in 4% and 2% of the sites. Models provided useful predictions for both species (AUC = 0.85–0.99; sensitivity = 0.74–1.0; specificity = 0.72–0.97). High‐density areas occupy roughly 15 km2 each with substantial overlap between species. 50% of these are protected only by fisheries regulations, 44% are found in Natura 2000 reserves and 6% of the predicted O. edulis enjoys protection in a national park.Main conclusionsData collection by video in combination with SDM’s provides a realistic approach for large‐scale quantification of spatial patterns of marine population and habitats. O. edulis and M. gigas are common in the area, but a large proportion of the most valuable O. edulis habitats are not found in protected areas. The overlap between species suggests that efforts to manage the invasive M. gigas need to be integrated with management actions to conserve the native O. edulis.  相似文献   

西北干旱区山地-绿洲-荒漠系统生态恢复综合效益评估   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
康婷婷  李增  高彦春 《生态学报》2019,39(20):7418-7431
西北干旱区目前已实施众多生态恢复举措试图修复和重建受损的生态系统,截至目前恢复效果如何我们不得而知,但生态恢复效益评估却能够检测其结果,并为未来的生态工程提供参考。在前人研究的基础上,以地面观测的气象资料、土壤调查数据、多源遥感数据和陆面模型模拟数据作为输入,对基于像元二分法的植被覆盖度估算方法、修正的风力土壤侵蚀模型、修正的通用土壤流失方程和基于光能利用率的净初级生产力模型中的参数进行本地化,更为准确的估算了西北干旱区生态恢复效益评价体系中的关键指标,并集成生态恢复效益指标,评估了1990—2015年西北干旱区14个山地-绿洲-荒漠子系统的生态恢复效益。研究发现:(1)山地-绿洲-荒漠子系统的生态系统结构、生态系统质量和生态系统功能时空分异明显:全区山地系统的生态系统结构有所改善,北疆和伊犁地区的山地-绿洲-荒漠子系统生态系统质量上升,荒漠生态系统的生态系统功能下降;(2)1990—2015年西北干旱区的荒漠子系统生态恢复效益在下降,而绿洲和山地的生态恢复效益在上升。基于多指标的生态恢复效益定量评估有助于客观认识西北干旱区的生态恢复现状和动态,评估结果可为未来生态工程提供具体的空间位置,也为我国其他生态脆弱区的生态恢复效益评价提供参考。  相似文献   

山水林田湖草生态保护修复试点工程布局及技术策略   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
罗明  于恩逸  周妍  应凌霄  王军  吴钢 《生态学报》2019,39(23):8692-8701
习近平总书记提出的山水林田湖草生命共同体理念对我国新时代生态保护修复工作具有重要的指导意义,开展山水林田湖草整体保护、系统修复、综合治理是解决我国生态环境问题的重要途径,也是推进生态文明建设的必然要求。2016以来,财政部、原国土资源部、原环境保护部在全国24个省(自治区、直辖市)共安排25个山水林田湖草生态保护修复工程试点,对现有试点工程布局和技术策略进行全面剖析,能够为全面推进生态保护修复工作提供依据。在介绍山水林田湖草生态保护修复工程概念和主要任务的基础上,揭示试点工程布局特征,总结生态保护修复技术策略,同时探讨试点目前已经取得的效益、工程实施所存在的问题,并提出相关的建议。研究表明,25个试点大多分布于我国生态安全战略格局骨架区域,并且基本都属于国家重点生态功能区,对维护国家生态安全、提升区域生态功能具有重要意义;总结25个试点实施措施可以发现,工程技术策略主要包含了重要生态系统保护修复、生物多样性保护、流域水环境保护治理、污染与退化土地修复治理、矿山生态修复、土地综合整治等内容。试点工程的实施,开始取得生态、社会和经济等多重效益,但也存在工程宏观布局不尽完善、生态系统理念没能贯彻、自然恢复策略有待实施、监测评价管理缺乏科学、区域全面发展尚需提升等问题。未来应从完善国家宏观生态战略格局保障体系、加强区域生态系统状况和恢复力调查评价、优化工程项目实施规模和时序、研究和实践自然恢复标准与技术、开展长期跟踪监测与进行适应性管理等方面构建山水林田湖草生态保护修复工程技术和制度体系。  相似文献   

Theory predicts that interspecific tradeoffs are primary determinants of coexistence and community composition. Using information from empirically observed tradeoffs to augment the parametrisation of mechanism‐based models should therefore improve model predictions, provided that tradeoffs and mechanisms are chosen correctly. We developed and tested such a model for 35 grassland plant species using monoculture measurements of three species characteristics related to nitrogen uptake and retention, which previous experiments indicate as important at our site. Matching classical theoretical expectations, these characteristics defined a distinct tradeoff surface, and models parameterised with these characteristics closely matched observations from experimental multi‐species mixtures. Importantly, predictions improved significantly when we incorporated information from tradeoffs by ‘snapping’ characteristics to the nearest location on the tradeoff surface, suggesting that the tradeoffs and mechanisms we identify are important determinants of local community structure. This ‘snapping’ method could therefore constitute a broadly applicable test for identifying influential tradeoffs and mechanisms.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution and density of scientists can have important implications for key aspects of scientific processes, such as innovation, networking, rates of knowledge exchange and success in large competitive grants. In this paper, we examine the research output of different research organizations and universities in Australia, with the aim of identifying hotspots of ecological research and how these hotspots have changed over the last 20 years. We used publications from 10 reputable peer‐reviewed international journals as a measure of research output. We identified a number of ecology hotspot clusters. Some clusters have developed significantly over the last 20 years, while others have declined in output over time. The University of Sydney, University of Queensland, James Cook University and Melbourne University had the largest output levels among universities. Results also showed large increases in output over the last 5‐year period (2006–2010), possibly because of the impending introduction of the Excellence in Research for Australia.  相似文献   

Species distribution models can be informative of the biodiversity impacts of changing environments at global, national, and regional scales, but are often constrained in their resolution to extents not relevant to individual, intensive ecological management programs. We constructed a high‐resolution topoclimatic model of spring and summer temperatures across a 152 km2 restoration area on the Swan Coastal Plain, Western Australia, and used it to project energetic expenditure and habitat suitability estimates for four major hymenopteran pollinators. For all species, the most heavily modified landscapes were the least suitable, but only for one species, Zapsilothynnus nigripes, was there evidence that the upper thermal tolerance threshold was exceeded broadly. However, at the higher environmental temperatures that we modeled, some species would need to forage up to 10 times their own body mass every hour to meet their energetic requirements. It seems unlikely that the nutritional requirements of most insect pollinators operating at these higher metabolic rates could be met in an impoverished restoration ecosystem, although resource availability remains to be quantified in these habitats. Hence, to increase the likelihood of restoration success by restoring insect pollination networks, nutritional resources may need to be increased during restoration. Accounting for the way that thermoenergetic requirements shape ecological interactions better positions management trajectories aimed at restoring and maintaining key insect pollinators in “novel” ecosystems.  相似文献   

Extirpated organisms are reintroduced into their former ranges worldwide to combat species declines and biodiversity losses. The growing field of reintroduction biology provides guiding principles for reestablishing populations, though criticisms remain regarding limited integration of initial planning, modeling frameworks, interdisciplinary collaborations, and multispecies approaches. We used an interdisciplinary, multispecies, quantitative framework to plan reintroductions of three fish species into Abrams Creek, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, USA. We first assessed the appropriateness of habitat at reintroduction sites for banded sculpin (Cottus carolinae), greenside darter (Etheostoma blennioides), and mottled sculpin (Cottus bairdii) using species distribution modeling. Next, we evaluated the relative suitability of nine potential source stock sites using population genomics, abundance estimates, and multiple‐criteria decision analysis (MCDA) based on known correlates of reintroduction success. Species distribution modeling identified mottled sculpin as a poor candidate, but banded sculpin and greenside darter as suitable candidates for reintroduction based on species‐habitat relationships and habitats available in Abrams Creek. Genotyping by sequencing revealed acceptable levels of genetic diversity at all candidate source stock sites, identified population clusters, and allowed for estimating the number of fish that should be included in translocations. Finally, MCDA highlighted priorities among candidate source stock sites that were most likely to yield successful reintroductions based on differential weightings of habitat assessment, population genomics, and the number of fish available for translocation. Our integrative approach represents a unification of multiple recent advancements in the field of reintroduction biology and highlights the benefit of shifting away from simply choosing nearby populations for translocation to an information‐based science with strong a priori planning coupled with several suggested posteriori monitoring objectives. Our framework can be applied to optimize reintroduction successes for a multitude of organisms and advances in the science of reintroduction biology by simultaneously addressing a variety of past criticisms of the field.  相似文献   

彭羽  高英  冯金朝  王德智  姚森  刘洋  薛达元 《生态学报》2013,33(6):1822-1831
我国土地退化严重,且大部分发生在干旱半干旱地区.恢复为何种生态系统类型是生态学研究的重要课题.采用生态功能区划,根据各个生态功能区主体生态系统功能,推导发挥此功能的生态系统类型的方法,识别关键生态系统类型.以内蒙古自治区和林县为例,采用文献调研、实地调查、3S技术等方法,在评价该县生态敏感性、生态服务功能重要性的基础上,将该县划分为3个一级生态区,11个二级生态功能区.根据各个生态功能区的主体生态系统服务功能,分析发挥该功能的可能生态系统类型.再根据全国自然植被区划、气候变化趋势模型以及现状植被类型,识别各个生态功能区的关键生态系统类型.  相似文献   

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