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Ctenophores are one of the most basally branching lineages of metazoans with the largest mitochondrial organelles in the animal kingdom. We sequenced the mitochondrial (mtDNA) genome from the Pacific cidipid ctenophore, Pleurobrachia bachei. The circular mitochondrial genome is 11,016 nts, with only 12 genes, and one of the smallest metazoan mtDNA genomes recorded. The protein coding genes are intronless cox1-3, cob, nad1, 3, 4, 4L and 5. The nad2 and 6 genes are represented as short fragments whereas the atp6 gene was found in the nuclear genome. Only the large ribosomal RNA subunit and two tRNAs were present with possibly the small subunit unidentifiable due to extensive fragmentation. The observed unique features of this mitochondrial genome suggest that nuclear and mitochondrial genomes have evolved at very different rates. This reduced mtDNA genome sharply contrasts with the very large sizes of mtDNA found in other basal metazoans including Porifera (sponges), and Placozoa (Trichoplax).  相似文献   

Intercellular gap junctions occur between the ciliated cells that make up the comb plates of the ctenophore Pleurobrachia. Similar junctions are found within the ciliated grooves which run from the apical organ to the first plate of each comb row, as well as throughout the endoderm of the meridional canals. Gap junctions were not found in the ectodermal tissue between the comb rows. The distribution of junctions suggests that excitation conduction within the ciliated grooves, comb plates and meridional canal endoderm may be epithelial.  相似文献   

Mobility is essential to the fitness of many animals, and the costs of locomotion can dominate daily energy budgets. Locomotor costs are determined by the physiological demands of sustaining mechanical performance, yet performance is poorly understood for most animals in the field, particularly aquatic organisms. We have used 3‐D underwater videography to quantify the swimming trajectories and propulsive modes of bluegills sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus, Rafinesque) in the field with high spatial (1–3 mm per pixel) and temporal (60 Hz frame rate) resolution. Although field swimming trajectories were variable and nonlinear in comparison to quasi steady‐state swimming in recirculating flumes, they were much less unsteady than the volitional swimming behaviors that underlie existing predictive models of field swimming cost. Performance analyses suggested that speed and path curvature data could be used to derive reasonable estimates of locomotor cost that fit within measured capacities for sustainable activity. The distinct differences between field swimming behavior and performance measures obtained under steady‐state laboratory conditions suggest that field observations are essential for informing approaches to quantifying locomotor performance in the laboratory.  相似文献   

The impact of human‐induced stressors, such as invasive species, is often measured at the organismal level, but is much less commonly scaled up to the population level. Interactions with invasive species represent an increasingly common source of stressor in many habitats. However, due to the increasing abundance of invasive species around the globe, invasive species now commonly cause stresses not only for native species in invaded areas, but also for other invasive species. I examine the European green crab Carcinus maenas, an invasive species along the northeast coast of North America, which is known to be negatively impacted in this invaded region by interactions with the invasive Asian shore crab Hemigrapsus sanguineus. Asian shore crabs are known to negatively impact green crabs via two mechanisms: by directly preying on green crab juveniles and by indirectly reducing green crab fecundity via interference (and potentially exploitative) competition that alters green crab diets. I used life‐table analyses to scale these two mechanistic stressors up to the population level in order to examine their relative impacts on green crab populations. I demonstrate that lost fecundity has larger impacts on per capita population growth rates, but that both predation and lost fecundity are capable of reducing population growth sufficiently to produce the declines in green crab populations that have been observed in areas where these two species overlap. By scaling up the impacts of one invader on a second invader, I have demonstrated that multiple documented interactions between these species are capable of having population‐level impacts and that both may be contributing to the decline of European green crabs in their invaded range on the east coast of North America.  相似文献   

Ciliary organelles play important roles in many of the locomotory and sensory functions of ctenophores. This paper reviews published work on the physiology and behavior of ciliary-based feeding in Pleurobrachia pileus and presents recent preliminary work on the conduction pathway controlling this behavior. The feeding response can now be described in terms of specific physiological events at most levels of organization.  相似文献   

Reproductive structures, modes, and seasonal patterns of size–class abundances are examined in two benthic platyctene (Family Coeloplanidae) ctenophore species present in dissimilar shallow marine environments in subtropical southeast Florida. Coeloplana waltoni, a minute (1–3 mm body length) epizoic associate of octocorals, occurs in exposed environments often under turbulent conditions, and Vallicula multiformis (2–10 mm) commonly occurs epiphytically on macroalgae in protected, calm‐water environments. Reproductive activity in C. waltoni is most active during the warm‐water summer season (June–October); gonadal development in V. multiformis occurs year‐round, and is most pronounced during sea‐warming periods in late spring (May) and late summer to early autumn (August–October), with release of cydippid larvae. Both species are hermaphroditic brooders, exhibiting paedogenesis (early gonadal development) at body lengths approximately one‐third (Coeloplana) to one‐sixth (Vallicula) of maximum adult size. Juvenile individuals (<0.6 mm) increased in abundance in C. waltoni during the summer reproductive period, and large (≥1 mm) pink‐colored individuals comprised 50% or more of samples from July through September. Seasonal abundance of gravid individuals and the timing of cydippid larval release in V. multiformis did not correspond closely with juvenile or adult population densities. Asexual fragmentation occurred in both ctenophore species, but was observed more frequently in individuals of V. multiformis. This asexual mode of reproduction probably accounted in part for the discordance between ctenophore abundances and larval recruitment events by sexual means. Morphological structures and behaviors associated with reproduction are described in this study. Uncommon images of reproductive products (gametes, embryos, larvae), spawning events, brooding, and asexual fragmentation are included, some for the first time in the published literature.  相似文献   

The colorful heliconiine butterflies are distasteful to predators due to their content of defense compounds called cyanogenic glucosides (CNglcs), which they biosynthesize from aliphatic amino acids. Heliconiine larvae feed exclusively on Passiflora plants where ~30 kinds of CNglcs have been reported. Among them, some CNglcs derived from cyclopentenyl glycine can be sequestered by some Heliconius species. In order to understand the evolution of biosynthesis and sequestration of CNglcs in these butterflies and its consequences for their arms race with Passiflora plants, we analyzed the CNglc distribution in selected heliconiine and Passiflora species. Sequestration of cyclopentenyl CNglcs is not an exclusive trait of Heliconius, since these compounds were present in other heliconiines such as Philaethria, Dryas and Agraulis, and in more distantly related genera Cethosia and Euptoieta. Thus, it is likely that the ability to sequester cyclopentenyl CNglcs arose in an ancestor of the Heliconiinae subfamily. Biosynthesis of aliphatic CNglcs is widespread in these butterflies, although some species from the sara‐sapho group seem to have lost this ability. The CNglc distribution within Passiflora suggests that they might have diversified their cyanogenic profile to escape heliconiine herbivory. This systematic analysis improves our understanding on the evolution of cyanogenesis in the heliconiine–Passiflora system.  相似文献   

Defecation in the lobate ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi was recently shown to occur periodically with an ultradian rhythm through a single transient anal pore which suddenly appeared, expelled waste, and disappeared afterward. To discover whether this novel method of defecation occurs in other kinds of ctenophores, I examined individuals of Pleurobrachia pileus and Beroe cucumis. Both ctenophores were found to have two identical and permanent anal pores as described in the scientific literature and textbooks. In P. pileus, both anal pores commonly participated in a defecation, but they did so asynchronously with independent and irregular opening and closing kinetics. Individuals of P. pileus defecated with an ultradian rhythm. Closed anal pores in P. pileus and B. cucumis consisted of a continuous ectodermal epithelium overlying a continuous endodermal epithelium with a cup-shaped group of thickened endodermal cells bearing a tuft of cilia which beats into the anal cavity. The rims of opening or closing pores were smooth and uniform without encircling muscles or fibers. This morphology and the continuity of the epithelial layers between defecations suggest that anal pores may not operate by a contractile sphincter, but by a reversible ring of tissue fusion between apposed ectodermal and endodermal epithelia to create an adjustable hole to expel waste.  相似文献   

Specialization is fundamentally important in biology because specialized traits allow species to expand into new environments, in turn promoting population differentiation and speciation. Specialization often results in trade‐offs between traits that maximize fitness in one environment but not others. Despite the ubiquity of trade‐offs, we know relatively little about how consistently trade‐offs evolve between populations when multiple sets of populations experience similarly divergent selective regimes. In the present study, we report a case study on Brachyrhaphis fishes from different predation environments. We evaluate apparent within/between population trade‐offs in burst‐speed and endurance at two levels of evolutionary diversification: high‐ and low‐predation populations of Brachyrhaphis rhabdophora, and sister species Brachyrhaphis roseni and Brachyrhaphis terrabensis, which occur in high‐ and low‐predation environments, respectively. Populations of Brachyrhaphis experiencing different predation regimes consistently evolved swimming specializations indicative of a trade‐off between two swimming forms that are likely highly adaptive in the environment in which they occur. We show that populations have become similarly locally adapted at both levels of diversification, suggesting that swimming specialization has evolved rather rapidly and persisted post‐speciation. Our findings provide valuable insight into how local adaptation evolves at different stages of evolutionary divergence.  相似文献   

Determining the origin of individuals in mixed population samples is key in many ecological, conservation and management contexts. Genetic data can be analyzed using genetic stock identification (GSI), where the origin of single individuals is determined using Individual Assignment (IA) and population proportions are estimated with Mixed Stock Analysis (MSA). In such analyses, allele frequencies in a reference baseline are required. Unknown individuals or mixture proportions are assigned to source populations based on the likelihood that their multilocus genotypes occur in a particular baseline sample. Representative sampling of populations included in a baseline is important when designing and performing GSI. Here, we investigate the effects of family sampling on GSI, using both simulated and empirical genotypes for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). We show that nonrepresentative sampling leading to inclusion of close relatives in a reference baseline may introduce bias in estimated proportions of contributing populations in a mixed sample, and increases the amount of incorrectly assigned individual fish. Simulated data further show that the induced bias increases with increasing family structure, but that it can be partly mitigated by increased baseline population sample sizes. Results from standard accuracy tests of GSI (using only a reference baseline and/or self‐assignment) gave a false and elevated indication of the baseline power and accuracy to identify stock proportions and individuals. These findings suggest that family structure in baseline population samples should be quantified and its consequences evaluated, before carrying out GSI.  相似文献   

In a rapidly changing world, phenotypic plasticity may be a critical mechanism allowing populations to rapidly acclimate when faced with novel anthropogenic stressors. Theory predicts that if exposure to anthropogenic stress is heterogeneous, plasticity should be maintained as it allows organisms to avoid unnecessary expression of costly traits (i.e., phenotypic costs) when stressors are absent. Conversely, if exposure to stressors becomes constant, costs or limits of plasticity may lead to evolutionary trait canalization (i.e., genetic assimilation). While these concepts are well‐established in theory, few studies have examined whether these factors explain patterns of plasticity in natural populations facing anthropogenic stress. Using wild populations of wood frogs that vary in plasticity in tolerance to pesticides, the goal of this study was to evaluate the environmental conditions under which plasticity is expected to be advantageous or detrimental. We found that when pesticides were absent, more plastic populations exhibited lower pesticide tolerance and were more fit than less plastic populations, likely avoiding the cost of expressing high tolerance when it was not necessary. Contrary to our predictions, when pesticides were present, more plastic populations were as fit as less plastic populations, showing no signs of costs or limits of plasticity. Amidst unprecedented global change, understanding the factors shaping the evolution of plasticity will become increasingly important.  相似文献   

  • The performance of seedlings is crucial for the survival and persistence of plant populations. Although drought frequently occurs in floodplains and can cause seedling mortality, studies on the effects of drought on seedlings of floodplain grasslands are scarce. We tested the hypotheses that drought reduces aboveground biomass, total biomass, plant height, number of leaves, leaf area and specific leaf area (SLA), and increases root biomass and root‐mass fraction (RMF) and that seedlings from species of wet floodplain grasslands are more affected by drought than species of dry grasslands.
  • In a greenhouse study, we exposed seedlings of three confamilial pairs of species (Pimpinella saxifraga, Selinum carvifolia, Veronica teucrium, Veronica maritima, Sanguisorba minor, Sanguisorba officinalis) to increasing drought treatments. Within each plant family, one species is characteristic of wet and one of dry floodplain grasslands, confamilial in order to avoid phylogenetic bias of the results.
  • In accordance with our hypotheses, drought conditions reduced aboveground biomass, total biomass, plant height, number of leaves and leaf area. Contrary to our hypotheses, drought conditions increased SLA and decreased root biomass and RMF of seedlings. Beyond the effects of the families, the results were species‐specific (V. maritima being the most sensitive species) and habitat‐specific. Species indicative of wet floodplain grasslands appear to be more sensitive to drought than species indicative of dry grasslands.
  • Because of species‐ and habitat‐specific responses to reduced water availability, future drought periods due to climate change may severely affect some species from dry and wet habitats, while others may be unaffected.

In the Kruger National Park, sable antelope underwent a substantial decline in abundance after 1987. Our study investigated whether forage quality as reflected by faecal nutrient contents could be restricting population recovery. Faecal samples were collected from sable, zebra and buffalo in one study area and from sable only in a second study area with higher mean rainfall, during the dry seasons of two successive years. Faecal samples were analysed for nitrogen, phosphorus, sodium and crude fibre. Faecal nitrogen and phosphorus levels were similar for sable and buffalo and remained around or slightly above putative maintenance levels, but were higher than shown by nonruminant zebra. Faecal sodium levels were substantially lower for sable than for the other two grazers. In the wetter study area, faecal nitrogen levels for sable herds fell below the minimum maintenance level throughout the dry season in the drier year. Although faecal nutrient levels for sable appeared only marginally limiting under the conditions that prevailed during the study, malnutrition could have contributed to the population decline by sable during a persistently low‐rainfall period.  相似文献   

Environmental issues surrounding conventional annual biogas crops have led to growing interest in alternative crops, such as miscanthus. In addition to the better environmental performance, miscanthus can be grown on marginal land where no competition with feed and food crops is anticipated. On marginal land however, biomass yields are significantly lower than on good agricultural land. This raises the question of the economic and environmental sustainability of miscanthus cultivated on marginal land for biogas production. This study assessed the environmental and economic performance of miscanthus cultivated on marginal land for biogas production by conducting a Life‐Cycle Assessment and complementary Life‐Cycle Cost analysis. The functional unit chosen was 1 GJ of electricity (GJel.). The substitution of a fossil reference was included using a system expansion approach. Electricity generated by the combustion of miscanthus‐based biogas in a combined heat and power has considerably lower impacts on the environment than the fossil reference in most of the categories assessed. In the impact category “climate change”, the substitution of the marginal German electricity mix leads to a carbon mitigation potential of 256 kg CO2e/GJel.. At 45.12 €/GJel., the costs of miscanthus‐based biogas generation and utilization are considerably lower than those of maize (61.30 €/GJel.). The results of this study clearly show that it can make economic and environmental sense to cultivate miscanthus on marginal land as a substrate for biogas production. The economic sustainability is however limited by the biomass yield. By contrast, there are no clear thresholds limiting the environmental performance. The decision needs to be made on a case‐by‐case basis depending on site‐specific conditions such as local biodiversity.  相似文献   

Pollen beetles, Meligethes spp. (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae), are among the most damaging pests of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). Increasing populations of pyrethroid‐resistant pollen beetles coupled with the prohibition of synthetic pest control products in organic farming means that other direct control methods are needed. A laboratory study was therefore conducted to evaluate the effect of natural products, combinations of natural products and additives as well as natural and synthetic insecticides on mortality of pollen beetles. In addition, field trials under both integrated and organic production were conducted to evaluate the efficacy of six natural products, nine combinations of natural products, two synthetic insecticides (integrated‐production trials only), two natural insecticides and two additives to reduce pollen beetles. The laboratory trial, using both a curative and preventive approach, showed that two of the eight natural products (lavender oil and stone meal) caused a mortality of over 98% within the first day of application. The other natural products were only partially effective compared with the untreated control. In the field trials, the natural products reduced the number of pollen beetles 1 day after application compared with the untreated control in both trial years and production systems. Promising substances were stone meal, Silico‐Sec and liquid manure. Nevertheless, the efficacy was not consistent, and no effect on oilseed rape yield was observed. In spite of this, these products have the potential to control pollen beetles under field conditions with comparable effects to synthetic insecticides. Further research should therefore focus on timing and frequency of applications as well as on the formulation of the natural products to increase the persistency of the products under field conditions.  相似文献   

Life‐history theory suggests species that typically have a large number of offspring and high adult mortality may make decisions that benefit offspring survival in exchange for increased adult risks. Such behavioral adaptations are essential to understanding how demographic performance is linked to habitat selection during this important life‐history stage. Though studies have illustrated negative fitness consequences to attendant adults or potential fitness benefits to associated offspring because of adaptive habitat selection during brood rearing, equivocal relationships could arise if both aspects of this reproductive trade‐off are not assessed simultaneously. To better understand how adaptive habitat selection during brood rearing influences demographics, we studied the brood survival, attendant parental survival, and space use of two sympatric ground‐nesting bird species, the northern bobwhite (hereafter: “bobwhite”; Colinus virgininanus) and scaled quail (Callipepla squamata). During the 2013–2014 breeding seasons, we estimated habitat suitability across two grains (2 m and 30 m) for both species and determined how adult space use of these areas influenced individual chick survival and parental risk. We found the proportion of a brood's home range containing highly suitable areas significantly increased bobwhite chick survival (β = 0.02, SE = 0.006). Additionally, adult weekly survival for bobwhite was greater for individuals not actively brooding offspring (0.9716, SE = 0.0054) as compared to brooding adults (0.8928, SE = 0.0006). Conversely, brood habitat suitability did not influence scaled quail chick survival during our study, nor did we detect a survival cost for adults that were actively brooding offspring. Our research illustrates the importance of understanding life‐history strategies and how they might influence relationships between adaptive habitat selection and demographic parameters.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of prohydrojasmon [propyl (1RS,2RS)‐(3‐oxo‐ 2‐pentylcyclopentyl) acetate] (PDJ) treatment of intact corn plants, on their attractiveness to the specialist endoparasitoid, Cotesia kariyai Watanabe (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), and on the performance of the common armyworm, Mythimna separata (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) under laboratory conditions. Attractiveness of C. kariyai to PDJ‐treated plants was studied in a wind tunnel, whereas performance of M. separata larvae was tested in plastic cages. The attractiveness of the treated plants increased with concentrations of PDJ increasing to 2 mm , which was equivalent to the attractiveness of host‐infested plants. PDJ‐treated corn plants emitted 16 volatile compounds (α‐pinene, β‐myrcene, (Z)‐3‐hexenyl acetate, limonene, (E)‐β‐ocimene, linalool, (E)‐4,8‐dimethyl‐1,3,7‐nonatriene, (+)‐cyclosativene, ylangene, (E)‐β‐farnesene, (E, E)‐4,8,12‐trimethyl‐1,3,7,11‐tridecatetraene, α‐bergamotene, γ‐cadinene, δ‐cadinene, α‐muulolene and nerolidol), most of which were observed in the headspace of host‐infested corn plants with some quantitative and qualitative differences. We also tested the effects of PDJ treatment on the performance of M. separata larvae. The survival rates of the larval and pupal stages were significantly lower at 2 mm level of PDJ. A significant decrease in weight at 6th stadium larvae was observed only at 2 mm level of PDJ. In contrast, PDJ treatment at all PDJ concentration levels caused significant reduction in weight of pupal stage as compared to control. These data suggested that PDJ, originally developed as a plant growth regulator, especially to induce coloring of fruits, has the potential to induce direct and indirect defenses in corn plants against common armyworm, M. separata.  相似文献   

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