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Aims:  To advance diagnostics and phylogenetics of Edwardsiella ictaluri by sequencing and characterizing its rrn operons.
Methods and results:  The Edw. ictaluri rrn operons were identified from a 5–7 kbp insert lambda library and from Edw. ictaluri fosmid clones. We present the complete sequences and analysis of all eight Edw. ictaluri rrn operons and unique regions located upstream and downstream. Two rrn operons were located in tandem with 169 bp separating them, which is apparently a conserved feature between Edw. ictaluri and Edwardsiella tarda. I- Ceu I enzyme digestion of Edw. ictaluri genomic DNA and analysis by pulsed field gel electrophoresis indicated that rrn operon number and chromosomal locations are conserved within the species Edw. ictaluri .
Conclusions:  The rrn operons of Edw. ictaluri have similar structure and flanking regions compared with other members of the family Enterobacteriaceae ; however, the presence of eight copies of the rrn operon makes Edw. ictaluri unique within the family .
Significance and impact of the study:  This research clarifies previous phylogenetic analyses of Edw. ictaluri and provides support for the Edw. ictaluri genome sequencing project. In addition, we identified a unique feature of two rrn operons that shows potential for the development of a diagnostic PCR method.  相似文献   

Aims: To identify and characterize bacteriophages specific for Edwardsiella ictaluri, the causative agent for enteric septicemia of catfish (ESC). Methods and Results: Two bacteriophages were isolated that infect Edw. ictaluri. They both produce clear plaques, have icosahedral heads with a non‐rigid tail, and are tentatively classified as Siphoviridae. Phages ΦeiDWF and ΦeiAU are dsDNA viruses with approximate genome sizes of 40 and 45 kb, respectively. The addition of 500 μmol l?1 CaCl2 enhanced phage titres. Both phages have a latent period of 40 min and an estimated burst size of 270. Every Edw. ictaluri strain tested was susceptible to phage infection with variable plaquing efficiencies and with no evidence of lysogeny, with no plaques detected on other bacterial species. Conclusions: Two unique bacteriophages were isolated that show host‐specificity for Edw. ictaluri, have temperature and metal cation‐dependent infectivity, and are tentatively placed within the family Siphoviridae. Significance and Impact of the Study: This is the first report of bacteriophages specific to Edw. ictaluri, an important fish pathogen affecting farm‐raised channel catfish. Initial characterization of these bacteriophages has demonstrated their potential use as biotherapeutic and diagnostic agents associated with ESC.  相似文献   

Edwardsiella ictaluri is a facultative intracellular bacterium that causes enteric septicemia of catfish (ESC). In this study, we aimed to develop bioluminescent E. ictaluri that can be monitored by noninvasive bioluminescence imaging (BLI). To accomplish this, the luxCDABE operon of Photorhabdus luminescens was cloned downstream of the lacZ promoter in the broad host range plasmid pBBR1MCS4. Edwardsiella ictaluri strain 93-146 transformed with the new plasmid, pAKlux1, was highly bioluminescent. pAKlux1 was stably maintained in E. ictaluri without any apparent effect on growth or native plasmid stability. To assess the usefulness of the bioluminescent strain in disease studies, catfish were infected with 93-146 pAKlux1 by intraperitoneal injection and by bath immersion, and in vivo bacterial dissemination was observed using BLI. This study demonstrated that bioluminescent E. ictaluri can be used for real-time monitoring of ESC in live fish, which should enable observation of pathogen attachment sites and tissue predilections.  相似文献   

AIMS: To analyse interspecies and intraspecies differences based on the 16S-23S rRNA intergenic spacer region (ISR) sequences of the fish pathogens Edwardsiella ictaluri and Edwardsiella tarda. METHODS AND RESULTS: The 16S-23S rRNA spacer regions of 19 Edw. ictaluri and four Edw. tarda isolates from four geographical regions were amplified by PCR with primers complementary to conserved sequences within the flanking 16S-23S rRNA coding sequences. Two products were generated from all isolates, without interspecies or intraspecific size polymorphisms. Sequence analysis of the amplified fragments revealed a smaller ISR of 350 bp, which contained a gene for tRNA(Glu), and a larger ISR of 441 bp, which contained genes for tRNA(Ile) and tRNA(Ala). The sequences of the smaller ISR of different Edw. ictaluri isolates were essentially identical to each other. Partial sequences of larger ISR from several Edw. ictaluri isolates also revealed no differences from the one complete Edw. ictaluri large ISR sequence obtained. The sequences of the smaller ISR of Edw. tarda were 97% identical to the Edw. ictaluri smaller ISR and the larger ISR were 96-98% identical to the Edw. ictaluri larger ISR sequence. The Edw. tarda isolates displayed limited ISR sequence heterogeneity, with > or =97% sequence identity among isolates for both small and large ISR. CONCLUSIONS: There is a high degree of size and sequence similarity of 16S-23S ISR both among isolates within Edw. ictaluri and Edw. tarda species and between the two species. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Our results confirm a close genetic relationship between Edw. ictaluri and Edw. tarda and the relative homogeneity of Edw. ictaluri isolates compared with Edw. tarda isolates. Because no differences were found in ISR sequences among Edw. ictaluri isolates, sequence analysis of the ISR will not be useful to distinguish isolates of Edw. ictaluri. However, we identified restriction sites that differ between ISR sequences of Edw. ictaluri and Edw. tarda, which will be useful in distinguishing the two species.  相似文献   

Transfer of DNA by conjugation has been the method generally used for genetic manipulation of Edwardsiella ictaluri because, previously, attempts to transform E. ictaluri by the uptake of naked DNA have apparently failed. We report here the successful transformation of seven strains of E. ictaluri using electroporation and two different chemical procedures [conventional calcium chloride (CaCl2) and 'one-step' (polyethylene glycol, dimethyl sulfoxide and MgSO4) protocols]. Seven strains of E. ictaluri were transformed using three different plasmids [pZsGreen, pUC18 and pET-30a(+)]. The highest transformation efficiency was achieved by electroporation (5.5±0.2 × 104 transformants ng−1 plasmid DNA) than with the CaCl2 (8.1±6.1 × 10−1 transformants ng−1 plasmid) and the 'one-step transformation' protocol (2.5±2.7 transformants ng−1 plasmid). An efficient transformation by electroporation required only 0.2 ng of plasmid compared with 200 ng required for the CaCl2 and one-step protocols. The plasmids were stably maintained in E. ictaluri grown in the presence of antibiotic for 12 or more passages. The results of this study show that transformation of E. ictaluri by electroporation can be routinely used for the molecular genetic manipulation of this organism, and is a quicker and easier method than transformation performed by conjugation.  相似文献   

AIM: This study was conducted to evaluate the toxic effect of gossypol from gossypol-acetic acid, and (+)- and (-)-isomers of gossypol on the growth of Edwardsiella ictaluri. METHODS AND RESULTS: Inhibitory effect of various concentrations of gossypol on the growth of E. ictaluri was determined. Bacterial recovery was performed by preincubation of bacteria in medium containing various concentrations of gossypol and subsequent activation of bacteria by inoculating on gossypol-free plates. Concentrations of racemic gossypol, (+)-gossypol and (-)-gossypol of 1.5 microg ml(-1) or higher significantly reduced the number of bacterial colonies compared with that of the control. The growth of E. ictaluri was completely inhibited on agar plates supplemented with 3 microg ml(-1), regardless of the forms of gossypol. The inhibitory effect of (+)-gossypol was higher than that of (-)-gossypol or gossypol-acetic acid. Recovery of E. ictaluri was <50% for all three forms of gossypol at concentrations of 5 microg ml(-1). Bacterial recovery remained relatively constant (6.5%) at gossypol concentrations from 10 to 100 microg ml(-1). Complete killing of E. ictaluri was not reached at gossypol levels up to 100 microg ml(-1). CONCLUSION: Gossypol-acetic acid, and (+)- and (-)-optical isomers have anti-bacterial effect against E. ictaluri. The results suggest the action is bacteriostatic rather than bactericidal. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The therapeutic effect of gossypol against E. ictaluri may be useful in controlling enteric septicaemia of catfish.  相似文献   

Aims: To evaluate the feasibility of using an in vitro cell assay to select attenuated bacterial mutants. Methods and Results: Using catfish gill cells G1B, the feasibility of using an in vitro assay instead of in vivo virulence assay using live fish to select attenuated bacterial mutants was evaluated in this study. Pearson correlation analysis between in vitro virulence to G1B cells and in vivo virulence of Aeromonas hydrophila and Edwardsiella tarda revealed that there was a significant correlation between the two (r = ?0·768, P value = 3·7 × 10?16). Conclusions: The in vitro cell assay might be initially used to screen large quantities of bacteria to select attenuated mutants of catfish pathogens. Significance and Impact of the Study: The in vitro cell assay using catfish gill cells to identify attenuated mutants of catfish pathogens will reduce cost involved in the in vivo virulence assay that requires many fish and aquariums.  相似文献   

Aims: To differentiate pathogenic and nonpathogenic Edwardsiella tarda strains based on the detection of type III secretion system (T3SS) gene using polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Methods and Results: Primers were designed to amplify Edw. tarda T3SS component gene esaV, catalase gene katB, haemolysin gene hlyA and 16S rRNA gene as an internal positive control. Genomic DNAs were extracted using a commercial isolation kit from 36 Edw. tarda strains consisting of 18 pathogenic and 18 nonpathogenic strains, and 50 ng of each DNA was used as the template for PCR amplification. PCR was performed with a thermocycler (TaKaRa TP600) in a 25‐μl volume. Products of esaV were detected in all pathogenic strains, but not in nonpathogenic strains; katB was detected in all pathogenic strains and one of nonpathogenic strains; hlyA was not detected in any strains. Conclusions: The detection of esaV gene can be used for the assessment of pathogenic Edw. tarda strains. Significance and Impact of the Study: The strategy using T3SS gene as the virulence indicator provides a useful tool for the clinical assessment of pathogenic Edw. tarda strains and prediction of edwardsiellosis risk in fish culture environments.  相似文献   

Edwardsiella tarda, which is known to be the causative agent of edwardsiellosis in freshwater and marine fish, has two motility phenotypes. Typical strains exhibiting motility are isolated mainly from freshwater fish and Japanese flounder. Atypical strains exhibiting non-motility are isolated mainly from marine fish, with the exception of Japanese flounder. Subtractive hybridization was performed to identify genomic differences between these two phenotypes. Two fragments which showed homology to potential virulence factors were isolated from atypical strains: the autotransporter adhesin AIDA and a component of T6SS. We analysed DNA sequences of about 5 kbp containing these fragments and identified two partial ORF, and ORF encoding for other components of T6SS. The predicted amino acid sequences showed remarkably low homology to components of T6SS reported in the typical E. tarda strain PPD130/91. Furthermore, the organization of these ORF was different from the gene cluster of the typical E. tarda strain. AIDA and T6SS may therefore be associated with different pathogenicity in typical and atypical E. tarda hosts.  相似文献   

Human Edwardsiella tarda infections often manifest as gastroenteritis, but can become systemic and potentially lethal. E. tarda uses virulence factors that include type III and type VI secretion systems, quorum sensing, two-component systems, and exoenzymes to gain entry into and survive within the host. Better understanding of interactions between these factors will lead to the development of novel antimicrobials against E. tarda and other enterics.  相似文献   

Macrophages from catfish vaccinated with an Edwardsiella ictaluri vaccine and macrophages from non-vaccinated catfish were used in in vitro and in vivo studies with red-fluorescent E. ictaluri to assess phagocytic ability, reactive oxygen and nitric oxide production and bactericidal activity. In the in vitro experiment, macrophages were harvested from vaccinated and non-vaccinated fish and then exposed to red-fluorescent E. ictaluri. Results of this study showed that E. ictaluri can survive and replicate in macrophages from non-vaccinated catfish (relative percent killing, RPK, from 0.011 to 0.620 and from ?0.904 to 0.042 with macrophage:bacteria ratios of 1:20 and 1:100, respectively) even in the presence of reactive oxygen and nitrogen products. Macrophages from vaccinated fish were significantly (p < 0.05) more efficient in killing E. ictaluri (RPK from 0.656 to 0.978 and from 0.011 to 0.620 with macrophage:bacteria ratios of 1:20 and 1:100, respectively) and produced significantly (p < 0.05) higher amounts of ROS (10-fold increase) and nitrogen oxide (about 10-fold increase) than macrophages from non-vaccinated fish. In the in vivo experiment, vaccinated and non-vaccinated catfish were injected with red-fluorescent E. ictaluri to allow the interaction between macrophages and other components of the immune system. After 6 h, macrophages were harvested from the fish and seeded in glass chamber slides and bactericidal activity was measured in vitro. Results showed in vivo interaction of other components of the immune system enhanced bactericidal activity of macrophages from vaccinated fish. In another set of experiments, catfish were intraperitoneally injected with fluorescent bacteria opsonized with immune serum or non-opsonized and necropsied in the first 48 h after bacterial challenge to observe localization of E. ictaluri between vaccinated and non-vaccinated catfish. Vaccinated fish were able to control the dispersion of E. ictaluri in the body and red-fluorescent bacteria were observed only in the spleen, anterior and trunk kidney. In non-vaccinated fish E. ictaluri was able to replicate and invade all organs with the exception of the brain. We further determined that macrophages seeded with E. ictaluri could cause infection in non-vaccinated fish upon reinoculation with in vitro infected-macrophages. Overall, the results indicated that macrophages from vaccinated fish are activated and responsible for rapid clearance of infection upon re-exposure to virulent E. ictaluri.  相似文献   

A study was performed to compare proteomic profiles of channel catfish from families with high and low susceptibility to Edwardsiella ictaluri following an immersion challenge. Total protein was isolated from head kidney samples, collected at 2 and 6 h postexposure, and analyzed by 2-D-gel electrophoresis coupled with peptide mass fingerprint analysis by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization and time of flight tandem mass spectrometry. Comparisons were made between proteomic profiles from infected and uninfected fish from high and low susceptibility families. Heat shock protein 90-beta, from the high susceptibility infected family, and fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1-like protein, from the low susceptibility infected family, were identified at 2 h postexposure. Rab-11-like protein (low susceptibility infected family), tyrosine 3-monooxygenase/tryptophan 5-monooxygenase activation protein epsilon (low susceptibility infected family), glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (high susceptibility infected family), and ATP synthase beta subunit (low susceptibility uninfected family) were identified at 6 h postexposure. Four proteins, heat shock protein 90-beta, Rab-11, tyrosine 3-monooxygenase/tryptophan 5-monooxygenase activation protein epsilon, and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, have activities involved in macrophage function or cellular stress responses, while the other two have functions associated with cellular energy production and metabolism. These results demonstrate the potential for use of proteomic techniques in channel catfish research.  相似文献   

Ceruloplasmin is a serum ferroxidase that carries more than 90% of the copper in plasma and has documented roles in iron homeostasis as well as antioxidative functions. In our previous studies, it has been shown that the ceruloplasmin gene is strongly up-regulated in catfish during challenge with Edwardsiella ictaluri. However, little is known about the function of this gene in teleost fish. The objective of this study, therefore, was to characterize the ceruloplasmin gene from channel catfish, determine its genomic organization, profile its patterns of tissue expression, and establish its potential for physiological antioxidant responses in catfish after bacterial infection with E. ictaluri and iron treatment. The genomic organization suggested that the catfish ceruloplasmin gene had 20 exons and 19 introns, encoding 1074 amino acids. Exon sizes of the catfish ceruloplasmin gene were close to or identical with mammalian and zebrafish homologs. Further phylogenetic analyses suggested that the gene was highly conserved through evolution. The catfish ceruloplasmin gene was mapped to both the catfish physical map and linkage map. The catfish ceruloplasmin gene was mainly expressed in liver with limited expression in other tissues, and it was significantly up-regulated in the liver after bacterial infection alone or after co-injection with bacteria and iron-dextran, while expression was not significantly induced with iron-dextran treatment alone.  相似文献   

Diseases in catfish farming are prevalent and costly, particularly the bacterial disease Enteric Septicemia of Catfish. Considerable research has focused on different aspects of this disease, including the biology of the causative agent, Edwardsiella ictaluri. However, no satisfactory treatment or preventive has resulted from these efforts. One solution is to increase the natural disease resistance of the fish through genetic selection. Recent research has demonstrated that genetic factors influence resistance to infection in mammals as well as fish. Selective breeding for disease resistance in channel catfish is ongoing, however differences in defence mechanisms among E. ictaluri challenged strains and families are only now being investigated. Antigen-specific as well as non-specific immune responses of full-sib families of channel catfish to laboratory challenge with E. ictaluri have been investigated. Both resistant and sensitive families produce a humoral response as specific antibody, but there were no differences found in the level of specific antibody produced. The sensitive family produced a slightly higher percentage of B lymphocytes in mononuclear cell preparations from peripheral blood, while the resistant family had a higher percentage of T lymphocytes in those preparations. The most significant observation was that the resistant family produced more macrophage aggregations in the spleen and posterior kidney throughout the infection than the sensitive family. Neither family produced stress-associated amounts of cortisol.  相似文献   

Invasin is an outer membrane protein that is known to mediate entry of enteric bacteria into mammalian cells. In this study, we analyzed the function and immunoprotective potential of the invasin Inv1 from Edwardsiella tarda, a serious fish pathogen that can also infect humans. In silico analysis indicated that Inv1 possesses a conserved N-terminal DUF3442 domain and a C-terminal group 1 bacterial Ig-like domain. Subcellular localization analysis showed that Inv1 is exposed on cell surface and could be recognized by specific antibodies. Mutation of inv1 had no effect on bacterial growth but attenuates overall bacterial virulence and impaired the ability of E. tarda to attach and invade into host cells. Consistent with these observations, antibody blocking of Inv1 inhibited E. tarda infection of host cells. To examine the immunoprotective potential of Inv1, recombinant Inv1 (rInv1) corresponding to the DUF3442 domain was purified and used to vaccinate Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus). The results showed that rInv1 induced strong protection against lethal-dose challenge of E. tarda. ELISA analysis showed that rInv1-vaccinated fish produced specific serum antibodies that could enhance the serum bactericidal activity against E. tarda. Taken together, these results indicate that Inv1 is a surface-localized virulence factor that is involved in host infection and can induce effective immunoprotection when used as a subunit vaccine.  相似文献   

L-type lectins have a leguminous lectin domain and can bind to high-mannose type oligosaccharides. In the secretory pathway, L-type lectins play crucial roles in selective protein trafficking, sorting and targeting. Three L-type lectins were cloned in the channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, the 53 kDa endoplasmic reticulum ER-Golgi intermediate compartment protein (ERGIC-53), the vesicular integral protein of 36 kDa (VIP36) and VIP36-like. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that the catfish genes are orthologous to their counterparts in other species. Southern blot analysis demonstrated that all three L-type lectin genes are likely single-copy genes in the catfish genome. Analysis of expression in healthy tissues using quantitative real time RT-PCR indicated that all three genes are expressed widely in all tested tissues, but with strong tissue preference of expression: ERGIC-53 was found to be abundantly expressed in the liver, VIP36 was found to be abundantly expressed in the head-kidney, whereas VIP36-like was found to be abundantly expressed in the brain. Upon infection with Edwardsiella ictaluri, expressions of the three genes all had significant up-regulation in the head-kidney, but had distinct expression patterns: ERGIC-53 was gradually induced with the highest expression 7 days after challenge in the head-kidney, but was down-regulated in the liver, spleen, and brain. VIP36 was highly induced in the head-kidney, and 3 days after challenge in the brain, but was not up-regulated in any other tissues or timepoints after challenge. Expression levels of the catfish VIP36-like gene appeared to also respond to infection, albeit with differing patterns among the tested tissues. Taken together, our results indicate that all three L-type lectin genes may be involved in the immune responses of catfish after infection with E. ictaluri.  相似文献   

Oxidized LDL (oxLDL) promotes lipid accumulation as well as growth and survival signaling in macrophages. OxLDL uptake is mainly due to scavenger receptors SR-AI/II and CD36. However, other scavenger receptors such as lectin-like oxLDL receptor-1 (LOX-1) may also play a role. We used mice with targeted inactivation of the LOX-1 gene to define the role of this receptor in the uptake of oxLDL and in activation of survival pathways. There was no difference in uptake or degradation of 125I-oxLDL in unstimulated macrophages from wild-type and LOX-1 knockout mice and no difference in the rate of clearance of oxLDL from plasma in vivo. However, when expression of LOX-1 was induced with lysophosphatidylcholine, oxLDL uptake and degradation increased 2-fold in wild-type macrophages but did not change in LOX-1 knockout macrophages. Macrophages lacking LOX-1 showed the same stimulation of PKB phosphorylation and enhancement of survival by oxLDL as wild-type cells. These data show that LOX-1 does not alter the uptake of oxLDL in unstimulated macrophages and is not essential for the pro-survival effect of oxLDL in these cells. However, LOX-1 expression is highly inducible by lysophosphatidylcholine and pro-inflammatory cytokines, and if that occurred in macrophages within atheromas, LOX-1 could substantially increase oxLDL uptake by lesion macrophages.  相似文献   

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