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Birds that depend on grassland and successional-scrub vegetation communities are experiencing a greater decline than any other avian assemblage in North America. Habitat loss and degradation on breeding and wintering grounds are among the leading causes of these declines. We used public and private lands in northern Virginia, USA, to explore benefits of grassland management and associated field structure on supporting overwintering bird species from 2013 to 2016. Specifically, we used non-metric multidimensional scaling and multispecies occupancy models to compare species richness and habitat associations of grassland-obligate and successional-scrub species during winter in fields comprised of native warm-season grasses (WSG) or non-native cool-season grasses (CSG) that were managed at different times of the year. Results demonstrated positive correlations of grassland-obligate species with decreased vegetation structure and a higher percentage of grass cover, whereas successional-scrub species positively correlated with increased vegetation structure and height and increased percentages of woody stems, forb cover, and bare ground. Fields of WSG supported higher estimated total and target species richness compared to fields of CSG. Estimated species richness was also influenced by management timing, with fields managed during the previous winter or left unmanaged exhibiting higher estimated richness than fields managed in summer or fall. Warm-season grass fields managed in the previous winter or left unmanaged had higher estimated species richness than any other treatment group. This study identifies important winter habitat associations (e.g., vegetation height and field openness) with species abundance and richness and can be used to make inferences about optimal management practices for overwintering avian species in eastern grasslands of North America. © 2019 The Authors. Journal of Wildlife Management Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Landscape features of anthropogenic or natural origin can influence organisms' dispersal patterns and the connectivity of populations. Understanding these relationships is of broad interest in ecology and evolutionary biology and provides key insights for habitat conservation planning at the landscape scale. This knowledge is germane to restoration efforts for the New England cottontail (Sylvilagus transitionalis), an early successional habitat specialist of conservation concern. We evaluated local population structure and measures of genetic diversity of a geographically isolated population of cottontails in the northeastern United States. We also conducted a multiscale landscape genetic analysis, in which we assessed genetic discontinuities relative to the landscape and developed several resistance models to test hypotheses about landscape features that promote or inhibit cottontail dispersal within and across the local populations. Bayesian clustering identified four genetically distinct populations, with very little migration among them, and additional substructure within one of those populations. These populations had private alleles, low genetic diversity, critically low effective population sizes (3.2–36.7), and evidence of recent genetic bottlenecks. Major highways and a river were found to limit cottontail dispersal and to separate populations. The habitat along roadsides, railroad beds, and utility corridors, on the other hand, was found to facilitate cottontail movement among patches. The relative importance of dispersal barriers and facilitators on gene flow varied among populations in relation to landscape composition, demonstrating the complexity and context dependency of factors influencing gene flow and highlighting the importance of replication and scale in landscape genetic studies. Our findings provide information for the design of restoration landscapes for the New England cottontail and also highlight the dual influence of roads, as both barriers and facilitators of dispersal for an early successional habitat specialist in a fragmented landscape.  相似文献   

张立斌  杨红生 《生命科学》2012,(9):1062-1069
由于人类活动导致的海洋生境、生态系统以及生物资源的衰退已经引起了全球的高度重视。以生态修复的原理为基础,综述了海洋生境修复和生物资源养护的关键设施、关键技术、监测与效果评价以及综合管理的国内外研究进展,并对海洋生境修复与生物资源养护的研究热点和重点进行了展望,以期为我国海洋生境修复和生物资源养护提供参考。  相似文献   

Ecological restoration and creation: a review   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A European-wide review of habitat restoration and creation is presented which identifies the substantial loss of habitats and the increasing fragmentation and isolation of those that remain as the key raison d'etre for initiatives to rehabilitate and re-establish habitats. Progress in this is exemplified by reference to the reinstatement of traditional management, the problems associated with reducing loadings, and the control of invasive alien species. Habitat repair after damaging activities is illustrated through discussion of advances in dwarf-shrub heath and grassland re-establishment. It is concluded that a wealth of knowledge is now available on which to base appropriate action, and that, provided the desired species persist, restoration is, to some extent, achievable. Some of the principles involved in habitat creation are outlined. Provided these are observed, such establishment can play a vital role in nature conservation, although there is scope for more innovative schemes and basic research into some of the issues involved.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Use of early successional habitat by mature forest birds during the postfledging period is well documented, but reasons for this habitat shift remain elusive. Although forest‐breeding songbirds are primarily insectivorous during the nestling and early fledgling periods due to high protein requirements, older fledglings may adopt a heavily frugivorous diet. Our objectives were to use stable isotopes to examine the dietary trophic level of juveniles of three species of mature forest songbirds to determine if juvenile songbirds heavily consume fruit resources during the postfledging period and to evaluate a possible link between diet and energetic condition. We collected the outer right rectrix and several body feathers from 34 Wood Thrushes (Hylocichla mustelina), 34 Ovenbirds (Seiurus aurocapilla), and 35 Scarlet Tanagers (Piranga olivacea) captured in regenerating clearcuts in southeastern Ohio in 2005 and 2006. We also collected fruit and arthropod samples from each clearcut. Isotopic values of body feathers were significantly higher (more enriched) than those of rectrices in all cases except values of δ13C for Ovenbirds where we found no difference between body and rectrix feathers. These results suggest that juvenile songbirds did not undergo a strong shift to frugivory during the postfledging period, and arthropods were the primary source of protein during the period when rectrix and body feathers were growing. In addition, the energetic condition of birds was not related to the isotopic signature of feathers. Although our results are inconsistent with the hypothesis that juveniles move into regenerating clearcuts enabling them to shift to a primarily frugivorous diet during the postfledging period, they may consume fruit for nonprotein requirements, such as lipids and carbohydrates.  相似文献   

Efforts to restore terrestrial woody ecosystems to former agricultural land are typically based on plant‐focused actions, often neglecting fauna. However, the processes that maintain or restore the health and integrity of these ecosystems involve many animal–plant interactions. Here, I synthesise information about these relationships and the implications for revegetation practice. Fauna have often been viewed as passengers, responding passively to plant‐focused revegetation. This view involves two surrogacy assumptions: first, that vegetation attributes can indicate habitat sufficiency for fauna; second, that animals will be capable of dispersing to the restored habitat and of establishing populations there. Habitat sufficiency depends on how resources such as food and nest sites can be indicated by vegetation attributes and how they interact with an animal's species‐specific requirements. Dispersal and establishment depend on proximity to source populations in habitat elsewhere, the type of intervening habitat and the intrinsic mobility of different species. Evidence about the effects of age, revegetation type and spatial context in relation to animal communities indicates that it can often be invalid to assume vegetation surrogacy. Fauna can also drive the developmental trajectories of floristic diversity and composition during revegetation, because animal–plant interactions frequently mediate life‐history transitions that determine seedling recruitment. Frugivore‐mediated seed dispersal is the best studied, but animals also directly influence early‐stage tree recruitment, especially through their roles in seed predation, seedling herbivory and indirectly through top‐down cascades that include large carnivores. These processes have been insufficiently recognised or studied, although some recent work highlights their significance. Intervening to alter abundances of functionally important animals could be useful in accelerating the redevelopment of woody vegetation. Further research is needed to clarify animals’ roles as both passengers and drivers during revegetation, especially manipulative experiments and innovative restoration trials, in which animals and plants are considered together from the outset.  相似文献   

For tropical forest restoration to result in long‐term biodiversity gains, native trees must establish self‐sustaining populations in degraded sites. While many have asked how seedling recruitment varies between restoration treatments, the long‐term fate of these recruits remains unknown. We address this research gap by tracking natural recruits of 27 species during the first 7 years of a tropical forest restoration experiment that included both planted and naturally regenerating plots. We used an individual‐based model to estimate the probability that a seedling achieves reproductive maturity after several years of growth and survival. We found an advantage for recruits in naturally regenerating plots, with up to 40% increased probability of reproduction in this treatment, relative to planted plots. The demographic advantage of natural regeneration was highest for mid‐successional species, with relatively minor differences between treatments for early‐successional species. Our research demonstrates the consequences of restoration decision making across the life cycle of tropical tree species.  相似文献   

Eastern collared lizards of the Ozarks live in glades—open, rocky habitats embedded in a woodland matrix. Past fire suppression had made the woodlands a barrier to dispersal, leading to habitat destruction, fragmentation and local extinction. Reintroduced populations of lizards were subjected to 10 years of habitat fragmentation under continued fire suppression followed by twelve years of landscape restoration with prescribed burns. Prior to prescribed burning, genetic diversity decreased within glades and differentiation increased among glades. With woodland burning, genetic diversity within glades first decreased during an expanding colonization phase, but then increased as a dynamically stable metapopulation was established. Population differentiation among glades also stabilized in the metapopulation under weak isolation‐by‐distance. This study is one of the first to examine the genetic changes in a species of conservation concern throughout all the stages of decline and recovery and shows the importance of landscape‐level restoration for maintaining the genetic integrity of populations. This study also demonstrates how mark–recapture and genetic data together can yield detailed insight into metapopulation dynamics that would be impossible from just one type of data alone.  相似文献   

Abstract: We evaluated changes in breeding bird density and shifts in territory distribution with respect to clear cutting and timber stand improvement (TSI) of even-aged stands on >300 ha experimental management units as part of the Missouri Ozark Forest Ecosystem Project. After one harvest entry, clear cutting had positive effects on density of indigo bunting (Passerina cyanea), prairie warbler (Dendroica discolor), and yellow-breasted chat (Icteria virens) and negative effects on density of Acadian flycatcher (Empidonax virescens), ovenbird (Seiurus aurocapilla), and worm-eating warbler (Helmitheros vermivorus). In buffer regions within 100 m of clearcuts, indigo bunting, hooded warbler (Wilsonia citrina), wood thrush (Hylocichila mustelina), and Kentucky warbler (Oporornis formosus) densities increased and ovenbird density decreased. Breeding bird densities did not change in interior regions > 100 m from clearcuts except for a small increase for wood thrush. Breeding Acadian flycatcher and ovenbird showed greater use of stands not treated with TSI. We recommend combining adjoining stands to keep clearcut sizes between 8 ha and 13 ha to reduce negative effects on ovenbirds by cutting. We suggest a 7-year offset between the timing of clear cutting and TSI to reduce their combined effects on ovenbird.  相似文献   

Human activities have led to the loss of habitats and biodiversity in the Atlantic Rain Forest in Brazil. Ecological restoration aims to rebuild this biome and should include not only the reinstatement of species but also the reestablishment of complex ecological interactions and the ecological functions that they provide. One such function is seed dispersal, which is provided by the interactions between animal frugivores and plants. We studied seed dispersal networks in 3 different tropical forest sites restored 15, 25, and 57 years ago; temporal scales rarely observed in restoration studies. We investigated changes in network structure (nestedness, modularity, and network specialization) in these communities over restoration time. Although network size and the number of interactions increased with time since restoration, the networks were composed of generalist birds, and the large frugivores remained absent. Contrary to our expectations though, species richness was highest in the 25‐year‐old site, maybe due to the higher number of species used in the planting. Nestedness values were low in all 3 networks, but the highest nestedness was observed in the intermediate‐aged site. However, the oldest network was significantly modular and showed higher complementary specialization. These results suggest that 57 years after restoration, the complexity of mutualistic interactions in seed dispersal networks has increased, this enhancing ecosystem function in the Atlantic forest.  相似文献   

In agricultural landscapes, the longleaf pine initiative (LLPI) and the Bobwhite Quail Initiative (BQI) aim to restore longleaf pine forests and early successional habitats, respectively. The early stage of longleaf pine stands and grass and forb vegetation produced by a combination of both restoration programs (LLPI‐BQI) may form habitat conditions favorable to early successional bird species and other birds, increasing avian diversity. We investigated how the LLPI and BQI programs affected taxonomic and functional diversity of birds and abundance of early successional birds (grassland and scrub/shrub species), and what environmental characteristics were associated with the diversity and abundance of birds. Our study was performed at 41 fields in Georgia, United States, during 2001–2002 by considering environmental characteristics at two spatial scales: local‐scale vegetation features and restoration program type (LLPI or LLPI‐BQI) and landscape‐scale vegetation features and landscape heterogeneity. Functional evenness, species richness, and abundance of grassland and scrub/shrub species did not show a clear association with local‐ or landscape‐scale variables. Shannon‐Wiener diversity was slightly influenced by restoration program type (local‐scale variable) with higher value at LLPI‐BQI stands than at LLPI stands despite no significant differences in local vegetation features between those stands. Functional divergence was strongly positively associated with landscape‐scale variables. That is, niche differentiation increased with increasing shrub coverage within a landscape, reducing competition between abundant bird species and others. Our results suggest that although a combination of BQI and LLPI program may have a positive effect on avian taxonomic diversity, it is important to consider shrub vegetation cover within a landscape to improve functional diversity.  相似文献   

Traditionally, ecological restoration is based on re‐establishing patterns of vegetation communities with the expectation that wildlife will recolonize, restoring the ecological function. However, in many restoration projects, wildlife fails to recolonize, even when vegetation is restored, in many cases because revegetated habitats lack the critical features required by wildlife. We present a new approach to restoration, based on a detailed understanding of ecological process, the mechanisms by which wildlife respond to landscape patterns. Our animal‐centric approach involves measuring the risk‐sensitive decision‐making of individual animals as they balance searching for food, mates, and breeding sites with avoiding being eaten by predators and relates this to fine‐scale habitat and landscape structure. The outcome of these decisions can be measured in occupancy of habitat, the information on which conventional restoration is based. Incorporating landscape genetics allows retrospective assessment of the outcome of dispersal decisions by individual animals on a deeper time frame and at regional scales. Fine‐scale connectivity models can be parameterized with these multiscale spatial and temporal data to direct restoration efforts. We are translating this novel approach to practice in the large Midlands restoration project (4 years, AUD $6 million) in Tasmania, Australia, in partnership with Greening Australia. More than 200 years of intensive agricultural practice in this National Biodiversity Hotspot has resulted in extensive landscape modification, high densities of feral cats, and decline of many native mammals. Our research–practice partnership will alter the way that restoration is done, leading hopefully to successful restoration of wildlife, gene flow, and ecological function.  相似文献   

南亚热带演替群落的边缘效应及其对森林片断化恢复的意义   总被引:32,自引:3,他引:32  
通过对鼎湖山两个群落及其边缘群落的长期定位研究,探讨南亚热带演替群落的边缘效应与森林片断化恢复,通过16a的定位研究,从测度群落的物种结构,多样性,生物量与生产力等指标的比较表明,马尾松林群落和混交林群落本身经过16a的演变,虽然有所发展,但变化不大,群落性质没有改变;边缘群落原非常接近马尾松林群落,经过6a的演变,已经发展成为混交林群落,说明边缘效应的作用。边缘群落总体的边缘效应强度E值为1.6  相似文献   

The loss of wetlands and semi-natural grasslands throughout much of Europe has led to a historic decline of species associated with these habitats. The reinstatement of these habitats, however, requires spatially explicit predictions of the most suitable sites for restoration, to maximize the ecological benefit per unit effort. One species that demonstrates such declines is the white stork Ciconia ciconia , and the restoration of habitat for this flagship species is likely to benefit a suite of other wetland and grassland biota. Storks are also being reintroduced into southern Sweden and elsewhere, and the a priori identification of suitable sites for reintroduction will greatly improve the success of such programmes. Here a simple predictive habitat-use model was developed, where only a small but reliable presence-only dataset was available. The model is based on the extent and relative soil moisture of semi-natural pastures, the extent of wetlands and the extent of hayfields in southern Sweden. Here the model was used to predict the current extent of stork habitat that is suitable for successful breeding, and the extent of habitat that would become suitable with moderate habitat restoration. The habitat model identifies all 10 occupied nesting sites where breeding is currently successful. It also identifies ∼300 km2 of habitat that is predicted to be suitable stork habitat, but that is presently unused; these sites were identified as potential areas for stork reintroduction. The model also identifies over 100 areas where moderate habitat restoration is predicted to have a disproportionate effect (relative to the restoration effort) on the area of suitable habitat for storks; these sites were identified as priorities for habitat restoration. By identifying areas for reintroduction and restoration, such habitat suitability models have the potential to maximize the effectiveness of such conservation programmes.  相似文献   

In the Appalachian portion of their breeding range, Golden‐winged Warblers (Vermivora chrysoptera) nest in shrubland and regenerating forest communities created and maintained by disturbance. Because populations of Golden‐winged Warblers have exhibited precipitous declines in population throughout their Appalachian breeding range, management activities that create or maintain early successional habitat are a priority for many natural resource agencies and their conservation partners. Within these early successional habitats, however, additional information is still needed concerning the relative importance of different vegetation features in selection of breeding territories by Golden‐winged Warblers. Our objective, therefore, was to use logistic regression to estimate the probability of territory‐level occupancy by Golden‐winged Warblers in north‐central Pennsylvania at two sites, each with its own early successional community, based on vegetation characteristics. Our communities were composed of shrublands and regenerating forest sites resulting from two disturbances: agriculture and forest fire. Despite differences in vegetation structure, portions of both study areas (regenerating forest and old field) supported territorial Golden‐winged Warblers. Probability of territory occupancy by Golden‐winged Warblers increased with percent blackberry (Rubus) cover in the regenerating forest community, and decreased as basal area and distance to microedge increased (i.e., as vegetation patchiness decreased) in both communities. These habitat features have also been found to influence other aspects of Golden‐winged Warbler breeding ecology such as nest‐site selection, pairing success, and territory abundance. Vegetation features influencing Golden‐winged Warbler territory establishment can differ among shrubland and regenerating forest communities, and management decisions and outcomes may be affected by these differences. Our study provides a starting point for a more comprehensive hypothesis‐driven occupancy survey to investigate features of the territories of Golden‐winged Warblers across a broader geographic range and in different vegetation communities.  相似文献   

Conservation and restoration interventions can be mutually reinforcing and are converging through an increased focus on social dimensions. This paper examines how to more effectively integrate the complementary goals of conservation and restoration of tropical forests. Forest conservation and restoration interventions are integral components of a broad approach to forest ecosystem and landscape management that aims to maintain and restore key ecological processes and enhance human well‐being, while minimizing biodiversity loss. The forest transition model provides a useful framework for understanding the relative importance of forest conservation and restoration interventions in different regions. Harmonizing conservation and restoration presents serious challenges for forest policy in tropical countries, particularly regarding the use and management of secondary forests, fallow vegetation, and forests degraded by logging and fire. Research to implement restoration more effectively in tropical regions can be stimulated by transforming questions that initially focused on conservation issues. Examination of papers published in Biotropica from 2000–2018 shows that most studies relevant to tropical forest conservation do not address forest restoration issues. Forest restoration studies, on the other hand, show a consistent association with conservation issues. There is much scope for further integration of conservation and restoration in research, practice, and policy. Securing a sustainable future for tropical forests requires developing and applying integrated approaches to landscape management that effectively combine knowledge and tools from multiple disciplines with practical experience and engagement of local stakeholders. Abstract in Portuguese is available with online material.  相似文献   

Remnant forests on the small Wallacean island of Sangihe north of Sulawesi hold the entire ranges of more critically endangered (CR) bird species than any other comparable area on earth. We develop habitat association models for three of these CR species to identify critical habitat features as well as areas where habitat falls slightly short of suitability, and to determine whether another area of forest away from the largest block might be suitable as an insurance site for a translocated population. Hopes for all three species appear almost totally pinned to forest within a 13 km2 area of the Sahendaruman crater, with virtually no near-suitable habitat away from this site. There is, however, little overlap in habitats between one CR species and the other two: cerulean flycatcher Eutrichomyias rowleyi is associated with mature streamside forest with full canopy cover, lianas, and mid-level growth, while Sangihe whistler Coracornis sanghirensis and Sangihe golden bulbul Hypsipetes platenae are restricted to ridgetop forest with full canopy cover and large trees. We pinpoint small areas (around 5 km2) of forest in the crater that are already suitable or can be made so with habitat management, and these are absolute priorities for conservation action. We show how habitat characteristics identified within models might be enhanced, and how features, especially certain tree species, can be used as indicators of future habitat improvement.  相似文献   

Ecological restoration of degraded ecosystems has emerged as a critical tool in the fight to reverse and ameliorate the current loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services. Approaches derived from different genetic disciplines are extending the theoretical and applied frameworks on which ecological restoration is based. We performed a search of scientific articles and identified 160 articles that employed a genetic approach within a restoration context to shed light on the links between genetics and restoration. These articles were then classified on whether they examined association between genetics and fitness or the application of genetics in demographic studies, and on the way the studies informed restoration practice. Although genetic research in restoration is rapidly growing, we found that studies could make better use of the extensive toolbox developed by applied fields in genetics. Overall, 41% of reviewed studies used genetic information to evaluate or monitor restoration, and 59% provided genetic information to guide prerestoration decision‐making processes. Reviewed studies suggest that restoration practitioners often overlook the importance of including genetic aspects within their restoration goals. Even though there is a genetic basis influencing the provision of ecosystem services, few studies explored this relationship. We provide a view of research gaps, future directions and challenges in the genetics of restoration.  相似文献   

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