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Ecological restoration is a globally important and well‐financed management intervention used to combat biodiversity declines and land degradation. Most restoration aims to increase biodiversity towards a reference state, but there are concerns that intended outcomes are not reached due to unsuccessful interventions and land‐use legacy issues. Monitoring biodiversity recovery is essential to measure success; however, most projects remain insufficiently monitored. Current field‐based methods are hard to standardize and are limited in their ability to assess important components of ecosystems, such as bacteria. High‐throughput amplicon sequencing of environmental DNA (metabarcoding of eDNA) has been proposed as a cost‐effective, scalable and uniform ecological monitoring solution, but its application in restoration remains largely untested. Here we show that metabarcoding of soil eDNA is effective at demonstrating the return of the native bacterial community in an old field following native plant revegetation. Bacterial composition shifted significantly after 8 years of revegetation, where younger sites were more similar to cleared sites and older sites were more similar to remnant stands. Revegetation of the native plant community strongly impacted on the belowground bacterial community, despite the revegetated sites having a long and dramatically altered land‐use history (i.e. >100 years grazing). We demonstrate that metabarcoding of eDNA provides an effective way of monitoring changes in bacterial communities that would otherwise go unchecked with conventional monitoring of restoration projects. With further development, awareness of microbial diversity in restoration has significant scope for improving the efficacy of restoration interventions more broadly.  相似文献   

城市绿地是城市绿色基础设施和基于自然解决方案的主要载体,为人群提供了多种生态系统服务,关注人群健康和绿地布局的城市绿地暴露研究已经成为城市生态学、城市可持续发展等学科的前沿热点。目前国内外城市绿地暴露与人群健康研究仍处在兴起的初步发展状态,缺乏有效和公认的研究范式。尝试通过暴露科学的视角,研究城市绿地暴露及其人群健康效应的研究的热点领域:(1)从城市人群的绿地暴露特征来看,绿地暴露研究与现有旨在预防和减少环境污染暴露风险的传统环境健康研究的视角有显著不同,其目标是充分理解人群的绿地暴露特征及其产生健康效应的机制,鼓励和提高人群与绿地的有效和有益接触,服务于城市绿地和健康社区营造的科学规划和决策。(2)从城市绿地暴露的量化表征来看,现有的多种绿地暴露评价指标包括绿地可得性、绿地可及性和绿地可视性等多是表征了绿地的供给状况,并非直接的绿地暴露过程描述,未来可以结合城市人群的绿地暴露时空动态模式,参照总暴露数学方程来综合量化不同途径、访问周期、暴露时长等因素。(3)从城市绿地暴露的人群健康效应机制来看,现有绿地暴露的健康效应机制研究获得的通用理论性成果还不多,面临的挑战主要是:不同绿地健康效应研究采用的暴露特征指标不同,绿地暴露特征影响人群健康存在显著的尺度性,以及缺乏统一的绿地暴露健康效应调查方法。绿地在城市规划和建设中的作用尤其突出,但绿地的人群健康促进功能在我国城市规划和建设中还鲜有应用,作为城市生态学与环境风险、公共健康以及可持续发展的交叉前沿领域,相关成果将为指导健康导向的可持续城市/社区规划与建设提供直接的科学依据与理论支撑。  相似文献   

城市绿地土壤质量是保障绿化植物健康生长的基础,也是保障绿地为城市及其居民提供健康生态系统服务和城市可持续发展的重要基础.目前在提升城市绿地土壤质量方面,主要关注了肥力质量和环境质量方面的问题,对健康质量方面的问题还较少关注.本文综述了土壤健康质量的概念、内涵及其评价指标,总结了城市绿地土壤健康质量所面临的主要问题和挑战...  相似文献   

珠三角城市群生态空间分区方法与管控对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈新闯  李锋  李小倩  胡印红  韩婧  胡盼盼 《生态学报》2021,41(13):5233-5241
生态空间管控是维护区域生态安全,解决区域生态供需矛盾的重要手段。生态空间分区一直是生态管控的热点问题,对促进城市群可持续发展具有重要意义。以珠三角城市群为例,基于政策目标、民众需求、专家知识等方面综合构建评价体系,开展了基于生态空间质量和生态系统健康评价的生态空间分区的探索研究。结果表明:珠三角城市群生态空间约占城市群面积的82.8%,生态空间质量好,但生态系统健康水平低。城市尺度肇庆市、深圳市生态空间质量较高,珠海市、中山市生态空间质量较低;惠州市、肇庆市生态系统健康水平较高,佛山市、中山市生态系统健康水平较低。综合生态空间质量和生态系统健康,区域尺度将城市群生态空间分为重点保护区、重点修复区、潜在修复区和生态保育区。重点保护区占生态空间总面积的10.1%,是区域生态源地,应实行最严格的环境保护制度,划定生态保护红线和自然保护地,加强生态建设和生物多样性保护,并加强生态连通性建设,提升区域整体生态系统服务;重点修复区占生态空间总面积的21.6%,以生态修复,实施生态治理工程,推进生态产业为主;潜在修复区占生态空间总面积的13.1%,以保护优先、自然恢复为主,对生态空间进行全面的养护,保护和提升品质,重点提升生态系统服务;生态保育区占生态空间总面积的55.2%,重点实施生态廊道建设,同时加强区域高标准农田建设,在保护生态空间的基础上合理开展生产建设活动。对生态空间分区管控的研究可方便决策者对生态修复空间和生态保护空间进行识别和分类管理,有效指导国土空间规划和区域生态环境管理体系的完善。  相似文献   

全球范围内频发的重大公共卫生安全事件可以改变城市居民的生活方式,并对居民福祉造成损害。为了探究居民对城市绿地类型及其生态系统服务的需求变化,以期使城市居民在重大公共卫生事件发生时更好地从城市绿地中获益,主要运用问卷调查数据,使用Kruskal-Wallis检验、聚类分析和空间自相关分析等方法对新冠疫情(COVID-19)发生的前、中、后三个时期城市居民对城市绿地类型及其生态系统服务需求偏好的时空演变特征进行了分析。结果显示:①随着时间演变,居民对同时期内同种类型的城市绿地以及生态系统服务的需求差异变小。在前期和中期,居民需求最强烈的绿地类型分别是附属绿地、公园绿地;需求最不强烈的绿地类型都是区域绿地。在前期,居民对生态系统服务的需求普遍较为强烈,前期和中期居民需求最强烈的生态系统服务分别是美化城市和放松身心两种类型。在后期,居民需求最强烈和最小的城市绿地类型分别是附属绿地和公园绿地。②居民对于城市绿地类型的需求在这三个时期的空间演变程度要大于对生态系统服务需求的空间演变程度。③居民对于城市绿地及其生态系统服务需求的空间异质性较强,大多呈随机分布格局,只有对后期的四种绿地类型的需求呈聚集分布,主要分布在京津冀地区、内蒙古、山西省、山东省。研究结果旨在为未来重大公共卫生事件影响下城市绿地规划和生态系统服务的可持续利用提供科学支撑,以期更好地保障城市居民生活福祉。  相似文献   


Young children are considered critical receptors of potentially toxic trace elements (PTEs) by non-dietary ingestion of contaminated soil. The study assessed the potential enrichment of soil and the health risk of PTEs to 471 children less than seven years via non-dietary soil ingestion at six Early Childhood Development Centers (ECDCs) in urban low-income settings. The total concentrations of PTEs were determined by ICP-AES after wet acid digestion. The extent of soil contamination with PTEs and their source apportionment were assessed by the enrichment factor (EF). The US-EPA risk assessment model was used to determine the risk of PTE exposure by children. Multivariate statistical analyses and the EF suggested anthropogenic origin of PTEs in playgrounds and indoors, especially Cd and Pb from atmospheric deposition. Indoor floor dust at ECDCs was enriched (significant to extreme) with PTEs of anthropogenic origin imported from the outside environment. Children at the six ECDCs were not at significant non-carcinogenic risk of PTEs in soil and dust through non-dietary ingestion. The study setting is typical of urban child play centers in low-income countries which needs regular risk assessment and the enforcement of legislation in order to reduce the exposure of children to PTEs.  相似文献   

水土流失生态修复生态效益评价指标体系研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
To establish a rational evaluation index system is the basis of scientifically evaluating the benefit of ecological restoration for controlling regional water and soil loss. Based on the anal-ysis of current researches on ecological benefit evaluation index system of ecological restoration for controlling water and soil loss, and the latest research achievements, it was suggested that be-sides the benefit of water and soil conservation, the monitoring and evaluation of vegetation struc-ture, biological diversity, and ecological processes should be strengthened to make that the bene-fit evaluation of ecological restoration for water and soil loss can be conducted on ecosystem health level.  相似文献   

Epigenetic mechanisms have gained relevance in human health and environmental studies, due to their pivotal role in disease, gene × environment interactions and adaptation to environmental change and/or contamination. Epigenetic mechanisms are highly responsive to external stimuli and a wide range of chemicals has been shown to determine specific epigenetic patterns in several organisms. Furthermore, the mitotic/meiotic inheritance of such epigenetic marks as well as the resulting changes in gene expression and cell/organismal phenotypes has now been demonstrated. Therefore, epigenetic signatures are interesting candidates for linking environmental exposures to disease as well as informing on past exposures to stressors. Accordingly, epigenetic biomarkers could be useful tools in both prospective and retrospective risk assessment but epigenetic endpoints are currently not yet incorporated into risk assessments. Achieving a better understanding on this apparent impasse, as well as identifying routes to promote the application of epigenetic biomarkers within environmental risk assessment frameworks are the objectives of this review. We first compile evidence from human health studies supporting the use of epigenetic exposure‐associated changes as reliable biomarkers of exposure. Then, specifically focusing on environmental science, we examine the potential and challenges of developing epigenetic biomarkers for environmental fields, and discuss useful organisms and appropriate sequencing techniques to foster their development in this context. Finally, we discuss the practical incorporation of epigenetic biomarkers in the environmental risk assessment of chemicals, highlighting critical data gaps and making key recommendations for future research within a regulatory context.  相似文献   

International research and practices are reviewed with regard to cultural, social, economic, health, and physical-technological features of needs, standards, and codes regulating the residential environment. Housing and building codes, as well as zoning and subdivision ordinances, are influenced by nonscientific considerations that have significant cost and other policy implications. Noxious and promotive influences are examined for public health codes regulating potable water, waste disposal, and safety in the home, as well as density and congestion for cities, neighborhoods, and individual dwelling units. Density is distinguished from congestion, and the policy implications of both are examined. Cost-benefit ratios indicate that many standards can be appreciably lowered. Vague definitions of health, as adopted by WHO, also invite costinducing moral judgments.  相似文献   

选取城市中分布最广的两类人工构筑物——沥青和混凝土为研究对象,采用构筑物-绿地梯度样带法,观测这2类典型城市构筑物对比邻绿地土壤温度和含水量的影响,分析不同构筑物的质地、面积、形态等构筑物特征对土壤水、热分布的影响强度及范围。研究显示:1)夏、秋季在构筑物-绿地梯度样带上,绿地土壤温度在比邻构筑物端(a点)处最高,并且白天中午、傍晚时段a点温度显著高于梯度上其他观测点和对照点;2)绿地土壤含水量在比邻构筑物端(a点)处最低,而且土壤含水量变化在梯度样带上从a点至远离构筑物端的对照点变化具有不确定性,可能受城区土壤蒸散、人工灌溉、土壤地下生物量等不确定因素的影响。3)梯度样带上土壤温度(T)和水分(W)与离a点距离(D)均呈现幂函数定量关系,即沥青样地T=0.7708(579.4957-0.9984D)0.5843,W=0.1970(0.0505+0.1347D)0.2262;混凝土样地T=0.7615(583.7027-1.0986D)0.5746,W=0.2224(-0.6019+0.3473D)0.0595。4)在构筑物-绿地梯度样带上,土壤温度和含水量受构筑物影响幅度大概在0—100 cm之间,而且随构筑物质地及分布格局、城市气象以及绿地构成、结构、人工管理方式等因素的影响而变化。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was a dosimetrical analysis of an experimental setup used in the exposure of 10 female volunteers to GSM 900 radiation. The exposure was carried out by irradiating a small region of the right forearms of the volunteers for 1 h, after which biopsies were taken from the exposed skin for protein analysis. The source of irradiation was a half-wave dipole fed with a computer controlled GSM phone. The specific absorption rate (SAR) induced in the skin biopsy was assessed by computer simulations. The numerical model of the arm consisted of a muscle tissue simulating cylinder covered with thin skin (1 mm) and fat (3 mm) layers. The simulation models were validated by measurements with a homogeneous cylindrical liquid phantom. The average SAR value in the biopsy was 1.3 W/kg and the estimated uncertainty +/-20% (K = 2). The main source of error was found to be variations in the distance of the forearm from the dipole (10 +/- 1 mm). Other significant sources of uncertainty are individual variations of the fat layer and arm thicknesses, and the uncertainty of radio frequency (RF) power measurement.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to determine the concentrations, distribution, potential ecological risk (PER), and human health risk (Risk) of heavy metals in urban soils from a coal mining city in China. A total of 36 topsoil samples from Huainan city, Anhui, East China, were collected and analyzed for As, Hg, Pb, Cd, Cr, and Cu. The PER was calculated to assess the pollution level. The hazard index (HI) and carcinogenic risk were used to assess the human health risk of heavy metals in the study area. The average concentration of As, Hg, Pb, Cd, Cr, and Cu were 12.54, 0.21, 24.21, 0.19, 49.39, and 21.74 mg kg?1, respectively. The correlations between heavy metals indicated that Cu, Cr, Cd, and Pb mainly originated from automobile exhaust emissions, coal gangue, fly ash, and industrial wastewater, and that As and Hg mainly came from coal combustion exhaust. The PER index values of heavy metals decreased in the following order: Hg > Cd > As> Cu > Pb > Cr. The HI and Risk values indicated that the noncarcinogenic and carcinogenic risks of selected metals in the urban soil were both below the threshold values.  相似文献   

The ‘behavioural immune system’ is composed of mechanisms that evolved as a means of facilitating behaviours that minimized infection risk and enhanced fitness. Recent empirical research on human populations suggests that these mechanisms have unique consequences for many aspects of human sociality—including sexual attitudes, gregariousness, xenophobia, conformity to majority opinion and conservative sociopolitical attitudes. Throughout much of human evolutionary history, these consequences may have had beneficial health implications; but health implications in modern human societies remain unclear. This article summarizes pertinent ways in which modern human societies are similar to and different from the ecologies within which the behavioural immune system evolved. By attending to these similarities and differences, we identify a set of plausible implications—both positive and negative—that the behavioural immune system may have on health outcomes in contemporary human contexts. We discuss both individual-level infection risk and population-level epidemiological outcomes. We also discuss a variety of additional implications, including compliance with public health policies, the adoption of novel therapeutic interventions and actual immunological functioning. Research on the behavioural immune system, and its implications in contemporary human societies, can provide unique insights into relationships between fitness, sociality and health.  相似文献   

Pathogenic fungi are a growing health concern worldwide, particularly in large, densely populated cities. The dramatic upsurge of pigeon populations in cities has been implicated in the increased incidence of invasive fungal infections. In this study, we used a culture‐independent, high‐throughput sequencing approach to describe the diversity of clinically relevant fungi (CRF) associated with pigeon faeces and map the relative abundance of CRF across Seoul, Korea. In addition, we tested whether certain geographical, sociological and meteorological factors were significantly associated with the diversity and relative abundance of CRF. Finally, we compared the CRF diversity of fresh and old pigeon faeces to identify the source of the fungi and the role of pigeons in dispersal. Our results demonstrated that both the composition and relative abundance of CRF are unevenly distributed across Seoul. The green area ratio and the number of multiplex houses were positively correlated with species diversity, whereas wind speed and number of households were negatively correlated. The number of workers and green area ratio were positively correlated with the relative abundance of CRF, whereas wind speed was negatively correlated. Because many CRF were absent in fresh faeces, we inferred that most species cannot survive the gastrointestinal tract of pigeons and instead are likely transmitted through soil or air and use pigeon faeces as a substrate for proliferation.  相似文献   

徐凯健  曾宏达  任婕  谢锦升  杨玉盛 《生态学报》2016,36(21):6960-6968
福建省长汀县是中国南方最严重的水土流失区之一,在20世纪80年代初和2000年两次集中治理的推动下,当地生态环境已得到显著改善。基于Landsat系列卫星影像提取长汀县1975—2013年共6期植被覆盖度分布图,分析该区在不同时期植被覆盖度及其空间格局的时空动态,并探讨人类干扰与政策治理对植被覆盖度及景观格局的影响。结果表明:(1)近38年来,长汀县平均植被覆盖度由47.02%(1975)提升至71.47%(2013),在覆盖度结构上逐渐形成以中高和高植被覆盖度占主导的格局;县域中部河田盆地的植被覆盖度由30.83%(1975)提升至60.34%(2013)。(2)在景观格局上,研究期间长汀县极低、低和中低覆盖度斑块平均面积呈波动下降趋势、同时斑块密度增加,而中高、高植被覆盖度区域面积扩大,表明封禁、造林等治理措施导致植被覆盖度较高的区域不断汇聚成片。(3)植被覆盖度的提升在空间上主要集中在海拔600 m和坡度25°以下区域,尤其在海拔400—600 m和坡度5°—15°区域最显著,表明植被的破坏和恢复过程与人类活动的联系密切。(4)空间分析表明,在距离农户居民地边缘1.2 km的范围内,越接近居民地中心的区域植被覆盖度越低、破碎度越大且恢复缓慢,但这种空间差异伴随治理进行正在逐步减弱。总体上看,长汀县生态治理和人类干扰的长期驱动影响,其恢复速度在不断提升。  相似文献   

Bisphenol A (BPA) is an endocrine disrupting chemical (EDC) that has been implicated as a potential carcinogen and epigenotoxicant. We have previously reported dose-dependent incidence of hepatic tumors in 10-month-old isogenic mice perinatally exposed to BPA. Here, we evaluated DNA methylation at 3 candidate genes (Esr1, Il-6st, and Stat3) in liver tissue of BPA-exposed mice euthanized at 2 time points: post-natal day 22 (PND22; n = 147) or 10-months of age (n = 78, including n = 18 with hepatic tumors). Additionally, DNA methylation profiles were analyzed at human homologs of murine candidate genes in human fetal liver samples (n = 50) with known liver tissue BPA levels. Candidate genes were chosen based on reported expression changes in both rodent and human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Regions for bisulfite sequencing were chosen by mining whole genome next generation sequencing methylation datasets of both mice and human liver samples with known perinatal BPA exposures. One of 3 candidate genes, Stat3, displayed dose-dependent DNA methylation changes in both 10-month mice with liver tumors as compared to those without liver tumors and 3-week sibling mice from the same exposure study, implicating Stat3 as a potential epigenetic biomarker of both early life BPA exposure and adult disease in mice. DNA methylation profiles within STAT3 varied with liver tissue BPA level in human fetal liver samples as well, suggesting STAT3 may be a translationally relevant candidate biomarker. These data implicate Stat3 as a potential early life biomarker of adult murine liver tumor risk following early BPA exposure with early evidence of relevance to human health.  相似文献   

I propose a T‐cell receptor (TcR)‐based mechanism by which immunity mediates both “genetic self” and “microbial self” thereby, connecting microbiome disease with autoimmunity. The hypothesis is based on simple principles. First, TcR are selected to avoid strong cross‐reactivity with “self,” resulting in selection for a TcR repertoire mimicking “genetic self.” Second, evolution has selected for a “microbial self” that mimics “genetic self” so as to share tolerance. In consequence, our TcR repertoire also mimics microbiome antigenicity, providing a novel mechanism for modulating tolerance to it. Also, the microbiome mimics the TcR repertoire, acting as a secondary immune system. I call this TcR‐microbiome mimicry “holoimmunity” to denote immune tolerance to the “holobiont self.” Logically, microbiome‐host mimicry means that autoimmunity directed at host antigens will also attack components of the microbiome, and conversely, an immunological attack on the microbiome may cross‐react with host antigens producing “holoautoimmunity.”

Personal protection measures against biting arthropods include topical insect repellents, area repellents, insecticide‐treated bednets and treated clothing. The literature on the effectiveness of personal protection products against arthropods is mainly limited to studies of prevention of bites, rather than prevention of disease. Tungiasis was successfully controlled by application of topical repellents and scrub typhus was reduced through the use of treated clothing. Successful reduction of leishmaniasis was achieved through the use of topical repellents, treated bednets and treated clothing in individual studies. Malaria has been reduced by the use of insecticide‐treated bednets (ITN), certain campaigns involving topical repellents, and the combination of treated bednets and topical repellents. Although area repellents such as mosquito coils are used extensively, their ability to protect humans from vector‐transmitted pathogens has not been proven. Taken together, the literature indicates that personal protection measures must be used correctly to be effective. A study that showed successful control of malaria by combining treated bednets and topical repellents suggests that combinations of personal protection measures are likely to be more effective than single methods. Implementation of successful programmes based on personal protection will require a level of cooperation commonly associated with other basic societal functions, such as education and food safety.  相似文献   

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