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Recent studies using V1b receptor (V1bR) knockout mice or central pharmacological manipulations in lactating rats highlighted the influence of this receptor for maternal behavior. However, its role in specific brain sites known to be important for maternal behavior has not been investigated to date. In the present study, we reveal that V1bR mRNA (qPCR) and protein levels (Western blot) within either the medial preoptic area (MPOA) or the medial-posterior part of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (mpBNST) did not differ between virgin and lactating rats. Furthermore, we characterized the effects of V1bR blockade via bilateral injections of the receptor subtype-specific antagonist SSR149415 within the MPOA or the mpBNST on maternal behavior (maternal care under non-stress and stress conditions, maternal motivation to retrieve pups in a novel environment, maternal aggression) and anxiety-related behavior in lactating rats. Blocking V1bR within the MPOA increased pup retrieval, whereas within the mpBNST it decreased pup-directed behavior, specifically licking/grooming the pups, during the maternal defense test. In addition, immediately after termination of the maternal defense test, V1bR antagonism in both brain regions reduced nursing, particularly arched back nursing. Anxiety-related behavior was not affected by V1bR antagonism in either brain region. In conclusion our data indicate that V1bR antagonism significantly modulates different aspects of maternal behavior in a brain region-dependent manner.  相似文献   

Impact of intra- and interstrain cross-fostering on mouse maternal care   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The importance of maternal care in shaping an individual's phenotype in health and disease is becoming more and more apparent in both human and animal studies. However, in mouse studies using inbred strains or knockout mice to analyze the genetic influences on the development of normal and aberrant behavioral phenotypes, maternal behavior is very poorly characterized and often ignored. This study provides an extensive analysis of spontaneous maternal behavior of inbred mice in three conditions: (1) comparing two commonly used strains, (2) analyzing the impact of adopting pups from the same strain (intrastrain cross-fostering) and (3) analyzing the impact of adopting pups from a different strain (interstrain cross-fostering). For each condition, maternal behavior was analyzed continuously over 23-h periods on postnatal days 2, 4, 6 and 9. We report that (1) the maternal behavior of C57BL/6J and DBA/2J dams toward their biological offspring is highly similar, (2) intrastrain cross-fostering has minimal impact on maternal behavior of C57BL/6J and DBA/2J dams, (3) interstrain cross-fostering does not modify the strain differences in maternal care observed between AKR and C3H/He mothers and (4) the pup strain does influence the amount of maternal behavior shown by both mothers in interstrain cross-fostering. These latter findings demonstrate that both mother strain and pup strain are key determinants of maternal behavior.  相似文献   

The relationship between anxiety and maternal behavior has been explored across species using a variety of approaches, yet there is no clear consensus on the nature or direction of this relationship. In the current study, we have assessed stable individual differences in anxiety-like behavior in a large cohort (n=57) of female F2 hybrid mice. Using open-field behavior as a continuous and categorical (high vs. low) measure we examined the relationship between the anxiety-like behavior of virgin F2 females and the subsequent maternal behavior of these females. In addition, we quantified oxytocin (OTR) and vasopressin (V1a) receptor density within the lateral septum to determine the possible correlation with anxiety-like and maternal behavior. We find that, though activity levels within the open-field do predict latency to engage in pup retrieval, anxiety-like measures on this test are otherwise not associated with subsequent maternal behavior. OTR density in the dorsal lateral septum was found to be negatively correlated with activity levels in the open-field and positively correlated with frequency of nursing behavior. V1a receptor density was significantly correlated with postpartum licking/grooming of pups. Though we do not find support for the hypothesis that individual differences in trait anxiety predict variation in maternal behavior, we do find evidence for the role of OTR and V1a receptors in predicting maternal behavior in mice and suggest possible methodological issues (such as distinguishing between trait and state anxiety) that will be a critical consideration for subsequent studies of the anxiety-maternal behavior relationship. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Oxytocin, Vasopressin, and Social Behavior.  相似文献   

Reduced corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) receptor activation in the postpartum period is essential for adequate maternal behavior. One of the factors contributing to this hypo-activity might be the CRF-binding protein (CRF-BP), which likely reduces the availability of free extracellular CRF/urocortin 1. Here, we investigated behavioral effects of acute CRF-BP inhibition using 5 μg of CRF(6-33) administered either centrally or locally within different parts of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) in lactating rats. Additionally, we assessed CRF-BP expression in the BNST comparing virgin and lactating rats.Central CRF-BP inhibition increased maternal aggression during maternal defense but did not affect maternal care or anxiety-related behavior. CRF-BP inhibition in the medial-posterior BNST had no effect on maternal care under non-stress conditions but impaired the reinstatement of maternal care following stressor exposure. Furthermore, maternal aggression, particularly threat behavior, and anxiety-related behavior were elevated by CRF-BP inhibition in the medial-posterior BNST. In the anterior–dorsal BNST, CRF-BP inhibition increased only non-maternal behaviors following stress. Finally, CRF-BP expression was higher in the anterior compared to the posterior BNST but was not different between virgin and lactating rats in either region.Our study demonstrates a key role of the CRF-BP, particularly within the BNST, in modulating CRF's impact on maternal behavior. The CRF-BP is important for the reinstatement of maternal care after stress, for modulating threat behavior during an aggressive encounter and for maintaining a hypo-anxious state during lactation. Thus, the CRF-BP likely contributes to the postpartum-associated down-regulation of the CRF system in a brain region-dependent manner.  相似文献   

Depressive episodes are frequently preceded by stressful life events. Evidence from genetic association studies suggests a role for the glucocorticoid receptor (GR), an essential element in the regulation of stress responses, in the pathophysiology of the disorder. Since the stress response system is affected by pregnancy and postpartum-associated changes, it has also been implicated in the pathophysiology of postpartum depression. Using a 2 × 2 factorial design, we investigated whether a heterozygous deletion of GR would influence maternal care behavior in C57BL/6 and Balb/c mice, two inbred strains known to display qualitative differences in this behavior. Behavioral observation was carried out between postnatal days 1 and 7, followed by a pup retrieval test on postnatal days 7 or 8. While previously noted inter-strain differences were confirmed for different manifestations of caring behavior, self-maintenance and neglecting behaviors as well as the pup retrieval test, no strain-independent effect of the GR mutation was noted. However, an interaction between GR genotype and licking/grooming behavior was observed: it was down-regulated in heterozygous C57BL/6 mice to the level recorded for Balb/c mice. Home cage observation poses minimal disturbance of the dam and her litter as compared to more invasive assessments of dams' emotional behavior. This might be a reason for the absence of any overall effects of the GR mutation, particularly since GR heterozygous animals display a depressive-like phenotype under stressful conditions only. Still, the subtle effect we observed may point towards a role of GR in postpartum affective disorders.  相似文献   

Environmental and social factors have important effects on aggressive behaviors. We examined the effect of reproductive experience on aggression in a biparental species of mouse, Peromyscus californicus. Estrogens are important in mediating aggressive behavior so we also examined estrogen receptor expression and c-fos for insights into possible mechanisms of regulation. Parental males were significantly more aggressive than virgin males, but no significant differences in estrogen receptor alpha or beta expression were detected. Patterns of c-fos following aggression tests suggested possible parallels with maternal aggression. Parental males had more c-fos positive cells in the medial amygdala, and medial preoptic area relative to virgin males. The medial preoptic area is generally considered to be relatively less important for male-male aggression in rodents, but is known to have increased activity in the context of maternal aggression. We also demonstrated through habituation-dishabituation tests that parental males show exaggerated investigation responses to chemical cues from a male intruder, suggesting that heightened sensory responses may contribute to increased parental aggression. These data suggest that, in biparental species, reproductive experience leads to the onset of paternal aggression that may be analogous to maternal aggression.  相似文献   

Prolactin is required for rapid onset of maternal behavior after parturition, inducing adaptive changes in the maternal brain including enhanced neurogenesis in the subventricular zone during pregnancy. The resultant increase in olfactory interneurons may be required for altered processing of olfactory cues during the establishment of maternal behavior. Pheromones act through olfactory pathways to exert powerful effects on behavior in rodents and also affect prolactin secretion. Hence, this study aimed to investigate the effect of male pheromones on neurogenesis and maternal behavior in female mice. Virgin female mice were housed individually or in split-cages where they had pheromonal but not physical contact with a male. Maternal behavior was assessed in a foster pup retrieval paradigm. Some mice were injected with bromodeoxyuridine, and the labeled cells visualized using immunohistochemistry. The data show that exposure to male pheromones, for a duration equivalent to a murine pregnancy, advanced maternal behavior in both virgin and postpartum female mice. The pheromone action was dependent on prolactin and ovarian steroids, and was associated with increased cell proliferation in the subventricular zone and subsequent increases in new neurons in the olfactory bulb. Moreover, the effect of pheromones on both cell proliferation and maternal behavior could be induced solely through administration of exogenous prolactin to mimic the pheromone-induced changes in prolactin secretion. The data suggest that male pheromones induce a prolactin-mediated increase in neurogenesis in female mice, resulting in advanced maternal behavior.  相似文献   

Virgin female rats display maternal behaviors after continuous exposure to pups (sensitization) that are in some respects similar to those of postpartum females. We herein provide a detailed comparison of the "nursing" and other parental behaviors of maternally sensitized virgin females and postpartum lactating dams. Ovariectomized and intact virgin females were exposed to pups until displaying maternal behavior. On the females' fourth day of maternal responsiveness, the pups were removed for 3 h and then returned, and subject-litter interactions were observed for 45 min. Behavior of maternal virgins was compared with that of lactating dams observed on day 4 postpartum interacting with either suckling pups or pups unable to suckle due to perioral anesthesia. Ovariectomy had no effect on behavior of virgins. Retrieval and licking of pups were deficient in virgins compared with lactating dams. Suckled dams showed prolonged kyphosis (upright crouched nursing), whereas nonsuckled dams displayed little kyphosis but rather were often in a hunched position over pups. Some aspects of quiescent "nursing" behaviors of virgins were surprisingly similar to those of suckled dams, including the latency to and duration of quiescence. Nonsuckling pup stimulation elicited more kyphosis in virgins than in lactating dams, which was still much less than in suckled dams. Virgins also "nursed" pups in hunched and prone postures. Differences between sensitized and postpartum females in their maternal behaviors likely reflect differences in motivation as well as sensory inputs they receive from pups. In particular, sensory regulation of "nursing" behaviors is influenced by reproductive state because nonsuckling pups elicit different postural responses in sensitized and lactating mothers.  相似文献   

Lactating female rodents protect their pups by expressing fierce aggression, termed maternal aggression, toward intruders. Mice lacking the neuronal nitric oxide synthase gene (nNOS-/-) exhibit significantly impaired maternal aggression, but increased male aggression, suggesting that nitric oxide (NO) produced by nNOS has opposite actions in maternal and male aggression. In contrast, mice lacking the endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene (eNOS-/-) exhibit almost no male aggression, suggesting that NO produced by eNOS facilitates male aggression. In the present study, maternal aggression in eNOS-/- mice was examined and found to be normal relative to wild-type (WT) mice in terms of the percentage displaying aggression, the average number of attacks against a male intruder, and the total amount of time spent attacking the male intruder. The eNOS-/- females also displayed normal pup retrieval behavior. Because a significant elevation of citrulline, an indirect marker of NO synthesis, occurs in neurons of the hypothalamus of lactating WT mice in association with maternal aggression, we examined the brains of eNOS-/- females for citrulline immunoreactivity following an aggressive encounter. The aggressive eNOS-/- females exhibited a significant elevation of citrulline in the medial preoptic nucleus and the subparaventricular zone of the hypothalamus relative to unstimulated lactating eNOS-/- females. Taken together, these results suggest that NO produced by eNOS neither facilitates nor inhibits maternal aggression and that NO produced by eNOS has a different role in maternal and male aggression.  相似文献   

During late pregnancy, female mice of the DBA/2J inbred strain are more likely to exhibit aggressive behavior toward a standard stimulus intruder male than C57BL/6J females. This strain difference can not be accounted for by differences in circulating levels of progesterone (P) since pregnant DBA/2J and C57BL/6J females exhibit similar patterns of the steroid throughout pregnancy. Upon receiving subcutaneously implanted Silastic capsules containing P, virgin DBA/2J mice are more likely than virgin C57BL/6J to respond to the steroid by exhibiting aggression. Strain differences in the aggressive behavior exhibited by pregnant mice may be related to genotype-based variation in central neural tissue sensitivity to P.  相似文献   

The roles of ionotropic glutamate receptors in mammalian reproduction are unknown. We therefore generated mice lacking a major subtype of (S)-alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) receptors or all N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptors in GnRH neurons and other mainly limbic system neurons, primarily in hypothalamic and septal areas. Male mice without NMDA receptors in these neurons were not impaired in breeding and exhibited similar GnRH secretion as control littermates. However, male mice lacking GluR-B containing AMPA receptors in these neurons were poor breeders and severely impaired in reproductive behaviors such as aggression and mounting. Testis and sperm morphology, testis weight, and serum testosterone levels, as well as GnRH secretion, were unchanged. Contact with female cage bedding failed to elicit male sexual behavior in these mice, unlike in control male littermates. Their female counterparts had unchanged ovarian morphology, had bred successfully, and had normal litter sizes but exhibited pronounced impairments in maternal behaviors such as pup retrieval and maternal aggression. Our results suggest that NMDA receptors and GluR-B containing AMPA receptors are not essential for fertility, but that GluR-B containing AMPA receptors are essential for male and female reproduction-related behaviors, perhaps by mediating responses to pheromones or odorants.  相似文献   

The brain vasopressin system mediates various social behaviors as has been studied mostly in males. Only recently, advances in social neuroscience revealed that central vasopressin signaling via its V1a and V1b receptors also facilitates female social behavior, including maternal behavior. In this review, we show how maternal care, maternal motivation and maternal aggression of lactating rat mothers are modulated in a V1 receptor subtype‐ and brain region‐specific manner. Measuring local release pattern of vasopressin via intracerebral microdialysis in the behaving rat mother as well as using pharmacological approaches to activate or block vasopressin receptors with subsequent behavioral observation provide detailed insight into the functional role of the vasopressin system in maternal behavior. In this context, the complementary rat animal model of high (HAB) and low anxiety‐related behavior (LAB) is particularly helpful due to the genetically determined high activity of the vasopressin gene in HAB rats, which also underlies their high levels of maternal behavior. Furthermore, first studies in humans indicate that the vasopressin system in general and the V1a receptor in more particular might mediate mothering.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that mice with a targeted disruption of their vasopressin 1b receptor gene, Avpr1b, have mild impairments in social recognition and reduced aggression. The reductions in aggression are limited to social forms of aggression, i.e., maternal and inter-male aggression, while predatory aggression remains unaffected. To further clarify the role of the Avpr1b in the regulation of social behavior we first examined anxiety-like and depression-like behaviors in Avpr1b knockout (Avpr1b −/−) mice. We then went on to test the ability of Avpr1b −/− mice to form dominance hierarchies. No major differences were found between Avpr1b −/− and wildtype mice in anxiety-like behaviors, as measured using an elevated plus maze and an open field test, or depression-like behaviors, as measured using a forced swim test. In the social dominance study we found that Avpr1b −/− mice are able to form dominance hierarchies, though in early hierarchy formation dominant Avpr1b −/− mice display significantly more mounting behavior on Day 1 of testing compared to wildtype controls. Further, non-socially dominant Avpr1b −/− mice spend less time engaged in attack behavior than wildtype controls. These findings suggest that while Avpr1b −/− mice may be able to form dominance hierarchies they appear to employ alternate strategies.  相似文献   

This article is part of a Special Issue “Chemosignals and Reproduction”.This paper reviews the role of chemosignals in the socio-sexual interactions of female mice, and reports two experiments testing the role of pup-derived chemosignals and the male sexual pheromone darcin in inducing and promoting maternal aggression. Female mice are attracted to urine-borne male pheromones. Volatile and non-volatile urine fractions have been proposed to contain olfactory and vomeronasal pheromones. In particular, the male-specific major urinary protein (MUP) MUP20, darcin, has been shown to be rewarding and attractive to females. Non-urinary male chemosignals, such as the lacrimal protein ESP1, promote lordosis in female mice, but its attractive properties are still to be tested. There is evidence indicating that ESP1 and MUPs are detected by vomeronasal type 2 receptors (V2R).When a female mouse becomes pregnant, she undergoes dramatic changes in her physiology and behaviour. She builds a nest for her pups and takes care of them. Dams also defend the nest against conspecific intruders, attacking especially gonadally intact males. Maternal behaviour is dependent on a functional olfactory system, thus suggesting a role of chemosignals in the development of maternal behaviour. Our first experiment demonstrates, however, that pup chemosignals are not sufficient to induce maternal aggression in virgin females. In addition, it is known that vomeronasal stimuli are needed for maternal aggression. Since MUPs (and other molecules) are able to promote intermale aggression, in our second experiment we test if the attractive MUP darcin also promotes attacks on castrated male intruders by lactating dams. Our findings demonstrate that the same chemosignal, darcin, promotes attraction or aggression according to female reproductive state.  相似文献   

The relationship among ultrasonic vocalization (USV), prolactin and maternal behavior was investigated in lactating rat mothers and their pups. The lactating mother had a cannula inserted into the external jugular vein, and was exposed to USVs emitted from a pup immediately. Changes of prolactin and maternal behavior were determined. Prolactin increased dramatically during exposure to USVs, when maternal search, retrieving and nest building behavior appeared significantly. These results suggested that the relationship among USV, prolactin and maternal behavior was included in communication between lactating mother and pup.  相似文献   

The behavioral effects of opiate agonists and antagonists were studied on the female aggression model. Mu-agonist buprenorphine more selectively decreased maternal aggression than kappa-agonist tifluadom. Kappa-agonists (bremazocine, tifluadom) increased passive defence in lactating female rats. Ethopharmacological data shows predominant involvement of brain mu-opiate receptor system in the integrative processes of maternal behavior and maternal aggression in particular.  相似文献   

Performance of major components of maternal care was evaluated quantitatively in several test situations for various groups of rats. Maternal behavior of concaveated ovaríectomized virgin females and castrated males was inferior on a variety of measures to that of concaveated intact virgin females. However, concaveated intact virgin females were markedly inferior to natural mothers on measures of nest building and responsiveness to an intruder. Thus, it was found that test situations other than the standard homecage test revealed previously undetected group differences and that the occurrence of pup retrieval is not a valid predictor of the performance of some major components of maternal care. In addition, it was concluded that gonadal hormones partially determine the quality of maternal responsiveness displayed by virgin females, but that gonadal hormones characteristic of the cycling female are not sufficient to increase maternal responsiveness to the level seen with natural mothers. Possible relationships between pup-induced maternal behavior and that of natural mothers are discussed.  相似文献   

Hypocretin-1 and 2 (HCRT-1 and HCRT-2, respectively) are neuropeptides synthesized by neurons located in the postero-lateral hypothalamus, whose projections are widely distributed throughout the brain. The hypocretinergic (HCRTergic) system has been associated with the generation and maintenance of wakefulness, as well as with the promotion of motivated behaviors. In lactating rats, intra-cerebroventricular HCRT-1 administration stimulates maternal behavior, whilst lactation per se increases the expression of HCRT type 1 receptor (HCRT-R1). Due to the fact that HCRTergic receptors are expressed in the medial preoptic area (mPOA), a region critically involved in maternal behavior, we hypothesize that HCRT-1 promotes maternal behavior acting on this region. In order to evaluate this hypothesis, we assessed the maternal behavior of lactating rats following microinjections of HCRT-1 (10 or 100 μM) and the selective HCRT-R1 antagonist SB-334867 (250 μM) into the mPOA, during the first and second postpartum weeks. While intra-mPOA microinjections of HCRT-1 (100 μM) increased corporal pup licking during the second postpartum week, the blockade of HCRT-R1 significantly decreased active components of maternal behavior, such as retrievals, corporal and ano-genital lickings, and increased the time spent in nursing postures in both postpartum periods. We conclude that HCRTergic system in the mPOA may stimulate maternal behavior, suggesting that endogenous HCRT-1 is necessary for the natural display of this behavior.  相似文献   

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