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One of the means of creating a more robust methodology for ecological restoration involves reducing the gap between ecological theory and restoration practices. A common strategy to do so is using meta‐analysis to understand key drivers of restoration outcomes. “Active” and “passive” is a dichotomy often used to separate restoration strategies in such meta‐analyses. We investigate previously raised concerns about selection bias and subjective categorization of strategies. We promote a paired experimental design in future empirical research and propose the use of three categories of restoration strategy in lieu of “passive” and “active” to alleviate inconsistency in definitions and categorization.  相似文献   

Sidedness polymorphism in flatfish has been linked to ecological selection between morphs. However, the alternate hypothesis that morphological differences between right‐ and left‐sided forms may be due to errors during development, as a consequence of disturbed homeostasis, which still remains largely unexplored. Here, we examined the case of Platichthys flesus (flounder), a polymorphic flatfish exhibiting large and clinal variation in the frequency of the left‐sided morph, which is the reversed condition in this generally right‐sided species. An integrated approach consisting of the analyses of shape variation, stomach contents, and skeletal anomalies was used. Morphological differences were observed between morphs, which are in agreement with previous findings in a congeneric species (Platichthys stellatus). In parallel, significant differences in feeding choices were detected, suggesting a coherent association between subtle morphological differences between morphs and their use of trophic resources. Skeletal anomalies and meristic counts did not corroborate the hypothesis that morphometric divergence in reversed individuals may be caused or reinforced by developmental instability. J. Morphol. 2012. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic methods can produce biased estimates of phylogeny when base composition varies along different lineages. Pettigrew (1994,Curr. Biol.4:277–280) has suggested that base composition bias is responsible for the apparent support for the monophyly of bats (Chiroptera: megabats and microbats) from several different nuclear and mitochondrial genes. Pettigrew's “flying DNA” hypothesis makes several predictions: (1) that metabolic constraints associated with flying result in elevated levels of adenine and thymine throughout the genome of both megabats and microbats, (2) that the resulting base compositional bias in bats is sufficient to mislead phylogenetic methods and account for the support for bat monophyly from several nuclear and mitochondrial genes, and (3) that phylogenetic analysis using pairwise distances corrected for compositional bias should eliminate the support for bat monophyly. We tested these predictions by analyzing DNA sequences from two nuclear and three mitochondrial genes. The predicted base compositional bias does not appear to exist in some of the genes, and in other genes the differences in AT content are very small. Analyses under a wide diversity of criteria and models of evolution, including analyses that take base composition into account (using log-determinant distances), all strongly support bat monophyly. Moreover, simulation analyses indicate that even extreme bias toward AT-base composition in bats would be insufficient to explain the observed levels of support for bat monophyly. These analyses provide no support for the “flying DNA” hypothesis, whereas the monophyly of bats appears to be well supported by the DNA sequence data.  相似文献   

The ovipositional behavior of parasitoids and other insects is often described by phrases such as “motivation to oviposit” or “ovipositional drive”. This paper shows how an evolutionary (i.e. functional) interpretation can be given to such phrases. A detailed model for the parasitisation of Sycamore aphids by M. pseudoplatani is developed, using experiments by Collins and Dixon (1986). Two models are developed: i) one in which egg complement is the only state variable and ii) one in which egg complement and information concerning host densities are state variables. Comparisons of the behaviour of simulated parasitoids, using the decisions associated with the models, and the experiments suggest that both egg complement and information are important for the parasitoid's decision making. Accepting previously parasitized hosts may be optimal, and not simply an error in parasitoid perception. A number of other detailed predictions are made, such as the relative fitness of first and second eggs in superparasitized hosts and the nature of the memory of the parasitoid.  相似文献   

Phylum Tardigrada consists of ~1000 tiny, hardy metazoan species distributed throughout terrestrial, limno‐terrestrial and oceanic habitats. Their phylogenetic status has been debated, with current evidence placing them in the Ecdysozoa. Although there have been efforts to explore tardigrade phylogeny using both morphological and molecular data, limitations such as their few morphological characters and low genomic DNA concentrations have resulted in restricted taxonomic coverage. Using a protocol that allows us to identify and extract DNA from individuals, we have sequenced 18S rDNA from 343 tardigrades from across the globe. Using maximum parsimony and Bayesian analyses we have found support for dividing Order Parachela into three super‐families and further evidence that indicates the traditional taxonomic perspective of families in the class Eutardigrada are nonmonophyletic and require re‐working. It appears that conserved morphology within Tardigrada has resulted in conservative taxonomy as we have found cases of several discrete lineages grouped into single genera. Although this work substantially adds to the understanding of the evolution and taxonomy of the phylum, we highlight that inferences gained from this work are likely to be refined with the inclusion of further taxa—specifically representatives of the nine families yet to be sampled. © The Willi Hennig Society 2008.  相似文献   

Sexual dichromatism is widespread among animals, but examples of “reverse” sexual dichromatism, in which females are more brightly colored than males, are extremely rare. We discovered a unique case of reverse sexual dichromatism in the golden rocket frog (Anomaloglossus beebei), a diurnal Neotropical frog. Females are bright “golden” in color, and males are drab tan with brown pigmentation that darkens when they are calling. Here, we document this color variation with calibrated digital photography and further show that there is no evidence for sex‐specific habitat matching; both sexes live in the same well‐lit habitat on green bromeliad leaves. Our results suggest that color variation in this species is an intraspecific signal and provide an important exception to the general expectation that males are more visually conspicuous in species with conventional sex roles.  相似文献   

In a variety of taxa, males deploy alternative reproductive tactics to secure fertilizations. In many species, small “sneaker” males attempt to steal fertilizations while avoiding encounters with larger, more aggressive, dominant males. Sneaker males usually face a number of disadvantages, including reduced access to females and the higher likelihood that upon ejaculation, their sperm face competition from other males. Nevertheless, sneaker males represent an evolutionarily stable strategy under a wide range of conditions. Game theory suggests that sneaker males compensate for these disadvantages by investing disproportionately in spermatogenesis, by producing more sperm per unit body mass (the “fair raffle”) and/or by producing higher quality sperm (the “loaded raffle”). Here, we test these models by competing sperm from sneaker “jack” males against sperm from dominant “hooknose” males in Chinook salmon. Using two complementary approaches, we reject the fair raffle in favor of the loaded raffle and estimate that jack males were ~1.35 times as likely as hooknose males to fertilize eggs under controlled competitive conditions. Interestingly, the direction and magnitude of this skew in paternity shifted according to individual female egg donors, suggesting cryptic female choice could moderate the outcomes of sperm competition in this externally fertilizing species.  相似文献   

Many chemical and food processing wastes are deficient in nitrogen, and must therefore be supplemented with domestic sewage or ammonia to dispose of them by conventional biological treatment. A more economical treatment, especially of strong wastes, is possible by maintaining a semipure culture of nitrogen-fixing bacteria in a stirred aerated tank. When operated as a chemostat with 4 to 6 hr detention time, removal of 85% of the COD is possible in a single step without the need for clarifiers or digesters. A clarified effluent could also be produced by flotation or sedimentation of the flocculated bacteria. In that case there would be 99% removal of COD and a reduction in the amount of sludge by two-thirds over the conventional activated sludge process.  相似文献   

Abstract: In algae different types of plastids are known, which vary in pigment content and ultrastructure, providing an opportunity to study their evolutionary origin. One interesting feature is the number of envelope membranes surrounding the plastids. Red algae, green algae and glaucophytes have plastids with two membranes. They are thought to originate from a primary endocytobiosis event, a process in which a prokaryotic cyanobacterium was engulfed by a eukaryotic host cell and transformed into a plastid. Several other algal groups, like euglenophytes and heterokont algae (diatoms, brown algae, etc.), have plastids with three or four surrounding membranes, respectively, probably reflecting the evolution of these organisms by so‐called secondary endocytobiosis, which is the uptake of a eukaryotic alga by a eukaryotic host cell. A prerequisite for the successful establishment of primary or secondary endocytobiosis must be the development of suitable protein targeting machineries to allow the transport of nucleus‐encoded plastid proteins across the various plastid envelope membranes. Here, we discuss the possible evolution of such protein transport systems. We propose that the secretory system of the respective host cell might have been the essential tool to establish protein transport into primary as well as into secondary plastids.  相似文献   

Many fields of science—including behavioral ecology—currently experience a heated debate about the extent to which publication bias against null findings results in a misrepresentative scientific literature. Here, we show a case of an extreme mismatch between strong positive support for an effect in the literature and a failure to detect this effect across multiple attempts at replication. For decades, researchers working with birds have individually marked their study species with colored leg bands. For the zebra finch Taeniopygia guttata, a model organism in behavioral ecology, many studies over the past 35 years have reported effects of bands of certain colors on male or female attractiveness and further on behavior, physiology, life history, and fitness. Only eight of 39 publications presented exclusively null findings. Here, we analyze the results of eight experiments in which we quantified the fitness of a total of 730 color‐banded individuals from four captive populations (two domesticated and two recently wild derived). This sample size exceeds the combined sample size of all 23 publications that clearly support the “color‐band effect” hypothesis. We found that band color explains no variance in either male or female fitness. We also found no heterogeneity in color‐band effects, arguing against both context and population specificity. Analysis of unpublished data from three other laboratories strengthens the generality of our null finding. Finally, a meta‐analysis of previously published results is indicative of selective reporting and suggests that the effect size approaches zero when sample size is large. We argue that our field—and science in general—would benefit from more effective means to counter confirmation bias and publication bias.  相似文献   

Anthropologists are increasingly turning to explicit model‐bound evolutionary approaches for understanding the morphological diversification of humans and other primate lineages. Such evolutionary morphological analyses rely on three interconnected conceptual frameworks; multivariate morphometrics for quantifying similarity and differences among taxa, quantitative genetics for modeling the inheritance and evolution of morphology, and neutral theory for assessing the likelihood that taxon diversification is due to stochastic processes such as genetic drift. Importantly, neutral theory provides a framework for testing more parsimonious explanations for observed morphological differences before considering more complex adaptive scenarios. However, the consistency with which these concepts are applied varies considerably, which mirrors some of the theoretical obstacles faced during the “modern synthesis” of classical population genetics in the early 20th century. Here, each framework is reviewed and some potential stumbling blocks to the full conceptual integration of multivariate morphometrics, quantitative genetics, and neutral theory are considered.  相似文献   

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