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The tree of life is highly asymmetrical in its clade wise species richness, and this has often been attributed to variation in diversification rates either across time or lineages. Variations across lineages are usually associated with traits that increase lineage diversification. Certain traits can also hinder diversification by increasing extinction, and such traits are called evolutionary dead ends. Ecological specialization has usually been considered as an evolutionary dead end. However, recent analyses of specializations along single axes have provided mixed support for this model. Here, we test if fossoriality, a trait that forces specialization at multiple axes, acts as an evolutionary dead end in squamates (lizards and snakes) using recently developed phylogenetic comparative methods. We show that fossoriality is an evolutionary dead end in snakes but not in lizards. Fossorial snakes exhibit reduced speciation and increased extinction compared to nonfossorial snakes. Our analysis also indicates that transition rates from fossoriality to nonfossoriality in snakes are significantly lower than transition rates from nonfossoriality to fossoriality. Overall our results suggest that broad‐scale ecological interactions that lead to specialization at multiple axes limit diversification.  相似文献   

Specialization has often been claimed to be an evolutionary dead end, with specialist lineages having a reduced capacity to persist or diversify. In a phylogenetic comparative framework, an evolutionary dead end may be detectable from the phylogenetic distribution of specialists, if specialists rarely give rise to large, diverse clades. Previous phylogenetic studies of the influence of specialization on macroevolutionary processes have demonstrated a range of patterns, including examples where specialists have both higher and lower diversification rates than generalists, as well as examples where the rates of evolutionary transitions from generalists to specialists are higher, lower or equal to transitions from specialists to generalists. Here, we wish to ask whether these varied answers are due to the differences in macroevolutionary processes in different clades, or partly due to differences in methodology. We analysed ten phylogenies containing multiple independent origins of specialization and quantified the phylogenetic distribution of specialists by applying a common set of metrics to all datasets. We compared the tip branch lengths of specialists to generalists, the size of specialist clades arising from each evolutionary origin of a specialized trait and whether specialists tend to be clustered or scattered on phylogenies. For each of these measures, we compared the observed values to expectations under null models of trait evolution and expected outcomes under alternative macroevolutionary scenarios. We found that specialization is sometimes an evolutionary dead end: in two of the ten case studies (pollinator‐specific plants and host‐specific flies), specialization is associated with a reduced rate of diversification or trait persistence. However, in the majority of studies, we could not distinguish the observed phylogenetic distribution of specialists from null models in which specialization has no effect on diversification or trait persistence.  相似文献   

Caves are perceived as isolated, extreme habitats with a uniquely specialized biota, which long ago led to the idea that caves are “evolutionary dead‐ends.” This implies that cave‐adapted taxa may be doomed for extinction before they can diversify or transition to a more stable state. However, this hypothesis has not been explicitly tested in a phylogenetic framework with multiple independently evolved cave‐dwelling groups. Here, we use the freshwater crayfish, a group with dozens of cave‐dwelling species in multiple lineages, as a system to test this hypothesis. We consider historical patterns of lineage diversification and habitat transition as well as current patterns of geographic range size. We find that while cave‐dwelling lineages have small relative range sizes and rarely transition back to the surface, they exhibit remarkably similar diversification patterns to those of other habitat types and appear to be able to maintain a diversity of lineages through time. This suggests that cave adaptation is not a “dead‐end” for freshwater crayfish, which has positive implications for our understanding of biodiversity and conservation in cave habitats.  相似文献   

The loss of sexual recombination and segregation in asexual organisms has been portrayed as an irreversible process that commits asexually reproducing lineages to reduced diversification. We test this hypothesis by estimating rates of speciation, extinction, and transition between sexuality and functional asexuality in the evening primroses. Specifically, we estimate these rates using the recently developed BiSSE (Binary State Speciation and Extinction) phylogenetic comparative method, which employs maximum likelihood and Bayesian techniques. We infer that net diversification rates (speciation minus extinction) in functionally asexual evening primrose lineages are roughly eight times faster than diversification rates in sexual lineages, largely due to higher speciation rates in asexual lineages. We further reject the hypothesis that a loss of recombination and segregation is irreversible because the transition rate from functional asexuality to sexuality is significantly greater than zero and in fact exceeded the reverse rate. These results provide the first empirical evidence in support of the alternative theoretical prediction that asexual populations should instead diversify more rapidly than sexual populations because they are free from the homogenizing effects of sexual recombination and segregation. Although asexual reproduction may often constrain adaptive evolution, our results show that the loss of recombination and segregation need not be an evolutionary dead end in terms of diversification of lineages.  相似文献   

Marine rockpools represent a dynamic ecosystem where inhabiting species usually suffer changeable conditions, with consequent phenomena of local populations’ size expansions and reductions. Nevertheless, a few specialized insect groups are known to live in marine rockpools, and among them, several species belong to the water beetle family Hydraenidae. Three groups of Ochthebius sensu lato (s.l.) live in fact in marine rockpools: the putative subgenus Calobius, the former subgenus Cobalius (both mostly Mediterranean–Macaronesian) and two species of the O. capicola group from South Africa. In this work, we performed a molecular phylogeny of Ochthebius s.l., running molecular clocks, aiming to address the following questions: Are these three groups related? Which is their position within Ochthebius s.l.? How many different times and in how many lineages of Ochthebius s.l. a shift from inland waters to marine rockpools environments happened? Is the current taxonomic status of these three groups supported by genetics? We found that Calobius, Cobalius and the O. capicola group represent three distinct groups, with no sister relationships, suggesting that a shift from fresh/brackish waters to marine rockpools happened independently at least three different times along the diversification of the genus. Cobalius represents an effective separate subgenus, whereas such a rank is not supported by molecular data for Calobius, which represents a monophyletic clade within the nominal subgenus Ochthebius sensu stricto (s.str.). However, as Calobius is monophyletic and characterized by strongly peculiar and distinguishing morphology, we suggest referring to this group as the ‘Calobius’ lineage. Three Mediterranean taxa within this lineage represent likely valid new species, to be described soon. In the same way, the taxonomy of Cobalius should be revised, with two previously formally recognized species found to be paraphyletic, and the possible presence of two additional cryptic species.  相似文献   

Ecological diversification of aquatic insects has long been suspected to have been driven by differences in freshwater habitats, which can be classified into flowing (lotic) waters and standing (lentic) waters. The contrasting characteristics of lotic and lentic freshwater systems imply different ecological constraints on their inhabitants. The ephemeral and discontinuous character of most lentic water bodies may encourage dispersal by lentic species in turn reducing geographical isolation among populations. Hence, speciation probability would be lower in lentic species. Here, we assess the impact of habitat use on diversification patterns in dragonflies (Anisoptera: Odonata). Based on the eight nuclear and mitochondrial genes, we inferred species diversification with a model‐based evolutionary framework, to account for rate variation through time and among lineages and to estimate the impact of larval habitat on the potentially nonrandom diversification among anisopteran groups. Ancestral state reconstruction revealed lotic fresh water systems as their original primary habitat, while lentic waters have been colonized independently in Aeshnidae, Corduliidae and Libellulidae. Furthermore, our results indicate a positive correlation of speciation and lentic habitat colonization by dragonflies: speciation rates increased in lentic Aeshnidae and Libellulidae, whereas they remain mostly uniform among lotic groups. This contradicts the hypothesis of inherently lower speciation in lentic groups and suggests species with larger ranges are more likely to diversify, perhaps due to higher probability of larger areas being dissected by geographical barriers. Furthermore, larger range sizes may comprise more habitat types, which could also promote speciation by providing additional niches, allowing the coexistence of emerging species.  相似文献   

The scorpion family Typhlochactidae Mitchell, 1971 is endemic to eastern Mexico and exclusively troglomorphic. Six of the nine species in the family are hypogean (troglobitic), morphologically specialized for life in the cave environment, whereas three are endogean (humicolous) and comparably less specialized. The family therefore provides a model for testing the hypotheses that ecological specialists (stenotopes) evolve from generalist ancestors (eurytopes) and that specialization (in this case to the cavernicolous habitat) is an irreversible, evolutionary dead‐end that ultimately leads to extinction. Due to their cryptic ecology, inaccessible habitat, and apparently low population density, Typhlochactidae are very poorly known. The monophyly of these troglomorphic scorpions has never been rigorously tested, nor has their phylogeny been investigated in a quantitative analysis. We test and confirm their monophyly with a cladistic analysis of 195 morphological characters (142 phylogenetically informative), the first for a group of scorpions in which primary homology of pedipalp trichobothria was determined strictly according to topographical identity (the “placeholder approach”). The phylogeny of Typhlochactidae challenges the conventional wisdom that ecological specialization (stenotopy) is unidirectional and irreversible, falsifying Cope’s Law of the unspecialized and Dollo’s Law of evolutionary irreversibility. Troglobitism is not an evolutionary dead‐end: endogean scorpions evolved from hypogean ancestors on more than one occasion. © The Willi Hennig Society 2009.  相似文献   

Aim To investigate the impact of climatic oscillations and recognized biogeographic barriers on the evolutionary history of the garden skink (Lampropholis guichenoti), a common and widespread vertebrate in south‐eastern Australia. Location South‐eastern Australia. Methods Sequence data were obtained from the ND4 mitochondrial gene for 123 individuals from 64 populations across the entire distribution of the garden skink. A range of phylogenetic (maximum likelihood, Bayesian) and phylogeographic analyses (genetic diversity, Tajima’s D, ΦST, mismatch distribution) were conducted to examine the evolutionary history and diversification of the garden skink. Results A deep phylogeographic break (c. 14%), estimated to have occurred in the mid–late Miocene, was found between ‘northern’ and ‘southern’ populations across the Hunter Valley in northern New South Wales. Divergences among the geographically structured clades within the ‘northern’ (five clades) and ‘southern’ (seven clades) lineages occurred during the Pliocene, with the location of the major breaks corresponding to the recognized biogeographic barriers in south‐eastern Australia. Main conclusions Climatic fluctuations and the presence of several elevational and habitat barriers in south‐eastern Australia appear to be responsible for the diversification of the garden skink over the last 10 Myr. Further molecular and morphological work will be required to determine whether the two genetic lineages represent distinct species.  相似文献   



Molecular studies have revealed that many putative 'species' are actually complexes of multiple morphologically conservative, but genetically divergent 'cryptic species'. In extreme cases processes such as non-adaptive diversification (speciation without divergent selection) could mask the existence of ancient lineages as divergent as ecologically and morphologically diverse radiations recognised as genera or even families in related groups. The identification of such ancient, but cryptic, lineages has important ramifications for conservation, biogeography and evolutionary biology. Herein, we use an integrated multilocus genetic dataset (allozymes, mtDNA and nuclear DNA) to test whether disjunct populations of the widespread nominal Australian gecko species Crenadactylus ocellatus include distinct evolutionary lineages (species), and to examine the timing of diversification among these populations.  相似文献   

Mountain‐associated species, which exhibit allopatric distributions associated with elevation, endemisms and complex evolutionary histories, pose challenging evolutionary scenarios in which to discern the diversification of species. The Peromyscus mexicanus mice group, distributed along mountains in southern Mexico and Central America, is morphometrically variable, a key rationale for the ongoing controversy regarding its species delimitation. Based on the recognized 15 mitochondrial lineages for the group, we analysed external and craniodental morphometric variables to test whether lineages can be differentiated morphometrically and allow for the delimitation of species. We also aimed to test the prediction that the phylogenetic structure of the morphometric data is concordant with that of the molecular information. Based on 19 craniodental measurements from 521 specimens, multivariate and discriminant analyses showed that lineages are morphometrically discernible, representing distinct phenotypes, and that overall size and mandible measurements are significant features that discriminate lineages, supporting hypotheses about differences in feeding habits between species. Also, a pattern of increasing size with elevation was observed, further supported by specific morphological differences exhibited between highland and lowland lineages inhabiting the same mountain. Our results demonstrate that P. mexicanus is both genetically and morphometrically variable, where most highland montane species are differentiated from lowland species; also, a significant correlation between mitochondrial and morphometric information is indicative of phenetic concordance, altogether in agreement with a recent taxonomic proposal for the group. We suggest that the group's intricate diversification responds to ecological diversification and adaptation to a variety of mountain habitats and Pleistocene biogeographic climatic dynamics.  相似文献   

Refugia play a critical role in preserving species unable to move or adapt to cope with environmental change. The role of refugia as ‘museums of diversity’ means these environments have a high conservation priority. Less well known, however, is the role that isolated and fragmented refugia can play in the generation of new diversity. Here, we examined the diversification and evolutionary history of a community of endemic invertebrates that inhabit Australian desert spring refugia. We compared the phylogenies of seven endemic groups (Haloniscus and Phreatomerus isopods, chiltoniid amphipods, Ngarawa ostracods, Trochidrobia and Fonscochlea snails and Gymnochthebius beetles) from these springs and examine the rates and timing of diversification and reconstructed the phylogeographic history of each taxon. Despite major life‐history differences among these taxa, they demonstrate remarkable similarities in their evolutionary histories. All groups have multiple lineages that extend back to a time before the formation of present‐day deserts, and significant geographic‐based diversification since adapting to a refugial habitat. The results provide further evidence that refugia act as museums of biodiversity, preserving lineages that would have otherwise gone extinct. However, we also observed that isolation in refugia corresponds with significant diversification, leading to a recently evolved, novel endemic fauna, supporting the idea that fragmented refugia provide ideal conditions for the generation of future biodiversity hotspots.  相似文献   

Habitat use may lead to variation in diversity among evolutionary lineages because habitats differ in the variety of ways they allow for species to make a living. Here, we show that structural habitats contribute to differential diversification of limb and body form in dragon lizards (Agamidae). Based on phylogenetic analysis and ancestral state reconstructions for 90 species, we find that multiple lineages have independently adopted each of four habitat use types: rock‐dwelling, terrestriality, semi‐arboreality and arboreality. Given these reconstructions, we fit models of evolution to species’ morphological trait values and find that rock‐dwelling and arboreality limit diversification relative to terrestriality and semi‐arboreality. Models preferred by Akaike information criterion infer slower rates of size and shape evolution in lineages inferred to occupy rocks and trees, and model‐averaged rate estimates are slowest for these habitat types. These results suggest that ground‐dwelling facilitates ecomorphological differentiation and that use of trees or rocks impedes diversification.  相似文献   

Metazoan inhabitants of extreme environments typically evolved from forms found in less extreme habitats. Understanding the prevalence with which animals move into and ultimately thrive in extreme environments is critical to elucidating how complex life adapts to extreme conditions. Methane seep sediments along the Oregon and California margins have low oxygen and very high hydrogen sulfide levels, rendering them inhospitable to many life forms. Nonetheless, several closely related lineages of dorvilleid annelids, including members of Ophryotrocha, Parougia, and Exallopus, thrive at these sites in association with bacterial mats and vesicomyid clam beds. These organisms are ideal for examining adaptive radiations in extreme environments. Did dorvilleid annelids invade these extreme environments once and then diversify? Alternatively, did multiple independent lineages adapt to seep conditions? To address these questions, we examined the evolutionary history of methane-seep dorvilleids using 16S and Cyt b genes in an ecological context. Our results indicate that dorvilleids invaded these extreme habitats at least four times, implying preadaptation to life at seeps. Additionally, we recovered considerably more dorvilleid diversity than is currently recognized. A total of 3 major clades (designated “Ophryotrocha,” “Mixed Genera” and “Parougia”) and 12 terminal lineages or species were encountered. Two of these lineages represented a known species, Parougia oregonensis, whereas the remaining 10 lineages were newly discovered species. Certain lineages exhibited affinity to geography, habitat, sediment depth, and/or diet, suggesting that dorvilleids at methane seeps radiated via specialization and resource partitioning.  相似文献   

The origins of evolutionary radiations are often traced to the colonization of novel adaptive zones, including unoccupied habitats or unutilized resources. For herbivorous insects, the predominant mechanism of diversification is typically assumed to be a shift onto a novel lineage of host plants. However, other drivers of diversification are important in shaping evolutionary history, especially for groups residing in regions with complex geological histories. We evaluated the contributions of shifts in host plant clade, bioregion, and elevation to diversification in Eois (Lepidoptera: Geometridae), a hyper‐diverse genus of moths found throughout the Neotropics. Relationships among 107 taxa were reconstructed using one mitochondrial and two nuclear genes. In addition, we used a genotyping‐by‐sequencing approach to generate 4641 SNPs for 137 taxa. Both datasets yielded similar phylogenetic histories, with relationships structured by host plant clade, bioregion, and elevation. While diversification of basal lineages often coincided with host clade shifts, more recent speciation events were more typically associated with shifts across bioregions or elevational gradients. Overall, patterns of diversification in Eois are consistent with the perspective that shifts across multiple adaptive zones synergistically drive diversification in hyper‐diverse lineages.  相似文献   

Transitions from fresh to saline habitats are restricted to a handful of insect lineages, as the colonization of saline waters requires specialized mechanisms to deal with osmotic stress. Previous studies have suggested that tolerance to salinity and desiccation could be mechanistically and evolutionarily linked, but the temporal sequence of these adaptations is not well established for individual lineages. We combined molecular, physiological and ecological data to explore the evolution of desiccation resistance, hyporegulation ability (i.e., the ability to osmoregulate in hyperosmotic media) and habitat transitions in the water beetle genus Enochrus subgenus Lumetus (Hydrophilidae). We tested whether enhanced desiccation resistance evolved before increases in hyporegulation ability or vice versa, or whether the two mechanisms evolved in parallel. The most recent ancestor of Lumetus was inferred to have high desiccation resistance and moderate hyporegulation ability. There were repeated shifts between habitats with differing levels of salinity in the radiation of the group, those to the most saline habitats generally occurring more rapidly than those to less saline ones. Significant and accelerated changes in hyporegulation ability evolved in parallel with smaller and more progressive increases in desiccation resistance across the phylogeny, associated with the colonization of meso‐ and hypersaline waters during global aridification events. All species with high hyporegulation ability were also desiccation‐resistant, but not vice versa. Overall, results are consistent with the hypothesis that desiccation resistance mechanisms evolved first and provided the physiological basis for the development of hyporegulation ability, allowing these insects to colonize and diversify across meso‐ and hypersaline habitats.  相似文献   

The consequences of population subdivision and inbreeding have been studied in many organisms, particularly in plants. However, most studies focus on the short‐term consequences, such as inbreeding depression. To investigate the consequences of both population fragmentation and inbreeding for genetic variability in the longer term, we here make use of a natural inbreeding experiment in spiders, where sociality and accompanying population subdivision and inbreeding have evolved repeatedly. We use mitochondrial and nuclear data to infer phylogenetic relationships among 170 individuals of Anelosimus spiders representing 23 species. We then compare relative mitochondrial and nuclear genetic variability of the inbred social species and their outbred relatives. We focus on four independently derived social species and four subsocial species, including two outbred–inbred sister species pairs. We find that social species have 50% reduced mitochondrial sequence divergence. As inbreeding is not expected to reduce genetic variability in the maternally inherited mitochondrial genome, this suggests the loss of variation due to strong population subdivision, founder effects, small effective population sizes (colonies as individuals) and lineage turnover. Social species have < 10% of the nuclear genetic variability of the outbred species, also suggesting the loss of genetic variability through founder effects and/or inbreeding. Inbred sociality hence may result in reduction in variability through various processes. Sociality in most Anelosimus species probably arose relatively recently (0.1–2 mya), with even the oldest social lineages having failed to diversify. This is consistent with the hypothesis that inbred spider sociality represents an evolutionary dead end. Heterosis underlies a species potential to respond to environmental change and/or disease. Inbreeding and loss of genetic variability may thus limit diversification in social Anelosimus lineages and similarly pose a threat to many wild populations subject to habitat fragmentation or reduced population sizes.  相似文献   

Aim To assess the genealogical relationships of widespread montane rattlesnakes in the Crotalus triseriatus species group and to clarify the role of Late Neogene mountain building and Pleistocene pine–oak forest fragmentation in driving the diversification of Mexican highland taxa. Location Highlands of mainland Mexico and the south‐western United States (Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona). Methods A synthesis of inferences was used to address several associated questions about the biogeography of the Mexican highlands and the evolutionary drivers of phylogeographical diversity in co‐distributed taxa. We combined extensive range‐wide sampling (130 individuals representing five putative species) and mixed‐model phylogenetic analyses of 2408 base pairs of mitochondrial DNA to estimate genealogical relationships and divergence times within the C. triseriatus species group. We then assessed the tempo of diversification using a maximum likelihood framework based on the birth–death process. Estimated times of divergences provided a probabilistic temporal component and questioned whether diversification rates have remained constant or varied over time. Finally, we looked for phylogeographical patterns in other co‐distributed taxa. Results We identified eight major lineages within the C. triseriatus group, and inferred strong correspondence between maternal and geographic history within most lineages. At least one cryptic species was detected. Relationships among lineages were generally congruent with previous molecular studies, with differences largely attributable to our expanded taxonomic and geographic sampling. Estimated divergences between most major lineages occurred in the Late Miocene and Pliocene. Phylogeographical structure within each lineage appeared to have been generated primarily during the Pleistocene. Although the scale of genetic diversity recognized affected estimated rates of diversification, rates appeared to have been constant through time. Main conclusions The biogeographical history of the C. triseriatus group implies a dynamic history for the highlands of Mexico. The Neogene formation of the Transvolcanic Belt appears responsible for structuring geographic diversity among major lineages. Pleistocene glacial–interglacial climatic cycles and resultant expansions and contractions of the Mexican pine–oak forest appear to have driven widespread divergences within lineages. Climatic change, paired with the complex topography of Mexico, probably produced a myriad of species‐specific responses in co‐distributed Mexican highland taxa. The high degree of genetic differentiation recovered in our study and others suggests that the Mexican highlands may contain considerably more diversity than currently recognized.  相似文献   

Remote oceanic islands have long been recognized as natural models for the study of evolutionary processes involved in diversification. Their remoteness provides opportunities for isolation and divergence of populations, which make islands remarkable settings for the study of diversification. Groups of islands may share a relatively similar geological history and comparable climate, but their inhabitants experience subtly different environments and have distinct evolutionary histories, offering the potential for comparative studies. A range of organisms have colonized the Galápagos Islands, and various lineages have radiated throughout the archipelago to form unique assemblages. This review pays particular attention to molecular phylogenetic studies of Galápagos terrestrial fauna. We find that most of the Galápagos terrestrial fauna have diversified in parallel to the geological formation of the islands. Lineages have occasionally diversified within islands, and the clearest cases occur in taxa with very low vagility and on large islands with diverse habitats. Ecology and habitat specialization appear to be critical in speciation both within and between islands. Although the number of phylogenetic studies is continuously increasing, studies of natural history, ecology, evolution and behaviour are essential to completely reveal how diversification proceeded on these islands.  相似文献   

Ecological diversification and phylogeny of emydid turtles   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Ecological diversification is a central topic in ecology and evolutionary biology. We undertook the first comprehensive species-level phylogenetic analysis of Emydidae (an ecologically diverse group of turtles), and used the resulting phylogeny to test four general hypotheses about ecological diversification. Phylogenetic analyses were based on data from morphology (237 parsimony-informative characters) and mitochondrial DNA sequences (547 parsimony-informative characters) and included 39 of the 40 currently recognized emydid species. Combined analyses of all data provide a well-supported hypothesis for intergeneric relationships, and support monophyly of the two subfamilies (Emydinae and Deirochelyinae) and most genera (with the notable exception of Clemmys and Trachemys ). Habitat and diet were mapped onto the combined-data tree to test fundamental hypotheses about ecological diversification. Using continuous coding of ecological characters showed that lineages changed in habitat before diet, ecological change was most frequently from generalist to specialist, and habitat and diet rarely changed on the same branch of the phylogeny. However, we also demonstrate that the results of ancestral trait reconstructions can be highly sensitive to character coding method (i.e. continuous vs. discrete). Finally, we propose a simple model to describe the pattern of ecological diversification in emydid turtles and other lineages, which may reconcile the (seemingly) conflicting conclusions of our study and two recent reviews of ecological diversification.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 79, 577–610.  相似文献   

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