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Marcos Vinicios Alexandre da Silva Joo Vitor Nunes Souza Jos Roberto Botelho de Souza Leandro M. Vieira 《Freshwater Biology》2019,64(8):1504-1518
- The use of bioclimatic models to predict areas subject to invasion by exotic species has been important in the development of preventive conservation measures. The native New Zealand mudsnail Potamopyrgus antipodarum is an invasive mollusc, now with a worldwide distribution, that causes economic and ecological problems in invaded areas and has recently been designated as one of the 100 worst invasive species in Europe.
- In this study we sought to determine the potential distribution of and areas susceptible to invasion by P. antipodarum in South America and worldwide, in present and future scenarios (2070), using MaxEnt models. The models were developed using georeferenced occurrence data and bioclimate and hydroclimate variables to predict scenarios of the geographical distribution of P. antipodarum. Possible routes of invasion into South America were predicted.
- Present‐day scenario of the worldwide distribution (all known occurrences) of P. antipodarum, based on the bioclimatic and hydroclimatic models, are highly accurate, with area under curve higher than of 0.87. The models indicated that environmentally suitable areas exist in South America and in other regions of the world where the species has not yet been recorded. The predicted susceptibility includes approximately 80 protected areas in the South American continent.
- Models projected in an optimistic and pessimistic future scenario, based on the worldwide distribution, show increased environmental suitability of regions outside the current species distribution, including Brazil (south‐west), Uruguay (near Mirim Lagoon), Nigeria, Ethiopia (lakes Tana and Chomen), Tanzania, Cameroon (bordering lakes Bamendjing, Bankim, and Mbakaou), Equatorial Guinea, Congo, Rwanda, Burundi (Lake Tanganyika environs), Uganda, Tanzania (Naivasha), and South Africa (surrounding Gordon's Bay).
- The main vector for dispersal to South America would be ballast water coming from waterways and ports located in the predicted areas. Fish farming is also a possible route, since the mudsnail is resistant to the digestive tract of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Current records and predicted susceptible areas coincide with port areas and sites where this fish is farmed.
- Geographical distribution modelling proved to be helpful in identifying environmentally suitable areas for the invasion of P. antipodarum. The model also suggests a future expansion of the species distribution, possibly affected by climate change.
《African Journal of Aquatic Science》2013,38(4):325-344
An extensive survey of tropical rivers, conducted during 2009–2012 throughout Zambia, collected 151 samples of benthic macroinvertebrates, located on 95 rivers in six of the nine freshwater ecoregions. Associated data for physico-chemistry, human activities and ecosystem stressors were collected. Data were used to develop and test a new Rapid Bioassessment Protocol (the Zambian Invertebrate Scoring System: ZISS) for assessment of water quality and river condition in both wadeable and non-wadeable rivers. ZISS, which is based on the South African Scoring System (SASS), includes a total of 85 taxa, of which 79 are shared with SASS. Assignment of sensitivity weightings to new ZISS taxa was based on sensitivity weightings of closely related SASS families; known life-history modes and anatomical adaptations; and correlation of occurrence to impact ratings. The ability of the ZISS to measure impacts was assessed by determining the relationships between ZISS metrics and impacts. ZISS data for the Kafue River demonstrated the efficacy of the ZISS for detecting moderate to high impacts on water quality and river condition. ZISS represents a major step in developing a user-friendly, widely applicable, macroinvertebrate-based biotic index, which can provide easily interpretable assessments of river condition for southern tropical African rivers. 相似文献
Bruce C. Chessman 《Journal of Biogeography》2012,39(5):957-969
Aim To test the ability of biological traits to predict climate‐related changes in geographical ranges of running‐water invertebrates. Location The Australian state of New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory. Methods I analysed data from 8928 biomonitoring samples collected during a 16‐year period of generally rising air temperatures and declining precipitation. I used quantile regression to test for expansions and contractions on the climatically cooler, warmer, drier and wetter edges of the ranges of 120 invertebrate taxa, and correlated these shifts with the traits of thermophily (degree of preference for high versus low temperature) and rheophily (preference for flowing versus still water). Results The most commonly inferred range shifts were cool‐edge expansion plus warm‐edge contraction (71 taxa) and wet‐edge expansion plus dry‐edge contraction (71), but contractions from both cool and warm extremes (36) and from both dry and wet extremes (28) were also frequent. High‐temperature preference was associated with cool‐edge expansion and low‐temperature preference with wet‐edge expansion and contraction from all other extremes. A preference for flow was associated with wet‐edge expansion and dry‐edge contraction. Main conclusions Trait analysis has potential for predicting which species will expand their ranges and which will contract, but needs to be coupled with assessment of how the landscape provides each species with opportunities to track or avoid climate change. Improved quantification of climatically relevant traits and integration of trait analysis with species distribution modelling are likely to be beneficial. 相似文献
Kenneth W Cummins Priscila CN Andrade 《Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment》2013,48(1):69-89
An analysis conducted at nine stream/river sites in the Atlantic Forest region in the State of Paraná, Brazil used macroinvertebrate functional feeding group (FFG) assessments to evaluate ecological condition of the sites. The FFG approach categorizes qualitative macroinvertebrate collections according to their morphological-behavioral adaptations for food acquisition (e.g. scrapers that harvest non-filamentous, attached algae from stable surfaces in flowing water). FFG ratios were employed as surrogates for stream/river ecosystem attributes: balance between autotrophy and heterotrophy; linkage between riparian inputs of coarse particulate organic matter and in-stream food webs; relative dominance of fine particulate organic matter in transport (suspended load) compared to that deposited in the sediments; and geomorphic stability of the channel. The analyses indicated that all nine sites were heterotrophic, six of the nine carried expected levels of suspended organic load and showed below expected linkage with riparian inputs, and in only two were stable substrates limiting. The implications of the findings and recommendations for further analysis and modifications of the protocol are discussed. 相似文献
Andreas Bruder Romana K. Salis Peter E. Jones Christoph D. Matthaei 《Global Change Biology》2017,23(9):3882-3894
Agricultural land use results in multiple stressors affecting stream ecosystems. Flow reduction due to water abstraction, elevated levels of nutrients and chemical contaminants are common agricultural stressors worldwide. Concurrently, stream ecosystems are also increasingly affected by climate change. Interactions among multiple co‐occurring stressors result in biological responses that cannot be predicted from single‐stressor effects (i.e. synergisms and antagonisms). At the ecosystem level, multiple‐stressor effects can be further modified by biotic interactions (e.g. trophic interactions). We conducted a field experiment using 128 flow‐through stream mesocosms to examine the individual and combined effects of water abstraction, nutrient enrichment and elevated levels of the nitrification inhibitor dicyandiamide (DCD) on survival, condition and gut content of juvenile brown trout and on benthic abundance of their invertebrate prey. Flow velocity reduction decreased fish survival (?12% compared to controls) and condition (?8% compared to initial condition), whereas effects of nutrient and DCD additions and interactions among these stressors were not significant. Negative effects of flow velocity reduction on fish survival and condition were consistent with effects on fish gut content (?25% compared to controls) and abundance of dominant invertebrate prey (?30% compared to controls), suggesting a negative metabolic balance driving fish mortality and condition decline, which was confirmed by structural equation modelling. Fish mortality under reduced flow velocity increased as maximal daily water temperatures approached the upper limit of their tolerance range, reflecting synergistic interactions between these stressors. Our study highlights the importance of indirect stressor effects such as those transferred through trophic interactions, which need to be considered when assessing and managing fish populations and stream food webs in multiple‐stressor situations. However, in real streams, compensatory mechanisms and behavioural responses, as well as seasonal and spatial variation, may alter the intensity of stressor effects and the sensitivity of trout populations. 相似文献
1. The use of trait‐based approaches to examine the ecology of stream fish assemblages is increasing. However, selection of traits that will be useful in testing spatial or temporal hypotheses about ecological organisation is currently limited by availability of data, rather than empirical evaluation. 2. We analysed two data sets of stream fish assemblages to compare taxonomy and trait‐based approaches. The Wabash River temporal data set is based on 25 years of boat electrofishing collections over a 230‐km river distance. The Indiana Department of Environmental Management data set of stream collections in the state of Indiana was selected to represent a spatial database. We compared several trait‐based approaches: reproductive guilds, life history variables, biomonitoring metrics, ecosystem‐based functional guilds and feeding and ecosystem interaction guilds. 3. Analyses of fish assemblages that are designed to detect how environmental variation structures fish assemblages can expect similar results using taxonomic or trait‐based approaches. Results of trait‐based approaches will vary according to the spatial extent of the region and the number of unique entities of trait groups for a given data set. However, taxonomic analyses accounted for more variation than any trait‐based analyses. 相似文献
There is increasing evidence that the global climate change is already having measurable biological impacts. However, no study (based on actual data) has assessed the influence of the global warming on communities in rivers. We analyzed long‐term series of fish (1979–1999) and invertebrate (1980–1999) data from the Upper Rhône River at Bugey to test the influence of climatic warming on both communities. Between the periods of 1979–1981 and 1997–1999, the average water temperature of the Upper Rhône River at Bugey has increased by about 1.5°C due to atmospheric warming. In the same period, several dams have been built from 12.5 to 85 km upstream of our study segment and a nuclear power plant has been built on it. Changes in the community structure were summarized using multivariate analysis. The variability of fish abundance was correlated with discharge and temperature during the reproduction period (April–June): low flows and high temperatures coincided with high fish abundance. Beyond abundance patterns, southern, thermophilic fish species (e.g. chub, and barbel) as well as downstream, thermophilic invertebrate taxa (e.g. Athricops, Potamopyrgus) progressively replaced northern, cold‐water fish species (e.g. dace) and upstream, cold‐water invertebrate taxa (e.g. Chloroperla, Protoneumura). These patterns were significantly correlated with thermal variables, suggesting that shifts were the consequences of climatic warming. All analyses were carried out using statistics appropriate for autocorrelated time series. Our results were consistent with previous studies dealing with relationships between fish or invertebrates and water temperature, and with predictions of the impact of climatic change on freshwater communities. The potential confounding factors (i.e. dams and the nuclear power plant) did not seem to influence the observed trends. 相似文献
Species' responses to climate change are variable and diverse, yet our understanding of how different responses (e.g. physiological, behavioural, demographic) relate and how they affect the parameters most relevant for conservation (e.g. population persistence) is lacking. Despite this, studies that observe changes in one type of response typically assume that effects on population dynamics will occur, perhaps fallaciously. We use a hierarchical framework to explain and test when impacts of climate on traits (e.g. phenology) affect demographic rates (e.g. reproduction) and in turn population dynamics. Using this conceptual framework, we distinguish four mechanisms that can prevent lower‐level responses from impacting population dynamics. Testable hypotheses were identified from the literature that suggest life‐history and ecological characteristics which could predict when these mechanisms are likely to be important. A quantitative example on birds illustrates how, even with limited data and without fully‐parameterized population models, new insights can be gained; differences among species in the impacts of climate‐driven phenological changes on population growth were not explained by the number of broods or density dependence. Our approach helps to predict the types of species in which climate sensitivities of phenotypic traits have strong demographic and population consequences, which is crucial for conservation prioritization of data‐deficient species. 相似文献
- 1 Despite significant concern about drought impacts in Australia, there have been no broad‐scale studies of drought effects on river health. A severe and prolonged drought has been acting on many streams in south eastern Australia over the past decade. EPA Victoria has undertaken rapid bioassessment (RBA) of over 250 stream reference sites since 1990, providing an opportunity for a before‐after‐control‐impact investigation of drought related changes to macroinvertebrate indices and water quality. This study uses data from 1990 to 2004 to critically evaluate the effectiveness of using RBA methods and indices, which were designed for assessment of human impacts, for monitoring streams during drought.
- 2 Reference stream sites across Victoria (those with minimal anthropogenic disturbances and repeatedly sampled) were classified as being ‘in drought’ or ‘not in drought’ using the Bureau of Meteorology’s rainfall deficiency definition. Four biological indices (SIGNAL, EPT, Family Richness and AUSRIVAS) were calculated for combined autumn and spring samples for edge and riffle habitats for the selected sites.
- 3 General linear models and paired t‐tests were used to detect drought related changes to index and water quality values at state‐wide and bioregional scales. Changes in taxa constancy were examined to determine which taxa were sensitive to or benefited from drought conditions. Frequency of site failure against biological objectives specified in the State Environment Protection Policy (Waters of Victoria) (herein termed ‘SEPP WoV’) before and during drought was also examined to detect changes in a management context.
- 4 Few significant changes in index values were detected for riffle habitat samples. Rates of failure against biological objectives were similar before and during drought for riffle samples. In contrast, edge habitat AUSRIVAS and SIGNAL scores were significantly reduced at the state‐wide scale and most indices showed significant declines in the lower altitude forests, and foothills and coastal plains bioregions.
- 5 Generally, more pollution tolerant, lentic taxa replaced sensitive and flow‐requiring taxa in edge samples during drought. In contrast, there were few reductions in the taxa of riffle samples during drought. However, many pool preferring, but pollution sensitive taxa occurred more frequently in riffle areas. Hence, the riffle community began to resemble that of pools and edges. This was attributed to decreased flow and increased ‘lentic’ habitat opportunities in riffles.
- 6 Detection of a drought effect was confined to the edge habitat and site failure could be assigned to drought and anthropogenic impacts, in conjunction or alone. The riffle sampling protocol was resistant to detection of drought effects as samples were only taken when sufficient water was present within this habitat. Therefore, biological changes at sites not meeting policy objectives for riffle habitats can be attributed to anthropogenic rather than drought impacts.
The Touchet River in eastern Washington State is the site of the first causal assessment in the arid Northwest for salmonids using the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (USEPA's) Stressor Identification process. Seven candidate causes that affect salmonid density and macroinvertebrate abundance and diversity were considered: toxics, warm water temperature, sedimentation, low dissolved oxygen, alkaline pH, reduced detritus, and reduced habitat complexity. Candidate causes were evaluated using several types of evidence of preceding causation, co-occurrence, sufficiency, and alteration along with evaluation of the consistency of that evidence and consistency with other assessments. Evidence was scored, and the body of evidence was weighed based on credibility, strength, diversity, and coherence. Warm water temperature and sedimentation were highly probable causes of altered biological condition. Low dissolved oxygen and alkaline pH were also a problem for some areas but were less severe than temperature and sediment. Water removal and reduced habitat complexity and canopy cover were not directly causal but could affect sedimentation and temperature. This case study is noteworthy for using assemblage symptomology associated with temperature, sediment, and detritus as a type of evidence and for physiographically matching reference sites for comparisons and evaluation of natural and cumulative anthropogenic stressor gradients in the absence of state biological criteria. 相似文献
Paul D. Spencer Anne B. Hollowed Michael F. Sigler Albert J. Hermann Mark W. Nelson 《Global Change Biology》2019,25(11):3954-3971
Trait‐based climate vulnerability assessments based on expert evaluation have emerged as a rapid tool to assess biological vulnerability when detailed correlative or mechanistic studies are not feasible. Trait‐based assessments typically view vulnerability as a combination of sensitivity and exposure to climate change. However, in some locations, a substantial amount of information may exist on system productivity and environmental conditions (both current and projected), with potential disparities in the information available for data‐rich and data‐poor stocks. Incorporating this level of detailed information poses challenges when conducting, and communicating uncertainty from, rapid vulnerability assessments. We applied a trait‐based vulnerability assessment to 36 fish and invertebrate stocks in the eastern Bering Sea (EBS), a data‐rich ecosystem. In recent years, the living marine resources of the EBS and Aleutian Islands have supported fisheries worth more than US $1 billion of annual ex‐vessel value. Our vulnerability assessment uses projections (to 2039) from three downscaled climate models, and graphically characterizes the variation in climate projections between climate models and between seasons. Bootstrapping was used to characterize uncertainty in specific biological traits and environmental variables, and in the scores for sensitivity, exposure, and vulnerability. The sensitivity of EBS stocks to climate change ranged from “low” to “high,” but vulnerability ranged between “low” and “moderate” due to limited exposure to climate change. Comparison with more detailed studies reveals that water temperature is an important variable for projecting climate impacts on stocks such as walleye pollock (Gadus chalcogrammus), and sensitivity analyses revealed that modifying the rule for determining vulnerability increased the vulnerability scores. This study demonstrates the importance of considering several uncertainties (e.g., climate projections, biological, and model structure) when conducting climate vulnerability assessments, and can be extended in future research to consider the vulnerability of user groups dependent on these stocks. 相似文献
Arthur Escalas Lauren Hale James W. Voordeckers Yunfeng Yang Mary K. Firestone Lisa Alvarez‐Cohen Jizhong Zhou 《Ecology and evolution》2019,9(20):12000-12016
Functional diversity is increasingly recognized by microbial ecologists as the essential link between biodiversity patterns and ecosystem functioning, determining the trophic relationships and interactions between microorganisms, their participation in biogeochemical cycles, and their responses to environmental changes. Consequently, its definition and quantification have practical and theoretical implications. In this opinion paper, we present a synthesis on the concept of microbial functional diversity from its definition to its application. Initially, we revisit to the original definition of functional diversity, highlighting two fundamental aspects, the ecological unit under study and the functional traits used to characterize it. Then, we discuss how the particularities of the microbial world disallow the direct application of the concepts and tools developed for macroorganisms. Next, we provide a synthesis of the literature on the types of ecological units and functional traits available in microbial functional ecology. We also provide a list of more than 400 traits covering a wide array of environmentally relevant functions. Lastly, we provide examples of the use of functional diversity in microbial systems based on the different units and traits discussed herein. It is our hope that this paper will stimulate discussions and help the growing field of microbial functional ecology to realize a potential that thus far has only been attained in macrobial ecology. 相似文献
Susan J. Nichols Ben J. Kefford Catriona D. Campbell Jonas Bylemans Eloise Chandler Jonathan P. Bray Michael Shackleton Katie L. Robinson Melissa E. Carew Elise M. Furlan 《Freshwater Biology》2020,65(4):607-620
- Macroinvertebrates are commonly sampled for bioassessment of freshwater ecosystems. However, current bioassessment protocols involve laborious sorting of the animals from the debris (sample matrix) and morphological identification, where species level identifications are often difficult. DNA metabarcoding has the potential to improve bioassessment by reducing the time taken to process samples and improve the accuracy and speed of macroinvertebrate species identification.
- In this study, we evaluated DNA metabarcoding of macroinvertebrate samples, which include macroinvertebrates and the debris collected in the sample nets, to test if bulk, unsorted samples can be used to assess macroinvertebrate diversity. First, we tested if the sample matrix prevented the detection of six target macroinvertebrate taxa when DNA metabarcoding. Second, we tested if sample storage influenced the detection of the same six target macroinvertebrates. We also explored different levels of replication at the sample, sub-sample, and polymerase chain reaction levels and compared the overall macroinvertebrate families detected using DNA metabarcoding to those identified morphologically.
- We found that the presence of the sample matrix did not interfere with or inhibit the detection of the six target macroinvertebrate taxa. Furthermore, we found that the various sample storage methods did not affect target macroinvertebrate detection. The reliability of detection of the target macroinvertebrates improved as hierarchical levels of replication were combined. We found strong overlap between the detection of overall macroinvertebrate family diversity when comparing DNA metabarcoding to morphological identification.
- Extracting DNA from the bulk macroinvertebrate samples that included the sample matrix and using this for DNA metabarcoding could improve bioassessment by removing the need for laborious sorting of samples. Furthermore, DNA metabarcoding detection of the six target taxa was not dependent on sample storage of up to 1 year in 95% ethanol, at room temperature or after heating. DNA metabarcoding had the advantage of identifying macroinvertebrate species, but good DNA barcode libraries are needed for widespread species identifications. Further investigation should focus on including multiple samples with different macroinvertebrate composition and densities to refine and standardise bulk sample processing protocols, and on building comprehensive DNA barcode libraries for aquatic macroinvertebrates.
Barbara Ackermann Markus Esser Anja Scherwaß Hartmut Arndt 《International Review of Hydrobiology》2011,96(1):1-19
The aim of this study was to quantify and qualify seasonal changes of all important components of a microbial biofilm community. We explored the development of the biofilm community structure on submerged glass slides for 15 months including all organisms from bacteria to macro‐invertebrates. Besides bacteria, heterotrophic flagellates were the most abundant biofilm component followed by ciliates, meiofauna organisms and algae. Most important were sessile choanoflagellates, peritrichous ciliates and some crustaceans. Ciliates and macrofauna were the most important components with regard to the total biovolume. The biofilm architecture was strongly influenced by extracellular structures produced by protozoans and macro‐invertebrates. Alterations within the biofilm community were mainly due to changes in abundances rather than in the composition except for heterotrophic flagellates and macro‐invertebrates. Biofilm organisms were dominated by planktivorous organisms exerting a strong grazing impact on the plankton organisms in this large river. (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim) 相似文献
Albert Ruhi Xiaoli Dong Courtney H. McDaniel Darold P. Batzer John L. Sabo 《Global Change Biology》2018,24(8):3749-3765
Novel flow regimes resulting from dam operations and overallocation of freshwater resources are an emerging consequence of global change. Yet, anticipating how freshwater biodiversity will respond to surging flow regime alteration requires overcoming two challenges in environmental flow science: shifting from local to riverscape‐level understanding of biodiversity dynamics, and from static to time‐varying characterizations of the flow regime. Here, we used time‐series methods (wavelets and multivariate autoregressive models) to quantify flow‐regime alteration and to link time‐varying flow regimes to the dynamics of multiple local communities potentially connected by dispersal (i.e., a metacommunity). We studied the Chattahoochee River below Buford dam (Georgia, U.S.A.), and asked how flow regime alteration by a large hydropower dam may control the long‐term functional trajectory of the downstream invertebrate metacommunity. We found that seasonal variation in hydropeaking synchronized temporal fluctuations in trait abundance among the flow‐altered sites. Three biological trait states describing adaptation to fast flows benefitted from flow management for hydropower, but did not compensate for declines in 16 “loser” traits. Accordingly, metacommunity‐wide functional diversity responded negatively to hydropeaking intensity, and stochastic simulations showed that the risk of functional diversity collapse within the next 4 years would decrease by 17% if hydropeaking was ameliorated, or by 9% if it was applied every other season. Finally, an analysis of 97 reference and 23 dam‐affected river sites across the U.S. Southeast suggested that flow variation at extraneous, human‐relevant scales (12‐hr, 24‐hr, 1‐week) is relatively common in rivers affected by hydropower dams. This study advances the notion that novel flow regimes are widespread, and simplify the functional structure of riverine communities by filtering out taxa with nonadaptive traits and by spatially synchronizing their dynamics. This is relevant in the light of ongoing and future hydrologic alteration due to climate non‐stationarity and the new wave of dams planned globally. 相似文献