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对嵩草属( Kobresia) 植物进行了初步的胚胎学研究。该属植物具假四合花粉(pseudomonad) ; 药室内壁在二核花粉时期开始螺旋状加厚, 花药表皮在花粉成熟时形成乳突; 成熟花粉具三细胞。胚珠为倒生型, 具厚珠心和双层珠被, 珠孔由内珠被构成, 珠柄的近基部向珠孔增生形成珠孔塞。胚囊的发育为蓼型, 四分体线形排列, 合点端大孢子发育成八核胚囊。受精后, 胚乳核先于受精卵进行分裂, 胚乳的发育为核型。胚的发育为柳叶菜型灯芯草变型。通过比较, 嵩草属植物大小孢子的发育、胚珠的结构、胚囊的发育、胚乳的发育和胚的发育与莎草科中其它类群一致。所以, 根据胚胎学资料, 嵩草属及其近缘属应保留在莎草科中,不该另立为嵩草科。  相似文献   

青海嵩草属(莎草科)的修订   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据最新的研究结果修订了青海嵩草属植物的分类,确认了14种3亚种。通过对大量标本和文献的研究,澄清了《青海植物志》嵩草属中存在的分类学问题。门源嵩草、窄果嵩草、玉树嵩草和藏北嵩草等4种,分别归并在眠山嵩草、喜马拉雅嵩草、线叶嵩草和赤箭嵩草中;其中门源嵩草和玉树嵩草为新异名。青海产的嵩草和矮生嵩草,应该为二蕊嵩草和高原嵩草。短轴嵩草的学名更正为K.vidua。弧形嵩草在青海没有分布,文献中的记载可能为囊状嵩草的错误鉴定。此外,青海的嵩草属增加了2个类群,匍茎嵩草和夏河嵩草。  相似文献   

西藏嵩草属(莎草科)的修订   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在标本观察和野外调查的基础上,对西藏的嵩草属Kobresia植物进行了分类学修订,共确认了36种和1亚种。更正了6个类群的学名,它们正确的名称是K. esenbeckii,K. fissiglumis,K. gammiei,K. littledalei,K. myosuroides ssp. bistaminata和K. vaginosa。有13个名称,即K. angusta,K. cercostachys var. capillacea,K. clarkeana,K. curticeps var. gyirongensis,K. deasyi,K. glaucifolia,K. hookeri,K. nudicarpa,K. prainii var. elliptica,K. seticulmis,K. stenocarpa,K. stenocarpa var. simplex和K. williamsii处理为异名,其中K. prainii var. elliptica,K. glaucifolia和K. stenocarpa var. simplex为新异名。发现了西藏分布的一个新记录种密穗嵩草K. handel-mazzettii。还收录了最近发表的假钩状嵩草K. pseuduncinoides和阔鳞嵩草K. woodii。此外,重新编制了西藏嵩草属分种和亚种检索表,并较为详细地登记了各类群在西藏的分布地点。  相似文献   

嵩草属植物硅酸体系统的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邓德山 《广西植物》2002,22(5):394-T003
对国产狭义嵩草属 (K obresia,Cyperaceae) 3个组 2 7种植物进行了硅酸体系统分析研究 ,同时结合近缘的苔草属 (Carex) 2个组的植物硅酸体特征 ,深入探讨了植物硅酸体系统分析研究在莎草科苔草族 (Cariceae)中的系统分类学意义。认为 :(1 )嵩草属及其临近类群在属间、种间及种下水平的系统分类学比较研究都可以借助植物硅酸体系统研究的证据。 (2 )穗状嵩草组 (sect. Elyna)的硅酸体系统特征具有较高的一致性 ,除矮嵩草 (K.humilis)及其近缘种同其他穗状嵩草组的种类有所不同 ,它很可能有一个不同于穗状嵩草组其他类群的嵩草组(sect. K obresia)的亲缘。 (3 )从植物硅酸体系统特征的研究来看 ,拟苔草组 (sect. H emicarex)的一些种接近于穗状嵩草组 ,如高山嵩草 (K . pygmeae) ;而另一些种接近于嵩草组 ,如禾叶嵩草 (K . graminifolia) ;也有一些种类的硅酸体系统特征更接近苔草属 ,说明这个组很可能是多源的 ,即本组的单一花穗和果囊形态特征由不同类群的复合花序种类趋同演化而出。(4 )嵩草组的硅酸体系统特征具有较高的一致性 ,说明嵩草属原始类群在硅酸体系统特征方面与外部形态特征演化的某些相关性。  相似文献   

对嵩草属27种(亚种)植物秆的解剖学研究证明,嵩草属植物秆的解剖学性状具有系统学意义.在该属中,秆的横切面外形为三角形、圆三角形、圆形或扁圆形.在横切面上分为2个区域;外部区域包括绿色组织、外韧维管束和气腔,内部区域为薄壁组织或其碎裂形成空腔.秆表皮的横切面观和表面观均与叶的下表皮相似.以上特征与莎草科其它类群植物秆的解剖特征一致,不支持将嵩草属和其近缘属另立为嵩草科.同时,秆的解剖学特征可以做为某些在外部形态上难于区分的种之间的分类依据.  相似文献   

Aspects of the life history ofKyllinga monocephala are described. Anther wall development corresponds to the Monocot type. The endothecium shows spiral thickenings. The tapetum is glandular and has uninucleate cells. Ubisch granules are present. Mature pollen grains (pseudomonads) are 3-celled at maturity. Ovules are bitegmic, crassinucellate and develop a funicular obturator. The embryo development conforms to theJuncus-variation of the Onagrad type. Endosperm, seed coat and pericarp are described.  相似文献   

Resveratrol oligomers, nepalensinol A, B and C, were isolated from the stem of Kobresia nepalensis (Cyperaceae). The structures were established on the basis of chemical properties and spectroscopic evidence including 2D NMR spectroscopic analysis. Nepalensinol A, B and C showed a potent inhibitory effect on topoisomerase II - stronger than etoposide (VP-16), a topoisomerase II inhibitor used as an anti-cancer drug. Nepalensinol B, in particular, exhibited the most potent activity with an IC50 of 0.02 μg/ml.  相似文献   

Previous supraspecific classifications of the genus Kobresia are evaluated. The evolution of the genus is discussed, and a preliminary revised supraspecific classification based on putative evolution is proposed. Previous classifications were mostly based on inflorescence characters. The spicate inflorescence might have evolved in parallel from a paniculate one, and unisexual spikelet might also be the result of parallel evolution from bisexual spikelets. Therefore, the subgenera or sections Elyna and Hemicarex , which were recognized by previous authors and characterized by the spicate inflorescence (the former with bisexual spikelets and the latter with unisexual ones), may be polyphyletic. In the classification presented here, three subgenera are recognized. A new subgenus Blysmocarex (N. A. Ivanova) S. R. Zhang is proposed. A key to subgenera and sections is included, and types, synonymies and representative species are given under each supraspecific rank.  相似文献   

 Root systems of the herbaceous species Polygonum viviparum and Kobresia bellardii were excavated from an alpine site in the Rocky Mountains, Colorado, and processed for microscopic examination. Several ectomycorrhizal morphotypes were present on root systems of both species;K. bellardii often had complex clusters of mycorrhizal roots present. A mantle and Hartig net were present on all mycorrhizal root tips processed. The Hartig net was confined to the epidermis, and the parenchyma cells of this layer were radially elongated, vacuolated and contained densely staining inclusions. Intracellular hyphae and structures typical for vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizas were never observed. Both herbaceous species, therefore, had ectomycorrhizal associations comparable to those described for woody angiosperm species. Accepted: 14 February 1998  相似文献   

The classification of Kobresia fragilis C. B. Clarke and related taxa were studied based on gross morphology and nutlet epidermal micromorphology. About 13 names have been involved in the species group. They could not be clearly defined using the morphological characters employed by previous authors. Thus, more than 200 sheets of 89 specimens of related taxa were studied thoroughly, and the taxonomic significance of morpbological characters was re-evaluated. In order to further understand the classification of K. fragilis and its allies, micromorphology of nutlet epidermis of these taxa was observed under scanning electron microscope. Based on the results, K. curvata C. B. Clarke and K. fragilis were recognized. Other names were treated as synonymies of K. fragilis. K. clarkeana (Kükenthal) Kükenthal, K. clarkeana var. megalantha Kükenthal and K. curticeps (C. B. Clarke) Kükenthal var. gyirongensis Y. C. Yang were reduced to new synonymies of K. fragilis. K. curvata was distinct from K. fragilis on both morphological and micromorphological basis. One specimen of K. fragilis collected from Luqu, Gansu, China, represents anew distribution record of this species in Gansu.  相似文献   

根据外部形态学和小坚果表皮的微形态学资料,研究了囊状嵩草及其相关类群的分类。在这一 群植物中,有13个相关的学名。根据以前学者用于区别这些植物的形态性状,无法清楚地将它们划分 开。因此作者深入地研究了有关植物的89号200多份标本,重新评价了形态性状的分类学意义。为了 更深入地理解这类植物的分类,应用扫描电子显微镜对其小坚果表皮的微形态进行了研究。根据研究 的结果,确认了囊状嵩草Kobresia fragilis和弧形嵩草K.curvata,其他名称做为囊状嵩草的异名,K.clar- keana、K.clarkeana var.megalantha和K.curticeps var.gyirongensis被处理为囊状嵩草的新异名。弧形嵩 草从形态学和微形态学两个方面都明显不同于囊状嵩草。研究中还发现囊状嵩草的一号标本采自甘肃的碌曲,是其分布的省级新记录。  相似文献   

张树仁 《植物研究》2004,24(4):404-405
为了使膨囊嵩草(Kobresia inflata P. C. Li)这一名称成为合格发表,指定了保存其主模式的标本馆.尽管该种常常具有穗状花序和单性小穗,被归属于异穗嵩草组(Sect. Hemicarex),但与该组植物并没有密切的亲缘关系,却与黑麦嵩草(K. loliacea Wang et Tang ex P. C. Li)和根茎嵩草(K. gammiei C. B. Clarke)等更近缘,因此应该归属于疏穗嵩草亚属(Subgen. Compositae).  相似文献   

根据外部形态学和小坚果表皮的微形态学资料,研究了囊状蒿草及其相类群的分类。在这一群植物中,有13个相关的学名。根据以前学者用于区别这些植物的形态性状,无法清楚地将它们划分开。因此作者深入地研究了有关植物的89号200多份标本,重新评价了形态性状的分类学意义,为了更深地入理解这类植物的分类,应用扫描电子显微镜对其小坚果表皮的微形态进行了研究。根据研究的结果,确认了囊状蒿草Kobresia fragilis和弧形蒿草K.curvata,其他名称为囊状蒿草的异名,K.calrkeana、K.clarkeana var.megalantha和K.curticeps var.gyirongensis被处理为囊状蒿草的新异名。弧形蒿草从形态学和微形态学两个方面都明显不同于囊状蒿草。研究中还发现囊状蒿草的一号标本采自甘肃的碌曲,是其分布的省级新记录。  相似文献   

The taxonomy of the genus Kobresia is difficult and based on morphological characters. Achene micromorphology of the genus was studied with scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and its taxonomic significance evaluated. A total of 39 species and subspecies of Kobresia were included. The shape of epidermal cells of achenes is usually polygonal or rectangular. The anticlinal walls of the epidermal cells are mostly straight, rarely sinuous. Generally, a silica platform is formed on the inner periclinal wall of achene epidermal cell, and 1–3 silica bodies protrude from the middle of the platform. Sometimes, satellite silica bodies exist around the central bodies. The silica platform may be solid or perforated by pits. The micromorphological characters of the achene epidermis vary between different taxa. However, some closely related taxa show similarities. Therefore, the micromorphology of the achene epidermis of Kobresia is valuable in understanding the taxonomy at infraspecific, specific and supraspecific levels in the genus.  相似文献   

高山嵩草(Kobresia pygmaea)是高寒草甸的重要建群种,其生长发育同时受到年际、季节和昼夜环境变化的影响,但目前对高山嵩草响应昼夜环境变化的研究很少。本研究通过差异蛋白质组学的方法,结合抗氧化酶活性测定和蛋白质免疫印迹技术,分析了高山嵩草在一天中每4个小时的蛋白质表达变化。结果表明:在白天的高温、强光和紫外辐射,以及夜里的低温等不利条件下,高山嵩草体内的抗氧化酶、热休克蛋白和脱落酸代谢相关的蛋白质等能够被大量诱导表达,从而对细胞和机体起到保护作用。同时,受蛋白质调控的一些生命活动如光合作用会集中在较为适宜的时间段进行。通过体内蛋白质表达的可塑性和灵活性,高山嵩草能够有效地应对短时间里环境的变化。  相似文献   

Thirty two species ofFimbristylis (Cyperaceae) thus far documented from Ceylon are taxonomically discussed with particular emphasis on the collections of Thwaites and Trimen. In addition to the synonymy and critical citation of specimens, a key is provided to differentiate these species.Fimbristylis tenera is newly added to the Ceylon flora. The new combinations proposed are:F. dichotoma ssp.glauca, F. fusca ssp.fulvescens, F. aestivalis ssp.major, andF. tenera ssp.oxylepis.  相似文献   

在整理和鉴定浙闽薹草属Carex植物的过程中,发现福建薹草Cares fokienensis Dunn较早发表但并未被注意。通过文献查阅、模式标本研究和野外观察,认为闽清薹草C.minqingensis Z.P.Wang、九仙山薹草C jiuxiangshanensis L.K.Dai&Y.Z.Huang、苍绿薹草C.pallideviridis K.L.Chv(裸名)在果囊和雌花鳞片等鉴别性特征上与福建薹草并没有区别,应该处理为福建薹草的异名。  相似文献   

Godt MJ  Hamrick JL  Meier A 《Genetica》2004,122(2):207-215
Cymophyllus fraserianus (Fraser's sedge) is a rare perennial evergreen herb found in late-successional forest communities in the Appalachian Mountains of the U.S. Genetic diversity was assessed at 19 allozyme loci for 12 populations sampled from the southern and central portions of the range of this primitive monotypic genus. Species variation was comparable to that found for other narrowly distributed species, although mean population genetic diversity was somewhat higher. Sixteen of the 19 loci (84%) were polymorphic, with a mean of 46% polymorphic within populations. On average, 2.7 alleles were detected per polymorphic locus. Genetic diversity within populations (Hep) averaged 0.113, whereas species' genetic diversity (Hes) was 0.131. Although a twofold range of within-population genetic diversity (Hep = 0.075-0.158) was found, less than 13% of the genetic variation was distributed among populations (G(ST) = 0.129). An indirect estimate of historical levels of gene flow (Nm = 1.69) was consistent with the high mean genetic identity (mean I = 0.96) found between populations. Despite the relictual nature of C. fraserianus, its rarity and fragmented distribution, genetic diversity within the genus is typical of herbs with similar life-history characteristics. No association was found between geographic and genetic distances between populations (r = -0.01; p > 0.9), suggesting that present day populations are relatively isolated.  相似文献   

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