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Suppressor cells, which specifically suppress the in vitro response of syngeneic spleen cells to the DBA/2 mastocytoma, P815, were identified in the spleens of DBA/2 mice injected intraperitoneally with membrane extracts of the P815 tumor. The Lyt phenotypes of various effector cells were determined. DBA/2 allogeneic killer cells were identified as Lyt-12+, whereas the syngeneic effector cells were found to be predominantly Lyt-2+. The suppressor cell population lost its ability to suppress the in vitro cytotoxic anti-P815 response after treatment with anti-Lyt-1 serum plus complement but not after treatment with anti-Lyt-2 serum, indicating that an Lyt-1+ cell is essential in this suppression.  相似文献   

The present investigation was initiated to determine the mechanism by which 1,3-bis(2-chloro-ethyl)-1-nitrosourea (BCNU) treatment of tumor-bearing mice results in a high percentage of surviving mice which are resistant to subsequent homologous tumor challenge. Spleen cells from C57BL/6 mice bearing the syngeneic LSA ascites tumor failed to demonstrate significant tumor-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) activity when stimulated in vitro with irradiated tumor cells. This lack of CTL activity correlated with the presence and high activity of two types of CTL-regulatory suppressor T cells (Ts), tumor-specific Thy-1+, Lyt-1-2+ and tumor-nonspecific Thy-1+, Lyt-1+2+ cells, as demonstrated by a double-positive selection technique. In contrast, spleen cells from BCNU-treated tumor-bearing mice generated high tumor-specific CTL activity when stimulated in vitro with irradiated tumor cells. This CTL activity correlated with the lack of demonstrable tumor-specific Ts and greatly diminished tumor-nonspecific Ts activity. The tumor-specific helper activity of Thy-1+, Lyt-1+,2- cells was found to be similar in both BCNU-treated and untreated tumor-bearing mice. BCNU-treated mice that survived a primary LSA tumor challenge (referred to as BCNU-cured mice) resisted subsequent challenge with the homologous (LSA) but not with a heterologous syngeneic tumor (EL-4). However, rejection of a secondary challenge with LSA tumor by BCNU-cured mice was inhibited by adoptive transfer of spleen cells from either normal mice or mice bearing LSA tumors. Furthermore, LSA tumor cells that failed to evoke tumor-specific CTL activity in normal mice could induce high CTL activity in BCNU-cured mice. The present study suggests that, in addition to its direct tumoricidal activity, BCNU inhibits the induction of tumor-specific Ts, thereby explaining why a high percentage of mice survive a primary syngeneic tumor challenge after treatment with BCNU, and also resist subsequent rechallenge with the homologous tumor.  相似文献   

Acute rejection of allogeneic and semiallogeneic marrow grafts has long been considered to be a function of the natural immune system because it shares many features with NK activity in mice. With the use of a recently developed in vivo adoptive transfer assay in which spleen cells are transferred from mice able to reject a particular marrow graft into mice that fail to do so, we show that the cells responsible for induction of marrow graft rejection indeed display the phenotype of NK cells: they lack the T cell Ag CD4 and CD8 but express the NK Ag NK1 and ASGM1. The rejection induced by adoptively transferred cells is exquisitely specific--a feature that points to a specific recognition process by the transferred cells. To elucidate what the recognition structure on these cells may be we found that they express CD3 and most likely the beta-chain of the TCR. Highly purified responder cells with the NK1+, CD3+, CD4-, CD8- phenotype, when transferred into nonresponder recipients, cause specific marrow graft rejection. We conclude that the acute rejection of bone marrow grafts is caused by a cell that expresses NK phenotype but is of T cell lineage. This may suggest the specificity of acute marrow graft rejection is caused by a specific recognition process that involves TCR.  相似文献   

Lymphocyte-induced angiogenesis (LIA) is a vascular response observed when allogeneic or semiallogeneic immunocompetent lymphocytes are inoculated intradermally into immunosuppressed or irradiated host mice. The reported experiments were carried out to characterize the effector cell population(s) responsible for causing LIA. Lyt 1.2, Lyt 2.2, and monoclonal Thy 1.2 antisera were used for negative selection with complement (C′) to investigate the ability of selected subsets of lymphocytes to evoke angiogenesis. Treatment of C57BL/6 spleen cells with either anti-Lyt 1.2 or anti-Thy 1.2 and C′ resulted in an almost complete abrogation of the LIA reaction. In contrast, depletion of Lyt 2+ cells, under conditions which fully abrogated their ability to generate cell-mediated cytotoxicity in allogeneic mixed leukocyte cultures, resulted only in a partial (45%) reduction in the induced vascular response. Synergistic interaction between cell preparations treated separately with either anti-Lyt 1.2 or anti-Lyt 2.2 serum was not observed. We conclude that (i) Lyt 1 + 2?T lymphocytes can induce a significant LIA reaction; (ii) lymphocytes resistant to negative selection with anti-Lyt-1.2 serum are incapable of inducing such a reaction; and (iii) Lyt 1 + 2+ cells directly or indirectly play an additional role in generating a maximal LIA response.  相似文献   

The effector mechanism of immune spleen cells against syngeneic TMT mammary tumor cells was analyzed in vitro. C3H/He mice were first inoculated with TMT tumor cells, and then the tumors were x-irradiated with 2000 rad 1 wk after the inoculation. Spleen cells from these treated mice inhibited the growth of tumor cells in vitro when assessed by (3H)-TdR incorporation by tumor cells (cytostatic activity). The same spleen cells did not have any cytotoxic activity on TMT tumor cells detected by a 51Cr-release assay. The cytostatic activity was mediated by Lyt-1+23- T cells. The purified T cells alone could not inhibit the growth of tumor cells, but accessory cells were required for the induction of cytostatic T cell activity. The accessory cells were Ia-positive, macrophage-like adherent cells. Furthermore, both T cells and macrophages were also required for the inhibition of tumor growth even after the spleen cells were activated in vitro. These results suggest T cells and macrophages play an important role in the effector mechanism against TMT mammary tumor cells. The mechanism of cytostasis by T cells and macrophages was discussed from the standpoint of the cellular interaction.  相似文献   

The organ distribution and surface phenotype of SMLR responder cells has been investigated. Nylon-wool-passed spleen cells, which proliferate in response to mitomycin-C-treated syngeneic spleen cells, are Thy 1.2+ Ly 1+2?3?. SMLR responder cells are not confined to the spleen since nylon-wool-nonadherent lymph node cells as well as unfractionated thoracic duct lymphocytes show activity. Responder cells have characteristics of mature T cells since cortisone-resistant thymocytes, but not thymocytes from untreated mice, are capable of SMLR response. In addition, naturally occurring thymocytotoxic antibody (NTA), which in our experiments exhibits cytotoxicity only for thymocytes, does not appear to affect the subpopulation of the T cells which respond in the SMLR.  相似文献   

L3T4+ T-cell-independent reactivity of Lyt2+ T cells in vivo   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this study was to analyze in vivo the L3T4+ T-cell-subset-independent reactivity of Lyt2+ T cells toward transplantation alloantigens. To this end, we depleted normal mice of L3T4+ T cells by injection of monoclonal antibodies to the L3T4 antigen. This procedure not only led phenotypically to a disappearance of L3T4+ T cells, but also effectively abolished reactivity toward class II MHC antigens in vitro and in vivo. However, L3T4+ T-cell-depleted mice still reacted to class I MHC alloantigens in vivo: after immunization with class I MHC alloantigens Il-2 receptor-bearing T cells appeared in the draining lymph nodes, and developed antigen-specific cytolytic activity. Moreover, upon in vivo priming the frequencies of class I MHC-specific precursors of Il-2-producing and cytolytic Lyt2+ T lymphocytes increased up to 20-fold. L3T4+ T-cell-depleted mice rejected class I MHC-bearing skin grafts promptly. We conclude that not only in vitro but also in vivo Lyt2+ T cells remain reactive toward class I MHC antigens in the absence of L3T4+ T helper cells.  相似文献   

It is not surprising that tumors arising spontaneously are rarely rejected by T cells, because in general they lack molecules to elicit a primary T-cell response. In fact, cytokine-engineered tumors can induce granulocyte infiltration leading to tumor rejection. In the present study, we i.d. injected seven kinds of non-engineered tumor cells into syngeneic strains of mice. Three of them (i.e. B16, KLN205, and 3LL cells) continued to grow, whereas four of them (i.e. Meth A, I-10, CL-S1, and FM3A cells) were spontaneously rejected after transient growth or without growth. In contrast to the i.d. injection of B16 cells into C57BL/6 mice, which induces infiltration of TAMs into the tumors, the i.d. injection of Meth A cells into BALB/c mice induced the invasion of cytotoxic inflammatory cells, but not of TAMs, into or around the tumors leading to an IFN-γ-dependent rejection. On day 5, the cytotoxic activity against the tumor cells reached a peak; and the effector cells were found to be neutrophils and macrophages. The i.d. Meth A or I-10 cell-immunized, but not non-immunized, mice rejected i.p.- or i.m.-transplanted Meth A or I-10 cells without growth, respectively. The main effector cells were CTLs; and there was no cross-sensitization between these two kinds of tumor cells, suggesting specific rejection of tumor cells by CTLs from i.d. immunized mice. These results indicate that infiltration of cytotoxic myeloid cells (i.e. neutrophils and macrophages, but not TAMs) into or around tumors is essential for their IFN-γ-dependent spontaneous rejection.  相似文献   

We investigated the T cell responses in various tissues, especially in the liver and thymus, of mice injected with syngeneic tumors. This study was undertaken since recent evidence indicated that the liver is one of the important immune organs for T cell proliferation. When C3H/He mice were intraperitoneally injected with mitomycin-treated syngeneic MH134 tumors (1 x 10(7)/mouse), a transient increase of liver mononuclear cells (MNC) was induced, showing a peak at Day 4 after injection. Histological study of such liver showed a sinusoidal dilatation and an accumulation of MNC in the sinusoids. The most predominant MNC induced were double negative (CD4-8-) alpha beta T cells and gamma delta T cells. These gamma delta T cells varied, showing unique time-kinetics. Despite a continuous increase of whole liver MNC and alpha beta T cells, the proportion of gamma delta T cells in the liver decreased beginning 4 days after injection. In contrast with the response in the liver, a striking decrease in the cell number of thymocytes was induced after tumor injection, showing a basal level at Day 6. This hypocellularity in the thymus appears to be an inverted response of the lymphocytosis in the liver. At this time, a corresponding decrease in the proportion of double positive (CD4+8+) T cells was always seen in the thymus. Analysis of cell proliferative response showed that the increase of liver MNC after tumor injection was accompanied by augmented proliferation, whereas the decrease of thymocytes was accompanied by depressed proliferation. The present results indicate that there exists a unique, reciprocal response of T lymphocytes between the liver and thymus, and that the presence of tumor appears to stimulate T cell response in the liver but alternatively inactivates such response in the thymus.  相似文献   

Summary Normal C57BL/6 (B6) spleen cells were cultured with syngeneic EL4 tumour cells, expanded in IL2-containing medium, and tested for anti-tumour activity in vitro and in vivo. The activated cells were highly cytotoxic for EL4 and to a lesser degree killed syngeneic B6 blasts and allogeneic (D2) P815 tumour cells. B6 or BDF1 mice that received these cultured cells by IP injection cleared 125IUdR-labelled EL4 cells faster than untreated mice. However, this enhanced clearance was evident only 7–12 days after injection. Since the injected cells had a short half-life (<10% remaining after 48 h) the effect of these cells in vivo was most probably due to the activation of the host's immune system. Mice that received cultured cells survived significantly longer than untreated mice following a lethal dose of EL4 cells. Cultured cells were much more effective in prolonging survival when used in conjunction with cyclophosphamide (CY). In animals receiving either cultured cells with or without CY or CY alone tumour clearance was markedly enhanced 7–12 days after injection.When challenged with a small dose of EL4 tumour cells (1×104 SC per mouse) three of ten B6 mice treated with B6 anti-EL4 cultured cells were able to survive indefinitely. The frequency of CTL precursors to EL4 from the spleen cells of these surviving animals was about five-fold higher than that of normal spleen cells. Furthermore, CTL derived from primed spleen cells were more specific for EL4 than those derived from normal spleen cells.Abbreviations B6 C57BL/6J - BDF1 (C57BL/6J×DBA/2J) F1 - ConA SN concanavalin A supernatant - CTL cytotoxic T lymphocytes - CTL-P cytotoxic T-lymphocyte precursors - CY cyclophosphamide - E/T effector-to-target ratio - IL2 interleukin 2 - IP intraperitoneal - IUdR iododeoxyuridine - IV intravenous - LPS lipopolysaccharide - MST mean survival time  相似文献   

Lethally irradiated mice reconstituted with syngeneic bone marrow cells were grafted with allogeneic skin grafts 6-7 weeks after irradiation and reconstitution. Mice with intact thymuses rejected the grafts whereas the mice thymectomized before irradiation and reconstitution did not. Thymectomized irradiated mice (TIR mice) reconstituted with bone marrow cells from donors immune to the allografts rejected the grafts. Bone marrow cells from immunized donors, pretreated with Thy 1.2 antibody and C', did not confer immunity to TIR recipients. To determine the number of T lymphocytes necessary for the transfer of immunity by bone marrow cells from immunized donors, thymectomized irradiated mice were reconstituted with nonimmune bone marrow cells treated with Thy 1.2 antibody and C' and with various numbers of splenic T lymphocytes from nonimmune and immune donors. Allogeneic skin graft rejection was obtained with 10(6) nonimmune or 10(4) immune T cells. The effect of immune T cells was specific: i.e., immune T cells accelerated only rejection of the relevant skin grafts whereas against a third-party skin grafts acted as normal T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

IL-21 is an immune-stimulatory four alpha helix cytokine produced by activated T cells. To study the in vivo antitumor activities of IL-21, TS/A murine mammary adenocarcinoma cells were genetically modified to secrete IL-21 (TS/A-IL-21). These cells developed small tumors that were subsequently rejected by 90% of s.c. injected syngeneic mice. Five days after injection, TS/A-IL-21 tumors showed numerous infiltrating granulocytes, NK cells, and to a lesser extent CD8(+) T cells, along with the expression of TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma, and endothelial adhesion molecules ICAM-1 and VCAM-1. At day 7, CD8(+) and CD4(+) T cells increased together with IFN-gamma, and the CXC chemokines IFN-gamma-inducible protein 10, monokine induced by IFN-gamma, and IFN-inducible T cell alpha-chemoattractant. The TS/A-IL-21 tumor displayed a disrupted vascular network with abortive sprouting and signs of endothelial cell damage. In vivo depletion experiments by specific Abs showed that rejection of TS/A-IL-21 cells required CD8(+) T lymphocytes and granulocytes. When injected in IFN-gamma-deficient mice, TS/A-IL-21 cells formed tumors that regressed in only 29% of animals, indicating a role for IFN-gamma in IL-21-mediated antitumor response, but also the existence of IFN-gamma-independent effects. Most immunocompetent mice rejecting TS/A-IL-21 cells developed protective immunity against TS/A-pc (75%) and against the antigenically related C26 colon carcinoma cells (61%), as indicated by rechallenge experiments. A specific CTL response against the gp70-env protein of an endogenous murine retrovirus coexpressed by TS/A and C26 cells was detected in mice rejecting TS/A-IL-21 cells. These data suggest that IL-21 represents a suitable adjuvant in inducing specific CTL responses.  相似文献   

The growth of MethA tumor was significantly inhibited by oral administration of the -glucan SPR-901 in BALB/c (+/+) mice but not in nude mice. Mice treated orally with SPR-901 exhibited an augmentation of antigen-specific resistance against rechallenge with the tumor cells. The tumor-neutralizing activity of regional lymph node cells from MethA-bearing mice against the tumor was augmented by oral administration of SPR-901. The tumor-neutralizing activity of lymph node cells from SPR-901-treated mice mainly appeared in Lyt2+cells. Furthermore, lymphokine-activated killer activity of these cells was enhanced by administration of SPR-901. The antitumor effect of SPR-901 was abrogated in mice depleted of either L3T4+ or Lyt2+ cells, and in cyclosporin-A-treated mice. These results suggest that Lyt2+ cells are important effector cells in MethA-bearing mice orally adminstered SPR-901 and that functional exertion of both Lyt2+ and L3T4+T cells is necessary for the antitumor effect of orally administered SPR-901 in vivo.  相似文献   

Syngeneic proliferative response of splenic T cells against monolayers of epidermal basal cells (EBC) was obtained with C57BL/6 and DBA/2 mice. Optimal response, as assessed by [3H]thymidine uptake, occurred on the 6th day of coculture. The level of [3H]thymidine uptake by unseparated spleen cells was lower than by fractionated T cells from C57BL/6 mice, and null for DBA/2 mice. It was not significantly different when lymphocytes were cocultured with syngeneic or allogeneic epidermal cells. Ia antigens did not appear to be involved in the syngeneic response, since it was not prevented by pretreating stimulator monolayers with monoclonal anti-Iak antibody or by adding this antibody directly to the cultures. When the proliferative responses of separated Lyt 1+ and Lyt 2+ cell subsets were compared, the prominent role of Lyt 1+ cells was demonstrated. Enhancement of the T-cell reactivity by eliminating Lyt 2+ cells and suppression of the response of a constant number of Lyt 1+ cells by adding Lyt 2+ cells suggested that Lyt 2+ cells could suppress and modulate the Lyt 1+ cell proliferation.  相似文献   

T cells are critical for clearing infection and preventing tumors induced by polyoma virus, a natural murine papovavirus. We previously identified the immunodominant epitope for polyoma virus-specific CTL in tumor-resistant H-2k mice as the Dk-restricted peptide, MT389-397, derived from the polyoma middle T oncoprotein. In this study, we developed tetrameric Dk complexes containing the MT389-397 peptide to directly visualize and enumerate MT389-397-specific CTL during polyoma virus infection. We found that Dk/MT389 tetramer+CD8+ T cells undergo a massive expansion during primary infection such that by day 7 postinfection these Ag-specific CD8+ T cells constitute approximately 20% of the total and approximately 40% of the activated CD8+ T cells in the spleen. This expansion of Dk/MT389 tetramer+CD8+ T cells parallels the emergence of MT389-397-specific ex vivo cytolytic activity and clearance of polyoma virus. Notably, Dk/MT389 tetramer+CD8+ T cells are maintained in memory at very high levels. The frequencies of Dk/MT389 tetramer+CD8+ effector and memory T cells in vivo match those of CD8+ T cells producing intracellular IFN-gamma after 6-h in vitro stimulation by MT389-397 peptide. Consistent with preferential Vbeta6 expression by MT389-397-specific CD8+CTL lines and clones, Dk/MT389 tetramer+CD8+ T cells exhibit biased expression of this Vbeta gene segment. Finally, we show that Dk/MT389 tetramer+CD8+ T cells efficiently infiltrate a polyoma tumor challenge to virus-immune mice. Taken together, these findings strongly implicate virus-induced MT389-397-specific CD8+ T cells as essential effectors in eliminating polyoma-infected and polyoma-transformed cells in vivo.  相似文献   

We have initiated the molecular definition of the antigens recognized by Gross MuLV-specific cytolytic T lymphocytes on the surface of Gross MuLV-induced tumor cells. A panel of target cells was obtained by the double transfection and expression of a retrovirus gene and a foreign H-2 gene in recipient mouse fibroblasts. Our results show that class I H-2 transplantation antigens have a directive influence in determining the antigenicity of proteins encoded by the gag and env MuLV genes. Genes not linked to H-2 influence the intensity and the specificity of the cytolytic T lymphocyte response to Gross MuLV-induced tumors. Finally, MuLV-induced antigens expressed by transfected fibroblasts induce tumor immunity and lead to accelerated tumor rejection in vivo.  相似文献   

To explore the physiologic or pathologic roles of autoreactive T cells, we examined immunological functions of several autoreactive mouse T cell clones in vitro and in vivo. All of the T cell clones were Lyt-2-, L3T4+ and showed self-I region-restricted proliferative responses (one clone was self-I-E restricted, the other clones were self-I-A restricted). One clone derived from C57BL/6 mouse and reactive to the self-I-Ab product (clone bb1-2) showed cross-reactivity to the I-Ak product. Among four such auto-Ia-reactive T cell clones examined, one clone produced fairly large amounts of interleukin 2 (IL 2) in response to syngeneic stimulator cells, and mediated help for the in vitro cytotoxic T cell (CTL) responses of syngeneic thymocytes, whereas this clone did not mediate in vitro antibody responses of syngeneic B cells. The other three clones were producers of small amounts of IL 2 and did not mediate the in vitro CTL responses. Among the three clones, clone bb1-2 showed strong regulatory function, and clone kk-1 (B10.BR origin and self-I-Ak reactive) showed weak regulatory function in vitro antibody responses of syngeneic B cells. The physiologic or pathologic roles of autoreactive T cells in vivo were explored by injecting subcutaneously clone kk-1 T cells or clone bb1-2 T cells into the footpads of the respective syngeneic mice. Clone kk-1 T cells injected into syngeneic mice elicited swelling of the footpad and marked accumulation of mononuclear cells in the dermis, leaving the epidermis intact, as in the delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction. As a notable finding, clone bb1-2 T cells injected into syngeneic mice elicited marked swelling of the footpad and lichen planus-like skin lesions, i.e., infiltration of lymphocytes in the epidermis and epidermal cell damage. The lymphocytes infiltrating in the epidermis were evaluated, as were the injected clone bb1-2 T cells expressing the Lyt-1.2 phenotype, by examination of the skin lesions elicited in C3H/He mice (H-2k, Lyt-1.1, 2.1) by the clone T cells. Clone bb1-2 T cells exerted in vitro cytotoxicity against H-2b and H-2k target cells, whereas clone kk-1 T cells did not show any cytotoxic activity, indicating a correlation between the cytotoxic activity of clone bb1-2 T cells and their ability to elicit lichen planus-like lesions.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Summary The role of antigen-reactive cell opsonization (ARCO) in a syngeneic tumor system and its effect on tumor progression was investigated. Thus, anti-tumor reactive T cells were prepared in vivo by immunization of normal SJL/J mice with mitomycin C-inactivated tumor cells of the syngeneic transplantable reticulum cell sarcoma (RCS) line LA-6. Dividing cells were subsequently labeled by injecting iodo-2-deoxyuridine (125IUdR) into the same animals 3 days later. Antigen-reactive cells (*ARC) present in the radiolabeled, nylon wool-fractionated spleen cell population taken from these mice on day 4 and injected IV into syngeneic SJL/J mice bearing LA-6 tumors were diverted to the liver and away from the spleen. The effect was maximal by 8 days following inoculation of tumor cells, and was specific inasmuch as 125IUdR-labeled cells prepared by immunization with allogeneic spleen or tumor cells which were not opsonized in day-8 LA-6 tumor-bearing mice. Opsonization of *ARC in day-8 LA-6 tumor-bearing mice was completely abrogated by either prior injection of heat-aggregated immunoglobulin into the mice or preincubation of the *ARC in solubilized tumor antigen before injection into tumor-bearing mice, demonstrating the involvement of Fc receptors in the host and antigen-specific receptors on the *ARC, respectively, in the opsonizing process. When anti-LA-6 reactive T cells were incubated in serum from LA-6 tumor-bearing mice and then injected IV into normal syngeneic SJL/J mice, a similar liver diversion was observed. Serum from cyclophosphamide-pretreated mice injected with LA-6 or serum from mice given mitomycin C-inactivated LA-6 cells did not cause opsonization of tumor-reactive T cells, while a mixture of these two sera did have some *ARC opsonizing activity. Further experiments with SJL/J mice bearing spontaneous RCS tumor indicate that tumor-reactive T cells are also opsonized in these mice. The above studies and others suggested that ARCO may play an important role in vivo in the survival of tumors. Abbreviations used in this paper are: ARC, antigen-reactive cells; ARC, radiolabeled antigen-reactive cells; ARCO, antigen-reactive cell opsonization; LA-6 tumor line derived in our laboratory; L.I., localization index; PEG, polyethylene glycol; RCS, reticulum cell sarcoma; STA, soluble tumor antigen; TBS, tumor-bearer serum  相似文献   

Enhancement of tumor growth was observed when non-sensitized thymocytes were injected together with tumor cells into syngeneic mice, although this tumor enhancement was less pronounced than that caused by tumor-sensitized T lymphocytes. The cells within the thymus which are responsible for this tumor enhancement were found to be rapidly dividing and to be absent from the thymus a day after cortisone administration. At a longer time interval the cortison-depleted thymus was repopulated by dividing cells which exhibited tumor-enhancing reactivity. The characteristics of these cells suggest that they are in the early stages of thymic processing. The enhancing thymocytes were sensitive to treatment with the thymic humoral factor which functions in T cell maturation, and their enhancing activity was cancelled by such treatment. These results are compatible with our hypothesis that exposure of immature T cells to a tumor stimulus may lead to tumor enhancement whereas interaction between mature T lymphocytes and tumor cells may be required for tumor inhibition.  相似文献   

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