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Application of anaerobic conditions with CO2 or N2 atmospheres to remove astringency from harvested persimmon fruit ( Diospryros kaki L. cv. Triumph), caused production of more acetaldehyde under CO2 than under N2, 14CO2 applied in a 100% CO2 atmosphere, for 48 h to astringent persimmon fruits was incorporated mainly into malate and very little into other metabolites, such as carbohydrate or amino acids. Application of malate or pyruvate to pulp discs of astringent persimmons caused an immediate rise in acetaldehyde production. The higher levels of acetaldehyde produced by whole fruits held in a CO2 atmosphere, than by fruits held in a N2 atmosphere, can be explained through fixation of atmospheric CO2 into malate, leading to acetaldehyde production.  相似文献   

低乙烯减压处理对柿果实乙烯生物合成的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
在 1 0℃± 1℃的条件下 ,研究了低乙烯减压处理对火柿采后乙烯生物合成的影响。结果表明 ,低乙烯减压处理使火柿 ACC含量降低 ,EFE活性减弱 ,从而显著抑制了乙烯的产生 ,延迟了乙烯峰出现的时间。该处理能显著延缓火柿硬度的下降。  相似文献   

The inhibition of the enzyme β-glucosidase by natural polyphenolic substrates is described. The kinetic data suggest that the pattern of inhibition w  相似文献   

In this work the effect of injection of xyloglucan-derived oligosaccharides (XGOs) into whole persimmon (Diospyros khaki L.) fruits on ethylene biosynthesis was investigated. Fruits collected during different ripening stages produced low levels of ethylene without a climacteric-like peak. Pretreatment of these fruits with 10 cm3 C2H4 m-3 for 8 h stimulated little or no endogenous ethylene production. However, when persimmon fruits were injected with a mixture of XGOs a burst in ethylene production was observed compared with water-injected control fruits or fruits injected with different monosaccharide solutions. In order to study the influence of oligosaccharide structure and fruit ripening stage on the ability of XGOs to induce ethylene synthesis, fucosylated and non-fucosylated XGOs were injected into persimmon fruits harvested at two different ripening stages. Both oligosaccharide structures were able to induce ethylene production. Induction of ethylene by XGOs was much more evident in fruits harvested later in time, indicating that the process is developmentally regulated. The levels of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) in injected persimmon fruits were also examined. This study showed that the increase in the rate of ethylene biosynthesis induced by XGOs was accompanied by the accumulation of its metabolic precursor ACC.  相似文献   

Polyamines have been attributed a general role in fruit development in several plants like pea and tomato. To investigate the involvement of these compounds in parthenocarpic fruit development in Citrus clementina, we have isolated three genes encoding aminopropyl transferases in this species: CcSPDS, CcSPM1 and CcACL5. The unambiguous identity of the proteins encoded by these genes was confirmed by phylogenetic analysis and by heterologous expression in yeast mutants deficient in aminopropyl transferase activity. The expression of these genes in C. clementina is not restricted to ovaries and fruits, but it is also detectable all throughout the plant. More importantly, gibberellin-induced parthenocarpic fruit set caused a decrease in CcSPDS expression in ovaries, paralleled by a decrease in spermidine; while the expression of CcSPM1 and CcACL5 was basically unaffected, resulting in the maintenance of spermine concentration during early fruit development. In addition, the variation in putrescine content was paralleled by changes in the expression of one of the two putative CcODC paralogs.  相似文献   

Banana fruit are highly sensitive to chilling injury (CI), while the effect of different degrees of CI on the subsequent fruit ripening is largely unknown. In the present work, ripening characteristic of banana fruit after storage at 7 °C for 3 days or for 8 days, and expression levels of eight genes associated with ethylene biosynthetic and signaling, including MaACS1, MaACO1, MaERS1, MaERS3, and MaEIL14, were investigated. The results showed that banana fruit stored at 7 °C for 8 days exhibited more severe chilling symptoms than those at 7 °C for 3 days. Compared with banana fruit stored at 7 °C for 8 days, which showed abnormal ripening, more decrease in fruit firmness, while higher increase in ethylene production and hue angle were observed in banana fruit stored at 7 °C for 3 days, which could ripening normally. Moreover, gene expression profiles during ripening revealed that ethylene biosynthetic and signaling genes were differentially expressed in peel and pulp of banana fruit after storage at 7 °C for 3 days and 7 °C for 8 days. In the peel of fruit storage at 7 °C for 3 days, expression levels of MaACS1, MaACO1, MaEIL1, and MaEIL2 increased remarkably while MaERS3, MaEIL1, and MaEIL4 were enhanced in the fruit after storage at 7 °C for 8 days. In the pulp, with the exception of MaACO1 and MaERS3, expression levels of other genes did not exhibit a significant difference, between the banana fruit storage at 7 °C for 3 days and 7 °C for 8 days. Taken together, our results suggest that differential expression of ethylene biosynthetic and signaling genes such as MaERS3, MaACO1, and MaEIL2, may be related to ripening behavior of banana fruit with different degrees of CI after cold storage.  相似文献   

The potential use of an ethylene absorbent in controlled atmosphere storage of two varieties of apple has been investigated. With Golden Delicious, the rise in ethylene concentration during controlled atmosphere storage can be delayed for about 40 days but not prevented by inclusion of potassium permanganate in the storage container. But with Bramley's Seedling, potassium permanganate can delay ethylene accumulation for over 200 days. Ethylene treatment of Bramley's Seedling in a flowing stream of 5% CO2:3% O2:92% N2 caused accelerated softening, accumulation of α-farnesene and earlier onset of superficial scald. Use of potassium permanganate to remove ethylene during storage in static controlled atmosphere conditions retarded all three processes in Bramley's Seedling kept in 5% CO2:3% O2 and in 9% CO2:12% O2. However, in one experiment, ethylene removal in 5% CO2:3% O2, led to external and internal symptoms of CO2 damage. A subsequent investigation of the combined effects of harvest date, store temperature and ethylene removal in 5% CO2:3% O2 did not show any damage or accumulation of succinic acid which is known to be involved in CO2 injury. This experiment revealed that ethylene removal could be successfully accomplished on Bramley fruit harvested up to a month after the usual date and little α-farnesene accumulated in this fruit. Nevertheless scald did develop on late picked fruit and this raises doubts about the causal role of farnesene in scald.  相似文献   

Calcium nitrate delays climacteric of persimmon fruit   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Calcium nitrate (20 g litre?1) delayed persimmon (Diospyros kaki) ripening on the tree and also reduced postharvest fruit deterioration when applied prior to fruit colour break. The magnitude of the response depended on the date of treatment. Application made one month prior to the peak of estimated commercial harvest was the most efficacious, and colour development, fruit softening and ethylene production were significantly retarded by the treatment. At harvest, there was no effect on fruit size or soluble solids content. Although there was a tendency for the content of soluble solids and fruit firmness to decrease with storage period, firmness of treated fruit was maintained.  相似文献   

In addition to the ethylene formed at the onset of tomato fruit ripening, three peaks of ethylene are produced during earlier periods of in vitro development of tomato flower to fruit. This is the first report characterizing ethylene production during early development of tomato fruit. Previous reports from this laboratory showed that VFNT Cherry tomato calyces are transformed into fruit tissue when cultured in vitro at lower temperatures (16–23 °C). Early ethylene production was also measured in these ripening calyces, as well as in fruit and calyces of other tomato cultivars cultured in vitro. Calyces from Ailsa Craig and rin tomato flowers, which are not transformed into fruit tissue at these lower temperatures, also form ethylene during early periods of in vitro culture, but to a much smaller extent. Unlike ethylene formed at the onset of fruit ripening, the earlier peaks are resistant to the inhibitors, aminovinylglycine (AVG) and CoCl2. The data suggest that ethylene produced during earlier periods of tomato fruit development is formed by an alternative biosynthetic pathway.  相似文献   

对两个梨品种不同成熟期果实贮藏过程中,整个果实以及果皮、果肉、果心的乙烯释放变化及果肉、种子的钙调素(CaM)含量进行测定。结果表明:(1)黄花品种完整果实及不同部位乙烯释放量都高于耐贮藏的湘南品种,且启动乙烯生成和形成乙烯峰值的时间也早于湘南品种;(2)果实不同部位形成峰值的顺序均依次为果心、果肉、果皮;(3)果实呼吸跃变过程中,CaM含量伴随乙烯释放量的上升而升高,乙烯峰值过后,CaM含量下降,果实衰老。  相似文献   

Botryosphaeriaceae species have a wide host range and a worldwide distribution. These fungal species can colonize several plant organs, such as the trunk, leaves and fruit. Some Botryosphaeriaceae species cause important diseases on persimmon, avocado and guava fruit. However, there is a lack of information regarding the mechanisms of penetration by Botryosphaeriaceae species on these tropical and subtropical fruits. This study aimed to better understand the mechanisms involved in fungal penetration, host specificity and aggressiveness of Botryosphaeria dothidea, Lasiodiplodia pseudotheobromae and Neofusicoccum parvum on avocado (Persea americana), guava (Psidium guajava) and persimmon (Diospyros kaki) fruit. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) image analysis showed that in avocado fruit, the three studied Botryosphaeriaceae species penetrated through lenticels. In guava fruit, penetration through stomata was verified for Botryosphaeria dothidea and Neofusicoccum parvum. In persimmon fruit, an appressoria-like structure was observed for B. dothidea, which suggests direct penetration. Disease incidence in wounded fruit was 24% higher than in non-wounded fruit. Lpseudotheobromae and Nparvum showed differences in aggressiveness in guava fruit. The longest incubation period was observed for Nparvum inoculated on guava, with an average of 4.5 days, and the shortest incubation period was verified for Bdothidea inoculated on avocado, with an average of 2.8 days. The area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) did not differ between Botryosphaeriaceae species on avocado, whereas on guava and persimmon fruit, the AUDPC was lower for B. dothidea. The information regarding penetration mechanisms and aggressiveness is important to improve postharvest disease control strategies.  相似文献   

Ethylene production, as well as the expression of ethylene biosynthetic (Rh-ACS1-4 and Rh-ACO1) and receptor (Rh-ETR1-5) genes, was determined in five different floral tissues (sepals, petals, stamens, gynoecia, and receptacles) of cut rose (Rosa hybrida cv. Samantha upon treatment with ethylene or the ethylene inhibitor 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP). Ethylene-enhanced ethylene production occurred only in gynoecia, petals, and receptacles, with gynoecia showing the greatest enhancement in the early stage of ethylene treatment. However, 1-MCP did not suppress ethylene production in these three tissues. In sepals, ethylene production was highly decreased by ethylene treatment, and increased dramatically by 1-MCP. Ethylene production in stamens remained unchanged after ethylene or 1-MCP treatment. Induction of certain ethylene biosynthetic genes by ethylene in different floral tissues was positively correlated with the ethylene production, and this induction was also not suppressed by 1-MCP. The expression of Rh-ACS2 and Rh-ACS3 was quickly induced by ethylene in gynoecia, but neither Rh-ACS1 nor Rh-ACS4 was induced by ethylene in any of the five tissues. In addition, Rh-ACO1 was induced by ethylene in all floral tissues except sepals. The induced expression of ethylene receptor genes by ethylene was much faster in gynoecia than in petals, and the expression of Rh-ETR3 was strongly suppressed by 1-MCP in all floral tissues. These results indicate that ethylene biosynthesis in gynoecia is regulated developmentally, rather than autocatalytically. The response of rose flowers to ethylene occurs initially in gynoecia, and ethylene may regulate flower opening mainly through the Rh-ETR3 gene in gynoecia.  相似文献   

A gene encoding an ethylene receptor protein was isolated from pear (Pyrus pyrifolia). This gene, designated PpERS (GenBank accession No. KC517482), was 1,918 bp in length with an open reading frame encoding a protein of 638 amino acids that shared high similarity with another pear ethylene receptor protein PpERS1, and two apple ethylene receptor proteins MdERS and MdERS1. The PpERS was grouped into the ETR1 subfamily of ethylene receptor based on its conserved domain and phylogenetic status. The PpERS gene contained five exons interrupted by four introns. Quantitative RT-PCR indicated that PpERS was differentially expressed in pear tissues and predominantly expressed in petals, shoots, anthers, and 160 days after full bloom fruit. The PpERS expression was regulated during fruit development. In addition, the PpERS gene expression was regulated by salicylic acid (SA) and ethylene in fruit. The results indicated that PpERS might participate in ethylene and SA signaling transduction during pear fruit development.  相似文献   

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