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Biochemical analysis of the enzymatic activity catalyzing the conversion of chorismate to isochorismate in the enterobactin biosynthetic pathway attributed the reaction to the isochorismate synthetase enzyme, designated EntC. However, the lack of mutations defining this activity has hampered the precise identification of the entC structural gene. In this study, we engineered a stable insertion mutation into the chromosomal region between the enterobactin genes fepB and entE. This mutation disrupted the structural gene for a previously identified 44-kilodalton protein and eliminated production of 2,3-dihydroxybenzoic acid, the catechol precursor of enterobactin. The complete nucleotide sequence of this gene was determined and compared with the sequences of other genes encoding chorismate-utilizing proteins. The similarities observed in these comparisons not only indicated that the locus is entC but also supported the premise that these enzymes constitute a family of related proteins sharing a common evolutionary origin. In addition, in this and the accompanying paper (M. S. Nahlik, T. J. Brickman, B. A. Ozenberger, and M. A. McIntosh, J. Bacteriol. 171:784-790, 1989), evidence is presented indicating that the entA product is potentially a secondary factor in the chorismate-to-isochorismate conversion and that the prototypic entC lesion (entC401) resides in the structural gene for the EntA protein. Finally, polarity effects from the insertion mutation in entC on downstream biosynthetic genes indicated that this locus is the promoter-proximal cistron in an ent operon comprising at least five genes. Appropriate regulatory signals upstream of entC suggest that this operon is regulated by iron through interaction with the Fur repressor protein.  相似文献   

The entC and entA genes, coding for the enzymes isochorismate synthase and 2,3-dihydro-2,3-dihydroxybenzoate dehydrogenase, respectively, were subcloned behind the T7 promoter in the expression plasmid pGEM3Z. Their protein products were overproduced and partially purified for in vitro analysis of the conversion of chorismate to isochorismate. Whereas previous genetic experiments suggested that the EntA enzyme has a role in this conversion, this study clearly indicates that EntC alone catalyzes the reaction. Addition of EntA had no effect on isochorismate synthase activity. As a result, the mutation (previously designated entC401) in strain AN191 was characterized by nucleotide sequence analysis. The lesion is a single base substitution in the entA gene, resulting in a glutamic acid-for-glycine substitution at the penultimate amino acid (residue 247) of the EntA enzyme. The mutant protein was partially purified and shown to be devoid of 2,3-dihydro-2,3-dihydroxybenzoate dehydrogenase activity, whereas the entC gene product from strain AN191 exhibited normal isochorismate synthase function. These results conflict with the earlier characterization of the entC401 mutation in a different genetic background. The data presented herein establish that the EntA protein does not contribute to isochorismate synthase activity and that the mutant strain that led to this suggestion harbors a defective allele of entA rather than entC.  相似文献   

Clustering of genes for L-fucose dissimilation by Escherichia coli.   总被引:13,自引:11,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Aerobic and anaerobic L-fucose utilization by Escherichia coli involves an inducible trunk pathway mediated by a permease, an isomerase, a kinase, and an aldolase. Tn5 insertion mutants of a parental strain expressing this pathway constitutively were used to map the positions of the structural genes by transduction. Results from this and previous studies show that all of the structural genes of the L-fucose trunk pathway map between eno and argA at minute 60.2 of the chromosome.  相似文献   

Tn10 mutants of Escherichia coli MC4100 were screened for their inability to grow under iron deficiency and for their inability to grow under anaerobiosis in the presence of fumarate as an electron acceptor. A strain so obtained (E. coli PBB1) lacked the ability to convert chorismic acid to isochorismic acid. This shows that the gene (entC) encoding isochorismate synthase was mutated. E. coli PBB1 did not produce any detectable amounts of menaquinones (vitamin K2) or enterobactin. When supplemented with isochorismic acid this strain produced menaquinones, indicating that isochorismic acid is involved not only in enterobactin but also in menaquinone biosynthesis. The entC gene was isolated and was shown to be part of the enterobactin gene cluster: It was located on a DNA fragment (9 kb in length) which also carried the entA gene. The DNA fragment was identified by restriction site mapping and was compared to a previously published map of the enterobactin gene cluster. The entC gene on this fragment responds not only to conditions (iron deficiency) that stimulate enterobactin biosynthesis but also to anaerobiosis which results in increased isochorismic acid formation and increased menaquinone biosynthesis. We conclude that isochorismic acid, isochorismic synthase, and the gene (entC) encoding this enzyme are involved in catalytic events at a metabolic branch point from which both enterobactin and menaquinones originate.  相似文献   

The Pseudomonas aeruginosa tryptophan synthase genes, trpA and trpB, which are induced by their substrate indoleglycerol phosphate, were cloned along with their controlling region into the BamHI site of pBR322 to produce the 10.7-megadalton plasmid pZAZ5. SalI partial digestion and ligation yielded a smaller plasmid, pZAZ167, with the chromosomal insert reduced in size from 8.1 to 3.4 megadaltons. Both pZAZ5 and pZAZ167 display Pseudomonas-like regulation of the trpA and trpB genes. Deletion of an EcoRI fragment or a BglII fragment from pZAZ167 yielded plasmids pZAZ168 and pZAZ169; the former expresses trpB but not trpA, and the latter has lost both activities. A deleted form of pZAZ5 designated pZAZ101 was obtained by excising a BglII-BamHI segment and religating the trip gene segment in the opposite orientation. This plasmid expresses trpA and trpB constitutively. The physical maps of these plasmids establish the gene order: promoter-trpB-trpA.  相似文献   

The first committed step in the biosynthesis of menaquinone (vitamin K2) is the conversion of chorismate to isochorismate, which is mediated by an isochorismate synthase encoded by the menF gene. This isochorismate synthase (MenF) is distinct from the entC-encoded isochorismate synthase (EntC) involved in enterobactin biosynthesis. MenF has been overexpressed under the influence of the T7 promoter and purified to homogeneity. The purified protein was found to have a molecular mass of 98 kDa as determined by gel filtration column chromatography on Sephacryl S-200. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed a molecular mass of 48 kDa. Thus, the enzyme is a homodimer. The purified enzyme showed a pH optimum of 7.5 to 8.0 and a temperature optimum of 37 degrees C. The enzyme carries out the irreversible conversion of chorismate to isochorismate in the presence of Mg2+. The enzyme was found to have a Km of 195 +/- 23 microM and a k(cat) of 80 min(-1). In the presence of 30 mM beta-mercaptoethanol (BME), the k(cat) increased to 176 min(-1). The reducing agents BME and dithiothreitol stimulated the enzymatic activity more than twofold. Treatment of the enzyme with the cysteine-specific modifying reagent N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) resulted in the complete loss of activity. Preincubation of the enzyme with the substrate, chorismate, before NEM treatment resulted in complete protection of the enzyme from inactivation.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that human TS mRNA translation is controlled by a negative autoregulatory mechanism. In this study, an RNA electrophoretic gel mobility shift assay confirmed a direct interaction between Escherichia coli (E.coli) TS protein and its own E.coli TS mRNA. Two cis-acting sequences in the E.coli TS mRNA protein-coding region were identified, with one site corresponding to nucleotides 207-460 and the second site corresponding to nucleotides 461-807. Each of these mRNA sequences bind TS with a relative affinity similar to that of the full-length E.coli TS mRNA sequence (IC50 = 1 nM). A third binding site was identified, corresponding to nucleotides 808-1015, although its relative affinity for TS (IC50 = 5.1 nM) was lower than that of the other two cis-acting elements. E.coli TS proteins with mutations in amino acids located within the nucleotide-binding region retained the ability to bind RNA while proteins with mutations at either the nucleotide active site cysteine (C146S) or at amino acids located within the folate-binding region were unable to bind TS mRNA. These studies suggest that the regions on E.coli TS defined by the folate-binding site and/or critical cysteine sulfhydryl groups may represent important RNA binding domains. Further evidence is presented which demonstrates that the direct interaction with TS results in in vitro repression of E.coli TS mRNA translation.  相似文献   

Chalcone synthase (CHS) and stilbene synthase (STS) are related plant polyketide synthases belonging to the CHS superfamily. CHS and STS catalyze common condensation reactions of p-coumaroyl-CoA and three C(2)-units from malonyl-CoA but different cyclization reactions to produce naringenin chalcone and resveratrol, respectively. Using purified Pueraria lobata CHS and Arachis hypogaea STS overexpressed in Escherichia coli, bisnoryangonin (BNY, the derailed lactone after two condensations) and p-coumaroyltriacetic acid lactone (the derailed lactone after three condensations) were detected from the reaction products. More importantly, we found a cross-reaction between CHS and STS, i.e. resveratrol production by CHS (2.7-4.2% of naringenin) and naringenin production by STS (1.4-2.3% of resveratrol), possibly due to the conformational flexibility of their active sites.  相似文献   

The effect of 1-thioglycerol on the expression of genes of Escherichia coli was investigated. Pulse-labeled proteins from aerobically growing, 1-thioglycerol-treated E. coli were separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, and their radioactivities were compared with those of identical proteins from nontreated cells. The first 10 min of exposure to thiol stimulated the synthesis of 10% of the observed proteins and inhibited the production of 16% of the proteins. After 30 min of growth with thiol, the synthesis of 44% of the observed proteins was inhibited and synthesis of 18% of the proteins was stimulated. In general, the expression of genes of carbohydrate metabolism, amino acid metabolism, and protein biosynthesis were inhibited, while nucleic acid synthetic and repair gene expressions showed mixed responses. Synthesis of transport proteins was not affected. Transient stimulation of oxidative-stress proteins and sustained stimulation of the expressions of trxB, ompA, and ompB genes and those of several unidentified gene products were also observed. Whether these complex responses merely reflect adjustments by cellular subsystems to a suddenly reducing environment or whether they are manifestations of a reductive-stress regulon will have to await genetic analysis of this phenomenon.  相似文献   

Abstract A new gene ( menF ) encoding an isochorismate synthase specifically involved in menaquinone (vitamin K2) biosynthesis has been cloned and sequenced. Overexpression of the encoded polypeptide under the influence of a T7 promoter showed an increase in specific activity of 2200-fold. Treatment with protamine sulfate resulted in another 3.5-fold increase in specific activity (7700-fold compared to the parent strain). The relative molecular mass of the overexpressed protein was M r 49 000, which is in full agreement with the DNA sequence predicted molecular mass of 48777 Da. Purified enzyme converted chorismate to isochorismate with the product of the reaction shown to be isochorismate by its thermal conversion to salicylic acid. The fluorescence spectrum generated by the formed salicylic acid was identical to that of authentic salicylic acid. The 5' end of the flanking menD gene has also been redefined.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli fatty acid cyclopropane synthase (CFAS) was overproduced and purified as a His6-tagged protein. This recombinant enzyme is as active as the native enzyme with a Km of 90 microm for S-AdoMet and a specific activity of 5 x 10(-2) micromol.min(-1).mg(-1). The enzyme is devoid of organic or metal cofactors and is unable to catalyze the wash-out of the methyl protons of S-AdoMet to the solvent, data that do not support the ylide mechanism. Inactivation of the enzyme by 5,5'-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid) (DTNB), a pseudo first-order process with a rate constant of 1.2 m(-1).s(-1), is not protected by substrates. Graphical analysis of the inactivation by DTNB revealed that only one cysteine is responsible for the inactivation of the enzyme. The three strictly conserved Cys residues among cyclopropane synthases, C139, C176 and C354 of the E. coli enzyme, were mutated to serine. The relative catalytic efficiency of the mutants were 16% for C139S, 150% for C176S and 63% for C354S. The three mutants were inactivated by DTNB at a rate comparable to the rate of inactivation of the His6-tagged wild-type enzyme, indicating that the Cys responsible for the loss of activity is not one of the conserved residues. Therefore, none of the conserved Cys residues is essential for catalysis and cannot be involved in covalent catalysis or general base catalysis. The inactivation is probably the result of steric hindrance, a phenomenon irrelevant to catalysis. It is very likely that E. coli CFAS operates via a carbocation mechanism, but the base and nucleophile remain to be identified.  相似文献   

Several enzymes have been discovered recently in crude extracts of Escherichia coli that appear to be involved in the biosynthesis of the lipid A component of lipopolysaccharide. Two of these are lipid A disaccharide synthase and UDP-N-acetylglucosamine acyltransferase. Lipid A disaccharide synthase activity is barely detectable in cells harboring a lesion in the lpxB (pgsB) gene. We subcloned the lpxB gene from plasmid pLC26-43 of the Clarke and Carbon collection (L. Clarke and J. Carbon, Cell 9:91-99, 1976) and localized it to a 1.7-kilobase-pair fragment of DNA counterclockwise of dnaE on the E. coli chromosome. Furthermore, we discovered a new gene (lpxA) located adjacent to and counterclockwise of lpxB that encodes or controls UDP-N-acetylglucosamine acyltransferase. Our data prove that lpxB and lpxA are transcribed in the clockwise direction and suggest that they may be cotranscribed.  相似文献   

Recombinant DNA and genetic techniques were used to construct Escherichia coli strains SOH92 [phi(cls-lacZ+)] and SOH93 [phi(cls-'lacZ)hyb]. beta-Galactosidase (116 kDa) synthesized by strain SOH92 was primarily present in the particulate fraction. Strain SOH92 produced about 20-fold more beta-galactosidase activity than strain SOH93. Expression of clsphilacZ in both SOH92 and SOH93 was influenced by the terminal electron acceptor (increasing in the order oxygen, nitrate, fumarate) when the cells were cultured in minimal medium with glycerol as the sole carbon source. As strains SOH92 and SOH93 progressed from early to late log growth phase under aerobic conditions in LB broth, clsphilacZ expression increased about 2.5-fold. Fusion strains containing a pss-1 allele had an increased cardiolipin (CL) level, but no corresponding increase in clsphilacZ expression was observed. A cls::Tn10dTet null mutation was introduced into SOH92 and SOH93. The strains produced less CL, but no corresponding changes in clsphilacZ expression were observed. A high copy number plasmid bearing the cls gene had no effect on clsphilacZ expression. Taken together, these results indicate that cls is not subject to autogenous regulation.  相似文献   

Genes from Beneckea harveyi, a luminescent marine bacterium, were cloned in Escherichia coli. This was done by producing randomly sheared fragments of Beneckea DNA and inserting them into the EcoRI site of plasmid pMB9 by the adenine-thymine joining procedure. The hybrid plasmids were used to transform E. coli C600 SF8. Among the transformants selected for tetracycline resistance, one clone that appeared to complement a leucine tb mutation was identified. The transformants were screened for the presence of Beneckea 5S genes. Four of these clones were analyzed in detail by hybridization with 16S, 23S, and 4S Beneckea RNA. The observations suggest that the ribosomal genes in Beneckea are linked, but are present in a different order than those in E. coli.  相似文献   

Menaquinone biosynthesis is initiated by the conversion of chorismate to isochorismate, a reaction that is catalyzed by the menaquinone-specific isochorismate synthase, MenF. The catalytic mechanism of MenF has been probed using a combination of structural and biochemical studies, including the 2.5 A structure of the enzyme, and Lys190 has been identified as the base that activates water for nucleophilic attack at the chorismate C2 carbon. MenF is a member of a larger family of Mg2+ dependent chorismate binding enzymes catalyzing distinct chorismate transformations. The studies reported here extend the mechanism recently proposed for this enzyme family by He et al.: He, Z., Stigers Lavoie, K. D., Bartlett, P. A., and Toney, M. D. (2004) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 126, 2378-85.  相似文献   

Tryptophan synthase alpha-subunit from Escherichia coli functionally exists as a heterotetramer of alpha(2)beta(2) with beta-subunit. While wild-type and mutant (F139W, T24M/F139W, and T24L/F139W) alpha-subunits were expressed as a monomer from recombinant plasmids in Escherichia coli, T24A/F139W, T24S/F139W, and T24K/F139W mutant alpha-subunits were abnormally expressed as soluble homodimers in addition to monomers. Monomers of dimer-forming mutant alpha-subunits retain high affinity to beta-subunit, high activity in stimulating catalytic activities of beta-subunit, and nearly intact content of secondary structure, indicating that the global structures of these monomers are identical to that of F139W alpha-subunit. However, fluorescence spectra of Trp139 and ANS binding indicate that significant perturbations occur in the mutant proteins. Interestingly, these defective properties of monomers caused by residue replacement were partially repaired by the dimer formation. As a result, it is suggested that dimers may be formed by domain or loop swapping, and that residue 24 may play important role in maintaining on-pathway of alpha-subunit folding.  相似文献   

Growth of streptomycin-dependent mutants of Escherichia coli K-12 was insensitive to valine when dihydrostreptomycin was present in a nonlimiting concentration in glucose-salts medium. Acetohydroxy acid synthase was derepressed under these conditions, owing to relaxation of catabolite repression. Valine sensitivity and catabolite repression were restored when streptomycin-dependent E. coli K-12 mutants were grown with limiting dihydrostreptomycin. End product repression of acetohydroxy acid synthase under conditions of relaxed catabolite repression was effected by any two (or more) end products except the combination valine plus isoleucine, which caused derepression. Single end products had no detectable effect on acetohydroxy acid synthase formation.  相似文献   

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