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ADP and ATP and their analogues were evaluated as inhibitors of 5'-nucleotidase purified from heart plasma membrane. ADP analogues are more powerful inhibitors than the corresponding ATP analogues. The most powerful inhibitor found is adenosine 5'-[alpha beta-methylene]diphosphate (AOPCP) for which the enzyme shows a Ki of 5 nM at pH 7.2. Measurements of pKi values for ADP and AOPCP as a function of pH indicate that the major inhibitory species of both nucleotides is the dianion. In the physiological range of pH values, AOPCP is a more powerful inhibitor than ADP principally because a higher percentage of AOPCP exists in the dianion form. The methylenephosphonate analogue of AMP (ACP), though not a substrate, is a moderately effective inhibitor. The corresponding analogues of ADP (ACPOP) and ATP (ACPOPOP) are as good inhibitors as ADP and ATP respectively. The thiophosphate analogues of ADP all inhibit 5'-nucleotidase, although not as powerfully as ADP, the most effective of these analogues being adenosine 5'-O-(1-thiodiphosphate) diastereoisomer B (ADP[alpha S](B)]. Other nucleotides inhibit the enzyme, but none is as effective as AOPCP. Inorganic tripolyphosphate and methylenediphosphonate are better inhibitors of the enzyme than is inorganic pyrophosphate. Inorganic thiophosphate is a better inhibitor than is orthophosphate. Hill plots of the ADP and AOPCP inhibition yield slopes close to 1; Hill plots of the ATP inhibition yield slopes of about 0.6. MgADP- is not an inhibitor, and MgATP2- is at best a very weak inhibitor of the enzyme.  相似文献   

We examined myocardial 5'-adenosine monophosphate (5'-AMP) catabolism, adenosine salvage and adenosine responses in perfused guinea pig, rat and mouse heart. MVO(2) increased from 71+/-8 microl O(2)/min per g in guinea pig to 138+/-17 and 221+/-15 microl O(2)/min per g in rat and mouse. VO(2)/beat was 0.42+/-0.03, 0.50+/-0.03 and 0.55+/-0.04 microl O(2)/g in guinea pig, rat and mouse, respectively. Resting and peak coronary flows were highest in mouse vs. rat and guinea pig, and peak ventricular pressures and Ca(2+) sensitivity declined as heart mass increased. Net myocardial 5'-AMP dephosphorylation increased significantly as mass declined (3.8+/-0.5, 9.0+/-1.4 and 11.0+/-1.6 nmol/min per g in guinea pig, rat and mouse, respectively). Despite increased 5'-AMP catabolism, coronary venous [adenosine] was similar in guinea pig, rat and mouse (45+/-8, 69+/-10 and 57+/-14 nM, respectively). Comparable venous [adenosine] was achieved by increased salvage vs. deamination: 64%, 41% and 39% of adenosine formed was rephosphorylated while 23%, 46%, and 50% was deaminated in mouse, rat and guinea pig, respectively. Moreover, only 35-45% of inosine and its catabolites derive from 5'-AMP (vs. IMP) dephosphorylation in all species. Although post-ischemic purine loss was low in mouse (due to these adaptations), functional tolerance to ischemia decreased with heart mass. Cardiovascular sensitivity to adenosine also differed between species, with A(1) receptor sensitivity being greatest in mouse while A(2) sensitivity was greatest in guinea pig. In summary: (i) cardiac 5'-AMP dephosphorylation, VO(2), contractility and Ca(2+) sensitivity all increase as heart mass falls; (ii) adaptations in adenosine salvage vs. deamination limit purine loss and yield similar adenosine levels across species; (iii) ischemic tolerance declines with heart mass; and (iv) cardiovascular sensitivity to adenosine varies, with increasing A(2) sensitivity relative to A(1) sensitivity in larger hearts.  相似文献   

The controversial subject of mitochondrial 5'-nucleotidase in the liver was studied employing density gradient fractionation combined with a method for analyzing the distribution profiles of marker enzymes based on multiple regression analysis. Triton WR-1339 was used to improve the separation of mitochondria from lysosomes by the gradient centrifugation technique. Adenosine production was examined further using acetate to increase intramitochondrial AMP, and thus adenosine production, in incubations with gradient centrifugation-purified mitochondria. Distribution analysis of the crude homogenate showed that 5'-nucleotidase activity exists in the mitochondrial fraction. To increase the resolution of this approach with respect to mitochondria, a crude mitochondrial fraction was also studied. In this case the relative mitochondrial activity decreased but 5'-nucleotidase activity was still clearly detectable. The mitochondrial 5'-nucleotidase exhibited a Km of 94 microM and a Vmax of 31 nmol/min per mg protein for AMP. The kinetic data for the Mg2+, ATP, ADP and AOPCP sensitivity of the enzyme showed that it differs from the plasma membrane, lysosome and cytosol 5'-nucleotidases. AOPCP was only a moderate inhibitor, and ATP was a more potent inhibitor than ADP at a 1 mM concentration. The enzyme also showed a requirement of Mg2+. Acetate caused the conversion of intramitochondrial adenylates to AMP and the formation of adenosine. Adenosine concentration increased in the extramitochondrial space in a time-dependent manner, but only trace amounts of nucleotides were detected. The data show that 5'-nucleotidase activity producing adenosine exists in rat liver mitochondria and a concentration-dependent adenosine output from mitochondria by diffusion or facilitated diffusion is also suggested.  相似文献   

The pH-induced reversible dissociation of pigeon liver malic enzyme (EC was studied by combined use of chemical cross-linking and SDS/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis. The tetrameric enzyme showed a pH-dependent dissociation in an acidic environment. At pH values above 8.0 most molecules existed as tetramers. The enzyme was gradually dissociated at lower pH. When the pH was below 5.0 most of the enzyme was present as the monomeric forms. Reassociation of the subunits was accomplished by adjusting the pH to neutrality. The dissociation and reassociation were almost instantaneous. No trimer was detected. The pigeon liver malic enzyme was thus shown to have a double-dimer quaternary structure with D2 symmetry. In the presence of substrates, the monomer-dimer-tetramer equilibrium favours the direction of dissociation. Tartronate, an L-malate analogue, was found to be more effective than L-malate in this process. When the monomeric forms were immobilized, the enzyme subunits were found to be fully active in catalysis. A possible arrangement of the four identical subunits of the enzyme molecule is proposed to account for the results obtained in this investigation. The origin of the half-of-the-sites reactivity of pigeon liver malic enzyme is also discussed.  相似文献   

A purine 5'-nucleotidase has been separated by DEAE-Trisacryl chromatography from other 5'-nucleotidase activities present in human haemolysates and purified approx. 30,000-fold by subsequent chromatography on Blue Sepharose. The enzyme has an Mr of around 250,000, displays hyperbolic substrate-saturation kinetics and hydrolyses preferentially IMP, GMP and their deoxy counterparts. It is much less active with AMP and dAMP. The purine 5'-nucleotidase is inhibited by Pi, and is strongly stimulated by ATP, dATP and GTP, and by glycerate 2,3-bisphosphate. Stimulators decrease Km and increase Vmax. Glycerate 2,3-bisphosphate is the most potent stimulator of the enzyme and, under physiological conditions, over-rides the influence of the other effectors. Glycerate 2,3-bisphosphate also influences the binding of the enzyme to DEAE-Trisacryl, as evidenced by the different elution profile obtained with fresh as compared with outdated blood. It is concluded that the glycerate 2,3-bisphosphate-stimulated purine 5'-nucleotidase is responsible for the dephosphorylation of IMP and GMP, but not of AMP, in human erythrocytes.  相似文献   

The extent to which endogenous, extracellular adenosine mediates increased coronary flow in crystalloid-perfused, isovolumic rat hearts stimulated with either norepinephrine or isoproterenol was examined. When infused into the coronary circulation, norepinephrine (1 x 10(-7) M) rapidly increased left ventricular developed pressure (LVDP) from 81 +/- 6 to 235 +/- 13 mmHg (1 mmHg = 133.3 Pa) and coronary flow from 12.7 +/- 0.8 to 18.4 +/- 0.7 mL.min-1.g-1. The presence of either adenosine deaminase (2 U.mL-1) or the adenosine receptor antagonist, 8-phenyltheophylline (5 x 10(-6) M) in the perfusate of norepinephrine-stimulated hearts augmented the increase in LVDP and +/- dP/dtmax by 10-20% but reduced the increase in coronary flow by 34%. Doubling the rate of adenosine deaminase infusion, or infusing the enzyme and 8-phenyltheophylline together did not alter their inhibitory effectiveness. Similar results were observed with hearts stimulated with isoproterenol (5 x 10(-8) M). These data show that about a third of the vasodilation that results from the metabolic stimulation of rat heart by catecholamines is due to the receptor-mediated action of extracellular adenosine.  相似文献   

1. The partially purified IMP-specific cytosolic 5'-nucleotidases from rat liver, polymorphonuclear leucocytes and heart were inhibited by 50% by 2-6 mM-5'-deoxy-5'-isobutylthioadenosine (IBTA) or 7-10 mM-5'-deoxy-5'-isobutylthioinosine (IBTI). IBTA and IBTI inhibited the rat liver and polymorphonuclear-leucocyte enzymes non-competitively. IBTA, but not IBTI, also inhibited the ecto-5'-nucleotidase of polymorphonuclear leucocytes. IBTI was, by contrast, a more potent inhibitor than IBTA of the AMP-specific soluble 5'-nucleotidase from pigeon heart. 2. During 2-deoxyglucose-induced ATP-catabolism in rat polymorphonuclear leucocytes, adenosine formation was inhibited by approx. 80% by 3 mM-IBTA and by approx. 70% by 7 mM-IBTI. 3. The results show that 5'-modified nucleosides are inhibitors of cytosolic 5'-nucleotidases and that they penetrate to inhibit their target enzymes in intact cells. Such inhibitors may be useful to clarify the mechanisms of adenosine formation and to prevent mononucleotide hydrolysis during ATP breakdown.  相似文献   

Immunoreactive somatostatin is secreted by rat gastric mucosa perifused in vitro. Somatostatin release is stimulated by pentagastrin and cyclic AMP with theophylline. These results suggest that gastric mucosal somatostatin may have a paracrine action as feedback inhibitor of gastrin secretion.  相似文献   

Corticosterone production and adenosine 3′,5′-monophosphate levels in collagenase prepared isolated rat adrenal cells have been measured in response to adrenocorticotrophin in the presence and absence of theophylline. Theophylline (1mM) was found to potentiate the steroidogenic effect of submaximal concentrations of adrenocorticotrophin. This concentration of theophylline was without effect on protein synthesis in this system. Potentiation of adrenocorticotrophin stimulated adenosine 3′,5′-monophosphate levels was also observed in the presence of theophylline (0.5 and 1.0mM). Phosphodiesterase activity in collagenase prepared adrenal cells was 67% of that in intact glands, while the activity in trypsin prepared cells was 37% of that in intact glands.  相似文献   

Properties of rat heart adenosine kinase.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Adenosine kinase was purified 870-fold from rat heart by a combination of gel filtration and affinity chromatography. The preparation was free of purine-metabolizing enzymes that could interfere in the assay of the kinase. A study of the properties of the purified enzyme showed that it is activated by Na+ and K+, it possesses a broad pH optimum between 6 and 8, MgATP is the nucleotide substrate, free Mg2+ is an inhibitor with respect to both MgATP and adenosine, and the enzyme is subject to substrate inhibition by adenosine. The severity of this inhibition increases as the concentration of free Mg2+ increase. The Km for MgATP was calculated to be 0.8 mM and that for adenosine, at likely physiological concentrations of MgATP and free MgCl2, was about 0.2 microM. In vivo the enzyme is likely to be saturated with both MgATP and adenosine. Indeed, the adenosine concentration in rat heart in vivo is probably sufficient to cause substrate inhibition, and this would be increased by an increase in free Mg2+ concentration. Changes in the concentrations of adenosine and free Mg2+ may play a role in modifying the activity of the enzyme in vivo.  相似文献   

The acid-insoluble product isolated from well-oxygenated Langendorff rat heart after perfusion with [14C]adenosine was purified by phenol extraction and subjected to specific phosphorolysis by pure polynucleotide phosphorylase. TLC analysis of the reaction mixture showed that ADP was the only radioactive product, proving that the original substance was a polyribonucleotide. Studies of the time course of labelling and of the distribution of the acid-insoluble product between the mitochondrial and nuclear fractions showed that both are labelled even after 1 min at 25 °C, but at short times and low temperature more radioactivity is found in the mitochondria. The kinetics of adenosine incorporation resemble those expected for the labelling of hnRNA and mRNA. Isolated, respiring mitochondria incorporate adenosine and adenine nucleotides into acid insoluble form by a process dependent on oxidative phosphorylation and the adenine nucleotide translocase that is specific for adenine derivatives. The results are discussed in terms of the hypothesis that the polyribonucleotide might be a storage form of adenine nucleotides: it is concluded that the bulk of the labelled product is unlikely to play a major role in energy metabolism.  相似文献   

Rat hearts were perfused simultaneously with [8-3H] AMP and [8-14C]adenosine. [8-3H] AMP was hydrolzyed by 5'-nucleotidase to produce intra- and extracellular [8-3H] adenosine. Comparison of the specific activities of [3H]- and [14C]adenosine in the heart cells with the specific activities of [3H]- and [14C]adenosine in the effluent perfusate showed that much more [3H]adenosine accumulated in the tissue than would be expected if extracellular adenosine were the immediate precursor of intracellular adenosine. Conversely, perfusion of rat hearts with [8-14C]AMP and [8-3H]adenosine led to a much greater accumulation of intracellular [14C]adenosine than would be expected from an uptake of adenosine from the perfusate. These results are interpreted to be due to hydrolysis of extracellular AMP by 5'-nucleotidase, located in the plasma membrane, and release of the resulting adenosine inside the cell. Measurements of the specific activities of 3H and 14C in ATP, ADP, AMP, and inosine support this interpretation.  相似文献   

To assess whether prostaglandin-E2 (PGE2) and cyclic adenosine 3'-5'-monophosphate (cAMP) are involved in the cardiac response to chronic pressure overload, we measured by specific radioimmunoassay method the cardiac tissue and plasma concentrations of PGE2 and cAMP in an animal model of left ventricular hypertrophy. The cardiac hypertrophy was accompanied by a significant increase in PGE2 content, and a significant decrease in cAMP content, in the heart. In addition, we found elevated PGE2 and cAMP levels in arterial plasma samples from the rats with hypertrophied hearts compared to normal rats. These findings suggest a link between cardiac and vascular PGE2 and cAMP generation and the hemodynamic stresses of advanced cardiac overload.  相似文献   

Histoenzymological changes in Adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) activity were studied during folliculogenesis in immature and mature rat ovary. Its presence in oocytes of small follicles and absence in those of large follicles postulate a correlation between their absorptive mechanism during the development of the oocyte. The presence of ATPase activity in the theca, corpora lutea and interstitial gland tissue may be related to the vascular endothelium which is associated with the transport system across the membrane.  相似文献   

Hypoxia led to a dramatic acceleration of amino acid breakdown together with succinate synthesis in the rat heart. Our data do not confirm the simultaneous conversion of aspartate and glutamate to succinate, which has been repeatedly assumed in the literature (7, 8, 21, 28-30), but rather suggest that different pathways are involved during developing hypoxia and that glutamate is the sole source for anaerobic succinate production from endogenous sources in the glucose-perfused heart. Perfusion of hypoxic rat hearts with 2-oxoglutarate, malate, and fumarate (5 mM each) increased succinate formation three- to fourfold. The beneficial effects of these substances on left ventricular systolic pressure, end diastolic pressure, and time of recovery may be due to the elevated content of ATP in these hearts compared to hypoxic controls with glucose as the sole substrate. However, the maintenance of a high rate of anaerobic glycolysis in hearts perfused with 2-oxoglutarate, malate, and fumarate and not the small stimulation of succinate synthesis is considered to be the most important mechanism of cardiac protection. A proposed pathway assumes that malate, after dehydration to fumarate, may serve as an alternative electron acceptor for cytosolic NADH during conditions of oxygen deficiency, thereby cancelling glycolytic inhibition.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic and nuclear protein kinase activities from perfused rat liver have been studied in response to dibutyryl-adenosine cyclic 3':5'-monophosphate added at a concentration that stimulates hepatic gluconeogenesis (100 muM). Total nuclear protein kinase, as assayed using a mixed histone fraction as phosphate acceptor, is increased by 5-fold within 8 min of the addition of cyclic nucleotide to the perfusate. In contrast the total cytoplasmic protein kinase activity is decreased to 50% of the control value. The protein substrate specificity of the protein kinase that is present in the nucleus in response to dibutyryl-adenosine cyclic 3':5'-monophosphate stimulation is similar to that of cytoplasmic, adenosine cyclic 3':5'-monophosphate-dependent, protein kinase but is distinct from that of the enzyme(s) present in control nuclei. The predominant species to protein kinase from stimulated nuclei has a sedimentation constant of 3.9 S. This value is identical to that of the catalytic subunit of cytoplasmic adenosine 3':5'-monophosphate-dependent protein kinase. These data suggest that some of the effects of adenosine 3':5'-monophosphate on nuclear events may be mediated through its interaction with the inactive protein kinase holoenzyme in the cytoplasm and the subsequent redistribution of the active catalytic subunits generated by this interaction.  相似文献   

Diabetes results in functional, biochemical, and morphological abnormalities in the heart. Some of these changes may be attributed to altered adenosine action. This study aimed to examine the expression level of adenosine receptors (AR) in heart of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rat. Performed analyses revealed detectable levels of A1-AR, A2a-AR, A2b-AR, A3-AR mRNA and protein in whole heart and isolated cardiac myocytes. An increase in A1-AR protein content with no changes in mRNA level was observed in isolated cardiac myocytes. Diabetes resulted in an increase of A3-AR mRNA and protein levels in heart and in cardiac myocytes. The level of A2a-AR mRNA was increased in whole diabetic heart, but it decreased in cardiac myocytes with no detectable changes in protein content. We did not observe any changes in expression level of A2b-AR in diabetic heart and isolated cardiac myocytes. Administration of insulin to diabetic rat for four days resulted in returning of the ARs mRNA and protein to the levels observed in heart of normal rat. These changes in ARs genes expression, and receptors protein content correspond to some abnormalities characteristic of the diabetic heart, suggesting involvement in pathogenesis of diabetic cardiomyopathy.  相似文献   

1. The activities of ecto- and cytosolic 5'-nucleotidase (EC, adenosine kinase (EC, adenosine deaminase (EC and AMP deaminase (EC were compared in ventricular myocardium from man, rats, rabbits, guinea pigs, pigeons and turtles. The most striking variation was in the activity of the ecto-5'-nucleotidase, which was 20 times less active in rabbit heart and 300 times less active in pigeon heart than in rat heart. The cytochemical distribution of ecto-5'-nucleotidase was also highly variable between species. 2. Adenosine formation was quantified in pigeon and rat ventricular myocardium in the presence of inhibitors of adenosine kinase and adenosine deaminase. 3. Both adenosine formation rates and the proportion of ATP catabolized to adenosine were greatest during the first 2 min of total ischaemia at 37 degrees C. Adenosine formation rates were 410 +/- 40 nmol/min per g wet wt. in pigeon hearts and 470 +/- 60 nmol/min per g wet wt. in rat hearts. Formation of adenosine accounted for 46% of ATP plus ADP broken down in pigeon hearts and 88% in rat hearts. 4. The data show that, in both pigeon and rat hearts, adenosine is the major catabolite of ATP in the early stages of normothermic myocardial ischaemia. The activity of ecto-5'-nucleotidase in pigeon ventricle (16 +/- 4 nmol/min per g wet wt.) was insufficient to account for adenosine formation, indicating the existence of an alternative catabolic pathway.  相似文献   

The optimal conditions and the effect of deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates were determined for CDP reductase activity in PHA-stimulated lymphocytes. The enzymatic reaction showed an absolute requirement for ATP. In the absence of ATP, only dATP showed a minor stimulation of the reduction of CDP to dCDP. During transformation the CDP reductase activity reached a maximum at the same time as the four deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate pools, corresponding to mid S-phase at about 50 h after PHA addition. The DNA polymerase activity reached a maximum at 57 h.  相似文献   

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