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Southern leaf blight (SLB) caused by the fungus Cochliobolus heterostrophus (Drechs.) Drechs. is a major foliar disease of maize worldwide. Our objectives were to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) for resistance to SLB and flowering traits in recombinant inbred line (RIL) population derived from the cross of inbred lines LM5 (resistant) and CM140 (susceptible). A set of 207 RILs were phenotyped for resistance to SLB at three time intervals for two consecutive years. Four putative QTL for SLB resistance were detected on chromosomes 3, 8 and 9 that accounted for 54% of the total phenotypic variation. Days to silking and anthesis–silking interval (ASI) QTL were located on chromosomes 6, 7 and 9. A comparison of the obtained results with the published SLB resistance QTL studies suggested that the detected bins 9.03/02 and 8.03/8.02 are the hot spots for SLB resistance whereas novel QTL were identified in bins 3.08 and 8.01/8.04. The linked markers are being utilized for marker‐assisted mobilization of QTL conferring resistance to SLB in elite maize backgrounds. Fine mapping of identified QTL will facilitate identification of candidate genes underlying SLB resistance.  相似文献   

Breeding maize for gray leaf spot (GLS) resistance has been hindered by the quantitative nature of the inheritance of GLS resistance and by the limitations of selection under less than optimumal disease pressure. In order to identify the quantitative trait loci (QTLs) controlling GLS resistance, a cross was made between B73 (susceptible) and Va14 (resistant) to generate a large F2 population. Six GLS disease assessments were made throughout the disease season for over 1000 F2 plants in 1989, and for 600 F2-derived F3 lines replicated in two blocks in 1990. RFLP analysis for78 marker loci representing all ten maize chromosomes was conducted in 239 F2 individuals including those with the extreme GLS disease phenotypes. The GLS disease scores of the three field evaluations, each averaged over six ratings, were separately used for the interval mapping in order to determine the consistency of the QTL effects. The heavy GLS disease pressure, meticulous disease ratings, and large population size of this study afforded us the sensitivity for detecting QTL effects. QTLs located on three chromosomes (1, 4, and 8) had large effects on GLS resistance, each explaining 35.0–56.0%, 8.8–14.3%, and 7.7–11.0% of the variance, respectively. These three QTL effects were remarkably consistent across three disease evaluations over 2 years and two generations. Smaller QTL effects were also found on chromosomes 2 and 5, but the chromosome-5 effect might be a false positive because it was not repeatable even in the same location. The chromosome-1 QTLs had the largest effect or highest R2 reported for any quantitative trait to-date. Except for the chromosome-4 gene, which was from the susceptible parent B73, the resistance alleles at all QTL were derived from Va14. The resistance QTLs on chromosomes 1 and 2 appear to have additive effects, but those on chromosomes 4 and 8 are dominant and recessive, respectively. Significant interaction between the QTLs on chromosomes 1 and 4 was detected in all three evaluations. Cumulatively, the four QTLs identified in this study explained 44, 60, and 68% of the variance in F2, and in F3 replications 1 and 2, respectively.  相似文献   

Ineffective screening methods and low levels of disease resistance have hampered genetic analysis of maize (Zea mays L.) resistance to disease caused by maize chlorotic dwarf virus (MCDV). Progeny from a cross between the highly resistant maize inbred line Oh1VI and the susceptible inbred line Va35 were evaluated for MCDV symptoms after multiple virus inoculations, using the viral vector Graminella nigrifrons. Symptom severity scores from three rating dates were used to calculate area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) scores for vein banding, leaf twist and tear, and whorl chlorosis. AUDPC scores for the F2 population indicated that MCDV resistance was quantitatively inherited. Genotypic and phenotypic analyses of 314 F2 individuals were compared using composite interval mapping (CIM) and analysis of variance. CIM identified two major quantitative trait loci (QTL) on chromosomes 3 and 10 and two minor QTL on chromosomes 4 and 6. Resistance was additive, with alleles from Oh1VI at the loci on chromosomes 3 and 10 contributing equally to resistance.  相似文献   

Fusarium ear rot caused by Fusarium verticillioides is a prevalent disease in maize which can severely reduce grain yields and quality. Identification of stable quantitative trait loci (QTL) for resistance to Fusarium ear rot is a basic prerequisite for understanding the genetic mechanism of resistance and for the use of marker-assisted selection. In this study, two hundred and ten F 2:3 families were developed from a cross between resistant inbred line BT-1 and susceptible inbred line Xi502, and were genotyped with 178 simple sequence repeat markers. The resistance of each line was evaluated in two environments by artificial inoculation using the nail-punch method. The resistance QTL were detected using the composite interval mapping method. Three QTL were detected on chromosomes 4, 5 and 10. Of them, the QTL on chromosome 4 (bin 4.05/06) had the largest resistance to Fusarium ear rot, and could explain 17.95?% of the phenotypic variation. For further verification of the QTL effect, we developed near-isogenic lines (NILs) carrying the QTL region on chromosome 4 using parental line Xi502 as the recurrent parent. In the NIL background, this QTL can increase the resistance by 33.7?C35.2?% if the resistance region is homozygous, and by 17.8?C26.5?% if the resistance region contains the heterozygous allele. The stable and significant resistance effect of the QTL on chromosome 4 lays the foundation for further marker-assisted selection and map-based cloning in maize.  相似文献   

The intermated B73 × Mo17 (IBM) population, an advanced intercross recombinant inbred line population derived from a cross between the maize lines B73 (susceptible) and Mo17 (resistant), was evaluated in four environments for resistance to southern leaf blight (SLB) disease caused by Cochliobolus heterostrophus race O. Two environments were artificially inoculated, while two were not inoculated and consequently had substantially lower disease pressure. Four common SLB resistance quantitative trait loci (QTL) were identified in all environments, two in bin 3.04 and one each in bins 1.10 and 8.02/3. There was no significant correlation between disease resistance and days to anthesis. A direct comparison was made between SLB QTL detected in two populations, independently derived from the same parental cross: the IBM advanced intercross population and a conventional recombinant inbred line population. Several QTL for SLB resistance were detected in both populations, with the IBM providing between 5 and, in one case, 50 times greater mapping resolution.  相似文献   

The basic prerequisite for an efficient breeding program to improve levels of resistance to pathogens in plants is the identification of genes controlling the resistance character. If the response to pathogens is under the control of a multilocus system, the utilization of molecular markers becomes essential. Stalk and ear rot caused by Gibberella zeae is a widespread disease of corn: resistance to G. zeae is quantitatively inherited. Our experimental approach to understanding the genetic basis of resistance to Gibberella is to estimate the genetic linkage between available molecular markers and the character, measured as the amount of diseased tissue 40 days after inoculation of a suspension of Fusarium graminearum, the conidial form of G. zeae, into the first stalk internode. Sensitive and resistant parental inbreds were crossed to obtain F1 and F2 populations: the analysis of the segregation of 95 RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism) clones and 10 RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) markers was performed on a population of 150 F2 individuals. Analysis of resistance was performed on the F3 families obtained by selfing the F2 plants. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) detection was based either on analysis of regression coefficients between family mean value and allele values in the F2 population, or by means of interval mapping, using MAPMAKER-QTL. A linkage map of maize was obtained, in which four to five genomic regions are shown to carry factors involved in the resistance to G. zeae.  相似文献   

Fusarium head blight (FHB) caused by Fusarium culmorum is an economically important disease of wheat that may cause serious yield and quality losses under favorable climate conditions. The development of disease-resistant cultivars is the most effective control strategy. Worldwide, there is heavy reliance on the resistance pool originating from Asian wheats, but excellent field resistance has also been observed among European winter wheats. The objective of this study was to map and characterize quantitative traits loci (QTL) of resistance to FHB among European winter wheats. A population of 194 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) was genotyped from a cross between two winter wheats Renan (resistant)/Récital (susceptible) with microsatellites, AFLP and RFLP markers. RILs were assessed under field conditions For 3 years in one location. Nine QTLs were detected, and together they explained 30-45% of the variance, depending on the year. Three of the QTLs were stable over the 3 years. One stable QTL, QFhs.inra.2b, was mapped to chromosome 2B and two QTLs QFhs.inra.5a2 and QFhs.inra5a3, to chromosome 5A; each of these QTLs explained 6.9-18.6% of the variance. Other QTLs were identified on chromosome 2A, 3A, 3B, 5D, and 6D, but these had a smaller effect on FHB resistance. One of the two QTLs on chromosome 5A was linked to gene B1 controlling the presence of awns. Overlapping QTLs for FHB resistance were those for plant height or/and flowering time. Our results confirm that wheat chromosomes 2A, 3A, 3B, and 5A carry FHB resistance genes, and new resistance factors were identified on chromosome arms 2BS and 5AL. Markers flanking these QTLs should be useful tools for combining the resistance to FHB of Asian and European wheats to increase the resistance level of cultivars.  相似文献   

As part of a larger effort to capture diverse alleles at a set of loci associated with disease resistance in maize, DK888, a hybrid known to possess resistance to multiple diseases, was used as a donor in constructing near-isogenic lines (NILs). A NIL pair contrasting for resistance to northern leaf blight (NLB), caused by Setosphaeria turcica, was identified and associated with bin 8.06. This region of the maize genome had been associated in previous studies with both qualitative and quantitative resistance to NLB. In addition, bins 8.05–8.06 had been associated with quantitative resistance to several other diseases, as well as resistance gene analogs and defense response gene homologs. To test the hypothesis that the DK888 allele at bin 8.06 (designated qNLB8.06 DK888 ) conditions the broad-spectrum quantitative resistance characteristic of the donor, the NILs were evaluated with a range of maize pathogens and different races of S. turcica. The results revealed that qNLB8.06 DK888 confers race-specific resistance exclusively to NLB. Allelism analysis suggested that qNLB8.06 DK888 is identical, allelic, or closely linked and functionally related to Ht2. The resistance conditioned by qNLB8.06 was incompletely dominant and varied in effectiveness depending upon allele and/or genetic background. High-resolution breakpoint analysis, using ~2,800 individuals in F9/F10 heterogeneous inbred families and 98 F10/F11 fixed lines carrying various recombinant events, delimited qNLB8.06 DK888 to a region of ~0.46 Mb, spanning 143.92–144.38 Mb on the B73 physical map. Three compelling candidate genes were identified in this region. Isolation of the gene(s) will contribute to better understanding of this complex locus.  相似文献   

Maize (Zea mays L.) is one of the important cereal crops along with wheat and rice worldwide. The purpose of this study was to use classical genetic approaches to assess the resistance of various maize parents and hybrids to the northern corn leaf blight (NCLB) disease in two different locations in Egypt. Eight parents, 28 F1, and 2 check hybrids were evaluated. The analysis of variance showed high significant variations between maize parents and their hybrids for the studied parameters and NCLB disease, besides there are significant variations between both locations. Results of maize parents showed that Sids 63, Giza 602, and Giza 628 cultivars exhibited the highest values and were resistant to NCLB in both locations comparing with Nubaria 39 and Gemmiza 18 that were susceptible to NCLB disease. Concerning the maize hybrids, analysis of variance and mean squares of growth characters in both locations indicated high significant variations between the maize hybrids including the check hybrids. When combined between the two locations for current parameters against NCLB, the data pointed that the Sakha location values for maize hybrids were much closed to the combining data in parents and the hybrids detected high resistance to this disease comparing with Nubaria location. All tested maize lines (38 lines), including parents and hybrids were classified as follows, two lines were rated as 1 (highly resistant), three were rated as 2 (resistant), sixteen were rated as 3 (moderate resistant), eight were rated 4 (moderately susceptible) and nine were rated 5 (susceptible). The data explaining that the crossing between high resistant maize cultivars produced high levels of resistance to NCLB disease. Therefore, our results verified that classical breeding could efficiently increase the resistance levels of maize germplasm against NCLB disease by developing new cultivars with superior performance in terms of grain yield, disease resistance and grain quality.  相似文献   

Quantitative trait loci (QTL) involved in the resistance of maize to Setosphaeria turcica, the causal agent of northern leaf blight, were located by interval mapping analysis of 121 F2:3 lines derived from a cross between Mo17 (moderately resistant) and B52 (susceptible). A linkage map spanning 112 RFLP loci with 15 cM mean interval length was constructed, based on marker data recorded in a previous study. Field tests with artificial inoculation were conducted at three sites in tropical mid- to high-altitude regions of Kenya, East Africa. Host-plant response was measured in terms of incubation period, disease severity (five scoring dates), and the area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC). Heritability of all traits was high (around 0.75). QTL associated with the incubation period were located on chromosomes 2S and 8L. For disease severity and AUDPC, significant QTL were detected in the putative centromeric region of chromosome 1 and on 2S, 3L, 5S, 6L, 7L, 8L and 9S. On 2S the same marker interval which carried a gene enhancing latent period was also associated with reduced disease severity of juvenile plants. QTL on chromosomes 3L, 5S, 7L and 8L were significant across environments but all other QTL were affected by a large genotype x environment interaction. Partially dominant gene action for resistance as well as for susceptibility was prevailing. Single QTL explained 10 to 38% of the phenotypic variation of the traits. All but the QTL on chromosomes 1, 6 and 9 were contributed by the resistant parent Mo17. On chromosome 8L a QTL mapped to the same region as the major race-specific gene Ht2, supporting the hypothesis that some qualitative and quantitative resistance genes may be allelic.Abbreviations AUDPC area under the disease progress curve - CIMMYT International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center - KARI Kenya Agricultural Research Institute - NCLB northern corn leaf blight - QTL quantitative trait locus/loci  相似文献   

Sheath blight caused by Rhizoctonia solani Kühn is one of the important diseases of rice, resulting in heavy yield loss in rice every year. No rice line resistant to sheath blight has been identified till date. However, in some rice lines a high degree of resistance to R. solani has been observed. An indica rice line, Tetep, is a well documented source of durable and broad spectrum resistance to rice blast as well as quantitative resistance to sheath blight. The present study identified genetic loci for quantitative resistance to sheath blight in rice line Tetep. A mapping population consisting of 127 recombinant inbred lines derived from a cross between rice cultivars HP2216 (susceptible) and Tetep (resistant to sheath blight) was evaluated for sheath blight resistance and other agronomic traits for 4 years across three locations. Based on sheath blight phenotypes and genetic map with 126 evenly distributed molecular markers, a quantitative trait loci (QTLs) contributing to sheath blight resistance was identified on long arm of chromosome 11. Two QTL mapping approaches i.e., single marker analysis and composite interval mapping in multi environments were used to identify QTLs for sheath blight resistance and agronomical traits. The QTL qSBR11-1 for sheath blight resistance was identified between the marker interval RM1233 (26.45 Mb) to sbq33 (28.35 Mb) on chromosome 11. This region was further narrowed down to marker interval K39516 to sbq33 (~0.85 Mb) and a total of 154 genes were predicted including 11 tandem repeats of chitinase genes which may be responsible for sheath blight resistance in rice line Tetep. A set of 96 varieties and a F2 population were used for validation of markers linked to the QTL region. The results indicate that there is very high genetic variation among varieties at this locus, which can serve as a starting point for allele mining of sheath blight resistance.  相似文献   

Fire blight is a devastating bacterial disease of rosaceous plants. Its damage to apple production is a major concern, since no existing control option has proven to be completely effective. Some commercial apple varieties, such as 'Florina' and 'Nova Easygro', exhibit a consistent level of resistance to fire blight. In this study, we used an F1 progeny of 'Florina'?× 'Nova Easygro' to build parental genetic maps and identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) related to fire blight resistance. Linkage maps were constructed using a set of microsatellites and enriched with amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. In parallel, progeny plants were artificially inoculated with Erwinia amylovora strain CFBP 1430 in a quarantine glasshouse. Shoot length measured 7?days after inoculation (DAI) and lesion length measured 7 and 14 DAI were used to calculate the lesion length as a percentage of the shoot length (PLL1 and PLL2, respectively). Percent lesion length data were log10-transformed (log10(PLL)) and used to perform the Kruskal-Wallis test, interval mapping (IM), and multiple QTL mapping (MQM). Two significant fire blight resistance QTLs were detected in 'Florina'. One QTL was mapped on linkage group 10 by IM and MQM; it explained 17.9% and 15.3% of the phenotypic variation by MQM with log10(PLL1) and log10(PLL2) data, respectively. A second QTL was identified on linkage group 5 by MQM with log10(PLL2) data; it explained 10.1% of the phenotypic variation. Genotyping the plants of 'Florina' pedigree with the microsatellites flanking the QTLs showed that the QTLs on linkage groups 5 and 10 were inherited from 'Jonathan' and 'Starking' (a 'Red Delicious' sport mutation), respectively. Other putative QTLs (defined as QTLs with LOD scores above the chromosomal threshold and below the genome-wide threshold) were detected by IM on linkage groups 5 and 9 of 'Nova Easygro'.  相似文献   

Molecular Breeding - Soybean plays an important role in seed oil production for foods and industrial products in the USA. Chemical hydrogenation of commodity soybean oil increased functionality but...  相似文献   


Key message

Six quantitative trait loci (QTL) for Gibberella ear rot resistance in maize were tested in two different genetic backgrounds; three QTL displayed an effect in few near isogenic line pairs.


Few quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping studies for Gibberella ear rot (GER) have been conducted, but no QTL have been verified so far. QTL validation is prudent before their implementation into marker-assisted selection (MAS) programs. Our objectives were to (1) validate six QTL for GER resistance, (2) evaluate the QTL across two genetic backgrounds, (3) investigate the genetic background outside the targeted introgressions. Pairs of near isogenic lines (NILs) segregating for a single QTL (Qger1, Qger2, Qger10, Qger13, Qger16, or Qger21) were developed by recurrent backcross until generation BC3S2. Donor parents (DP) carrying QTL were backcrossed to a susceptible (UH009) and a moderately resistant (UH007) recurrent parent. MAS was performed using five SNP markers covering a region of 40 cM around each QTL. All NILs were genotyped with the MaizeSNP50 assay and phenotyped for GER severity and deoxynivalenol and zearalenone content. Traits were significantly (P < 0.001) intercorrelated. Out of 34 NIL pairs with the UH009 genetic background, three pairs showed significant differences in at least one trait for three QTL (Qger1, Qger2, Qger13). Out of 25 NIL pairs with the UH007 genetic background, five pairs showed significant differences in at least one trait for two QTL (Qger2, Qger21). However, Qger16, Qger10 and Qger13 were most likely false positives. The genetic background possibly affected NIL pairs comparisons due to linkage drag and/or epistasis with residual loci from the DP in non-target regions. In conclusion, validation rates were disappointingly low, which further indicates that GER resistance is controlled by many low-effect QTL.

Fusarium head blight (FHB) is one of the most destructive diseases in wheat. This study was to identify new quantitative trait loci (QTL) for FHB resistance and the molecular markers closely linked to the QTL in wheat cultivar Chokwang. The primers of 612 simple sequence repeats (SSRs) and 12 target-region-amplified polymorphism (TRAP) marker were analyzed between resistant (Chokwang) and susceptible (Clark) parents. One hundred and seventy-two polymorphic markers were used to screen a population of 79 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from the cross of Chokwang and Clark. One major QTL, Qfhb.ksu-5DL1, was identified on chromosome 5DL. The SSR marker Xbarc 239 was mapped in the QTL region, and also physically located to the bin of 5DL1-0.60-0.74 by using Chinese Spring deletion lines. Another QTL Qfhb.ksu-4BL1was linked to SSR Xbarc 1096 and tentatively mapped on 4BL. A QTL on 3BS, Qfhb.ksu-3BS1, was also detected with marginal significance in this population. Different marker alleles for these QTL were detected between Chokwang and Sumai 3 and its derivatives. These results suggested that Chokwang contains new QTL for FHB resistance that are different from those in Sumai 3. Pyramiding resistance QTL from various sources may enhance FHB resistance in wheat cultivars.  相似文献   

The basic prerequisite for an efficient breeding program to improve levels of resistance to pathogens in plants is the identification of genes controlling the resistance character. If the response to pathogens is under the control of a multilocus system, the utilization of molecular markers becomes essential. Stalk and ear rot caused by Gibberella zeae is a widespread disease of corn: resistance to G. zeae is quantitatively inherited. Our experimental approach to understanding the genetic basis of resistance to Gibberella is to estimate the genetic linkage between available molecular markers and the character, measured as the amount of diseased tissue 40 days after inoculation of a suspension of Fusarium graminearum, the conidial form of G. zeae, into the first stalk internode. Sensitive and resistant parental inbreds were crossed to obtain F1 and F2 populations: the analysis of the segregation of 95 RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism) clones and 10 RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) markers was performed on a population of 150 F2 individuals. Analysis of resistance was performed on the F3 families obtained by selfing the F2 plants. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) detection was based either on analysis of regression coefficients between family mean value and allele values in the F2 population, or by means of interval mapping, using MAPMAKER-QTL. A linkage map of maize was obtained, in which four to five genomic regions are shown to carry factors involved in the resistance to G. zeae.  相似文献   

Acid phosphatase (APase) is very important in phosphorus (P) scavenging and remobilization in plants. The aim of this study was the fine mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTL) for APase activity (APA) in maize (Zea mays L.) leaf. The QTL for APA were studied in the F2:3 population derived from the cross 082 × Ye107 under low P stress in two sites. A significant difference in APA was found between 082 (P-efficient genotype) and Ye107 (P-deficient genotype). Each environment was analyzed to identify the QTL. Six QTL for APA were found, comprising two QTL at Beibei (BB) and four QTL at Hechuan (HC), China. A QTL denoted as AP9 showed a stable expression under different environments on chromosome 9, and explained 10.21 and 16.81 % of phenotypic variation at BB and HC, respectively. For the fine mapping of this QTL, seven individuals selected via marker-assisted selection in the BC3F1 population were used to produce the BC3F2 lines by selfing and to allow recombination within the region containing the target QTL. High-resolution genetic and physical maps were further constructed for the fine mapping of AP9 using 12 simple sequence repeat markers and the BC3F2 population consisting of 1,441 individuals. As a result, the location of AP9 was narrowed down to a 546-kb fragment on chromosome 9.  相似文献   

In silico mapping of quantitative trait loci in maize   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Quantitative trait loci (QTL) are most often detected through designed mapping experiments. An alternative approach is in silico mapping, whereby genes are detected using existing phenotypic and genomic databases. We explored the usefulness of in silico mapping via a mixed-model approach in maize (Zea mays L.). Specifically, our objective was to determine if the procedure gave results that were repeatable across populations. Multilocation data were obtained from the 1995–2002 hybrid testing program of Limagrain Genetics in Europe. Nine heterotic patterns comprised 22,774 single crosses. These single crosses were made from 1,266 inbreds that had data for 96 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. By a mixed-model approach, we estimated the general combining ability effects associated with marker alleles in each heterotic pattern. The numbers of marker loci with significant effects—37 for plant height, 24 for smut [Ustilago maydis (DC.) Cda.] resistance, and 44 for grain moisture—were consistent with previous results from designed mapping experiments. Each trait had many loci with small effects and few loci with large effects. For smut resistance, a marker in bin 8.05 on chromosome 8 had a significant effect in seven (out of a maximum of 18) instances. For this major QTL, the maximum effect of an allele substitution ranged from 5.4% to 41.9%, with an average of 22.0%. We conclude that in silico mapping via a mixed-model approach can detect associations that are repeatable across different populations. We speculate that in silico mapping will be more useful for gene discovery than for selection in plant breeding programs.  相似文献   

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