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We constructed a novel ATP amplification reactor using a continuous-flow system, and this allowed us to increase the sensitivity of a quantitative bioluminescence assay by controlling the number of ATP amplification cycles. We previously developed a bioluminescence assay coupled with ATP amplification using a batch system. However, it was difficult to control the number of amplification cycles. In this study, ATP amplification was performed using a continuous-flow system, and significant linear correlations between amplified luminescence and initial ATP concentration were observed. When performing four cycles of continuous-flow ATP amplification, the gradient of amplification was 1.87N. Whereas the lower quantifiable level was 500 pM without amplification, values as low as 50 pM ATP could be measured after amplification. The sensitivity thus increased 10-fold, with further improvements expected with additional amplification cycles. The continuous-flow system thus effectively increased the sensitivity of the quantitative bioluminescence assay.  相似文献   

摘要:【目的】腺苷酸激酶(adenylate kinase, ADK)和多聚磷酸盐激酶(polyphosphate kinase, PPK)偶联催化的ATP扩增反应结合生物发光检测法能够对微量微生物进行检测。但是PPK当中结合的内源性的ADP会产生背景干扰,影响测定。本文旨在融合表达ADK和PPK,并建立一种方便有效的内源性ADP的去除方法,降低背景,使之与传统生物发光法结合,实现高灵敏生物发光法检测微量ATP及微生物。【方法】PCR扩增得到PPK、ADK基因,插入表达载体pET28a (+)中构建重组表达质粒pET28a (+)-PPKADK,表达PPK-ADK融合蛋白。利用表面包裹聚胺醇(Polyurethane)的磁珠(magnetic beads),通过化学反应将腺苷酸双磷酸酶(apyrase)固定于磁珠表面,制备固相腺苷酸双磷酸酶(Beads-apyrase),用于除去与融合蛋白结合的内源性ADP,降低ATP扩增反应的背景,从而使之与生物发光反应相结合,测定微量外源ATP及细菌菌落数。【结果】表达的融合蛋白具有PPK和ADK的活性,利用Beads-apyrase可以方便而有效的去除内源性ADP,显著地降低反应背景,从而实现了利用ATP扩增反应与传统生物发光反应结合,测定了小于1 fmol的外源微量ATP,使生物发光法检测ATP及微生物的灵敏度提高至少100倍。【结论】利用Beads-apyrase能够方便、有效地降低PPK-ADK中的ADP背景,从而使PPK-ADK催化的ATP扩增反应能够与传统生物发光法相结合,极大地提高了生物发光法的灵敏度。  相似文献   

The present work aimed (1) to evaluate ATP content in saliva by the bioluminescent luciferin-luciferase method, (2) to evaluate the relationships between ATP content, bacterial count and epithelial cell numbers in saliva, (3) to study the effect of two different antiseptics (peroxidase system producing hypothiocyanite and chlorhexidine) on the salivary biomass. In 45 young adults, the salivary ATP content ranged from 8 to 1515 nM. Salivary ATP content was significantly and directly correlated to bacterial count and epithelial cell numbers (Spearman-Rank correlation, P< or =0.001). Regression analysis allowed the inference of a mean epithelial cell and bacterial ATP content of 152.7 fg and 8.3 fg per cell, respectively. The salivary ATP content decreased significantly to 38. 8+/-12.3 per cent (mean+/-SEM, N=6) of its initial value after a 30-min incubation in the presence of a peroxidase system producing hypothiocyanite (OSCN(-)). Chlorhexidine (CHX) reduced salivary ATP content to 52.0+/-16.7 per cent. OSCN(-) did not affect the transformed logarithm of bacterial count but CHX reduced it from 7. 02+/-0.26 to 0.52+/-0.33. No effect of OSCN(-) was seen on the ratio of epithelial cell viability while CHX reduced it from 46.7+/-5.1 to 3.9+/-1.1 per cent. It is concluded that the combination of the evaluations of the ATP content and cell numbers in saliva can provide reliable data about the effects of oral antiseptics on salivary biomass.  相似文献   

Lysine is an essential amino acid for both humans and animals; and it is usually the first or second limiting amino acid in most formulated diets. In order to estimate the lysine content in feeds and feed sources, rapid amino acid bioassays have been developed. The objective of this work is to assess a rapid assay for lysine supplementation in chicken feeds, using a luminescent Escherichia coli lysine-auxotrophic strain, to avoid prior thermal sterilization. An E. coli lysine auxotroph carrying a plasmid with lux genes was used as the test organism. The lysine assay was conducted using depleted auxotrophic cells in lysine samples. Luminescence was measured with a Dynex MLX luminometer after addition of the aldehyde substrate. Growth response (monitored as optical density at 600 nm) and light emission response of the assay E. coli strain were monitored to generate standard curves. Bioluminescent analysis of feed samples indicated that the method works well in the presence of a complex feed matrix. Comparison of both optical density and luminescent-based methods indicated that, when the assay takes place under optimal conditions, both methodologies correlated well ( r(2)=0.99). Except for the 0.64% lysine-supplemented feed, estimates for lysine based on the bacterial assay were over 80% (82-97%) of the theoretical values. Animal data showed that the bacterial bioluminescent method correlated well with the chick bioassay when diets with different levels of lysine supplementation were assayed for lysine bioavailability ( r(2)=0.97). Luminescent methodology coupled with a bacterial growth assay is a promising technique to assess lysine availability in supplemented animal feeds.  相似文献   

A bioluminescent assay of bacterial ATP for rapid detection of bacterial growth in 512 clinical aerobic blood cultures was evaluated. At the detection limit of bacterial ATP (10?10 mol/l) in the blood cultures 94.2% of the true positive blood cultures were detected (sensitivity) and the specificity was 85.8%. If the cut-off limit was increased the sensitivity decreased and the specificity increased and at 2 × 10?9 mol/l ATP the maximum correctly classified blood cultures was reached. At this cut-off limit the sensitivity was 82.9% and the specificity was 99.6%. In 54.3% of the true positive blood cultures bacterial growth was detected more rapidly with the bioluminescent assay than with macroscopic examination and subculture.  相似文献   

The importance of having a rapid method for determining the viable biomass in activated-sludge wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) for process control and development is well recognized. The firefly bioluminescence ATP assay has been proposed for this purpose. Such an assay using partially purified firefly luciferase and synthetic firefly luciferin for the bioluminescence reaction, a liquid scintillation counter in the out-of-coincidence mode as luminescence detector, and a sludge ATP extraction technique involving dimethyl sulfoxide at room temperature is described. Experiments with several pure bacteria cultures were done to demonstrate the feasibility of applying this assay to activated sludge to activated sludge WWTP investigation and control. The ATP content of samples taken from various points in a 350000 gal/day brewery activated-sludge WWTP was monitored for 4.5 months. Good linear correlation between ATP and mixed-liquor suspended solids, return sludge suspended solids, and effluent suspended solids were observed. Percentage viabilities of the various sludge samples were derived from the ATP results.  相似文献   

A bead-based assay was developed for highly sensitive single molecule DNA detection. Rolling circle amplification (RCA), an isothermal amplification technique that creates tandem repeated sequences, was used in combination with a fluorescent complementary DNA to create dense clusters of fluorescence. These clusters, each corresponding to a single target molecule, can be detected unambiguously due to their high signal/noise ratios. The limit of detection of this assay is approximately 1 amol. This simple single molecule assay allows high detection sensitivity without the use of complex equipment.  相似文献   

A rapid method for enumerating viable Leptospira interrogans serovar pomona cells was investigated using a bacterial adenosine triphosphate (ATP) assay. The ATP was assayed by the luciferin-luciferase bioluminescence reaction. Samples of serovar pomona grown in liquid polysorbate 80-bovine albumin (P80-BA) medium for 1-3 days were analysed for ATP content, culture density (nephelometry), direct cell count and most probable number of viable cells (MPNVC) as determined by the dilution tube technique. A linear relationship was found between ATP content and the number of viable cells over the range of 4 X 10(8) to 8 X 10(9) leptospires/ml. Over this range the correlation coefficient for ATP content versus viable cells (0.96) was similar to the coefficient for culture density versus the number of viable cells. The coefficient for direct counts versus the number of viable cells was smaller. The bioluminescence assay of bacterial ATP is a promising method for enumerating viable leptospires in pure culture.  相似文献   

Recovery of ATP by boiling tris extraction was 90–95 percent greater in 1 liter grab samples than in concentrated net samples. ATP losses were attributed to insulating effects promoted by accumulation of detritus on filters. A series of extractions over a concentration range of whole or size-segregated plankters and cultured algae was made to determine volume of water to be filtered for optimum extraction efficiency. Accuracy of ATP assays was optimized by: (i) using large diameter (i.e. 47 mm) acetate filters; (2) limiting sample volume filtered to 50 ml when particulate organic carbon (POC) exceeded 0.4 mg l–1; and (3) performing extractions in boiling tris maintained initially on a laboratory hot plate at 400°C as opposed to hot water bath at 100°C.Additional problems were encountered in using published cellular carbon: ATP ratios for conversion of ATP data to biomass as carbon. Ratios of POC: ATP in cultures of sheathed blue-green algae reached 550 : i, while non-sheathed forms yielded ratios near values previously reported for plankton communities. Difficulties in applying a uniform conversion factor may be expected in plankton communities containing significant volumes of sheathed blue-greens.  相似文献   

A liposome-PCR assay for the ultrasensitive detection of biological toxins   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
We describe an ultrasensitive immunoassay for detecting biotoxins that uses liposomes with encapsulated DNA reporters, and ganglioside receptors embedded in the bilayer, as a detection reagent. After immobilization of the target biotoxin by a capture antibody and co-binding of the detection reagent, the liposomes are ruptured to release the reporters, which are quantified by real-time PCR. Assays for cholera and botulinum toxins are several orders of magnitude more sensitive than current detection methods.  相似文献   

A new ATP bioluminescence‐based method was developed to determine the effectiveness of nisin on a sensitive strain of Lactococcus cremoris. The principle of the method is to quantify the release of adenylic‐nucleotides (AN) by a sensitive strain under the action of the bacteriocin, with the complex luciferin–luciferase. Nisin‐induced leakage of AN included ATP from a sensitive L. cremoris to the external medium immediately after the contact with the bacteria. The growth of L. cremoris was correlated with the extracellular AN content. The extracellular ATP and AN concentration exhibited a linear correlation to the logarithm of the nisin concentration. For the determination of the effectiveness threshold, the concentration of AN was more sensitive and more reliable than the direct quanti?cation of ATP. The effectiveness threshold, corresponding to a 100% inhibition of L. cremoris growth, was obtained for a null concentration of intracellular nucleotides, i.e. for a ANtot:ANext ratio = 1. For an initial concentration of 1.4 × 107 bacteria/mL, the nisin effectiveness threshold is 3.4 ± 0.01 mg nisin/L. It is possible to detect effectiveness threshold concentration by taking into account the physiological state of the cells. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Summary The intracellular ATP of baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) was measured using the bioluminescent firefly luciferase assay. Benzalkonium chloride and trichloro-acetic acid served in the experiments as extracting agents and optimal conditions for the extraction and assay of the intracellular ATP are reported. Using the results obtained from manually performed experiments two continuous flow systems were designed for the measurement of ATP in yeast cells during cell growth. Good correlation between the amount of cellular ATP and cell growth was found during the exponential growth phase.  相似文献   

A highly sensitive ATP bioluminescence assay with diethylaminoethyl-dextran (DEAE-Dx) in the presence of ATP extractants such as trichloroacetic acid (TCA) and Triton X-100 is described. These ATP extractants inhibited the activity of firefly luciferase, resulting in a remarkable decrease in the intensity of light emission. However, DEAE-Dx enhanced the intensity of light emission as long as firefly luciferase was active in the presence of the ATP extractants. When DEAE-Dx was used for the assay, the detection limits for ATP in the presence of TCA and Triton X-100 were 0.3 and 0.5 pM, respectively, in aqueous ATP standard solution. The detection limit in the presence of DEAE-Dx was improved 13- to 20-fold compared to that in the absence of DEAE-Dx. The method was applied to the determination of ATP in Escherichia coli extracts. When a 5% solution of TCA was used for the extraction of ATP from E. coli cells, the detection limit corresponded to 250 cells ml(-1) of E. coli.  相似文献   

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