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A group of cDNA clones encoding the beta-subunit of bovine rod photoreceptor cGMP phosphodiesterase were isolated for structural analysis. The encoded polypeptide has 853 residues with a calculated molecular mass of 98 kDa. The beta-subunit is 72% identical to the rod cGMP phosphodiesterase alpha-subunit. Like the alpha-subunit and the cone alpha'-subunit, the beta-subunit belongs to the family of phosphodiesterase genes. The beta- and alpha-subunits are more similar to each other than either is to the cone alpha'-subunit, suggesting either that the beta- and alpha-subunits diverged more recently or that their divergence was restrained by the rod functional environment.  相似文献   

Retinal rod photoreceptors of teleost fish elongate in the light and shorten in the dark. Rod cell elongation and shortening are both mediated by actin-dependent mechanisms that occur in the inner segment myoid and ellipsoid. The intracellular signaling pathways by which light and dark regulate the actin cytoskeleton in the inner segment are unknown. To investigate the intracellular signals that regulate teleost rod motility, we have been using mechanically isolated rod inner/outer segments (RIS-ROS) obtained from the retinas of green sunfish, Lepomis cyanellus. In culture, RIS-ROS retain the ability to elongate in response to light; myoids elongate 15-20 microns in length during 45 min of light culture. A pharmacological approach was taken to investigate the role of cyclic nucleotides, cyclic nucleotide-dependent kinases, and protein phosphatases in the regulation of RIS-ROS motility. Millimolar concentrations of cAMP and cGMP analogues were both found to inhibit light-induced myoid elongation and two cyclic nucleotide analogues, SpCAMPS and 8BrcGMP, promoted myoid shortening after RIS-ROS had elongated in response to light. The cyclic nucleotide- dependent kinase inhibitor, H8, mimicked light by promoting myoid elongation in the dark. The effects of H8 were dose dependent, with maximal elongation occurring at concentrations of approximately 100 microM. Similar to the effects of cyclic nucleotide analogues, the phosphatase inhibitor, okadaic acid (0.1-10 microM), inhibited light- induced elongation and promoted shortening. The results presented here suggest that RIS-ROS motility is regulated by protein phosphorylation: phosphorylation in the dark by cyclic nucleotide-dependent protein kinases promotes rod shortening, while dephosphorylation in the light promotes rod elongation.  相似文献   

A substantial fraction (20-30%) of the bovine rod outer segment phosphodiesterase (PDE) activity is not associated with outer segment membranes prepared with buffers of moderate ionic strength; this PDE activity appears to represent a distinct, soluble isozyme. Although this PDE isozyme can be demonstrated to be present in sealed rod outer segments, it is discarded from most standard rod outer segment preparations. A method was developed that allowed the rapid purification of the soluble rod PDE by 2600-fold, to apparent homogeneity, using a monoclonal antibody column (ROS-1a). The soluble rod PDE isozyme has a novel Mr = 15,000 subunit (delta) in addition to subunits of Mr = 88,000 (alpha sol), 84,000 (beta sol), and 11,000 (gamma sol). The delta subunit comigrates with and may be identical to the cone PDE 15-kDa subunit. The small subunits of the soluble rod PDE and the membrane-associated rod PDE were isolated by reverse-phase chromatography. The gamma sol subunit was a potent inhibitor of trypsin-activated rod PDE, inhibiting 50% of 1 pM PDE activity at a concentration of 11 pM. This concentration was similar to that observed for the gamma subunit of the membrane-associated rod PDE. The purified delta subunit did not appear to affect PDE activity; this subunit was, however, unusually difficult to keep in solution. All of the kinetic and physical properties of the soluble rod PDE tested thus far are similar to those of the membrane-associated form, except for the presence of the delta subunit, suggesting that this unique subunit could mediate the solubility of the soluble rod PDE and the cone PDE in the intact photoreceptor.  相似文献   

As the central effector of visual transduction, the regulation of photoreceptor phosphodiesterase (PDE6) is controlled by both allosteric mechanisms and extrinsic binding partners. However, the conformational changes and interactions of PDE6 with known interacting proteins are poorly understood. Using a fluorescence detection system for the analytical ultracentrifuge, we examined allosteric changes in PDE6 structure and protein-protein interactions with its inhibitory γ-subunit, the prenyl-binding protein (PrBP/δ), and activated transducin. In solution, the PDE6 catalytic dimer (Pαβ) exhibits a more asymmetric shape (axial ratio of 6.6) than reported previously. The inhibitory Pγ subunit behaves as an intrinsically disordered protein in solution but binds with high affinity to the catalytic dimer to reconstitute the holoenzyme without a detectable change in shape. Whereas the closely related PDE5 homodimer undergoes a significant change in its sedimentation properties upon cGMP binding to its regulatory cGMP binding site, no such change was detected upon ligand binding to the PDE6 catalytic dimer. However, when Pαβ was reconstituted with Pγ truncation mutants lacking the C-terminal inhibitory region, cGMP-dependent allosteric changes were observed. PrBP/δ bound to the PDE6 holoenzyme with high affinity (K(D) = 6.2 nm) and induced elongation of the protein complex. Binding of activated transducin to PDE6 holoenzyme resulted in a concentration-dependent increase in the sedimentation coefficient, reflecting a dynamic equilibrium between transducin and PDE6. We conclude that allosteric regulation of PDE6 is more complex than for PDE5 and is dependent on interactions of regions of Pγ with the catalytic dimer.  相似文献   

Photoreceptor cGMP phosphodiesterase (PDE6) is the central enzyme in the visual transduction cascade. The PDE6 catalytic subunit contains a catalytic domain and regulatory GAF domains. Unlike most GAF domain-containing cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases, little is known about direct allosteric communication of PDE6. In this study, we demonstrate for the first time direct, inter-domain allosteric communication between the GAF and catalytic domains in PDE6. The binding affinity of PDE6 for pharmacological inhibitors or for the C-terminal region of the inhibitory gamma subunit (Pgamma), known to directly inhibit PDE6 catalysis, was increased approximately 2-fold by ligands binding to the GAF domain. Binding of the N-terminal half of Pgamma to the GAF domains suffices to induce this allosteric effect. Allosteric communication between GAF and catalytic domains is reciprocal, in that drug binding to the catalytic domain slowed cGMP dissociation from the GAF domain. Although cGMP hydrolysis was not affected by binding of Pgamma1-60, Pgamma lacking its last seven amino acids decreased the Michaelis constant of PDE6 by 2.5-fold. Pgamma1-60 binding to the GAF domain increased vardenafil but not cGMP affinity, indicating that substrate- and inhibitor-binding sites do not totally overlap. In addition, prolonged incubation of PDE6 with vardenafil or sildenafil (but not 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine and zaprinast) induced a distinct conformational change in the catalytic domain without affecting the binding properties of the GAF domains. We conclude that although Pgamma-mediated regulation plays the dominant role in visual excitation, the direct, inter-domain allosteric regulation described in this study may play a feedback role in light adaptational processes during phototransduction.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic cells use membrane organelles, like the endoplasmic reticulum or the Golgi, to carry out different functions. Vertebrate rod photoreceptors use hundreds of membrane sacs (the disks) for the detection of light. We have used fluorescent tracers and single cell imaging to study the properties of rod photoreceptor disks. Labeling of intact rod photoreceptors with membrane markers and polar tracers revealed communication between intradiskal and extracellular space. Internalized tracers moved along the length of the rod outer segment, indicating communication between the disks as well. This communication involved the exchange of both membrane and aqueous phase and had a time constant in the order of minutes. The communication pathway uses approximately 2% of the available membrane disk area and does not allow the passage of molecules larger than 10 kDa. It was possible to load the intradiskal space with fluorescent Ca(2+) and pH dyes, which reported an intradiskal Ca(2+) concentration in the order of 1 microM and an acidic pH 6.5, both of them significantly different than intracellular and extracellular Ca(2+) concentrations and pH. The results suggest that the rod photoreceptor disks are not discrete, passive sacs but rather comprise an active cellular organelle. The communication between disks may be important for membrane remodeling as well as for providing access to the intradiskal space of the whole outer segment.  相似文献   

The binding of cGMP to the noncatalytic sites on two isoforms of the phosphodiesterase (PDE) from mammalian rod outer segments has been characterized to evaluate their role in regulating PDE during phototransduction. Nonactivated, membrane-associated PDE (PDE-M, alpha beta gamma2) has one exchangeable site for cGMP binding; endogenous cGMP remains nonexchangeable at the second site. Non-activated, soluble PDE (PDE-S, alpha beta gamma2 delta) can release and bind cGMP at both noncatalytic sites; the delta subunit is likely responsible for this difference in cGMP exchange rates. Removal of the delta and/or gamma subunits yields a catalytic alphabeta dimer with identical catalytic and binding properties for both PDE-M and PDE-S as follows: high affinity cGMP binding is abolished at one site (KD >1 microM); cGMP binding affinity at the second site (KD approximately 60 nM) is reduced 3-4-fold compared with the nonactivated enzyme; the kinetics of cGMP exchange to activated PDE-M and PDE-S are accelerated to similar extents. The properties of nonactivated PDE can be restored upon addition of gamma subunit. Occupancy of the noncatalytic sites by cGMP may modulate the interaction of the gamma subunit with the alphabeta dimer and thereby regulate cytoplasmic cGMP concentration and the lifetime of activated PDE during visual transduction in photoreceptor cells.  相似文献   

The rod photoreceptor phosphodiesterase (PDE) is unique among all known vertebrate PDE families for several reasons. It is a catalytic heterodimer (alphabeta); it is directly activated by a G-protein, transducin; and its active sites are regulated by inhibitory gamma subunits. Rod PDE binds cGMP at two noncatalytic sites on the alphabeta dimer, but their function is unclear. We show that transducin activation of frog rod PDE introduces functional heterogeneity to both the noncatalytic and catalytic sites. Upon PDE activation, one noncatalytic site is converted from a high affinity to low affinity state, whereas the second binding site undergoes modest decreases in binding. Addition of gamma to transducin-activated PDE can restore high affinity binding as well as reducing cGMP exchange kinetics at both sites. A strong correlation exists between cGMP binding and gamma binding to activated PDE; dissociation of bound cGMP accompanies gamma dissociation from PDE, whereas addition of either cGMP or gamma to alphabeta dimers can restore high affinity binding of the other molecule. At the active site, transducin can activate PDE to about one-half the turnover number for catalytic alphabeta dimers completely lacking bound gamma subunit. These results suggest a mechanism in which transducin interacts primarily with one PDE catalytic subunit, releasing its full catalytic activity as well as inducing rapid cGMP dissociation from one noncatalytic site. The state of occupancy of the noncatalytic sites on PDE determines whether gamma remains bound to activated PDE or dissociates from the holoenzyme, and may be relevant to light adaptation in photoreceptor cells.  相似文献   

Ionizable groups and conductances of the rod photoreceptor membrane   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The ionizable groups and conductances of the rod plasma membrane were studied by measuring membrane potential and input impedance with micropipettes that were placed in the rod outer segments. Reduction of the pH from 8.0 to 6.8 or from 7.8 to 7.3 resulted in membrane depolarization in the dark from 8.0 to 6.8 or from 7.8 to 7.3 resulted in membrane depolarization in the dark (by 2- 3 mV) and an increased size of the light response (also by 2-3 mV). The dark depolarization was accompanied by and increased resting input impedance (by 11-35 Mω). When the pH was decreased in a perfusate in which Cl(-) was replaced by isethionate, the membrane depolarized. When the pH was decreased in a perfusate in which Na(+) was replaced by choline, an increase of input impedance was observed (11-50 Mω) even though a depolarization did not occur. These results are consistent with the interpretation that the effects of decreased extracellular pH result mainly from a decrease in rod membrane K(+) conductance that is presumably cause by protonation of ionizable groups having a pK(a) between 7.3 and 7.8. Furthermore, from these results and results obtained by using CO(2) and NH(3) to affect specifically the internal pH of the cell, it seems unlikely that altered cytoplasmic [H(+)] is a cytoplasmic messenger for excitation of the rod. When the rods were exposed to perfusate in which Na(+) was replaced by choline, the resting (dark) input impedance increased (by 26 Mω +/- 5 Mω SE), and the light-induced changes in input impedance became undetectable. Replacement of Cl(-) by isethionate had no detectable effect on either the resting input impedance or the light-induced changes in input impedance. These results confirm previous findings that the primary effect of light is to decrease the membrane conductance to Na(+) and show that, if any other changes in conductance occur, they depend upon the change in Na(+) conductance. The results are consistent with the following relative resting conductances of the rod membrane: G(Na(+)) similar to G(K(+)) more than 2-5 G(Cl(-)).  相似文献   

The light-activated cyclic GMP phosphodiesterase (PDE) of frog photoreceptor membranes has been assayed in isolated outer segments suspended in a low-calcium Ringer's solution. Activation occurs over a range of light intensity that also causes a decrease in the permeability, cyclic GMP levels, and GTP levels of isolated outer segments. At intermediate intensities, PDE activity assumes constant intermediate values determined by the rate of rhodopsin bleaching. Washing causes an increase in maximal enzyme activity. Increasing light intensity from darkness to a level bleaching 5 x 10(3) rhodopsin molecules per outer segment per second shifts the apparent Michaelis constant (Km) from 100 to 900 microM. Maximum enzyme velocity increases at least 10-fold. The component that normally regulates this light- induced increase in the Km of PDE is removed by the customary sucrose flotation procedures. The presence of 10(-3) M Ca++ increases the light sensitivity of PDE, and maximal activation is caused by illumination bleaching only 5 x 10(2) rhodopsin molecules per outer segment per second. Calcium acts by increasing enzyme velocity while having little influence on Km. The effect of calcium appears to require a labile component, sensitive to aging of the outer segment preparation. The decrease in the light sensitivity of PDE that can be observed upon lowering the calcium concentration may be related to the desensitization of the permeability change mechanism that occurs during light adaptation of rod photoreceptors.  相似文献   

High affinity (KD approximately 1 X 10(-9) M) monoclonal antibodies (ROS-1 and ROS-2) were prepared to bovine photoreceptor outer segment cGMP phosphodiesterase. ROS-1 immunoadsorbed greater than 95% of the cGMP phosphodiesterase activity from a detergent-solubilized bovine retina extract while ROS-2 immunoadsorbed only a subfraction of the same activity. Sodium dodecyl sulfate gel analysis of these immunoadsorbates demonstrated that ROS-1 and ROS-2 specifically adsorbed only peptides that comigrated with purified rod outer segment phosphodiesterase. Limited trypsin digestion of purified rod outer segment phosphodiesterase greatly reduced its affinity for ROS-1 but not ROS-2. When a crude heat-stable inhibitor fraction was added back to the activated enzyme, the affinity for ROS-1 was restored, suggesting that the inhibitor was necessary for ROS-1 binding. ROS-1 but not ROS-2 was found to inhibit cGMP phosphodiesterase which had been activated either by dilution or guanyl nucleotide. The inhibitory property of ROS-1 may provide a useful probe for directly studying the effects of this phosphodiesterase on the phototransduction response in the retina. Sodium dodecyl sulfate gel analysis demonstrated that the ROS-1 immunoadsorbates from mammals, fish, and amphibia contained peptides of similar mobility. Immunocytochemistry performed with ROS-1 and fluorescein isothiocyanate-conjugated rabbit anti-mouse IgG localized the antigenic determinant to both rod and cone outer segments suggesting the presence of an antigenically similar phosphodiesterase in both types of photoreceptors.  相似文献   

We investigated the specificity of CAAX box-related isoprenylation of rod photoreceptor cGMP phosphodiesterase (PDE) subunits expressed in bacteria and the consequences of this modification on rod disk membrane association. Full-length cDNA sequences of the alpha and beta subunits of mouse PDE, inserted into bacterial pET expression vectors, were overexpressed as fusion proteins containing 28 (bMP-alpha) and 26 (bMP-beta) additional amino acid residues at their N termini. Both fusion proteins were overexpressed and stored in inclusion bodies. Purified bMP-alpha and bMP-beta were recognized by bovine PDE-specific polyclonal antibodies, but did not associate with depleted rod disk membranes and were catalytically inactive. Using bovine brain or retina extracts as sources of protein prenyltransferases and tritiated farnesyl- or geranylgeranylpyrophosphate as donors, bMP-alpha (CAAX sequence CCIQ) was exclusively farnesylated, and bMP-beta (CAAX sequence CCIL) was exclusively geranylgeranylated. After isoprenylation, bMP-alpha and bMP-beta each associated with rod photoreceptor outer segment disk membranes under isotonic, but not under hypotonic, conditions. The results indicate that isoprenylated bMP-alpha and bMP-beta each interact independently with membranes and that isoprenylation is the key modification that facilitates membrane association.  相似文献   

Subunit stoichiometry of retinal rod cGMP phosphodiesterase   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The cyclic GMP phosphodiesterase of the retinal rod is composed of three distinct types of polypeptides: alpha (90 kDa), beta (86 kDa), and gamma (10 kDa). The gamma subunit has been shown to inhibit phosphodiesterase activity associated with alpha and beta. To investigate the subunit stoichiometry of the retinal phosphodiesterase, we have developed a panel of monoclonal and peptide antibodies that recognize individual phosphodiesterase subunits. By quantitative and immunochemical analysis of the purified subunits, we have shown that each phosphodiesterase molecule contains one copy each of alpha and beta subunit and two copies of gamma subunit. Moreover, gamma can be chemically cross-linked to both alpha and beta, but not to itself, suggesting that alpha and beta may each bind one gamma. The phosphodiesterase is fully activated when both copies of gamma were removed by proteolysis with trypsin. Upon recombination of the purified gamma subunit with the trypsin-activated phosphodiesterase containing alpha beta, the alpha beta gamma 2 stoichiometry is once again restored, with concomitant total inhibition of activity. Our results suggest that at least two activated transducin molecules are required to fully activate one molecule of phosphodiesterase in retinal rods.  相似文献   

Zebrafish retina contains five morphologically distinct classes of photoreceptors, each expressing a distinct type of opsin gene. Molecular mechanisms underlying specification of opsin expression and differentiation among the cell types are largely unknown. This is partly because mutants affected with expression of a particular class of opsin gene are difficult to find. In this study we established the transgenic lines of zebrafish carrying green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene under the 1.1-kb and 3.7-kb upstream regions of the rod-opsin gene. In transgenic fish, GFP expression initiated and proceeded in the same spatiotemporal pattern with rod-opsin gene. The retinal section from adult transgenic fish showed GFP expression throughout the rod cell layer. These results indicate that the proximal 1.1-kb region is sufficient to drive gene expression in all rod photoreceptor cells. These transgenic fish should facilitate screening of mutants affected specifically with rod-opsin expression or rod cell development by visualization of rod cells by GFP.  相似文献   

Our previous study has shown that P gamma, the regulatory subunit of cGMP phosphodiesterase (PDE), is ADP-ribosylated by endogenous ADP-ribosyltransferase when P gamma is free or complexed with the catalytic subunits of PDE in amphibian rod photoreceptor membranes. The P gamma domain containing ADP-ribosylated arginines was shown to be involved in its interaction with T alpha, a key interaction for PDE activation. In this study, we describe a possible function of the P gamma ADP-ribosylation in the GTP/T alpha-dependent PDE activation. When rod membranes were preincubated with or without NAD and washed with a buffer containing GTP, the PDE activity of NAD-preincubated membranes was increased by the GTP-washing only to approximately 50% of that of membranes preincubated without NAD. The P gamma release by the GTP-washing from these NAD-preincubated membranes was also suppressed to approximately 50% of that preincubated without NAD. Taking into consideration that approximately 50% of P gamma is ADP-ribosylated under these conditions, these observations suggest that the ADP-ribosylated P gamma cannot interact with GTP/T alpha. We have also shown that a soluble fraction of ROS contains an enzyme(s) to release the radioactivity of [32P]ADP-ribosylated P gamma in concentration- and time-dependent manners, suggesting that the P gamma ADP-ribosylation is reversible. Rod ADP-ribosyltransferase solubilized from membranes by phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C was separated into two fractions by ion-exchange columns. Biochemical characterization of these two fractions, including measurement of the Km for NAD and P gamma, estimation of their molecular masses, ADP-ribosylation of P gamma arginine mutants, effects of ADP-ribosyltransferase inhibitors on the P gamma ADP-ribosylation, and effects of salts and pH on the P gamma ADP-ribosylation, indicates that rod ADP-ribosyltransferase contains two isozymes, and that these two isozymes have similar properties for the P gamma ADP-ribosylation. Our observations strongly suggest that the negative regulation of PDE through the reversible P gamma ADP-ribosylation may function in the phototransduction mechanism.  相似文献   

A diffusion barrier segregates the plasma membrane of the rod photoreceptor outer segment into 2 domains; one which is optimized for the conductance of ions in the phototransduction cascade and another for disk membrane synthesis. We propose the former to be named “phototransductive plasma membrane domain," and the latter to be named “disk morphogenic plasma membrane domain." Within the phototransductive plasma membrane, cGMP-gated channels are concentrated in striated membrane features, which are proximally located to the sites of active cGMP production within the disk membranes. For proper localization of cGMP-gated channel to the phototransductive plasma membrane, the glutamic acid-rich protein domain encoded in the β subunit plays a critical role. Quantitative study suggests that the disk morphogenic domain likely plays an important role in enriching rhodopsin prior to its sequestration into closed disk membranes. Thus, this and our previous studies provide new insight into the mechanism that spatially organizes the vertebrate phototransduction cascade.  相似文献   

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