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ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) plays an important role in molecular biology. Primer design fundamentally determines its results. Here, we present a currently available software for a rather straight-forward way of visualizing the primer design process for infrequent users. RESULTS: URPD (yoUR Primer Design), a web-based specific product primer design tool, combines the NCBI Reference Sequences (RefSeq), UCSC In-Silico PCR, memetic algorithm (MA) and genetic algorithm (GA) primer design methods to obtain specific primer sets. A friendly user interface is accomplished by built-in parameter settings. The incorporated smooth pipeline operations effectively guide both occasional and advanced users. URPD contains an automated process, which produces feasible primer pairs that satisfy the specific needs of the experimental design with practical PCR amplifications. Visual virtual gel electrophoresis and in silico PCR provide a simulated PCR environment. The comparison of Practical gel electrophoresis comparison to virtual gel electrophoresis facilitates and verifies the PCR experiment. Wet-laboratory validation proved that the system provides feasible primers. CONCLUSIONS: URPD is a user-friendly tool that provides specific primer design results. The pipeline design path makes it easy to operate for beginners. URPD also provides a high throughput primer design function. Moreover, the advanced parameter settings assist sophisticated researchers in performing experiential PCR. Several novel functions, such as a nucleotide accession number template sequence input, local and global specificity estimation, primer pair redesign, user-interactive sequence scale selection, and virtual and practical PCR gel electrophoresis discrepancies have been developed and integrated into URPD. The URPD program is implemented in JAVA and freely available at http://bio.kuas.edu.tw/urpd/.  相似文献   

脱氮硫杆菌特异引物/探针的设计和评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自脱氮硫杆菌(Thiobacillus denitrificans)16S rRNA基因V3可变区中发现一条27 bp的特异序列, 以该序列为反向引物, 对高效同步脱硫反硝化系统污泥DNA进行了温度梯度PCR扩增和基因文库构建, 结果证实了该引物的高度专一性。应用该探针在去离子甲酰胺和NaCl的浓度分别为35%和100 mmol/L, 杂交/洗脱温度为48°C条件下对污泥样品杂交得到较好的阳性结果, 软件分析表明脱氮硫杆菌在污泥中约占15%。脱氮硫杆菌专一性引物/探针的提出, 将为不同生态环境中该种微生物的时空分布、结构动态以及实时定量等研究提供分子生物学工具。  相似文献   



Linear regression of efficiency or LRE introduced a new paradigm for conducting absolute quantification, which does not require standard curves, can generate absolute accuracies of ±25% and has single molecule sensitivity. Derived from adapting the classic Boltzmann sigmoidal function to PCR, target quantity is calculated directly from the fluorescence readings within the central region of an amplification profile, generating 4–8 determinations from each amplification reaction.


Based on generating a linear representation of PCR amplification, the highly visual nature of LRE analysis is illustrated by varying reaction volume and amplification efficiency, which also demonstrates how LRE can be used to model PCR. Examining the dynamic range of LRE further demonstrates that quantitative accuracy can be maintained down to a single target molecule, and that target quantification below ten molecules conforms to that predicted by Poisson distribution. Essential to the universality of optical calibration, the fluorescence intensity generated by SYBR Green I (FU/bp) is shown to be independent of GC content and amplicon size, further verifying that absolute scale can be established using a single quantitative standard. Two high-performance lambda amplicons are also introduced that in addition to producing highly precise optical calibrations, can be used as benchmarks for performance testing. The utility of limiting dilution assay for conducting platform-independent absolute quantification is also discussed, along with the utility of defining assay performance in terms of absolute accuracy.


Founded on the ability to exploit lambda gDNA as a universal quantitative standard, LRE provides the ability to conduct absolute quantification using few resources beyond those needed for sample preparation and amplification. Combined with the quantitative and quality control capabilities of LRE, this kinetic-based approach has the potential to fundamentally transform how real-time qPCR is conducted.  相似文献   

 本文报道了两个用于PCR引物设计的计算机程序PCRDESN和PCRDESNA。PCRDESN程序主要从以下4个方面评价用户自己设计的一对引物的质量:(1)引物内的碱基反向重复或发夹结构,(2)两个引物之间的碱基互补配对,(3)两个引物之间的同源性,(4)引物的碱基组成及特点和T_m值计算。通过用多例文献发表的及本院有关实验室提供的引物对序列的验证,确定了程序的运算参数,证明该程序能较好地检验引物对的质量和解释某些PCR实验失败的原因。PCRDESNA程序采用逐级优化的方法和比PCRDESN所选用的更严紧的引物选择参数对用户提供的核酸序列进行快速检索,以确定所有可能的和合适的引物对。  相似文献   

We developed a novel quantitative real-time PCR (Q-PCR) method for the soil actinomycete Rhodococcus equi, an important horse pathogen and emerging human pathogen. Species-specific quantification was achieved by targeting the chromosomal monocopy gene choE, universally conserved in R. equi. The choE Q-PCR included an internal amplification control (IAC) for identification of false negatives. A second Q-PCR targeted the virulence plasmid gene vapA, carried by most horse isolates but infrequently found in isolates from other sources. The choE-IAC and vapA assays were 100% sensitive and specific as determined using 178 R. equi isolates, 77 nontarget bacteria, and a panel of 60 R. equi isolates with known vapA+ and vapA-negative (including vapB+) plasmid genotypes. The vapA+ frequency among isolate types was as follows: horse, 85%; human, 20%; bovine and pig, 0%; others, 27%. The choE-IAC Q-PCR could detect up to one genome equivalent using R. equi DNA or 100 bacteria/ml using DNA extracted from artificially contaminated horse bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid. Quantification was linear over a 6-log dynamic range down to ≈10 target molecules (or 1,000 CFU/ml BAL fluid) with PCR efficiency E of >0.94. The vapA assay had similar performance but appeared unsuitable for accurate (vapA+) R. equi quantification due to variability in target gene or plasmid copy number (1 to 9). The dual-reaction Q-PCR system here reported offers a useful tool to both medical and veterinary diagnostic laboratories for the quantitative detection of R. equi and (optional) vapA+ “horse-pathogenic” genotype determination.  相似文献   

Of the seven genetic groups, or assemblages, currently recognized in the Giardia duodenalis species complex, only assemblages A and B are associated with human infection, but they also infect other mammals. Recent investigations have suggested the occurrence of genetic exchanges among isolates of G. duodenalis, and the application of assemblage-specific PCR has shown both assemblages A and B in a significant number of human infections. In this work, three real-time quantitative (qPCR) assays were developed to target the G. duodenalis triose phosphate isomerase, glutamate dehydrogenase, and open reading frame C4 sequences. Primers were designed to allow the specific amplification of the DNA of assemblage A or B and to generate products distinguishable by their melting curves or, after qPCR, by their sequences, sizes, or restriction patterns. The assays showed full specificity and detected DNA from a single trophozoite (4 to 8 target copies). We applied these assays, as well as a TaqMan assay that targets the β-giardin gene, to genomic DNA extracted from 30 human stools and to Giardia cysts purified by immunomagnetic capture from the same samples. Simultaneous detection of both assemblages was observed in a large number of DNAs extracted from stools, and experiments on the cysts purified from the same samples showed that this was essentially attributable to mixed infections, as only one assemblage was detected when dilutions of cysts were tested. In a few cases, detection of both assemblages was observed even when single cysts were tested. This result, which suggests the presence of recombinants, needs to be confirmed using more accurate methods for cyst separation and enumeration. The assays described in this study can be used to detect Giardia cysts infectious to humans in samples from animals and in water and food.Giardia duodenalis (syn. Giardia intestinalis and Giardia lamblia) is the only species within the genus Giardia that infects humans, although it is also found in other mammals, including pets and livestock (1). The infection has a global distribution and, with an estimated 2.8 × 108 cases per year, represents the most common gastrointestinal parasitic infection of humans in developed countries (20). In Asia, Africa, and Latin America, about 200 million people have symptomatic giardiasis, with some 500,000 new cases reported each year (35). Several characteristics of G. duodenalis influence the epidemiology of infection: (i) in humans, the infective dose is about 10 to 100 cysts; (ii) cysts are immediately infectious when excreted in feces and can be transmitted by person-to-person or animal-to-animal contact; (iii) cysts are remarkably stable and can survive for weeks to months in the environment; and (iv) environmental contamination can lead to the contamination of drinking water and food (6, 32).A considerable amount of data has shown that G. duodenalis should be considered a species complex whose members show little variation in their morphology yet can be assigned to at least seven distinct assemblages (A to G) based on genetic analyses (7, 34). The analysis of more than a thousand human isolates from different geographical locations, examined by PCR amplification of DNA extracted directly from feces, has demonstrated that in almost all cases, only G. duodenalis assemblages A and B are associated with human infections (6). The prevalence of each assemblage varies considerably from country to country; assemblage B seems more common overall, but no strong conclusions can be drawn from current data. The remaining assemblages (C to G) are likely to be host specific, as assemblages C and D have been identified in dogs, cats, coyotes, and wolves; assemblage E in cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, water buffaloes, and muflons; assemblage F in cats; and assemblage G in rats.The epidemiology of human giardiasis is further complicated by the occurrence of mixed infections and the possibility of genetic exchanges between isolates of assemblage A (10) or even between isolates of assemblages A and B (21, 33). Ideally, genotyping should be performed on single cysts, as this allows a distinction between mixed infections and recombinants. To reach this technically demanding high level of sensitivity and specificity, real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) appears to be a promising technique.This work describes the development of new qPCR assays that, through the use of assemblage-specific primers, allow the specific and simultaneous detection of DNAs of assemblages A and B. The application of these assays to DNA extracted from human stools and to cysts purified from the same samples is described.  相似文献   

The increasing occurrence of harmful cyanobacterial blooms, often linked to deteriorated water quality and adverse public health effects, has become a worldwide concern in recent decades. The use of molecular techniques such as real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) has become increasingly popular in the detection and monitoring of harmful cyanobacterial species. Multiplex qPCR assays that quantify several toxigenic cyanobacterial species have been established previously; however, there is no molecular assay that detects several bloom-forming species simultaneously. Microcystis and Cylindrospermopsis are the two most commonly found genera and are known to be able to produce microcystin and cylindrospermopsin hepatotoxins. In this study, we designed primers and probes which enable quantification of these genera based on the RNA polymerase C1 gene for Cylindrospermopsis species and the c-phycocyanin beta subunit-like gene for Microcystis species. Duplex assays were developed for two molecular techniques—qPCR and droplet digital PCR (ddPCR). After optimization, both qPCR and ddPCR assays have high linearity and quantitative correlations for standards. Comparisons of the two techniques showed that qPCR has higher sensitivity, a wider linear dynamic range, and shorter analysis time and that it was more cost-effective, making it a suitable method for initial screening. However, the ddPCR approach has lower variability and was able to handle the PCR inhibition and competitive effects found in duplex assays, thus providing more precise and accurate analysis for bloom samples.  相似文献   

A quantitative real-time TaqMan PCR assay for detection of human adenoviruses (HAdV) was developed using broadly reactive consensus primers and a TaqMan probe targeting a conserved region of the hexon gene. The TaqMan assay correctly identified 56 representative adenovirus prototype strains and field isolates from all six adenovirus species (A to F). Based on infectious units, the TaqMan assay was able to detect as few as 0.4 and 0.004 infectious units of adenovirus serotype 2 (AdV2) and AdV41, respectively, with results obtained in less than 90 min. Using genomic equivalents, the broadly reactive TaqMan assay was able to detect 5 copies of AdV40 (which had zero mismatches with the PCR primers and probe), 8 copies of AdV41, and 350 copies of AdV3 (which had the most mismatches [seven] of any adenovirus serotype tested). For specific detection and identification of F species serotypes AdV40 and AdV41, a second real-time PCR assay was developed using fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) probes that target the adenovirus fiber gene. The FRET-based assay had a detection limit of 3 to 5 copies of AdV40 and AdV41 standard DNA and was able to distinguish between AdV40 and AdV41 based on melting curve analysis. Both the TaqMan and FRET PCR assays were quantitative over a wide range of virus titers. Application of these assays for detection of adenoviruses and type-specific identification of AdV40 and AdV41 will be useful for identifying these viruses in environmental and clinical samples.  相似文献   

基于PCR的实验策略在生物工程研究中具有广泛应用,如定点突变(site-directed mutagenesis,SDM),DNA拼接和载体构建。引物设计是这类实验技术中的关键一环,因其直接影响扩增效率和PCR产物的拼合。在嵌合式引物设计方法(一对突变引物在5'端具有互补序列)的基础上,开发了一个在线工具Primer Spanner(PS),可简单高效获得设计定点突变引物。PS可应用于单碱基或连续多碱基替换、插入、敲除等突变形式。通过大量突变实验与测序验证,结果表明该工具设计的引物进行的定点突变效果良好1)。  相似文献   

Canada geese (Branta canadensis) are prevalent in North America and may contribute to fecal pollution of water systems where they congregate. This work provides two novel real-time PCR assays (CGOF1-Bac and CGOF2-Bac) allowing for the specific and sensitive detection of Bacteroides 16S rRNA gene markers present within Canada goose feces.The Canada goose (Branta canadensis) is a prevalent waterfowl species in North America. The population density of Canada geese has doubled during the past 15 years, and the population was estimated to be close to 3 million in 2007 (4). Canada geese often congregate within urban settings, likely due to available water sources, predator-free grasslands, and readily available food supplied by humans (6). They are suspected to contribute to pollution of aquatic environments due to the large amounts of fecal matter that can be transported into the water. This can create a public health threat if the fecal droppings contain pathogenic microorganisms (6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 19). Therefore, tracking transient fecal pollution of water due to fecal inputs from waterfowl, such as Canada geese, is of importance for protecting public health.PCR detection of host-specific 16S rRNA gene sequences from Bacteroidales of fecal origin has been described as a promising microbial source-tracking (MST) approach due to its rapidity and high specificity (2, 3). Recently, Lu et al. (15) characterized the fecal microbial community from Canada geese by constructing a 16S rRNA gene sequence database using primers designed to amplify all bacterial 16S rRNA gene sequences. The authors reported that the majority of the 16S rRNA gene sequences obtained were related to Clostridia or Bacilli and to a lesser degree Bacteroidetes, which represent possible targets for host-specific source-tracking assays.The main objective of this study was to identify novel Bacteroidales 16S rRNA gene sequences that are specific to Canada goose feces and design primers and TaqMan fluorescent probes for sensitive and specific quantification of Canada goose fecal contamination in water sources.Primers 32F and 708R from Bernhard and Field (2) were used to construct a Bacteroidales-specific 16S rRNA gene clone library from Canada goose fecal samples (n = 15) collected from grass lawns surrounding Wascana Lake (Regina, SK, Canada) in May 2009 (for a detailed protocol, see File S1 in the supplemental material). Two hundred eighty-eight clones were randomly selected and subjected to DNA sequencing (at the Plant Biotechnology Institute DNA Technologies Unit, Saskatoon, SK, Canada). Representative sequences of each operational taxonomic unit (OTU) were recovered using an approach similar to that described by Mieszkin et al. (16). Sequences that were less than 93% similar to 16S rRNA gene sequences from nontarget host species in GenBank were used in multiple alignments to identify regions of DNA sequence that were putatively goose specific. Subsequently, two TaqMan fluorescent probe sets (targeting markers designated CGOF1-Bac and CGOF2-Bac) were designed using the RealTimeDesign software provided by Biosearch Technologies (http://www.biosearchtech.com/). The newly designed primer and probe set for the CGOF1-Bac assay included CG1F (5′-GTAGGCCGTGTTTTAAGTCAGC-3′) and CG1R (5′-AGTTCCGCCTGCCTTGTCTA-3′) and a TaqMan probe (5′-6-carboxyfluorescein [FAM]-CCGTGCCGTTATACTGAGACACTTGAG-Black Hole Quencher 1 [BHQ-1]-3′), and the CGOF2-Bac assay had primers CG2F (5′-ACTCAGGGATAGCCTTTCGA-3′) and CG2R (5′-ACCGATGAATCTTTCTTTGTCTCC-3′) and a TaqMan probe (5′-FAM-AATACCTGATGCCTTTGTTTCCCTGCA-BHQ-1-3′). Oligonucleotide specificities for the Canada goose-associated Bacteroides 16S rRNA primers were verified through in silico analysis using BLASTN (1) and the probe match program of the Ribosomal Database Project (release 10) (5). Host specificity was further confirmed using DNA extracts from 6 raw human sewage samples from various geographical locations in Saskatchewan and 386 fecal samples originating from 17 different animal species in Saskatchewan, including samples from Canada geese (n = 101) (Table (Table1).1). An existing nested PCR assay for detecting Canada goose feces (15) (targeting genetic marker CG-Prev f5) (see Table S1 in the supplemental material) was also tested for specificity using the individual fecal and raw sewage samples (Table (Table1).1). All fecal DNA extracts were obtained from 0.25 g of fecal material by using the PowerSoil DNA extraction kit (Mo Bio Inc., Carlsbad, CA) (File S1 in the supplemental material provides details on the sample collection).


Specificities of the CGOF1-Bac, CGOF2-Bac, and CG-Prev f5 PCR assays for different species present in Saskatchewan, Canada
Host group or sample typeNo. of samplesNo. positive for Bacteroidales marker:
CGOF1-BacCGOF2-BacCG-Prev f5All-Bac
Individual human feces2500125
Raw human sewage60006
    White tailed1000010
Open in a separate windowaThe 6 goose samples that tested negative for the All-Bac marker also tested negative for the three goose markers.The majority of the Canada goose feces analyzed in this study (94%; 95 of 101) carried the Bacteroidales order-specific genetic marker designated All-Bac, with a relatively high median concentration of 8.2 log10 copies g1 wet feces (Table (Table11 and Fig. Fig.1).1). The high prevalence and abundance of Bacteroidales in Canada goose feces suggested that detecting members of this order could be useful in identifying fecal contamination associated with Canada goose populations.Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Concentrations of the Bacteroidales (All-Bac, CGOF1-Bac, and CGOF2-Bac) genetic markers in feces from various individual Canada geese.The composition of the Bacteroidales community in Canada goose feces (n = 15) was found to be relatively diverse since 52 OTUs (with a cutoff of 98% similarity) were identified among 211 nonchimeric 16S rRNA gene sequences. Phylogenetic analysis of the 52 OTUs (labeled CGOF1 to CGOF52) revealed that 43 (representing 84% of the 16S rRNA gene sequences) were Bacteroides like and that 9 (representing 16% of the 16S rRNA gene sequences) were likely to be members of the Prevotella-specific cluster (see Fig. S2 in the supplemental material). Similarly, Jeter et al. (11) reported that 75.7% of the Bacteroidales 16S rRNA clone library sequences generated from goose fecal samples were Bacteroides like. The majority of the Bacteroides- and Prevotella-like OTUs were dispersed among a wide range of previously characterized sequences from various hosts and did not occur in distinct clusters suitable for the design of Canada goose-associated real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) assays (see Fig. S2 in the supplemental material). However, two single Bacteroides-like OTU sequences (CGOF1 and CGOF2) contained putative goose-specific DNA regions that were identified by in silico analysis (using BLASTN, the probe match program of the Ribosomal Database Project, and multiple alignment). The primers and probe for the CGOF1-Bac and CGOF2-Bac assays were designed with no mismatches to the clones CGOF1 and CGOF2, respectively.The CGOF2-Bac assay demonstrated no cross-amplification with fecal DNA from other host groups, while cross-amplification for the CGOF1-Bac assay was limited to one pigeon fecal sample (1 of 25, i.e., 4% of the samples) (Table (Table1).1). Since the abundance in the pigeon sample was low (3.3 log10 marker copies g1 feces) and detection occurred late in the qPCR (with a threshold cycle [CT] value of 37.1), it is unlikely that this false amplification would negatively impact the use of the assay as a tool for detection of Canada goose-specific fecal pollution in environmental samples. In comparison, the nested PCR CG-Prev f5 assay described by Lu and colleagues (15) demonstrated non-host-specific DNA amplification with fecal DNA samples from several animals, including samples from humans, pigeons, gulls, and agriculturally relevant pigs and chickens (Table (Table11).Both CGOF1-Bac and CGOF2-Bac assays showed limits of quantification (less than 10 copies of target DNA per reaction) similar to those of other host-specific Bacteroidales real-time qPCR assays (14, 16, 18). The sensitivities of the CGOF1-Bac and CGOF2-Bac assays were 57% (with 58 of 101 samples testing positive) and 50% (with 51 of 101 samples testing positive) for Canada goose feces, respectively (Table (Table1).1). A similar sensitivity of 58% (with 59 of 101 samples testing positive) was obtained using the CG-Prev f5 PCR assay. The combined use of the three assays increased the detection level to 72% (73 of 101) (Fig. (Fig.2).2). Importantly, all markers were detected within groups of Canada goose feces collected each month from May to September, indicating relative temporal stability of the markers. The CG-Prev f5 PCR assay is an end point assay, and therefore the abundance of the gene marker in Canada goose fecal samples could not be determined. However, development of the CGOF1-Bac and CGOF2-Bac qPCR approach allowed for the quantification of the host-specific CGOF1-Bac and CGOF2-Bac markers. In the feces of some individual Canada geese, the concentrations of CGOF1-Bac and CGOF2-Bac were high, reaching levels up to 8.8 and 7.9 log10 copies g1, respectively (Fig. (Fig.11).Open in a separate windowFIG. 2.Venn diagram for Canada goose fecal samples testing positive with the CGOF1-Bac, CGOF2-Bac, and/or CG-Prev f5 PCR assay. The number outside the circles indicates the number of Canada goose fecal samples for which none of the markers were detected.The potential of the Canada goose-specific Bacteroides qPCR assays to detect Canada goose fecal pollution in an environmental context was tested using water samples collected weekly during September to November 2009 from 8 shoreline sampling sites at Wascana Lake (see File S1 and Fig. S1 in the supplemental material). Wascana Lake is an urban lake, located in the center of Regina, that is routinely frequented by Canada geese. In brief, a single water sample of approximately 1 liter was taken from the surface water at each sampling site. Each water sample was analyzed for Escherichia coli enumeration using the Colilert-18/Quanti-Tray detection system (IDEXX Laboratories, Westbrook, ME) (8) and subjected to DNA extraction (with a PowerSoil DNA extraction kit [Mo Bio Inc., Carlsbad, CA]) for the detection of Bacteroidales 16S rRNA genetic markers using the Bacteroidales order-specific (All-Bac) qPCR assay (14), the two Canada goose-specific (CGOF1-Bac and CGOF2-Bac) qPCR assays developed in this study, and the human-specific (BacH) qPCR assay (17). All real-time and conventional PCR procedures as well as subsequent data analysis are described in the supplemental material and methods. The E. coli and All-Bac quantification data demonstrated that Wascana Lake was regularly subjected to some form of fecal pollution (Table (Table2).2). The All-Bac genetic marker was consistently detected in high concentrations (6 to 7 log10 copies 100 ml1) in all the water samples, while E. coli concentrations fluctuated according to the sampling dates and sites, ranging from 0 to a most probable number (MPN) of more than 2,000 100 ml1. High concentrations of E. coli were consistently observed when near-shore water experienced strong wave action under windy conditions or when dense communities of birds were present at a given site and time point.


Levels of E. coli and incidences of the Canada goose-specific (CGOF1-Bac and CGOF2-Bac), human-specific (BacH), and generic (All-Bac) Bacteroidales 16S rRNA markers at the different Wascana Lake sites sampled weeklya
SiteE. coli
No. of positive water samples/total no. of samples analyzed (%)Min level-max level (MPN 100 ml−1)Mean level (MPN 100 ml−1)No. of positive water samples/total no. of samples analyzed (%)Min level-max level (log copies 100 ml−1)Mean level (log copies 100 ml−1)No. of positive water samples/total no. of samples analyzed (%)Min level-max level (log copies 100 ml−1)Mean level (log copies 100 ml−1)No. of positive water samples/total no. of samples analyzed (%)Min level-max level (log copies 100 ml−1)Mean level (log copies 100 ml−1)No. of positive water samples/total no. of samples analyzedMin level-max level (log copies 100 ml−1)Mean level (log copies 100 ml−1)
W18/8 (100)6-19671.18/8 (100)6.2-8.16.96/8 (75)0-4.72.44/8 (50)0-41.72/80-3.71.7
W29/10 (90)0-1,12019410/10 (100)5.8-6.86.49/10 (90)0-3.72.68/10 (80)0-3.32.20/1000
W310/10 (100)6-1,55053410/10 (100)6-7.8710/10 (100)2.9-4.83.810/10 (100)2-4.53.40/1000
W410/10 (100)16-1,73252910/10 (100)6.4-7.6710/10 (100)3.2-4.63.910/10 (100)2.8-4.33.40/1000
W510/10 (100)2-2,42068710/10 (100)5.5-6.96.37/10 (70)0-3.21.75/10 (50)0-3.11.20/1000
W610/10 (100)3-1,99038910/10 (100)5.5-76.39/10 (90)0-4.32.86/10 (60)0-5.121/100-3.41.3
W77/7 (100)5-2,4204457/7 (100)5.7-7.876/7 (86)0-3.82.65/7 (71)0-4.42.42/70-5.12.8
W810/10 (100)17-98016010/10 (100)6.3-8.67.18/10 (80)0-4.62.87/10 (70)0-4.42.30/1000
Open in a separate windowaMin, minimum; max, maximum.The frequent detection of the genetic markers CGOF1-Bac (in 65 of 75 water samples [87%]), CGOF2-Bac (in 55 of 75 samples [73%]), and CG-Prev f5 (in 60 of 75 samples [79%]) and the infrequent detection of the human-specific Bacteroidales 16S rRNA gene marker BacH (17) (in 5 of 75 water samples [7%[) confirmed that Canada geese significantly contributed to the fecal pollution in Wascana Lake during the sampling period. Highest mean concentrations of both CGOF1-Bac and CGOF2-Bac markers were obtained at the sampling sites W3 (3.8 and 3.9 log10 copies 100 ml1) and W4 (3.4 log10 copies 100 ml1 for both), which are heavily frequented by Canada geese (Table (Table2),2), further confirming their significant contribution to fecal pollution at these particular sites. It is worth noting that concentrations of the CGOF1-Bac and CGOF2-Bac markers in water samples displayed a significant positive relationship with each other (correlation coefficient = 0.87; P < 0.0001), supporting the accuracy of both assays for identifying Canada goose-associated fecal pollution in freshwater.In conclusion, the CGOF1-Bac and CGOF2-Bac qPCR assays developed in this study are efficient tools for estimating freshwater fecal inputs from Canada goose populations. Preliminary results obtained during the course of the present study also confirmed that Canada geese can serve as reservoirs of Salmonella and Campylobacter species (see Fig. S3 in the supplemental material). Therefore, future work will investigate the cooccurence of these enteric pathogens with the Canada goose fecal markers in the environment.  相似文献   


Background and objectives

Quantitative real time PCR (qPCR) offers rapid diagnosis of rickettsial infections. Thus, successful treatment could be initiated to avoid unfavorable outcome. Our aim was to compare two qPCR assays for Rickettsia detection and to evaluate their contribution in early diagnosis of rickettsial infection in Tunisian patients.

Patients and methods

Included patients were hospitalized in different hospitals in Tunisia from 2007 to 2012. Serology was performed by microimmunofluorescence assay using R. conorii and R. typhi antigens. Two duplex qPCRs, previously reported, were performed on collected skin biopsies and whole blood samples. The first duplex amplified all Rickettsia species (PanRick) and Rickettsia typhi DNA (Rtt). The second duplex detected spotted fever group Rickettsiae (RC00338) and typhus group Rickettsiae DNA (Rp278).


Diagnosis of rickettsiosis was confirmed in 82 cases (57.7%). Among 44 skin biopsies obtained from patients with confirmed diagnosis, the first duplex was positive in 24 samples (54.5%), with three patients positive by Rtt qPCR. Using the second duplex, positivity was noted in 21 samples (47.7%), with two patients positive by Rp278 qPCR. Among79 whole blood samples obtained from patients with confirmed diagnosis, panRick qPCR was positive in 5 cases (6.3%) among which two were positive by Rtt qPCR. Using the second set of qPCRs, positivity was noted in four cases (5%) with one sample positive by Rp278 qPCR. Positivity rates of the two duplex qPCRs were significantly higher among patients presenting with negative first serum than those with already detectable antibodies.


Using qPCR offers a rapid diagnosis. The PanRick qPCR showed a higher sensitivity. Our study showed that this qPCR could offer a prompt diagnosis at the early stage of the disease. However, its implementation in routine needs cost/effectiveness evaluation.  相似文献   

Injury to the peripheral nerve induces dramatic changes in terms of cellular composition that are reflected on RNA quality and quantity, making messenger RNA expression analysis very complex. Several commonly used housekeeping genes are regulated following peripheral nerve injury and are thus not suitable for quantitative real-time PCR normalization; moreover, the presence of pseudogenes in some of them impairs their use. To deal with this problem, we have developed a new method to identify new stable housekeeping genes based on publicly available microarray data on normal and injured nerves. Four new candidate stable genes were identified and validated by quantitative real-time PCR analysis on nerves during the different phases after nerve injury: nerve degeneration, regeneration and remyelination. The stability measure of these genes was calculated with both NormFinder and geNorm algorithms and compared with six commonly used housekeeping genes. This procedure allowed us to identify two new and highly stable genes that can be employed for normalizing injured peripheral nerve data: ANKRD27 and RICTOR. Besides providing a tool for peripheral nerve research, our study also describes a simple and cheap procedure that can be used to identify suitable housekeeping genes in other tissues and organs.  相似文献   

In this review we describe the principles, protocols, and applications of two commercially available SNP genotyping platforms, the TaqMan SNP Genotyping Assays and the SNPlex Genotyping System. Combined, these two technologies meet the requirements of multiple SNP applications in genetics research and pharmacogenetics. We also describe a set of SNP selection tools and validated assay resources which we developed to accelerate the cycle of experimentation on these platforms. Criteria for selecting the more appropriate of these two genotyping technologies are presented: the genetic architecture of the trait of interest, the throughput required, and the number of SNPs and samples needed for a successful study. Overall, the TaqMan assay format is suitable for low- to mid-throughput applications in which a high assay conversion rate, simple assay workflow, and low cost of automation are desirable. The SNPlex Genotyping System, on the other hand, is well suited for SNP applications in which throughput and cost-efficiency are essential, e.g., applications requiring either the testing of large numbers of SNPs and samples, or the flexibility to select various SNP subsets.  相似文献   

Succession of ecotypes, physiologically diverse strains with negligible rRNA sequence divergence, may explain the dominance of small, red-pigmented (phycoerythrin-rich) cyanobacteria in the autotrophic picoplankton of deep lakes (C. Postius and A. Ernst, Arch. Microbiol. 172:69–75, 1999). In order to test this hypothesis, it is necessary to determine the abundance of specific ecotypes or genotypes in a mixed background of phylogenetically similar organisms. In this study, we examined the performance of Taq nuclease assays (TNAs), PCR-based assays in which the amount of an amplicon is monitored by hydrolysis of a labeled oligonucleotide (TaqMan probe) when hybridized to the amplicon. High accuracy and a 7-order detection range made the real-time TNA superior to the corresponding end point technique. However, in samples containing mixtures of homologous target sequences, quantification can be biased due to limited specificity of PCR primers and probe oligonucleotides and due to accumulation of amplicons that are not detected by the TaqMan probe. A decrease in reaction efficiency, which can be recognized by direct monitoring of amplification, provides experimental evidence for the presence of such a problem and emphasizes the need for real-time technology in quantitative PCR. Use of specific primers and probes and control of amplification efficiency allow correct quantification of target DNA in the presence of an up to 104-fold excess of phylogenetically similar DNA and of an up to 107-fold excess of dissimilar DNA.  相似文献   

The taxonomic composition of a microbial community can be deduced by analyzing its rRNA gene content by, e.g., high-throughput DNA sequencing or DNA chips. Such methods typically are based on PCR amplification of rRNA gene sequences using broad-taxonomic-range PCR primers. In these analyses, the use of optimal primers is crucial for achieving an unbiased representation of community composition. Here, we present the computer program DegePrime that, for each position of a multiple sequence alignment, finds a degenerate oligomer of as high coverage as possible and outputs its coverage among taxonomic divisions. We show that our novel heuristic, which we call weighted randomized combination, performs better than previously described algorithms for solving the maximum coverage degenerate primer design problem. We previously used DegePrime to design a broad-taxonomic-range primer pair that targets the bacterial V3-V4 region (341F-805R) (D. P. Herlemann, M. Labrenz, K. Jurgens, S. Bertilsson, J. J. Waniek, and A. F. Andersson, ISME J. 5:1571–1579, 2011, http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/ismej.2011.41), and here we use the program to significantly increase the coverage of a primer pair (515F-806R) widely used for Illumina-based surveys of bacterial and archaeal diversity. By comparison with shotgun metagenomics, we show that the primers give an accurate representation of microbial diversity in natural samples.  相似文献   

目前,PCR引物设计主要依赖于软件对引物熔点的模拟计算,而PCR退火条件的优化需进行不同条件下的扩增实验。为开发一种可高效、精确评价引物和确定退火条件的方法,本研究采用高分辨率熔解曲线(high resolution melting,HRM)测定技术直接分析短链DNA的熔点,用于引物优劣性的评价,并为退火条件的优化提供参考。本文用HRM法直接测定了非完全互补的双链DNA以及DNA发卡结构的熔点,结果显示:(1)与完全互补的双链DNA相比,较为稳定的单碱基错配A?G、G?G和T?G的熔点只降低2℃ ~ 3℃,部分双碱基错配的熔点只降低4℃ ~ 6℃,单碱基突出熔点只降低4℃~ 5℃。因此,如果采用的退火温度不当,部分错配的非目的模板可能会被扩增。(2)即使发卡结构的茎干区只有6 bp,当其环区碱基少于10 nt时,其熔点也可达到60℃以上。此外,环区的长度对发卡熔点也有较大影响。根据本研究结果发现,引物设计时应尽量避免模板引物结合区同其邻近的30 nt碱基有6 bp以上的互补部分。综上所述,本研究证明HRM熔点法是一种高效评价引物及确定退火温度的方法。  相似文献   

Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) assays to detect Cryptosporidium oocysts in clinical samples are increasingly being used to diagnose human cryptosporidiosis, but a parallel approach for detecting and identifying Cryptosporidium oocyst contamination in surface water sources has yet to be established for current drinking water quality monitoring practices. It has been proposed that Cryptosporidium qPCR-based assays could be used as viable alternatives to current microscopic-based detection methods to quantify levels of oocysts in drinking water sources; however, data on specificity, analytical sensitivity, and the ability to accurately quantify low levels of oocysts are limited. The purpose of this study was to provide a comprehensive evaluation of TaqMan-based qPCR assays, which were developed for either clinical or environmental investigations, for detecting Cryptosporidium oocyst contamination in water. Ten different qPCR assays, six previously published and four developed in this study were analyzed for specificity and analytical sensitivity. Specificity varied between all ten assays, and in one particular assay, which targeted the Cryptosporidium 18S rRNA gene, successfully detected all Cryptosporidium spp. tested, but also cross-amplified T. gondii, fungi, algae, and dinoflagellates. When evaluating the analytical sensitivity of these qPCR assays, results showed that eight of the assays could reliably detect ten flow-sorted oocysts in reagent water or environmental matrix. This study revealed that while a qPCR-based detection assay can be useful for detecting and differentiating different Cryptosporidium species in environmental samples, it cannot accurately measure low levels of oocysts that are typically found in drinking water sources.  相似文献   

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