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HoxA5 is expressed in quiescent endothelial cells (EC), but absent in activated angiogenic EC. To examine the efficacy of targeting HoxA5 therapeutically to quell pathologic or tumor angiogenesis, we generated an inducible, transgenic mouse model of sustained HoxA5 expression in ECs. During pathologic angiogenesis, sustained HoxA5 regulates expression several angiogenic effector molecules, notably increased expression of TSP-2 and reduced expression of VEGF, thus leading to inhibition of pathological angiogenesis in tissues. To evaluate if this impressive reduction of vascularization could also impact tumor angiogenesis, HoxA5 mice were bred with a mouse model of de novo squamous carcinogenesis, e.g., K14-HPV16 mice. Activation of EC-HoxA5 significantly reduced infiltration by mast cells into neoplastic skin, an early hallmark of progression to dysplasia, reduced angiogenic vasculature, and blunted characteristics of tumor progression. To evaluate HoxA5 as a therapeutic, topical application of a HoxA5 transgene onto early neoplastic skin of K14-HPV16 mice similarly resulted in a significant impairment of angiogenic vasculature and progression to dysplasia to a similar extent as observed with genetic delivery of HoxA5. Together these data indicate that HoxA5 represents a novel molecule for restricting pathological and tumorigenic angiogenesis.  相似文献   

Macrophages are key-cells in the initiation, the development and the regulation of the inflammatory response to bacterial infection. Macrophages are intensively and increasingly recruited in septic joints from the early phases of infection and the infiltration is supposed to regress once efficient removal of the pathogens is obtained. The ability to identify in vivo macrophage activity in an infected joint can therefore provide two main applications: early detection of acute synovitis and monitoring of therapy.In vivo noninvasive detection of macrophages can be performed with magnetic resonance imaging using iron nanoparticles such as ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide (USPIO). After intravascular or intraarticular administration, USPIO are specifically phagocytized by activated macrophages, and, due to their magnetic properties, induce signal changes in tissues presenting macrophage infiltration. A quantitative evaluation of the infiltrate is feasible, as the area with signal loss (number of dark pixels) observed on gradient echo MR images after particles injection is correlated with the amount of iron within the tissue and therefore reflects the number of USPIO-loaded cells.We present here a protocol to perform macrophage imaging using USPIO-enhanced MR imaging in an animal model of septic arthritis, allowing an initial and longitudinal in vivo noninvasive evaluation of macrophages infiltration and an assessment of therapy action.  相似文献   

c-Jun N-terminal kinase/stress-activated protein kinase (JNK/SAPK) is involved in the regulation of various cellular functions including cell cycle, proliferation, apoptosis. However, whether JNK/SAPK directly regulates the angiogenesis of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) induced by vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGFA) has not yet been fully elucidated. Our present study firstly demonstrated VEGFA-induced angiogenic responses including the increase of cell viability, migration, and tube formation with a concentration-dependent manner in HUVECs. Further results showed that VEGFA induced the activation of JNK/SAPK, p38 kinase and extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1 and 2 (ERK1/2), while JNK/SAPK inhibitor SP600125 and specific siRNA both blocked all those angiogenic effects induced by VEGFA. Furthermore, VEGFA induced the phosphorylation of ASK1, SEK1/MKK4, MKK7, and c-Jun, which are upstream or downstream signals of JNK/SAPK. In addition, in vivo matrigel plug assay further showed that SP600125 inhibited VEGFA-induced angiogenesis. Further results showed that SP600125 and JNK/SAPK siRNA decreased VEGFA-induced VEGFR2 (Flk-1/KDR) sustained phosphorylation in HUVECs. Taken together, all these results demonstrate that JNK/SAPK regulates VEGFA-induced VEGFR2 sustained phosphorylation, which plays important roles in VEGFA-induced angiogenesis in HUVECs.  相似文献   

超声对比剂的使用使得超声诊断更加准确,扩大了超声成像的应用范围。但单一影像技术难以满足肿瘤等重大疾病临床诊断和治疗的需求。因此开发以超声对比剂为核心,具有多模式成像功能,或同时兼备肿瘤诊断和治疗功能的多模式功能化对比剂是目前的一大研究热点。多模式成像的结合可以实现优势互补,诊断和治疗功能的结合为使得肿瘤等重大疾病的解决提供了新理念和新希望,具有重要意义。本文就基于超声的多模式功能化对比剂进行综述。  相似文献   



MRI contrast agents (CA) whose contrast enhancement remains relatively high even at the higher end of the magnetic field strength range would be desirable. The purpose of this work was to demonstrate such a desired magnetic field dependency of the longitudinal relaxivity for an experimental MRI CA, Gd(ABE-DTTA).

Materials and Methods

The relaxivity of 0.5mM and 1mM Gd(ABE-DTTA) was measured by Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation Dispersion (NMRD) in the range of 0.0002 to 1T. Two MRI and five NMR instruments were used to cover the range between 1.5 to 20T. Parallel measurement of a Gd-DTPA sample was performed throughout as reference. All measurements were carried out at 37°C and pH 7.4.


The relaxivity values of 0.5mM and 1mM Gd(ABE-DTTA) measured at 1.5, 3, and 7T, within the presently clinically relevant magnetic field range, were 15.3, 11.8, 12.4 s-1mM-1 and 18.1, 16.7, and 13.5 s-1mM-1, respectively. The control 4 mM Gd-DTPA relaxivities at the same magnetic fields were 3.6, 3.3, and 3.0 s-1mM-1, respectively.


The longitudinal relaxivity of Gd(ABE-DTTA) measured within the presently clinically relevant field range is three to five times higher than that of most commercially available agents. Thus, Gd(ABE-DTTA) could be a practical choice at any field strength currently used in clinical imaging including those at the higher end.  相似文献   

赵青  赵献萍  马斌林  翟虹 《现代生物医学进展》2012,12(33):6536-6539,6430
目的:探讨超声弹性成像(UE)及钼靶X线对良恶性乳腺肿块的诊断价值.方法:收集115例患者128个乳腺病灶的超声弹性成像图及钼靶X线成像图,以手术病理为诊断金标准,对比UE与Mx-rp诊断乳腺疾病的准确性.结果:恶性42个病灶,良性86个病灶,应用超声弹性成像诊断乳腺恶性病变的灵敏度92.86%,特异度95.35%,正确指数0.8821,阳性预测值90.7%,阴性预测值96.47%,阳性似然比19.97,阴性似然比0.0749.而用钼靶诊断乳腺恶性病变的灵敏度90.48%,特异度89.53%,正确指数0.8001,阳性预测值80.85%,阴性预测值95.06%,阳性似然比8.642,阴性似然比0.106.结论:超声弹性成像在鉴别乳腺良恶性病灶的准确性较Mx-rp高.  相似文献   



Amplification of the HER2/neu gene and/or overexpression of the corresponding protein have been identified in approximately 20% of invasive breast carcinomas. Assessment of HER2 expression in vivo would advance development of new HER2-targeted therapeutic agents and, potentially, facilitate choice of the proper treatment strategy offered to the individual patient. We present novel HER2-specific probes for in vivo evaluation of the receptor status by near-infrared (NIR) optical imaging.

Experimental Design

Affibody molecules were expressed, purified, and labeled with NIR-fluorescent dyes. The binding affinity and specificity of the obtained probe were tested in vitro. For in vivo validation, the relationship of the measured NIR signal and HER2 expression was characterized in four breast cancer xenograft models, expressing different levels of HER2. Accumulation of Affibody molecules in tumor tissue was further confirmed by ex vivo analysis.


Affibody-DyLight conjugates showed high affinity to HER2 (KD = 3.66±0.26). No acute toxicity resulted from injection of the probes (up to 0.5 mg/kg) into mice. Pharmacokinetic studies revealed a relatively short (37.53±2.8 min) half-life of the tracer in blood. Fluorescence accumulation in HER2-positive BT-474 xenografts was evident as soon as a few minutes post injection and reached its maximum at 90 minutes. On the other hand, no signal retention was observed in HER2-negative MDA-MB-468 xenografts. Immunostaining of extracted tumor tissue confirmed penetration of the tracer into tumor tissue.


The results of our studies suggest that Affibody-DyLight-750 conjugate is a powerful tool to monitor HER2 status in a preclinical setting. Following clinical validation, it might provide complementary means for assessment of HER2 expression in breast cancer patients (assuming availability of proper NIR scanners) and/or be used to facilitate detection of HER2-positive metastatic lesions during NIR-assisted surgery.  相似文献   

Fibered confocal fluorescence in vivo imaging with a fiber optic bundle uses the same principle as fluorescent confocal microscopy. It can excite fluorescent in situ elements through the optical fibers, and then record some of the emitted photons, via the same optical fibers. The light source is a laser that sends the exciting light through an element within the fiber bundle and as it scans over the sample, recreates an image pixel by pixel. As this scan is very fast, by combining it with dedicated image processing software, images in real time with a frequency of 12 frames/sec can be obtained.We developed a technique to quantitatively characterize capillary morphology and function, using a confocal fluorescence videomicroscopy device. The first step in our experiment was to record 5 sec movies in the four quadrants of the tumor to visualize the capillary network. All movies were processed using software (ImageCell, Mauna Kea Technology, Paris France) that performs an automated segmentation of vessels around a chosen diameter (10 μm in our case). Thus, we could quantify the ''functional capillary density'', which is the ratio between the total vessel area and the total area of the image. This parameter was a surrogate marker for microvascular density, usually measured using pathology tools.The second step was to record movies of the tumor over 20 min to quantify leakage of the macromolecular contrast agent through the capillary wall into the interstitium. By measuring the ratio of signal intensity in the interstitium over that in the vessels, an ''index leakage'' was obtained, acting as a surrogate marker for capillary permeability.  相似文献   

目的:探索蔗糖酯类超声造影剂的制备方法,并研究其造影效果。方法:采用声振法制备蔗糖酯类造影剂,将F68和SE-5按一定质量比称取配置微泡包膜材料,以微泡浓度为指标进行制备优化,将F68和SE-5按1:1质量比称取,将其配置成乳状液置入声振仪,以不同超声功率(200 W、400 W、600 W及800 W),不同声振时间(30 s、60 s、90 s、120 s、150 s、180 s、210 s、240 s、270 s及300 s)进行声振处理。将F68和SE-5分别按6:1、5:1、4:1、3:1、2:1、1:1、2:1、3:1及4:1的质量比称取制成乳状液,选择最佳声振功率与声振时间,筛选最佳溶液配比。选用优化条件下制备的微泡,观察兔肝脏造影效果。结果:蔗糖酯类造影剂的最佳制备条件为:泊洛沙姆188(Pluronic F68)和蔗糖酯-5(SE-5)的配比为2:1,声振仪功率为600 W,声振持续时间为240 s。注射造影剂后兔肝脏超声造影图像清晰,回声强度明显增强。结论:通过优化制备工艺,制备出的蔗糖酯类微泡浓度及直径均符合超声造影要求,具有良好显影效果。  相似文献   

《Translational oncology》2020,13(2):254-261
PURPOSE: To determine the accuracy of a handheld ultrasound-guided optoacoustic tomography (US-OT) probe developed for human deep-tissue imaging in ex vivo assessment of tumor margins postlumpectomy. METHODS: A custom-built two-dimensional (2D) US-OT–handheld probe was used to scan 15 lumpectomy breast specimens. Optoacoustic signals acquired at multiple wavelengths between 700 and 1100 nm were reconstructed using model linear algorithm, followed by spectral unmixing for lipid and deoxyhemoglobin (Hb). Distribution maps of lipid and Hb on the anterior, posterior, superior, inferior, medial, and lateral margins of the specimens were inspected for margin involvement, and results were correlated with histopathologic findings. The agreement in tumor margin assessment between US-OT and histopathology was determined using the Bland–Altman plot. Accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV) of margin assessment using US-OT were calculated. RESULTS: Ninety margins (6 × 15 specimens) were assessed. The US-OT probe resolved blood vessels and lipid up to a depth of 6 mm. Negative and positive margins were discriminated by marked differences in the distribution patterns of lipid and Hb. US-OT assessments were concordant with histopathologic findings in 87 of 89 margins assessed (one margin was uninterpretable and excluded), with diagnostic accuracy of 97.9% (kappa = 0.79). The sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and NPV were 100% (4/4), 97.6% (83/85), 66.7% (4/6), and 100% (83/83), respectively. CONCLUSION: US-OT was capable of providing distribution maps of lipid and Hb in lumpectomy specimens that predicted tumor margins with high sensitivity and specificity, making it a potential tool for intraoperative tumor margin assessment.  相似文献   

The ability to assess brain tumor perfusion and abnormalities in the vascular structure in vivo could provide significant benefits in terms of lesion diagnosis and assessment of treatment response. Arterial spin labeling (ASL) has emerged as an increasingly viable methodology for non-invasive assessment of perfusion. Although kinetic models have been developed to describe perfusion in healthy tissue, the dynamic behaviour of the ASL signal in the brain tumor environment has not been extensively studied. We show here that dynamic ASL data acquired in brain tumors displays an increased level of ‘biphasic’ behaviour, compared to that seen in healthy tissue. A new two-stage model is presented which more accurately describes this behaviour, and provides measurements of perfusion, pre-capillary blood volume fraction and transit time, and capillary bolus arrival time. These biomarkers offer a novel contrast in the tumor and surrounding tissue, and provide a means for measuring tumor perfusion and vascular structural abnormalities in a fully non-invasive manner.  相似文献   

The current study was carried out to test the potential of a new nanomaterial (Spago Pix) as a macromolecular magnetic MR contrast agent for tumor detection and to verify the presence of nanomaterial in tumor tissue. Spago Pix, synthesized by Spago Nanomedical AB, is a nanomaterial with a globular shape, an average hydrodynamic diameter of 5 nm, and a relaxivity (r1) of approximately 30 (mM Mn)−1 s−1 (60 MHz). The material consists of an organophosphosilane hydrogel with strongly chelated manganese (II) ions and a covalently attached PEG surface layer. In vivo MRI of the MMTV-PyMT breast cancer model was performed on a 3 T clinical scanner. Tissues were thereafter analyzed for manganese and silicon content using inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES). The presence of nanomaterial in tumor and muscle tissue was assessed using an anti-PEG monoclonal antibody. MR imaging of tumor-bearing mice (n = 7) showed a contrast enhancement factor of 1.8 (tumor versus muscle) at 30 minutes post-administration. Contrast was retained and further increased 2–4 hours after administration. ICP-AES and immunohistochemistry confirmed selective accumulation of nanomaterial in tumor tissue. A blood pharmacokinetics analysis showed that the concentration of Spago Pix gradually decreased over the first hour, which was in good agreement with the time frame in which the accumulation in tumor occurred. In summary, we demonstrate that Spago Pix selectively enhances MR tumor contrast in a clinically relevant animal model. Based on the generally higher vascular leakiness in malignant compared to benign tissue lesions, Spago Pix has the potential to significantly improve cancer diagnosis and characterization by MRI.  相似文献   

We sought to determine a role for platelets in in vivo angiogenesis, quantified by changes in the capillary to fibre ratio (C∶F) of mouse skeletal muscle, utilising two distinct forms of capillary growth to identify differential effects. Capillary sprouting was induced by muscle overload, and longitudinal splitting by chronic hyperaemia. Platelet depletion was achieved by anti-GPIbα antibody treatment. Sprouting induced a significant increase in C∶F (1.42±0.02 vs. contralateral 1.29±0.02, P<0.001) that was abolished by platelet depletion, while the significant C∶F increase caused by splitting (1.40±0.03 vs. control 1.28±0.03, P<0.01) was unaffected. Granulocyte/monocyte depletion showed this response was not immune-regulated. VEGF overexpression failed to rescue angiogenesis following platelet depletion, suggesting the mechanism is not simply reliant on growth factor release. Sprouting occurred normally following antibody-induced GPVI shedding, suggesting platelet activation via collagen is not involved. BrdU pulse-labelling showed no change in the proliferative potential of cells associated with capillaries after platelet depletion. Inhibition of platelet activation by acetylsalicylic acid abolished sprouting, but not splitting angiogenesis, paralleling the response to platelet depletion. We conclude that platelets differentially regulate mechanisms of angiogenesis in vivo, likely via COX signalling. Since endothelial proliferation is not impaired, we propose a link between COX1 and induction of endothelial migration.  相似文献   

We present a protocol for measuring in vivo aortic stiffness in mice using high-resolution ultrasound imaging. Aortic diameter is measured by ultrasound and aortic blood pressure is measured invasively with a solid-state pressure catheter. Blood pressure is raised then lowered incrementally by intravenous infusion of vasoactive drugs phenylephrine and sodium nitroprusside. Aortic diameter is measured for each pressure step to characterize the pressure-diameter relationship of the ascending aorta. Stiffness indices derived from the pressure-diameter relationship can be calculated from the data collected. Calculation of arterial compliance is described in this protocol.This technique can be used to investigate mechanisms underlying increased aortic stiffness associated with cardiovascular disease and aging. The technique produces a physiologically relevant measure of stiffness compared to ex vivo approaches because physiological influences on aortic stiffness are incorporated in the measurement. The primary limitation of this technique is the measurement error introduced from the movement of the aorta during the cardiac cycle. This motion can be compensated by adjusting the location of the probe with the aortic movement as well as making multiple measurements of the aortic pressure-diameter relationship and expanding the experimental group size.  相似文献   

目的:应用对比剂动力学时间分辨成像(Time Resolved Imaging of Contrast Kinetics,TRICKS)技术增强磁共振血管成像(MRangiography,MRA)及弥散加权成像(Diffusion Weighted Imaging,DWI)技术活体动态监测兔VX2肌肉肿瘤生物学生长与血管生成,探讨肿瘤血管生成与肿瘤生长的关系。方法:30只新西兰白兔,每只均在右后腿肌肉内接种VX2肿瘤细胞1×107建立肿瘤模型。分别在肿瘤接种后第4、7、10、13、16天(每个时间点6只)分别进行T1WI、T2WI、DWI、TRICKS动态增强MRA及T1WI增强延迟扫描,活体监测兔VX2肌肉肿瘤血管生成,肿瘤标本HE及CD31免疫组化染色进行验证。两位医师双盲法分别测量不同生长点肿瘤的长、短径及体积,并与大体病理标本比较;测定TRICKS增强动态MRA所能显示肿瘤血管的最小直径及形态变化;观察ADC值变化与肿瘤生长的关系。结果(:1)ADC值随着肿瘤体积的长大而逐渐增大。(2)MRI活体测定肿瘤大小与病理大体标本所测算肿瘤体积的差异无显著性。(3)TRICKS增强MRA动态显示肿瘤血管的最小...  相似文献   

A characteristic feature of celiac disease is the presence of circulating autoantibodies targeted against transglutaminase 2 (TG2), reputed to have a function in angiogenesis. In this study we investigated whether TG2-specific autoantibodies derived from celiac patients inhibit angiogenesis in both ex vivo and in vivo models and sought to clarify the mechanism behind this phenomenon. We used the ex vivo murine aorta-ring and the in vivo mouse matrigel-plug assays to address aforementioned issues. We found angiogenesis to be impaired as a result of celiac disease antibody supplementation in both systems. Our results also showed the dynamics of endothelial cells was affected in the presence of celiac antibodies. In the in vivo angiogenesis assays, the vessels formed were able to transport blood despite impairment of functionality after treatment with celiac autoantibodies, as revealed by positron emission tomography. We conclude that celiac autoantibodies inhibit angiogenesis ex vivo and in vivo and impair vascular functionality. Our data suggest that the anti-angiogenic mechanism of the celiac disease-specific autoantibodies involves extracellular TG2 and inhibited endothelial cell mobility.  相似文献   

Accumulation of 7-Ketocholesterol (7KCh) in lipid deposits has been implicated in a variety of chronic diseases including atherosclerosis, Alzheimer''s disease and age-related macular degeneration. 7KCh is known to be pro-inflammatory and cytotoxic to various types of cultured cells but little is known about its effects in vivo. In this study we have investigated the effects of 7KCh in vivo by implanting biodegradable wafers into the anterior chamber of the rat eye. The wafers were prepared using a mixture of two biodegradable polymers with different amounts of 7KCh. The 7KCh-containing implants induced massive angiogenesis and inflammation. By contrast, no angiogenesis and very little inflammation were observed with cholesterol-containing implants. The neovessel growth was monitored by fluorescein angiography. Neovessels were observed 4 days post implantation and peaked between 7 to 10 days. The angiography and isolectin IB4 labeling demonstrated that the neovessels originated from the limbus and grew through the cornea. Immunolabeling with anti-CD68 suggested that the 7KCh-containing implants had extensive macrophage infiltration as well as other cell types. A significant increase in VEGF was also observed in 7KCh-containing implants by fluorescent immunolabeling and by immunoblot of the aqueous humor (AH). Direct measurement of VEGF, IL-1β and GRO/KC demonstrated a marked elevation of these factors in the AH of the 7KCh-implants. In summary this study demonstrates two important things: 1) 7KCh is pro-angiogenic and pro–inflammatory in vivo and 2) implants containing 7KCh may be used to create a novel angiogenesis model in rats.  相似文献   

Superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO) and ultra small superparamagnetic iron oxide (USPIO) nanoparticles have been developed as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrast agents. Iron oxide nanoparticles, that become superparamagnetic if the core particle diameter is ~ 30nm or less, present R1 and R2 relaxivities which are much higher than those of conventional paramagnetic gadolinium chelates. Generally, these magnetic particles are coated with biocompatible polymers that prevent the agglomeration of the colloidal suspension and improve their blood distribution profile. In spite of their potential as MRI blood contrast agents, the biomedical application of iron oxide nanoparticles is still limited because of their intravascular half-life of only few hours; such nanoparticles are rapidly cleared from the bloodstream by macrophages of the reticulo-endothelial system (RES). To increase the life span of these MRI contrast agents in the bloodstream we proposed the encapsulation of SPIO nanoparticles in red blood cells (RBCs) through the transient opening of cell membrane pores. We have recently reported results obtained by applying our loading procedure to several SPIO nanoparticles with different chemical physical characteristics such as size and coating agent. In the current investigation we showed that the life span of iron-based contrast agents in the mice bloodstream was prolonged to 12 days after the intravenous injection of murine SPIO-loaded RBCs. Furthermore, we developed an animal model that implicates the pretreatment of animals with clodronate to induce a transient suppression of tissue macrophages, followed by the injection of human SPIO-loaded RBCs which make it possible to encapsulate nanoparticle concentrations (5.3-16.7mM Fe) higher than murine SPIO-loaded RBCs (1.4-3.55mM Fe). The data showed that, when human RBCs are used as more capable SPIO nanoparticle containers combined with a depletion of tissue macrophages, Fe concentration in animal blood is 2-3 times higher than iron concentration obtained by the use of murine SPIO-loaded RBCs.  相似文献   

Although reactive oxygen species (ROS) participate in many cellular mechanisms, only few data exist concerning their involvement in physiological angiogenesis. The aim of the present work was to elucidate possible mechanisms through which ROS affect angiogenesis in vivo, using the model of the chicken embryo chorioallantoic membrane (CAM). Superoxide dismutase (SOD) and its membrane permeable mimetic tempol, dose dependently decreased angiogenesis and down-regulated inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) expression and nitric oxide (NO) production. The NADPH oxidase inhibitors, 4-(2-aminoethyl)-benzenesulfonyl fluoride (AEBSF) and apocynin, but not allopurinol, also had a dose dependent inhibitory effect on angiogenesis and NO production in vivo. Catalase and the intracellular hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) scavenger sodium pyruvate decreased, while H2O2 increased in a dose-dependent manner the number of CAM blood vessels, as well as the expression and activity of iNOS. Dexamethasone, which down-regulated NO production by iNOS and l-NAME, but not d-NAME, dose dependently decreased angiogenesis in vivo. These data suggest that antioxidants affect physiological angiogenesis in vivo, through regulation of NOS expression and activity.  相似文献   

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