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It would be difficult to overestimate the significance of animals in the social and psychological life of our species. Images of animals are everywhere: in our language, religions, dreams, television programs, and folklore. The feelings that we exhibit toward our fellow creatures are intense, complex, and paradoxical. Responses to animals range from the disgust we feel when confronted with a bloated tick to the reverence for animals as deities in so-called primitive cultures; from the love of a child for a pet bunny to the paralyzing fear of phobic experiences when confronted by a harmless spider.

In recent years there has been increasing interest in human-animal relationships by investigators from a variety of disciplines. We will not attempt a synthesis of the growing literature on attitudes toward animals, but will follow a different course. For the past decade we have been exploring the diversity and origins of human-animal relationships, and our research has taken us into some rather odd places: cockfights in the United States and Latin America, slaughterhouses, and most recently, the world of supermarket check-out-counter magazines. In this article, we will summarize some of our findings and speculations that bear on the subject of attitudes toward animals. We will also briefly examine alternative methods of gathering information that do justice to the richness of human experience with animals.  相似文献   

The thesis advanced in this essay is that stem cells-particularly those in the nervous system-are components in a series of inborn 'programs' that not only ensure normal development, but persist throughout life so as to maintain homeostasis in the face of perturbations-both small and great. These programs encode what has come to be called 'plasticity'. The stem cell is one of the repositories of this plasticity. This review examines the evidence that interaction between the neural stem cell (as a prototypical somatic stem cell) and the developing or injured brain is a dynamic, complex, ongoing reciprocal set of interactions where both entities are constantly in flux. We suggest that this interaction can be viewed almost from a 'systems biology' vantage point. We further advance the notion that clones of exogenous stem cells in transplantation paradigms may not only be viewed for their therapeutic potential, but also as biological tools for 'interrogating' the normal or abnormal central nervous system environment, indicating what salient cues (among the many present) are actually guiding the expression of these 'programs'; in other words, using the stem cell as a 'reporter cell'. Based on this type of analysis, we suggest some of the relevant molecular pathways responsible for this 'cross-talk' which, in turn, lead to proliferation, migration, cell genesis, trophic support, protection, guidance, detoxification, rescue, etc. This type of developmental insight, we propose, is required for the development of therapeutic strategies for neurodegenerative disease and other nervous system afflictions in humans. Understanding the relevant molecular pathways of stem cell repair phenotype should be a priority, in our view, for the entire stem cell field.  相似文献   

Psychotropic agents are notorious for their ability to increase fat mass in psychiatric patients. The two determinants of fat mass are the production of newly differentiated adipocytes (adipogenesis), and the volume of lipid accumulation. Epigenetic programs have a prominent role in cell fate commitments and differentiation required for adipogenesis. In parallel, epigenetic effects on energy metabolism are well supported by several genetic models. Consequently, a variety of psychotropics, often prescribed in combinations and for long periods, may utilize a common epigenetic effector path causing an increase in adipogenesis or reduction in energy metabolism. In particular, the recent discovery that G protein coupled signaling cascades can directly modify epigenetic regulatory enzymes implicates surface receptor activity by psychotropic medications. The potential therapeutic implications are also suggested by the effects of the clinically approved antidepressant tranylcypromine, also a histone demethylase inhibitor, which has impressive therapeutic effects on metabolism in the obese phenotype.  相似文献   

I review new evidence on origins and adaptive radiation of Malagasy lemurs, a remarkably diverse group containing 13% of living primate species. The number of recognized lemur species has increased significantly, partly due to research revealing specific subdivisions within known populations but mainly because of discovery of new populations through fieldwork. Some species feared to be extinct have also been rediscovered. Specific numbers have increased particularly in small-bodied, cryptic genera for which continued research will surely reveal even more species.Adaptative radiation of lemurs has been essentially confined to Madagascar. The high density of lemur species on that island, associated with very small geographical ranges, has major implications both for their evolutionary divergence and for conservation. Reconstructions of phylogenetic relationships among primates have been considerably enhanced by DNA sequence data. Sufficient data are now available from both nuclear and mitochondrial sequences to examine relationships among and within the major groups of living primates. Most studies have confirmed that lemurs constitute a monophyletic sister-group of the lorisiform clade and all exclude a specific relationship between cheirogaleids and lorisiforms repeatedly inferred from morphological evidence. However, some analyses indicate that the aye-aye may have branched away before the divergence between other lemurs and lorisiforms. DNA sequence analyses have also yielded a broad consensus for relationships between Eulemur, Hapalemur, Lemur and Varecia: Varecia branched away first, while Lemur is more closely related to Hapalemur than to Eulemur. As debate about phylogenetic relationships among lemurs and other primates seems to have been settled in favor of lemur monophyly (possibly excluding the aye-aye), only a single invasion of Madagascar is required; but it must still be explained how ancestral lemurs could have migrated there at an appropriate time. Separation between Madagascar and Africa was apparently complete by about 120 Ma, too far in the past for direct overland migration. A recent hypothesis suggested that uplifted land in the Mozambique Channel assisted colonization of Madagascar 26-45 Ma, seemingly agreeing with an estimated date of about 40 Ma for divergence of lemurs from other primates. However, mounting evidence suggests that divergence occurred significantly earlier. Because the earliest known fossil representatives of several modern orders of placental mammals (including primates) are dated no earlier than the early Tertiary, it is widely accepted that their divergence took place after the Cretaceous/Tertiary mass extinction. Yet the known fossil record can only yield minimum divergence times; if sampling is poor and/or biased there may be a considerable discrepancy between minimum and actual dates. There is, for example, virtually no known fossil record for lemurs in Madagascar and the earliest known representatives are subfossil lemurs, so in this case a direct reading of the fossil record would indicate that the lemurs first originated just a few thousand years ago! Examination of underestimation of times of origin because of poor sampling in the fossil record has confirmed previous suggestions that primates originated considerably earlier than generally believed. Several recent phylogenetic reconstructions based on DNA sequence data and using calibration dates derived from groups other than primates provide independent support for this inference. Overall, it now seems that primates originated at around 90 Ma rather than the 55 Ma indicated by direct reading of the known fossil record. Hence, colonization of Madagascar by lemurs would have taken place at about 80 Ma, double the date usually accepted, and should be interpreted in terms of contemporary continental relationships.  相似文献   

Thirty complete coding sequences of human major histocompatibility complex (Mhc) class II DRB alleles, spanning 237 codons, were analyzed for phylogenetic information using distance, parsimony, and likelihood approaches. Allelic genealogies derived from different parts of the coding sequence (exon 2, the 5′ and 3′ ends of exon 2, respectively, and exons 3–6) were compared. Contrary to prior assertions, a rigorous analysis of allelic genealogies in this gene family cannot be used to justify the claim that the lineage leading to modern humans contained on average at least 100,000 individuals. Phylogenetic inferences based upon the exon 2 region of the DRB loci are complicated by selection and recombination, so this part of the gene does not provide a complete and accurate view of allelic relationships. Attempts to reconstruct human history from genetic data must use realistic models which consider the complicating factors of nonequilibrium populations, recombination, and different patterns of selection. Received: 19 February 1997 / Accepted: 12 June 1997  相似文献   

For organisms involved in specialized ecological interactions, the potential exists to have congruent evolutionary histories, such that diversification within one lineage of organisms parallels diversification within another. This model of shared evolutionary history has most often been explored in a bitrophic context, particularly with plants and specialized herbivorous insects, though also with other ecological partners such as vertebrate hosts and their invertebrate parasites. Recently, the possibility has been raised that evolutionary histories might be shared across more than two trophic levels, a phenomenon that we term a phylogenetic cascade. We review previous work on tritrophic diversification and discuss outstanding questions, with an emphasis on plants, caterpillars, and parasitoids, in diverse tropical communities.  相似文献   

Addictive drugs hijack the human brain's 'reward' systems. A zebrafish model of addiction has recently been used to query changes in gene expression during this process.  相似文献   

The skulls and cranial muscles of the primitive characins Creatochanes and Brycon are described. Other Characinoidei, which have been selected to illustrate the remarkable adaptive radiation of the suborder, are compared with them in detail. They are: Myleus , a deep-bodied herbivore specialized for biting pieces from plants; Serrasalmus , the piranha, a predator which bites pieces of flesh from large prey; Pyrrhulina , a surface feeder; Leporinus , a herbivore with jaws and teeth suited for nibbling rather than biting; Hoplias , a long-jawed predator; and Anisitsia , a detritus feeder which is convergent with the grey mullets.  相似文献   

MEF2: a central regulator of diverse developmental programs   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

《Journal of molecular biology》2019,431(6):1217-1233
Some glycoside hydrolases have broad specificity for hydrolysis of glycosidic bonds, potentially increasing their functional utility and flexibility in physiological and industrial applications. To deepen the understanding of the structural and evolutionary driving forces underlying specificity patterns in glycoside hydrolase family 5, we quantitatively screened the activity of the catalytic core domains from subfamily 4 (GH5_4) and closely related enzymes on four substrates: lichenan, xylan, mannan, and xyloglucan. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that GH5_4 consists of three major clades, and one of these clades, referred to here as clade 3, displayed average specific activities of 4.2 and 1.2 U/mg on lichenan and xylan, approximately 1 order of magnitude larger than the average for active enzymes in clades 1 and 2. Enzymes in clade 3 also more consistently met assay detection thresholds for reaction with all four substrates. We also identified a subfamily-wide positive correlation between lichenase and xylanase activities, as well as a weaker relationship between lichenase and xyloglucanase. To connect these results to structural features, we used the structure of CelE from Hungateiclostridium thermocellum (PDB 4IM4) as an example clade 3 enzyme with activities on all four substrates. Comparison of the sequence and structure of this enzyme with others throughout GH5_4 and neighboring subfamilies reveals at least two residues (H149 and W203) that are linked to strong activity across the substrates. Placing GH5_4 in context with other related subfamilies, we highlight several possibilities for the ongoing evolutionary specialization of GH5_4 enzymes.  相似文献   

Our goals were to (1) validate the parental Ages and Stages Questionnaires (ASQ) as a screening tool for psychomotor development among a cohort of ex-premature infants reaching 2 years, and (2) analyse the influence of parental socio-economic status and maternal education on the efficacy of the questionnaire. A regional population of 703 very preterm infants (<35 weeks gestational age) born between 2003 and 2006 were evaluated at 2 years by their parents who completed the ASQ, by a pediatric clinical examination, and by the revised Brunet Lezine psychometric test with establishment of a DQ score. Detailed information regarding parental socio-economic status was available for 419 infants. At 2 years corrected age, 630 infants (89.6%) had an optimal neuromotor examination. Overall ASQ scores for predicting a DQ score ≤85 produced an area under the receiver operator curve value of 0.85 (95% Confidence Interval:0.82-0.87). An ASQ cut-off score of ≤220 had optimal discriminatory power for identifying a DQ score ≤85 with a sensitivity of 0.85 (95%CI:0.75-0.91), a specificity of 0.72 (95%CI:0.69-0.75), a positive likelihood ratio of 3, and a negative likelihood ratio of 0.21. The median value for ASQ was not significantly associated with socio-economic level or maternal education. ASQ is an easy and reliable tool regardless of the socio-economic status of the family to predict normal neurologic outcome in ex-premature infants at 2 years of age. ASQ may be beneficial with a low-cost impact to some follow-up programs, and helps to establish a genuine sense of parental involvement.  相似文献   

Taken as a composite, the meaning of the composite term "genetic program"-widely taken to suggest an explanation of biological development - simultaneously depends upon and underwrites the particular presumption that a "plan of procedure" for development is itself written in the sequence of nucleotide bases. Is this presumption correct? I want to argue that, at best, it must be said to be misleading, and at worst, simply false: To the extent that we may speak at all of a developmental program, or of a set of instructions for development, in contra-distinction to the data or resources for such a program, current research obliges us to acknowledge that these "instructions" are not written into the DNA itself (or at least, are not all written in the DNA), but rather are distributed throughout the fertilized egg. I will argue that the notion of genetic program depends upon, and sustains, a fundamental category error in which two independent distinctions, one between "genetic" and "epigenetic," and the other, between program and data, are pulled into mistaken alignment. The net effect of such alignment is to reinforce two outmoded associations: on the one hand, between "genetic" and active, and, on the other, between "epigenetic" and passive. J. Exp. Zool. (Mol. Dev. Evol.) 285:283-290, 1999.  相似文献   

Pericycle cells possess proliferative activity long after leaving the root apical meristem. Depending on the developmental stage and external stimuli, pericycle cell division leads to the production of lateral roots, vascular cambium and periderm, and callus. Therefore, pericycle cell division competence underlies root branching and secondary growth, as well as plant regeneration capacity. In this review, we first briefly present an overview of the molecular pathways of the four developmental programs originated, exclusively or partly, from pericycle cells. Then, we provide a review of up-to-date knowledge in the mechanisms determining pericycle cells’ competence to undergo cell division. Furthermore, we discuss directions of future research to further our understanding of the pericycle’s characteristics and functions.  相似文献   

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