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Aquatic ecosystems offer striking examples of how positive feedback can be integral to the dynamics of complex communities. In particular, microorganisms (bacteria and protozoa) introduce a multitude of positive feedback pathways by rapidly recycling nutrients at the very base of many aquatic food webs. The relatively large magnitude of fluxes being shunted through this 'microbial loop' allows an accumulation of nutrients in localized areas, promotes a general build-up of biomass, and acts as a 'life-support system' in harsh environments. In contrast to customary notions which portray positive feedback effects as undesirable, a reassessment indicates that this 'bootstrapping' can often be advantageous for many organisms.  相似文献   

Tree DR  Shulman JM  Rousset R  Scott MP  Gubb D  Axelrod JD 《Cell》2002,108(3):371-381
Myosin-1c (also known as myosin-Ibeta) has been proposed to mediate the slow component of adaptation by hair cells, the sensory cells of the inner ear. To test this hypothesis, we mutated tyrosine-61 of myosin-1c to glycine, conferring susceptibility to inhibition by N(6)-modified ADP analogs. We expressed the mutant myosin-1c in utricular hair cells of transgenic mice, delivered an ADP analog through a whole-cell recording pipette, and found that the analog rapidly blocked adaptation to positive and negative deflections in transgenic cells but not in wild-type cells. The speed and specificity of inhibition suggests that myosin-1c participates in adaptation in hair cells.  相似文献   

A key mediator of eukaryotic chemotaxis is the asymmetric accumulation of phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-triphosphate (PIP3) on the cell membrane. Recent work has focused on understanding how a shallow external gradient of chemoattractant leads to an amplified internal gradient of PIP3. In this paper we dissect what fraction of this amplification is derived biochemically by the signal transduction network and how much arises entirely from the effects of cell morphology. Here we identify and formalize the role of morphology in signal detection and demonstrate its effects through simulation and experiments. Our key result is that an asymmetric distribution of membrane accounts for approximately one-half of the measured amplification from ligand concentration to PIP3 production. We also show that the underlying biochemical network behaves as a linear amplifier in the micropipette assay.  相似文献   

Feedback loops have been identified in a variety of regulatory systems and organisms. While feedback loops of the same type (negative or positive) tend to have properties in common, they can play distinctively diverse roles in different regulatory systems, where they can affect virulence in a pathogenic bacterium, maturation patterns of vertebrate oocytes and transitions through cell cycle phases in eukaryotic cells. This review focuses on the properties and functions of positive feedback in biological systems, including bistability, hysteresis and activation surges.  相似文献   

The migration of tissue cells requires interplay between the microtubule and actin cytoskeletal systems. Recent reports suggest that interactions of microtubules with actin dynamics creates a polarization of microtubule assembly behavior in cells, such that microtubule growth occurs at the leading edge and microtubule shortening occurs at the cell body and rear. Microtubule growth and shortening may activate Rac1 and RhoA signaling, respectively, to control actin dynamics. Thus, an actin-dependent gradient in microtubule dynamic-instability parameters in cells may feed back through the activation of specific signalling pathways to perpetuate the polarized actin-assembly dynamics required for cell motility.  相似文献   

Distribution of immune cell populations was studied in a C3H/HeJ mouse model of intestinal amebiasis from 5 to 60 days post-inoculation with Entamoeba histolytica, using immunoperoxidase techniques. At various time intervals, the ceca from mice were fixed in 10% formalin, dehydrated, embedded and sectioned at 5 microm. Sections were incubated with conjugated peroxidase-labelled antibodies to mouse IgA, IgM, and IgG. Color was developed with 3, 3'-diaminobenzidine tetrahydrochloride (DAB)/H2O2 solution. CD3, CD4, and CD8 cells, as well as neutrophils were detected by reacting with biotin-conjugated anti-mouse CD3, CD4, CD8, and CD11 monoclonal antibodies, followed by their incubation with avidin-peroxidase and color development with DAB/H2O2 solution. Erythrocin B and toluidine blue were used to stain eosinophils and Mast cells, respectively. It was observed that the IgA+ plasma cell was the dominating immune cell present in the mucosa, although eosinophils, neutrophils, CD3+, CD4+, CD8+, IgM+, IgG+ cells and Mast cells were also seen. Results of this study suggest that infiltration of immune cells at the mucosal surface during intestinal amebiasis might be important in the defense against this parasite.  相似文献   

The concept of regulatory feedback circuit refers to oriented cyclic interactions between elements of a system. There are two classes of circuits, positive and negative, whose properties are in striking contrast. Positive circuits are a prerequisite for the occurrence of multiple steady states (multistationarity), and hence, they are involved in all processes showing hysteresis or memory. Endogenous or exogenous perturbations can lead the system to exhibit or to evoke one particular stable regime. The role of positive circuits in cell differentiation and in immunology is well documented. Negative circuits are involved in homeostatic regulation, with or without oscillations. The aim of this paper is to show: a) that positive circuits account for many features of memory stricto sensu (i.e., neural memory and mnesic evocation) as well as largo sensu (e.g. differentiation or immunological memory); and b) that simple combinations of positive and negative circuits provide powerful regulatory modules, which can also be associated in batteries. These entities have vast dynamical possibilities in the field of neurobiology, as well as in the fields of differentiation and immunology. Here we consider a universal minimal regulatory module, for which we suggest to adopt the term 'logical regulon', which can be considered as an atom of Jacob's integron. It comprises a positive and a negative circuit in its interaction matrix, and we recall the main results related to the simultaneous presence of these circuits. Finally, we give three applications of this type of interaction matrix. The first two deal with the coexistence of multiple stable steady states and periodicity in differentiation and in an immunological system showing hysteretic properties. The third deals with the dual problems of synchronization and desynchronization of a neural model for hippocampus memory evocation processes.  相似文献   

Epithelial tissues are composed of polarized cells with distinct apical and basolateral membrane domains. In the Drosophila ovarian follicle cell epithelium, apical membranes are specified by Crumbs (Crb), Stardust (Sdt), and the aPKC-Par6-cdc42 complex. Basolateral membranes are specified by Lethal giant larvae (Lgl), Discs large (Dlg), and Scribble (Scrib). Apical and basolateral determinants are known to act in a mutually antagonistic fashion, but it remains unclear how this interaction generates polarity. We have built a computer model of apicobasal polarity that suggests that the combination of positive feedback among apical determinants plus mutual antagonism between apical and basal determinants is essential for polarization. In agreement with this model, in vivo experiments define a positive feedback loop in which Crb self-recruits via Crb-Crb extracellular domain interactions, recruitment of Sdt-aPKC-Par6-cdc42, aPKC phosphorylation of Crb, and recruitment of Expanded (Ex) and Kibra (Kib) to prevent endocytic removal of Crb from the plasma membrane. Lgl antagonizes the operation of this feedback loop, explaining why apical determinants do not normally spread into the basolateral domain. Once Crb is removed from the plasma membrane, it undergoes recycling via Rab11 endosomes. Our results provide a dynamic model for understanding how epithelial polarity is maintained in Drosophila follicle cells.  相似文献   

Heterogeneous cell populations form an interconnected network that determine their collective output. One example of such a heterogeneous immune population is tumor‐infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs), whose output can be measured in terms of its reactivity against tumors. While the degree of reactivity varies considerably between different TILs, ranging from null to a potent response, the underlying network that governs the reactivity is poorly understood. Here, we asked whether one can predict and even control this reactivity. To address this we measured the subpopulation compositions of 91 TILs surgically removed from 27 metastatic melanoma patients. Despite the large number of subpopulations compositions, we were able to computationally extract a simple set of subpopulation‐based rules that accurately predict the degree of reactivity. This raised the conjecture of whether one could control reactivity of TILs by manipulating their subpopulation composition. Remarkably, by rationally enriching and depleting selected subsets of subpopulations, we were able to restore anti‐tumor reactivity to nonreactive TILs. Altogether, this work describes a general framework for predicting and controlling the output of a cell mixture.  相似文献   

Positive feedback in a brainstem tactile sensorimotor loop   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Nguyen QT  Kleinfeld D 《Neuron》2005,45(3):447-457
The trigeminal loop in the brainstem comprises the innermost level of sensorimotor feedback in the rat vibrissa system. Anatomy suggests that this loop relays tactile information from the vibrissae to the motoneurons that control vibrissa movement. We demonstrate, using in vitro and in vivo recordings, that the trigeminal loop consists of excitatory pathways from vibrissa sensory inputs to vibrissa motoneurons in the facial nucleus. We further show that the trigeminal loop implements a rapidly depressing reflex that provides positive sensory feedback to the vibrissa musculature during simulated whisking and contact. On the basis of these findings, we propose that the trigeminal loop provides an enhancement of vibrissa muscle tone upon contact during active touch.  相似文献   

In vivo tumor growth data from experiments performed in our laboratory suggest that basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) are angiogenic signals emerging from an up-regulated genetic message in the proliferating rim of a solid tumor in response to tumor-wide hypoxia. If these signals are generated in response to unfavorable environmental conditions, i.e. a decrease in oxygen tension, then the tumor may play an active role in manipulating its own environment. We have idealized this type of adaptive behavior in our mathematical model via a parameter which represents the carrying capacity of the host for the tumor. If that model parameter is held constant, then environmental control is limited to tumor shape and mitogenic signal processing. However, if we assume that the response of the local stroma to these signals is an increase in the host's ability to support an ever larger tumor, then our models describe a positive feedback control system. In this paper, we generalize our previous results to a model including a carrying capacity which depends on the size of the proliferating compartment in the tumor. Specific functional forms for the carrying capacity are discussed. Stability criteria of the system and steady state conditions for these candidate functions are analyzed. The dynamics needed to generate stable tumor growth, including countervailing negative feedback signals, are discussed in detail with respect to both their mathematical and biological properties.  相似文献   

We observe that a pathogen introduced into a population containing individuals with acquired immunity can result in an epidemic longer in duration and/or larger in size than if the pathogen were introduced into a naive population. We call this phenomenon "epidemic enhancement," and use simple dynamical models to show that it is a realistic scenario within the parameter ranges of many common infectious diseases. This finding implies that repeated pathogen introduction or intermediate levels of vaccine coverage can lead to pathogen persistence in populations where extinction would otherwise be expected.  相似文献   

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