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Kang Y  Li M  Yan W  Li X  Kang J  Zhang Y 《Biotechnology letters》2007,29(12):1817-1824
Acupuncture or electroacupuncture (EA) is effective in treating various metabolism disorders. Previously we found that EA at the acupoint, Fenglong (ST40), had the cholesterol-lowering effect and regulated genes expression in liver of hypercholesterolemia mice (M Li and YZ Zhang, Int J Mol Med 2007, 19: 617–629). To explain gene expression associated with EA, suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH), combined with targeted display (TD), was used and 26 up-regulated and 24 down-regulated genes with known functions were identified in hypercholesterolemia mice liver, some of which are involved in key reactions of lipid metabolism and immune reaction. Promoting lipid metabolism and suppressing inflammation via modulating mRNA expression may be the mechanism of EA inducing modulation of cholesterol concentrations.  相似文献   

Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), resulting in low birth body weight (LBW) occurs naturally in pigs. However, IUGR may also cause persistent changes in physiology and metabolism resulting in poorer performance, organogenesis and meat quality. As IUGR pigs have a lower daily gain from birth to slaughter they may differ in utilization of nutrients and requirements for dietary protein compared with their larger littermates. Thus, the objective in this study was to examine the interaction between birth body weight (BW) and the postnatal dietary protein level, in relation to postnatal performance, organogenesis, muscle metabolism and meat quality. The experiment was carried out with offspring from 16 purebred Danish Landrace gilts mated to Danish Landrace boars. The female and entire male pigs with LBW that survived at weaning were compared with the female and male pigs with the highest/high birth body weight (HBW) within each litter. The offspring were reared individually from weaning and were fed ad libitum a diet containing either a normal level of protein (NP) for optimal growth or an isocaloric diet containing a 30% lower protein content (LP) from 3 weeks to 150 days of age. At slaughter, we found no interactions between birth weight group and dietary protein level for any of the measured traits. The relative crown-rump length (cm/kg) at birth indicates that LBW pigs were thinner than HBW pigs. Daily gain and feed intake were reduced by 14% and 10%, respectively, while the kg feed/kg gain was slightly increased by 3% in LBW pigs compared with HBW pigs. The LP diet reduced daily gain by 27% due to reduced feed intake and increased kg feed/kg gain by 12% and 21%, respectively compared with the NP diet. LBW male pigs produced meat with a higher shear force than male HBW pigs and also LP pigs produced meat with higher shear force than NP pigs. The activity of lactate dehydrogenase in the Longissimus dorsi muscle (LD) was reduced in pigs fed the LP diet. Calpastatin was increased in LD of LBW pigs and decreased in pigs fed the NP diet. In conclusion, these results suggest a rejection of our hypothesis that low birth weight littermates have a lower requirement for dietary protein compared with heavy weight littermates. Furthermore, LBW male pigs and LP fed pigs of both genders produced less tender meat than HBW pigs or NP fed pigs, respectively.  相似文献   

Excessive lipid accumulation within hepatocytes, or hepatic steatosis, is the pathognominic feature of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), a disease associated with insulin resistance and obesity. Low-carbohydrate diets (LCD) improve these conditions and were implemented in this study to potentially attenuate hepatic steatosis in hypercholesterolemic guinea pigs. Male guinea pigs (n = 10 per group) were randomly assigned to consume high cholesterol (0.25 g/100 g) in either a LCD or a high-carbohydrate diet (HCD) for 12 wk. As compared with HCD, plasma LDL cholesterol was lower and plasma triglycerides were higher in animals fed the LCD diet, with no differences in plasma free fatty acids or glucose. The most prominent finding was a 40% increase in liver weight in guinea pigs fed the LCD diet despite no differences in hepatic cholesterol or triglycerides between the LCD and the HCD groups. Regardless of diet, all livers had severe hepatic steatosis on histologic examination. Regression analysis suggested that liver weight was independent of body weight and liver mass was independent of hepatic lipid content. LCD livers had more proliferating hepatocytes than did HCD livers, suggesting that in the context of cholesterol-induced hepatic steatosis, dietary carbohydrate restriction enhances liver cell proliferation.  相似文献   

N Mito  A B Bennett 《Plant physiology》1995,109(1):293-297
The effect of a tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) mutation, diageotropica (dgt), on the accumulation of mRNA corresponding to tomato homologs of three auxin-regulated genes, LeAux, LeSAUR, and Lepar, was examined. The dgt mutation inhibited the induction of LeAux and LeSAUR mRNA accumulation by naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) but had no effect on NAA-induced Lepar mRNA accumulation. The effect of two synthetic auxins, NAA and 3,7-dichloro-8-quinoline carboxylic acid (quinclorac), on the accumulation of LeAux, LeSAUR, and Lepar mRNA was also examined. Quinclorac induced the expression of each of the auxin-regulated genes, confirming its proposed mode of herbicidal action as an auxin-type herbicide. Concentrations of quinclorac at least 100-fold higher than NAA were required to induce LeAux and LeSAUR mRNA accumulation to similar levels, whereas Lepar mRNA accumulation was induced by similar concentrations of NAA and quinclorac. Collectively, these data suggest the presence of two auxin-dependent signal transduction pathways: one that regulates LeSAUR and LeAux mRNA accumulation and is interrupted by the dgt mutation and a second that regulates Lepar mRNA accumulation and is not defective in dgt tomato hypocotyls. These two auxin-regulated signal transduction pathways can be further discriminated by the action of two synthetic auxins, NAA and quinclorac.  相似文献   

Obesity (BMI ≥30 kg/m2) increases the risk of developing lifestyle-related diseases. A subgroup of obese individuals has been described as “metabolically healthy, but obese” (MHO). In contrast to at-risk obese (ARO), the MHO phenotype is defined by a favourable lipid profile and a normal or only slightly affected insulin sensitivity, despite the same amount of body fat. The objective was to characterize the metabolic phenotype of MHO subjects. We screened a variety of genes involved in lipid metabolism and inflammation in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). Obese subjects (men and women; 18–70 years) with BMI ≥30 kg/m2 were characterized as MHO (n = 9) or as ARO (n = 10). In addition, eleven healthy, normal weight subjects characterized as healthy by the same criteria as described for the MHO subjects were included. We found that with similar weight, total fat mass and fat mass distribution, the ARO subjects have increased plasma levels of gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase and free fatty acids. This group also has altered expression levels of a number of genes linked to lipid metabolism in PBMC with reduced gene expression levels of uncoupling protein 2, hormone-sensitive lipase and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor δ compared with MHO subjects. The present metabolic differences between subgroups of obese subjects may contribute to explain some of the underlying mechanisms causing the increased risk of disease among ARO subjects compared with MHO subjects.  相似文献   

Cultured cerebellar granule cells underwent apoptotic degeneration when grown in medium containing 10 instead of 25 mM K+. Knowing that apoptosis is associated with changes in the expression of primary response genes, we have measured c-fos, zif/268, and c-jun mRNA levels during maturation of cultured granule cells grown in 10 or 25 mM K+. The constitutive expression of c-fos and zif/268 was differentially regulated by extracellular K+ concentration at 5 days of maturation in vitro (DIV), when cells grown under suboptimal conditions (i.e. in 10 mM K+) are committed to degenerate. At this stage, c-fos mRNA levels were detectable only in cultures grown in 25 mM K+, whereas zif/268 mRNA levels were dramatically elevated in cultures grown in 10 mM K+. This provides one of the few conditions in which c-fos and zif/268 are differentially regulated in nerve cells. Substantial changes in c-jun, or -actin mRNA levels were detectable only at 7 DIV, when the percentage of apoptotic cells had already reached a plateau in ultures grown in 10 mM K+. We speculate that changes in the expression of zif/268 are important in the gene program associated with the induction of apoptosis by trophic deprivation in cultured neurons.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Robert Balázs  相似文献   

Recent studies have suggested that a significant fraction of the human genome is contained in blocks of strong linkage disequilibrium, ranging from ~5 to >100 kb in length, and that within these blocks a few common haplotypes may account for >90% of the observed haplotypes. Furthermore, previous studies have suggested that common haplotypes in candidate genes are generally shared across populations and represent the majority of chromosomes in each population. The conclusions drawn from these preliminary studies, however, are based on an incomplete knowledge of the variation in the regions examined. To bridge this gap in knowledge, we have completely resequenced 100 candidate genes in a population of African descent and one of European descent. Although these genes have been well studied because of their medical importance, we demonstrate that a large amount of sequence variation has not yet been described. We also report that the average number of inferred haplotypes per gene, when complete data is used, is higher than in previous reports and that the number and proportion of all haplotypes represented by common haplotypes per gene is variable. Furthermore, we demonstrate that haplotypes shared between the two populations constitute only a fraction of the total number of haplotypes observed and that these shared haplotypes represent fewer of the African-descent chromosomes than was expected from previous studies. Finally, we show that restricting variation discovery to coding regions does not adequately describe all common haplotypes or the true haplotype block structure observed when all common variation is used to infer haplotypes. These data, derived from complete knowledge of genetic variation in these genes, suggest that the haplotype architecture of candidate genes across the human genome is more complex than previously suggested, with important implications for candidate gene and genomewide association studies.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine the effect of high dietary zinc (Zn) oxide on trace element accumulation in various organs with special emphasis on the kidney. A total of 40 weaned piglets were allocated into two groups with 16 and 24 piglets each receiving a diet containing normal (NZn; 100 mg Zn/kg) or high (HZn; 2,100 mg Zn/kg) Zn concentration, respectively. After two weeks, eight piglets from each treatment were killed and organ samples were taken. Eight piglets from the remaining 16 pigs fed HZn diets were changed to NZn diets (CZn). All remaining piglets were killed after another two weeks for organ sampling. Trace element concentration was determined in the jejunum, liver, kidney, pancreas, bone (metacarpal IV), spleen, lung, thymus, tonsils and lymph nodes of jejunum, ileum and colon. Kidney mRNA expression of Zn transporter ZnT1 and ZIP4, genes involved in Cu metabolism (Ctr1, Atox1, SOD1, ATP7A, CCS, CP) and divalent metal ion transport (DMT1) and binding (MT-1a, MT-2b, MT-3) were determined. The Zn concentration in jejunum, liver, pancreas tissue and metacarpal IV was higher (P < 0.05) in HZn group compared with NZn and CZn groups. Trace element concentration in organs of CZn pigs was similar to those fed NZn diets. Zn concentration in muscle, lung and lymphatic organs as thymus, tonsils, spleen and lymph nodes of jejunum, ileum and colon did not differ between the groups. Zn and Cu were positively correlated (R = 0.67; P < 0.05) in the kidney. No significant differences for Cu chaperones, Cu transporters and Cu-dependent factors were determined despite decreased expression of Atox1 after two weeks and increased Ctr1 expression over time in the HZn group. Expression of MT-1a, MT-2b and MT-3 were significantly higher in HZn fed pigs with most pronounced effects for MT-1a > MT-2b > MT-3. Gene expression of MTs in pigs fed CZn diets did not differ from pigs fed NZn diets. The data suggest that high dietary Zn feeding in pigs leads to Cu co-accumulation in the kidney of pigs with minor effect on genes relevant for Cu metabolism. In addition, the organ Zn and Cu accumulation is reversible after two weeks of withdrawal of high dietary Zn.  相似文献   

为明确糖代谢相关途径在茶足柄瘤蚜茧蜂Lysiphlebustestaceipes蛹滞育过程中的作用,揭示滞育调控的分子机制,本试验利用转录组测序技术,对滞育组与非滞育组的茶足柄瘤蚜茧蜂蛹进行转录组测序,并结合生物信息学方法对糖代谢相关途径中的差异表达基因进行了筛选与分析.GO注释到的与碳水化合物代谢条目相关的差异基因共...  相似文献   

Glucose metabolism is a basic biological process that shows substantial variation within and between species. Using pig as a model organism, we investigated differences in glucose metabolic genes in seven tissues from domesticated pigs (Rongchang pig and Tibetan pig, meanwhile, the Tibetan pig just as a special case of the domesticated pig under plateau condition) and wild boar. We found large differences in the expression of genes involved in multiple aspects of glucose metabolism, including genes associated with glucose transport, gluconeogenesis, and glycolysis. In addition, we identified microRNAs (miRNAs) that may be involved in the divergence of glucose metabolism in pig. A combined analysis of mRNA and miRNA expression indicated that some miRNA:mRNA pairs showed ab facto function in it. Our results provide a valuable resource for further determination of miRNA regulatory roles in pig glucose metabolism and reveal the divergence of glucose metabolism in pigs under domestication.  相似文献   

The majority of experimental and clinical studies indicates that the hypertrophied and failing myocardium are characterized by changes in energy and substrate metabolism that attributed to failing heart changes at the genomic level, in fact, heart failure is caused by various diseases, their energy metabolism and substrate are in different genetic variations, then the potential significance of the molecular mechanisms for the aetiology of heart failure is necessary to be evaluated. Persistent viral infection (especially coxsackievirus group B3) of the myocardium in viral myocarditis and viral dilated cardiomyopathy has never been neglected by experts. This study aimed to explore the role and regulatory mechanism of the altered gene expression for energy metabolism involved in mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation, fatty acid metabolism in viral dilated cardiomyopathy. cDNA Microarray technology was used to evaluate the expression of >35,852 genes in a mice model of viral dilated cardiomyopathy. In total 1385 highly different genes expression, we analyzed 33 altered genes expression for energy metabolism involved in mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation, fatty acid metabolism and further selected real-time-PCR for quantity one of regulatory mechanisms for energy including fatty acid metabolism—the UCP2 and assayed cytochrome C oxidase activity by Spectrophotometer to explore mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation function. We found obviously different expression of 33 energy metabolism genes associated with mitochondria oxidative phosphorylation, fatty acid metabolism in cardiomyopathy mouse heart, the regulatory gene for energy metabolism: UCP2 was down-regulated and cytochrome C oxidase activity was decreased. Genes involved in both fatty acid metabolism and mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation were down-regulated, mitochondrial uncoupling proteins (UCP2) expression did not increase but decrease which might be a kind of adaptive protection response to regulate energy metabolism for ATP produce.  相似文献   

赤霉素(Gibberellin)是一类非常重要的植物激素,在高等植物生命活动的整个周期都起着重要的调控作用。从毛竹Phyllostachys edulis基因组中共鉴定出23个赤霉素途径基因,包括赤霉素生物合成相关的8个GA20ox和1个GA3ox基因、降解相关的8个GA2ox基因、参与赤霉素感知的2个GID1基因以及信号转导的2个GID2基因和2个DELLA基因。拟南芥、水稻和毛竹的系统进化树和保守基序分析显示赤霉素的合成代谢与信号转导在这些物种中是高度保守的。利用外源赤霉素处理毛竹种子和幼苗,发现赤霉素能显著提高种子的萌发率和幼苗的茎秆伸长,并且有着最佳的作用浓度。在GA3处理后,毛竹体内赤霉素生物合成基因GA20ox和GA3ox表达量均下调而降解活性赤霉素的GA2ox基因表达量上调;赤霉素受体GID1和正调控基因GID2的转录水平显著提高而负调控基因DELLA的表达受到抑制。这些基因在竹笋茎秆的不同形态学位置表达差异明显,大部分赤霉素生物合成与降解的相关基因GA20ox、GA3ox和GA2ox以及赤霉素受体GID1和正调控基因GID2都在竹笋的形态学上端大量表达,而赤霉素信号转导的阻遏基因DELLA在笋体形态学底端大量积累而顶端基本不表达。  相似文献   

A study made in Taiwan showed that 23.3 per cent of healthy slaughter pigs were infected with salmonellae. Samples of gallbladder wall/liver, mesenteric lymph nodes and jejunum wall were found to yield salmonellae in 16.4, 5.2 and 11.6 per cent of cases respectively. Salmonellae isolated belonged to nine different serotypes, S. london being the serotype most frequently isolated (26.8%) followed by S. anatum, S. panama (16.1% each) and S. typhimurium (12.5%). Of the total number of salmonellae isolated 68.5 per cent were detected simultaneously on brilliant-green phenol-red lactose sucrose agar (BGA) and desoxycholate agar (DCA), whilst 18.5 per cent were detected only on DCA and 13 per cent only on BGA plates.  相似文献   

Arachidonic (AA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA) acids (5-20 microM), when supplemented to human hepatoma HepG2 cells, which are depleted in these long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in conventional culture conditions, enhance the expression of acyl-CoA oxidase (ACOX), the first enzyme in the peroxisomal beta-oxidation cycle. DHA is effective at lower concentrations (at 5 microM) and to a greater extent (about 60% increment) than AA (about 40%) at 20 microM. Protein kinase C (PKC) appears to be involved in the activity of AA on ACOX, but not in that of DHA, since only the effect of AA is prevented by the PKC inhibitor Staurosporine, and since a remarkable elevation of the PKC activator diacylglycerol occurs only after AA supplementation. AA also induces elevation of lipoperoxides, favoured by the relative vitamin E deficiency occurring in cultured cells, and this effect, which is prevented by supplementation of the vitamin, may contribute to PKC activation.  相似文献   

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