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Various types of large-amplitude molecular deformation are ubiquitously involved in the functions of biological macromolecules, especially supramolecular complexes. They can be very effectively analyzed by normal mode analysis with well-established procedures. However, despite its enormous success in numerous applications, certain issues related to the applications of normal mode analysis require further discussion. In this review, the author addresses some common issues so as to raise the awareness of the usefulness and limitations of the method in the general community of structural biology.  相似文献   

The boundary element (BE) methodology has emerged as a powerful tool in modeling a broad range of different transport phenomena of biomolecules in dilute solution. These include: sedimentation, diffusion (translational and rotational), intrinsic viscosity, and free solution electrophoresis. Modeling is carried out in the framework of the continuum primitive model where the biomolecule is modeled as an arbitrary array of solid platelets that contains fixed charges within. The surrounding fluid is modeled as a electrodynamic/hydrodynamic continuum which obeys the Poisson and low Reynolds number Navier-Stokes equations. Ion relaxation (the distortion of the ion atmosphere from equilibrium) can also be accounted for by solving the coupled ion transport equation (for each mobile ion species present), Poisson, and Navier-Stokes equations in tandem. Several examples are presented in this work. It is first applied to a detailed model of 20 bp DNA and it is concluded that it is not necessary to include a layer of bound water to reconcile experimental and model translational diffusion constants. With regards to diffusion, the BE approach is also applied to a 375-bp supercoiled DNA model (without ion relaxation), and also 20-60-bp DNA fragments with ion relaxation included in order to assess the magnitude of the electrolyte friction effect under a number of different salt/buffer conditions. Attention is then turned to modeling the electrophoretic mobility of three different cases. First of all, we consider a sphere with a central charge large enough in magnitude to insure that ion relaxation is significant. Excellent agreement with independent theory is obtained. Finally, it is applied to modeling short DNA fragments in KCl and Tris acetate salts. Quantitative agreement is achieved when the salt is KCl, but the calculated (absolute) mobility in Tris acetate is substantially higher than the experimental value. The interpretation of this is that there is an association between Tris(+) and DNA (perhaps hydrogen bonding) not accounted for in our modeling that is responsible for this discrepancy.  相似文献   

This paper describes the algorithm of a program used to simulate three dimensional models of molecules. In addition to open ended molecules the program also enables simulation of structures with constraints in the form of cyclic regions or fixed location of particular atoms. Several molecules can be handled in a single run and each molecule can have any number of contraints. Further, any number of conformations can be obtained for each constrained region. The program can be used for research in several areas of molecular biology, e.g., structure determination, conformational analysis and topographic comparisons.  相似文献   

Binding-induced backbone and large-scale conformational changes represent one of the major challenges in the modeling of biomolecular complexes by docking. To address this challenge, we have developed a flexible multidomain docking protocol that follows a "divide-and-conquer" approach to model both large-scale domain motions and small- to medium-scale interfacial rearrangements: the flexible binding partner is treated as an assembly of subparts/domains that are docked simultaneously making use of HADDOCK's multidomain docking ability. For this, the flexible molecules are cut at hinge regions predicted using an elastic network model. The performance of this approach is demonstrated on a benchmark covering an unprecedented range of conformational changes of 1.5 to 19.5 ?. We show from a statistical survey of known complexes that the cumulative sum of eigenvalues obtained from the elastic network has some predictive power to indicate the extent of the conformational change to be expected.  相似文献   

Inaccuracies in computational molecular modeling methods are often counterweighed by brute-force generation of a plethora of putative solutions. These are then typically sieved via structural clustering based on similarity measures such as the root mean square deviation (RMSD) of atomic positions. Albeit widely used, these measures suffer from several theoretical and technical limitations (e.g., choice of regions for fitting) that impair their application in multicomponent systems (N > 2), large-scale studies (e.g., interactomes), and other time-critical scenarios. We present here a simple similarity measure for structural clustering based on atomic contacts--the fraction of common contacts--and compare it with the most used similarity measure of the protein docking community--interface backbone RMSD. We show that this method produces very compact clusters in remarkably short time when applied to a collection of binary and multicomponent protein-protein and protein-DNA complexes. Furthermore, it allows easy clustering of similar conformations of multicomponent symmetrical assemblies in which chain permutations can occur. Simple contact-based metrics should be applicable to other structural biology clustering problems, in particular for time-critical or large-scale endeavors.  相似文献   

An overview is presented of the construction and use of algebraic partition functions to represent the equilibrium statistical mechanics of multimolecular complexes and their action within a larger regulatory network. Unlike many applications of equilibrium statistical mechanics, multimolecular complexes may operate with various subsets of their components present and connected to the others, the rest remaining in solution. Thus they are variable-structure systems. This aspect of their behavior may be accounted for by the use of 'fugacity' variables as a representation within the partition functions. Four principles are proposed by which the combinatorics of molecular complex construction can be reflected in the construction of their partition functions. The corresponding algebraic operations on partition functions are multiplication, addition, function composition and a less commonly used operation called contraction. Each has a natural interpretation in terms of probability distributions on multimolecular structures. Possible generalizations to nonequilibrium statistical mechanics are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

With the amount of genetic information available, a lot of attention has focused on systems biology, in particular biomolecular interactions. Considering the huge number of such interactions, and their often weak and transient nature, conventional experimental methods such as X-ray crystallography and NMR spectroscopy are not sufficient to gain structural insight into these. A wealth of biochemical and/or biophysical data can, however, readily be obtained for biomolecular complexes. Combining these data with docking (the process of modeling the 3D structure of a complex from its known constituents) should provide valuable structural information and complement the classical structural methods. In this review we discuss and illustrate the various sources of data that can be used to map interactions and their combination with docking methods to generate structural models of the complexes. Finally a perspective on the future of this kind of approach is given.  相似文献   

In the article the results of the influence of some types of biological molecules and their specific immune complexes on the volt-amperic characteristics of surface-barrier contact structures with the super thick metal film are presented. Moreover, the possibility to develop on this basis a simple instrumental method for separate registration of initial components and products of their interaction is discussed. It was shown that the volt-amperic characteristics of surface-barrier structures of Ni-Si changed at the deposition of myoglobin and its specific monoclonal antibodies. These structures more essentially reacted to the formed presence of specific immune complex and, in particular, to the direct formation of this complex on the surface at the subsequent use of the initial immune components in comparison with their separate presence. For all investigated types of biological molecules and their specific complexes we found optimal thickness of metal film when changes of volt-amperic characteristics of system achieved maximum level. It was concluded that this electrometrical method was suitable for the express and separation free registration of specific immune complex.  相似文献   

Statistical energy functions are general models about atomic or residue-level interactions in biomolecules, derived from existing experimental data. They provide quantitative foundations for structural modeling as well as for structure-based protein sequence design. Statistical energy functions can be derived computationally either based on statistical distributions or based on variational assumptions. We present overviews on the theoretical assumptions underlying the various types of approaches. Theoretical considerations underlying important pragmatic choices are discussed.  相似文献   

Integrative modeling computes a model based on varied types of input information, be it from experiments or prior models. Often, a type of input information will be best handled by a specific modeling software package. In such a case, we desire to integrate our integrative modeling software package, Integrative Modeling Platform (IMP), with software specialized to the computational demands of the modeling problem at hand. After several attempts, however, we have concluded that even in collaboration with the software’s developers, integration is either impractical or impossible. The reasons for the intractability of integration include software incompatibilities, differing modeling logic, the costs of collaboration, and academic incentives. In the integrative modeling software ecosystem, several large modeling packages exist with often redundant tools. We reason, therefore, that the other development groups have similarly concluded that the benefit of integration does not justify the cost. As a result, modelers are often restricted to the set of tools within a single software package. The inability to integrate tools from distinct software negatively impacts the quality of the models and the efficiency of the modeling. As the complexity of modeling problems grows, we seek to galvanize developers and modelers to consider the long-term benefit that software interoperability yields. In this article, we formulate a demonstrative set of software standards for implementing a model search using tools from independent software packages and discuss our efforts to integrate IMP and the crystallography suite Phenix within the Bayesian modeling framework.  相似文献   

The function of biomolecules is intrinsically linked to their structure and the complexes they form during function. Techniques for the determination of structures and dynamics of these nanometre assemblies are therefore important for an understanding on the molecular level. PELDOR (pulsed electron-electron double resonance) is a pulsed EPR method that can be used to reliably and precisely measure distances in the range 1.5-8?nm, to unravel orientations and to determine the number of monomers in complexes. In conjunction with site-directed spin labelling, it can be applied to biomolecules of all sizes in aqueous solutions or membranes. PELDOR is therefore complementary to the methods of X-ray crystallography, NMR and FRET (fluorescence resonance energy transfer) and is becoming a powerful method for structural determination of biomolecules. In the present review, the methods of PELDOR are discussed and examples where PELDOR has been used to obtain structural information on biomolecules are summarized.  相似文献   

We present computational solutions to two problemsof macromolecular structure interpretation from reconstructedthree-dimensional electron microscopy (3D-EM) maps of largebio-molecular complexes at intermediate resolution (5A-15A). Thetwo problems addressed are: (a) 3D structural alignment (matching)between identified and segmented 3D maps of structure units(e.g. trimeric configuration of proteins), and (b) the secondarystructure identification of a segmented protein 3D map (i.e.locations of a-helices, b -sheets). For problem (a), we presentan efficient algorithm to correlate spatially (and structurally)two 3D maps of structure units. Besides providing a similarityscore between structure units, the algorithm yields an effectivetechnique for resolution refinement of repeated structure units,by 3D alignment and averaging. For problem (b), we present anefficient algorithm to compute eigenvalues and link eigenvectorsof a Gaussian convoluted structure tensor derived from theprotein 3D Map, thereby identifying and locating secondarystructural motifs of proteins. The efficiency and performanceof our approach is demonstrated on several experimentallyreconstructed 3D maps of virus capsid shells from single-particlecryo-EM, as well as computationally simulated protein structuredensity 3D maps generated from protein model entries in theProtein Data Bank.  相似文献   



Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations provide valuable insight into biomolecular systems at the atomic level. Notwithstanding the ever-increasing power of high performance computers current MD simulations face several challenges: the fastest atomic movements require time steps of a few femtoseconds which are small compared to biomolecular relevant timescales of milliseconds or even seconds for large conformational motions. At the same time, scalability to a large number of cores is limited mostly due to long-range interactions. An appealing alternative to atomic-level simulations is coarse-graining the resolution of the system or reducing the complexity of the Hamiltonian to improve sampling while decreasing computational costs. Native structure-based models, also called Gō-type models, are based on energy landscape theory and the principle of minimal frustration. They have been tremendously successful in explaining fundamental questions of, e.g., protein folding, RNA folding or protein function. At the same time, they are computationally sufficiently inexpensive to run complex simulations on smaller computing systems or even commodity hardware. Still, their setup and evaluation is quite complex even though sophisticated software packages support their realization.


Here, we establish an efficient infrastructure for native structure-based models to support the community and enable high-throughput simulations on remote computing resources via GridBeans and UNICORE middleware. This infrastructure organizes the setup of such simulations resulting in increased comparability of simulation results. At the same time, complete workflows for advanced simulation protocols can be established and managed on remote resources by a graphical interface which increases reusability of protocols and additionally lowers the entry barrier into such simulations for, e.g., experimental scientists who want to compare their results against simulations. We demonstrate the power of this approach by illustrating it for protein folding simulations for a range of proteins.


We present software enhancing the entire workflow for native structure-based simulations including exception-handling and evaluations. Extending the capability and improving the accessibility of existing simulation packages the software goes beyond the state of the art in the domain of biomolecular simulations. Thus we expect that it will stimulate more individuals from the community to employ more confidently modeling in their research.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2105-15-292) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Considerable progress has been recently achieved in the multiscale modeling of complex biological processes. Multiscale models have now investigated the structure and dynamics of lipid membranes, proteins, peptides and DNA over length and time scales ranging from the atomic to the macroscopic. Serial multiscale methods that parameterize low-resolution coarse-grained models with data from high-resolution models have studied long time or length scale phenomena that cannot be investigated with atomically detailed models. Parallel multiscale methods that directly couple high- and low-resolution models have efficiently explored slow structural transitions and the importance of long-wavelength fluctuations for biological molecules. The success of such models relies upon new theories and methods for constructing accurate multiscale bridges that transfer information between models with different resolutions.  相似文献   

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MOTIVATION: Interfacial water, which plays an important role in mediating biomolecular interactions, has been neglected in the modelling of biomolecular complexes. METHODS: We present a solvated docking approach that explicitly accounts for the presence of water in protein-protein complexes. Our solvated docking protocol is based on the concept of the first encounter complex in which a water layer is present in-between the molecules. It mimics the pathway from this initial complex towards the final assembly in which most waters have been expelled from the interface. Docking is performed from solvated biomolecules and waters are removed in a biased Monte Carlo procedure based on water-mediated contact propensities obtained from an analysis of high-resolution crystal structures. RESULTS: We demonstrate the feasibility of this approach for protein-protein complexes representing both 'wet' and 'dry' interfaces. Solvated docking leads to improvements both in quality and scoring. Water molecules are recovered that closely match the ones in the crystal structures. AVAILABILTY: Solvated docking will be made available in the future release of HADDOCK version 2.0 (http://www.nmr.chem.uu.nl/haddock).  相似文献   



Biomolecular networks dynamically respond to stimuli and implement cellular function. Understanding these dynamic changes is the key challenge for cell biologists. As biomolecular networks grow in size and complexity, the model of a biomolecular network must become more rigorous to keep track of all the components and their interactions. In general this presents the need for computer simulation to manipulate and understand the biomolecular network model.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a novel approach Bio-IEDM (biomedical information extraction and data mining) to integrate text mining and predictive modeling to analyze biomolecular network from biomedical literature databases. Our method consists of two phases. In phase 1, we discuss a semisupervised efficient learning approach to automatically extract biological relationships such as protein-protein interaction, protein-gene interaction from the biomedical literature databases to construct the biomolecular network. Our method automatically learns the patterns based on a few user seed tuples and then extracts new tuples from the biomedical literature based on the discovered patterns. The derived biomolecular network forms a large scale-free network graph. In phase 2, we present a novel clustering algorithm to analyze the biomolecular network graph to identify biologically meaningful subnetworks (communities). The clustering algorithm considers the characteristics of the scale-free network graphs and is based on the local density of the vertex and its neighborhood functions that can be used to find more meaningful clusters with different density level. The experimental results indicate our approach is very effective in extracting biological knowledge from a huge collection of biomedical literature. The integration of data mining and information extraction provides a promising direction for analyzing the biomolecular network  相似文献   

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