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Vigorous vegetative growth of various Streptomyces species (S. auroefaciens, S. collinus and S. granaticolor) was achieved in a new semisynthetic liquid medium. Unlike the media commonly used for the cultivation of the submerged mycelia of different streptomycetes, this one does not contain insoluble material which enables direct and reliable measurement of net production of biomass. The medium was formulated to meet the nutritional requirements of all the three species. Is also supported production of antibiotic in each of the strains. A method for bulk preparation of Streptomyces aerial spores, involving cultivation on agar plates covered with cellophane, was developed. Advantage of this method lies in higher yields of spores, their higher purity and easier harvesting. The spores were activated by amild treatment with an Ultra-Turrax homogenizer resulting in the breakage of fibrous sheath, suspended in 20% glycerol, and stored at ?60°C. Thus, treated spores germinated synchronously even after several months of the storage. Hence, such spore material may be used for precise inoculation in a large series of experiments implying synchronous germination, and the inoculations can be carried out from the same batch over a long period.  相似文献   

When Bacillus megaterium ATCC 14581 is grown in the presence of barbiturates, a cytochrome P-450-dependent fatty acid monooxygenase (Mr 120 000) is induced (Kim, B.-H. and Fulco, A.J. (1983) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 116, 843–850). Gel filtration chromatography of a crude monooxygenase preparation from pentobarbital-induced B. megaterium indicated that not all of the induced cytochrome P-450 present in the extract was accounted for by this high-molecular-weight component. Further purification revealed the presence of two additional but smaller cytochrome P-450 species. The minor component, designated cytochrome P-450BM-2, had a molecular mass of about 46 kDa, but has not yet been completely purified or further characterized. The major component, designated cytochrome P-450BM-1, was obtained in pure form, exhibited fatty acid monooxygenase activity in the presence of iodosylbenzenediacetate, and has been extensively characterized. Its Mr of 38 000 makes it the smallest cytochrome P-450 yet purified to homogeneity. Although it is a soluble protein, a complete amino acid analysis indicated that it contains 42% hydrophobic residues. By the dansyl chloride procedure the NH2-terminal amino acid is proline; the penultimate NH2-terminal residue is alanine. The absolute absorption spectra of cytochrome P-450BM-1 show maxima in the same general regions as do P-450 cytochromes from mammalian or other bacterial sources, but they differ in detail. The oxidized form of P-450BM-1 has absorption maxima at 414, 533 and 567 nm, while the reduced form has peaks at 410 and 540 nm. The absorption maxima for the CO-reduced form of P-450BM-1 are found at 415, 448 and 550 nm. Antisera from rabbits immunized with pure P-450BM-1 strongly reacted with and precipitated this P-450, but showed no detectable affinity for either the 46 kDa P-450 or the 120 kDa fatty acid monooxygenase.  相似文献   

In Bacillus megaterium QM B1551, spore germination could be initiated by glucose in the absence of detectable oxygen consumption, ATP synthesis or a pH decrease in the external media, suggesting that none of those reactions were mandatory. In addition, initiation of germination was insensitive to a variety of inhibitors of energy production or protonmotive force uncouplers. Therefore the respiratory chain-associated functions are not prerequisites for initiation of germination but these functions may be necessary to drive energy-dependent transport systems and other biosynthetic reactions during outgrowth.  相似文献   

An extracellular cycloamylose (cyclodextrin) glucanotransferase (EC from Bacillus macerans was purified to homogeneity by adsorption on starch, ammonium sulfate fractionation, column chromatography on DEAE-cellulose, and gel filtration on Sephadex G-100. The enzyme had a molecular weight of 67,000 and consisted of one polypeptide chain. The isoelectric point was pH 5.4. Temperature and pH optima were 60° and 5.45.8, respectively. The purified enzyme was quite stable at 50° (pH 6.0), but lost ≈80% of its activity at 60° for 30 min (pH 6.0). Prolonged digestion by trypsin did not affect the catalytic properties of the enzyme. The Km for starch was 5.7 mg/ml.  相似文献   

The oligoribonucleotide fraction containing the Streptolysin S inducer activity from the RNase digest of yeast RNA (active fraction; A. W. Bernheimer and M. J. Rodbart, 1948, J. Exp. Med., 80, 149–168) was purified by the oligo(dC)-cellulose affinity chromatography based on its high guanine content. A 20-fold purification of the inducer activity over that of AF the active fraction, and approximately 2000-fold over that of yeast RNA has been obtained. The purification oligonucleotide was found to contain several molecular species with 7–10 nucleotide residues, all apparently with inducer activity. Streptolysin S induced with this oligonucleotide preparation and gel filtered has a specific activity comparable to the highest value reported previously. Incorporation of amino acids into streptolysin S was observed upon induction with the purified oligonucleotide and paralleled the increase in the hemolysin activity. This and experiments with chloramphenicol indicated that streptolysin was synthesized de novo on stimulation with the oligonucleotide inducer. The pattern of amino acid incorporation was in good agreement with the amino acid composition of purified streptolysin reported earlier. No incorporation of glucose or mannose was observed.  相似文献   

The liganded derivatives of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase have been prepared in hydrated oriented multilayers of membranous cytochrome c oxidase. The optical spectra of the liganded derivatives recorded at an angle of 45° between the incident light beam and the normal to the planes of the membranes in the multilayers show dichroic ratios of almost 2 in the visible region and 1.2–1.4 in the Soret region. The dichroic ratios were found to be similar for both cytochromes a and a3. Electron paramagnetic resonance spectra of the azide, sulfide, and formate complexes of cytochrome c oxidase obtained as a function of the orientation of the applied magnetic field relative to the planes of the membranes in the multilayer confirm the optical data and demonstrate that both hemes of cytochrome c oxidase are oriented such that the angle between the heme normal and the membrane normal is approximately 90°.  相似文献   

Strains R6, R6x and R6uvr-1 of Streptococcus pneumoniae (Pneumococcus) are sensitive to the cytotoxic effects of the mutagen/carcinogen aflatoxin B1 (AFB1). R6uvr-1 is more prone to the cytotoxic effects of AFB1 than the repair-proficient parental strain, R6. The same differential susceptibility of strains R6, R6x and R6uvr-1 was observed when UV light replaced metabolically activated AFB1. All pneumococcal strains were immutable by AFB1. AFB1 mutagenesis in Salmonella typhimurium strains was dependent on a functional RecA gene product. The enhancing effects of ΔuvrB and plasmid pKM101 were found to be additive. Data presented are consistent with the following: (i) AFB1 toxic effects are due mainly to DNA binding of AFB1; (ii) AFB1 mutagenesis is dependent on error-prone DNA repair; (iii) Pneumococcus lacks an active error-prone (SOS) DNA-repair system.  相似文献   

The hemocyanin of Limulus polyphemus is a 48-subunit aggregate. This 3.3 × 106-dalton oligomer is composed of structurally and functionally heterogeneous subunits. Using polyacrylamide electrophoresis J. Markl, A. Markl, W. Schartau, and B. Linzen (J. Comp. Physiol. Ser. B130,283–292, 1979) observed 12 bands; while using immunoelectrophoresis, M. Hoylaerts, G. Preaux, R. Witters, and R. Lontie (Arch. Int. Physiol. Biochem.87, 417–418, 1979) and J. Lamy, J. Lamy, J. Weill, J. Bonaventura, C. Bonaventura, and M. Brenowitz. (Arch. Biochem. Biophys.196, 324–339, 1979) observed 8 subunits. To proceed with an analysis of subunit roles in assembly it is first necessary to determine the number of distinct subunits. Refinement of the chromatographic separation procedures has led to the isolation of 8 immunologically distinct subunits as well as additional charge isomers which cannot be distinguished immunologically. Alkaline electrophoresis revealed 15 bands and isoelectric focusing up to 17. On the basis of extensive control experiments, including composit acrylamide-agarose immunoelectrophoresis and checks for conformational isomers, aggregation, proteolysis, and other types of degradation, we conclude that the electrophoretic heterogeneity of immunologically identical subunits is not artifactual. We have extended the nomenclature used by Lamy et al. (1979) to include the electrophoretic heterogeneity by using primes (′) to denote electrophoretically distinguishable subunits which are immunologically identical. A number of patterns have become apparent by correlating the results obtained by the different techniques. For example, immunologically pure subunit II, which shows 3 bands on alkaline electrophoresis, is in fact a mixture of electrophoretically distinct subunits II, II′, II″. Except for subunits II, II′, and II″ immunoelectrophoretically identical subunits are typically homogeneous on sodium dodecyl sulfate-gels. However, slight differences in the apparent molecular weight are observed on high-resolution gels between immunologically unrelated subunits. The immunological identity and electrophoretic differences suggest that the charge isomers which are immunologically identical have similar antigenic surfaces. If a charge substitution is not in a critical location, we would expect the electrophoretically distinct but immunologically identical subunits to have identical assembly roles. Comparison of the results for Limulus hemocyanin with the hemocyanin of related species Eurypelma californicum and Androctanus australis, which have 7 and 8 immunologically distinct subunits, respectively, suggests that the calcium-mediated aggregation from 24 to 48 subunits of Limulus does not require more extensive subunit complexity.  相似文献   

The effect of Bacillus thuringiensis endotoxin after ingestion on the K+ transport of Manduca sexta midgut is described. Direct measurements of short circuit current and transepithelial potential demonstrate that the transport is inhibited at the end of 1 hr with many of the insects exhibiting both negative short circuit current and transepithelial potential by the end of a 4-hr ingestion period.  相似文献   

[14C]Chlorophyll (chl) a has been utilized to demonstrate the contamination of chl b by (probably) oxidation products of chl a in thin-layer or paper chromatography. By circular chromatography of both chlorophylls as their pheophytins, the contamination of chl a (as pheophytin a) in chl b (as pheophytin b) may be reduced to 0.15–0.35.  相似文献   

The in vivo binding of platinum to metallothionein (MT) has been observed in rat tissues following injections of the cis and trans isomers of DDP (dichlorodiammine-platinum(II)). Platinum in either cis-DDP or trans-DDP does not directly induce MT; platinum-MT is produced by the replacement of previously bound zinc in the protein. The binding of Pt(II) to MT depends on the availability of SH groups in MT. Preinjection with CdCl2 significantly enhances the association of Pt(II) with MT fractions compared to the degree of association resulting from injections with either cis-DDP or trans-DDP without CdCl2 pretreatment. In vitro experiments in which tissue extracts including a known (Cd,Zn)-MT were incubated with either cis-DDP or trans-DDP show that these isomers differ with respect to the transfer of Pt to MT; the equilibrium in both cases was reached when approximately 40% of the available Pt is bound to MT but with this equilibrium value attained in 2 h in the case of trans-DDP and only after 72 h in the case of cis-DDP. Pt-MTs were also formed by a series of incubation steps in which a native MT was used to prepare the apoprotein which was subsequently incubated with either cis-DDP or trans-DDP. Spectrophotometry established that a shoulder occurs at 285 nm for the Pt-MTs resulting from the incubation with either isomer. A competitive double-antibody radioimmunoassay for MT demonstrated that these Pt-MTs had complete cross-reactivity with a native (Cd,Zn)-MT. Gel filtration of tissue extracts after either in vivo or in vitro treatment with DDP showed that Pt was bound to a molecular species with properties characteristic of MT. These results were verified by atomic absorption spectrophotometry and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis assays.  相似文献   

The kinetics of oxidation of d-erythrose and dL-glyceraldehyde by chromium (VI) and vanadium(V) in perchloric acid medium have been investigated spectrophotometrically. Each reaction was first-order with respect to [oxidant] and [substrate]. The reactions were catalysed by acid, but their dependence on acidity was complex. Sodium perchlorate accelerated the rate of each reaction. The oxidation rates follow the order glyceraldehyde > erythrose. The activation parameters were calculated and mechanisms consistent with the experimental observations are proposed.  相似文献   

The anatomy of the retrocerebral complex was studied after supravital staining with methylene blue, and axonal tracts within the corpora allata (CA) were traced after applying the CoCl2 technique together with Timm's sulfide-silver enhancement. Cobalt chloride fills of the nerves to and from the CA revealed two major sources of innervation: the brain and the subesophageal ganglion. Three cell clusters in the brain contribute axons that reach each nervus corporis allati I (NCA I) and, apparently, pass to or beyond the CA. These are: a cluster of 8 to 12 cells in the contralateral pars lateralis, a cluster of 16 to 20 cells in the ipsilateral pars lateralis, and a cluster of 50 to 60 cells in the contralateral pars intercerebralis. PAF-stained sections of other brains revealed a corresponding number of PAF-positive cells in these same regions. The medial and lateral neurons arborize in the neuropile adjacent to the pars intercerebralis, and may associate there. The lateral group also arborizes extensively in the neuropile surrounding the pedunculus of the mushroom body. At least four cell bodies located antero-ventrad in the subesophageal ganglion send axons to the CA via each nervus corporis allati II (NCA II).To determine possible inhibitory pathways to the CA, the NCA I, NCA II, and postallatal nerves of last instar larvae were severed; either singly, or in combination. Additional experiments were performed on last instar larvae to substantiate that superlarvae were a direct result of an enhanced or sustained juvenile hormone titre. These experiments included: implanting two or more CA, extirpating one CA, or applying 100 μg of Altosid topically onto allatectomized larvae. The experiments indicated that only NCA I is an inhibitory pathway and that superlarvae were a direct consequence of CA activation. NCA II does not seem to provide the CA with an essential excitatory innervation; when it and NCA I are severed a supernumerary apolysis will still result. Some of the cells in the brain stainable by the CoCl2 method are most probably identical to those that are PAF-positive. These cells may inhibit the CA in last instar larvae via neurosecretomotor junctions.  相似文献   

Particulate membrane fractions from Volvox carteri catalyze the transfer of mannose from GDP-mannose to dolichyl diphosphate-[14C]chitobiose to form lipid-linked oligosaccharides up to a dolichyl diphospnate-chitobiose-(mannose)5 structure. Mannosylation of the chitobiosyl lipid requires divalent cations and detergents as solubilizing agents. Depending on the nature of the detergent, the oligosaccharide pattern differs markedly: With deoxycholate or the zwitterionic detergent 314 a lipid-linked trisaccharide accumulates. The nonionic Triton X-100, however, gives rise to a spectrum of compounds up to a heptasaccharide. Enzyme digestion of the tri- and pentasaccharide structure, obtained after mild acid hydrolysis of the corresponding [14C]glycolipids, revealed that the first mannose is bound via a β-glycosidic linkage to the chitobiosyl core, whereas the outer mannose residues are linked as α-mannosides. Our studies indicate that, in agreement with recent findings in other organisms, the innermost α-mannosidic residues are donated directly from GDP-mannose. The structure of oligosaccharides synthesized by Volvox membranes is thus consistent with results from other eucaryotic species, suggesting a common pathway of N-glycosylation of glycoproteins.  相似文献   

Biosynthetic activity for mycolic acid occurred in the fluffy layer fraction but not in the 5000g supernatant of Bacterionema matruchotii. With [1-14C]palmitic acid as precursor for the in vitro system, the predominant product was identified as C32:0 mycolic acid by radio-gas-liquid chromatographie (radio-GLC) and gas chromatographic/mass spectroscopic analyses; if [1-14C]stearic acid was used, two major radioactive peaks appeared on GLC: one corresponding to the peak of (C34:0 + C34:1) mycolic acids and the other to (C36:0 + C36:1) mycolic acids. By pyrolysis/radio-GLC analysis, C32:0 mycolic acid synthesized by [1-14C]palmitic acid was pyrolyzed at 300 °C to form palmitaldehyde (the mero moiety) and methyl palmitate (the branch moiety). The pH optimum for the incorporation of [1-14C]palmitate into bacterionema mycolic acids was 6.4 and the reaction required a divalent cation. The in vitro system utilized myristic, palmitic, stearic and oleic acids (probably via their activated forms) well as precursors, among which myristic and palmitic acids were more effective than the rest. Avidin showed no effect on the biosynthesis of mycolic acid from 14C-palmitate whereas cerulenin, a specific inhibitor of β-ketoacyl synthetase in de novo fatty acid synthesis, inhibited the reaction at a relatively higher concentration. Thin-layer chromatographic analysis of lipids extracted from the reacting mixture without alkaline hydrolysis showed that both exogenous [1-14] fatty acid and synthesized mycolic acids were bound to an unknown compound by an alkali-labile linkage and this association seemed to occur prior to the condensation of two molecules of fatty acid.  相似文献   

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