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Trichomonad total extracts (TTE), or vesicular (P30) and soluble (530) subcellular fractions from 3 pathogenic Trichomonas vaginalis strains (GT-3. GT-13. and GT-15), lysed both human and Sprague-Dawley rat erythrocytes in a time- and dose-dependent manner. The entire hemolytic activity of TTE was located in P30, showing 2 peaks of maximum activity, one at pH 6.0 and another at pH 8.0. in the presence of 1 mM Ca2+. Hemolytic activity on rat erythrocytes was greater at pH 6.0 16.71 +/- 0.33 hemolytic units IHU]/mg/hr to 11.60 +/- 0.24 HU/mg/hr) than at pH 8.0 (3.81 +/- 0.30 HU/mg/hr to 5.75 +/- 0.65 HU/mg/hr). and it was greater than that on human red blood cells at pH 6.0 (2.67 +/- 0.19 HU/mg/hr to 4.08 +/- 0.15 HU/mg/hr) or pH 8.0 (2.24 +/- 0.0 9 HU/mg/hr to 2.81 +/- 0.06 HU/mg/hr). The alkaline and acidic hemolytic activity diminished (60-93% at pH 6.0 and 78-93% at pH 8.0) by the effect of 80 microM Rosenthal's inhibitor, which also inhibited 27-45% and 29-54% trichomonad alkaline and acidic phospholipase A activities, respectively. Vesicles, vacuoles, and hydrogenosomes were rich in P30. Trichomonas vaginalis has a hemolytic PLA, which could be involved in its cytopathogenic mechanism.  相似文献   

D Cotariu  S Evans  J L Zaidman 《Enzyme》1985,34(4):196-200
Previous observations that valproic acid (VPA) causes hepatic damage prompted us to investigate the effect of large doses of the drug (0.6, 1.2 and 1.8 mmol/kg/day) on a number of liver enzymes located on different subcellular fractions. In mitochondria, glutamate dehydrogenase, aspartate aminotransferase and ornithine carbamoyltransferase were significantly increased (1.8 mmol/kg/day). In microsomes, gamma-glutamyltransferase activity increased significantly (1.8 mmol/kg) and cytochrome P-450 content decreased significantly (1.2 and 1.8 mmol/kg). In cytosol, both aspartate and alanine aminotransferase activities were increased at all dose levels. These results indicate that VPA induces dose-dependent changes in some liver enzyme activities.  相似文献   

Another step along the road towards determining the subcellular localization of a complete mammalian proteome has been taken with a study using cellular fractionation and protein correlation profiling to identify and localize organellar proteins. Here we discuss this new work in the context of other strategies for large-scale subcellular localization.  相似文献   

In the internal granular layer of the cerebellar cortex the polysynaptic complexes called glomeruli consist mainly of homogeneous populations of glutamatergic and GABAergic synapses, both located on granule cell dendrites. A subcellular fraction enriched in glomeruli was prepared from rat cerebellum, and the distribution of GABAA and of benzodiazepine binding sites between membranes derived from this fraction (fraction G) and from a total cerebellar homogenate (fraction T) was studied. The benzodiazepine and GABA binding sites were measured by the binding of agonists [3H]flunitrazepam and [3H]muscimol, respectively. The results indicate that both binding sites are present, but only slightly enriched, in the glomerular synapses. We found a muscimol/flunitrazepam binding site ratio of two, which is consistent with the enrichement of muscimol binding sites in the granular layer shown by both autoradiographic with radioactive glutamatergic ligands and in situ hybridization experiments respectively.  相似文献   

A heterogeneous poly A-mRNA fraction was isolated from rat liver microsomes by phenol:chloroform extraction, millipore filtration, and poly U-agarose affinity chromatography. The fractions were characterized by their secondary structures and poly A contents. From translational studies, the isolated fraction was found to have high glutamate dehydrogenase template activity in cell-free systems containing microsomes or polysomes. A spectrophotometric procedure for following enzyme biosynthesis was also developed.  相似文献   

Turbidity measurement, as an estimate of the concentration of a particulate subcellular membrane fraction, is an effective alternative to protein assay. As exemplified by purified myelin membrane the technique is fast, accurate, and consumes no sample, giving it certain advantages over protein assay in some applications.  相似文献   

Thyroglobulin (Tg)-specific T cells are important in the induction of experimental autoimmune thyroiditis (EAT), but the nature and the number of the Tg T cell epitopes involved in the disease process are unknown. Through the use of computerized algorithms that search for putative T cell epitopes, a 17-mer peptide (TgP1) was identified within the known portion of the rat Tg sequence (corresponding to amino acids 2495 to 2511 of the human Tg sequence) that induced strong mononuclear cell infiltration of the thyroid in classic EAT-susceptible murine strains such as SJL, C3H, and B10.BR and low or undetectable infiltration in EAT-resistant strains such as BALB/c and B10. TgP1 appears to be phylogenetically conserved since it is completely homologous to its bovine counterpart and differs at a single amino acid position from its human analogue. After priming with TgP1 in vivo, significant proliferative T cell responses to TgP1 in vitro were observed only with lymphocytes from susceptible (high responder) strains, thus correlating proliferative capacity with EAT induction. TgP1-primed T cells did not respond to intact mouse Tg (MTg) or rat Tg in vitro and, conversely, T cells primed in vivo with MTg or rat Tg did not respond to TgP1 in culture, suggesting that TgP1 is comprised of non-immunodominant T cell determinants. TgP1 was defined as a serologically nonimmunodominant epitope as well, since in vivo priming of all strains with MTg led to strong MTg-specific IgG responses but no TgP1-specific responses in ELISA assays. This was not due to lack of immunogenic B cell determinants on TgP1, however, because peptide challenge of EAT-susceptible strains elicited TgP1-specific IgG that also cross-reacted with MTg and rat, human, bovine, and porcine Tg. The data demonstrate that TgP1 delineates nonimmunodominant but highly immunogenic determinants at both the T and B cell level, which may play an important role in the development of autoimmune thyroiditis.  相似文献   

A simple reliable method was developed for the rapid isolation of a synaptic plasma membrane-enriched fraction from rat brain. The procedure involves the direct lysis of a crude mitochondrial fraction followed by a combined flotation-sedimentation density gradient centrifugation in a fixed-angle centrifuge rotor. All fractions have been characterized with respect to relative enrichment of (Na+–K+) ATPase activity as well as putative cholinergic neurotransmitter receptors determined by [125I]-bungarotoxin and [3H]quinuclidinyl benzilate binding. The 2-to 4-fold relative enrichment of putative receptor binding sites correlated well with the 4-fold enrichment of morphologically identifiable synaptic junctions in the synaptic plasma membrane enriched fraction.  相似文献   

The presence of degradation products of the myelin/oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) and a new myelin/oligodendrocyte associated protein, FD1, defined by a monoclonal antibody was established in a subfraction (the floating fraction, or FF) of adult rabbit CNS. The histochemical distribution of FD1 was determined by indirect immunofluorescense using conventional and confocal microscopy. FD1 was found to be present in oligodendrocytes, and at the outer rim of CNS myelin sheaths. Strong antibody reactivity was noted at nodes of Ranvier, as well as in regions with a high nodal density. No staining of compact myelin was seen. In the PNS, inner and outer cytoplasmic compartments of the Schwann cells as well as their cell bodies were stained, with no staining of compact myelin. The FF has previously been shown to be highly enriched in Marchi-positive bodies. These structures are situated paranodally in the CNS of myelinated nerve fibers, and their presence has been interpreted as reflections of myelin breakdown and turnover occurring in association with myelin sheath segments situated close to nodes at Ranvier in adult, normal vertebrate CNS. The present findings extend previous observations of partially degraded myelin-associated proteins in the FF, and give further results indicating that Marchi-positive bodies are aspects of intermediate stages in myelin catabolism.  相似文献   

The fraction floating on 0.32 M sucrose when normal mammalian spinal cord homogenate is submitted to discontinuous density gradient centrifugation is highly enriched in Marchi-positive material. In situ this material is located along paranodal myelin sheath segments. We here show by immunoblotting that degradation products of the myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG) and of the enzyme 2,3-cyclic nucleotide 3-phosphodiesterase (CNP) is present in the Marchi-positive floating fraction but is not found in the myelin fraction. Since previous biochemical analyses of the floating fraction show a gross composition closely resembling myelin and since metabolic studies show the specific activity of incorporated amino acids to proceed with time from beavier to lighter myelin subfractions the results strongly suggest that normally occurring Marchi-positive bodies represents an intermediate stage in myelin catabolism.  相似文献   

Rat liver cholinesterases were found to share properties and characteristics with those expressed in cholinergic tissues. The distribution and presence of different molecular forms of cholinesterases in different subcellular organelles of rat liver were studied. The rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus were enriched in the G4 molecular form of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) (relative to the G2 molecular form), while the inverse was found in the plasma membrane. The interaction of these molecular forms of AChE with the Golgi membrane was studied in detail. Approximately one-half of the G4 form was free within the lumen while the remainder was an intrinsic membrane protein; all the G2 molecular form was anchored to the membrane via phosphatidylinositol. Only the G1 and G2 molecular forms of butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE) were found in the above subcellular organelles; both molecular forms were soluble within the lumen of Golgi vesicles. These results indicate that rat liver expresses several molecular forms of AChE which have multiple interactions with membranes and that liver is unlikely to be the source of the G4 form of BuChE present in high concentration in the plasma.  相似文献   

ATP-dependent calcium uptake of rat liver microsomes is examined following ingestion of CC14 (2.5 ml/kg). Within 30 min there is an abrupt drop in calcium uptake activity of the liver microsomes. This activity remains down for 48 hours before slowly returning to normal levels. The effect is specific for CC14 as contrasted with CHC13 and CH2Cl2. The CCl4 does not affect similar calcium uptake activity of kidney microsomes. Calcium uptake activity of the liver mitochondria is unaffected. The first 12 hours after CCl4 ingestion there is a relatively slow rise in the calcium content of the liver tissue and mitochondria. After 12 hours a much larger influx of calcium into the tissue and the mitochondria takes place. Forty-eight hours after CCl4 ingestion the process begins to slowly reverse. The following postulated sequence may relate to the CCl4 hepatotocicity. CCl4 is activated to free radicals by the liver endoplasmic reticulum. The free radical inactivate calcium pump activity of the liver endoplasmic reticulum. Calcium levels of the cytoplasm increase and significantly modify ion permeability of the plasma membrane. High levels of external calcium enter the cytoplasm and are sequestered in the mitochondria. The high level of mitochondrial calcium uptake inhibits mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation. The specific sensitivity of the calcium pump activity of liver microsomes to CCl4 further establishes the identity of a system seperate from the mitochondrial system. The above postulated sequence of events would suggest a critical role in liver metabolism for calcium pump activity of the endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

Homogenized rat livers were extracted with organic solvents and the extracts converted into more readily volatile derivatives (trimethylsilylmethyl esters and permethyl esters). Combined g.l.c.-mass-spectrometric analysis identified the presence of tetraiodothyroformate. It is postulated that mitochondrial beta-oxidation of tetraiodothyropyruvate results in the formation of this apparently undescribed metabolite.  相似文献   

The effects of spontaneous and evoked [3H]taurine release from a P2 fraction prepared from rat retinas were studied. The P2 fraction was preloaded with [3H]taurine under conditions of high-affinity uptake and then examined for [3H]taurine efflux utilizing superfusion techniques. Exposure of the P2 fraction to high K+ (56 mM) evoked a Ca2+-independent release of [3H]taurine. Li+ (56 mM) and veratridine (100 M) had significantly less effect (8–15% and 15–30%, respectively) on releasing [3H]taurine compared to the K+-evoked release. 4-Aminopyridine (1 mM) had no effect on the release of [3H]taurine. The spontaneous release of [3H]taurine was also Ca2+-independent. When Na+ was omitted from the incubation medium K+-evoked [3H]taurine release was inhibited by approximately 40% at the first 5 minute depolarization period but was not affected at a second subsequent 5 minute depolarization period. The spontaneous release of [3H]taurine was inhibited by 60% in the absence of Na+. Substitution of Br for Cl had no effect on the release of either spontaneous or K+-evoked [3H]taurine release. However, substitution of the Cl with acetate, isethionate, or gluconate decreased K+-evoked [3H]taurine release. Addition of taurine to the superfusion medium (homoexchange) resulted in no significant increase in [3H]taurine efflux. The taurine-transport inhibitor guanidinoethanesulfonic acid increased the spontaneous release of [3H]taurine by approximately 40%. These results suggest that the taurine release of [3H]taurine is not simply a reversal of the carrier-mediated uptake system. It also appears that taurine is not released from vesicles within the synaptosomes but does not rule out the possibility that taurine is a neurotransmitter. The data involving chloride substitution with permeant and impermeant anions support the concept that the major portion of [3H]taurine release is due to an osmoregulatory action of taurine while depolarization accounts for only a small portion of [3H]taurine release.  相似文献   

Isolation and characterization of a fragment of rat thyroglobulin gene   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A rat genomic library was screened for thyroglobulin gene clones with recombinant plasmids containing rat thyroglobulin complementary DNA inserts. Two identical recombinant phages were found. A map of the inserted genomic sequence established by restriction and blotting experiments, and electronic microscopy revealed that this fraction of the gene was extensively split. Exons were ≤ 200 base pair long while the introns represented 93% of the insert. A fragment subcloned in plasmid pBR 322 was shown to contain repetitive sequences when used in Southern blot experiments with rat total genomic DNA.  相似文献   

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