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Summary Ninety-three pollen plants derived from the hybrid F1 of 6x Triticale x common wheat were observed cytologically. The rye chromosomes presented in these plants were identified by Giemsa-banding. Pollen plants having chromosome constitution 2n = 24 in haploids and 2n=46 in diploids were found to be predominant. The chromosome distributions of the R and D genome are different. R chromosomes distributed randomly and tended to full combination in offspring, but D chromosomes distributed non-randomly and tended to maintain intact.  相似文献   

Six doubled-haploid (DH) lines, derived by anther culture from octoploid triticale x wheat hybrids, were characterized using cytological, biochemical and molecular techniques. Lines varied in their wheat and rye genome composition, and were either wheat-rye chromosome multiple addition lines or had spontaneous substitutions and/or wheat-rye translocations. Most of the lines contained a pair of 4R chromosomes, whereas 1R or 7R were present in others. The results are similar to those previously obtained with hexaploid triticale x wheat crosses and indicate that it is possible to produce alien (wheat/rye) addition, substitution, and translocation lines directly from the anther culture of intergeneric hybrids.  相似文献   

Summary The anthers of three F1 hybrids of hexaploid triticale and common wheat (Rosner X Kedong 58, Beagle X Kedong 58 and Beagle X Jinghua No. 1) were cultured on four media in vitro. More than 900 green plants were obtained. The chromosome numbers ranged from 17 to 27 for haploid derivatives and from 38 to 52 for diploid regenerates. The chromosome constitutions of the pollen plants reflect those of the gametes found in the donor plants (genome formula: AABBDR). The value of such pollen plants for genetical analysis of rye wheat addition and substitution lines, as well as for breeding purposes, is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Thirty-five hexaploid and twenty octoploid primary triticales (xTriticosecale Wittmack) derived from homozygous wheat and rye inbred lines were used (1) to investigate the parental wheat, rye, and interaction effects and (2) to estimate quantitative genetic parameters for agronomic traits. The winter triticales were tested in four environments in a three-replicate split-plot design with drilled 1 m2 plots. Superior performance of hexaploid triticales as compared to the octoploids was revealed. Substantial genetic variation and high heritability estimates were found for nearly all of the characters investigated. Estimates of wheat, rye, and wheat×rye interaction variance components disclosed parental main effects to be the most important source of genetic variation in primary triticales. The rye parent was dominant for all characters affecting fertility, and the wheat parent was more important for vegetative development. Character correlations were very similar for triticales of both ploidy levels. The lack of association between grain yield and tillering and the positive correlation between kernels per spike and thousand kernel weight indicated physiological disorders specific for primary triticales.  相似文献   

Whether the two tetraploid wheat species, the well known Triticum turgidum L. (macaroni wheat, AABB genomes) and the obscure T. timopheevii Zhuk. (AtAtGG), have monophyletic or diphyletic origin from the same or different diploid species presents an interesting evolutionary problem. Moreover, T. timopheevii and its wild form T. araraticum are an important genetic resource for macaroni and bread-wheat improvement. To study these objectives, the substitution and genetic compensation abilities of individual T. timopheevii chromosomes for missing chromosomes of T. aestivum Chinese Spring (AABBDD) were analyzed. Chinese Spring aneuploids (nullisomic-tetrasomics) were crossed with a T. timopheevii x Aegilops tauschii amphiploid to isolate T. timopheevii chromosomes in a monosomic condition. The F1 hybrids were backcrossed one to four times to Chinese Spring aneuploids without selection for the T. timopheevii chromosome of interest. While spontaneous substitutions involving all At- and G-genome chromosomes were identified, the targeted T. timopheevii chromosome was not always recovered. Lines with spontaneous substitutions from T. timopheevii were chosen for further backcrossing. Six T. timopheevii chromosome substitutions were isolated: 6At (6A), 2G (2B), 3G (3B), 4G (4B), 5G (5B) and 6G (6B). The substitution lines had normal morphology and fertility. The 6At of T. timopheevii was involved in a translocation with chromosome 1G, resulting in the transfer of the group-1 gliadin locus to 6At. Chromosome 2G substituted for 2B at a frequency higher than expected and may carry putative homoeoalleles of gametocidal genes present on group-2 chromosomes of several alien species. Our data indicate a common origin for tetraploid wheat species, but from separate hybridization events because of the presence of a different spectrum of intergenomic translocations.  相似文献   

A standard karyotype and a generalized idiogram of Triticum umbellulatum (syn. Aegilops umbellulata, 2n = 2x = 14) was established based on C-banding analysis of ten accessions of different geographic origin and individual T. umbellulatum chromosomes in T. aestivumT. umbellulatum chromosome addition lines. Monosomic (MA) and disomic (DA) T. aestivumT. umbellulatum chromosome addition lines (DA1U = B, DA2U = D, MA4U = F, DA5U = C, DA6U = A, DA7U = E = G) and telosomic addition lines (DA1US, DA1UL, DA2US, DA2UL, DA4UL, MA5US, (+ iso 5US), DA5UL, DA7US, DA7UL) were analyzed. Line H was established as a disomic addition line for the translocated wheat — T. umbellulatum chromosome T2DS·4US. Radiation-induced wheat — T. umbellulatum translocation lines resistant to leaf rust (Lr9) were identified as T40 = T6BL·6BS-6UL, T41 = T4BL·4BS-6UL, T44 = T2DS·2DL-6UL, T47 = Transfer = T6BS·6BL-6UL and T52 = T7BL·7BS-6UL. Breakpoints and sizes of the transferred T. umbellulatum segments in these translocations were determined by in situ hybridization analysis using total genomic T. umbellulatum DNA as a probeContribution no. 94-349-J from the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506-5502, USA  相似文献   

Summary Polymorphism for six C-bands on chromosome 1R was used to study the frequency and distribution of recombination along the chromosome in a diploid rye (Secale cereale L.) and in a hexaploid triticale (X Triticosecale Wittmack) derived from it. In rye, the total recombination frequency in five segments of chromosome 1R was 93.7%. Recombination was concentrated in the distal regions of both chromosome arms and was infrequent in the proximal regions. In hexaploid triticale the total recombination frequency in the same chromosome was reduced to 51.7%. In both backgrounds the distal half of the long arm showed similar recombination frequencies, 51.4% and 45.7% for rye and triticale, respectively. The remaining about two-thirds of the chromosome length showed 42.3% recombination in rye but only 6% recombination in triticale. The results demonstrate that the genetic background in which mapping is performed not only affects the total amount of recombination, but also its distribution along the chromosome length.  相似文献   

Summary The karyotype of 82 regenerated plants from callus cultures of interspecific hybrids between cultivated barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and seven polyploid wild barley species was examined by C-banding or Feulgen staining. The karyotypic changes observed in 46 plants included aneuploidy, double haploidy, amphidiploidy, deletions, inversions, extra C-bands, and extra euchromatic segments. Apparently, chromosome 5, 6, and 7 of H. vulgare were more frequently exposed to elimination or structural change than the other chromosomes of this species. Irradiation of calli seemed to enhance the occurrence of karyotypic variants.  相似文献   

Summary Intergeneric hybrids of Triticum aestivum (2n=42,AABBDD) with Agropyron ciliare (2n= 28,SSYY), A. trachycaulum (2n=28,SSHH), A. yezoense (2n=28,SSYY) and A. scirpeum (2n=28) are reported for the first time. F1 hybrids of T. aestivum were also produced with A. intermedium (2n=42,E1E1E2E2Z1Z1) and A. junceum (2n=14,JuJu). All wheat-Agropyron hybrids were obtained by embryo rescue technique. Cultivars and reciprocal crosses differed for seed set, seed development and F1 plant production. The F1 hybrids were sterile. Attempts to obtain amphiploids were unsuccessful. However, backcross derivatives were obtained with wheat as the recurrent parent.The level of chromosome pairing in A. trachycaulum x wheat, A. yezoense x wheat and wheat x A. junceum hybrids provided no evidence of homologous or homoeologous pairing. Mean pairing frequencies in A. ciliare x wheat, wheat x A. scirpeum and wheat x A. intermedium hybrids indicated homoeologous or autosyndetic pairing. Ph gene was more effective in regulating homoeologous pairing in A. yezoense x wheat hybrids than in A. ciliare x wheat hybrid. Chromosome pairing data of BC1 derivatives indicated that either some of the wheat chromosomes were eliminated or Agropyron chromosomes caused reduced pairing of wheat homologues.Contribution No. 82-653-J, Department of Plant Pathology, Kansas State Agricultural Experiment Station, Manhattan, Kan, USA  相似文献   

Summary Strains of Aegilops squarrosa L. and Ae. ventricosa L. were pollinated either by Secale cereale L. or tetraploid triticale. Using in vitro culture of immature F1 embryos, the four corresponding hybrids were obtained. Successful doubling occurred following colchicine treatment, leading to the creation of new amphidiploid structures (C1 plants). These correspond to primary triticale forms involving, at three different levels of ploidy, both R and D full complements. The various combinations were compared for their response at successive steps of the process. Crosses involving Ae. squarrosa present a higher fruit setting than those with Ae. ventricosa, which in contrast yield colchicine treated-plants with better grain fertility. Experimental data on the cytological behaviour and fertility of colchicine-treated as well as amphidiploid plants are presented. The importance of this material in triticale breeding is discussed.  相似文献   

Four bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars, Aobakomugi, Chinese Spring, Norin 61 and Shinchunaga, were pollinated with five barley lines/cultivars consisting of three cultivated barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) lines, Betzes, Kinai 5 and OHL089, and two wild barley (Hordeum spontaneum C. Koch) lines, OUH602 and OUH324. Crossability, expressed as the percentage of embryo formation, varied from 0 to 55.4% among the cross combinations. The two wild barley lines generally had a higher crossability than the previously reported best pollinator, Betzes, and some Japanese wheat cultivars were better as the female parent than Chinese Spring. Ninety four hybrid plants were obtained from 250 embryos cultured, and their somatic chromosome numbers ranged from 21 to 36. Eighteen plants were mosaic in chromosome number. Twenty one-chromosome plants appeared most frequently (45.7%) followed by 28-chromosome plants (14.9%). C-banding analysis revealed that elimination of barley chromosomes was mainly responsible for the occurrence of aneuploid plants. In hypoploids derived from Betzes-crosses, chromosome 5 was preferentially eliminated as previously reported, while in hypoploids derived from OUH602-crosses, chromosome 4 was preferentially eliminated. The wild barley line OUH602 may be a useful parent for producing a new wheat-barley addition set because of its high crossability with wheat and a different pattern of chromosome elimination.  相似文献   

Summary In an attempt to transfer genes for salt tolerance and other desirable traits from the diploid wheatgrasses, Thinopyrum bessarabicum (2n=2x=14; JJ genome) and Lophopyrum elongatum (2n=2x=14; EE genome), into durum wheat cv Langdon (2n=4x=28; AABB genomes), trigeneric hybrids with the genomic constitution ABJE were synthesized and cytologically characterized. C-banding analysis of somatic chromosomes of the A, B, J, and E genomes in the same cellular environment revealed distinct banding patterns; each of the 28 chromosomes could be identified. They differed in the total amount of constitutive heterochromatin. Total surface area and C-banded area of each chromosome were calculated. The B genome was the largest in size, followed by the J, A, and E genomes, and its chromosomes were also the most heavily banded. Only 25.8% of the total chromosome complement in 10 ABJE hybrids showed association, with mean arm-pairing frequency (c) values from 0.123 to 0.180 and chiasma frequencies from 3.36 to 5.02 per cell. The overall mean pairing was 0.004 ring IV + 0.046 chain IV + 0.236 III + 0.21 ring II + 2.95 rod II + 20.771. This is total pairing between chromosomes of different genomes, possibly between A and B, A and J, A and E, B and J, B and E, and J and E, in the presence of apparently functional pairing regulator Ph1. Because chromosome pairing in the presence of Ph1 seldom occurs between A and B, or between J and E, it was inferred that pairing between the wheat chromosomes and alien chromosomes occurred. The trigeneric hybrids with two genomes of wheat and one each of Thinopyrum and Lophopyrum should be useful in the production of cytogenetic stocks to facilitate the transfer of alien genes into wheat.  相似文献   

Summary The hybrid progeny from a stable amphidiploid of H. vulgare x H. bulbosum involving the cultivar Vada and an unstable amphidiploid involving the cultivar Emir were studied. The genotypes examined contained two genomes from Vada or one from Vada and one from Emir, with one or two genomes from H. bulbosum. Comparisons between the chromosome numbers in root-tips and anthers revealed that there was no chromosome elimination in most plants, whether there was one or two Vada genomes present. The one plant in which chromosome elimination was positively identified had Emir as opposed to Vada cytoplasm. It also had a high incidence of degraded or fragmented chromosomes in the PMCs. Differences in stability between a 27 chromosome plant and other hypotetraploids suggest that Vada contains both elimination genes and elimination suppressor genes. Upon selfing, again irrespective of the number of Vada genomes present, circa triploid hybrids gave rise to diploid H. vulgare offspring while hypotetraploids produced hybrid-like plants. These included diploids, triploids and tetraploids. There was evidence that suggested that H. vulgare as well as H. bulbosum chromosomes had been eliminated.  相似文献   

Summary Hybrids between B. inermis Leyss (2n=8x=56) and B. riparius Rehm. (2n=10x=70) were easily made. The F1 hybrids had a fertility of 20%–50% under open pollination and backcrossing to B. inermis. Chromosome pairing in B. riparius was predominantly as bivalents (29.04–33.85 per cell for plant means). Bivalents also predominated in the F1 hybrid (2n=9x=63) and there was a high level of pairing with no reduction in chiasma frequency. It was impossible to estimate the frequency of auto-versus allosyndetic pairing. Chromosome pairing in a hybrid between B. arvensis (2n=2x=14) and B. riparius confirmed that the B. riparius complement is capable of complete autosyndetic pairing. Chromosome numbers in the F2 progeny ranged from 2n=56 to 72 but they were skewed towards 2n=63 to 70. Backcrosses ranged from 2n=56 to 63, as expected, with the distribution skewed towards 2n=56. Selection towards the 2n=56 level would be difficult in the F2. Empirical observation suggested that cytoplasm had a major influence on morphology in the backcrosses. Additional studies are required to determine the best breeding scheme to introgress germ plasm between B. inermis and B. riparius.  相似文献   

Starch granule proteins (SGPs) of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) were analyzed by two electrophoretic techniques: sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and two-dimensional electrophoresis (2D-PAGE). These analyses identified three kinds of SGPs which were tentatively designated SGP-1, SGP-2 and SGP-3. SDS-PAGE resolved the products of three homoeologous genes for SGP-1 into three protein fractions, SGP-A1, -B1 and -D1. While SDS-PAGE resolved SGP-3 into one fraction, 2D-PAGE separated it into three protein fractions encoded by homoeologous genes Sgp-A3, B3 and -D3. SGP-2 was detected as one protein by SDS-PAGE and was present as one protein on 2D-PAGE. Aneuploid (nullisomic-tetrasomic and ditelosomic) analyses in the cultivar Chinese Spring showed that the genes for two SGPs (SGP-1 and -3) were located on the short arms of group-7 chromosomes. The results obtained from deletion lines for chromosome arms 7AS, 7BS and 7DS suggested that the gene order along the arms is centromere-Sgp-1-Sgp-3-Wx. An electrophoretic survey of wheat germ plasm identified a few cultivars lacking one of the proteins SGP-A1, -B1, -D1, SGP-A3 and -B3. The null alleles Sgp-A1b, Sgp-B1b and Sgp-D1b will be useful for the production of a variant wheat lacking SGP-1.  相似文献   

Summary The relationships of Agropyron intermedium chromosomes in two wheat-Agropyron addition series were determined. Chromosome pairing behaviour revealed that the alien chromosome in lines TAF-2 and L7 of Vilmorin-A. intermedium set are homologous to the alien chromosomes in lines P and C of the Caribo-A. intermedium set respectively. Localization of alcohol dehydrogenase isozyme genes in Vilmorin-Agropyron addition line L4 and in Caribo-Agropyron line O indicated relationships with wheat chromosomes of homoeologous group 4.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) organization of primary hexaploid cytoplasmic male-sterile (CMS) triticale regenerants containing Triticum timopheevi cytoplasm was analysed by hybridization experiments and compared with the mitochondrial genome organization of the corresponding regenerants with maintainer cytoplasm. Callus cultures had been derived from immature embryos, and 623 triticale plants were regenerated via somatic embryogenesis after three to four subcultures. The chondriome of 159 regenerants was investigated with regard to somaclonal variation. Six different mitochondrial gene probes and four different restriction enzymes were used for Southern blot analyses by the non-radioactive digoxigenin labeling technique. Alloplasmic regenerants showed a gain or loss of hybridization signals up to a high percentage, while euplasmic ones revealed only minor variability with respect to band stoichiometries. In 24 cases rearrangements in the mtDNA were proved. We suppose that recombination processes and selective amplification events are responsible for these findings.  相似文献   

Summary Tissue culture of the Zea mays inbred line A188 resulted in the regeneration of plants having a high level of phenotypic variation compared to seed-grown control plants. To determine how such variation was induced and whether this could be related to specific in vitro culture methods, callus cultures were established and maintained on different, commonly used culture media. Plants were regenerated and the genomic DNA of callus cultures and regenerants analysed for RFLP differences. The results show that regardless of the gene probe used, callus formation resulted in significant deviations from the DNA pattern normally found in seed-grown control plants. Alterations in gene copy number also occurred. As differentiation and organogenesis began, the level of DNA variation fell, and most of the regenerated plants showed a genetic similarity to the controls; those with RFLP differences were the somaclonal variants.  相似文献   

Summary A set of four normal chromosomes (1D, 2D, 3D, and 6D), and three translocation chromosomes (4DS·5DS, 5DL·7DS, and 7DL·4DL) involving all 14 chromosome arms of the D-genome were obtained as monosomic additions from Aegilops squarrosa (genome D, n=7) in Triticum durum Desf. cv PBW114 (genome AB, n=14). The cyclical translocation occurred during the synthesis of the amphiploid probably as a result of misdivision and reunion of the univalents during meiosis of the F1 hybrid T. durum x A. Squarrosa. The amphiploid was backcrossed twice with the durum parent to obtain monosomic addition lines. The monosomic addition chromosomes were identified by C-banding and associated phenotypic traits. All monosomic addition lines were fertile. The development of disomic and ditelosomic addition lines is underway, which will be useful for cytogenetic analysis of individual D-genome chromosomes in the background of T. Durum.Contribution No. 90-117-J from the Wheat Genetics Resource Center and Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station, Kansas State University, Manhattan  相似文献   

Summary Hybrid plants were obtained between Triticum aestivum (2n=6x=42, AABBDD) and Leymus innovatus (2n=4x=28, JJNN) at a frequency varying from 0.4% to 1.2% of the pollinated florets. Improvement of the embryo culture medium resulted in a higher frequency of embryo rescue. Eight of ten hybrids had the expected chromosome number of 35 (ABDJN). Meiotic analysis indicated that there was no homology between the genomes of the two species. Two hybrids had only 28 chromosomes. Comparison of chromosome pairing between the two types of hybrids suggested that Leymus innovatus carries genes that affect chromosome pairing and behavior. The relatively high occurrence of spontaneous doubling in the meiocytes of these hybrids may indicate that backcrossing of the hybrids to wheat should be possible, although frequent chromosome irregularities observed in the meiocytes of the hybrids may decrease the probability of success of this step, which is essential to the process of gene transfer from L. innovatus to wheat.Contrib. no. 366  相似文献   

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