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Experiments were conducted to find an optimal incubation period in a sucrose solution during dilution of cryoprotectants for obtaining a higher level of survival and development of cat oocytes cryopreserved by vitrification method. In the first experiment, in vitro-matured fresh oocytes were exposed to 0.5M sucrose solution for 1 or 5 min before in vitro fertilization (IVF). The percentage of development to the blastocyst stage significantly decreased in oocytes exposed for 5 min, compared with oocytes exposed for 1 min and control oocytes without exposure to sucrose (P<0.05). In the second experiment, oocytes that had been vitrified in 40% ethylene glycol and 0.3M sucrose were liquefied and then incubated in 0.5M sucrose for 0.5, 1 or 5 min to dilute the cryoprotectant. The percentage of cleavage (>or=2-cell stage) of vitrified-liquefied oocytes incubated for 0.5 min was significantly higher (P<0.05) than that of other groups. Development of vitrified-liquefied oocytes to the morula and blastocyst stages after IVF was observed only in oocytes incubated in sucrose for 0.5 min. The present study indicates that the oocytes have sensitivity to the toxic effect of sucrose and that the incubation period during dilution of the cryoprotectant is of critical importance for developmental competence of vitrified-liquefied cat oocytes.  相似文献   

Induction of ovulation with pregnant mare's serum (PMS) and the timing of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) injection on chromosomal normality were examined in preimplantation hamster embryos. Two separate experimental trials were done. The first compared superovulation (SO, PMS on Day 1 of the cycle followed by hCG on Day 4) to natural ovulation. Natural mating was used. In the second series of trials, precocious superovulation (PSO, PMS on Day 1 followed by hCG on Day 3) was used. Since there is poor sperm transport in PSO females, direct uterine artificial insemination (AI) was used to achieve fertilization. The control animals in the second series of trials were naturally ovulating females subjected to the artificial insemination procedure. Of 785 embryos analyzed in the SO group, 9 (1.1%) were aneuploid (5 hyperploidy and 4 hypoploidy) and 8 (1.0%) showed triploidy. In the PSO group, artificial insemination resulted in a normal development rate of 85.5% up to the 2-cell stage. A total of 2.6% karyotypically abnormal embryos, consisting of 5 (1.1%) aneuploid and 7 (1.5%) polyploid, were found among 460 embryos examined in PSO females. No significant difference in the incidence of chromosomal abnormalities was observed between the stages of development. The overall incidence of chromosomal imbalance in hormonally treated females was not significantly different from that in controls (2.2% in SO cycles vs. 1.2% in natural cycles, 2.6% in PSO with AI vs. 2.4% in natural cycles with AI). These results indicate that PMS-hCG treatment has no adverse effect on the chromosomal integrity of hamster preimplantation embryos.  相似文献   

《Reproductive biology》2022,22(4):100695
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) derived from the pre-implantation blastocoel fluid (BF) have attracted interest as accessible biomarkers indicative of embryonic health in ongoing IVF cycles. Therefore, we investigated expression levels of some aneuploidy-associated miRNAs and implantation-related mRNAs as predictive markers for embryo chromosomal normality. In this study, the BF of 25 blastocysts that had been checked for aneuploidy (aneuploid=17 and euploid=8) was aspirated and the expression of 10 miRNAs (miR-20a, miR-30c, miR‐661, miR-372, miR-142, miR-191, miR‐345, miR‐339, miR‐141, and miR-27b) and four genes (ERBB4, SELL, ITGB3, ITGAV) were evaluated using real time-PCR. Results showed that the levels of miR-661 and miR-20a were significantly higher in the BF of the aneuploid embryos compared to the euploid group (p = 0.0017 and 0.004, respectively). A comparison of the mRNA levels between the aneuploid and euploid groups also demonstrated a significant difference in ITGAV (p = 0.013) and SELL (p = 0.0317) levels. In the euploid group, a negative correlation was found between ITGB3 and miR-30c (r = ?0.71, p = 0.08), and in the aneuploid group, a positive correlation was found between ERBB4 and miR-345 (r = 0.71, p = 0.02). It can be suggested that miR-20a, miR-661, and ITGAV levels of BF could be used as less-invasive biomarkers to evaluate embryonic health. Moreover, aneuploidy-related miRNA levels were associated with levels of genes involved in embryo implantation.  相似文献   

Several aspects of meiosis are impacted by the absence of centrosomes in oocytes. Here, we review four aspects of meiosis I that are significantly affected by the absence of centrosomes in oocyte spindles. One, microtubules tend to assemble around the chromosomes. Two, the organization of these microtubules into a bipolar spindle is directed by the chromosomes. Three, chromosome bi-orientation and attachment to microtubules from the correct pole require modification of the mechanisms used in mitotic cells. Four, chromosome movement to the poles at anaphase cannot rely on polar anchoring of spindle microtubules by centrosomes. Overall, the chromosomes are more active participants during acentrosomal spindle assembly in oocytes, compared to mitotic and male meiotic divisions where centrosomes are present. The chromosomes are endowed with information that can direct the meiotic divisions and dictate their own behavior in oocytes. Processes beyond those known from mitosis appear to be required for their bi-orientation at meiosis I. As mitosis occurs without centrosomes in many systems other than oocytes, including all plants, the concepts discussed here may not be limited to oocytes. The study of meiosis in oocytes has revealed mechanisms that are operating in mitosis and will probably continue to do so.  相似文献   

Maternal ageing is the only etiological factor unequivocally associated with the occurrence of aneuploid conceptuses. Molecular studies of trisomies have demonstrated that the pattern of recombinaison was an important predisposing factor to meiotic nondisjunction. To complete this data, a large chromosomal study has been undertaken on 1,397 unfertilised human oocytes recovered from women participating in in vitro fertilization programmes. Conventional whole chromosome nondisjunction and premature chromatid separation were the major types of numerical abnormalities observed. A positive relationship was found between maternal age and these two types of nondisjunction, but the most significant correlation was observed with chromatid separation resulting in the presence of free chromatid in metaphase II oocyte. These data revealed that chromatid separation was an essential factor in the age-dependent occurrence of aneuploidy. This finding provided new insights into the mechanism of nondisjunction in female meiosis since disturbance in molecular chromatid cohesion by cohesins might be a causal mechanism predisposing to nondisjunction and involved in the maternal age effect.  相似文献   

Membrane potential responses to acetylcholine (ACh, 10(-7)-10(-3 M) were investigated in monkey and rabbit ovarian oocytes. In monkey oocytes ACh most commonly elicited a short-latency hyperpolarization concomitant with a decreased membrane input resistance (Rin). Under voltage-clamp short-latency ACh currents had an equilibrium potential of approximately -40 mV. In rabbit oocytes responses to ACh consisted of an increase in Rin or of a depolarization with an equilibrium potential of approximately -15 mV. Curare, hexamethonium, and atropine (10(-5)-10(-3) M) did not block these ACh responses. Thus, the oocyte membrane in the rabbit contains ACh receptors that cannot be classified as either muscarinic or nicotinic.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the efficiency of fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) for detecting chromosomal abnormalities in in vitro-fertilized (IVF) bovine embryos as early as the 2-cell stage. Three different cloned probes were used, two derived from a unique sequence specific to the subtelomeric (D1S48) or subcentromeric regions (19C10) of chromosome 1 and the third (H1A clone) derived from a repetitive sequence that hybridizes to the subcentromeric regions of three other chromosomes (14, 20, 25). Our results show that the incidence of chromosomal abnormalities in 2-cell bovine IVF embryos varied from 28% to 44% according to the probes used for the analysis. Whereas the efficiency of FISH was high with somatic nuclei, it appeared to be highly variable with the 2-cell embryos. FISH efficiency depended firstly on the probe sequence (repetitive or unique sequence), secondly on the chromosomal target region (centromeric or telomeric regions), and thirdly on the embryo cell cycle phase. With a unique sequence probe (19C10) specific to the subcentromeric regions, FISH efficiency was better on nuclei in the S-phase cycle than on those in the G-phase. In S-phase 2-cell embryos, the overall incidence of chromosomal abnormalities was more accurately assessed. It reached 13% and was represented by 1n/2n mixoploidies.  相似文献   

Yin XJ  Tani T  Kato Y  Tsunoda Y 《Theriogenology》2000,54(9):1469-1476
The present study determined a suitable parthenogenetic activation procedure for rabbit oocytes and examined the developmental potential of enucleated oocytes receiving cultured cumulus cells. Unfertilized oocytes recovered from superovulated rabbits were activated with one or two sets of electrical pulses, with or without subsequent administration of 6-dimethylaminopurine (6-DMAP). The proportion of oocytes treated with one or two sets of electrical pulses and 6-DMAP that cleaved (87% and 98%, respectively) and developed into blastocysts (77% and 85%, respectively) was significantly higher (P < 0.05) than those activated with electrical pulses alone (30% and 42% for cleavage, 7% and 17% for blastocysts). Cumulus cells separated from ovulated oocytes obtained from mature rabbits were cultured for three to five passages and then induced to quiescence by serum starvation before nuclear transfer. The enucleated oocytes receiving cumulus cells were activated with electrical pulses followed by the addition of 6-DMAP, and cultured in vitro for 5 to 6 d or transferred to pseudopregnant recipient females 1 d after activation. Of 186 nuclear-transferred oocytes, 123 (66%) cleaved and 42 (23%) developed into blastocysts. After transfer of 174 nuclear-transferred oocytes to 8 recipient females, a total of 3 implantation sites were observed in 3 recipient females but no fetuses were obtained.  相似文献   

Freshly ovulated rabbit oocytes were activated parthenogenetically by periodically repeated calcium stimuli generated by electric field pulses applied onto the plasma membrane. Electric field pulses of 1.8 kV cm-1 were delivered every 4 min for 1 h 30 min (22 double pulses) in a specially designed chamber. Before each pulse, the culture medium was replaced by an isotonic glucose solution containing 10 microM Ca2+. The effects of modulating the ionic stimuli (by changing the duration of EF pulse) on a postactivation reaction, and/or on the pre- and postimplantation development, were studied. The rate of activation increased progressively as the pulse duration lengthened. For 22 pulses of 200 microseconds, 13% of oocytes were activated versus 100% for 1200 microseconds. The uniformity of the parthenogenetic response was obtained when oocytes were exposed to a series of pulses within which the reduction of pulse duration followed a negative exponential law. The influence of such activating treatment on the preimplantation development was tested using two treatments of 22 pulses with a total pulse duration equal to 14,868 and 11,228 microseconds, respectively. For the weaker treatment, a lower proportion of embryos underwent compaction and those that compacted were irregular. In contrast, the majority of embryos resulting from the stronger treatment compacted and developed into blastocysts. The most significant result that emerges from this study is that the level of stimulation affects in vitro developmental potency after the third cleavage division. The postimplantation viability of parthenogenetic eggs was tested and the results showed that parthenogenetic rabbit embryos died at a similar stage of development to the parathenogenetic mouse embryos. But, in the present series, high implantation rates and embryonic development (66%) till day 10-11 of pregnancy were obtained after the appropriate pulsatile EF treatment of oocytes. The parthenogenetic fetuses were of smaller size than the controls, but the development of the trophoblast tissue was proportional to the development of the fetuses. Anomalies of fetuses were also observed. This study reveals that activation is not a time-limited event and that the type of activating treatment has a marked effect on the ability of the resulting parthenogenetic embryos to develop to the early postimplantation stages. The sustained alteration of the cytoplasmic activity provides a useful tool to study the function of embryonic or somatic nuclei introduced during the earliest stages of activation.  相似文献   

Development of bovine embryos derived from in vitro-matured/in vitro-fertilized (IVM/IVF) oocytes was examined in two culture media: hamster embryo culture medium (HECM), a relatively simple, chemically defined, protein-free medium containing 20 amino acids; and tissue culture medium (TCM)-199, a more complex medium designed for culture of somatic cells. The first experiment studied (1) effects of glucose and/or phosphate (Pi) using HECM and (2) the development of bovine IVM/IVF embryos in four different conditions: HECM, TCM-199, TCM-199 + 10% unheated bovine calf serum (BCS), and oviduct cell-conditioned TCM-199 + 10% BCS. After IVF, 45% of the inseminated oocytes developed to the morula/blastocyst stages (M&B) when cultured in HECM; blastocyst development was depressed in the presence of glucose and Pi when compared to Pi alone. When the four culture conditions were compared, there was no significant difference in M&B development (42-51% of inseminated oocytes). However, blastocyst development in TCM-199 supplemented with 10% BCS (29.7%) or with BCS + oviduct cell-conditioned medium (21.6%) was significantly greater than in nonsupplemented HECM (9.7%) or TCM-199 (13.8%). In the second experiment, the effects of serum supplementation and/or oviduct cell conditioning on HECM and TCM-199 were examined in a 2 x 2 x 2 factorial experiment. Oviduct cell conditioning of either HECM or TCM-199 without serum supplementation did not enhance bovine embryo development. Serum supplementation exhibited a biphasic effect, with inhibition at the first cleavage and stimulation of morula compaction and blastocyst formation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Li H  Guo F  Rubinstein B  Li R 《Nature cell biology》2008,10(11):1301-1308
Movement of meiosis I (MI) chromosomes from the oocyte centre to a subcortical location is the first step in the establishment of cortical polarity. This is required for two consecutive rounds of asymmetric meiotic cell divisions, which generate a mature egg and two polar bodies. Here we use live-cell imaging and genetic and pharmacological manipulations to determine the force-generating mechanism underlying this chromosome movement. Chromosomes were observed to move toward the cortex in a pulsatile manner along a meandering path. This movement is not propelled by myosin-II-driven cortical flow but is associated with a cloud of dynamic actin filaments trailing behind the chromosomes/spindle. Formation of these filaments depends on the actin nucleation activity of Fmn2, a formin-family protein that concentrates around chromosomes through its amino-terminal region. Symmetry breaking of the actin cloud relative to chromosomes, and net chromosome translocation toward the cortex require actin turnover.  相似文献   

Parthenogenesis of rabbit oocytes activated by different stimuli   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Oocyte activation is one of the essential elements determining the success of nuclear transfer and the subsequent development of cloned embryos both in vitro and in vivo. Experiments were conducted to optimize the protocol for oocyte activation in a regular nuclear transfer study. In vivo derived oocytes were collected at 14–15 h from New Zealand white rabbits after ovulation treatment and were activated +18 h post-ovulation treatment. Single activation agents including calcium ionophore (A23187, 5 μM, 5 min), ethanol (Eth, 7%, 7 min), and thimerosal (200 μM, 10 min) were tested. Cleavage rates were highest in the ethanol-treated group (37%) compared to other treatments (19–25%). Very low blastocyst rates (2–3%) resulted which were not significantly different among treatments (P>0.05). Combined single agent treatment (calcium stimulators) with protein kinase inhibitor, 6-DMAP were used to achieve a full oocyte activation. Both pronuclear and blastocyst formation rates were significantly higher (P<0.05) in the Eth+6-DMAP treatment group (38 and 27%) than in the other groups (16–21 and 7–9%, respectively, P<0.05). Low (0.2 mM) and high (2.5 mM) concentrations of 6-DMAP treatments with different treatment lengths (1.5 and 3.5 h) in the combined groups were also compared. Blastocyst formation and cleavage rates were greater in the high concentration with less treatment time groups (36% versus 4–20%, P<0.05). In conclusion, single activation agents, either Ca2+ stimulators or protein kinase inhibitors, could not fully activate mature rabbit oocytes. The best activation procedure obtained in this study was the Eth+6-DMAP combined treatment, which may be incorporated into regular nuclear transfer or cloning protocols.  相似文献   

Conventionally, in vitro-fertilized (IVF) bovine embryos are morphologically evaluated at the time of embryo transfer to select those that are likely to establish a pregnancy. This method is, however, subjective and results in unreliable selection. Here we describe a novel selection system for IVF bovine blastocysts for transfer that traces the development of individual embryos with time-lapse cinematography in our developed microwell culture dish and analyzes embryonic metabolism. The system can noninvasively identify prognostic factors that reflect not only blastocyst qualities detected with histological, cytogenetic, and molecular analysis but also viability after transfer. By assessing a combination of identified prognostic factors--(i) timing of the first cleavage; (ii) number of blastomeres at the end of the first cleavage; (iii) presence or absence of multiple fragments at the end of the first cleavage; (iv) number of blastomeres at the onset of lag-phase, which results in temporary developmental arrest during the fourth or fifth cell cycle; and (v) oxygen consumption at the blastocyst stage--pregnancy success could be accurately predicted (78.9%). The conventional method or individual prognostic factors could not accurately predict pregnancy. No newborn calves showed neonatal overgrowth or death. Our results demonstrate that these five predictors and our system could provide objective and reliable selection of healthy IVF bovine embryos.  相似文献   

The spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) averts aneuploidy by coordinating proper bipolar chromosomal attachment with anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C)-mediated securin and cyclin B1 destruction required for anaphase onset. The generation of a Mad2-based signal at kinetochores is central to current models of SAC-based APC/C inhibition. During mitosis, kinetochores of polar-displaced chromosomes, which are at greatest risk of mis-segregating, recruit the highest levels of Mad2, thereby ensuring that SAC activation is proportionate to aneuploidy risk. Paradoxically, although an SAC operates in mammalian oocytes, meiosis I (MI) is notoriously error prone and polar-displaced chromosomes do not prevent anaphase onset. Here we find that Mad2 is not preferentially recruited to the kinetochores of polar chromosomes of wild-type mouse oocytes, in which polar chromosomes are rare, or of oocytes depleted of the kinesin-7 motor CENP-E, in which polar chromosomes are more abundant. Furthermore, in CENP-E-depleted oocytes, although polar chromosomal displacement intensified during MI and the capacity to form stable end-on attachments was severely compromised, all kinetochores nevertheless became devoid of Mad2. Thus, it is possible that the ability of the SAC to robustly discriminate chromosomal position might be compromised by the propensity of oocyte kinetochores to become saturated with unproductive attachments, thereby predisposing to aneuploidy. Our data also reveal novel functions for CENP-E in oocytes: first, CENP-E stabilises BubR1, thereby impacting MI progression; and second, CENP-E mediates bi-orientation by promoting kinetochore reorientation and preventing chromosomal drift towards the poles.  相似文献   

The present study examined nuclear remodeling in rabbit nuclear transfer (NT) embryos formed from metaphase II (MII) oocytes aged in vivo until 19 hr postcoitum (hpc), enucleated, and fused at 22–26 hpc with 32-cell morula blastomeres by means of electric fields, which also induced recipient oocyte activation. Post-activation events observed during the first hour following the fusion/activation pulse were studied in terms of chromatin, lamins, and micro-tubules, and revealed that transferred nuclei underwent premature chromosomes condensation (PCC) in only one-third of NT embryos and remained in interphase in others. Recipient oocytes were mostly not activated by manipulations performed before the fusion/activation pulse. The persistance of transferred nuclei in interphase resulted from the rapid progression of recipient oocytes to interphase after activation, suggesting that the cytoplasmic state of MII oocytes aged in vivo was poised for the approach to interphase. Studying micro-tubular organization in MII oocytes before nuclear transfer manipulations, we found that 19 hpc MII oocytes aged in vivo differed from 14 hpc MII oocytes (freshly ovulated) and from 19-hpc MII oocytes aged in vitro (collected at 14 hpc and cultured for 5 hr), notably by the presence of microtubule asters and tubulin foci or only tubulin foci dispersed throughout the cytoplasm. When PCC was avoided, remodeling of the transferred nucleus was well advanced 1 hr after nuclear transfer, and NT embryos developed better to the blastocyst stage. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 46:325–336, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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