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应用血球计数器统计了胚后发育期臭腹腺蝗Zonocerus variegatus中存在的血细胞类型和数目。从1龄幼虫至成虫的发育阶段中共观察到6种血细胞类型,即原血细胞 (PRS)、 浆血细胞 (PLS)、粒细胞 (GRS)、珠血细胞 (SPS)、绛色细胞(OES) 和adipohaemocytes (ADS)。不过,在1龄幼虫期未发现OES。在这6种血细胞中,PLS的总平均数最高,OES的总平均数最低。成虫期的血细胞数目显著高于其他发育阶段(P<0.05),而1龄幼虫和2龄幼虫期的血细胞数目不存在显著差异(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

通过对臭腹腺蝗Zonocerus variegatus(直翅目:锥头蝗科)6个若虫期及成虫期主消化道和胃盲囊分段进行解剖和测量,对其胃盲囊的异速生长和功能特性进行了研究。结果表明,胃盲囊和主消化道的生长是不同速的。胃盲囊前段较后段生长速率更高,但两者生长速率显著相关。消化道和胃盲囊的平均长度亦显著相关。随年龄增长,消化道的生长速率降低,而胃盲囊的生长速率上升。与胃盲囊前段功能相同,胃盲囊后段亦具有消化和吸收功能,被认为能在营养缺乏的旱季起到增加肠胃吸收面的功能。  相似文献   

对臭腹腺蝗Zonocerus variegatus中肠内水分和营养物的流动和吸收进行了研究,以期确定其流动模式及在该虫对氰化氢适应方面的意义。对中肠细胞进行了组织切片观察;测定了K+, Na+和蛋白质沿中肠的浓度梯度,并观察了中肠对K+, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+和甲基蓝的通透性。结果表明,中肠(胃和胃盲囊)组织上结构相似,均由具有纹状边缘的柱状细胞构成。营养物质在中肠不同部分的浓度不同。测试物在整个中肠中流动,中肠各段均参与了食物和水分的吸收。臭腹腺蝗肠内没有像大多数直翅目昆虫那样自后肠的液流逆向流动。肠溶物的单向流动可以防止有毒物质的积累,使臭腹腺蝗成功耐受木薯叶中的氰化氢。  相似文献   

Pest and disease problems are important constraints of cassava production and host plant resistance is the most efficient method of combating them. Breeding for host plant resistance is considerably slowed down by the crop’s biological constraints of a long growth cycle, high levels of heterozygosity and a large genetic load. More efficient methods such as gene cloning and transgenesis are required to deploy resistance genes. To facilitate the cloning of resistance genes, bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library resources have been developed for cassava. Two libraries were constructed from the cassava clones, TMS 30001, resistant to the cassava mosaic disease (CMD) and the cassava bacterial blight (CBB), and MECU72, resistant to cassava white fly. The TMS30001 library has 55 296 clones with an insert size range of 40–150 kb with an average of 80 kb, while the MECU72 library consists of 92 160 clones and an insert size range of 25–250 kb average of 93 kb. Based on a genome size of 772 Mb, the TMS30001 and MECU72 libraries have a 5 and 11.3 haploid genome equivalents and a 95 and 99 chance of finding any sequence, respectively. To demonstrate the potential of the libraries, the TMS30001 library was screened by southern hybridization using a cassava analog (CBB1) of the Xa21 gene from rice that maps to a region containing a QTL for resistance to CBB as probe. Five BAC clones that hybridized to CBB1 were isolated and a Hind III fingerprint revealed 2–3 copies of the gene in individual BAC clones. A larger scale analysis of resistance gene analogs (RGAs) in cassava has also been conducted in order to understand the number and organization of RGAs. To scan for gene and repeat DNA content in the libraries, end-sequencing was performed on 2301 clones from the MECU72 library. A total of 1705 unique sequences were obtained with an average size of 715 bp. Database homology searches using BLAST revealed that 458 sequences had significant homology with known proteins and 321 with transposable elements. The use of the library in positional cloning of pest and disease resistance genes is discussed.  相似文献   

From 1985 to 1989 five large scale surveys were made to document the spread of the cassava mealybug (CM) Phenacoccus manihoti Matile‐Ferrero (Hom., Pseudococcidae) and the releases and successful establishment of its exotic parasitoid Epidinocarsis lopezi (De Santis) (Hym., Encyrtidae) through most cassava‐growing areas of Malawi. In a multiple regression analysis involving 29 meteorological, agronomic and plant variables from 476 fields, the duration of E. lopezi's presence was the major factor influencing CM population densities. In the first year the CM was recorded in a particular place, 25% of all tips had more than 100 CM. Wherever E. lopezi had been present for two years or more, CM populations were reduced on average seven times and tips infested with more than 100 CM became rare (1%). In parallel, damage on cassava tips stabilized at a low level. Similarly, along Lake Malawi, 84.9% of all tips had more than 10 CM in 1986; this value stabilized at 3.3%‐4.0% in 1988–1989. Indigenous coccinellids were often abundant in the first year of the CM infestation, but their populations collapsed later, while the frequency of fields with E. lopezi increased. In 1987, farmers abandoned 28.4% of all fields where E. lopezi was just introduced as compared with 2.7% where the parasitoid had been present for two years or more. Overall, satisfactory control was achieved by E. lopezi in all but a few fields concentrated on extremely poor soils characterized by sand dune vegetation. The socioeconomic implications of this ongoing and apparently successful biological control program are discussed.  相似文献   

The diet composition of the European seahorses, Hippocampus guttulatus and Hippocampus hippocampus was determined based on the analysis of 279 and 19 specimens, respectively, collected in the Aegean Sea. The diet of both species was mainly based on Crustacea, with Amphipoda, Anomura Decapoda and Mysidacea being the dominant prey categories. ANOSIM analyses, however, indicated statistically significant differences in the diet of the two species as well as differences in the diet composition of non-brooding males, brooding males and females within each species. In H. guttulatus , stomach fullness percentages and vacuity coefficient values indicated that female individuals seem to have a higher feeding activity in relation to males.  相似文献   

Populations of the phytoseiid predator Amblyseius(=Neoseiulus) idaeus (Denmark & Muma) from northeastern Brazil, have been successfully introduced into Benin, West Africa, as part of a classical biological control campaign to control the exotic cassava green mite Mononychellus tanajoa (Bondar). Monthly follow‐up surveys revealed the presence of A. idaeus in most release sites. Some populations have persisted for at least 18 months, including two cycles of potentially limiting wet and dry season conditions. In some sites A. idaeus has been the numerically dominant phytoseiid predator on cassava Manihot esculenta, where it is associated with the tetranychids M. tanajoa and Oligonychus gossypii Zacher. During periods of low M. tanajoa densities A. idaeus disappeared from cassava, but were found on weeds with O. gossypii until prey densities on cassava increased.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine the effects of six constant temperatures (15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40°C) on the post‐diapause embryonic development and the hatching time in three grasshopper species –Omocestus haemorrhoidalis (Charp.), Calliptamus abbreviatus Ikonn. and Chorthippus fallax (Zub.) – from the Inner Mongolian steppe. The results indicate that the species differ in the developmental rates, survival curves and cumulative hatching probabilities. The eggs of O. haemorrhoidalis had the fastest developmental rate with a low developmental threshold temperature of 9.9°C and the sum of effective temperature (SET) 211.2 degree‐days (DD). The corresponding values were 10.9°C and 210.6 DD for C. abbreviatus, 10.5°C and 240.2 DD for Ch. fallax respectively. The SET at which 50% of post‐diapause eggs hatched were 252.0 DD for O. haemorrhoidalis, 262.8 DD for C. abbreviatus, and 273.3 DD for Ch. fallax. The predicted maximal hatch ability of O. haemorrhoidalis (91.17%), C. abbreviatus (75.67%) and Ch. fallax (94.07%) occurred at 23.7, 29.0 and 31.3°C, respectively. The thermal death points of each species were reached at 43.3, 45.0 and 48.6°C. The optimal temperature ranges were 12.2–35.2°C for O. haemorrhoidalis, 21.7–36.3°C for C. abbreviatus and 20.9–41.7°C for Ch. fallax respectively. These results suggest that O. haemorrhoidalis adapt to hatch at a lower temperature range, C. abbreviatus adapt to mid‐temperature range, while Ch. fallax adapt to hatch at a higher temperature range. Although the SET of Ch. fallax is more than that of the other two species, it is not sufficient to explain the hatching sequence of the species in springtime. The results also indicate that Ch. fallax and O. haemorrhoidalis have wider adaptive temperature range than C. abbreviatus.  相似文献   

《Mammalian Biology》2014,79(2):132-137
The winter diet composition of golden jackals was determined by analysing the stomach contents of 248 specimens collected between December and February 2005–2009 at six localities in Serbia. The average weight of stomach contents was 189.9 ± 137.3 g. At all localities, livestock carcasses were the primary food category (frequency 56.1%, biomass 77.7%). The secondary food category consisted of small mammals taken as live prey (frequency 20.7%, biomass 5.2%). Other food categories were present less frequently (roe deer, wild boar, hare, and birds), and rarely (plant material, dogs, carnivores, lizards, and inedible inorganic material). No statistically significant differences were found in diet between jackals from different localities. The only difference was found between yearlings and adults with regard to the consumed biomass (%B). The analysis of the winter diet of golden jackals in Serbia indicates that the species has opportunistic feeding habits consisting primarily of easily accessible food sources.  相似文献   

植物表皮蜡质中的饱和链烷作为内源指示剂广泛用于评价放牧家畜的食性和食量, 但用于天然草原蝗虫食性的评价研究较少。为了探讨天然草原蝗虫的食性及其生态位变化, 本研究以内蒙古天然草原为研究对象, 于2003年7-8月沿降水梯度选择3种典型植物群落(小针茅Stipa klemenzii、 羊草Leymus chinensis和大针茅Stipa grandis群落), 在每个植物群落不同放牧压力下小区随机做20个植被样方, 样方内植物齐地面刈割, 测定其地上生物量和物种多样性, 取主要植物种测定其链烷模式, 同时采集放牧小区优势蝗虫种亚洲小车蝗Oedaleus asiaticus的粪便, 测定其链烷模式, 运用链烷技术评价蝗虫的食性及其营养生态位。结果表明: 不同植物群落中优势牧草种类及其比例不同, 其链烷模式存在种间差异, 链烷技术可以评价亚洲小车蝗的食性。亚洲小车蝗的食性在不同植物群落及不同放牧压力下存在显著的差异, 在羊草和大针茅群落中, 亚洲小车蝗是禾草采食者, 主要采食羊草和糙隐子草Cleistogenes squarrosa, 且与绵羊的营养生态位重叠指数较低, 分别为0.0619和0.0172; 在小针茅群落中亚洲小车蝗是杂类草采食者, 主要采食无芒隐子草Cleistogenes songorica、 猪毛菜Salsola collina和小针茅, 且与绵羊的营养生态位重叠指数较高, 达到0.1815。因此, 放牧不仅改变了群落的植物种类组成, 而且直接影响了亚洲小车蝗的食物组成, 二者对食物资源利用存在一定程度的竞争。  相似文献   

Presented is the karyotype of Sorex araneus from 4 trapping sites in southwestern Germany. From this species nearly 20 chromosomal races have so far been described. In the study area autosomal numbers of 2na= 22–24 were recorded. The characteristical metacentrics jl, hi, gm, kr and the acrocentrics n, o, p, q were identified by G-banding. The element kr shows Robertsonian polymorphism. The metacentrics only allow a classification of the studied populations as chromosomal race “Vaud” from Switzerland. The postglacial recolonization and the possible presence of other chromosomal races in the central and northern parts of Germany are briefly discussed. Different selection pressures act on metacentrics and acrocentrics in central populations of a chromosomal race in contrast to those living in contact zones of different chromosomal races. It is suggested that the smaller autosomal arms are subject to weaker selection pressure to be fixed as metacentrics.  相似文献   

The ecological adaptation of shea butter trees was assessed based on their dendrometric and production traits in four shea butter tree parks occurring in different climatic zones of Bénin. A total of 99 rectangular plots of 50 × 30 m were established within the four parks according to a random sampling scheme. In each plot, all trees with a diameter at breast height (dbh) >10 cm were inventoried and measured for stem and crown diameters, and total height. The production of 120 productive shea butter trees was quantified. Collected data were used to compute structural parameters for each park. Moreover, stem diameter and height structures of the trees were established. Principal component analysis was performed on the dendrometric variables, and the first three components were correlated with the climatic parameters. Results revealed significant differences between parks in most of the dendrometric and production parameters of shea butter trees. For all the four parks, stem diameter and height structures present a Gaussian shape with left dissymmetry. In the Guinean zone, shea butter trees develop large crowns but produce little quantities of fruits, whereas in the Sudanian regions, the opposite trend was observed.  相似文献   

A review of larval food plants of the genus Delias is presented. Larvae specialize primarily on aerial‐stem and root hemiparasites (“mistletoes”) in the order Santalales. Although butterfly food plant associations have been recorded for only a small proportion of the genus (28 species or 11%, representing 12/24 species‐groups), available data suggest that the family Loranthaceae is used most frequently (77%), followed by the Santalaceae sensu stricto (14%) and Viscaceae (8%). With the possible exception of Euphorbiaceae (1%), almost all non‐mistletoe records are considered to be erroneous and, in most cases, probably represent the mistletoe host tree on which the larvae sometimes pupate. Of the eight major clades recognized in Delias, food plants have been recorded for six of these, although the majority of records (89%) are for three clades (hyparete, belladonna, nigrina). Optimization of the larval food plant data in the context of recent phylogenetic hypotheses for both butterflies and plants revealed little evidence of cospeciation at the higher systematic levels. The most parsimonious reconstruction was an origin of larval feeding on Loranthaceae, followed by at least six independent colonizations to Santalaceae + Viscaceae. In contrast to related pierids in the Aporiina associated with mistletoes in which further shifts from aerial‐stem mistletoes to distantly related plants (e.g. host trees parasitized by mistletoes) have facilitated differentiation at the generic level, there is no firm evidence to indicate that such secondary, monomorphic shifts have evolved in Delias. However, larvae of D. henningia (pasithoe group of belladonna clade) from Palawan and Luzon, the Philippines, appear to be polymorphic, feeding on both Loranthaceae and Euphorbiaceae.  相似文献   

Abstract: On the southeastern Ivory Coast, two coconut plantations were compared with regard to the frequency of the epiphytic fern Platycerium stemaria on coconut trees as influenced by plant collecting for commercial purposes. At each of the two sites, 250 coconut trees were investigated for the presence of P. stemaria and signs of collecting activity. General species richness of vascular epiphytes at the study sites was low, with only three other epiphytic ferns ( Asplenium sp., Microgramma owariensis, Phymatodes scolopendria ) being present. At study site no. 1, which was located directly behind several flower stalls offering P. stemaria for sale, the number of coconuts bearing living P. stemaria was significantly lower than at site no. 2 with no flower stalls in the immediate surroundings. At site no. 1, the frequency of P. stemaria was lowest in the neighbourhood of the flower stalls and increased with distance. Within a distance of less than 50 m from the flower stalls, ca. 70 % of the coconuts showed signs of P. stemaria collecting activity. Compared with site no. 1, the number of palm trees with living P. stemaria at site no. 2 was considerably higher ( ca. 20 %) and only three coconut trees showed signs of Platycerium collection. Over much of the Ivorian rain forest region where the forest has been cut or converted into agricultural land, plantation trees are important phorophytes (in particular cocoa trees). In many West African regions plantation trees form the last remaining sites for vascular epiphytes, which often occur with considerable abundance. In the Ivory Coast, the collecting of P. stemaria in coconut plantations causes locally a drastic decline in the population size. However, much more threatening to the long-term maintenance of epiphyte communities in plantations is their conversion into non-tree plantations (e.g., pineapples, bananas) or their replacement by urban structures and tourist facilities.  相似文献   

The African palm fossil record is limited but the data provide an outline of palm evolution from the Late Cretaceous through the Neogene. Pollen attributed to palms is reported from the Aptian (125–112 Mya), but the earliest unequivocal record in Africa is Campanian (83.5–70.6 Mya). Palms diversified 83.5–65.5 Mya and became widespread, although most records are from the west and north African coasts. Many taxa were shared between Africa and northern South America at that time, but a few were pantropical. Extirpations occurred throughout the Palaeogene, including a notable species turnover and decline at the Eocene–Oligocene boundary (33.9 Mya), a change that resulted in the elimination of nypoid palms from Africa. The Neogene plant macrofossil record is better sampled than the Palaeogene, although few palms are documented. Thus, the low diversity of African palms today is more likely the result of Palaeogene, rather than Neogene extinctions. Newly discovered palm fossils of leaves, petioles and flowers from the Late Oligocene (27–28 Mya) of north-western Ethiopia document the abundance and dominance of palms in some communities at that time. The fossils represent the earliest records of the extant genera Hyphaene (Coryphoideae) and Eremospatha (Calamoideae).  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 151 , 69–81.  相似文献   

The diet of Alosafallax was studied by means of the frequency of occurrence of prey items. In the Tagus Estuary, shads feed preferentially on fish, with mysids, shrimp, isopods and insects occurring as secondary prey.  相似文献   

Land conversion for agriculture is an increasing threat to biodiversity conservation, but its ecological effects on African birds is practically unknown. We investigated the impacts of agriculture on the diet and productivity of a small, disjunct population of Mackinder's eagle owls ( Bubo capensis mackinderi  ) in central Kenya. Owl diet was determined by analysis of pellets and other remains and compared to small mammal populations estimated by live trapping in two habitats. Small mammal abundance was low and averaged 7.4 small mammals/ha in farms and 0.5 small mammals/ha in grassland. Owls consumed a wide diversity of prey. The majority were mammals (87%) followed by birds (7%) and insects (5%). The percentage of small mammals in owl diet correlated positively with the relative abundance of small mammals during monthly trapping sessions. Diet composition did not influence owl breeding success. Farming activities affected owl diet composition through crop production. The amount of maize, peas, and carrots growing in farms was correlated with the abundance of Mastomys sp. and Procavia sp. in the owl's diet. Agricultural activities had a large effect on Mackinder's eagle owl diet by increasing the abundance of certain small-mammal prey and attracting owl prey to farms, though farming practices harmful to owls were observed.  相似文献   

The present paper aims to investigate the ecological role of Merluccius merluccius, Linnaeus, 1758, in southern and central Tyrrhenian Sea (GSA 10, Resolution GFCM/33/2009/2 General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean), analyzing ontogenetic diet shifts, geographical variations on prey composition, and feeding habits. A total of 734 hake specimens ranging in size between 6 cm and 73 cm (Total Length, TL) were collected in 2018. In order to evaluate ontogenetic shifts in prey composition, samples were divided into five size classes and for each class the quantitative feeding indices have been calculated. The statistical analysis, based on index of relative importance percentage (%IRI), resulted in three trophic groups. The most abundant prey found in the immature hake specimens (size class I) were the Euphausiids, Stylocheiron longicorne and Mysidacea, while for samples with a total length over 10.5 cm were crustaceans and fish. Engraulis encrasicolus was the most abundant fish prey identified, followed by Boops boops and Myctophids. The high presence of Euphausiids, Mysids, Myctophidae, and Sternoptychidae in classes I, II, II, and IV (6–23 cm) showed the relevant role of mesopelagic fauna in hake diets, with an essential organic matter and energy flow from the mesopelagic to the epipelagic environment. Additionally, decapod crustaceans were found in the stomach contents of hakes belonging to class V (with size over 36 cm TL), which is notable considering that our study area includes an important decapod crustacean fishing area.  相似文献   

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