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This paper describes the biochemical characterization of the chicken oocyte plasma-membrane receptor for one of the major lipid-carrying yolk proteins, vitellogenin (VTG). The receptor was extracted from oocyte membranes with the non-ionic detergent octyl-beta-D-glucoside and visualized by ligand blotting, with 125I-VTG as a protein with an apparent Mr of 96000, under non-reducing conditions. It exhibited high affinity for native chicken VTG (Kd 2 X 10(-7) M) but was unable to bind VTG with reductively methylated lysine residues or phosvitin (the phosphoserine-rich intracellular cleavage product of VTG). Polyclonal antibodies to the 96 kDa protein inhibited VTG binding to the receptor and were able to precipitate functional VTG-receptor activity from oocyte-membrane detergent extracts with a concomitant removal of the 96 kDa protein. Antibodies directed against the mammalian receptor for low-density lipoprotein showed cross-reactivity with the chicken oocyte VTG receptor, raising the possibility that lipoprotein receptors in birds are structurally related to those in mammalian species.  相似文献   

Vector saliva and its role in parasite transmission   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

《Cell host & microbe》2023,31(2):305-319.e10
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The role of salivary vasodilators in bloodfeeding and parasite transmission   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this paper, Donald Champagne reviews the salivary vasodilators, points to effects of similar compounds that may be shared by the insect substances, and discusses the potential significance of these effects with regard to parasite transmission.  相似文献   

Establishment of infection by Leishmania depends on the transformation of the invading metacyclic promastigotes into the obligatory intracellular amastigotes, and their subsequent survival in the macrophage phagolysosome, which is low in magnesium. We show that two Leishmania major proteins designated MGT1 and MGT2, which play a critical role in these processes, belong to the two-transmembrane domain (2-TM-GxN) cation transporter family and share homology with the major bacterial magnesium transporter CorA. Although both are present in the endoplasmic reticulum throughout the life cycle of the parasite, MGT1 is more highly expressed in the infectious metacyclic parasites, while MGT2 is enriched in the immature procyclic stages. The two proteins, although predicted to be structurally similar, have features that suggest different regulatory or gating mechanisms. The two proteins may also be functionally distinct, since only MGT1 complements an Escherichia coliΔCorA mutant. In addition, deletion of one mgt1 allele from L. major led to increased virulence, while deletion of one allele of mgt2 resulted in slower growth and total loss of virulence in vitro and in vivo. This loss of virulence may be due to an impaired transformation of the parasites into amastigotes. Deletion of both mgt1 alleles in the hemizygous MGT2 knockdown parasites reversed the growth defect and partially restored virulence. Our data indicate that the MGTs play a critical role in parasite growth, development and virulence.  相似文献   

Vector ticks possess a unique system that enables them to digest large amounts of host blood and to transmit various animal and human pathogens, suggesting the existence of evolutionally acquired proteolytic mechanisms. We report here the molecular and reverse genetic characterization of a multifunctional cysteine protease, longipain, from the babesial parasite vector tick Haemaphysalis longicornis. Longipain shares structural similarity with papain-family cysteine proteases obtained from invertebrates and vertebrates. Endogenous longipain was mainly expressed in the midgut epithelium and was specifically localized at lysosomal vacuoles and possibly released into the lumen. Its expression was up-regulated by host blood feeding. Enzymatic functional assays using in vitro and in vivo substrates revealed that longipain hydrolysis occurs over a broad range of pH and temperature. Haemoparasiticidal assays showed that longipain dose-dependently killed tick-borne Babesia parasites, and its babesiacidal effect occurred via specific adherence to the parasite membranes. Disruption of endogenous longipain by RNA interference revealed that longipain is involved in the digestion of the host blood meal. In addition, the knockdown ticks contained an increased number of parasites, suggesting that longipain exerts a killing effect against the midgut-stage Babesia parasites in ticks. Our results suggest that longipain is essential for tick survival, and may have a role in controlling the transmission of tick-transmittable Babesia parasites.  相似文献   

Babesiosis is a potentially fatal tick-borne zoonotic disease caused by a species complex of blood parasites that can infect a variety of vertebrates, particularly dogs, cattle, and humans. In the United States, human babesiosis is caused by two distinct parasites, Babesia microti and Babesia duncani. The enzootic cycle of B. microti, endemic in the northeastern and upper midwestern regions, has been well characterised. In the western United States, however, the natural reservoir host and tick vector have not been identified for B. duncani, greatly impeding efforts to understand and manage this zoonotic disease. Two and a half decades after B. duncani was first described in a human patient in Washington State, USA, we provide evidence that the enzootic tick vector is the winter tick, Dermacentor albipictus, and the reservoir host is likely the mule deer, Odocoileus hemionus. The broad, overlapping ranges of these two species covers a large portion of far-western North America, and is consistent with confirmed cases of B. duncani in the far-western United States.  相似文献   

When feeding on vertebrate host ticks (ectoparasitic arthropods and potential vectors of bacterial, rickettsial, protozoal, and viral diseases) induce both innate and specific acquired host-immune reactions as part of anti-tick defenses. In a resistant host immune defense can lead to reduced tick viability, sometimes resulting in tick death. Tick responds to the host immune attack by secreting saliva containing pharmacologically active molecules and modulating host immune response. Tick saliva-effected immunomodulation at the attachment site facilitates both tick feeding and enhances the success of transmission of pathogens from tick into the host. On the other hand, host immunization with antigens from tick saliva can induce anti-tick resistance and is seen to be able to induce immunity against pathogens transmitted by ticks. Many pharmacological properties of saliva described in ticks are shared widely among other blood-feeding arthropods.  相似文献   

Eph proteins are receptor tyrosine kinases that control changes in cell shape and migration during development. We now describe a critical role for EphA3 receptor signaling in heart development as revealed by the phenotype of EphA3 null mice. During heart development mesenchymal outgrowths, the atrioventricular endocardial cushions, form in the atrioventricular canal. This morphogenetic event requires endocardial cushion cells to undergo an epithelial to mesenchymal transformation (EMT), and results in the formation of the atrioventricular valves and membranous portions of the atrial and ventricular septa. We show that EphA3 knockouts have significant defects in the development of their atrial septa and atrioventricular endocardial cushions, and that these cardiac abnormalities lead to the death of approximately 75% of homozygous EphA3(-/-) mutants. We demonstrate that EphA3 and its ligand, ephrin-A1, are expressed in adjacent cells in the developing endocardial cushions. We further demonstrate that EphA3(-/-) atrioventricular endocardial cushions are hypoplastic compared to wildtype and that EphA3(-/-) endocardial cushion explants give rise to fewer migrating mesenchymal cells than wildtype explants. Thus our results indicate that EphA3 plays a crucial role in the development and morphogenesis of the cells that give rise to the atrioventricular valves and septa.  相似文献   

Activation of several subtypes of glutamate receptors contributes to changes in postsynaptic calcium concentration at hippocampal synapses, resulting in various types of changes in synaptic strength. Thus, while activation of NMDA receptors has been shown to be critical for long-term potentiation (LTP) and long term depression (LTD) of synaptic transmission, activation of metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) has been linked to either LTP or LTD. While it is generally admitted that dynamic changes in postsynaptic calcium concentration represent the critical elements to determine the direction and amplitude of the changes in synaptic strength, it has been difficult to quantitatively estimate the relative contribution of the different types of glutamate receptors to these changes under different experimental conditions. Here we present a detailed model of a postsynaptic glutamatergic synapse that incorporates ionotropic and mGluR type I receptors, and we use this model to determine the role of the different receptors to the dynamics of postsynaptic calcium with different patterns of presynaptic activation. Our modeling framework includes glutamate vesicular release and diffusion in the cleft and a glutamate transporter that modulates extracellular glutamate concentration. Our results indicate that the contribution of mGluRs to changes in postsynaptic calcium concentration is minimal under basal stimulation conditions and becomes apparent only at high frequency of stimulation. Furthermore, the location of mGluRs in the postsynaptic membrane is also a critical factor, as activation of distant receptors contributes significantly less to calcium dynamics than more centrally located ones. These results confirm the important role of glutamate transporters and of the localization of mGluRs in postsynaptic sites in their signaling properties, and further strengthen the notion that mGluR activation significantly contributes to postsynaptic calcium dynamics only following high-frequency stimulation. They also provide a new tool to analyze the interactions between metabotropic and ionotropic glutamate receptors.  相似文献   

Activation of protease-activated receptor-2 (PAR2) expressed by T cells has been linked to the bone loss associated with periodontitis. We generated PAR2 conditional-null mice and crossed these with mice expressing Cre recombinase under control of the Lck proximal promoter, to produce T cell-specific PAR2-null mice in order to further study the cellular mechanism involved in periodontitis. Here we report that efficient deletion of PAR2 in thymocytes isolated from T cell-specific PAR2-null mice resulted in thymic and splenic hypoplasia and a reduction in the cells of the cortex and a loss of distinction between the cortex and the medulla of the thymus. FACS analysis confirmed significant reductions in CD4 and CD8 double negative (DN3 and DN4) sub-populations, as well as double positive and single positive T cells, in T cell-specific PAR2-null mice compared to Cre expressing PAR2 wild-type mice. The proportion of annexin V positive and propidium iodide negative cells was increased in CD4 and CD8 double negative, double positive and single positive T cells from T cell-specific PAR2-null mice. No change in the proportion of Ki67 positive cells was observed in sections of thymus from T cell-specific PAR2-null mice, suggesting that the depletion of T cell sub-populations in T cell-specific PAR2-null mice resulted from increased apoptosis rather than reduced proliferation. Together, these results demonstrate that PAR2 plays an important and previously unrecognised anti-apoptotic role in T cell development and suggest that the PAR2 conditional-null mouse will be an important resource for determining tissue and cell specific effects of PAR2.  相似文献   

Prokineticins are a pair of signal factors involved in many physiological processes by binding to two closely related G-protein-coupled receptors, PKR1 and PKR2. Recently, mutations in prokineticin 2 (PK2) and PKR2 are found to be associated with Kallmann syndrome and/or idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, disorders characterized by delayed puberty and infertility. However, little is known how PKRs interact and activate G-proteins to elicit signal transduction. In the present study, we took advantage of one disease-associated mutation (R164Q) located in the second intracellular (IL2) loop of PKR2, to investigate the role of IL2 loop in the cell signaling, G-protein binding and receptor trafficking. R164Q mutant PKR2 showed normal cell surface expression and ligand binding capacity. However, the PKR2 signaling was abolished by R164Q mutation. We demonstrated that R164Q mutation disrupted the interaction of IL2 loop to the Gα(q), Gα(i), and Gα(16)-proteins. A positive-charged amino acid at this position is required for proper function, and the signaling efficacy and potency depend on the net amount of positive charges. We also demonstrated that the interactive partner of Arg-164 may localize in the C-terminal five residues of Gα(q)-protein. A series of mutation analysis indicated that the basic amino acids at the C terminus of IL2 loop may function cooperatively in GPCRs. Furthermore, R164Q mutation also results in minimal ligand-induced endocytosis of PKR2. As many GPCRs share structural homology in the C terminus of IL2 loop, our findings may have general application in understanding structure and function of GPCRs.  相似文献   

Among parasitic platyhelminths with complex life cycles, it has been well documented that transmission opportunities are the main forces shaping the diversity of life‐history traits and parasite developmental strategies. While deviations in the development pathway usually involve shortening of life cycles, their extension may also occur following perception of remaining time by parasites. Polystoma gallieni, the monogenean parasite of Hyla meridionalis, is able to trigger two alternative developmental strategies depending on the physiological stage of the tadpoles upon which larvae attach. The distribution and reproductive outputs of both resulting phenotypes were surveyed to address questions about the dynamics of transmission in natural environments. Because modifications in the completion of life cycles can have drawbacks which may perturb the dynamic equilibrium of the resulting host–parasite systems, experimental infestations were also performed to assess parasite–parasite interactions. Our results suggest that the bladder adult phenotype, which involves transmission between frogs and tadpoles, is supplied secondarily by the branchial phenotype which involves transmission between tadpoles and metamorphs. They also support the occurrence of finely tuned trade‐offs between hosts and parasites and highlight positive trends behind the extension of direct life cycles, in which host‐derived signals account for the remaining time to achieve parasitic transmission.  相似文献   

Endosymbiont transmission via eggs to future host generations has been recognized as the main strategy for its persistence in insect hosts; however, the mechanisms for transmission have yet to be elucidated. Here, we describe the dynamic locations of Rickettsia in the ovarioles and eggs during oogenesis and embryogenesis in a globally significant pest whitefly Bemisia tabaci.Field populations of the whitefly have a high prevalence of Rickettsia, and in all Rickettsia-infected individuals, the bacterium distributes in the body cavity of the host, especially in the midgut, fat body, hemocytes, hemolymph, and near bacteriocytes. The distribution of Rickettsia was subjected to dynamic changes in the ovary during oogenesis, and our ultrastructural observations indicated that the bacteria infect host ovarioles during early developmental stages via two routes:(i) invasion of the tropharium by endocytosis and then transmission into vitellarium via nutritive cord and(ii) entry into vitellarium by hijacking bacteriocyte translocation. Most of the Rickettsia are degraded in the oocyte cytoplasm in late-stage oogenesis. However, a few reside beneath the vitelline envelope of mature eggs, spread into the embryo, and proliferate during embryogenesis to sustain high-fidelity transmission to the next generation. Our findings provide novel insights into the maternal transmission underpinning the persistence and spread of insect symbionts.  相似文献   

A specific cell surface receptor mediates the endocytosis of the yolk protein vitellogenin (VTG), a lipoglycoprotein, into growing oocytes of the insect Locusta migratoria. The ability of the VTG receptor to recognize VTG was analyzed in binding tests after modification by five lysine-specific and two other reagents. Progressive chemical modification of the lysyl and arginyl residues resulted in reduction or loss of the derivatized VTG to compete for binding to the VTG receptor with unmodified VTG. Although the precise role of the lysine residues in receptor binding remains to be defined we conclude that they are involved in expression of a recognition site interacting with the binding domain of the VTG receptor. Sulfhydryl groups are not involved in the conformation of the recognition site or binding ability of VTG.  相似文献   

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