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The observation of remarkable karyotypic variation in owl monkeys (Aotus trivirgatus) stimulated us to study the chromosomal evolution of this New World genus. As an extension of this project, we examined the chromosome complement of a “phenotype-B” Aotus population from Peru. In addition to karyotype V(2n = 46), two new karyotypes with diploid numbers of 47 and 48 were identified. A G-band comparison of these karyotypes indicated that the chromosome number polymorphism in these Peruvian owl monkeys resulted from a single fusion or fission event involving a single metacentric and two acrocentric chromosome pairs. This mechanism is also known to be responsible for the chromosome number polymorphism in at least two other populations of phenotype B Aotus, one from Colombia and the other from Panama.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A table summarizing the primary literature on 19 species of longevous non-human primates, other than owl monkey, is presented. METHODS: We prospectively quantitated the sleep of a longevous female owl monkey (Aotus azarae), aged >30 years, longitudinally for 2 years and also evaluated the senility-induced change in spinal curvature. RESULTS: The mean daily total sleep time (TST) of this monkey ranged between 790 and 1106 minutes, and was markedly higher in comparison with its female progeny (aged 16 years and used as a control) whose daily TST during the same experimental period ranged between 612 and 822 minutes. CONCLUSIONS: The calculated kyphotic index (KI) of 2.27 for this monkey, compared with the KIs 4.83 and 5.42, for its progeny and female grandprogeny (aged 1 year) respectively, confirmed the prominent spinal curvature.  相似文献   

Karyotypic study of a population sample of twenty-one owl monkeys, Aotus, originating from Bolivia, revealed two sex-specific somatic diploid chromosome numbers: 49 for males and 50 for females. The presence of a trivalent in male meiotic figures and the identification of chromosomes by band pattern analysis confirmed the interpretation of a Y-autosome translocation in the males.  相似文献   

A 5-year-old female squirrel monkey, Saimiri sciureus, died with a ceco-colonic infarct. An incidental finding was renal ectopia: The left kidney was located between the common iliac arteries posterior to the bifurcation of the aorta and to the right of the body midline. An adult owl monkey, Aotus trivirgatus, was killed in renal failure due to end-stage glomerulonephritis. Fused kidneys were located on the right side and posterior to the normal position. These are examples of crossed renal ectopia with and without fusion.  相似文献   

CD45 is a protein tyrosine phosphatase implicated in T and B cell activation, differentiation, and development. It dephosphorylates specific tyrosine residues on its substrates, principally on the Src-family of protein tyrosine kinases, thus regulating T cell or B cell activation during the immune response. In this study, we present the partial CD45 nucleotide and deduced amino-acid sequences for the owl monkey (Aotus vociferens). There is 97% identity in the nucleotide sequence and 96% in the amino acid sequence with the human counterpart. Aotus CD45 undergoes alternative splicing on the extracelular N-terminal tail, and has several conserved features characteristic of other species. This includes the two Tyr phosphatase domains and some residues and/or motifs involved in docking of signaling molecules, intramolecular interactions, and CD45 activity and activity regulation (YINAS, GXGXXG, WPD, and YWP motifs, and the Cys residues). This suggests that the Aotus CD45 molecule is a functional enzyme and that initial lymphocyte activation in Aotus monkeys and humans is very similar. Together with previous reports from our laboratory, this work supports the contention that immune responses in Aotus are similar to those of humans, and supports the strategy for using this experimental model for studies on activation of T lymphocytes in response to specific antigens.  相似文献   

An apparently normal, non-tuberculin-reacting, splenectomized owl monkey presented tuberculosis-like lesions of the lung at necropsy. Histological and bacteriological examination failed to demonstrate the presence of acid-fast organisms. Retrospective inquiry showed the animal had been inoculated using complete Freund's adjuvant during a malaria vaccine trial. Lesions observed were compatible with lipid embolism of the adjuvant in the lungs.  相似文献   

In the free-running circadian locomotor activity rhythm of a 7-year-old male owl monkey (Aotus lemurinus griseimembra) kept under constant light and climatic conditions (LL 0.2 lux, 25°C ± 1°C, 60 ± 5% relative humidity [RH]), a second rhythm component developed that showed strong relative coordination with the free-running activity rhythm of 24.4h and a 24h rhythm. The simultaneously recorded feeding activity rhythm strongly resembled this rhythm component. Therefore, it seems justified to infer that there was an internal desynchronization between the two behavioral rhythms or their circadian pacemakers, that is, between the light-entrainable oscillator located in the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) and a food-entrainable oscillator located outside the SCN. This internal desynchronization may have been induced and/or maintained by a zeitgeber effect of the (irregular) 24h feeding schedule on the food-entrainable oscillator. The weak relative coordination shown by the activity rhythm indicates a much weaker coupling of the light-entrainable oscillator to the food-entrainable oscillator than vice versa. (Chronobiology International, 17(2), 147-153, 2000)  相似文献   

This paper describes an adenocarcinoma of the gallbladder in a 12-year-old male owl monkey. Whereas the histological appearance in the gallbladder itself was relatively benign, well-differentiated cystic structures were found in the pancreatic lymph node. In addition, paradox metastazing behavior revealed a few cystic structures in the lymph nodes of the gut.  相似文献   

In the male owl monkey (Aotus trivirgatus),the onset of puberty occurs at between 211 and 337 days (median, 313) as indicated by longitudinal measurements of plasma testosterone in six subjects. Larger rises in plasma testosterone were observed between 300 and 400 days. Pubertal increases in body weight and testicular volume are not pronounced in this species. Young animals first entered the weight range for adult males (800–1080 g) when they were between 370 and 520 days of age (median, 472). Marked growth of the subcaudal scentmarking gland occurred during puberty. The first signs of development of this gland (stiffening and discoloration of overlying hairs) were noted between 282 and 370 days (median 316), and it had attained an adult structure by 336–442 days (median, 397). These changes were androgen dependent as indicated by the fact that treatment of a prepubertal male with testosterone stimulated the subcaudal gland to develop prematurely. Hormonal and physical changes during puberty were the same whether males remained with their parents or were caged alone. There was no indication that puberty was retarded in males which had remained in their natal groups.  相似文献   

Seventy-one night monkeys from both banks of the Tocantins River in Brazilian Amazonia were examined for 12 blood protein loci. The results indicate remarkable differences between the subpopulations of the two banks for the CA2, PGD, and GPI polymorphic systems. The average heterozygosity values of Aotusfor the west and east bank populations were 2.2 and 5.9, respectively. These results and the difficulties in delimiting species in this genus may indicate a relatively recent spur of evolutionary differentiation.  相似文献   

Between 1984 and 1987, we recorded the sleeping-site and lodge tree preferences of night monkeys at the Beni Biological Station, Bolivia. We characterized the structure of sleeping-site compared lodge trees to nonlodge trees, and determined the frequency of their use. Aotus azarae used branch and liana platforms on trees of the middle strate of the forest as sleeping sites, but the lodge trees provided sparse cover. Monkeys may manipulate either natural accumulations of material or bird nests to serve as sleeping sites. The characteristics of the sleeping site and of the lodge trees may be related to protection against predators and to thermal advantages. The distribution of lodge trees appeared to be related to access to food. Activities around the sleeping site could be related to marking behavior.  相似文献   

Numerous behavioral studies have shown that animals use olfactory cues as inbreeding avoidance or kin avoidance mechanisms, implying that scent is unique to families. However, few studies have analyzed the chemical profile of a scent and ascertained the messages that are conveyed in scent secretions. Owl monkeys (Aotus nancymaae) are socially monogamous primates that utilize scent when interacting with foreign conspecifics. This suggests there is a difference in the chemical composition of scent marks. We chemically analyzed sub-caudal gland samples from three families of captive owl monkeys (Aotus nancymaae). Samples were analyzed by capillary GC-MS and relative retention time and fragment pattern was compared with known standards. Gland samples were high in large plant-based shikikate metabolites and fatty ketones; alcohols, acids, and acetates were virtually absent. Gender, age, and family could be reliably classified using discriminant analysis (92.9, 100, and 100%, respectively). Female scent profiles were greater in concentration of aromatic plant metabolites, possibly the result of a different diet or physiological differences in female metabolism as compared to male. Offspring of adult age still living in their natal group showed a less complex chemical profile than their parents. Finally, each family had its own unique and complex chemical profile. The presence of family scent may play a role in mediating social interactions.  相似文献   

Reproduction data from 60 wild-caught and 16 captive-born, hand-reared female rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) were examined. Both groups had been maintained in a controlled laboratory environment, the wild-caught for a minimum of 10 years and the captive-born for a minimum of 5 years. All were bred to wild-caught males. Animals of both sexes were individually caged unless being bred. Data from 662 pregnancies indicated that, although seasonal breeding became attenuated in the laboratory, it did not disappear. Neither pregnancy outcome nor number of matings necessary for conception was affected by increasing parity or prior occurrence of fetal wastage or hysterotomy. Nor did hysterotomy affect the potential for a subsequent vaginal delivery. The number of matings necessary for conception were shown to be a useful predictor of animals that should be culled from the breeding colony. Birthweights of infants of wild-caught females, but only male infants of house-born females, increased with parity of the mother. Parity had only minimal effect on gestation length. Conception was shown to occur infrequently at less than 100 days postpartum even when animals were not lactating and were rebred begining as early as 56 days postpartum. Summary data were presented for pregnancy outcome, gestation length, infant birth weight, and sex for both groups of animals.  相似文献   

In spite of the exuberance of recent approaches to age determination of fish, many ecologists are convinced that the most valid method is age reading from permanent marks or growth rings laid on skeletal parts. Of the known structures used, only the vertebrae are suitable and readable for a large variety of species and sizes. Examination of different skeletal structures of Labeo horie, a Cyprinid collected from Jebel Aulia reservoir, revealed that the frontal bone carried well-defined growth rings. The validity of these rings was checked against other direct and indirect methods of age determination. Results proved to be statistically valid, and the frontal bone offers an additional device of age determination of L. horie.  相似文献   

LESTER, R. N. & EZCURRA, C, 1991. Enzyme etching treatment as an aid in the study of seed surface sculpture in Justicia and Ruellia (Acanthaceae). Enzyme etching treatment of seeds of Justicia was tested before scanning electron microscope examination. On all species tested the treatment removed the outer periclinal walls of the epidermal cells of the seeds, revealing the shape and morphology of the anticlinal walls. This treatment provides additional characters of the structure of the testa that may be useful in assessing relationships between species in this large and complex genus, but it proved useless in Ruellia. Here the seeds produce a coat of mucilage when moistened that completely protects the testa from the action of even extensive enzyme treatment.  相似文献   

The levels of trace elements in bones can provide information about the diet of a selected population and at the same time can provide information about the sex and age of the individuals. The aim of this study is to discuss this latter point; a study of sex and age by Sr, Mg, Ba, Cu, Zn, V and Ca levels made in femurs and ribs. The investigation was conducted in the Necropolis of S'Illot des Porros (Mallorca, Spain). In general the results show that differences between the various age and sex groups of the selected population are not significant.  相似文献   

Methods of evaluating population trends have recently received particular attention because of perceived declines in several species during the twentieth century. We have studied demographic traits of the peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) population in Bizkaia (Northern Spain) for 11 years. This species suffered a severe decline in the 1950s and 1960s and started to recover in the 1980s and 1990s, although the recovery trends differed between areas. In our study area the peregrine falcon density is one of the highest found in Spain. The frequency of juvenile breeders was 2.0%, the mean age at first breeding being 3.7 calendar years for males and 4.0 cy for females. The territorial fidelity was at least 3.4 years for males and 3.7 years for females. Females dispersed on average 80.5 km and males 51.8 km during their pre-breeding movements, whilst distance between birthplace and breeding territories was on average 108.5 km for females and 64.5 km for males. We studied the relationships between adult turnover, recruitment age, territorial fidelity and dispersal in a healthy population in order to establish population dynamics. A combination of these parameters, not just age at first breeding, could be used as a potential early warning signal indicating future changes, prompting their consequences to be evaluated. This approach could lead to the reclassification of the large-scale health of a population. Its utilization would allow resources to be directed into helping “ailing” subpopulations, detecting causes of decline, and developing adequate recovery strategies.  相似文献   

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